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242 tweets

476 replies



Feb 11

Feb 12

Feb 13

Feb 14

Feb 15







Feb 16

Feb 17

Feb 18

Feb 19


Sam Burrough @burrough

Conor Moss @conmossy

Ben Betts @bbetts

.@davegray 's culture mapping could be a smart 1st

step b4 trying to influence social learning at work

@BurnhamLandD good theory should be grounded in

and from work and applicable back to work




Success or failures can often be related to some theory

in hindsight, which seems to bring more legitimacy




























































































































Feb 19, 2015 at 8:19am UTC

Alistair Cockroft @acockroft

RT @burrough: Back to the future for a great post from

@AndrewJacobsLD - Being critical for a moment

Sam Burrough @burrough

Back to the future for a great post from @AndrewJacobsLD - Being

critical for a moment #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

RT @MVPCoachZ: Using #designthinking inside DT Infographic

Curation & Reflection. #exploresocial #pkmchat

Ryan Zimmerman @MVPCoachZ

Using #designthinking inside DT Infographic Curation & Reflection.

#exploresocial #pkmchat

Joelle Girton @JoelleGirton

RT @burrough: A Brief History of LMS Social Learning via @talentedlearn

John Leh @JohnLeh

RT @burrough: A Brief History of LMS Social Learning via @talentedlearn

Ryan Traylor @TeamTraylor1007

There is always something to be discover. That's why it's great to have

an outgoing personality. #exploresocial

Feb 19, 2015 at 12:00am UTC

Con Sotidis @LearnKotch

RT @ebase: If i shouted at you @Burrough think critically you fool.

More or less likely?? #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@JY_Xuber @burrough Thanks Juliette. We had the chat a bit earlier

and it went really well #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@CraigTaylor74 @burrough @ebase @bbetts is critical thinking an

input? quality of that could affect the learning #exploresocial

Jo Stephenson @joeystepho

RT @ebase: @burrough @andrewjacobsld why do ppl forget how to

think when they get to work? #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

Is there an easy way to pull all of my tweets with a hashtag during a

timeframe? #pkmchat #bufferchat #exploresocial

Craig Taylor @CraigTaylor74

@burrough Agreed. I rarely see that happening tbh. Usually just

aggregated content. #exploresocial

Sam Taylor @samt_el

that's this week's work done on the #exploresocial mooc :)

Susie Finch @SusieFinch

RT @BurnhamLandD: #exploresocial Have recently read Kio Stark's

book 'Don't Go Back to School' which includes lots of accounts of



















































































































people de

Sam Taylor @samt_el

@burrough historically no, still tell in classroom or in a click next.

recalled this from @hansdezwart #exploresocial

Nigel Paine @ebase

RT @BurnhamLandD: My blog following last week's Twitter Chat for

#exploresocial 'Theory & Practice'

Josu Oliveira Silva @josilva

RT @burrough: Here are all the resources from our 1st Curatr MOOC
which was on Curation #exploresocial

Josu Oliveira Silva @josilva

RT @burrough: RT @BurnhamLandD: My blog after last week's

Twitter Chat for #exploresocial 'Theory & Practice' v thou

Craig Taylor @CraigTaylor74

@burrough @ebase @bbetts @martincouzins surely the 'learning'

doesn't change - only the 'input'? #exploresocial

Craig Taylor @CraigTaylor74

@burrough @ebase I've often said that 'curating' reduces the skill of
critical thinking on the part of the recipient. #exploresocial

Ben Betts @bbetts

RT @BurnhamLandD: My blog following last week's Twitter Chat for

#exploresocial 'Theory & Practice'

Sam Burrough @burrough

RT @BurnhamLandD: My blog after last week's Twitter Chat for

#exploresocial 'Theory & Practice' v
thougthtful post

Ben Betts @bbetts

RT @ebase: Thanks @martincouzins and @burrough for being open

and asking some great Qs #exploresocial

Kandy Woodfield @jess1ecat

Bit sad that my intention to #ExploreSocial has been dashed by other

commitments but I'm catching pearls of wisdom from the chats on here.

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

My blog following last week's Twitter Chat for #exploresocial 'Theory &

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

RT @ebase: Just remember the 2 words that relaunched Apple "Think

Different" inspite of the grammar they transformed the org

Joitske @joitske

@ebase @andrewjacobsld @burrough @martincouzins and me too :)


Nigel Paine @ebase

@andrewjacobsld @burrough @martincouzins I had to put up with

your ramblings as well! #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

RT @joitske: @martincouzins how many points for the

leadershipboard? :) #exploresocial Ruthless!

Nigel Paine @ebase

Just remember the two words that relaunched Apple "Think Different"
inspite of the grammar they transformed the org #exploresocial











Andrew Jacobs @AndrewJacobsLD

Cheers to @burrough and @martincouzins putting up with my

ramblings in their #exploresocial chat again.

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

RT @ebase: Thanks @martincouzins and @burrough for being open

and asking some great Qs #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@ebase @burrough Great to have you here Nigel! Thanks for all your
input too #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

@martincouzins how many points for the leadershipboard? :)


Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@joitske Good stuff and thanks again for your input and thinking!

Ryan Zimmerman @MVPCoachZ

#exploresocial Thanks everyone!

Sam Burrough @burrough

Thanks for joining us today everyone - lots to reflect on.. or think

critically about..? #exploresocial

Nigel Paine @ebase

Thanks @martincouzins and @burrough for being open and asking

some great Qs #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

@martincouzins thanks for this chat which was more interesting than
last week - great topic! #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

@ebase CT might be a process but reflection not a state of mind - ?


Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

@martincouzins #exploresocial Wow! That went really fast. Thank you

both for a great chat.

Nigel Paine @ebase

@joitske reflection is a state of mind and CT is a process within that??

Does that make sense #exploresocial

Andrew Jacobs @AndrewJacobsLD

#exploresocial @joitske @burnhamlandd This is the best resource on

creativity: HT @alfrehn

Gina Chapman @ChayneDaisy

@BurnhamLandD @ebase @burrough @AndrewJacobsLD & they've

been ticked off for doing so #exploresocial

Suzan @Suemcwha

Thanks all! #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

@ebase @burrough @AndrewJacobsLD #exploresocial Because

they've been told too many times that it's not their job to do that!

Sam Burrough @burrough

@joitske @AndrewJacobsLD @burnhamlandd maybe it's more of a

habit that we apply or don't apply? #exploresocial

Andrew Jacobs @AndrewJacobsLD

#exploresocial @martincouzins @burrough @ebase Leadership may

be a better word.

Joitske @joitske

@AndrewJacobsLD I like critical thinking as a property of a network or

organisation or community #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

We have come to an end of today's chat. Many thanks for making it

such an interesting one. Storify to follow #exploresocial

Andrew Jacobs @AndrewJacobsLD

#exploresocial @chaynedaisy @burrough @ebase Evading personal

responsibility by making it the trainer's job to make me think?

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@AndrewJacobsLD @ebase @burrough not sure about 'control' but

there is context here - time/topic/facilitation/conversation

Gina Chapman @ChayneDaisy

@ebase @joitske @BurnhamLandD @AndrewJacobsLD Can you

have one without the other? #exploresocial

Andrew Jacobs @AndrewJacobsLD

#exploresocial @burrough @ebase You can gift personal

responsibility but it's not always accepted.

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

RT @ChayneDaisy: @BurnhamLandD there are ways of expressing

views without causing offence - asking an open question can probe
w/out offence

Joitske @joitske

@AndrewJacobsLD @burnhamlandd I dislike critical thinking as a

skill you have or you don't have - creative thinking better?

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

RT @ebase: @burnhamlandd @chaynedaisy trust and respect

Rachel #exploresocial

Nigel Paine @ebase

@burnhamlandd @chaynedaisy trust and respect Rachel


Andrew Jacobs @AndrewJacobsLD

#exploresocial @joitske @burrough @ebase And they still exist.

Gina Chapman @ChayneDaisy

@BurnhamLandD there are ways of expressing views without causing

offence - asking an open question can probe w/out offence

Sam Burrough @burrough

@ebase @burrough @andrewjacobsld which takes us back to trust or

lack of it #exploresocial

Suzan @Suemcwha

And the link to innovative thinking ....... #exploresocial

Andrew Jacobs @AndrewJacobsLD

#exploresocial @joitske @burnhamlandd Reflection is a part of critical


Nigel Paine @ebase

@burrough @burrough @andrewjacobsld we are back again to some

degree of personal responsibility #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

@ebase so what's the difference? #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

@AndrewJacobsLD @burrough @ebase that's a very old-fashioned

organisation? #exploresocial

Nigel Paine @ebase

@joitske @burnhamlandd @andrewjacobsld surely reflection is a key

component of critical thinking but not he same #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

@burrough and critical thinking or creative thinking?


Andrew Jacobs @AndrewJacobsLD

#exploresocial @burrough @ebase Thinking in a different kind of box;

the workplace box where some things are allowed but not aloud.

Gina Chapman @ChayneDaisy

@burrough @ebase @AndrewJacobsLD or because there may be an

expensive course where they can 'refresh my thinking skills'

Nigel Paine @ebase

@burrough don't start telling me everything in the paper is not true!

#exploresocial You will be saying the Daily Mail lies in a minute!

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@Suemcwha Good Q. Comes back to point by @ebase >need trust

and respect for it to work. Easy to get that in informal setting?

Sam Burrough @burrough

@Suemcwha it's more critical to apply in informal learning perhaps?


Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

@ChayneDaisy #exploresocial Requires trust - to express your views

or to be critical of someonelse's - partic when unknown previously

Sam Burrough @burrough

@AndrewJacobsLD @ebase nobody - which is terrifying! What if

someone says something that isn't true!? #exploresocial

Andrew Jacobs @AndrewJacobsLD

#exploresocial @ebase @burrough Good point - but who's controlling

this debate? The contributors, the starters, the 'experts', etc?

Sam Burrough @burrough

RT @ebase @burrough @andrewjacobsld why do ppl forget how to

think when they get to work? - because it's some else's job?

Joitske @joitske

@BurnhamLandD @AndrewJacobsLD I also wonder about

differences between reflection and critical thinking #exploresocial

Suzan @Suemcwha

No engagement at work #exploresocial

Nigel Paine @ebase

RT @ChayneDaisy: @BurnhamLandD some ppl do express critical

view which verges on aggressive poo-pooing concepts & theories so

u/stand that

Sam Burrough @burrough

lack of critical thinking is nothing new - I remember my parents taking

at face value everything they read in the paper #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

@AndrewJacobsLD #exploresocial So an important aspect for me in

what critical thinking is - is putting it into practice & reflection on this

Nigel Paine @ebase

@burrough @andrewjacobsld why do ppl forget how to think when

they get to work? #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

Interesting approach which is not formal learning is benchlearning #exploresocial

Andrew Jacobs @AndrewJacobsLD

#exploresocial @burrough @ebase Yep - the old 'Chrome extension

workaround fix to ICT department lockdowns' or BYOD.

Gina Chapman @ChayneDaisy

@BurnhamLandD some ppl do express critical view which verges on

aggressive poo-pooing concepts & theories so u/stand that

Ryan Zimmerman @MVPCoachZ

I fac a grp this weekend that struggled with groupthink. Used gallery
walk, silent questioning, and rapid reflection to push. #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

@AndrewJacobsLD @ebase do you mean the phenomenon of - why

do ppl suddenly forget how to use You tube when they get to work?

Suzan @Suemcwha

Is informal learning a better environment for developing critical

thinking skills? #exploresocial

Nigel Paine @ebase

RT @joitske: RT @joitske: I blogged about the marriage between

social media and reflection #exploresocial

Nigel Paine @ebase

@burrough @andrewjacobsld can be similar in social: depends on

framing. You could have easily closed down this debate for

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

@AndrewJacobsLD #exploresocial Yes & even for many individuals

the learning is only real when applied, when useful

Sam Burrough @burrough

MT @joitske @burrough in informal learning critical thinking is

important to avoid groupthink #exploresocial

Andrew Jacobs @AndrewJacobsLD

#exploresocial @burrough @ebase For non work related learning it's

always been like this; is workplace trying to copy/label/authorise it?

Holly MacDonald @sparkandco

@burrough @AndrewJacobsLD @ebase use critical thinking in

informal learning? it's habit based. Motivation + skill + trigger

Sam Burrough @burrough

@AndrewJacobsLD @ebase I think it's a skill & awareness issue many ppl don't think about it in internal and external ntwk


Joitske @joitske

@burrough in informal it is important to avoid groupthink


Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

#exploresocial 2/2 But I know that how to express a critical view when
using social media is a concern for some people - partic on Twitter

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@joitske @ebase @Suemcwha They don't have to. They could have
an agent provocateur within them to shake things up #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

RT @joitske: I blogged about the marriage between social media and

reflection #exploresocial

Andrew Jacobs @AndrewJacobsLD

#exploresocial @ebase @burrough So it's a control issue? I can't

control thought so I'll control the learning.

