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HAIL TO THE DINOSAURS! We've had a huge number of letters from readers, so space is limited. That's fine--you guys have been awfully quiet lately, and it's great to hear from you. ‘The self-improvement contest seems to have brought ‘many of you to life, which is precisely why Mike suggested the idea. Until next month, train hard, train heavy, and keep the rest of us posted on your progress and your training. Shoot me an email at, or drop a letter to Dino Headquarters. And remember--if your envelo shows a renewal date of 08/00, that means your sub hhas expiced with this issue and you need to renew ASAP! Things are heating up, big things are in the ‘works at Dino Central, and you don't want to miss the MIKE, THOREAU AND HOFFMAN By Brooks D. Kubik Thave about a dozen books I've been lugging around since high schoot or college, and for guy my. age, that’s an awful long time. One of them is Bradley J. Steiner's Complete Guide to Effective Barbell Training, an old friend staring at me froma facing bookshelf even as [type this article. The book, mean, not Steiner. ‘Another of my favorite dozen books is Walden, by Henry David Thoreau. The book is really a sort of journal chronicling Thoreau's two years, two months and two days living in a home-made cabin on the shores of Walden Pond, several miles from Concord, ‘Massachusetts. One of Thoreau’s favorite themes is living a life of classic simplicity. Disregard all 1 essentials. Pare avvay the superfluous. Get back to basics. In Thoreau's words--one of my all-time favorite quotes--"Simplify, simplify, simplify, Publised by Brooks D. Kui Brooks D. Kubil Editor ‘Sem Kubik, Editor in Spit ‘Spencer Kubik, Research Eeltoe Max Kubik, Photo Bdlor (Csmeron Diaz, Special Assistant to Spencer Copyright © Brooks D. Kubik 2000 AIT Righes Reserved ‘Any unauthorized reprodycton is rctly peaviies ‘The Dinosaur Files Vol 3. No. |? wor inossursinne com THE DINOSAUR FILES ard Work, Heavy Iron, Super Strengt IN THIS ISSUI HAIL TO THE DINOSAURSt..... MIKE, THOREAU AND HOFFMAN... By Brooks D. Kubik NUTS AND BOLTS PART 2... By Dr, Ken Leistner HAVE YOU THE DESIRE TO SUCCEED? 6 By Reyam Sherman “VAS YOU EFER IN ZINZINNATI?" 7 By Hany Barton Paschall MEET MR. AMERICA o 9 By Alyce Stagg MESOZOIC MAIL werner wl | Readers sometimes sak why Mike and Tare 50 “opposed to exercise machines. One reason is that we oth agree with Thoreau, Why bother with exercise machines when plate loading barbells and dumbbells are all you need for great gains? Moreover, the very concept of exercise machines implies that barbells and dumbbells are somehow not ‘enough to do the job. That's great for marketing machines, but it's not quite accurate, Barbells and dumbbells are miracle tools. You really do NOT need anything else to get a tremendously effective, result producing workout. And if you don't need to mess with anything other than barbells and dumbbells, why do so? Keep it simple. Stick to barbells and dumbbells. Subscription Rates Serious Lifes 12 ass (1 90) $40 ‘Overseas Order S45 Dinosaur Training with subserption $10 Pungers, Shapes, Tones ané Similar Dees Bunnies” $5000 per ssbe ‘Orter fram: Brooks D. Kubik A101 Hyelitfe Avenoe wise, Kenta 5 49207 July 2000 "Those were the thoughts that were buzzing around {in my head the other day when I headed over tothe Gym fora heavy training session. And quite frankly, they got me into a load of trouble, as Pl detail in this aitile Just remember-the reason I can't walk normally today is directly attributable to Henry David Thoreau. Hes the culprit. Mike is t00, of course. ‘And Bob Hoffman. Is sort of like the three of them ganged wp on me. You see, Mike's been flooded with mil about the Dinosaur Self Improvement Contest ever since the last issue of The Files dropped into the hands of eager dinos the world over. The post office had to assign a special mail carrer just to deliver all the cards and letters 10 Mike. I mean, i's even worse than the fan mail that Sam and Spencer get on a seemingly endless basis. Or it would be, except the damm dogs get scented love leters from drop dead gorgeous eye- candy fiom around the world, not o mention lowers, underwear and puppy biscuits by the ton. Mike didn get anything like that. But he DID get cons of mail Half the mail was fiom guys who were entering the contest, many of whom had questions about the old York taining courses. The other half was from “loyal” yeaders who warned Mike not to let me slide for the next three months " Dear Mike," wrote one of you. "Be sure Kubik doesn't start spending his time doing legal work and tvials and stufYall summer and not training. At his age, i's easy to throw in the towel and do the couch potato roatine. Make him keep working on that York Course No. 3. All ofthe repetition weight lifting anowements will he good for him." ‘Another letter noted: "Kubik is obviously spending ‘more time thinking about Ally MeBeal than about his lifting. Don't et him coast through the next three ‘montis. Be sure he sticks to the old York courses “And make hin try fos & PR on his birthday. Have Sam and Spencer steal is Ally photos, and don't give thom back unless he sticks to his training AND rakes @ new PR” Mike, of course, took to heart everything you hed to say. He's been running me through the ringer for about a month, now. Most of the time i's been the York Course No. 3, with supplemental bridging and gut work. The later has been interesting; the former threatens to he expensive. Why expensive? Because 1 have to wear dtess shirts at work--and they are expensive-and guess who is starting to have trouble buttoning the collars on the dara things? ‘Why is the aut work interesting? Well, Mike reed some more ofthe old York material, and found 2 bunch of Fiton boot” exercises, They were described The Dinosour Files, Vol_3, No. 12 wow, a5 log exercises in the old courses, and they are, but ‘Mike's keen eye immediately saw their potential for gut busters. So its plenty of lying leg scissors, lying Jeg rises, standing leg kicks and standing knees to the chest movements forthe old guy (me, not Mike). We don't have any iron boots, but Mike solved that problem with his ustal ingenuity. The big guy got ‘0 10' lengths of heavy log chain. They weigh something like 12 t0 15 posnds each. L wrap one length of chain around cach ankle, and then use 2 short nibber cord with hooks on each end to hold the thing together and keep each chain from unraveling. Its realy sort of neat: "Presto, instant fon boots" “he best “ab” machine on the market, and the cheapest as wel, (The simplest, too. Thoreau would be proud) Talso do lots of weighted sit-ups. These are tovgh, especially when Sam and Spencer decide to tick ms face when Ihave five more reps 0-80 and my sais buming ike fire Ifyou don' believe me, YOU ty doing a set of sit ups with two maniacal golden retrievers Iying on your chest and a heavy plate held behind your head. Sometimes, Mike switches me fiom York Course No, 3 to Course No.4, the weightlifting course. The weightlifting course had no sets or reps outlined in i You were supposed to doa session of heavy weightlifting exercises, and what you did was up t9 you. In my case, i’ upto Mike, He usualy hes me do lots of heavy singles inthe power snatch, followed by lots of heavy singles inthe elean and press. Then 1 do the gut work andthe bridging. After that I walle the dogs. Tasked Mike whether any of the old York courses or anyother old courses~included dog walking ater teach session with the weights He admitted they didi, but ead it was only because the courses Were ‘written before Sam and Speneer were horn, He also said that he had to answer allo the letters from gays ‘with questions about the contest, and since THAT Yvas ny fault for writing the ace, st was ony fae that {walk the dogs wile he answers the mal Besides,” Mike added, "twill keep you out of trouble. You won't go moping around, day-reaming aout Ally, if those two monsters are dragging you down the sidewall.” “Anyhow, I hit the gyi at bout 7:30, and walked sight into soae major trouble, “That makes 279," said Mike "279 what?” "Lestrs from readers asking for more info about the old Vork courses. They want to know if there are any other good exercise schedules they ean ty during the self-improvement contest.” "Yea, I bet they love some osher ideas, In facta mean, wel. ifs been a heck ofa long day at work, July 2000, lots of briefs to work on, and my secretary broke a nn on the second brief and had to type the next two one-handed. I'm bushed. [could use alittle change of pace myself. Something short and easy. Maybe the ‘York Businessman's Course--or maybe a special course for middle aged lawyers..did they have one of those?" as joking, of course, Humor, however, is wasted on some people. Mike is one of them. "You know, now that you mention it have just the thing. Howd you like to tackle the Simplified System of Barbell Training tonight instead of hitting Course No. 3 like you usually do? Hoffinan wrote several different versions of it. You can try the one fiom Better Athletes Through Weight Training. “The simple system sounds good," I answered. mean, face it, how tough ean & "simple system" really be? Remember those words. Feestanly do. “Anyhow, I go change, and come out in my sweats and all Gncluding one ragged gym sock that Samm and Spencer decided to use for tug of was), and Mike Toads the bar to 100 pounds and tells me to warm up ‘vith a dozen flip snatches. (Flip snatches are another tame for power snatches.) 