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Dintai Plane

Aiveri: Originating from the planet Vuxifia of the Vux system, they are capable of
gliding through the air through the use of their feathered arms, with some of the strongest
capable of powered flight. They posses a localizing sense through interaction with a
world's magnetic field known as magnetoception, allowing them to know their exact
position in relation to that field at all times; Using this innate sense, they can never get
lost, and will always be aware of their location, altitude, and direction on the surface.
They are driven by a combination of a need for knowledge and the desire to preserve
their culture and way of life, leading them to advancement in science and philosophy,
providing them advances in technology while their preservation maintains their highly
religious nature.
Alquari: Originating from the planet Alquarius in the Alterie system, they are capable of
breathing both underwater and in an oxygen atmosphere through a joint respiratory
system of gills and lungs; while underwater they utilize their gills to extract oxygen to
breathe, and while in atmosphere they breathe through their nose and mouth, passing the
air to the lungs. They are very agile and strong, equipped with claws, they posses
electroreception provided through electroreceptors along their body beneath the skin
allowing them to detect electromagnetic fields, and they are able to detect fine pressure
changes in the water in order to locate nearby movement. They are driven by
territoriality, possessing a desire to expand, protect, and develop what they have control
over. This drives them to strive to control more territory and processes, to improve upon
what they do control, and to fiercely defend what they possess.
nu'ka: Originating from the planet sasara in the Mausen Nebulis system, they
were born from the supernova of one of their binary stars, a cold plasma matrix based
race with an extremely viscous outer shell that maintains their form. Frequently described
as shadows or spectres, they are a nocturnal race with large eyes possessing nictitating
membranes that reflect light in the dark, have limited thermoreception, the ability to
move with extreme stealth and agility, and a strong preference for staying in the shadows
and building underground. Developing a symbiotic nature with the surviving life forms of
their scorched homeworld, they feed by using other species as a filter to convert food into
a form they can ingest. They are very sociable and playful, and are not very aggressive,
but they are extremely quick to lash out when threatened, have short tempers, and are not
above manipulating others to their advantage.
Cettacuri: Originating from the planet Alquarius in the Alterie system, they are capable of
moving with strength and agility both underwater and on land, remaining underwater for
up to an hour through expanded lung capacity, with a blowhole located at the base of the
head, behind the mouth, allowing them to surface and breathe while remaining mostly in
water, and to expel water from their respiratory system. They are equipped with claws
and echolocation, and are capable of using their sound pulses as a sonic weapon to stun
both prey and predator or to mimic the calls of a number of other species within their
environment for a variety of purposes. They have rapid healing abilities and can tolerate
and recover from extreme injuries very quickly due to their Hemerythrin blood, with even
very deep and gaping wounds quickly restored with no scaring, and wound infections are

Chiropteran: Originating from the planet Chiropterus in the Isea Vum Ikatus system, they
are a diverse race divided into many different sub-races with a wide range of physical
characteristics, all of which possess powered flight, claws, and echolocation. Divided into
three major categories, Minor, Major, and Ultra, each varies drastically in common
personality traits and share little in common interest with each other. The Minor races,
adapted to temperate and arboreal forests, are omnivorous or hematophagous, driven by
curiosity, and while comparatively small against their brethren both in size and in
strength, they possess superior agility, intelligence, and amazing echolocation and
echoprojection abilities. The Major races are adapted to tropical forests, are omnivorous
or carnivorous, and while balanced in strength and size between the Minor and Ultra
races, are unable to echoproject and may have difficulty with echolocation. The Ultra
races, adapted to warm deserts and carnivorism, dwarf all others of their species but lack
echolocation and echoprojection completely and are almost without powered flight,
relying heavily upon gliding.
sielle: Originating from the planet Iaug in the Gahhaz system, they are a gracefully
slender quadrupedal race, with great range, endurance, and speed and who are capable of
climbing with ease through trees or up cliff walls. Adapted originally to tropical
grasslands and savanna as well as temperate forest and jungles, they are six limbed, with
four slender long digitigrade legs intended for locomotion, and two arms for
manipulation attached to a flexible upward projecting thorax. While most vital organs are
within the main body, the sensory organs are mounted atop the thorax in order to provide
greater sight of their surroundings.
Felisse: Originating from the planet Syrkun in the Tefkix system, they are one of the few
psionic races, capable of using alpha wave fields to effect the surrounding environment
through the kinesis of matter and energy, storing and utilizing alpha wave energy within
crystals of Allzuri. Adapted originally to temperate plains and forest environments and
equipped with claws, they are driven by ingenuity, possessing a desire to develop, refine,
and perfect systems and technologies; this drives them to rapid technological
advancement, and incredible feats of engineering, creating comfort and sleekness in their
Florii: Originating from the planet Vuxifia of the Vux system, their respiratory and
digestive systems are augmented by their ability to photosynthesize in a carbon dioxide
containing atmosphere and within the presence of ultraviolet light, creating oxygen and
sugars which are absorbed directly into the blood stream and which provide them with
increased resilience to starvation and greater cardiovascular endurance, allowing them to
survive without breathing for an extended period as long as they are able to remain
photosynthesizing. They are capable of analyzing the composition of surfaces they make
contact with through a number of specialized sensory receptors; these determine physical
makeup through dissolving a microscopic layer of the surface with an acid, and then
absorbing the microscopically dissolved surface through osmosis to analyze its
Ilun Kelsor: Originating from the planet Kylan Elyos in the Isea Vum Ikatus system, they
are aerial, exoskeleton covered beings soaring through the clouds of a groundless world.
They act as a swarm, creating colonies directed by the Elite caste who control a number
of different strains of Workers and Soldiers. Equipped with electroreception that
facilitates their telepathic links, they develop organically based technology to serve their