Nigel Paine @ebase

RT @martincouzins: @ebase @Suemcwha agree - I like the work of

Carol Dweck on fixed and growth mindsets. Mindset really important

Sam Burrough @burrough

@AndrewJacobsLD @ebase perhaps in more formal settings, I'm

interested in how ppl apply CT in informal where it's up to them

Ryan Zimmerman @MVPCoachZ

Any success turning learning inward & focus on standing issues in the
workplace? Create value for org and space 4 CT & DT. #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

#exploresocial My experience is that even when using social media it

is possible to have critical debate 1/2

Andrew Jacobs @AndrewJacobsLD

RT @ebase: @andrewjacobsld @burrough over specification and

closing every dimension. No room to think or challenge #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@ebase @Suemcwha you can also get trolled, so challenge can

come at a price #exploresocial

Nigel Paine @ebase

@andrewjacobsld @burrough over specification and closing every

dimension. No room to think or challenge #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@ebase @Suemcwha agree - I like the work of Carol Dweck on fixed

and growth mindsets. Mindset really important #exploresocial

Suzan @Suemcwha

Use 5 why's - great results! Google "ritual dissent" #exploresocial

Ryan Zimmerman @MVPCoachZ

@Suemcwha Thats were they try to empathize with the forward facing
question and don't dig. 5 why analysis is a good tool. #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

@ebase @martincouzins @suemcwha closed communities have

groupthink #exploresocial

Nigel Paine @ebase

@martincouzins @suemcwha it is also important how you pose the

different perspectives. Some are open to challenge few closed

Joitske @joitske

@BurnhamLandD the foreigner bring a different view because he or

she already doesn't talk from the Dutch context. Stretches..

Holly MacDonald @sparkandco

RT @ebase: @AndrewJacobsLD great post on Critical thinking #exploresocial

Suzan @Suemcwha

Design thinking works well although people still try to use simple
solutions for complex situations #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

@BurnhamLandD @joitske there's value in both but they have

different applications more here: #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

@martincouzins #exploresocial Definitely :)

Andrew Jacobs @AndrewJacobsLD

#exploresocial @ebase @burrough Is that an issue of

overspecification again? Do we allow 'wiggle' room for critical

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

RT @joitske: But he is reflection the same as critical thinking??


Suzan @Suemcwha

Agree - ok to think in the classroom but don't bring it to work!


Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

@joitske #exploresocial What is it about those sessions that

particularly has that effect?

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

RT @burrough: @MVPCoachZ I like the way design thinking bakes in

critical thinking throughout the process #exploresocial

Gina Chapman @ChayneDaisy

@joitske @Suemcwha Some organisations don't encourage it & it is

seen as being 'challenging' - have seen it in practice #exploresocial

Ryan Zimmerman @MVPCoachZ

@martincouzins @Suemcwha ORGs value content. But critical

thinking and problem solving can improve the bottom line $$$

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

RT @ebase: @AndrewJacobsLD great post on Critical thinking #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@Suemcwha Yes. is the org open to questions and different

perspectives or not? Many aren't, especially in hierarchies

Nigel Paine @ebase

@AndrewJacobsLD great post on Critical thinking #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

@Suemcwha definitely organisational culture is very important reflective or active practices #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

@burrough @joitske @martincouzins #exploresocial Would you

expand on this, Sam?

Sam Burrough @burrough

@MVPCoachZ I like the way design thinking bakes in critical thinking

throughout the process #exploresocial

Ryan Zimmerman @MVPCoachZ

RT @BurnhamLandD: #exploresocial in Stark's book - lots of the case

studies involved people framing their learning by establishing projects

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

RT @Suemcwha: Do you think culture influences critical thinking?


Joitske @joitske

But he is reflection the same as critical thinking?? #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

#exploresocial in Stark's book - lots of the case studies involved

people framing their learning by establishing projects

Suzan @Suemcwha

Do you think culture influences critical thinking? #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

@BurnhamLandD I just read a book on reflection which was great will try to blog it soon #exploresocial

Ryan Zimmerman @MVPCoachZ

@burrough I always look at learning thru the #design lens. Critical

thinking comes thru self assessment of the process. #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

@ebase I suspect we may be! #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

#exploresocial Have recently read Kio Stark's book 'Don't Go Back to

School' which includes lots of accounts of people developing

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

No violence on this chat please RT @ebase: @burrough we are

violently agreeing with each other! #exploresocial

eLearning Consortium @corporateelearn

RT @burrough: Here are all the resources from our 1st Curatr MOOC
which was on Curation #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

Here are all the resources from our 1st Curatr MOOC which was on
Curation #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@BurnhamLandD asking good questions is a useful thing to do in life


Joitske @joitske

You can promote greenhousing by setting out monthly themes to

explore #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

#exploresocial Just remembering again how important it is to link

'think critically' by applying to practical problems/challenges/projects.

Suzan @Suemcwha

Are we? #exploresocial

Nigel Paine @ebase

@burrough we are violently agreeing with each other! #exploresocial

Nigel Paine @ebase

RT @burrough: @ebase agreed and that takes us back to asking the

right questions in the right way #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

@BurnhamLandD in our Dutch course we have webinars with

international speakers that really opens up minds #exploresocial

Holly MacDonald @sparkandco

.@ChayneDaisy eXACTly - changing perspectives opens up a lot of

new insights #exploresocial

Nigel Paine @ebase

RT @sparkandco: what I like about the hats is that it takes away the
"personal" and allows you to put yourself in a mode of thinking.

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@BurnhamLandD @joitske Yes, and that can lead to challenge too,

which I think is hard to do online #exploresocial

Gina Chapman @ChayneDaisy

@sparkandco Esp if you move to the hat which is the polar opposite of
yr normal wayof thinking (Yellow vs Black for instance) #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

@joitske @martincouzins #exploresocial And posing questions and

applying it to real projects/challenges also helps

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@sparkandco Great to see you here Holly :) #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

@sparkandco yeah where's your invite? #exploresocial

Nigel Paine @ebase

@suemcwha reflection through discussion and open processes


Sam Burrough @burrough

@ebase agreed and that takes us back to asking the right questions in
the right way #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

@sparkandco agree for the thinking hats - but would like to see those
practices more commonly adapted in organisations #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@joitske @burrough @BurnhamLandD that's why we created a

MOOC on it! #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

@joitske @martincouzins #exploresocial So commentary and/or

inviting commentary from others is a useful step

Holly MacDonald @sparkandco

sorry to crash your chat... #exploresocial

Suzan @Suemcwha

So does the Disney technique #exploresocial

Holly MacDonald @sparkandco

what I like about the hats is that it takes away the "personal" and
allows you to put yourself in a mode of thinking. #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

RT @sparkandco: and continue to be a fan of things like six thinking

hats for critical thinking #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

@burrough @martincouzins @BurnhamLandD and there is curation

and curation :) #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

@joitske @martincouzins @BurnhamLandD there's a fine line

between aggregation and curation #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@joitske @BurnhamLandD agree, but I think these are kinds of skills

we all need to learn #exploresocial

Nigel Paine @ebase

@burrough #exploresocial I know you are not blaming the learner, but
by framing the learning in the rt way, crit thinking occurs by itself

Joitske @joitske

@Suemcwha we use blogs as personal reflections but you can also

stimulate debates, ask good questions, have guest speakers

Sam Burrough @burrough

@MVPCoachZ how do you mean "close learning"? #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

@ChayneDaisy @burrough #exploresocial On reflection, suspect she

was asking really 'good' questions and doing lots of listening.

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@Learning_Dude Thanks for joining us Stephen > great to have you

here :) #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

@martincouzins @BurnhamLandD yet curation can be shallow if you

don't connect the dots and analyze.. writing a book helps!

Sam Burrough @burrough

@joitske @hjarche I would love to be able to get that going at work so simple but so effective #exploresocial

Suzan @Suemcwha

How would you build reflection into online learning? #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

@ChayneDaisy @burrough #exploresocial We were only a small

group - maybe 8 A level students, seemed to 'naturally' move into
open discussion

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@BurnhamLandD spot on. Curation is a great way of developing

critical thinking skills #exploresocial > opens you up to different

Ryan Zimmerman @MVPCoachZ

HMuch is reflection & curation being used 2 close learning? Take time
4 user 2 critically thnk through the next step 1.0-2.0 #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

I also like the idea of @hjarche's fridays finds for sensemaking #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

@joitske @BurnhamLandD that is pretty much the rationale behind

@curatr or at least the way we are using it #exploresocial

Nigel Paine @ebase

RT @Learning_Dude: Ducking out. Always a pleasure. Stephen from

Roanoke, Virginia, USA. #exploresocial

Holly MacDonald @sparkandco

and continue to be a fan of things like six thinking hats for critical
thinking #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

@BurnhamLandD yes that is definitely applied in this mooc


Sam Burrough @burrough

RT @sparkandco: I always loved the bullsh*t detection kit: as a critical thinking tool

Holly MacDonald @sparkandco

I always loved the bullsh*t detection kit: as a critical thinking tool

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

#exploresocial Another approach is to curate materials that explore

different approaches or to create situations of debate - real debate

Sam Burrough @burrough

@Learning_Dude thanks for joining us! #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

@Learning_Dude about deep learning is about triple loop learning I

guess #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

RT @Suemcwha: Online is difficult but this Mooc shows it can be

done. Look at "the art of asking powerful questions" #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

@ChayneDaisy @martincouzins @joitske it's got to be an essential

part of learning how to learn #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@ChayneDaisy @joitske yes, it's an important part of learning to learn

I think. Role modelling important #exploresocial

virginia yonkers phd @Comprof1

RT @burrough: @ebase not blaming, just wondering if we do enough

to help learners develop awareness of the need for critical thinking

Suzan @Suemcwha

Online is difficult but this Mooc shows it can be done. Look at "the art
of asking powerful questions" #exploresocial

Nigel Paine @ebase

@suemcwha critical thinking is thinking about your learning


Holly MacDonald @sparkandco

RT @burrough: @ebase not blaming, just wondering if we do enough

to help learners develop awareness of the need for critical thinking

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

Ducking out. Always a pleasure. Stephen from Roanoke, Virginia,

USA. #exploresocial

Nigel Paine @ebase

@burnhamlandd And that can be face to face or online #exploresocial

Ryan Zimmerman @MVPCoachZ

Buyin is value based. If its just knowledge learners want then they can
go get that. Have to sell the skill, sell sell sell. #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

@ChayneDaisy @burrough @Learning_Dude #exploresocial I agree.

We need to be able to see what it looks like & to experience it

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

RT @Suemcwha: Critical thinking can be taught. How do we assess it

in an online environment? #exploresocial

Nigel Paine @ebase

RT @BurnhamLandD: #exploresocial Important to create an

environment where it is OK to disagree & ask challenging questions.

Sam Burrough @burrough

@ebase lol "yes sir I'll think more critically" #exploresocial

Suzan @Suemcwha

Engagement is key - thinking here of Requisite organisation levels


Gina Chapman @ChayneDaisy

@BurnhamLandD @burrough That's interesting - how did you all feed

back the answers? #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

The UI/UX design in an online social space is critical for promoting

critical thinking. #exploresocial

Nigel Paine @ebase

RT @martincouzins: @Learning_Dude I like the idea of designing

experiences that help people think critically #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

@ChayneDaisy @martincouzins I liked the perspective of bringing in

enough new perspectives #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@joitske I like to think we do it by asking open questions, creating a

safe environment for discussion/challenge #exploresocial

Nigel Paine @ebase

If i shouted at you @Burrough think critically you fool. More or less

likely?? #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

RT @BurnhamLandD: #exploresocial Important to create an

environment where it is OK to disagree & ask challenging questions.

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

#exploresocial Important to create an environment where it is OK to

disagree & ask challenging questions.

Suzan @Suemcwha

Awareness - culture - modelling the skill - working out loud


Sam Burrough @burrough

@BurnhamLandD that's very cool and quite brave #exploresocial

Gina Chapman @ChayneDaisy

@martincouzins @joitske We talked about metalearning & p/haps

critical thinking needs 2B wrapped into that with rgd to SL

Sam Burrough @burrough

@ebase not blaming, just wondering if we do enough to help learners

develop awareness of the need for critical thinking #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@Suemcwha Hmmm. Ive always disagreed with the ability to teach

critical thinking. In what way(s)? #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@Suemcwha Hi Sue! Great to see you here #exploresocial

Suzan @Suemcwha

Critical thinking can be taught. How do we assess it in an online

environment? #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

@burrough #exploresocial She would get us all researching the

answers - in those days in books. Big impact on my own style of

Joitske @joitske

@martincouzins how do you promote critical thinking in this MOOC?


Martin Couzins @martincouzins

RT @ebase: @burrough #exploresocial critical thinking can only be

had via conversation but conversation with trust and respect

Nigel Paine @ebase

@burrough #exploresocial but the trainer sets the context and the
climate for the learners. Don't always blame the learner

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

RT @martincouzins: @Learning_Dude How do we promote critical

thinking in social learning? #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@Learning_Dude How do we promote critical thinking in social

learning? #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

@ebase @burrough I think for informal learning your practices are

important like the reflective practiitioner ideas. #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

@BurnhamLandD how did she handle them? #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@ebase Hi Nigel! Great to see you here #exploresocial

Suzan @Suemcwha

hi there #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

@burrough #exploresocial Rolemodelling so important. Reminds me

of excellent biology teacher & how she handled questions she couldn't

Nigel Paine @ebase

@burrough #exploresocial critical thinking can only be had via

conversation but conversation with trust and respect

Sam Burrough @burrough

@ebase @bbetts @martincouzins what happens when learning

becomes less formal or informal? #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@ebase @bbetts absolutely, especially as the learner becomes the

teacher #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

What was the question again? #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

MT @bbetts: @martincouzins The way you frame learning influences

critical thought; do we truly invite questions / challenges?

Nigel Paine @ebase

@bbetts @martincouzins #Exploresocial Whose critical thought? Both

the teacher and the learner surely?