1 do the wama-up set, and Mike loads the bar to 135 and tells me to do ane set of curls "How many reps?” "Well, Hoffinan wanted his guys to do 10 or 15 eps om each exercise when they used the Simplified System of Barbell Training. So do atleast 10." That's a lot of curls with 135." ‘Do it for Aly." Anyhow, Thaven't done any curls for ages, andthe first one feels like Lam lifting @ house "Thats good," says Mike. "Now do 9 more." ‘Lexan them out, one after another, mentally forcing myself to dig deeper and decper. By number 6 Tam in serious hutting, By number 8 Lam losing touch with my surroundings, Number 10 is white buffalo rep. My heart is pounding, my lungs are ready to buts, my face is scarlet and my hands are numb. You could fry an egg on my biceps--or rather, ‘you could do it may arms weren't shaking so badly and my chest wasn't heaving the way is heaving “Good job!” says Mike, 1 drop the bar. Ie hits dhe gym floor with a Toud bang, bounces, rolls forwaed and~I swear to God: actualy laughs at me! -ven Sam and Spencer are amused. They grin Puppy grins can be very disconcerting, "What..whats" gasp. ‘Use the same weight and knock out 15 presses behind the neck." "Standing or seated?” The Dinosaur Files, Vol. 3 No, 12 www dinosaurs "Standing. You do the whole program standing on. your feet. This is a SIMPLIFIED program...10 ‘machines, no benches, nothing but a barbell, It was cone of the most widely used courses in the entire world for many, many years~and one of the most productive." Like curls, haven't done very much bebind the neck pressing. (Ido side presses instead when I use Course No. 3.)I grind the litle monsters out rep by rep, At number 10 on the presses Tam in trouble. By umber 15, Tam hallucinating again, This one was about a gigantic gorilla who held me in one huge hand and jabbed a hot poker repeatedly into my shoulders and upper back wish I would hallucinate about Ally. Mike drags me back into the real world. ‘Same weight. Upright rowing. 12 10 15 reps.” “Am I going to use the same weight on rything’?™ "No, just the first four exercises, Then we add weight, That's part of the secret ofthe Sirmplitied System—grouping the exercises to reduce weight changes. The first four are the lightest exercises wise." “You mean the heavy stuff is still to come?” “Yeah, bat you have a large mountain to climb before you get there. Go ahead and hit the upright ‘Well, you can imagine how much fun the upright rows were after | already had cooked my biceps, shoulders, traps and upper back on the curls and the behind neck presses. “After what seemed an eternity, Mike said, “That's 12! Prt her down." T dropped the bar. "Keep the same weight and do 15 reps to each side in the standing barbell side bend-bar on shoulders as if you were squatting. WORK THOSE SIDES! TWORKED them. ‘Sam and Spencer had moved closer. ‘They love this, sort of thing. "Get a drink, load the bar to 185, and come on back for the noxt four exercises.” ‘What are they? Frankly, I was almost afraid to ask. "These ate the tough ones. In Bester Athletes, Hoffinan wrote: ‘The middle series are pretty vigorous exercises, and of course ate good exercises, for you get out of exercise what ‘you put into it. These exercises are designed to develop all the muscles of the body, to stimulate the circulation and the respiration and other bodily processes, to ‘cause considerable panting, puffing, and perspiring, to build a great share of, July 2000 3 strength and endurance, But since they are hard exercises, a bit more recuperation ‘ime is needed. This is spent breathing deeply, which adds to the benefit of the exercise schedule, "Mike, how do you remember this stuff?" "Cue cards," he answered, 1 was too tited to tll if he was kidding, "What are the four exercises in the middle series?" Mike smiled. “Barbell clean and press...igh pulls. .deep knee bend and press behind neck...and flip snatches. All done for 15 reps...all withthe same ‘weight. all continuous...ift the weight, lower the bar to the floor, wet set, lif again, and so on. You can rest between exercises, ut try to make the reps as continuous as possible when you are in the middle of | a set ike, that's 60 reps ofthe hardest otal body work st man can do--and you want me todo it with 185 on the bar! Ie-will kill me!" "Bob Hofinan used 165 for the clean and press, tuigh pulls and deep knee bend and press behind neck, and 135 forthe flip age 55.-and it did't kill hie." "Yeah, but he was the healthiest man in the world! “Hie was also the world champion eater of Chinese food," Mike replied ‘The big guy is inscrutable. Absolutely inscrutable 1 grabbed the bar. I cleaned. I pressed. Continuously. For 15 reps. What exacily were Hoffinan's words? "Pretty Vigorous exercises..." *. Considerable panting, puffing and perspiring.." Me wasn't kidding, Twas sucking wind like an overloaded locomotive on an uphill un, Breathing squats are bad. These were jus as bad, And I stil had three more exercises to 20. "Hury up," said Mike, "Sem and Spencer want their walk" hit the high pulls. Mike told me 1 eould do these with either a clean grip ora snatch grip, chose a snatch grip. It really didn’t matter. Tas cooked. lay on the floor, gasping for air. Sam and Spencer decided to help. Sam lay ou any chest while Speneer licked my face. "Time for the next exercise," said Mike 1 was easy for HIM to say that, HE wasn killing himself on some medieval torture system invented by a sadistic purveyor of barbell Tean..can..” Twas trying © say "T ean” but I didnt have jough wind to spit the words out "Of eourse you can,” Mike nodited. "I know you're rarin' to go!" Thate it when the big guy is so dar exuberant, Die Dinos Piles. Vol 3. No. 12 ww Suzy Storm stepped into the gym. She lifts for ‘Mike's team and has the best pair of legs in the universe. I decided to lock on the bright side. Suzy ‘would be super impressed to see a guy my age knocking off reps in the deep knee bendl and press bbehind neck, Talk about suavity AND virility. Too bad I'm married, I'd have to let her down gently. Poor kid. I grabbed the bar, cleaned it, jerked it over head, lowered it to the back of my shoulders, positioned took a deep breath and lowered into a full squat, I drove up hard and as T rose, began pressing the ‘weight overhead. It was almost a behind the neck push press as [came out of the squat. 185 was not a huge weight for squats, of course. But for the two exercise combo, after everything else Thad done, it was more than enough, “Why is Brooks’ face so red?" asked Susy. "He tooks like he's abeut to explode!” ‘So much for impressing the resident babe, Ally would be impressed. ‘Susy walked over to Spencer and delivered one of her patented belly rubs. Sam got one, too. The two furballs actually purred, Meanwhile, I continued to squat and press...squat and press...quat and press. This was Hoffman's favorite exercise. He wrote about i all the time in the 30's, 40's and S0's. Tvanted to kill Hoftinan. At that point, [ wanted to kill everyone in history who ever was or even contemplated being associated with the Tron Game. ‘Brooks is ok,” said Mike t0 Susy. "He's doing the old York Simplified System of Barbell Training. The Better Athletes version. Athis age, its a pretty tough workout!” It would be a tongh workout for anyone at any age,” laughed Susy. "How'd you ever get him to da it? Bribe him with an Ally episode on video? “No, he more or less volunteered. Said he was tired-long day at work~and he wanted a change of pace. Felt too tired to do justice to Cousse No. 3 oF 10 a session of heavy weight lifting.” "Oh," I get ity" smiled the Goddess. She continued to rub Sam and Spencer's bellies, They continued to purr contentedly, You told him he could try the SIMPLIFIED ‘course and he thought you said SIMPLE!" langhed the Goddess. "He thought you offering to let himt ake an BASY workout!" "Something like that," Mike smiled, ‘The goddess laughed all the way back to the ladies! le Twas stuck at rep number 12, [had missed the press as T came up fiom the squat. My __ duly 2000 breathing was way 100 ragged. You can't press and ‘gasp at the same time, Atleast I can't, “Do that one over," said the ever-helpful Mike, 1 finally finished the set, popped the bar to my chest, lowered it to the floor, and followed it to the same place. The world was spinning, "You look fried,” said Mike. "Take a minute, eatch your breath, then hit the snatches." Tresta little but i’s nowhere near long enough. I need about a week before those damn snatches. I ‘won't even try to describe them, Suffice it to say, it was NOT a pretty sight. I end the set and once again drop the bar to the floor, then drop there myself. Sam. ‘and Spencer actually look concerned. They probably are wortied about who will take them for a walk after Tam dead. “That's good," said Mike, "Take a couple of ‘minutes, then well load the bar for the final four cexercises--the strength and power moves.” "Add weight?" He had to be kidding. 