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Clnica de ORTOPEDIA Y TRAUMATOLOGIA (Especialistas no se ponen de acuerdo)

Cordiales saludos a todos. Pues vern, resulta que tengo un problema en la rodilla izquierda
que consiste en lesin de ligamento cruzado anterior, meniscopatia de 2 y 3er grado, entre
otras cosas. Esto fue lo que arroj una resonancia (nada barata) que me hice. Desde hace
unos 4 meses, debido a que inconscientemente me apoyo ms con la derecha para caminar,
cargar cosas pesadas, etc. Ya siento molestias en esa rodilla tambin. Bueno, pues fui a la
clnica de Ortopedia y Traumatologa ubicada en Av. Instituto Tcnico Industrial No. 20 Col. Sto.
Toms con el doctor L.M.A cuyas cdulas son CED 851031 y CED. ESP AEIE-01842. Egresado
de la Escuela Mdico Militar y tambin de la Escuela Militar de Graduados de Sanidad. l me
revis, hizo que doblara las rodillas, tambin l estuvo manipulndolas, revis mi resonancia y
me dijo que lo que apareca en dicho estudio era mentira y que no tena nada de lo
mencionado ah. Me dijo tambin que en dado caso que necesitara ciruga pues tendra que
ser en AMBAS RODILLAS porque supuestamente las rotulas las tena un poco altas algo as
me dio a entender. Tambin me mencion que las cirugas son muy peligrosas porque no hay
garanta de quedar bien. Incluso uno puede quedar peor. Pero que primero bamos a usar
medicamentos para ver si me salvaba de dicha ciruga. Ok, me mand la medicina (nada
barata por cierto) y me dice Te veo en 2 semanas. La consulta la cobran a $500. Compre la
medicina y empec a tomarla. Obviamente no fui a las 2 semanas porque para empezar
trabajo y estudio. Adems no tengo automvil, uso transporte pblico para trasladarme y la
clnica que se ubica por el metro LA NORMAL me queda bastante lejos. Pero lo visit por
segunda vez casi a las 4 semanas. Entonces me revis y le dije que la rodilla derecha (la
buena) an me dola incluso ms que la izquierda (la mala). Lo nico que me mand fue hacer
diariamente unos ejercicios sencillos para ambas rodillas y que continuara con el mismo
tratamiento mdico. Al final me dijo Estoy seguro que se va a salvar de la ciruga ya ver, nos
vemos en 2 semanas.
Obviamente no fui a las 2 semanas por lo mencionado anteriormente. Pero fui por 3 vez casi
a la 4 semana de nuevo. Pero como fue en el horario vespertino estaba ahora el Doctor R.M.C.
cuyas cdulas son CED 3394003 y CED. ESP 3445598, egresado solamente de la Escuela
Militar de Graduados de Sanidad. Bueno, pues ya ni modo pens. Le plante mi situacin a
ste segundo especialista y lo que su colega el doctor anterior me haba dicho. Me hizo una
similar revisin en ambas rodillas como el otro doctor a diferencia que con su dedo pulgar me
presion diferentes reas de ambas rodillas que me ocasionaron algo de dolor, pero en fin,
cada mdico tiene su forma de revisar. Posteriormente revis mi resonancia (de la rodilla mala
raro que dijiera que el menisco estaba roto porque tengo entendido que cuando un menisco se
rompe es imposible caminar pero en fin. La verdad me qued atnito al escuchar esto, no
saba que decir! Pero en mi mente tambin me preguntaba: Quien de los 2 ortopedistas
tiene la razn? Ambos son especialistas graduados de escuelas militares con 2 nmeros de
cdulas profesionales cada uno! Mientras pensaba yo todo lo anterior me dijo que era muy
delicado hablar de ciruga porque uno no queda al %100 de la rodilla, sino al %80. As que me
mand casi el mismo tratamiento que el otro doctor, con un medicamento un poco diferente.
Tambin me dijo que tena que usar rodillera y me dijo que no caminara tanto, que no
estuviera tanto tiempo de pie y que no cargara cosas pesadas (lo cual es imposible porque en