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@ChayneDaisy @joitske I agree. I think there needs to be an

emphasis on nurturing this skill #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

@ChayneDaisy @Learning_Dude there's loads out there written

about it, but I hear very little mention around social learning

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

We demonstrate critical thinking by admitting we dont know

everything, and looking to others for support in finding answers.

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

Are we to be concerned that people don't have time to reflect and think
critically? #exploresocial

Ben Betts @bbetts

@martincouzins I think the way you frame learning influences critical

thought; do we truly invite questions / challenges? #exploresocial

Gina Chapman @ChayneDaisy

@burrough @Learning_Dude I think we assume sometimes that ppl

understand critical thinking & we need to demonstrate #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

@BurnhamLandD I guess like most of these things it's best done by

role modelling #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

Joitske @joitske

RT @Learning_Dude: Explore a problem to which you, the facilitator,

do not have the answer. It then requires EVERYONE to think critically.

Expertus @ExpertusONE

Good Q for #learning orgs to ponder MT @joitske How does social

media support + distract from reflection + critical thinking?

Ben Betts @bbetts

@joitske I often wonder about the value; perhaps if SM is your only

channel, you've got issues. Most ppl aren't here #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

@burrough #exploresocial So it may be useful to make this

responsibility clear from early on in the experience - to make this

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

RT @Learning_Dude: @BurnhamLandD Agreed. If youre the sage on

the stage, you need to rethink the role of a facilitator. #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

@BurnhamLandD glad you could make it! #exploresocial

Gina Chapman @ChayneDaisy

@martincouzins @joitske There's a lot of noise and if you're new to the

group it can be diff to get your voice heard #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

A reminder that today's #exploresocial question is: How do we

promote critical thinking in social learning?

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@BurnhamLandD Agreed. If youre the sage on the stage, you need to

rethink the role of a facilitator. #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

@Learning_Dude true and it's a luxury role that only more socially
developed companies have made space for #exploresocial

Ben Betts @bbetts

RT @kategraham23: Thoughts on my first MOOC and how learning is

part of the bigger organisational picture

Joitske @joitske

@burrough @Learning_Dude had a call in between need to catch up

:) #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@burrough You cant have your cake and eat it, too. #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

@Learning_Dude yup - I think that's one of the less talked about

problems with supporting social at work #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

RT @burrough: @joitske it can lead ppl to act fast without thinking as

deeply as they might - like RTing without reading #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@burrough Potentially. If theres a community to manage. Its not

always that structured. #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@burrough Thats probably because theyre conditioned to accept

without questioning. Its the plight of organizations. #exploresocial

without questioning. Its the plight of organizations. #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

@joitske it can lead ppl to act fast without thinking as deeply as they
might - like RTing without reading #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@joitske On the plus, it gives tools to explore deeply, on the minus

there is too much noise and challenge can be difficult #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

RT @burrough: I'm interested in how the move away from formal to

informal shifts the onus of critical thinking away from trainer to

Sam Burrough @burrough

@Learning_Dude I guess that strays into the role of community

manager? #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@joitske Good question. I guess there are points at which

reflection/thinking make sense for a group #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

@Learning_Dude I've seen some examples in new ESNs where ppl

just lap up everything that gets shared without question #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

How does social media support or distract from reflection and critical
thinking? #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@joitske @martincouzins Explain what you mean by deep

reflections. Any blog post to read as part of that experience?

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@burrough Its our role to support, but that doesnt necessarily mean
create; at least not always. #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

@martincouzins @Learning_Dude we did a social learning

experience for a group of people and had deep reflections

Sam Burrough @burrough

@joitske @curatr @davegray try this one #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@burrough Enough effort? No. Its hard to craft effective problems

and/or scenarios that get people thinking this way. #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@ChayneDaisy yes, but you need to delve into them - maybe

collectively - early on? #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@martincouzins Thats the signature of a truly great instructional

designer. #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

@Learning_Dude do you think enough effort goes into developing

those skills? Is it our role to support that? #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

@curatr @burrough @davegray I'm interested in culture mapping but

can't open the link? #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@Learning_Dude I like the idea of designing experiences that help

people think critically #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

@burrough #exploresocial Hello! Sorry I'm late. Rachel here from

slightly stormy Manchester!

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@burrough @joitske Start with open-ended questions, obviously.

Throw a curveball, a ? that seems completely unrelated.

Joitske @joitske

@martincouzins what do you do when you work with a group focused

on action rather than thinking? #exploresocial

Curatr @curatr

RT @burrough: .@davegray 's culture mapping could be a smart 1st

step b4 trying to influence social learning at work #exploresocial http://

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

I like that idea of earners as teachers - that's why critical thinking is

important too #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

RT @Learning_Dude: Explore a problem to which you, the facilitator,

do not have the answer. It then requires EVERYONE to think critically.

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

I believe you cannot teach critical thinking. However, you can provide
experiences and problems that tease it out of people. #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

@joitske @Learning_Dude any examples of how? #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

RT @Learning_Dude: Provide content and context framed inside a

thought-provoking question. #exploresocial

Gina Chapman @ChayneDaisy

@martincouzins Agree, but sometimes you don't have all the facts so
delving deeper into the question will help, perhaps? #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

Explore a problem to which you, the facilitator, do not have the

answer. It then requires EVERYONE to think critically. #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

@Learning_Dude me too! #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@Learning_Dude good point #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@joitske I love that term green housing. #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

RT @Learning_Dude: For example: the way youve done with

@curatr. I love the approach. #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@martincouzins Agreed. Theres where social helps: get the

perspectives of many; reflect and share as a collective. #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

@Learning_Dude you may expand the time for thought by

greenhousing ideas - allowing time to mature and deepen ideas

Sam Burrough @burrough

I'm interested in how the move away from formal to informal shifts the
onus of critical thinking away from trainer to learner #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

So, surely you need the full story before you can start thinking
critically? ie you know the facts etc #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

For example: the way youve done with @curatr. I love the approach.

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

Provide content and context framed inside a thought-provoking

question. #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

@joitske last minute switch! Sorry! #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@joitske Great to see you here :) #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

@burrough Hi, I almost thought it would be at 9.30 again...


Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

Pose questions that require reflection (i.e., dont have an immediately

obvious answer). #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@ChayneDaisy Hi Gina! #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

Hello @joitske - we're just getting started #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

Hi I'm here too, by mistake I went to #explorelearning :) #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@martincouzins Lets do this. #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

So, the question is: How do we promote critical thinking in social

learning? #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

RT @martincouzins: So, are we small in number but perfectly formed

for a conversation?! #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

@martincouzins it looks that way :-) #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

So, are we small in number but perfectly formed for a conversation?!


Martin Couzins @martincouzins

Martin from Bath #exploresocial

Gina Chapman @ChayneDaisy

@burrough Hello, Gina from a sunny Berkshire #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@martincouzins No. No worries. Im drowning in email, so it makes

sense I missed it. Ill see how involved I can be. #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

@Learning_Dude glad you could join us Stephen - we flexed the time

this week to accommodate some different time zones #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@Learning_Dude We decided to change the time for today! We sent

an email so apologies if we wrongfooted you! #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

Hello. Stephen from Roanoke, Virginia, USA. Ill poke in periodically

over the next 30m. #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

Hello world - Sam in Bristol here getting ready to start another twitter
chat #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@martincouzins Huh. I thought this was weekly at 3:30 PM EST. Am I

wrong, or does the time change weekly? #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

Let us know where in the world you are! #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

Hello and welcome to todays #exploresocial chat

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

Apologies in advance, going to be a few #exploresocial tweets from

me in next hour

Sam Burrough @burrough

RT @kategraham23: Thoughts on my first MOOC and how learning is

part of the bigger organisational picture

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

10 mins until our #exploresocial Twitter chat. Today's question: How

do we promote critical thinking in social learning?

Kandy Woodfield @jess1ecat

RT @martincouzins: RT @burrough: How do we promote critical

thinking in social learning? 1 hour to go
til next #expl

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

RT @burrough: How do we promote critical thinking in social

learning? 1 hour to go til next
#exploresocial tweet chat

Sam Burrough @burrough

How do we promote critical thinking in social learning? 1 hour to go till next #exploresocial

tweet chat

Sam Burrough @burrough

RT @Suemcwha: A CA method to measure critical thinking in f2f and

pc supported group learning

Viola Zldy @violazoldy

RT @ascot_comms: Learning as part of the bigger picture #hrtecheurope #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

Intriguing - spoke to me of personal learning in a context of social lrng

@AndrewJacobsLD Silent Disco #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

RT @Marcoable: How do we promote critical thinking in

#SocialLearning? next #exploresocial
tweet chat 4pm GMT today!

LearnPatch @LearnPatch

RT @TrainingJournal: Your powerful informal #learning engine #702010 #exploresocial

Marco Faccini @Marcoable

RT @martincouzins: RT @kmpinner: Social Theory: #exploresocial

reflection week 2. Inspiration via @burrough & @ChayneDaisy

Marco Faccini @Marcoable

RT @burrough: How do we promote critical thinking in

#SocialLearning? next #exploresocial
tweet chat is 4pm GMT toda

Sitthiporn @Sitthipm

RT @burrough: .@davegray 's culture mapping could be a smart 1st

step b4 trying to influence social learning at work #exploresocial http://

Ascot Communications @ascot_comms

Learning as part of the bigger picture

#hrtecheurope #exploresocial

kategraham23 @kategraham23

Thoughts on my first MOOC and how learning is part of the bigger

organisational picture #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

The 5 Ws are a good start for critical thinking. Know the whole story
first #exploresocial

Margaret Heffernan @M_Heffernan

RT @martincouzins: MT @burrough: How do we promote critical

thinking in #SocialLearning?
#exploresocial tweet chat i

Ohh Social Media @OhhSocialMedia

RT @martincouzins: MT @burrough: How do we promote critical

thinking in #SocialLearning?
#exploresocial tweet chat i

Kate Nicholroy @kate_nicho

RT @martincouzins: MT @burrough: How do we promote critical

thinking in #SocialLearning?
#exploresocial tweet chat i

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

MT @burrough: How do we promote critical thinking in

#SocialLearning? #exploresocial tweet
chat is 4pm GMT today!

Sam Burrough @burrough

How do we promote critical thinking in #SocialLearning? next #exploresocial tweet chat is 4pm
GMT today!

Sam Burrough @burrough

A Brief History of LMS Social Learning via @talentedlearn #exploresocial

Kitty Wooley @kwooleyy

RT @burrough: .@davegray 's culture mapping could be a smart 1st

step b4 trying to influence social learning at work #exploresocial http://

Feb 18, 2015 at 12:00am UTC

Sam Burrough @burrough

How do we promote critical thinking in social learning? next #exploresocial tweet chat is 4pm
GMT 18thFeb

Nancy White @NancyWhite

@tonyparkin @BurnhamLandD I think you can do a hangout w/ chat.

The challenge is G+ constantly changes interface. #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

My blog following last week's Twitter Chat for #exploresocial 'Theory &

Tony Parkin @tonyparkin

@NancyWhite But wheer would online chat be without the verbose

ones :D #echoingsilence #exploresocial

Tony Parkin @tonyparkin

@NancyWhite "Maybe my verboseness is the abuse. ;-)

#exploresocial -< :D (I do like the way the Google tech is less intrusive
that webconf)

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

My blog following from last week's Twitter Chat for #exploresocial

'Theory & Practice or Never the Twain Shall Meet'...

Joan @1joanjosep

RT @tonyparkin: #exploresocial @NancyWhite I don't think it's an

'abuse' of Question column to repurpose it for responses? And it
makes for

Tony Parkin @tonyparkin

@BurnhamLandD @NancyWhite would an 'even better if' would be a

webconferencing type environment, with built-in chat etc?

Nancy White @NancyWhite

@tonyparkin Maybe my verboseness is the abuse. ;-) #exploresocial the differences of introverts/extroverts/multiverts in social learning!

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

@NancyWhite @tonyparkin #exploresocial I agree, would prefer a

chat room.

Tony Parkin @tonyparkin

#exploresocial @NancyWhite I don't think it's an 'abuse' of Question

column to repurpose it for responses? And it makes for easy

Nancy White @NancyWhite

@burrough Now we know dogs are part of #exploresocial

Nancy White @NancyWhite

@tonyparkin I really want a chat room for the Hangout. Feel

hamstrung #exploresocial

Tony Parkin @tonyparkin

In a Google Hangout looking at Week two of the #exploresocial MOOC

- Martin and Sam discussing the action, & inviting comments

Bruno Winck @brunowinck

In 36 min exactly "Exploring Social Learning - Week 2 Recap/Chat" #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

better get myself home! The next #exploresocial hangout on air starts
in 1 hour join us here if you can

Sam Burrough @burrough

lots of relevant stuff for #exploresocial on this page from @lirons - well
worth exploring

Sam Burrough @burrough

Really useful post from @hjarche from 2010 A framework

for social learning in the enterprise #exploresocial

Chad Lockart @chadlockart

RT @burrough: .@davegray 's culture mapping could be a smart 1st

step b4 trying to influence social learning at work #exploresocial http://

Dave Gray @davegray

RT @burrough: .@davegray 's culture mapping could be a smart 1st

step b4 trying to influence social learning at work #exploresocial http://

Sam Burrough @burrough

.@davegray 's culture mapping could be a smart 1st step b4 trying to

influence social learning at work #exploresocial

Rosie Haighton @RosieHaighton1

RT @AndrewJacobsLD: A quick blog post about community and

learning: How autonomous is
social? #exploresocial

Andrew Jacobs @AndrewJacobsLD

A quick blog post about community and learning: How autonomous is social?