Broods and augment their natural adaptations. While individuals of the Worker and
Soldier caste have limited intelligence and are driven mainly by instinct, while the Elites
are driven to guide their Brood to survival, highly intelligent, and resourceful - although
they can be self-serving and care rarely for the life of a lower caste. Due to their
Hemocyanin blood they are immune to the effects of aging, making them potentially
immortal barring injury or illness.
Kelesis: Originating from the planet Chiropterus in the Isea Vum Ikatus system, they are
very fast and agile, capable of running on either their two digitigrade legs or on all fours.
Adapted originally to temperate plains and forest environments, they are equipped with
claws and an excellent sense of sight and scent, able to see in the dark and detect very
minor variations in scent to hunt prey, tell each other apart from a distance, or even detect
illness in others. One of the few psionic races, they are capable of using alpha wave fields
to effect the surrounding environment through the kinesis of matter and energy, storing
and utilizing alpha wave energy within crystals of Allzuri. They are very quick to learn
new skills and processes, as well as memorizing information, and are also highly loyal by
Krya: Originating from the planet Ori Oryuar in the Telor Erani system, their homeworld
was cast adrift by cataclysm in K.V. 12,000, and after a long journey through interstellar
space is now orbiting the farthest edges of the Isea Vum Ikatus system. They were
adapted originally to nocturnal hunting with warm desert environments, with large heat
radiating ears and total lack of hair, and armed with claws, advanced thermoreception,
and bioluminescence. They also posses an electricity producing organ, allowing them to
generate electrical shocks to stun prey. Their biology is based upon a dextro-protein of
opposite chirality to levo-protein races, resulting in a number of unique side effects upon
the other races. Known for their ingenuity and resourcefulness, Krya often choose to try
and solve problems with what is on hand or in a non-standard manner, providing them
with an ability to create or maintain works with limited tools or resources.
Ottai: Originating from the planet Vellus in the Zumit system, they possess a genetic
memory containing the basics of engineering and architecture, born with an innate
knowledge of their processes in order to construct a number of tools and structures
without being trained. Semi-aquatic in nature, they are excellent swimmers with webbed
clawed digits, slender streamlined bodies, and a long powerful tail, and they can survive
in cold waters thanks to a soft insulated underfur which traps a layer of air keeping them
dry and warm underwater.
Panzui: Originating from the planet Yuffia in the Marbixe system, they are suburb
climbers equipped with strong, curved and sharp semi-retractile claws, capable of
descending from trees headfirst. Adapted originally to temperate forests in high altitude
mountains, they have large bushy tails which they to help balance when climbing and use
them as a wraparound blanket to protect against the cold winter nights. Their soft, dense
fur has a distinct pattern of red and white markings which allow them to blend into the
surrounding vegetation as camouflage.
Rattei: Originating from the planet Syrkun in the Tefkix system, they are one of the few
psionic races, capable of using alpha wave fields to effect the surrounding environment
through the kinesis of matter and energy, storing and utilizing alpha wave energy within
crystals of Allzuri. Adapted originally to temperate plains and forest environments, they
are driven by ingenuity, possessing a desire to develop, refine, and perfect systems and

technologies. This drives them to rapid technological advancement, incredible feats of