mi trabajo hago todo sto). Al final me hizo una Terpia de Infiltracin (una inyeccin) en la
rodilla derecha porque le mencion que sta rodilla me dola ms que la mala desde hace unos
meses por apoyarme ms en sta. Finalmente me dijo LO VEO EN 2 SEMANAS pagu $500
de consulta y adicionalmente $800 de la inyeccin que me dio. El caso es que ya casi voy a
cumplir un mes de esa ltima visita y a an sigo sintiendo molestia en mi rodilla derecha. O
sea que la Terapia de Infiltracin sirvi solo para tirar ms dinero. Honestamente hoy es el da
en que ya desconfo completamente de ambos doctores. Y lo digo porque ninguno me ha
servido ni para quitarme la molestia de la rodilla derecha (la buena). Adems una de las
medicinas que me mand ste ltimo doctor tiene la misma sustancia activa que el otro
medicamento que me tengo que tomar, quizs se equivoc. Cuando empec con ste
tratamiento empec a sentirme mal del estmago tambin, no s si por la dosis aumentada de
la misma sustancia activa. La medicina que mandaron ambos doctores es muy cara y luego
para que salgan con esto. De verdad que no se vale! As que mejor buscar otras opiniones y a
ellos nunca ms los visitar. El servicio de La Clnica de Ortopedia y Traumatologa ES
LAMENTABLE Y APESTA! Ojal ustedes que estn leyendo esto me comenten que opinan? A
quin de los 2 ortpedistas le haran caso? De antemano muchas gracias por leerme y tengan
cuidado con los doctores que visitan. Siempre es mejor buscar una tercera, cuarta y quinta
opinin antes de decidir operarse. Imagnense si hubiera ido a consulta ah cada 2 semanas
como me lo decan. Cunto dinero habra tirado?
EFT (Tcnicas de Liberacin Emocional) cuidado!
Cordiales Saludos de nuevo. En sta ocasin me gustara alertar a toda la audiencia acerca de
las Tecnicas de Liberacin Emocional (EFT por sus siglas en ingls de Emotional Freedom
Techniques). sta queja no es para hablar mal de sta terpia como tal; es solo para que
dependiendo de que clase de problema tengan, ustedes mismos aprendan a decidir cuando
hacrsela cuando no. Pues vern, como publiqu en mi caso anterior Yo tengo problemas en
las rodillas. Todo empez hace casi 8 aos cuando tuve un accidenten en las escaleras
elctricas del metro por subir corriendo; me tropec y me pegu muy feo en la rodilla
izquierda, cranme amigos! El dolor es infernal! En ese momento fui con un mdico general y
me mand a sacar una radiografa en la cual no sali absolutamente nada extraordinario, todo
se vea normal. Entonces con puro medicamento me cur o al menos eso pens. Los
siguientes 6 aos estuve perfecto. Cabe destacar que en esos momentos no llevaba una vida
tan activa y deportiva como en los aos siguientes. En el 2011 por problemas graves en mi
sistema digestivo decid adoptar una vida ms deportiva; as que decid hacer ciclismo. Cada
fin de semana lo practicaba y tambin corra muchsimo, pero con tantas ganas que ms o
menos al ao empec a sentir dolor en la rodilla izquierda. En esos momentos todava no me
caa el 20 de que en esa rodilla aos atrs haba tenido el accidente antes mencionado, es
decir, no me acordaba. Con el paso del tiempo lo record todo. As que decid descansar un
tiempo, tomar glucosamina y cosas similares. Tambin compr un anablico de los que venden
en las tiendas naturistas, lo tom por 15 das y gracias a esto la molestia de la rodilla
desapareci. Entonces volv a retomar mi entrenamiento. Los primeros meses estuve perfecto,
pero mas o menos al sexto mes (Octubre del 2013) empec de nuevo con dolores. Decid dejar
la bicicleta un tiempo porque eso era lo que me provocaba ms dolor. Y lo que haca era trotar
lo cual me generaba dolor pero no tanto. Sin embargo, las molestias empeoraron. As que a
principios ms o menos de ste ao fui con unos conocidos mdicos generales, un matrimonio
que son el Doctor y su esposa Enfermera. Ellos realizan diferente tipos de terapias (Terpia
Neuronal, Acupultura, Ozonoterpia, EFT). En ste caso fui con la idea de hacerme