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

RT @kmpinner: Social Theory: #exploresocial reflection week 2.

Inspiration via @burrough & @ChayneDaisy

Gina Chapman @ChayneDaisy

@kmpinner @burrough Thank you, Kate - appreciate your

thoughtfulness around the complexity of some academic theories

Laura Layton-James @LauraLJ

MT @burrough @kmpinner #exploresocial reflection week 2 >plain English in learning theories for non academics pls

Sam Burrough @burrough

RT @kmpinner: Social Theory: #exploresocial reflection week 2.

Inspiration nicely summed up

Kate Pinner @kmpinner

Social Theory: #exploresocial reflection week 2. Inspiration via

@burrough & @chaynedaisy

LearnPatch @LearnPatch

Two innovations that have changed learning forever via @timbuckteeth


Sam Burrough @burrough

RT @willworklearn: New website dedicated to DEBUNKING myths

and misinformation in #learning JOIN NOW!

Russell Kerkhoven @blueleaf2u

40 reflection questions: free download


Sam Burrough @burrough

RT @martincouzins: Blogged: Curating unstructured Twitter chats #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

RT @kategraham23: Learning as part of the bigger picture #exploresocial #HRTechEurope

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

RT @kategraham23: Learning as part of the bigger picture #exploresocial #HRTechEurope

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

RT @ChayneDaisy: Some interesting stuff happening at #learnaus &

may be of interest to those on #exploresocial - take a look

HR Tech Europe @hrtecheurope

RT @kategraham23: Learning as part of the bigger picture #exploresocial #HRTechEurope

kategraham23 @kategraham23

Learning as part of the bigger picture

#exploresocial #HRTechEurope

Gina Chapman @ChayneDaisy

Some interesting stuff happening at #learnaus & may be of interest to

those on #exploresocial - take a look

ewenlb @ewenlb

MT @NancyWhite: KMers as Innovation convener #km4dev #exploresocial // Thank you, fab stuff,
head spinning from it!

Feb 17, 2015 at 12:00am UTC

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

RT @burrough: Sorry but we had to re-schedule tonight's

#exploresocial hangout, we'll be doing on Tuesday at 8pm GMT

Sam Burrough @burrough

Sorry but we had to re-schedule tonight's #exploresocial hangout,

we'll be doing on Tuesday at 8pm GMT instead

Nancy White @NancyWhite

KMers as Innovation convener cc @ewenlb

#km4dev #exploresocial

Tony Parkin @tonyparkin

RT @bbetts: @martincouzins Dewey starts it, Bruner builds. Bandura

goes off on a tangent. Seely-Brown makes it cool again.

Frederic DOMON @fdomon

RT @MVPCoachZ: Learner Focused Company V 1.0

#learningdevelopment #leadership #business #managment

Ryan Zimmerman @MVPCoachZ

Do many companies Micro Badge #learning? Do u use this to promote

growth both intellectually and financially? #sociallearning

Clare Fenwick @csf0961

RT @tonyparkin: Right. Have caught up with Week 2 of #exploresocial

MOOC and back on track for Week 3. Love the way it is both

Tony Parkin @tonyparkin

Right. Have caught up with Week 2 of #exploresocial MOOC and back

on track for Week 3. Love the way it is both synchronous &
asynchronous :)

Gina Chapman @ChayneDaisy

Why Social Learning Benefits Your Business via @OPENForum >>> interesting
article for those in #exploresocial

Mary Loftus @marloft

RT @crumphelen: CoP #sociallearning "eye-opening character of

novelty and the forgotten familiarity of obviousness" @etiennewenger

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@Suemcwha @burrough Hi Suzan - we haven't opened that level yet

- that will happen today. Is that the problem you mentioned?

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

MT @roswellsaintx: An oldie from me #exploresocial Learning? Nah,

history tells me I am just being social-able !!!

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@Suemcwha @burrough thanks For heads up Suzan. Will investigate


Feb 16, 2015 at 12:00am UTC

alan brown @roswellsaintx

An oldie from me #exploresocial That Learning Dude: Learning? Nah,

history tells me I am just being social-able !!!

Brent White @brentm_w

The power of collaboration #design

#concept #inovatie #inspiration #ideas #imagine #exploresocial
#creativity #teams

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

So Much Training, So Little to Show for It via

@WSJ #exploresocial

Feb 15, 2015 at 12:00am UTC

Jeff Merrell @JeffMerrell

RT @crumphelen: CoP #sociallearning "eye-opening character of

novelty and the forgotten familiarity of obviousness" @etiennewenger

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

RT @crumphelen: Sharing list of 'Social Learning Theories - the

basics' via @burrough #exploresocial

Helen Crump @crumphelen

Sharing list of 'Social Learning Theories - the basics'

via @burrough #exploresocial

Helen Crump @crumphelen

CoP #sociallearning "eye-opening character of novelty and the

forgotten familiarity of obviousness" @etiennewenger #exploresocial

Costantino @CostAlberici

RT @jess1ecat: Want to #exploresocial learning? New MOOC with

@burrough & @martincouzins now open
@curatr new beta i

Feb 14, 2015 at 12:00am UTC

Ryan Zimmerman @MVPCoachZ

Learner Focused Company V 1.0 #learningdevelopment #leadership

#business #managment #exploresocial

Claire Gibbs @ClaireOffiicial

RT @burrough: just checking out #WhyWeDoResearch seems

relevant to this week's #exploresocial chat

Sam Burrough @burrough

Is critical thinking the secret ingredient for effective social learning?


Mooc Pro @moocpro

Checking out "Developing 21st Century Critical Thinkers" on DPG

Community: #exploresocial

Michle Drechsler @mdrechsler

RT @GerDriesen: ! @ActivateLearn: How I Developed the Work,

Connect and Learn Program - A Social Learning Program #e

@JPUHResearch @JPUHResearch

RT @burrough: just checking out #WhyWeDoResearch seems

relevant to this week's #exploresocial chat

Sam Burrough @burrough

just checking out #WhyWeDoResearch seems relevant to this week's

#exploresocial chat

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

MT @roswellsaintx: #exploresocial is helping me make a huge

decision which will fundamentally raise the social game in my org

Sam Burrough @burrough

@roswellsaintx let us know how it goes #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

MT @roswellsaintx: ... #exploresocial is helping me make a huge

decision which will fundamentally raise the social game in my org

alan brown @roswellsaintx

Another week almost at a close #exploresocial is helping me make a

huge decision which will fundamentally raise the social game in my

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

And here is an analysis of the second #exploresocial Twitter chat

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

Guess when the #exploresocial Twitter chat was this week?!

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

RT @bbetts: If someone is paying you to 'design' social, I'd think an

appreciation of frameworks / models would be in order #exploresocial

Red F Design @RedFDesign

RT @bbetts: Not many corporate L&D know what's been done in

higher ed; CSCL is a big field, as is Learning Design #exploresocial

DigitalProfitAbility @DProfitAbility

RT @bbetts: If someone is paying you to 'design' social, I'd think an

appreciation of frameworks / models would be in order #exploresocial

DigitalProfitAbility @DProfitAbility

RT @bbetts: As @curatr has evolved, it has moved away from

research, towards UX. The two don't often seem to meet

Red F Design @RedFDesign

RT @bbetts: Success or failures can often be related to some theory in

hindsight, which seems to bring more legitimacy #exploresocial

DigitalProfitAbility @DProfitAbility

RT @bbetts: Success or failures can often be related to some theory in

hindsight, which seems to bring more legitimacy #exploresocial

ProfitAbility @ProfitAbility

RT @bbetts: Success or failures can often be related to some theory in

hindsight, which seems to bring more legitimacy #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

RT @AndrewJacobsLD: A new blog post for #exploresocial: Known


David D'Souza @dds180

RT @burrough: RT @AndrewJacobsLD: A new blog post for

#exploresocial: Known knowns a succinct analysis
of the last t

Michael Osborne @MikeOzzy

RT @PaulDuxbury: That was fascinating - stumbled onto

#exploresocial having come on Twitter just to check a couple of things
- 40 mins late

Sam Burrough @burrough

that last #exploresocial question was from @dawnhenwood

Chris Nwamuo @sgtborish

RT @PaulDuxbury: Tell people collaboration (being social) is all

about learning we will turn them off. Let them discover they are

Sam Burrough @burrough

Question on #exploresocial 'Have any researchers revisited classical

Instructional Design theory in light of complexity theory?'

Chris Nwamuo @sgtborish

RT @AndrewJacobsLD: A new blog post for #exploresocial: Known


Sam Burrough @burrough

RT @AndrewJacobsLD: A new blog post for #exploresocial: Known

knowns a succinct analysis of the last twitter chat?

Gem Reucroft @HR_Gem

RT @AndrewJacobsLD: A new blog post for #exploresocial: Known


Julie Drybrough @fuchsia_blue

RT @AndrewJacobsLD: A new blog post for #exploresocial: Known


HR Em @EmmaBrowes

RT @AndrewJacobsLD: A new blog post for #exploresocial: Known


Andrew Jacobs @AndrewJacobsLD

A new blog post for #exploresocial: Known knowns

Feb 13, 2015 at 12:00am UTC

Andrew Jacobs @AndrewJacobsLD

Governor's meeting done and blog post for #exploresocial primed for
the morning. Now time for last night's MoTD.

Michelle ParrySlater @MiPS1608

@LearnKotch @CrossKnowledge You're messing with my mind. I'm

thinking last night was #exploresocial ... Doh, Oz last night was

Mooc Pro @moocpro

The growing evidence for social business maturity | ZDNet via @ZDNet & @dhinchcliffe #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

RT @cschijndel: I just finished Week 1 of #MOOC Exploring Social

Learning of @curatr. #exploresocial. Congrats

Anne Fox @foxdenuk

Social learning theories #exploresocial

Ryan Zimmerman @MVPCoachZ

Ss storifying their prototypes of experiences. #mvlearns

#exploresocial #designthinking

Mary Cantwell @scitechyEDU

RT @MVPCoachZ: Ss examining rose/bud/thorn of events they've

been to. #mvlearns #exploresocial #designthinking

Ryan Zimmerman @MVPCoachZ

Ss prototyping #mvlearns #exploresocial #designthinking


Martin Couzins @martincouzins

Well done :) RT @cschijndel: I just finished Week 1 of #MOOC

Exploring Social Learning of @curatr. #exploresocial.

Ryan Zimmerman @MVPCoachZ

Ss getting ready to prototype experiences. #mvlearns #exploresocial


Ryan Zimmerman @MVPCoachZ

Ss examining rose/bud/thorn of events they've been to. #mvlearns

#exploresocial #designthinking

Laura @llochen

Enjoying "Moving Beyond E-Learning" workshop with @c4LPT

#MBE_Pact. It fits nicely with my MOOC! #exploresocial

Carlo van Schijndel @cschijndel

I just finished Week 1 of #MOOC Exploring Social Learning of @curatr.


Gina Chapman @ChayneDaisy

@JaneBozarth yes, agree & therefore it should be straightforward in

orgs & yet there's a struggle hence why I'm involved in #exploresocial

Ger DriesenL&Dexpert @GerDriesen

! @ActivateLearn: How I Developed the Work, Connect and Learn

Program - A Social Learning Program

Vera Woodhead @verawoodhead

RT @BurnhamLandD: #exploresocial I'm not anti-theory, but I would

like to embrace theory that is written in plain language & that

Sam Burrough @burrough

MT @C4LPT: Becoming MOOC <analysis by @downes of
diffs bt xMOOC & XMOOC & (new) literacies required #exploresocial

Sukhvinder Pabial @sukhpabial

RT @burrough: RT @martincouzins: #exploresocial Twitter chat #2 on

social learning theory - all the tweets > the raw

Sam Burrough @burrough

RT @martincouzins: #exploresocial Twitter chat #2 on social learning

theory - all the tweets > the raw version!

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

#exploresocial Twitter chat #2 on social learning theory - all the tweets

mark britz @britz

RT @bbetts: Success or failures can often be related to some theory in

hindsight, which seems to bring more legitimacy #exploresocial

kategraham23 @kategraham23

@conmossy @MiPS1608 @martincouzins Like it, thanks :)


Krisna Dwi @krisna_dlondong

#weekend #bromo #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

#exploresocial The lesson you never got taught in school: How to

learn! via @bigthink

Sam Burrough @burrough

RT @conmossy: this is what I was trying to say at #exploresocial much better from Kirk

David D'Souza @dds180

RT @conmossy: @martincouzins @kategraham23 @MiPS1608 this is

what I was trying to say at #exploresocial - much better from Kirk

Michelle ParrySlater @MiPS1608

@conmossy @martincouzins @kategraham23 yes, that!!! The joys of

more than 140 characters! #exploresocial

Michelle ParrySlater @MiPS1608

RT @conmossy: @martincouzins @kategraham23 @MiPS1608 this is

what I was trying to say at #exploresocial - much better from Kirk

Conor Moss @conmossy

@martincouzins @kategraham23 @MiPS1608 this is what I was trying

to say at #exploresocial - much better from Kirk

Wilfred Rubens @wrubens

@bbetts it is had to focus on contributions of others #exploresocial

Liz Cable @lizcable

@LauraLJ @burrough After #twooc finishes at 9pm tonight I will be all

over #exploresocial :)

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

MT @burrough: RT @moocpro: 'Social Learning Theories - the basics' #exploresocial

Ben Betts @bbetts

@m_simpson yea, check your settings if you don't. But yes, should get
a note #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

RT @bbetts: Never forget Cpt. Hindsight a case

studies best friend #exploresocial

Gina Chapman @ChayneDaisy

@timbuckteeth: Connectivism: Bearing a heavy node #essp501dl
>>> I really like this #exploresocial

Aaron E. Silvers @aaronesilvers

RT @bbetts: Never forget Cpt. Hindsight a case

studies best friend #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

RT @bbetts: Never forget Cpt. Hindsight a case

studies best friend #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

@rowenakperry @lizcable you can sign up here: #exploresocial

Andrew Jacobs @AndrewJacobsLD

RT @conmossy: @AndrewJacobsLD @bbetts #exploresocial some

great examples of #wbl in action

Andrew Jacobs @AndrewJacobsLD

RT @conmossy: @AndrewJacobsLD @bbetts a couple more - loved

breaking the mould in Uni's #ex

Matt Simpson @m_simpson

RT @bbetts: Never forget Cpt. Hindsight a case

studies best friend #exploresocial

Matt Simpson @m_simpson

Hey @bbetts If someone responds to a comment we post on an object

in Curatr do we receive any notification of the reply? #exploresocial

Nick Kellet @NickKellet

RT @burrough: RT @moocpro: 'Social Learning Theories - the basics' probably should have done this before the #explor

Feb 12, 2015 at 12:00am UTC

Olaug N Gardener @olliegardener

RT @bbetts: @martincouzins Dewey starts it, Bruner builds. Bandura

goes off on a tangent. Seely-Brown makes it cool again.