1 couldn't lift a donut right then, "Try 200 pounds for standing presses, then up the ‘weight fo 250 for the barbell bentover row...then move to 300 for deadline, followed by the same ‘weight for squats.” ‘Yeah, RIGHT. I've been doing low reps and heavy singles for ages. These sets of 15 are killing me. I ‘mean, Sam and Spencer are already digging a hole to bury me. “Hurry up, Brooks," says Suzy. "You might miss tonigit’s episode of Ally’ But I'm beyond Ally. can't move, Bury me now. *Tloaded the bar for you," says Mike. "Hit the presses, You're almost atthe end of the road.” He's right. Lam. [Note by Mike: Kubik finished the workout, collapsed, tried to die, and woulda’t move until the dogs diagged him out of the aym and halfway into the parking lot. He finally managed to give tem their walk. Funny thing, though=—the old guy’s still been super busy at work, but he hasn't tried to the “simple” system of training again. He also keeps ‘muttering under his breath all the time—something about “blast Thoreau, blast Hoffman and blast everyone else who was responsible...” Personally, 1 Just ignore him, So does Suzy,] NUTS AND BOLTS PART 2 By Dr. Ken Leistner In the June 2000 issue of The Dinosaur Files, 1 gave details on how I prepared for the 407x23 squat, that was videotaped on April 22nd, I was very clear that [tained specifically to insure that both my ‘overhead press and squat would be as good as they could be at that time. I would like to repeat that ‘The Dinosaur Files, Vol 3.No_ 12 wyew dinosaur everything about the workout, everything including my demeanor, the actions of my training partners, the way" I went about things, was typical. The exception, and obviously, it is a major exception, was the amount of weight used in the press and squat, L succeeded in using more than I have in either movement in approximately twenty five years, primarily because for the first time in many years, I hhad the time and focus to push those two movements, A relative lack of stress and the time to train for your goals goes an awful long way, so T want to be clear that at thé time of the taping, and in the months Jeading up to it, my overall stength levels were very 00d, detailed the squat last issue, now let me give you the details for the overhead press. Ihave always been able to press well. Ieame into weight training when a stranger would approach you on the street (now that in and of itself tells you how far back I go, who goes up to any stranger without the risk of personal bodily natin in this day?) and ask, "Gee, you must li ‘weights. How much do you press?" The press was the {first of the three officially competed Olympic lifts and if person had any exposure to lifting activity, they knew what the press was and had probably done it. It is a great movement that has unfortunately been ignored or maligned in favor of the ubiquitous bench press. There were few bench press specialists in my day. In the early and mid 1960s, you would respect anyone who concentrated on the bench press, as anyone who trained was part of a small cult type group, but you would wonder why they were doing so. Many good pressers were also good bench pressers so it wasn't unusual for a guy to press well and then show off a bit on the fessor done bench press. Now, of course, the press as gone the way of the horse and carriage in most weight rooms, but it works a lot of musele tissue including some of the big ones like the traps. Yes, the delioids and triceps ‘zeta Jot of work but the seapulze (shoulder blades) have to rotate during the press and the taps are recruited strongly. Anyone with the intention of being a strong person knows that they must do trap ‘work fo both demonstrate strength and to look strong, Thave always pressed because T just enjoyed the ‘movement so natch, with barbell or dumbbells. In the "old days", you were expected to press strictly, a minimum of bodyweight if you were to be considered, ‘as one of the "strong guys” in your gym or garage. Unbelievably, most modem lifters cannot do this, and “most” includes men who have trained for a numb: of years To supplement the June 2000 article, here are the details on the pressing movements I used head: into April 22nd. Note please that due 10 the multiple m. July 2000 surgeries I have had on my shoulders, Ineed, and utilize, a thorough warmup. The Press refers to the strict barbell press and the dumbbell press is done ‘with both arms pressing simultaneously unless noted as one arm DB press: 3/24: Press; 88/2-88/2-132/3-132/1-220/2-253/2 3/26: Dumbbell Press;35/3-45/1-60/1-80/4 4/1: Pash Press;110/2-110/1-154/1-198/1, noted pain in left shoulder, terminated exercise Mastiff Metal Log Press;128/4-128/4-139/5. Log was new and I wanted to get a feel for it and needed. to doa pressing movement due to termination of push press. Dumbbell Press;60/3-6083 to see how injured left shoulder was. It was fine at this point 4/5: Mastiff Metal Log Push Press: 128/3-216/2. 21672 4/12; Press, 132/2-132/1-176/1-220/1-253 4/14; Dumbbell Press; 35/2-45/1-70/3 note: disconifort in left shoulder so tried 70/3 again instead of jumping higher. 4/18; Dumbell Press; 35/2-45/1-70/8-70/10. 4/20; Press; 132/6-17615-176/S light workout prior to taping. 4/22; a8 first exereise in sequence, Press; 132/2- 132/1-176/1-220/1-253/4, ‘You don't have to analyze this to see how simple and basie it is, I never do much in any single workout and { don't use a wide variety of exercises. I do what I ‘enjoy doing and what usually doesn't cause dliscomfort. The pounding of what was for me, very heavy weights for two or three months leading (0 April 22nd began to take its toll and T noted where I needed 10 cut back or terminate for the day. I hope this proves helpful for the Files readers, HAVE YOU THE DESIRE. TO SUC By Reyam Sherma (Reprinted from Strength & Health August, 1946, courtesy of York Barbell Company) Fundamentally, there is litle difference in men: all who are normal at birth have two eyes, two arms, two legs, a heart, sufficient brain cells and otherwise the same basic elements necessary to lead a happy, normal and successful life. Granting this, we find some reaching the pinnacle while others stay at the base...some soar to the heights white others grovel on the murky bottom... what then makes this difference? ‘A lifter walks hastily to the barbell, pauses ‘momentarily, takes a few deep breaths, pulls the bar and it shoots overhead with a bang... pause and the liftis good, ‘The thunderous applause from the crowd indicates that a great lift has been made by s stout- hearted, strong and muscular man, but no tangible The Dinosaur Files Vol. 2.No, 12 ww dinosautanin.cem. evidence of the secret forces at work is given, Nothing reveals why the lifter was able to hoist ten pounds more than he had ever attempted previously. ‘Two men reach a decision that they are notin the best of health. They tire easily, have no pep, no appetite, dow’t sleep soundly, Worry over tifles, and are continually bothered with nervous disorders, aches and pains. One says, "Guess it's old age.” He gels a bottle of patented pills and spends his remaining yeats asa pill addict. The other man does something about his condition, changes his mode of living, and instead of remaining a tired old mian, he ‘molds himself into a healthy, virile human being. ‘What then is the reason for the existence of the vast chasm between the healthy successfull man and the drunken bum on the street comer? Why the gap between men like Grimek, Bacon, Klein end others as compared to the average sickly, weal and pale individval? Circumstances, some say, but eettainly that is not the reason, Beethoven was deaf; Milton was blind; Heten Keller is deaf, blind, and dumb, and there is no end to the success attained by the physically handicapped. ‘The secret is a BURNING DESIRE that knows no limitations and recognizes ro barriers ‘A BURNING DESIRE to win, surpassing all physical limitations and barriers has built factories ‘nd citadels, spanned the oceans, and conquered the air. A BURNING DESIRE was the reason for the swimming of the English Channel, and this same DESIRE is responsible for every weight-lifiing record ever made, and every race that was ever won. ‘A long time ago a great general took his armies into enemy tervitory, and after landing, he gave ‘orders to burn the ships, Turning to his croaps, he said, “Our ships are gone, we are outnumbered ten co fone...we cannot retreat. We must win or perish.” THEY WON. They won because they DESIRED to win, and cut off all roads to retreat ‘Strange and imponderable are the workings of the human mind, Before we can do anything at all we must frst set in our minds what we want, and must want that so badly that it takes the form of a BURNING DESIRE and obsession. Tony Terlazzo ‘wanted to be a National champion, He became that, and then he wanted to become an Olympic champion. He won the Olympic title. Johnny Terpak went on to ‘win a World's championship and is today lifting better than ever before. Thave seen many lifters during the past ten years, and the subject of much interest has always been the so-called “iyental lifter".he man who can work. himself into a piteh and surpass all his previous records, He is the man who recognizes no physical limitations, He is the unpredictable. He is dangerous because he eanmot be measured in physical ferms July 2000 alone. Spurred by his overwhelming and BURNING DESIRE, he surpasses anything he has ever done before, This is the direct contrast to the phlegmati, uunemotional individual who remains indifferent and, undismayed, This is the counterpart of the litle football team who whips the tar out of the big time ‘ridsters; the unknown who topples the champ; the underdog who comes from far behind to cop the cup, down the final stretch, Lest I may be misunderstood, I do not feel that you can think your way to victory or success merely through the principle of desite. Desize is the