ozonoterapia porque a un familiar alguna vez se la hicieron y qued de maravilla de una lesin
en su hombro. El doctor me revis mi rodilla y posteriormente me inyect ozono en 3 reas
distintas de mi rodilla. Me dijo que fuera a los 7 das para ver cmo estaba. No senta
absolutamente nada de mejora. Volv a ir al sptimo da y le dije al doctor que la molestia era
igual, me dola al caminar. Entonces procedi a volverme a hacer la ozonoterapia por segunda
vez. Adicionalmente su esposa me practic la famosa EFT gratuitamente. Segn ella despus
de sa terapia tena que sentir que la molestia en mi rodilla desapareca al terminar la sesin.
En qu consiste la EFT? En que estando el paciente acostado, la persona encargada de
hacerla te d golpecitos (taping) con su mano en distintas parte del cuerpo (rostro y palmas de
las manos principalmente), te hace recitar repetir cosas optimistas, en mi caso fue algo
como A pesar de que mi rodilla me duele, Yo me quiero mucho, y dems frases similares.
sta terapia es principalmente para problemas emocionales. En mi caso tambin se apoy en
la Magnetoterpia, lo cual consiste en colocar imanes en las articulaciones y en las manos.
sta persona me dijo que todo ser humano, independientemente de los problemas que
tengamos debemos de aprender a ser felices, no ser tan preocupones. En fin, me di un
completo sermn acerca de eso. Yo solo callado escuchando. Al trmino de dicha sesin me
pregunt que como me senta de mi rodilla, yo le dije que el dolor en general solo aparece al
caminar y que en ese momento senta ms el dolor por las inyecciones de la ozonoterapia de
su esposo; ella insisti preguntndome pero no te sientes mejor?, yo le respond casi lo
mismo pero con otras palabras. Ella insisti con la misma pregunta por tercera ves, pero con
otras palabras y yo insist tambin con la misma respuesta por tercera vez pero con otras
palabras. Llegu a la conclusin que ella quera que le diera el avin y le dijera Si ya me
siento mejor, gracias pero no era as obviamente, para que mentir? Pero bueno, despus de
unas 5 o 6 veces de insistir con la misma terquedad, ya baj con el doctor el cual me dijo de
nuevo que si la molestia persista, me vea en 7 das y me regal un gel de Ketoprofeno para
untrmelo en el da y en la noche. Cmo era de esperarse las molestias persistan. Pero ya no
fui con ellos, decid descansar unos meses. Me saqu una nueva radiografa en la cual salieron
cosas medio extraas en mi rodilla mala, as que decid buscar mdicos ortopedistas para mi
problema. Aqu, mis amables amigos, fue dnde empez el calvario con los doctorcillos de la
Clnica de Ortopedia y Traumatologa, caso que publiqu el 19/11/14 para que lo lean, ya que
es complemento de sta amarga experiencia con mi rodilla.
Volviendo a la EFT, pues vern, yo respeto mucho esto porque entiendo que hay personas a
las cuales si les funciona ste tipo de terapias. Algunas veces con el simple hecho de hablar de
nuestros problemas con familia o amigos pues nos sentimos un poco mejor. Pero seamos
realistas, cada cabeza es un mundo; cada problema enfermedad son nicos dependiendo de
quin los tenga. Por ejemplo, la homeopata me ha controlado la migraa y desde hace casi 7
aos ya no me ha atacado (sta es otra historia %100 real de mi vida), esto no quiere decir
que a otra persona que tiene migraa le va a servir la homeopata cierto? Cada caso es
distinto, no generalicemos por favor. Cada persona tiene sus propias batallas, sus propios
problemas. El nico que entiende una batalla es el que la est luchando. El nico que entiende
una vida es el que la est viviendo. Somos seres imperfectos que simplemente manifestamos
emociones dependiendo de las situaciones que se nos presenten, porque el mundo en que
vivimos la mayora de veces es hostil e imperfecto. Alguna vez escuch un dicho que deca La
vida pasa para todos, pero no para todos pasa igual. No critiquemos ni nos burlemos de las
personas que tienen sus propios problemas, porque quizs para nosotros se nos haga
insignificante la situacin por la cual est pasando nuestro vecino, pero para l que la est
viviendo pues claro que no verdad? Ni modo que yo grite muy eufricamente "La rodilla me