Laura Layton-James @LauraLJ

@burrough @lizcable I'm on the #Twooc and the #exploresocial

#MOOC too - struggling to fit it all in hence Tweeting at 23.40 :)

Weekly Travel @WeeklyTravel1

RT @N20Gilly: I can't wait to just get in my truck and travel. I have

nothing stopping me. #travel #WestToSouth #exploresocial #singlelife

Nicholas GIlmore @N20Gilly

I can't wait to just get in my truck and travel. I have nothing stopping
me. #travel #WestToSouth #exploresocial #singlelife

Sam Burrough @burrough

RT @moocpro: 'Social Learning Theories - the basics'

probably should have done this before the #exploresocial chat

Celpax @CelpaxSolutions

RT @NancyWhite: Is this an example of a tool that facilitates soc.

learning in workplace? #exploresocial #offtopic

Mooc Pro @moocpro

'Social Learning Theories - the basics' probably should

have done this before the #exploresocial chat

Will Thalheimer @WillWorkLearn

RT @britz: @BurnhamLandD This is why I turn to the research

translator that is @WillWorkLearn :) #exploresocial

Steve Wheeler @timbuckteeth

RT @crumphelen: Just read 'Is all learning social?' by @timbuckteeth

for #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

@wrubens I started a thread about it in the google community from


Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@CatDartnall Great you make it Catherine #exploresocial

CatherineDartnall @CatDartnall

Thanks all for lively chat #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@ismooreliam Thanks for dropping in :) #exploresocial

Olaug N Gardener @olliegardener

RT @jess1ecat: Want to #exploresocial learning? New MOOC with

@burrough & @martincouzins now open
@curatr new beta i

Liam Moore @ismooreliam

Nothing like dropping in on a good debate at the last minute and

throwing in ones tuppence. Thanks all #exploresocial

CatherineDartnall @CatDartnall

@bbetts @samt_el @martincouzins So we used Bruner's scaffolding

to bridge Vygotsky's gap - how social :) #exploresocial

Kevin Maye @donnyboy71

RT @LearnKotch: @Learning_Dude @NancyWhite doing more where

and of what ? #exploresocial maybe time for academics to get with
reality /coal

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@PaulDuxbury Most welcome Paul! Appreciate your input :)


Ben Betts @bbetts

RT @MiPS1608: @PaulDuxbury All part of Sam & Martin's Explore

Social Learning MOOC #exploresocial

Ben Betts @bbetts

@samt_el @CatDartnall @martincouzins Bruner is your man... #exploresocial

Michelle ParrySlater @MiPS1608

@PaulDuxbury All part of Sam & Martin's Explore Social Learning

MOOC #exploresocial

WomensLearningStudio @WomensStudio

RT @joitske: Social learning is more than social media - crafting a

strategy #exploresocial

Petra Peeters @petra_peeters

Martin & Sam: cheers! #exploresocial

Ben Betts @bbetts

@wrubens you'll never beat @samt_el so probably just focus on what

matters most to you! #exploresocial

Jo Stephenson @joeystepho

@PaulDuxbury: That was fascinating - stumbled onto #exploresocial

having come on just to check a couple of things - 40 mins later :-) +1

Paul Duxbury @PaulDuxbury

@martincouzins thanks Martin - very informative/interesting discussion

which I seem to have stumbled into by #beingsocial #exploresocial

Kate Herzog @KateSHerzog

Looking forward to next week's interactions. Thanks all. Now to check

out those references... #exploresocial

Sam Taylor @samt_el

@martincouzins @ismooreliam I had thought about praxis and what it

stands for without realising it was a theory! #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@JY_Xuber @burrough You and me both! Thanks again for taking

part #exploresocial

Paul Duxbury @PaulDuxbury

That was fascinating - stumbled onto #exploresocial having come on

Twitter just to check a couple of things - 40 mins later :-)

Paul Duxbury @PaulDuxbury

RT @kategraham23: Do we need less theory from those in academic

ivory towers and more insight from people on the learning 'coal face'?

Ben Betts @bbetts

RT @KateSHerzog: Looks like Ben won the 'tweetable thought' award!


Kate Herzog @KateSHerzog

@conmossy @martincouzins Unfortunately, PRACTICE rarely can find

the time to make the THEORY! #exploresocial

Michelle ParrySlater @MiPS1608

@kategraham23 @conmossy @TowardsMaturity has some case

studies #exploresocial

Ben Betts @bbetts

RT @CatDartnall: @bbetts @martincouzins Vygotsky's scaffolded

support - can be provided by community of practice too #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@bbetts yay, Ben. You just snuck a few in right at the end

Nona Gormley @nonagormley

RT @BurnhamLandD: #exploresocial Thank you Martin & Sam. That

was a good discussion and helped me to develop my thinking.

CatherineDartnall @CatDartnall

@bbetts @martincouzins Vygotsky's scaffolded support - can be

provided by community of practice too #exploresocial

Juliette Young @JY_Xuber

RT @bbetts: @martincouzins Dewey starts it, Bruner builds. Bandura

goes off on a tangent. Seely-Brown makes it cool again.

Conor Moss @conmossy

@martincouzins #exploresocial then practice needs to create the

theory !

Kate Herzog @KateSHerzog

Looks like Ben won the 'tweetable thought' award! #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

#exploresocial Thank you Martin & Sam. That was a good discussion
and helped me to develop my thinking.

Paul Duxbury @PaulDuxbury

RT @CatDartnall: @MiPS1608 @Learning_Dude @PaulDuxbury just

need to add a creative and pragmatic approach to the theory

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

RT @bbetts: @martincouzins Dewey starts it, Bruner builds. Bandura

goes off on a tangent. Seely-Brown makes it cool again.

Kate Herzog @KateSHerzog

RT @bbetts @martincouzins Dewey starts it, Bruner builds. Bandura

goes off on a tangent. Seely-Brown makes it cool again.

Sam Burrough @burrough

RT @bbetts: @martincouzins Dewey starts it, Bruner builds. Bandura

goes off on a tangent. Seely-Brown makes it cool again.

Sam Burrough @burrough

@nonagormley @PaulDuxbury absolutely - not saying everything has

to have theory, just that there is value in it sometimes #exploresocial

Michelle ParrySlater @MiPS1608

@burrough @conmossy @kategraham23 Thanks Sam. I'm diarising

time to get online!! #embarassed #theshame #exploresocial

Ben Betts @bbetts

@martincouzins Dewey starts it, Bruner builds. Bandura goes off on a

tangent. Seely-Brown makes it cool again. #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@conmossy think that's a good point. Also problem that practice can
be way ahead of research too #exploresocial

CatherineDartnall @CatDartnall

@MiPS1608 @Learning_Dude @PaulDuxbury just need to add a

creative and pragmatic approach to the theory #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

@PaulDuxbury probably depends on your definition of theory - too

many ppl take a blog post as gospel #exploresocial

Kate Herzog @KateSHerzog

@Learning_Dude 'theory dissenters' need not apply for academic

tenure! #exploresocial

Conor Moss @conmossy

@MiPS1608 @kategraham23 check out others I tweeted or Google

work based learning futures - 3 'journals' w accessible cases

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

MT @ismooreliam: @martincouzins wonder where ppl think terms

'community of practice' & 'praxis' come from if not from theory

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@MiPS1608 @PaulDuxbury Well said. #exploresocial

Michelle ParrySlater @MiPS1608

@Learning_Dude @PaulDuxbury There's a place 4 clever thinking,

provided L&D can translate to consultative business partnering

Sam Burrough @burrough

@MiPS1608 @conmossy @kategraham23 I'll be adding them to the

list for #exploresocial for sure

CatherineDartnall @CatDartnall

@bbetts @Learning_Dude @martincouzins @BurnhamLandD

Google Scholar good start point, Mendeley etc #exploresocial

Stella Collins @stellacollins

RT @kategraham23: Do we need less theory from those in academic

ivory towers and more insight from people on the learning 'coal face'?

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

Are we a crowd of theory dissenters? #exploresocial

Ben Betts @bbetts

Never forget Cpt. Hindsight a case studies best

friend #exploresocial

Conor Moss @conmossy

@martincouzins #exploresocial take 702010 - no academic research

on Scholar - use it cos it is simple but would prefer evidence to support

Sam Burrough @burrough

@PaulDuxbury true but few people view theory as a shiny thing as

we've seen from tonight's chat #exploresocial

mark britz @britz

Unfortunately I knew I'd be late here and knew I'd also have to depart
early. Good thoughts! Share on #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

RT @bbetts: Success or failures can often be related to some theory in

hindsight, which seems to bring more legitimacy #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

Not many theorists mentioned in #exploresocial chat on social

learning theory. That tells a story in itself

Ben Betts @bbetts

Success or failures can often be related to some theory in hindsight,

which seems to bring more legitimacy #exploresocial

Wilfred Rubens @wrubens

I am more competitive than I want to be. The ranking of #exploresocial

stimulates participation. Quantitative above qualitative :-\

Michelle ParrySlater @MiPS1608

@conmossy @kategraham23 Ooh, bookmarked for later reading.

Thanks Conor. #exploresocial

kategraham23 @kategraham23

@conmossy Ooo thanks will have a good read of that. Still not enough

case studies out there yet #exploresocial

CatherineDartnall @CatDartnall

@BurnhamLandD @martincouzins Thats exactly what I would love to

do :) I've worked in 'all camps' - learnt from each. #exploresocial

Juliette Young @JY_Xuber

@burrough @PaulDuxbury yes I think so, that is my experience


Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

RT @ismooreliam: @martincouzins wonder where ppl think terms

'community of practice' 'praxis'or 'sense making' come from if not from

DictionaryVoice @DictionaryVoice

RT @MiPS1608: @Learning_Dude Hang on, you don't share then you

nick my definition. Oh, go on! Clearly share more this side of the pond
;) #

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@PaulDuxbury Amen. Amen. Businesses are in business to make

money. We need to remember that, and support how they do it.

Sam Burrough @burrough

@ismooreliam @martincouzins I'm sure someone just made them up

on a blog didn't they ;-) #exploresocial

Kate Herzog @KateSHerzog

@PaulDuxbury business context-Are we talking ROE (return on

expectations)? As opposed 2 value of learning as change agent?

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@britz for sure. But they should - learning makes an org perform better

Sam Burrough @burrough

@PaulDuxbury isn't that part of our job - translating useful aspects of

theory into useful practice for business? #exploresocial

Conor Moss @conmossy

@kategraham23 #exploresocial or a combination of both perhaps ? - amazing examples in here

Liam Moore @ismooreliam

@martincouzins wonder where ppl think terms 'community of practice'

'praxis'or 'sense making' come from if not from theory #exploresocial

Ben Betts @bbetts

As @curatr has evolved, it has moved away from research, towards

UX. The two don't often seem to meet #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@PaulDuxbury How is theory going to positively impact the bottom

line? #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

RT @britz: @martincouzins most executives however will not give two

hoots however #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

RT @britz: yes @martincouzins I think research is important for us. It

does help us find best principles that can be applied #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@MiPS1608 Ill check it out this evening. Thank you! #exploresocial

Paul Duxbury @PaulDuxbury

In business context "social learning theory" doesn't cut it. What does it
look like? How will it help us? The Key questions #exploresocial

Michelle ParrySlater @MiPS1608

@Learning_Dude Looking forward to working with you!