engineering, excessive prototyping and reverse engineering of technologies they
Repttui: Originating from the planet Vellus in the Zumit system, they are fast, agile,
cunning pack hunters with strong curved claws and a single curved, blade-like claw on
their first toe serving as a hook or slashing weapon. They have a long tail used for
balance when sprinting on their powerful digitigrade legs. Adapted originally to warm
desert environments, they have a set of armoured plates that run down their body from
the forehead, down the spine, to the end of the tail, and which protect the shoulders, in
addition to two sets of horns which are used to both offence and defence.
Roukan: Originating from the planet Sari in the Defkati system, they have a long
muscular hensile tail used to balance very powerful, long digitigrade legs with large feet
which allow them to run at incredible speeds, sprinting at speeds of up to 70 km/h and
maintaining a running speed of over 40 km/h for extended periods, and which allow them
to jump over long distances of several meters and high into the air. They are also
excellent swimmers, using their powerful legs to propel them through the water at great
speed. When threatened by predators they will attempt to use the claws on their feet to
deliver sharp blows to the attacker or slash in an attempt to disembowel them.
Seikyssal: Originating from the planet Alquarius in the Alterie system, they are capable
of breathing both underwater and in an oxygen atmosphere through a joint respiratory
system of frilly gills on either side of the head located behind the ears to extract oxygen
from the water and a pair of lungs for use in atmosphere, and they can dive to abyssal
depths where they use their bioluminescence to attract prey. Their active bioluminescent
markings can be shifted through the entire visible spectrum at will, however they will
shift colour with their mood if not focused otherwise, used as markers of mood during
social interaction. They have hair like projections which help to act as camouflage among
undersea plant-life. They are hermaphroditic and poses a single sex.
Serpari: Originating from the planet Xaxii in the Juxiil system, they are capable of
surviving extreme heat for an extended period, tolerating high temperature and low water
levels, allowing them to survive in very harsh environmental conditions. They possess
hemotoxic venom which they can inject using a pair of fangs that can cause swelling,
severe pain, weakness, nausea and vomiting, hemorrhaging, and eventually heart failure
if left untreated in non-Serpari in a short period of time; Serpari however are fully
immune to their own venom, and are capable of resisting most venoms, poisons, and
Sparle: Originating from the planet Xaxii in the Juxiil system, they have a thick, rough,
scaled skin that is very resistant to cuts and scrapes, and helps to protect them against
radiation and extreme heat and cold, in addition to armoured plates over their shins,
forearms, back, and part of the chest. Adapted originally to temperate and tropical
swampland, they are excellent swimmers and can survive extended periods underwater,
and have an excellent immune system providing them with resistance to a great many
diseases, parasites, and infections present within their natural environment. They are an
enigmatic and cautious race, and are slow to trust others.
Terran: Originating from the planet Ikara in the Isea Vum Ikatus system, the Terrans, also
known as Ikarans or Humans, are an very genetically diverse and adaptable race with
nine major sub-races across their homeworld, with such differences between the many

sub-races as respective skin tone, average height and weight, hair and eye colourations,
ear shape, and possession or lack of horns, fanged incisors, or a prehensile tail. They are
one of the few psionic races and possess a powerful innate psionic potential allowing
them through the manipulation of alpha wave fields to effect the surrounding
environment through the kinesis of matter and energy, interact between minds, and
project one's awareness outside of the body, either for the creation and control of astral
objects or to extend one's sensory perception. Driven by curiosity and a need for
knowledge, they spend incredible amounts of resources to learn, explore, and to do what
has not been done before.
Virasei: Originating from the planet Keisora in the Lesadis system, they are capable of
powered flight provided through a pair of wings on their back and breathing fire at will,
equipped with claws, and posses heat resistant skin allowing them to survive comfortably
in temperatures greater than 700 degrees Centigrade, adapted originally to humid jungle
environments with significant volcanism. The Virasei are driven by amelioration, a desire
to improve, develop, heal, and to solve problems, giving them a predisposition towards
cohesiveness within their race, sharing a collective sense of nurturing, and a desire to aid
and care for one another. They are driven to develop and improve themselves, creating
new technologies and processes, and desiring to learn and achieve new things.