duele mucho, que divertido yahooooo!!!" claro que no! Si me preocupo es porque ste
problema lo tengo Yo; es mi salud la que est en juego, no la de nadie ms. Menciono esto
porque la seora siempre suele juzgar a sus pacientes porque se preocupan mucho de sus
problemas. Caray! Hasta dnde Yo s no existen tablas estandarizadas que nos digan cunto
nos tenemos que preocupar dependiendo del problema que tengamos. Ya se los dije, somos
seres imperfectos que solo reaccionamos naturalmente a las situaciones hostiles que se nos
presentan. Por otro lado muchas veces lloramos por desesperacin al enfrentar ciertas
situaciones difciles, no importa si somos nios, adultos, hombres o mujeres; de lo contrario no
todos tendramos glndulas lagrimales para llorar. Somos humanos!!!
Como humilde sugerencia primero vayan con un doctor que les mande a hacer estudios
(porque ste matrimonio de doctores las veces que los he visitado para otros problemas que
he tenido, nunca de los nncas me mandaron a hacer estudios clnicos) y dependiendo de lo
que salga reflejado en dichas resonancias o radiografas pues ustedes decidirn si prueban con
la EFT o n. Otro inconveniente que tiene ste matrimonio de doctores es que todas las
enfermedades las quieren curar con sus terapias. Para empezar, as como existen dolores los
cuales desaparecen con el simple hecho de ignorarlos (me ha pasado) tambin existen
malestares que si uno no se atiende adecuadamente se agravan con el paso del tiempo sin
importar que tan bien ests de tus emociones. Los estudios clnicos se inventaron para algo.
Es muy simple, si todas las enfermedades se curaran a partir de la EFT pues los cardilogos,
ortopedistas, gastrointerologos, neurlogos, etc simplemente se moriran de hambre porque
no tendran a nadie que atender no creen?
No quiero ser drstico, pero imagnense que una persona que sienta un dolor extrao decida
probar con EFT; despus de varias sesiones no siente mejora. Entonces decide ir con un
especialista, el cual le manda a hacer algn estudio y resulta que tena un tumor cancergeno
en esa zona. El especialista le dice que si se hubiera atendido desde antes (en lugar de perder
tiempo con la EFT) no se hubiera agravado tanto su salud. Cuidado amigos!!! Slo ustedes
tienen el poder de decidir con qu doctor que terpia podran ser los adecuados para
tratarse sus padecimientos!!!

UNIT 25 Selection and use of supplementary materials and activities.

Think about these comments from teachers. Which do you agree with and why?
1. My course book is good, but each unit follows the same pattern, so I need supplementary
materials to give the students some variety.
I agree! In classes I going to use supplementary material to improve the learning experience
of my students.
2. I don't see why supplementary materials have to fit into the syllabus. Sometimes it's just
good for learners to have a change - and have some fun.
Totally agree! Supplementary materials are good enough to enrich lessons!

3. You can't expect the coursebook to do everything for you - I often need supplementary
materials for extra practice or for material and activities that the coursebook doesn't provide.
I share your view and additionally we can use teaching aids if we so wish.
1. Look at the contents pages ('map of the book') of a coursebook you have used. Where did
you need to use supplementary materials? Make notes in your Teacher Portfolio on why you
supplemented the coursebook and how.
To be honest since I'm not a teacher yet it's difficult to say. However, I'm in favor of using
supplementary material as much as I can to illustrate better all the lessons and students have
a batter motivation to learn language.
2. Exchange information with your colleagues on supplementary materials and activities you
have used recently. Make notes in your Teacher Portfolio on language level, preparation
needed and any problems you experienced.
3. For ideas on using - and making - supplementary materials, look at Module 13, Units 4 and 5
of A Course in Language Teaching by Penny Ur, Cambridge University Press 1996; Chapter 16,
Section 2-4 and 8-9 of Learning Teaching (Second edition) by Jim Scriviner, Macmillan 2005;
Chapter 4 of Teaching Practice Handbook (Second edition) by Roger Gower, Diane Phillips and
Steve Walters, Macmillan 1995 and Dave's ESL Caf at:
These webpages are very resourcefull! They give you tips about how to teach language and
how to make the class more pleasant by playing didactic games with your students and so
4. Three very useful series of photocppiable materials are: Timesaver Resource Books,
published by Mary Glasgow Magazines. This series includes cross-cultural lessons, grammar,
vocabulary, skills development, games and communicative activities. Sample activities are
downloadable free from:
Penguin Engish Photocopiables, published by Person Longman. This series includes pairwork,
group work, grammar games, vocabulary games, reading games and 'instant lessons'.
Excellent material to use in classes.

Unit 26
Think about these comments from teachers. Which do you agree with and why?

1. I think the teacher is the best visual aid.

I totally agree. Each teacher is the most important element in a class. But teachers need
helpful elements to help students learn easily language. Supplementary material and teaching
aids are essencial too.
2. I don't like to depend on technology because something can always go wrong. The most
reliable aids are simple, like flashcards and the whiteboard.
I agree but you can often to break monotony by playing a video on your tablet or notebook.
3. I like using an OHP because you're always in control of what students are looking at, you can
add to what you've written and students can use it, too.
Excellent idea!