#exploresocial To be fair, my thoughts are already out there

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

@CatDartnall @martincouzins #exploresocial So we need people like

you to act as translators to bring out the relevance to practitioners

CatherineDartnall @CatDartnall

@KateSHerzog @britz @martincouzins Or repeatable with

improvements, spiral learning cycle... #exploresocial

mark britz @britz

@martincouzins most executives however will not give two hoots

however #exploresocial

kategraham23 @kategraham23

Do we need less theory from those in academic ivory towers and more
insight from people on the learning 'coal face'? #exploresocial

Conor Moss @conmossy

@BurnhamLandD #exploresocial check out the links I sent

@AndrewJacobsLD re: examples of HE #WBL

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

RT @MiPS1608: @Learning_Dude Hang on, you don't share then you

nick my definition. Oh, go on! Clearly share more this side of the pond
;) #

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@MiPS1608 :P Touche. Thats fair. I dont have a new term yet, so we

use your definition and come up with a term together. #exploresocial

CatherineDartnall @CatDartnall

@samt_el @martincouzins @BurnhamLandD Depends if I'm on a

limited word count... Talking however is another matter! :)

mark britz @britz

yes @martincouzins I think research is important for us. It does help us

find best principles that can be applied #exploresocial

Julian Stodd @julianstodd

RT @Learning_Dude: @julianstodd @Marcoable @martincouzins

@PaulDuxbury Im trying. Mostly WOL for now.

Ben Betts @bbetts

@Learning_Dude @martincouzins @BurnhamLandD absolutely.

Research quality brings funding. Money frames it all. Mostly...

Conor Moss @conmossy

Great discussion on #exploresocial re #wbl - we're just putting

finishing touches to our WBL F/work for emp responsive & neg

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@julianstodd @Marcoable @martincouzins @PaulDuxbury Im trying.

Mostly WOL for now. #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

@conmossy #exploresocial This is an area that I feel would be fruitful

to explore more.

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

RT @CatDartnall: @martincouzins @BurnhamLandD you get used to

reading them after a while - bit of a guilty pleasure now ;)

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

RT @bbetts: @Learning_Dude @martincouzins @BurnhamLandD

check out open journals, like Research in Learning Technology

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@britz agree. But isn't it useful to know what to avoid/what might work
well? #exploresocial

Michelle ParrySlater @MiPS1608

@Learning_Dude Hang on, you don't share then you nick my

definition. Oh, go on! Clearly share more this side of the pond ;)

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@bbetts Its more expensive and time-consuming to publish academic

research than to run a blog. #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

RT @conmossy: @BurnhamLandD good theory should be grounded

in and from work and applicable back to work #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

@conmossy #exploresocial Yes, I agree. I particularly liked the

reminder about the idea of praxis for this reason.

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@bbetts Thats very interesting. I never thought about it in that way.

Good point. #exploresocial

Sam Taylor @samt_el

@martincouzins I think they have a place when they aren't too

academic, and focus on the practical #exploresocial

Kate Herzog @KateSHerzog

@CatDartnall @britz @martincouzins Theory only works if it is

ACTIONABLE & REPEATABLE with similar results! #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@bbetts @martincouzins @BurnhamLandD Citations must be the

currency of the academic field. #exploresocial

Nancy White @NancyWhite

Is this an example of a tool that facilitates soc. learning in workplace? #exploresocial #offtopic

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@bbetts @martincouzins @BurnhamLandD Haha! Its like primitive

blogging. Links are the currency of the internet. #exploresocial

Ben Betts @bbetts

@Learning_Dude @martincouzins @BurnhamLandD so there is no

motivation to publish for those who don't / won't cite #exploresocial

kategraham23 @kategraham23

@MiPS1608 I started so well but slipped behind a bit, determined to

catch up though #exploresocial

Sam Taylor @samt_el

RT @conmossy: @BurnhamLandD good theory should be grounded

in and from work and applicable back to work #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

I'm getting a sense that theories around social learning aren't that
useful for most #exploresocial

Ben Betts @bbetts

@Learning_Dude @martincouzins @BurnhamLandD academics

work is mostly ranked by citation; how many others cite you.

Michelle ParrySlater @MiPS1608

RT @conmossy: @BurnhamLandD good theory should be grounded

in and from work and applicable back to work #exploresocial

CatherineDartnall @CatDartnall

@britz @martincouzins Theory on its own is just that, but it is in the

application and reflection that it gets exciting. #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

RT @conmossy: @BurnhamLandD good theory should be grounded

in and from work and applicable back to work #exploresocial

Sam Taylor @samt_el

@CatDartnall @martincouzins @BurnhamLandD think I've just fallen

out of tolerance w them. say things in 50wds can say in 10!

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@Marcoable @julianstodd @martincouzins @PaulDuxbury The

mans a genius. I have yet to find crap on Julians website.

Michelle ParrySlater @MiPS1608

@bbetts @Learning_Dude That's it Ben! Social Learning is why we

don't live in caves anymore, we learnt from each other #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

@martincouzins #exploresocial Yes, there is a whole skill set for

academics to be able to communicate effectively with practitioners

Conor Moss @conmossy

@BurnhamLandD good theory should be grounded in and from work

and applicable back to work #exploresocial

Juliette Young @JY_Xuber

@Learning_Dude @martincouzins @BurnhamLandD bit like reading

legal documents - it's the language #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@Learning_Dude @BurnhamLandD That's what it looks like to me!


CatherineDartnall @CatDartnall

@martincouzins @BurnhamLandD you get used to reading them after

a while - bit of a guilty pleasure now ;) #exploresocial

Marco Faccini @Marcoable

HT @julianstodd: Sociology more than technology @martincouzins

@PaulDuxbury #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@martincouzins @BurnhamLandD Who thenpublish it for other

academics in some vicious cycle? ;) #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@julianstodd @PaulDuxbury @Marcoable Interesting, Julian (I

studied a similar area). Any thinkers in particular? #exploresocial

Conor Moss @conmossy

@martincouzins @BurnhamLandD I agree with that ! #exploresocial

Juliette Young @JY_Xuber

When I take on something new I always search for theories &

examples I can relate to then apply my understanding. The evolve

Ben Betts @bbetts

@Learning_Dude @martincouzins @BurnhamLandD check out open

journals, like Research in Learning Technology #exploresocial

Ben Betts @bbetts

@Learning_Dude @martincouzins @BurnhamLandD research

papers are often awful to read, like its some benchmark

mark britz @britz

@BurnhamLandD This is why I turn to the research translator that is

@WillWorkLearn :) #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

RT @britz: @martincouzins Although I think credibility in orgs is

gained through outcomes, not by aligning to research & theory

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@Learning_Dude @BurnhamLandD because they publish it for other

academics first! #exploresocial

Ben Betts @bbetts

RT @CatDartnall: @BurnhamLandD maybe have a look at john

seeley brown, contextualised learning, study groups, from push to
pull? #exploreso

Marco Faccini @Marcoable

@martincouzins: @julianstodd @PaulDuxbury Hi Julian > what

theories inform your work on social? #exploresocial > the Mud on
Boots theory :)

Conor Moss @conmossy

@AndrewJacobsLD @bbetts a couple more - - loved breaking the mould
in Uni's #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

RT @bbetts: @Learning_Dude @MiPS1608 I tend to talk about

learning 'with', 'from' and 'in the presence of others' #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

RT @Learning_Dude: @martincouzins @BurnhamLandD Why is

that? I do research to help you, but then publish in a way you cant
understand #ex

Nancy White @NancyWhite

RT @MiPS1608: @Learning_Dude Social l'g is people learning fm

people. We've always done it. Tech or theories may allow to be more

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

RT @martincouzins: @BurnhamLandD That's a good point. Academic

papers can be really hard to understand #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@MiPS1608 rather, come up with a different term. #exploresocial

(Well use your definition!)

mark britz @britz

@martincouzins Although I think credibility in orgs is gained through

outcomes, not by aligning to research & theory #exploresocial

Ben Betts @bbetts

@Learning_Dude @MiPS1608 I tend to talk about learning 'with',

'from' and 'in the presence of others' #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@julianstodd @PaulDuxbury @Marcoable Hi Julian > what theories

inform your work on social? #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@MiPS1608 Id like to steal that definition. Do you mind? In exchange,

Ill let you help me rewrite social learning. #exploresocial

CatherineDartnall @CatDartnall

@BurnhamLandD maybe have a look at john seeley brown,

contextualised learning, study groups, from push to pull?

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@martincouzins @BurnhamLandD Why is that? I do research to help

you, but then publish in a way you cant understand #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@BurnhamLandD That's a good point. Academic papers can be really

hard to understand #exploresocial

kategraham23 @kategraham23

Wow interesting discussion tonight! Look forward to viewing week 2

content #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@MiPS1608 I like that: people learning from people. +1 for brevity.


Conor Moss @conmossy

@MiPS1608 @LearnKotch @Learning_Dude @NancyWhite excellent

egs of applied research and funding will drive the behaviour more

Michelle ParrySlater @MiPS1608

RT @conmossy: @MiPS1608 @LearnKotch @Learning_Dude

@NancyWhite the twain shall meet- it has to or we are all doomed !

Michelle ParrySlater @MiPS1608

@Learning_Dude Social l'g is people learning fm people. We've

always done it. Tech or theories may allow to be more effective

Paul Duxbury @PaulDuxbury

RT @BurnhamLandD: #exploresocial I'm not anti-theory, but I would

like to embrace theory that is written in plain language & that

Ben Betts @bbetts

@conmossy @AndrewJacobsLD action learning should be bigger

than it seems to be imo #exploresocial

Con Sotidis @LearnKotch

@bbetts: @BurnhamLandD @burrough @LearnKotch no model is

right, but some are useful #exploresocial best tweet if the day !
Thanks Ben

Conor Moss @conmossy

@MiPS1608 @LearnKotch @Learning_Dude @NancyWhite the twain

shall meet- it has to or we are all doomed ! #exploresocial

Marco Faccini @Marcoable

@martincouzins: @PaulDuxbury @Marcoable so it does play a part

by the looks of it! #exploresocial > it appears so :)

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

#exploresocial I'm not anti-theory, but I would like to embrace theory

that is written in plain language & that sometimes is based in work

Sam Burrough @burrough

@LearnKotch thanks for joining Con have a good one #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@PaulDuxbury @Marcoable so it does play a part by the looks of it!


Con Sotidis @LearnKotch

Gotta go and start the day. Good morning all have a great day.
#exploresocial nice chatting as always.

Conor Moss @conmossy

@AndrewJacobsLD @bbetts #exploresocial some great examples of

#wbl in action

Ben Betts @bbetts

@BurnhamLandD @burrough @LearnKotch no model is right, but

some are useful #exploresocial

Paul Duxbury @PaulDuxbury

@joitske @martincouzins @Marcoable I wish :-) #exploresocial

Michelle ParrySlater @MiPS1608

@LearnKotch @Learning_Dude @NancyWhite Interesting thread.

Any thoughts @conmossy #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

@burrough @LearnKotch #exploresocial Which could bring us back

to Lewin's comment that there is nothing so practical as a good theory.

Nancy White @NancyWhite

@LearnKotch @Learning_Dude So lets invite each other into our

worlds to learn. Socially. Yeah. #exploresocial #experiencesocial

Training Magazine @TrainingMagUS

RT @GerDriesen: Hey @petra_peeters crosspollinator between

#trainingmag and #exploresocial - very good!

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

RT @burrough: @LearnKotch there's a big differnece between a

deeply researched peer reviewed theory and blog posts that pass as
theory #exp

Conor Moss @conmossy

@bbetts @AndrewJacobsLD #exploresocial - it does take a level of

skill and it can emote complicated than it needs be but it is a good alt

Nancy White @NancyWhite

@BurnhamLandD @LearnKotch I think that is why "connectivism" as a

theory attracted me. I could instantly visualize it. #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

@martincouzins @PaulDuxbury @Marcoable nobody seems to work

:) #exploresocial

Kate Herzog @KateSHerzog

@conmossy @AndrewJacobsLD Formal education provides some

base for KSAs of graduates; informal doesn't do this. #exploresocial

Con Sotidis @LearnKotch

@Learning_Dude @NancyWhite doing more where and of what ?

#exploresocial maybe time for academics to get with reality /coal face !

Juliette Young @JY_Xuber

I think if academic and L&D worlds collaborated more duplication &

over theorising could be avoided. Lead toCommon language

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@PaulDuxbury @Marcoable Of course. Do you apply any social

learning theories in your work? That's the topic of tonight's chat

Sam Burrough @burrough

@samt_el but affective context is ok ;-) #exploresocial

Nancy White @NancyWhite

@bbetts If we were socialized 2 be learners, esp. in workplace, scale

might not be such a problem. #exploresocial (and I gotta run. Darn it)

Joitske @joitske

@Learning_Dude would have been nice to define it by discussing

actual practices - but people seem to like theory talk #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

RT @PaulDuxbury: By being social & engaging with the

#exploresocial tag I have just learnt how much I think over-thinking is
bad for us :-)

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

@LearnKotch #exploresocial From my reading so far, I find the

language very 'boxed off' - have wondered if something more
metaphor based pos

Andrew Jacobs @AndrewJacobsLD

#exploresocial @conmossy @bbetts that's the best way to support

workplace learning where performance is usually more fluid.

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

It might help to avoid confusion, and end up inadvertently arguing

semantics. #exploresocial

Paul Duxbury @PaulDuxbury

By being social & engaging with the #exploresocial tag I have just
learnt how much I think over-thinking is bad for us :-) #alwayslearning

Conor Moss @conmossy

@AndrewJacobsLD lots of people have constructed own degrees

using their workplace as the curriculum- learner centred & owned

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

OK. I have to ask. How do you define social? #exploresocial

Ben Betts @bbetts

@conmossy @AndrewJacobsLD for me, issues come in scalability

with HE. Connectivist approaches perhaps seek to address

Sam Taylor @samt_el

@burrough I am looking at wk 2 content and no disrespect intended

the words paragogy and heutagogy don't motivate me to
#exploresocial :)

Andrew Jacobs @AndrewJacobsLD

#exploresocial @conmossy @bbetts Some brilliance equates to

workplace academies and educational language to 'school'
employees. Not sure

Nancy White @NancyWhite

@Learning_Dude It's called CREATIVE Abrasion. Done with love.