basic and fundamental element...a means, and not an end. You can repeat every day over and over again the famous Emile Coue’ formula, “Day by day, in every. way, I am getting better and better,” but untess you do something about it, you will only get worse and worse. So it would be foolhardy to attempt to run a mile if you can only mun a quarter mile; it would be rash to attempt three hundred pounds if you are capable of liting only one hundred, but as mentioned before DESIRE must be used in the elementary stage. Ic must first ofall become a fixation in the mind, For example, you desire above all else to be strong and well developed. You want a physique that will ymand respect and admiration, You are tired of the warped personality that your weak undeveloped body has given you. You want to do something about do or you would not be reading this magazine, But how badly do you really want to achieve weight raining success? Will you pat this magazine aside when you ave through reading it, and say, “Tomorrow, next week, or this winter, Iwill try to do something constructive to improve myself.” Or ‘vill you be so imbued with a BURNING DESIRE that you will go about doing something jimmediately?... THAT is the difference between ‘wanting and desiving, ext, once you start, do you desire so much that ‘you are willing to face the sometimes slow results ‘with the unshakable faith that you will succeed? Are you willing to WAIT to see the craps ripen into the hnarvest...0 see your weak body transformed into a superman? If you can answer all these questions in the affirmative, then you truly have the BURNING DESIRE and that is ninety percent of the battle. The ‘ind knows no limitations...both success and failure in any endeavor are the offspring of thought, and the desires of men are as vast and strong as eternities. “VAS YOU EFER IN ZINZINNATI?” By Harry Barton Paschal [Reprinted from Sérengéh & Heatth April, 1940, courtesy of York Barbell Company] The Divosonr Files, Vol. 3, No. 12 www dinossutrainit [Editor's note: While speaking ata two-day employment law seminar, Thad dinner at a beet pub and steak place near Cincinnati's Fountain Squate a couple of weeks ago, tipped a lage numberof dark beers, saw the Bosco plague and realized thatthe following story i just as true as Harry said it was So, for those of you who wonder why Wood and Pickett live in Cincinnati, why Leister went 10 school there, and how bare lifting hit the map, the following will answer all of your questions. Ever since I began penning these memoirs ofthe odacious Bosco, friends have occasionally remarked that I was suspected of slightly tampering with the Inviolable Truth. Since this episode is being ‘writen on George Washington's Birthday, itis appropriate tha {here and now reaffirm my integrity simply put down on paper what Ihave seen with my ‘own eyes; heard with my ovn ene; felt with my own hin, If, sometimes, the result appears to be highly colored, this may be the fault of weating too many lasses. However, Ihave but to reier you to numerous reliable eyewitnesses regarding the authenticity of the Various facts. Today being Washington's Birthday, alittle frily group was gathered in our eighteenth century drawing room. Up spoke my youngest grandson, Stangpop, tell ws a story.” Aways willing to oblige, Treplied, “What do you want me (ell you about, Sonny? Sball [tell you about the time the President shook my hand and congratulated me on catching two bacsel of fish in Indian Lake when the legal lint was thirty? Or about the time Gord Venables and Joe Raymond were lot in the wits of Newport, Ky.? Or shall T spin you a tle about Georye Washington and the Cherry Tree?” ts," quoth Hany, 3", “Tell ws about the time you was a Barfly on the Barbary Coast.” So T began the story as follows... Once upon a time, there was @ city named CCincinnat on the banks of the Ohio River; in the ater of this city there is a plaza known as Fountain Square, bounded on one end by the Carew Tower and on the other by the Gibson Hotel and the Post Office; across the river there are three towns, Fort Thomas, Newport and Covington, Ky.; and in the river itselfis an island known as Coney Islnd, devoted to the amusement of the public. A river boat known asthe Island Queen hatls the loca etizens to Coney, where they are wont to disport upon the sands, ride the Metry-Go-Round, and generally eut up the dickens Inthe city itself isa district known as Central Avenue, commonly referred to as the “Barbary Coast," which is the natural habitat ofthe ubiquitous barfly and flyess. Further, there is, in good old Cincinnati, a notable colony of mighty Kiters of dhe barbell, headed by Emmett Fass, and probably this com July 2000 city has played host to more National weightlifting. ‘meets than any other during the past decade. All this descriptive matter may seem a bit dry, but don’t walk out, folks; it is necessary to the action, which follows. All of this happened a year or two ago at the time of the great Ohio River flood, and what we are about to relate has great historical significance, and is indeed a tale which a graybeard ‘may spin to regate his grandchildren, AC this time the Junior National Championships ‘were being held in Cincinnati, and Bosco and practically everybody who was anybody was on hand. ‘The Metropole hotel was bulging with \weightliftes; including the York boys and visiting firemen from all parts of the country. In room 404, Art Roberts was entertaining a group with tales of his rowing prowess as a member of the Wyandotte Boat Club. Presently someone made a suggestion that a bottle of beer might moisten the storytelles's tonsil, and Bosco leaps from his chair and rushes down 1 stairs four ata time. "Boys," I groaned, as I crawled under the bed, “catastrophe is about to happen in the Hotel Metropole. We sat around room 404 with bated breath, waiting for the deluge to descend. Presently we heard the oud thumps from below stairs in the region of the taproom; then a sending sound was heatd, then the pounding of hooves on the stars and the door few ‘open and Bosco burst in cartying a beer barrel under cach arm. He rolled one of them aeross the room, lifted the other and took a prodigious swig from the bung. “Prosi!” he shouts. “Dreenk hearty, boys!” Just then the room phone rang and an irate voice on the other end asked if we had seen anything of a Kleptomaniae with two barrels of beer. We quavered a faint denial into the mouthpiece, but the determined voice of an aroused management went on to inform us that nobody but 2 weightlifter could be guilty of the erime: that the tap room was practically a shambles; and that By Godhiey, he was going to have action! As weakly hung up the phone, Bosco finished his beer, grabbed me by the seat of the pants, and scrammed dawn the hall to the back freight elevator, just as a platoon of house dicks deployed. from the front stairs, (Old Settlers have since told me that they thought ‘were back in the days of horsedrawn fire departments when they caughta fleecing glimpse of Bosco tearing across Walnut Street with me hanging om his coattails. He didn’t pause for breath until we came (oa stteet sign, which said “Central Avenue.” On one side of the street a siga announced that here was the Cat and Fiddle Bar, on the other, swinging doors opened into Kelly's Place, Bosco seems to have an unerting sense of direction in his rambles, atways ending up near a place of refieshment. ‘The Dinosaur Files, Vol. 3, No, 12 www.dinosaurtraining com ‘The Cat and Fiddle being nearest we entered, ant being in a highly nervous condition, I was persuaded to indulge in a double tomato juice.’ Presently feeling, iuich better, we emerged and an invisible magnet pulled us across the street to Kelly's Place, By this time I was feeling very unhappy atthe attitude displayed by the neighborhood barflies, who had the ‘unpleasant habit of drinking out of your glass when ‘you putitdown, So, secing a line-up of tough joking citizens inside at the bar, I told Bosco to wait outside a minute. “Vot for?” he queried, “I'm gonna 0 inside here and throw these bums out one by one. ‘You stay here and count ‘em as I toss “em out.” So, I go inside, and presently a whirling figure bursts through the door and winds up draped around a Jamp post. “Vun!” shouts Bosco. “Shut up, you foal, it’s ME!” 1 groan, and supported by the bewildered Bosco we embark in an passing taxi and head back t0 civilization. Arrived at the Veterans” Hall, where the weightlifting contest is being held, we find that there ia lull in the day's occupation, and Emmett Faris making up a party to run over to Coney Island, which we gladly join, as Tam getting so I duck whenever I pass 2 Cincinnati cop. Tmmist pause here to list sonte of our group, as their testimony may be necessary t0 establish the truth pout ensuing events, My good Cincy and Dayton friends, Fairs Enderlie, Dunzweiler, Thompson, Schieiner, the Mareus boys, Joe Raymond and Louis Recher fiom Cleveland, and Gord and Bob Hoffinan from York can be called as witnesses for the defense. Once arrived atthe amusement park, ou footsteps naturally gravitated to the strength testing equipment. ‘They had one of those pile driver affairs where you sock the dingus with a mallet and the metal counter rns up a wire and registers the poundage of the wallop. Everybody took a swing at it and che bell ang so many times the pitehman ran out of eigars Finally Bosco winds up and takes a swing and I cover my eyes. The