1. Think about a lesson you taught recently and the aids you used. Plan the same lesson again,
this time using different aids (e.g. the board instead of an OHP) or no aids at all (e.g. reading
out a text yourself instead of using a recording). In what ways would there changes make the
lesson different? Make notes in your Teacher Portfolio.
2. What general advice about aids would you give to a colleague or a trainee teacher? And
what specific advice would you give about particular aids?
In general it's essencial to have a laptop with internet connection and a flash drive with a lot of
english book pdf because you can use some of them to add information about your lessons.
3. For some very useful ideas on the use of aids, look at Chapter 11 of The Practice of English
Language Teaching (Fourth edition) by Jeremy Harmer, Person Education Ltd 2007; Chapter 3
of Teaching Practice Handbook (Second edition) by Roger Gower, Diane Phillips and Steve
Walters, Macmillan 2000 and Chapter 5 Section 7 and Chapter 16 Section 1 of Learning
Teaching (Second edition) by Jim Scrivener, Macmillan 2005.
4. You can also find some interesting articles on using aids on this website:
Nice! It contains a lot of useful material for my future classes.
5. Use the TKT Glossary to find the meaning of these terms for aids: board game, rubric,
brochure, handout, leaflet, crossword puzzle, dice, flipchart, graph, grid, video clip,
wordsearch, Ask colleagues what they have used them for.
Board game
A game played by two or more players on a board using dice. Players throw the dice and move
around squares on

the board. By writing different instructions in the squares, teachers can use board games for
controlled language
practice or oral fluency, e.g. when a learner lands on a square, they say a daily routine using
the present simple.
Crossword puzzle
A word game in which learners complete a grid. Learners write the answers to clues in the
squares on the grid. It is
often used to revise vocabulary.
Small blocks of plastic or wood with six sides and a different number of spots on each side.
They are used in board games.
A pad of large sheets of paper fixed to a stand, which teachers use for presenting information
to the class.
A drawing that uses a line or lines to show how two or more set of numbers are related to each
A pattern of straight lines that cross each other to make squares.
Handout, worksheet
A piece of paper with exercises, activities or tasks on it that a teacher gives to learners for a
range of reasons during a class or for reference or homework.
Leaflet, brochure
A piece of printed paper that gives information or advertises something, e.g. a leaflet with
information about local places of interest. This is one example of realia.
Written instructions for an exercise or activity.
Video clip
Part of a video or DVD that can be used in class.
A grid in which each square has a letter of the alphabet. Words are hidden in the grid and
learners have to find them.

UNIT 27 Using language appropriately for a range of classroom
Think about these comments from teachers. Which do you agree with and why?
1. I don't need to think about the exponents I'm going to use in my lessons. I just say what comes into my
head, for example when I'm explaining some language or setting up group work.

If that works for you its ok. But exponents are essential for everybody to communicate too. If I were you I would teach
especific exponents according to the functions in everyday lessons.
2. My learners speak the same L1 as I do. So it's quicker and easier to set up activities, check understanding
and things like that in the mother tongue.
If you do that sometimes its ok. But in general its better to use only L2 in all lessons since learners get used to it so
that they practice more and can acquire L2 easily.
3. I listened to an audio recording of one of my lessons. I noticed that I always use the same exponens. I don't
think is a good idea.
I share your view. The more different exponents students learn, the less monotony you will have in lessons.
Teachers can contribute to teach additional exponents.

1. For useful examples of classroom language for youn learners classrooms, look at English for Primary
Teachers by Mary Slattery and Jane Willis, Oxfors University Press 2001. The classroom language is also on
CD. It has been translated into several languages.
2. Audio-record a short section of one of your lessons. Listen to it and write down in your Teacher Portfolio
some of the language you used to manage events in the classroom. What do you notice about the language
you used? Do you think the exponents are appropiate for the learning purpose, context, age and level of the
learners? If not, what could you change?
3. Use the TKT Glossary or a dictionary to find the meaning of these terms for classroom functions: swap, set
a question, stimulate discussion, report back, exchange.
Swap: To change one thing for another, e.g. in class a teacher could ask learners to swap partners so that they can
work with someone different.
Set a question: To give learners a question to answer or task or test to do.
Stimulate discussion: To encourage learners to talk about something. This can be done in different ways such as
through a text or a picture.
Report back: When a learner tells the whole class what was discussed in group or pairwork.
Exchange: 1. To give something to another person and receive something in return.
2. An Exchange can also be used to refer to the part of spoken interection in which one person speaks and
another responds to what they said.