#exploresocial #experiencesocial (new tag)

Nona Gormley @nonagormley

#exploresocial Likening to "leadership" theories- multiple..some good,

some not so.Outcomes more important, rather see case studies.

Paul Duxbury @PaulDuxbury

Tell people collaboration (being social) is all about learning we will

turn them off. Let them discover they are learning #exploresocial

Con Sotidis @LearnKotch

@NancyWhite: @burrough @samt_el Maybe the question is WHO

needs to stay on top of social learning theories? :-) #exploresocial +1

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@NancyWhite I hesitated posting due to anticipated abrasion. Thanks

for being open. #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

@burrough @CraigTaylor74 #exploresocial I have been reflecting alot

on the praxis idea - that overlap between theory & practice

Sam Burrough @burrough

@petra_peeters that is a very apt description #exploresocial

Marco Faccini @Marcoable

+1 RT @PaulDuxbury: Catching up with #exploresocial discussion

and this seems apt

Nancy White @NancyWhite

@Learning_Dude The distance between academic and practitioner IS

bridgable. Should we be doing more? #exploresocial

Conor Moss @conmossy

@AndrewJacobsLD @bbetts disagree-some brilliance for #WBL in HE

- many advocates of the workplace as a leg site of learning

Con Sotidis @LearnKotch

@BurnhamLandD really tell us more because I am sensing you onto

something here ! #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

@burrough @CraigTaylor74 #exploresocial I think there are diff ways

of making sense and getting to understand the mechanics of what

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

Keep in mind, a lot of research is conducted in academic vacuums.

Whats published isn't necessarily widely applicable. #exploresocial

Sam Taylor @samt_el

@bbetts @burrough that's the answer to WHO @NancyWhite - we

ask/listen to Ben! #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@petra_peeters It'll be an interesting one to do > yet again


Con Sotidis @LearnKotch

@bbetts nor would you google social learning platforms that deliver
effective social learning experiences ;) #exploresocial

Kate Herzog @KateSHerzog

@PaulDuxbury Love it! Learning involves behavior change, repeated

over time. #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

#exploresocial Something I have noticed from the materials for this

week, is how 'distanced' I find the academic language from my


Ben Betts @bbetts

@burrough @samt_el doesn't help, your missing nothing :)


Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

RT @PaulDuxbury: Catching up with #exploresocial discussion and

this seems apt < Agreed. Thanks for sharing.

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

RT @conmossy: @martincouzins well they are wrong and to blame for

proliferation of bad theory #exploresocial

Paul Duxbury @PaulDuxbury

Catching up with #exploresocial discussion and this seems apt

Petra Peeters @petra_peeters

Watching the avalanche of tweets I feel like I'm in a crowded noisy bar.
Look forward to the Storify Sam & Martin! #exploresocial

Helen Crump @crumphelen

Short and sweet tonight. #exploresocial Gotta dash. Looking forward

to checking out the storify

Nancy White @NancyWhite

@burrough @samt_el Maybe the question is WHO needs to stay on

top of social learning theories? :-) #exploresocial

kategraham23 @kategraham23

Gah am late thanks to mundane, life-over-taking rubbish! Also haven't

started week 2 content but will try and catch up #exploresocial

Ben Betts @bbetts

@LearnKotch it's almost impossible; I mean you wouldn't exactly

Google Computer Supported Collaborative Learning by mistake

Joitske @joitske

@martincouzins @PaulDuxbury @Marcoable NOT! #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

@samt_el I don't think we need a PHD in social, just an awareness of

the work that has been done to understand it #exploresocial

Marco Faccini @Marcoable

@PaulDuxbury #exploresocial Hear! Hear! Let's stop over thinking

social and just get on with "Being Social" :) > with u there Paul

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@PaulDuxbury @Marcoable So being social = social learning?


Michelle ParrySlater @MiPS1608

@Learning_Dude I look forward to your launch! #exploresocial

Sam Taylor @samt_el

oooh wenger, communities of practice - that one I remember from my

KM days #exploresocial

Sam Taylor @samt_el

@burrough is it then that the theories are too theoretical? social lg

seems a more practical subject or tat's my gut feel #exploresocial

Juliette Young @JY_Xuber

@Marcoable @martincouzins that's sound like a very agile approach

:-) as long as there are clear goals why not #exploresocial

Marco Faccini @Marcoable

HT @samt_el: @martincouzins what level of theory do we need to run

a model and test it? #exploresocial >Boom! ;)

Andrew Jacobs @AndrewJacobsLD

#exploresocial @Learning_Dude Depends how you use them. If

they're not shared you're limiting the value for others but p/lising your

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@MiPS1608 I cant say. You might claim rights to it. :P #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

RT @AndrewJacobsLD: #exploresocial Many social learning theories

are formed from parts of informal learning theory. A look at Eraut, Dale

Ben Betts @bbetts

@AndrewJacobsLD see my next tweet. No need to rinse and repeat

others mistakes like they are new. #exploresocial

Con Sotidis @LearnKotch

@bbetts so Ben with myriad of models out there where do I as young

and eager practitioner start ? It's a jungle out there ! #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@conmossy Agree. But not sure others do! #exploresocial

Kate Herzog @KateSHerzog

@bbetts And lots of what happens in higher ed does little to prepare

graduates for real-world environments! #exploresocial

Nancy White @NancyWhite

@MVPCoachZ One more example - story of theory as practiced #exploresocial cc @joitske

Joitske @joitske

How do you social learning interventions look like? #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

RT @CraigTaylor74: @burrough @BurnhamLandD there is, if it's not

something that's commonplace i.e. spacing. But 'social' is
commonplace. #e

Sam Burrough @burrough

@samt_el but it seems few people have even an awareness that there
are theories, not sure that can be good #exploresocial

Marco Faccini @Marcoable

@Learning_Dude #exploresocial now that's a great point. It is another

'label' also unfortunately

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

@burrough @CraigTaylor74 #exploresocial I agree. And we can also

learn about social through our own experience of it.

Sam Taylor @samt_el

@Marcoable @martincouzins what level of theory do we need to run a

model and test it? #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@Marcoable of course but explain why L and D adopted learning

styles? Without some evidence you can repeat same mistakes


Andrew Jacobs @AndrewJacobsLD

#exploresocial @bbetts Not sure HE is the best model for workplace


Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

Just because technology allows us to connect, doesnt automatically

make it social. #exploresocial

Paul Duxbury @PaulDuxbury

RT @Marcoable: @martincouzins #exploresocial asked tonights Q to

my kids - guess what I was met with Blank Stares and comment of
Really, we

Ben Betts @bbetts

If not to copy but to avoid, it's worth a browse #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@AndrewJacobsLD Hmmm. Ive created playlists of YouTube

courses. Is that the same? #exploresocial

Sam Taylor @samt_el

not that it's not important but the level of detail and rigour of academic
research here seems too much for what we need #exploresocial

Ben Betts @bbetts

Not many corporate L&D know what's been done in higher ed; CSCL
is a big field, as is Learning Design #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

@CraigTaylor74 @BurnhamLandD hang on most things in the world

are common place but they still need to be understood #exploresocial

Sam Taylor @samt_el

just reading some of the wk2 content. am thinking why do I need this
heavy theory - might be why we can't answer the q #exploresocial

Nancy White @NancyWhite

Paper on evaluating social learning (I've not read yet) #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

RT @bbetts: If someone is paying you to 'design' social, I'd think an

appreciation of frameworks / models would be in order #exploresocial

Con Sotidis @LearnKotch

@martincouzins and the theorist don't make it up as they go along ? It

just that they have structured / packaged it better. #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@KateSHerzog Im in several MOOCs, but Im going through them on

my own. Discussion board on occasion as required. #exploresocial

Nancy White @NancyWhite

@MVPCoachZ So when I talk about complexity, I borrow from the

types of stories @snowded tells (I'll grab a link). Metaphors.

Ryan Zimmerman @MVPCoachZ

RT @KateSHerzog: @Learning_Dude @JY_Xuber @martincouzins

YouTube = Just-in-time or on-demand learning. #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@KateSHerzog @JY_Xuber @martincouzins Yep. Isnt that what more

of us want though? #exploresocial

Ben Betts @bbetts

If someone is paying you to 'design' social, I'd think an appreciation of

frameworks / models would be in order #exploresocial

Alan Jerram @Alanjerram

Action Learning sets form the basis of a lot of our courses nowadays

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

Ive been thinking about what we might call it instead of social

learning. It doesnt do justice to what were doing. #exploresocial

Marco Faccini @Marcoable

@martincouzins #exploresocial can we not understand by 'doing' and

testing and failing :) has more impact than theory IMO

Kate Herzog @KateSHerzog

@Learning_Dude @JY_Xuber @martincouzins YouTube = Just-intime or on-demand learning. #exploresocial

Andrew Jacobs @AndrewJacobsLD

#exploresocial Coffield to get a sense of what social means.

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@JY_Xuber Im a fan of structure, I think L&D ought to do more of it,

but I dont think thats in the form of an LMS. #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

@LearnKotch there's a big differnece between a deeply researched

peer reviewed theory and blog posts that pass as theory

Andrew Jacobs @AndrewJacobsLD

#exploresocial Many social learning theories are formed from parts of

informal learning theory. A look at Eraut, Dale and Bell, Bentley &

Joitske @joitske

@JY_Xuber @Learning_Dude @martincouzins self directed is just

part of the story we also need collective learning #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@JY_Xuber @martincouzins To an extent. YouTube has no course

structure, and yet Ive learned a lot from watching videos.

Juliette Young @JY_Xuber

@Learning_Dude @martincouzins I think self directing, learner driven

is important but structure is equally so #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@Marcoable but does that stack up if you are a learning professional?

Surely, you need understanding of how it works? #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

I think theory serves to baseline an industry. It gives an Oh, yeah!

opportunity when we get too far off track. #exploresocial

Marco Faccini @Marcoable

@Learning_Dude @martincouzins #exploresocial agreed - self

directed learning has been around for 10'yrs just didint realise it

Joitske @joitske

sometimes using social learning is being more aware of informal

dynamics - thought leaders in organisations #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

@martincouzins #exploresocial I think credibility requires much more

than just this!

Con Sotidis @LearnKotch

@burrough Sam maybe it's because we have so many theories and

we are tired of them. We just want to do our job #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

@BurnhamLandD @CraigTaylor74 if people didn't do the research

how could we debunk things like learning styles? #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@joitske @martincouzins I hope so. Thats what Im trying to figure out

/ understand now. #exploresocial

Helen Crump @crumphelen

@burrough @Learning_Dude @martincouzins @dajbelshaw me2,

but that's what came to mind #exploresocial. Theory is
hindsight/bleeding obvious?

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@LearnKotch @curatr It does. #exploresocial

Doug Belshaw @dajbelshaw

RT @crumphelen: @Learning_Dude @martincouzins 'The theory is

the child of the cure, not the opposite' Nassim Nicholas Taleb via

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@martincouzins My 3-year old knows ABCs and writes her name;

shes never been to a course on letters, or writing. #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

@burrough @CraigTaylor74 #exploresocial On the contrary, I think

there is value in this - it can sharpen our thinking & challenge myths

Marco Faccini @Marcoable

@martincouzins #exploresocial asked tonights Q to my kids - guess

what I was met with Blank Stares and comment of Really, we just do it

Con Sotidis @LearnKotch

@Learning_Dude @curatr now Stephen that is a good question.

Socially yes. Physically not as much #exploresocial hope this makes
sense ;)

Joitske @joitske

@Learning_Dude @martincouzins can't courses become more social

learning? #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

RT @martincouzins: Surely L and D needs credibility through

research/evidence/models? Or is this make it up as we go along?

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

Surely L and D needs credibility through research/evidence/models?

Or is this make it up as we go along? #exploresocial

Ryan Zimmerman @MVPCoachZ

@NancyWhite thx can you share example or link? #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@martincouzins Thats not to say there wont be a need for courses,

but self-directed is here, and its going to stay. #exploresocial

Kate Herzog @KateSHerzog

How can you argue with Bandura? Environment, Personal

Characteristics, & Behavior-colearner, learner, facilitator - all impt


Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

@CraigTaylor74 #exploresocial I think alot of the language used in

the academic literature feels quite distanced for me from my reality.

Con Sotidis @LearnKotch

RT @Marcoable: Not sure I use any theories I've always learnt on the
job and what works best for Biz and Culture might use pick & mix?

Sam Burrough @burrough

@crumphelen @Learning_Dude @martincouzins @dajbelshaw I

might have to say that one out loud to understand it :) #exploresocial

Sam Taylor @samt_el

@burrough @LearnKotch could link into the praxis content from wk 2 we are overloaded w theory at the expenses of practice

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@martincouzins IMHO, the future of L&D is to get out of the way;

provide a framework for learning, not an LMS for courses.

Alan Jerram @Alanjerram

Since #LearningLive14 we've been fostering 4 young boys (8 &

under) and we def see social learning happening (unfortunately)

Nancy White @NancyWhite

@MVPCoachZ Via stories! #exploresocial - and then with PICTURES!

Marco Faccini @Marcoable

@martincouzins: To what extent do social learning theories inform

your practice? #exploresocial > might ask my kids that Q....

Sam Burrough @burrough

@CraigTaylor74 @BurnhamLandD so is there no value in looking at

findings of people who have studied something in detail?