Galisia: Originating from the planet Aierul Calduros in the Gligoriv Lupis system, they
are an artificially sapient race created by the uplifting of the wild Galisia by the Daos
Vypren Confederacy in K.V. 73. They are incredibly deadly pack predators, with sharp
claws, armoured skin, three rows of needle like teeth, a clawed piercing tail, excellent
climbing skills, the capability to blend into their environment, and the ability to move
through the ground to a limited extent. They prefer to ambush prey, setting traps in the
trees and lying in wait. They can survive in extreme temperatures, are well-adapted to
swimming, can respirate in harsh atmospheres, and can survive in vacuum for short
lengths of time.
Synthetic Intelligence: Created through the process of Neural Emulation, they are an
artificial sapient with an electromechanical body and a digital mind invented by the
Empire of the Twin Moons in K.V. 294. Platforms can be designed in nearly any possible
configuration, can be modular with interchangeable parts, and designed for any type of
locomotion or environment. However, the majority of platforms are designed to mimic or
improve upon the base template of one of the other sapient races. They are generally very
fast, flexible, and agile, and possess excellent balance, speed, strength, and dexterity.

Aquas Plane

Goruesa: Originating from the aeroid Aeva Skre'ak located within the Xiipora Gyre, they
are based upon a semi-solid, translucent saline-carbon matrix and posses no form of
skeletal structure, allowing them to stretch and contort their bodies as they desire. Their

nature allows them to rebind their flesh to repair and regenerate from deep, gaping
wounds, however they due posses a number of vital internal organs and sensory organs
which, while being as highly flexible similarly to the rest of their body, cannot be
repaired as easily. Adapted originally to temperate coastal forests, their blood chemistry
is based upon Vanabins, providing them with a complete lack of parasites or predators
due to their blood's toxicity, and an immunity to most disease and infections.
Nikita'kari: Originating from the aeroid Aeva Skre'ak located within the Xiipora Gyre,
they are capable of breathing both underwater and on land, moving with strength and
agility in both environments. In addition they possess a strong sense of scent and
electroreception, capable of detecting electromagnetic fields and alpha waves at a
distance, and a localizing sense through interaction with a world's magnetic field known
as magnetoception, allowing them to know their exact position in relation to that field at
all times. They are driven by curiosity and a need for knowledge, spending incredible
amounts of resources to learn, explore, and to do what has not been done before,
territoriality, possessing a desire to expand, protect, and develop what they have control
over, and the preservation of their culture.
Slithkaal: Originating from the aeroid Aeva Skre'ak located within the Xiipora Gyre, they
use lateral undulation as a form of locomotion on land and in the water, slithering very
silently through the environment with perfect balance. They have a pair of manipulating
limbs, an unhinging jaw which allows them to swallow large prey whole, and sharp teeth
with four retractable fangs which can inject a hemotoxic venom which can paralyze and
incapacitate both Slithkaal and other species. They posses thermoreception, and are
excellent at striking, curling their tails and thrusting themselves forwards very quickly.
Racas: Originating from the piatraoid Kwora Zhii located within the Xiipora Gyre, they
are a fully aquatic race originally adapted to the cooler water regions just beyond the
edges of volcanic vents and fissures on the surface of the piatraoid, frequently on the
higher sea mounts and plateaus, where abundant food and heat exists within their mineral
rich, saline 'atmosphere'. They posses a pair of tentacles extending from right above the
neck on the back of the head, which end in paralyzing venomous spines, in addition to a
pair of limbs ending in five long, webbed, clawed digits used for manipulation. They use
a modified swim bladder for their highly musical method of communication, using
different note pitches and duration in sequence to produce words and sentences.

Hellar Plane

Taluz: Originating from the region of Elzalur of the Hellar Plane, they are a bipedal,
digitigrade race with large wings formed through a very thin webbed membrane which
extend from limbs on their back between and just below the shoulders, capable of very
fast bursts of speed while running and performing fast and accurate maneuvers; however,
even the strongest of them are not capable of powered flight and are limited to gliding
through the air. They have excellent eyesight as well, with powerful enough night-vision
to easily distinguish colour in darkened conditions.

Planes of the Void

Draenari: Of unknown origin, the Draenari are presumably native to the Planes of the
Void as each possesses a particular plane which they govern. A race of supernatural,
metaphysical beings, they claim to be the original inhabitants of the multiverse and are
perceived and revered by many of the Races as gods, spirits, and demons. They are
capable of shape-shifting at will and as such they are physically very diverse, ranging
from humanoid to beast-like forms, however the majority of known Draenari prefer a
humanoid appearance and have claimed that it is the 'most pure and perfect of the forms'.
Within their own realm the Draenari appear to be effectively omnipotent, and they are
considered immortal as the death of their physical form merely banishes the Draenari's
soul back to its home realm, where their soul will return to a new physical body after
some indeterminable period of time.

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