UNIT 28 Identifying the functions of learners' language

Think about these comments from teachers. Which do you agree with and why?
1. If I tried to teach my students all the exponents they need for everyday classroom functions. I'd never have
time to teach them the language from the coursebook!
They can learn more exponents by using aditional websites to practice more functions at home.
2. My learners usually use their L1 when they work in groups and when they ask me questions. I don't think
they need to use English for these parts of the lesson.
They do need to use English for the whole course to acquire the language as soon as possible.

3. My intermidiate learners have their favourite expressions, like I agree. Good idea. I think they should use
more complex language at their level.
Thats truth. There are more exponents to agree that they can learn from teachers.

1. Look in your coursebook at a lesson you are going to teach this or next week. Choose one interactive
activity from the lesson. Brainstorm the likely language functions your learners will need to be able to
complete the activity. Then for each function, write down at least one exponent they don't know but that is
appropriate for their language and help them to use it in the activity. Teach the lesson, introducing exponents
as you have planned. After the lesson, reflect on the outcomes in your Teacher Portfolio.
2. Choose two language functions which are common to teacher and learner language, e.g. encouraging,
prompting, correcting. In your Teacher Portfolio, list four examples of exponents for each one, two which are
appropriate for the learners to use. Are any of these exponents applicable to both teachers and learners?
For the Teacher
1. Please open your book on page 23.
2. Please read the articule.
3. Chose a classmate to answer the questions.
4. Please locate a pink elephant in the picture
1. Arthur, join Monica to do the role-play.
2. Jaime, please read the article aloud.
3. Maria and Gina, pay attention please!
4. Fernando, please dont be afraid to commit mistakes.
For the student:
Asking for clarification:
1. I dont get the idea. Could you explain it in other words?
2. I didnt listen to you. Could you repeat that please?
3. From my understanding I need to put in correct order the conversation right?
4. Could you make your self more clear about that task please?
1. My bad, Im sorry!
2. Im so sorry not to come yestarday.
3. Im very ashamed for having said off-color jokes to my classmates.
4. Please accept my apologices teacher.

UNIT 29 Categorising learners' mistakes

Think about these comments from teachers. Which do you agree with and why?
1. I find it hard to categorise my learners' mistakes. I know something is wrong but I can't explain to the
learners what it is.
Try it! We as teachers have to do our best to give an excellent feedback to our learners.

2. It's very confusing for learners when we talk about inappropriate this or incorrect that. When something's
wrong, it's wrong!
Yes I agree but learners will get used to language if they strive to study more and we as teachers give them a correct
3. I can identify when there's a problem with word order but I don't always know why it's wrong.
I think we as teachers need to review all the structures before giving clases to avoid that kind of issues.

1. Correct some of your learners' written work, and identify which are the most common types of mistake and
categorise them. Think about why they might be making these mistakes. Which might be a result of L1
interference and which might be developmental? Write about what you have learned in your Teacher Portfolio.
I have a friend with english problems since he is a beginner. In general I always notice that L1 interference is the main
reason why he commites grammar mistakes and pronuntiation mistakes. On the other hand, he commites a lot of
punctuation mistakes because he says that doesnt care very much about commas or periods; he usually uses them
randomly. I personally would add that another reason why we commit mistakes or errors is because of laziness; I
mean, most of times we dont care of writting or speaking with accuracy.
2. Audio-record a short extract of your learners doing a task in the classroom. Identify the common mistakes
and categorise them, as you did for activity 1. Reflect on the reasons for their mistakes and note your aideas
in your Teacher Portfolio.
3. For more information on categorising learners' mistakes, look at: Chapter 9, Section 4 of Learning Teaching
(Second edition) by Jim Scrivener, Macmillan 2005
Also look at 'Correcting written work' at:
The three websites give us several information about how to correct errors and clasification of errors.

UNIT 30 Classroom management

Think about these comments from teachers. Which do you agree with and why?
1. I like my class to be very organised and I like to be in control. I believe the main roles of a teacher are
to manage and assess.
If it works for you its ok. The must important thing is that you feel confortable with your clases and students
feel confortable too.

2. I think of myself as a facilitator in my classroom because I want my learners to become more

Its ok. But if you adopt other teachers roles you will become an excellent teacher.
3. Im in my twenties. My students are the same age as me. I like the clases to be informal, so I dont think
many of the teacher role are appropriate for me.
You are right. Sometimes adopting teachers roles depends on teachers personality. As I mentioned prevously,
if students feel confortable with your lessons I dont see any problem.