Joitske @joitske

@nancywhite how do you work with theories in practice?


Helen Crump @crumphelen

@Learning_Dude @martincouzins 'The theory is the child of the cure,

not the opposite' Nassim Nicholas Taleb via @dajbelshaw

Ryan Zimmerman @MVPCoachZ

In a new org or proj how do you communicate what theories you love
and what theories the organization is comfortable with?

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@Learning_Dude Great point. If we understood how people learn best

we wouldn't do that so where do we learn this stuff? #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@burrough Im not opposed to theory. I think it establishes common

ground; it may also create rose-colored glasses. #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

@petra_peeters #exploresocial I think it can deepen discussion and

also on occasion obscure it! Deep discussion can also occur without it.

Con Sotidis @LearnKotch

@Learning_Dude @martincouzins that's my point Stephen we over

engineer / complicate the simplest of things. #exploresocial

Craig Taylor @CraigTaylor74

@BurnhamLandD My point precisely. I'm always concerned about our

desire to 'overcomplicate' things #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

@martincouzins If possible I try and work with communities and

networks rather than structured courses #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

@LearnKotch not advocating that you do - it's curious that there is a lot
of negativity or ambivalence to theory #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

I think, in every way possible, we should try to make learning about

getting in and getting hands dirty, fast. #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

That question again: To what extent do social learning theories inform

your practice? #exploresocial

Con Sotidis @LearnKotch

@Learning_Dude: @martincouzins ...trying to hard to turn learning

into something it was never really intended to be. #exploresocial +1

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@LearnKotch Con, are you involved in the @curatr MOOC?


Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@LearnKotch Of course! #exploresocial

Sam Taylor @samt_el

RT @Marcoable: Not sure I use any theories I've always learnt on the
job and what works best for Biz and Culture might use pick & mix?

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@martincouzins Touche. However, we expend inordinate amounts of

energy building courses and exams. Are they effective?

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@NancyWhite @samt_el Yes! #exploresocial

Con Sotidis @LearnKotch

@martincouzins sorry not caught ip to that week yet. I will just watch
and chime in. #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@Learning_Dude In what sense? If theories help make sense of the

world I presume some are useful #exploresocial

Marco Faccini @Marcoable

Not sure I use any theories I've always learnt on the job and what
works best for Biz and Culture might use pick & mix? #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

@CraigTaylor74 #exploresocial I think this is because it seems like

such a natural thing to do to learn socially.

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@KateSHerzog @martincouzins Agreed. #exploresocial

Nancy White @NancyWhite

@samt_el @martincouzins Does social learning theory explain why

we snort tea out our noses, laughing, during a #exploresocial

Juliette Young @JY_Xuber

@MVPCoachZ I think you could say the same for most theories or
methodologies. Use the tools most relevant to you #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

@petra_peeters you may try and use that helps!


Con Sotidis @LearnKotch

@burrough why do I need to adopt a theory. Really as Shrek would

say once you in unpeel the layer they are all the same #exploresocial

Kate Herzog @KateSHerzog

@Learning_Dude @martincouzins Just remember how many species

of creatures actually engage in social learning! #exploresocial

Petra Peeters @petra_peeters

This twitterfest is not my cup of tea, I'm leaving the arena and will climb
the balcony #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

@joitske @petra_peeters fair point but it's tricky there's no way we

could cover it all in on week #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

Is connecting people through technology really social learning?

Maybe we start by defining learning. #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

@CraigTaylor74 #exploresocial Similar for me - most of the time I am

not conscious of following social learning theories.

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@samt_el That's community building/management, right? That a

theory? #exploresocial

Nancy White @NancyWhite

Building on @Learning_Dude my latest social learning theory is "be a

grandmother and the world is revealed anew!" #exploresocial

Sam Taylor @samt_el

@LearnKotch @martincouzins probably, I've ready so many things I

don't consciously apply any of them! #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

RT @CraigTaylor74: @burrough It's true! We've done it as a species,

before we knew what a 'theory' was #exploresocial

Con Sotidis @LearnKotch

@samt_el @martincouzins what about a Stepper fan of Work Out

Loud #exploresocial you see there are so many theories ;)

Joitske @joitske

I'm curious if it informs your practice -WHAT do you do? #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@martincouzins I think we may be trying to hard to turn learning into

something it was never really intended to be. #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@martincouzins Ugh. I feel like Im not making sense. I learn a lot

about learning from watching my kids. #exploresocial

Craig Taylor @CraigTaylor74

@burrough It's true! We've done it as a species, before we knew what

a 'theory' was #exploresocial

Ryan Zimmerman @MVPCoachZ

Social theory is a toolbox We use what we feel most comfortable with. I

want empathy user focus reflection knowledge mapping.

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@LearnKotch I'd refer you to the content in week 2 of the MOOC.

Afraid 140 characters is too much of a stretch!! #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@martincouzins I think Banduras research is sound; however, adults

dont observe as much as children. #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

@petra_peeters do we have a common background yet in this MOOC

you think? #exploresocial

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

RT @CraigTaylor74: #exploresocial "to what extent does social

learning theory inform yr practice?" As much as theory of gravity
informs me

Alan Jerram @Alanjerram

"@Learning_Dude: I tend to be very practical, so if something isnt

working I throw it out and try something else. #exploresocial" > Ditto

Sam Burrough @burrough

ok so which theories do you find most useful in practice?


Petra Peeters @petra_peeters

A common background of theories deepens discussions between

practitioners #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@Learning_Dude Are there ones you use more often than others?

Kate Herzog @KateSHerzog

Prefer synchronicity - but asynchronicity provides time for reflection,

which is a necessary element in any learning. #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@samt_el Ha! Youve got me feeling hungry, and wondering what Ill
have tonight. #exploresocial

Nancy White @NancyWhite

@samt_el @martincouzins WAIT! Social learning is about WEED?

#exploresocial #youmustbeinwashingtonstate

Sam Burrough @burrough

@LearnKotch @martincouzins yeah go on Martin ;-) #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

RT @LearnKotch: @martincouzins maybe you can refresh us (in 140)

on what social learning theories exist/referring to #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

social theories are quite central to my work though it depends on the

situation how it translates into practice #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

I tend to be very practical, so if something isnt working I throw it out

and try something else. #exploresocial

Con Sotidis @LearnKotch

@martincouzins maybe you can refresh us (in 140) on what social

learning theories exist/referring to #exploresocial

Sam Taylor @samt_el

late again #exploresocial (been out for dinner!)

Sam Taylor @samt_el

@martincouzins more jane harts ideas, seed weed and feed


Sam Burrough @burrough

@NancyWhite don't worry we're just getting started - glad you could
join us #exploresocial

Nancy White @NancyWhite

@martincouzins Social learning theories help me reflect on my

practice vs inform it (from the start). But reflection informs

Craig Taylor @CraigTaylor74

#exploresocial "to what extent does social learning theory inform yr

practice?" As much as theory of gravity informs me dropping a ball!

Helen Crump @crumphelen

SoLearn theories inform my practice 2a MASSIVE extent. From adult

literacy background - literacy is situated social practice #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

Technology enables us to connect, but it also precludes some degree

of true observation. #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@BurnhamLandD Hi Rachel, great to have you here #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@martincouzins No. I think it means I use theory to guide my

investigation of research and use cases. #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

@Alanjerram already wondered about the south coast of the

Netherlands :) #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

RT @KateSHerzog: I'm a firm believer in "Do as I do" - Bandura's

observation, imitation, and modeling #exploresocial

Alan Jerram @Alanjerram

"@joitske: @Alanjerram south coast of? #exploresocial"

Sorry...England today!!!!

Joitske @joitske

@NancyWhite nice to see you here! #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@Learning_Dude Does that mean you steer clear of them?


Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

@martincouzins Hello Martin, I joining in from Manchester, UK


Nancy White @NancyWhite

Waving to all from Seattle, USA. #exploresocial - a wee bit late

Joitske @joitske

@Alanjerram south coast of? #exploresocial

Kate Herzog @KateSHerzog

I'm a firm believer in "Do as I do" - Bandura's observation, imitation,

and modeling #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

Having said that, I believe theory is rooted in universal laws, and that
it helps to keep theory in view. #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

RT @Learning_Dude: To a greater extent, use cases and current

research influence the work we do. Theory is, well theoretical.

Alan Jerram @Alanjerram

#exploresocial Al on the south coast - good to see you all

Helen Crump @crumphelen

@burrough @andrewmid Nice. Like your thinking #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

So, tonight's question: To what extent do social learning theories

inform your practice? #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

To a greater extent, use cases and current research influence the work
we do. Theory is, well theoretical. #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@Learning_Dude Hi Stephen :) #exploresocial

Helen Crump @crumphelen

Hi Helen here in Northampton. Looking forward to this but can only

stay half hour :( #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

@petra_peeters hi there! #exploresocial

Petra Peeters @petra_peeters

From Nijmegen, the Netherlands #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

@KateSHerzog @MartinCouzins thanks Kate very kind of you!


Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

RT @Marcoable: RT @martincouzins: Tonight's #exploresocial chat

will be at 8.30pm GMT and the question to be discussed is . . .

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@KateSHerzog @martincouzins @burrough Thanks Kate!


Sam Burrough @burrough

@crumphelen @andrewmid that's very much what we'll be looking at

next week on #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

Lets get started. Our question is: To what extent do social learning
theories inform your practice? #exploresocial

Stephen Bruington @Learning_Dude

@martincouzins Good afternoon. Stephen from Roanoke, Virginia,

USA. 3:32 PM EST #exploresocial

Helen Crump @crumphelen

Good Q for #exploresocial via #lthechat & @andrewmid Does social

learning informally differ from social learning formally do you think?

Juliette Young @JY_Xuber

@martincouzins checking in from South East England #exploresocial

Ryan Zimmerman @MVPCoachZ

Hey guys Ryan from US. #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

I'm in Bath, UK #exploresocial

Sam Burrough @burrough

evening all - Sam in Bristol here #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

@joitske Good evening :) #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

So who's here and where in the world you are tonight? #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

@martincouzins hello from the Netherlands #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

Welcome to tonights #exploresocial chat

Kate Herzog @KateSHerzog

@LauraLJ Lurking IS a form of social learning. Often feel need to

REFLECT before adding my 2 cents worth. #exploresocial

Joitske @joitske

RT @burrough: 10 minutes to go to till wk2 #exploresocial twitter chat to what extent does social learning theory inform your practice?

Alan Jerram @Alanjerram

RT @burrough: 10 minutes to go to till wk2 #exploresocial twitter chat to what extent does social learning theory inform your practice?

Ryan Zimmerman @MVPCoachZ

RT @burrough: 10 minutes to go to till wk2 #exploresocial twitter chat to what extent does social learning theory inform your practice?

Sam Burrough @burrough

10 minutes to go to till wk2 #exploresocial twitter chat - to what extent

does social learning theory inform your practice?

Helen Crump @crumphelen

Then I read '9 reasons why I am NOT a Social Constructivist' by

@DonaldClark for #exploresocial

Helen Crump @crumphelen

Just read 'Is all learning social?' by @timbuckteeth for #exploresocial

Juliette Young @JY_Xuber

Connectivism via @visually #Visually #infographic


Wilfred Rubens @wrubens

Investing some time on #exploresocial. Week 2 of this MOOC about

theories on social learning. Interesting. Hard to partic. in interactions

Marco Faccini @Marcoable

RT @martincouzins: Tonight's #exploresocial chat will be at 8.30pm

GMT and the question to be discussed is . . .

Ger DriesenL&Dexpert @GerDriesen

Hey @petra_peeters crosspollinator between #trainingmag and

#exploresocial - very good!

Ger DriesenL&Dexpert @GerDriesen

#exploresocial @HalellyAzulay: explained social learning to my dad,

he said, "we used to call that 'asking people questions!' #TrainingMag

Ger DriesenL&Dexpert @GerDriesen

RT @petra_peeters: "@JaneBozarth: Framework for assessing the

value of social learning
#TrainingMag" #exploresocial

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

Tonight's #exploresocial chat will be at 8.30pm GMT and the question

to be discussed is . . .

Rachel Burnham @BurnhamLandD

@ChayneDaisy Thank you for those comments, Gina. I've been

enjoying yr comments in the #exploresocial MOOC - I'm enjoying it.

Class Charts @Classcharts

RT @martincouzins: Today's #exploresocial question is: To what

extent do social learning theories inform your practice? Join us at
8.30pm G

Lesley Price @lesleywprice

RT @burrough: RT @martincouzins: Today's #exploresocial question

is: To what extent do social learning theories inform your practice?

kategraham23 @kategraham23

RT @martincouzins: Today's #exploresocial question is: To what

extent do social learning theories inform your practice? Join us at
8.30pm G

Sam Burrough @burrough

RT @martincouzins: Today's #exploresocial question is: To what

extent do social learning theories inform your practice? Join us at
20:30 GMT

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

Today's #exploresocial question is: To what extent do social learning

theories inform your practice? Join us at 8.30pm GMT to discuss

Sam Burrough @burrough

what effect are points, voting & leadership boards having on your
#exploresocial experience? Join the discussion

Sam Burrough @burrough

RT @martincouzins: Conversations from 1st #exploresocial Twitter

chat - Big thanks to Martin for making sense of it

Petra Peeters @petra_peeters

"@JaneBozarth: Framework for assessing the value of social learning #TrainingMag"

Martin Couzins @martincouzins

RT @MVPCoachZ: Excited for #exploresocial chat later today. 3:30pm


Feb 11, 2015 at 3:53pm UTC

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