metal pellet shoots right through the top, knocks off the bell and disappears into the blu Just then a group of wild ducks are flying south and the counter socks one in the midriff, and ic drops at Bosco's feet! “Whoopee!” he chortles, turning 10 Emmett Faris. “You giffa duck dinner, und I breeng, der duck!” So that explains the origin of the famous Faris Duck Dinner, whic all of us remember. ‘fier breaking the handles off all the penny strength grip machines in the park, we return to Cincinnati at even-fall in time to wate the rest of the championships without further untoward happenings 1, afterall, was along the quiet banks of the Ohio that the epoch making disaster occarzed, ‘A gang of us were coming up Walnut Street after a ‘meal at the famous Wheel Café, when Bosco got his, July 2000 first sight ofthe big fountain which gives the name to Fountain Square, “Fooeye!” he shouts. “Der water don't squitt “em oop enough; I tam e2t on!” So he leaps to the pedestal, gives a terrific yank and lifts the ‘whole 30 ton figure clear off its base; a terrific stream ‘of water bursts skyward, and somebody yells, “Run for your life, folks; the dam is busted!” In five minutes all of the lower city is flooded and people are tying fo get away in rafts with their personal and household possessions. Most of the lifters reached the 47 story Carew Tower in safety, but the last we saw of Bosco he was heading south in the direction of Louisville, pushing a raft in front of him which was loaded with beer barrels from a wwater-logged brewery along the river bank. He was singing, “Beautiful Ohio,” and he passed every river boat on the rives, leaving a foaming wake bbchind him from his 48 beat kick. ‘And that, children, is the plain, unvamished story of the famous Ohio flood. Don’t let those foolish history books tell you any different. MEET MR, AMERICA By Alyce Stage [Reprinted from Strengeh & Health August, 1947, courtesy of York Barbell Company} [[Editor’s note: 1 usually don’t run “body- building” material, but many'of you are curious about Steve Reeves and how he trained. Reeves secently passed away at an advanced age, so it is appropriate to remember him now, through the eyes of someone ‘who knew him way back in $947. ‘The author, Alyce Stage Yarick, was the wife of gym owner Ed Yarick, and an accomplished athlete and lifter in her own right. Ata contest once, she did 100 consecutive, nou-stop FULL SQUATS with her bodyweight on the bar. They had some tough ladies in those days. Anyhow, here's lie most detailed contemporaneous article on Reeves I've ever seen ] On the 29th day of June the 1947 “Mr. America” was selected in the national competition conducted by the Amateur Athletic Union at Chicago. ‘This was indeed « memorable occasion for, inthis greatest of all physique contests ofthe year, a modem Adonis and Hercules in the person of Steve Reeves of Oakland, Califomia was awarded this much coveted tile, ‘Through chs victory this handsome atblete attained the pinnacle of success inthis field of endeavor Prior to this triumph the new “Mr. America® was ‘ot in the foreground in so far as national publicity was concemed. Steve Reeves deliberately discouraged opportunities for extensive publicity Being a reserved and modest individual he did not desire an advance “build-up” before the “Mr. ‘The Dinosaur Files, Vol. 3. Ne jy ‘Ametica” contest, Of course, we have all seen the impressive physique photos faken of Steve at major ‘West Coast contests during the past eight months, where, needless to say, he was victorious. Aside ftom this publicity there has been comparatively little information released dealing with his background and athletic career simply because Steve was reluctant to have publicity of this nature appear in publications prior fo the big event in Chicago, Now that this event thas come to pass I feel free to relate the hightights in, Steve's athletic carcer and background knowing that he now will not object to such publicity. ‘The 1947 “Mr. America” was bom in Montana on. January 21%, 1926. He is of Welsh, Irish and German descent. His father died when he was a year and a halfold. Steve attended boarding schools and spent the summer vacation months on his uncle's ranch in, Montana. Learned to ride when only three years of age. As to be expected, he is an expert horseman. In fact, the extensive amount of horseback riding Steve thas done is unquestionably a factor in his being small ‘waisted and having such trim hips. These physical characteristics are found in the majority of active comboys. Steve and bis mother moved to Oakland, California when the future “Mr. America” was approaching, the teen age period. To do his share in assisting his mother financially Steve had a newspaper route when a boy. Was proud of being the only one among the newspaper boys who could pedal his bike up the steep Oakland bills with the load of papers. The rest ‘were obliged to walk and push the loaded bike up the hill, but Steve always made it a point to pedal up. Gives much credit to this strenuous exercise on the Dike to his ealf development, His calves are truly exceptional in size and contour. Even as a boy Steve was physique conscious because he would deliberately pedal his bike in a manner designed to provide the calves with the greatest amount of exercise. He cultivated an individualistic walk, too, when a boy. Lifts his foot very high onto the toes before "pushing off” for each step, and gets a fot of “Jit” or spring with the toes, Walking in this manner also serves to contribute to his extraordinary calf development. His activities as a newspaper boy played an important role in a number of ways in the molding of his athletic ambitions. Fore example, Steve elaims that he developed a lot of coordination on his paper route. Used to hit even the smallest stoops with his paper tosses as he rushed down a steep hill on his Dike. His throwing arm is very accurate, Steve could certainly win an abundance of prizes at the various throwing games of chance at carnivals and amusenuent parks. July 2000 One of the popular forms of athletic competition among the newspaper boys was wrist-wrestling. Steve succeeded in beating all boys in this group— ‘but one! It hurt his pride that he was defeated by this lad, Joe Gambina, who was quite a bit smaller than Steve. He was rather puzzled as to why he was not able with his advantages in physical size to beat Joe n wrist-wrestling. The mystery was solved when Steve went over to Joe"s house one day, and his ‘other said that was “out in back working out.” Steve went to the back of the house and discovered that Joe had a regular gym set up in the garage, fall of ‘weights photos of strong men, copies of body building and weightlifting publications, and so forth ‘Steve said this was his first introduction to organized ‘weight training, and be really was impressed when he saw Joe’s well developed physique and gym set-up. He began his training then and there that i, his ‘organized body building activities. Later when he commenced attending high school he had the good fortune to go to Castlemont High School. This js one of the few public high schools that has weight lifting equipment in its physical ‘raining department. Steve, of course, made good use of this equipment in his body building activities being an ardent enthusiast. Also trained at home and spent much of his leisure time visiting the local gymnasiums, In seeking expert knowledge and guidance Stove ‘was fortunate in becoming a member of Yarick's body building gymnasium in Oakland, Here he commenced to tain under Ed Yarick’s expert supervision. At the conclusion of two years of training at Yarick’s gym Steve had made outstanding progress and weighed 190 pounds by the time he was eighteen years ofage Upon graduating from high school in 1944, Steve promptly enlisted in the Army. At that time the soldiers were being shipped overseas quickly and Steve was no exception. ARer about six weeks of boot training he was sent to the Philippines. Was assigned to the 125" Infantry and took part in the combat on Leyte in the Philippine Islands. Later was presented with a Combat fnfanteyman's badge and several awards. While in the Philippines, Steve suflered a severe attack of malaria. Was obliged to be hospitalized for quite a long time. Lost some 20 pounds in bodyweight. Experienced seven recurrences of the malaria, Was transferred from. combat duty in the Infantry to the Quartermaster Comps because of these malaria stages. Later Steve went to Japan with the occupation troops. At that time he was recuperating from the malaria attacks, but was still considerably below his normal par physically. Had not had a body building ‘work-out for nearly two years, Soon after he arrived The Dinosaur Files, Vol. 3, No. 12_ www dinosaur in Japan he located a Japanese intexpreter. ‘They went toa local foundry and with the aid of sketches and ‘much hand waving Steve was able to arrange to have 8.300 1b, barbell set made up. With this equipment hhe began to tain in Tokyo, Soon had a regular gym anda umber of ether body builders taining wid Upon returning to this country in the Fall of last year he was granted his release from the Army. Without any delay, he resumed his association at Yarick's physical culture studio in Oakland. From then on he was taking his workouts three times weekly with Ed Yarick. These exercise sessions ‘continued as regular as clockwork until one day in December Steve failed to appear for a workout, Ed