1. Think about a lesson you have taught recently and look at the lesson plan. Which of the teacher roles
in this unit did you use? Were you effective in making these roles clear to the learners? If not, why do
you think that was? Are there any teacher roles that you didnt use and which, on reflection, you think
you would have been appropriate? Write your thoughts and reflections in your Teacher Portfolio.
2. Read An A-Z of Classroom Management by Simon Brown, English Teaching Publications, Issu 62,
Keyways Publishing
I was reading a little about this and I think the message it wants to give is that a good Classroom Management its
essential for students to feel confortable with the lesson. They will be able to learn the lesson if they enjoy teachers
class. On the contrary if students dont feel atracted to the class they may misbehave and the teacher will lose control
of the class. We as teachers need to find a pleasent way to do it; we can do a lesson plan based on make a class
enjoyable for learners.
3. Look at Classroom management at: and also
Both webpages are out of service.
4. Check the following roles in the TKT Glossary or in a dictionary: contributior, counsellor, reflector,
active role, passive role, narrator, suportive, unsupportive.
Contributor: Contributing ideas or information other than language, e.g. participating in discussions.
Counsellor: Giving learners advice on difficulties they may have outside of their language class. Showing
understanding of issues learners bring to the classroom from outside.
Reflector: Thinking about his/her own performance. Reflecting on learners progress.
Active role: When learners think about their own learning and what their own needs are and try to help
themselves learn more, they are taking an active role.
Passive role: When learners want to be taught and to acquire language without making their own decisions
about their needs and learning, they are taking a passive role.
Narrator: Narrating stories and things that have happened.
Suportive: Providing help or encouragement. The opposite of supportive is unsupportive. Effective teachers
create a supportive atmosphere in their classes.
Unsupportive: Not being helpful or encouraging.

UNIT 31 Grouping Learners

Think about these comments from teachers. Which do you agree with and why?
1. My clases are only 45 minutes long, and it takes time to arrange students into different groupings for
different activities. I think is a waste of time.
Today you can try one kind of grouping. Tomorrow try another.

2. When my students work in pairs and groups, the classroom becomes a noisy place. Other teachers
comment on it in the staffroom. It makes me feel as if Im not doing a good job.
When working with a big group this situation sometimes is unavoidable.
3. I teach groups of business people and they prefer working on their own. Im not sure if I should include
other learner grouping or not.
I think its very important that business people learn how to work in groups. In general all businessmen are able
to deal with people because they are very extroverted.

1. Try out some learners groupings that you havent tried before and write up results in your Teacher
2. You will find some useful information on grouping young learners in Chapters 7 and 8 of Children
Learning English by Jayne Moon, Macmillan 2000.
Chapter 7 Can we do Poker face again miss
This chapter talks about reasons for making our own activities and materials to the class. The main porpuse of this
is that our teaching satisfy learners needs. However, there are some problems that we need to face such as lack of
time, lack of experience in designing materials, lack of resource or reference material and the cost.
It mentions that we need to take in consideration teacher and student goals, outcomes, input, procedures, teacher
and student roles and organization to analyse an activity. It can give us a way of adapting them to suit our porpuse
To select, create, adapt and evaluate an activity for young students we need to stablish a criteria to satisfy the
porpuse of our activity depending on our priorities, goals and the learners needs.
Well, in general we as teachers have to find a way to adapt the materials to the learners needs because these
materials were made for a global audience and not for a specific group of students. If we adapt correctly the materials
to make them fit in our activities and in learners needs we will make the learning experience more pleasent for
Chapter 8 Why did I do it like this
The first point called Teachers views on planning delves into the reasons why we stop thinking of they way we
teach since we got a lot of experience and it becomes something authomatic and repetitive.
We need to take in consideration some reasons about why we teach: Practical, Personal Development, Public
Proof and Confidence.
The second point titled Decisions involved in planning lessons talks about the use of the students knowledge of
previous lessons to elaborate a good lesson plan and select appropriate material for future classes.
The third point called The content and organization of a lesson plan is related to our syllabus to make it fit to the
activities and procedures of our lesson plan.
Finally the point called A closer look at some of the steps in planning a lesson that focuses on the order of the
activities you want to present, chosing and checking the syllabus, setting objectives and deciding how to assess the

UNIT 32 Correcting Learners

Think about these comments from teachers. Which do you agree with and why?
1. Id like to use different strategies and tecniques for correcting my learners, but I find that in the
classroom I automatically use echo correction without thinking.
I dont see any problema. But try to use other strategies and tecniques to break monotony.

