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The Popes Hands Are Tied ...

Is This What Prevents Him from Making the Consecration? Reporting a

meeting of several Cardinals in early spring 1981, Father Malachi Martin tells us
in his book The Jesuits (on pages 85-86) that the Vatican-Moscow Agreement
was reaffirmed in the early days of the Pontificate of Pope John Paul II. We
quote here the appropriate passage where Stato (as the author refers to the
Secretary of State who is Cardinal Casaroli) openly refers to this historic and
sad event.
"Religiosis challenge to His Holiness to let the meeting go off-track, veer away
from the matter of the Jesuit problem, had been surgically amputated.
"With almost no gap in the discussion, however, Stato* took up the
cudgels. His approach was much more indirect than Religiosis had
been. Stato* reminded his Venerable Colleagues that he had been with
the present Holy Father at His Holinesss two meetings with the Soviet
negotiator, Anatoly Adamshin, the most recent of which had been
earlier this very year of 1981. His Holiness had given the Soviets a
guarantee that no word or action, either by His Holiness or the Polish
Hierarchy or Solidaritys leaders, would violate the Moscow-Vatican Pact
of 1962.
"Stato* did not need to explain to his listeners that in the late spring of 1962, a
certain Eugene Cardinal Tisserant had been dispatched by Pope John XXIII to
meet with a Russian prelate, one Metropolitan Nikodim, representing the Soviet
Politburo of Premier Nikita Khrushchev. Pope John ardently desired to know if
the Soviet Government would allow two members of the Russian Orthodox
Church to attend the Second Vatican Council set to open the following October.
The meeting between Tisserant and Nikodim took place in the official residence
of Paul Joseph Schmitt, then the bishop of Metz, France. There, Nikodim gave
the Soviet answer. His government would agree, provided the Pope would
guarantee two things: that his forthcoming Council would issue no
condemnation of Soviet Communism or of Marxism, and that the Holy See
would make it a rule for the future to abstain from all such official
"Nikodim got his guarantees. Matters were orchestrated after that for Pope John
by Jesuit Cardinal Augustine Bea until the final agreement was concluded in
Moscow, and was carried out in Rome, in that Vatican Council as well as in the
policies of the Holy See for nearly two decades since.
"Stato* said he had but two questions to ask. The Vatican Council and two
Popes since John XXIII had respected this guarantee. Would His Holiness also

respect the guarantee? And would his Polish Hierarchy and Solidaritys leaders
respect it?
"The question Stato* did not ask was so clear to everyone by now that he did
not need to put it into words: How could John Paul II indict the Jesuits for their
support of Marxist thinkers and Communist guerillas in Latin America without
explicitly condemning Soviet Marxism and its Communist surrogates? Without,
in other words, violating not only the Metz Pact, but his own assurance to
Adamshin that "Metz," as the little-known agreement was generally referred to,
would be respected during his pontificate?
"Statos* message, then, was clear. He knew as well as anyone that Jesuit
wanderlust from Catholic teaching could be reproved in terms that would violate
no pact or agreement. But he would protect the Jesuits. Would His Holiness
fight about it? Or compromise?"
As explained above, Stato is Cardinal Casaroli. *
Emphasis added by Editor of The Fatima Crusader.

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