was puzzled by his absence for he knew Steve was again in tiptop shape physically so it was very unlikely dat he was il, On Tuesday of the follo ‘week when it was-time for another regular session teve appeared at the gym with two large trophies. Had won these in the “Mr. Pacific Coast” contest held in Portland, Oregon that Saturday when he was absent from the gym. Kept his plans for participation in that contest a secret, Told only his mother and 2 ‘raining pal about his plans, We were very pleasantly, surprised to Tearn of his competing in this event in this unexpected manner. But we were most certainly not surprised that Steve was vietorious in this major physique competition, Afier winning the ttle “Mr, Pacific Coast” Steve suddenly came into the foreground among the ‘onrstanding body builders on the Pacific Coast, Rave reports in praise of Steve, which were justified, ‘commenced to circulate, Even though he had not reached his peak at that time, it was freely predicted by many experts that Steve was the best candidate for the "Mr. America” ttle this year. ‘The vietory in the “Mr. Pacific Coast” contest last December spurred Steve on to train even more intensively than before in an effort fo make the best possible showing in the forthcoming “Mr, America” competition. Due to a misunderstanding, Steve did not participate in the “Mr, California” contest in January of this year, He thought that he was ineligible because of winning the “Mr. Pacific Coast” title Jess than 2 month earlier. Learned that he was cligible when it was too late to arrange to enter in this event. On May 24" of this year, Steve took part in his second physique contest. It was the 1947 “Mr. Pacific Coast” competition and Steve retained his title, Besides being victorious in the main event he also won three other prizes for the special events; best arm development, best chest development and best leg development, After this series of successes Steve was certainly ready for the “Mr. America” m July, 2000 contest that he had heen training so eamestly and tensively for. Steve's mother has always supported his body building progress. Not only has she encouraged her son in his athletic endeavors but she has cooperated to the fallest with him in this connection, ‘The meals she prepares for Steve are wholesome ones providing an abundance of nourishing foods, He is especially fond of salads, vegetables and fresh fruit. Consumes more than a quart of milk daily. Steve i healthy conscious and does not eat products containing devitalized white flour or fined white sugars. He uses honey asa substitute for sugar. Steve's teth are perfect enough for dental advertisements. His teth ae entirely fice of eavties and this ean to a large degree be attributed t his healthfal dietary habits, Shorty before making the tip to Chicago, Steve visited with Les and Pudgy Stockton at their home ia Santa Monica, California, Since that visit we have heard praise galore fiom Steve regarding Pudgy's ability asa cook in preparing delicious meals that adhere to physical cultare standards ‘Steve's taining program is an extensive and very strenuous one. Adheres 10 2 three work-out periods per week schedule. Has no favorite exercise but enjoys a broad well balanced program, Thus far has not endeavored to become proficient inthe three Olympic lifts. However, the very heavy poundages provide plenty of evidence that he is exceptionally powerfill. Below Lam concisely deseribing the ‘exercise program tha Steve pesforms in his taining sessions at Yariek" gym, Its aranged in sections s0 235 t indicate the pasticular involvement ofthe ‘exoicises on certain muscles, Here are the exercises the current “Mr. America” performs regularly. Pectorals: (a) Wide arm prone press with barbel, ‘weight about 215 pounds—with the hands spread ide enough to touch the collars on an Olympic set. 3 sets, 10 to 12 reps. (b) Wide arm incline bench, press, 3 sets, 10 t0 12 reps Deltoids: 2 sets each of: (a) front raise, (b) side raise, and (6) curl and press, all with 65-b dumbbells, 10 reps, and decreasing by lb. jmps to 50 Ibs, 10 reps each weight per set. This progressively decreasing weights in continued reps of ‘one movement is quite a common system among bodybuilders on dhe Pacific Coast Latissimus: (a) Using 225 ths. on the overhead palley sitting on a stool with someone to hold hina down, he performs 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps pulling the bar down behind neck. (8) 3 sets of about 15 reps in the rowing motion, using the 45 degree pulley overhead with 150 Ibs “Triceps: (a) The curl behind neck with «70 dumbbell in both hands; 2 sets of 10 reps. (The dlumboel sel at arms" Tengt overhead in both ie Dinos Files Vol. 3.No, [2 wor, hands, then the elbows are bent allowing itt drop Inchind the neck, and then the arms ae raised an! so on.) () the triceps bench curl with 45 Tb. dumbbell in cach hand, 2 sets of 1 reps, Note: At times the progressively decreasing weight plan is applied to those two exercises, Biceps: incline beach curl, done on a special bench with a bar mounted under it so the arms (elbows) rest ont to prevent “cheating.” 6 sets, 10 reps alternately, beginning a 5 Ibs. dropping 5 pounds each se t0 50 Ibs, then staying a 50 los ‘Thighs! (2) Squats oa a 3" high block, wih 2 150 tb, barbell held in the clean position at shoulder level, 15 reps, 3 sets. He is careful a point the toes straight forward in performing this squatting movement. (b) 4 sets of leg biceps cues Calves: Toe raises using leg press machine, 20 reps cach, 4 ets, starting with 400 fos, then 350, ten 300 and éoncluding with 250 Ibs Back: 2 sets of “good moming exercise” on the Roman chai to develop the lower back, Of course, the latissinmus exercises are also fr the back muscles. Tam listing Steve's “before” and “ace” measurements, The “before” ones were when he first commenced to tain at Yarick’s gyi when 16 years of age. The “after” measurement ae recent obes, Before After Weight ocsonnnenee 166 bs. 213 Ths. Height Gt Gf Neck nnn 13% 1% Chest, nOEMAL en 37 49% Chest, expanded ue 39 SI Waist. : 29 Upper arm 18 Thighs. 24% Calves: : 17% In the "Mr. America” physique competition, Steve Reeves" suecess was identical to his predecessor's, Alan Stephan, in several respects. Both Steve and Al received a tatal of 72 out of a possible 75 points in ‘winning the ttle. Tn the judging for the “Most ‘Muscular Man title they both were a very close second. Last year Stephan won the award for the best Back Development and this year Reeves won it. ‘Since acquiring the “Mr. America” ttle Steve has hhad an extremely busy schedule in Chicago, Has been swamped with requests for public appearances, ‘Though Steve is inclined to be a bit shy he is very cooperative in his atitude, especially in encouraging youngsters in bodybuilding. Recently, he appeared ‘on a network radio show, “Ladies Be Seated,” asa ‘guest star. Was interviewed on this program by ‘ohany Olson, master of ceremonies for the show. ‘Also answered four questions put to him by four selected ladies from the audience, and also showed them his muscles (stripped to the waist, 0 the July 2000 accompaniment of many “oohs” and “aahs" from the females in the audience. Had an interview with pictures with an Associated Press features reporter, and another with an International News Service reporter. Made en impromptu stage appearance at the Chicago Theatre after visiting Hitdegarde who was being featured at this leading theatre. Steve really ‘clicked with the audience for he has a magnetic personality. Much exedit is due Dick Trusdell for his expert assistance and invaluable guidance in connection with the excellent and extensive publicity that Steve Reeves is being given. Recently, Steve returned to his home in Oakland. “Made the thip from Chicago via United Airlines. Is resuming his training activities at Yarick’s gym. Tes ‘expected that in the near furure he will go to his uncle's ranch in Montana and spend a vacation session there which, of course, will include @ lot of horseback riding. Even when he is away from home ‘on trips he does not neglect his training activities, ‘While in Chicago he exercised regularly at the Lawson *Y” gym and at the various focal beaches. Right now Steve's plans for the future are not definite. He is very conscious of the responsibilities attached to the “Mr. America” ttle and intends to arrange his plans 50 as to fulfil these responsibilities and help to the best of his ability in promoting the bodybuilding and physical eulture movement. In the short period of time that has elapsed since Steve won the “Mr, America” ttle he las done a great deal to help stimulate greater public interest through the ‘medium of good publicity. Knowing that Steve has high ideals, besides being intelligent and conscientious, we are confident that he will ccomplish a tremendous amount of good in behalf of the physical culture movement. Steve Reeves is. an ideal “Mr. America” and we know that he will continue to add to his laurels. MESOZOIC MAIL Hello Brooks, a reply to your post ftom earlier. I spoke to Mike Thompson last Sunday, after 1 received your e-mail about the bars in England that were for Sale, He ended up offering me an old power bar without Olympic ends on it that he's had for a ‘while, This sounded excellent to me as Twas after a ‘good bar (and L use standatd plates, which he said ‘would fit on the ends).We arranged to meet in London on Tuesday night so that I could have a play ‘with the bar, and we could bave a chat. ‘We met outside the local train station and went ‘back to his flat. The first thing that you otiee about Mike is that at ive foot eight, and with a 50 inch chest, the guy is huge. He certainly practices what he inosaur Files, Vol. 3, No. 12 The Dinosaur F niga preaches. While there I had the pleasure of watching hhim train, bottom position bench presses with a thuee inch thick bar, a warm up set and then three sets of eight with two hundred and fifty pounds, very impressive, He then did a few sets of reverse curls to finish off. [Before that he had Joaded my new bar up so that I ‘could try a few deadlifis. Now haven't worked on deadlifts for a while, mainly high pulls, and we started with 200 Ibs,, nothing for some guys, bust preity tough for me, although I didn't want to say so. T pulled that up, not (oo bad, another 25tbs each end, a pretty tough pull, but I’m feeling good now, another pair of 25's, I'm getting worried now, I've never even approached this weight before, a hard pull, but the bugger went up, Tam one happy lifter. now reveal that this is @ pe! I then achieved a pr on the push press, working up to 165 Ibs., not much for some, but this was tough! ‘Anyway we have a good chat about taining, and Tim ow on a routine mapped out by Mike which I'd like to enter into the self improvement contest, push press andl front squat. On the push press, I do one day of SxI, one day of 5x3, and one day of 5x5; on the front squats I do 5x3 one day, 5x5 the next session and 5x10 the third session of the week. Ail these are progressively heavier sets, and each week you try fo add two pounds per set; let's see how I get on. T've now got some farmer's walk handles which a local metal worker made for me, and last night I did five fifty meter walks with fifty kilos in eack hand; none of them were to failure but got tougher the more that F did! I thoroughly enjoy this exercise, and intend to work it hard. Thank you for your time and effort in the fites, keep up the good work, cheers! Jason Lake (Ed, Note: Well, it's a small world, Jason. T've trained with Mike in his home gym on two occasions, and used the very bar you now own. So you have a certified piece of dino memorabitia in your home gym] Hi Brooks, would like to enter the Dino Self Improven contest, especially because I haven't been lifting much siuce I wrenched my back about month ago and Lam starting to feel better lately. Perfect way to get back into some serious training. Ihave been lifting = litle over 2 years now and purchased DT last September along with the Files. The Files are great and [ enjoy re-reading DT. My size and strength have increased greatly since [ started working my ass off ‘on a handful of exercises and tossing the muscle rags. July 2000, To give you an idea, I just measured some girths today and compared ffom last September. [usually don’t worry about this but you wanted it for the contest and T happened to measure last September, Check it out, Dinosaur Training WORKS! 9-6-99 6-26.00 bw 183 220 waist 33 as chest 44.5 48.5 shoulder girthS2 55 upper arm 15.75 17.25 forearm 13 4 thigh 23, 25 calf 15.5 7 neck 16 "7 DL 285 405 OF press 105 205 bench 285 320 dips 295 352 chins 220 275 ‘squats - weil, I've had a problem with squats until earlier this year when I got some good tips from. Kevin Fulton and rest of the other experienced guys at Andy's Old-School Strengtlt Board, The parallel squat never felt right to me bt Twasn't flexible enough to do fall squats before, My buddy now tells ime my form looks good and itis to rock bottom. This is why I want to get my squats to respectable numbers during this contest. Tam going to skip traditional DL's and do SLDL. Recently Lhave set up some stands in the garage €o do standing OFT presses, (The above numbers are seated OH's in my basement) I have done the militaries twice now and got 190 for a double, I would like to increase this to 225, OF course, [ would like to increase all my Tift, bout that might be a tall order since I would like to drop a few pounds of body fat daring the 3 months. {will train twice a week with the above exercises and throw in some ab, neck, grip work, farmers ‘walks, and maybe some fat bar eutls. Cm about a 1/4" away from #2 COC with right hand and Pl get that closed too. I'm not sure how I'll split this up but Im fon vacation next week and I'l figute it out then, hope this is what you're looking for. Sorry for the length Let me know if you need anything else, ‘Thanks for all your help, Brookst Stephen M. Fabian, ‘You asked for feedback- here itis! ‘Things are good! After reading your book L changed from a HIT style routine fo a Sx5 system, ‘This has been great. I had been quite seriously stuck vith my weights (which are sti! not huge, but are mentioned in a previous letter, unable to press an Oly boar, Tm now up to 110 and climbing, 'SLDs and squats are doing good as well, 225 for squats and 250 for the stiffies, and all my shires are getting uncomfortable. hut what [really wanted to put forward, and hope ‘you will putin The Files, isa bit of history that may give some guys # bit of hope. ‘This time of year two years ago, Iwas 145 at 5110", which was heavy for me, A(31 I had constant back pain, recurring shoulder problems, and the tendency to lose 5 or six pounds if I got sick at all. This week I am 200 pounds. Most of that weight was piston in 16 months, from 2/99 to 6/26, I could stand to lose about ten pounds of fat, so that's 45 pounds of muscle in Just over a year. I work out for 2 hours a week. Ise nothing but a multi vitamin and a protein supplement and a Jot of zood food. Guys, especially-any very thin ecto guys ont there, this is doable. I've listened to Brooks, Bob Whelan, Ken Leistner, Stuart McRobert, John Christy. ‘They've pointed me in the tight directions, and Tve worked with their ideas and inspiration to get much stronger and bigger than I ever thought possible. 1 have no back pain. I have no shoulder pain. I'm not hhuge, I'm not as strong as many, but from where T was to where Lam, 'm amazed, Thanks to all of the guys who train hard, drug free, who are a credit to the Iron Game and who have helped me to be one as well Craig Brown Well Brooks, 'm not going to get che old tape ‘measure out, but P' bite iF it's OK to enter for just cone Tift..a few years ago T equalled a lifetime best in the front squat..just embarked on doing so in the snatch which at this stage of the game is supposed to be (and is) much more demanding the knees are allowing me to squat again (Ted like to think I had something to do with this)..Jifetime best is 200 pounds at age 20, since age 40 is 82.5 kkg...since age 50 is 70,..and best this year is 65, so its been leveled and going south for a Jong time,.any sane man would bet against ever making, 92.5, let alone in 13 weeks...0 sounds reasonable for that period of time and all things considered will be great improvement. want that 92.5, tho! ‘Michael Rinaldi Just wanted fo tell you. Today in the gym I did Course No. I. It took about an hour. Ididn't do the hhops or the Jefferson lifts, Needless to say, I'm beat getting up there for me!) They have are started Tin 3 days Fm going to do Course No. 2. Imay have climbing again, notably in my press. [ started, as 1 he Dinosaur Files, Vol. 3 dinosé .com. uly 2000 to change the order of lifts as T think squatting should ‘come first, not curls. T'm stil in for the contest! BTW, I appreciate getting a new Files every ‘month, "Please continue to put them out. Ton MeKowan Hi Brooks - Count me in on the improvement contest! Current routine fs Day #1 Goals ‘Squats 180x20...goal = 300 (w/out knee pain!) Stift-legged Deadlift 235x15....goal = 300 Bench Press 270x10....goal = 300 Pulldown 250x10....goal = 300 Abs, Calves, Grip (COC #2 x3-5)...goal = #3 Day #2 ‘Trap Bar Deadlift 335x15...g0al = 400 Press [75x10 200...goals (BWT x 1 @255) Rent Over DB Row 9Ssx10....goal = 115s (simultascously off high bench) sat Bar Cur! 110x10....goal = 135 Along with this I need to drop 15-18 fbs, to meet amy bw. press with 255, This is it. H's in writing. Here I go. Yeehaht Thanks for all the motivation you provide Jon Schultheis PS. We need to come up with a "cool" name for those of us who train on an upper floor rather than a garage or a cellar. [Ba, Note: I guess you are “lofters” rather than “tiflers."] Just wanted to let you know how my training is going. I finished off the semester at Minnesota. I'm really satisfied with my academies. I'm back here in Washington for the summer and you wouldn't believe what I’ve gotten myself into. [joined the Calpian Olympic weightlifting club and I'm lifting at competitions! I'm coached by John Thrush and lit amoag great lifters stich as Al Reed, Lea and Matt Foreman, and Melanie Kossof-Roache, It's great We lift in a small garage like gyn right by John's house. Very dino-style atmosphere, I competed for the first time in Oregon last Saturday and I did okay. Teompeted in the 77kg class and weighed in at 72. 1 did 2.70 kg snatch and a 9Skg clean and jerk. Tsed, the mental aspect outlined in "Dino Training" to ‘Ths Diansaue Files Vol 3 No.2 sos. dinosaurtaini com visualize my lifts, Missed a 75 kg snatch, but I'l get itnext time. Took 4th place. Joey Teske Right now I'm concentrating on 20rep deadlift, Talking’ about committing suicide with a barbell! ‘This one set (once a week) is absolute murder. 