2. My students are all teenagers. I engourage them to use peer and self-correction but they prefer it when
I correct them.
Thats very normal because they feel confortable with the teachers opinin. By the time students get a better level they
are going to develop self-confidence to use peer and self-correction.
3. I always correct them all my students mistakes in their written work. I dont think its a good idea to
leave errors in their texts.
You need to correct them according to the kind of structure you taught them.

1. Try using some different correction tecniques and strategies in your classes and write up in your
Teacher Portfolio your reflections on how the learners reacted to them and how effective you think
they were.
2. For some more practical ideas on different correction tecniques, look at Chapter 12 in Tasks for
Teacher Education: Trainers Book by Rosie Tanner and Catherine Green, Pearson Education Ltd 1998.
This chapter delves into mistakes and errors, the posible reasons they are commited and the way we can
correct our learners.
3. Observe one or more colleagues and notice what correction tecniques they use. Use or adapt the
Observation Sheet on page 249 of A Course in Language Teaching by Penny Ur, Cambridge University
Press 1996.
4. Look at Correcting written work at:
The page doesnt work.

Think about these comments from teachers. Which do you agree with and why?
1. My learners are only interested in the marks they get for their work. They are not interested in my
comments. They dont even read them.
2. I want to engourage my slower learners, but I sometimes find it hard to give them useful feedback on
their work. They make so many mistakes.
3. I dont think we should ask learners to give feedback to their teachers. The teachers know what to do
and how to do it. Its not the learners job to tell teachers what to do.

1. If you teaches younger learners, try the feedback chat on page 111 of English for Primary Teachers by Mary
Slattery and Jane Willis, Oxford University Press 2001. Note down what happened in your Teacher Portfolio.
2. For more ideas on how to give feedback, look at Units Three and Four of A Course in Language Teaching by
Penny Ur, Cambridge University Press 1996.
4. Try introducing peer feedback sessions in some of your clases. Are they effective? How do the
learners feel about this approach? Note down what happens and the learners reactions in your
Teacher Portfolio.

LESSON PLAN to teach English for Engineering Unit 7 (Class # 1)

Level and number of learners/
Class profile
Timetable fit

A thirty year old student graduated from Mechanical

Engineering at intermidiate (B1) Level. He is a visual
This is the first time we are going to talk about this topic.

Maim aim(s)

At the end of the class my student will be able to describe

the safety precautions from his job environment by using
the vocabulary and expressions presented in the unit.

Subsidiary aim(s)

To know the types of industrial hazards we can face in

any job environment as well as the types of protective
To bring material to illustrate better my class (realia).

Personal aims

My student is totally familiar with safety equipment

through his job enviroment.

Anticipated Problem

My student will be unwilling to name in english all the

material Im going to bring to the class

Possible Solution

Just in case Im going to write the name of each new

word of the lexis on the board.


10 min

10 min

10 min


Stage aims

The student talk

about his
precautions and
what kind of
accidents he and
his co-workers
can face.
The teacher ask
the student what
kind of
protection he
and his coworkers they
need to use to
The teacher use
the photographs
of different
workpraces one
by one and ask
the student what
kind of PPE he
need to use on
each job

The teacher
present the lexis
about different
workplaces and
get the student
to understand
and memorize
the new
The teacher
present some
examples of PPE
Equipment) to
the student and
present the lexis
related to it.
The teacher
present the
correct structure
the student need
to use to say the

Aids and
Photographs of
brought by the

Equipment (ear
plugs, Steel-toe
boots, gogles
etc) brought by
the teacher.

Photographs of
And Personal



15 min

Teacher use his

laptop to show a
video of people
using some PPE.

The teacher can

pause the video
to ask the
student the
name of the
workplace and
the PPE used in
each scene.

Laptop and a
video called PPE
An Overview of
the Basics.

LESSON PLAN to teach English for Engineering Unit 7 (Class # 2)

Level and number of learners/
Class profile
Timetable fit
Maim aim(s)

Subsidiary aim(s)

A thirty year old student graduated from Mechanical

Engineering at intermidiate (B1) Level. He is a visual
Since this second class is related to the first one we are
going to continue taking about PPE and hazards in the
job environment.
At the end of the class, the student will be able to identify
several vocabulary seen in the first class by listening
conversations between people working in different job
To practice listening for especfic information.

Personal aims

To bring additional material to renforce the information

seen in class.


My student have clear what we see in the previous class.

Anticipated Problem

My student will be unwilling to get the information asked

in the audio recorder at first time.

Possible Solution

If necessary Im goint to play the audio more than twice.


10 min
10 min

10 min


Stage aims

Aids and


15 min

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