1 got into mattial arts lately (WingTsun, or as you say: Ving chun, e.g. the stuff Bruce Lee did, before hhe "invented" Jeet Kune Do}, but still do only “power" moves (deadiifts, squats, presses, chins) in my training, no O-lifts. I consider this best for me. ‘When it comes down fo improving martial arts via weightlifting, I'm more of an Arthur Jones/Ken Leistner type of lifter, meaning: improve your strength, endurance, ete, then learn the skills of your sport, ‘My routines DayA 1, Squats 10 reps 2. Deadlits 20 reps 3, Side bends 10 reps 4.Grip Day B 1. Presses 10 reps 2. Chins 10 reps 3. Abs ‘That doesn’t sound like much, but after I perform the rontines, I'm totally messed up! Christoph Braunaget Tknow you are probably tired of answering, ‘questions on the challenge, but 1am fired up about this contest and I want to make sure | understand something. First, Lam very interested in the old York courses Is the idea for the challenge to work all 3 courses in the 13 weeks? Or should you just pick one and work that for I3 weeks? really like Course No. 3 and I don't know how to do all of the exercises in the other courses. Also, if you do Course No. 3 is it supposed to be broken up into a few exercises during the week? Oris it all the exercises for 1 set on each day? Justa side note: A couple of months ago someone ‘was selling the old courses on E-Bay. ‘The deseription was something like, “old black and white weighilifting course showing a lot of funny looking, ‘guys doing very bizarre exercises.” 1 just shook my head. “Take care and thanks in advance for any guidance. Um ready for a tough challenge like this. Chad St. Chir Ww 2000 [Fa, Note: You can do one of the Old York courses, altemate two of them, or alternate three of them. Whatever works and interests you, When you do one of the courses, such as No. 3, do all of the exercise in one session, with one set per exercise. If you riced a warm-up on one or two of the heavier ‘moments, such as squats or deads, that’s fine. Course No. 3 done 3x per week is a ball-buster.} Ti not be bothering with fabled cables on vacation, but will get Mat's book instead ~ having. read the articles in The Files I'l find that and pestering the bar staff at the hotel for a barrel loan ‘mote fan during this yea’s long holiday. AAs for the self improvement contest - I can't resist joining this although 11 be “losing” three weeks ‘weight training out in Morocco during my long holiday - bue that, of course, will make it an interesting test for the bodyweight + barrel staff, So here are the stats: Lifting seriously for only about 1 and 1/2 years (ovhen L got my barbell). Age: 42 Weight: 75 kg LIFTS (for reps) DL 127.5 kg, B. Squat 90 kg, press 47.5 kg, snatch 45 kg, C+ 60 keg, bio rows 57.5 kg Great idea with the contest and hope it’s a great success. I won't be sticking totally to York Course No. 3 because I'm concentrating on these goals Perfect squat snatch and squat clean form as soon as my danm knee tendons recover Double bodyweight DL by my birthday... U2 bodyweight b, squat 34 bodyweight press....Bodyweight jerk. Don't know what I! be doing with the bodyweight exercises and barrel (I WILL find one) in Moroceo yet, but this is what I do most ofthe time: ‘All work sets only ‘Mon ‘Snatch Sx Squat: 1x3-5 (heavy), 1x5 (-10%) bio row: 143-5 (heavy), 145 (-10%) [Abs - weighted leg raise Wed - Press 1x3-S (heavy), 1x5 (-10%) CH Sx1 PBN Abs - sit-ups or Fill contact twist Finger grip stuff sometimes File ie Dinos Fes. VoL. 3. No. 2 ww Snatch 5x1 DL 1x3-5 (heavy), 1x5 (-10%) Neck sometimes Abs - roller Sleep-in.-barrel C+P Maybe a rock or two if tts a good day - this is just fun stuff coc Mike Benis Got the Files. Great job. Gallagher is far out but fun. The Mike's Gym article was hilarious and it was pure genius to tie it tothe old Hoffman article. I tried to talk Kerstin into adopting that dog Spencer advertised, but she thought a eat would be better. animals until we have a house instead of an apartment. Sign me up. :-) Still gotta figure out the mechanies ofa couple of the very old-school lifts in Hoffman's course, but I'l post a cry for help on those lifls over in the Old Schoo! board. Gunnar Dahlin ‘Count me in for the Selt-improvement contest. I am going t0 focus on getting ray total for the Olympic lifts up and my bodyweightDbody fat levels down, So far, I've lost 10 ths of weight, but my lifts are creeping up! Teurrently weigh 240tbs (would like to Jose another20-25Ibs) Rest snatch: 8Skilos (Master's record--Wisconsin 35-39 age group) Best clean & jetk: 97.5 kilos (Master's record Wisconsin 35--39 age group) My numbers aren't exactly world-beaters, but I got back into Olympic lifting again after a 4 year lay-off. 1 set these records in my first meet back last April. At 36, Fm having fan competing against myself and ant ooking at training as a life-long trek. Thanks. Mike Framke Briefly, Tam imerested in the Self Improvement ‘Contest and I would like to follow the original York Courses | and 2, but T don't know how to perform some of the lifts. I looked through the back issues of The Files: however, have been unable to find them. T specifically need help with: 1. Straddle Hop 2. Two Arm Press in Wrestlers Bridue 3. German "Goose July 2000 Again, thanks for your help and for restoring the history of weight lifting through your writings, Tam ‘a huge fan and I believe you have already left your ‘mark in the history books, Ron Giles (Bd. Note: The straddle hop is like jumping jacks with the bar on the shoulders as if doing a squat. For the wrestler’s bridge, start with bodyweight only, Matt Furey’s Combat Conditioning tells how to da these. The German Goose Step is a “marching in place” exercise with bar on shoulders.) 1 just read your article "The Mike's Gym Self- Improvement Contest" and am excited to go and try ‘York Coutse No. 3 this evening. T've always wanted to do more Olympie-type and support strength movements, I? you have the time and don't mind, could you explain to me what the Straddle/Vefferson Lift, Saddle Hop, and German Goose Step are? And for the Wrestlr's Bridge Press am I supposed to do this with my nose and forehead touching the ground? (I got Matt Furey's Combat Conditioning book and its really cool!) Marion A. Cicero [Bd Note: See above response, ‘The straddle lift (also ealled the Jefferson lift) isa squatting ‘movement, Straddle the bar, squat down, grab it with fone hand in front of the body and one hand behind...keep back very straight (this is critical) and doa squatting exercise.) 1 work at a large department store in the sporting and furnituce departments, and frequently have to help load large pieces of exercise equipment, sofas, cabinets, et. While dumbbells and barbells are designed to be lifted, heavy erates, boxes and items ‘of furmiture, aren't - at least, not manually. There is a ‘considerable amount of skill, balance, and "real- world” sttength invalved, In this, the odd-object lifting that is a major component of Dinosaur Training, holds me in good stead. As T regularly inform my workmates, we probably get more benefit, fiom stacking the big, clumsy exercise machines, than do the people who buy them, Hail to the Dinosaurs! Rohan Mascarenhas I watched FSPN yesterday morning. They had this uy and girl “iting” weights and doing drop sets ‘with a ton of exercises for isolated body parts The Di sou Files, Vol. 3 sow. dinosa ‘Thought Id watch and get a laugh but it was too pathetic for humor. The guy's armpits were shaven! ‘The cameraman zeroed in on his triceps when he did something, The cameramen focussed on the gin!'s boobs when she was “lifting” (she had a three of four inch upper arm). T wasn't suze which one the producers wanted us to look like ~ the steroid look or the enhanced boob look -- so I turned the boob tube (pun intended) off and re-read the latest issue of Milo, The big guy with the steroid triceps and delts hiad a bad time with 1354 squats in a Smith machine, by the way. ‘The gym was fun yesterday, too. { feared that Nd have to wait for one of two squat safety racks since there are now at least 5 people who squat in this 50,000 square foot gym but, alas, our schedules did not coincide. Did 5x5 with 81% of my 1 rep max for the last three sets. Then T put 90% and did two singles ~- love to do that at dhe end of Sx5s because it ‘makes me really push hard. Going back to singles in the squat next week. Then T did some one arm power ‘dumbbell swings (too clumsy to do a split or squat swing). Gott 804 with my right hand and am close to getting 75# with the left. While I am doing a set of thiee swings, some dippy young lady walks dieectly behind me! Ihave much confidence in my grip bat t ‘wouldn't walk right behind me during dumbbell swings! Those gym mirrors came in handy, for once! T've had dummies do the same thing as I was hoisting 2 300+ one hand deadlift, I guess if you don't do anything heavy, while standing on your feet instead of sitting on furniture to lif, then you can't understand how unforgiving geavity ean be, Enough of a rant. Progress is progressing, sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly. But it always happens if we are willing to work for it. ‘Thanks for all you do to bring some sanity into this ‘wonderful sport Chris Walter want to enter the selfimprovement contest. My ‘goal is to gain 50 Ibs. of muscle so T ean wallop my big brother, Spencer. ‘Max Kubik Ido not need to enter the self-improvement contest Tam already perfect. Just ask Cameron Spencer Kubik July 2000 1

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