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Who Creates the Most Co2 Emissions?

Author: Internet Marketing IQ

First off for people who can not remember back to Grade School and the simple biology
lessons taught about Plants here is a reminder.

Sunlight + Water + co2 = Growth! The simple little process called Photosynthesis!

Co2 is so dangerous that every single breath you exhale contains massive amounts of

So who is the Worlds Biggest man made contributor of Co2? The answer is simple – The
United States Military. And why are none of the “World Experts” talking about this in
their fraudulent global warming get togethers?

In evaluating the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen -- with more

than 15,000 participants from 192 countries, including more than 100 heads of state,
as well as 100,000 demonstrators in the streets -- it is important to ask: How is it
possible that the worst polluter of carbon dioxide and other toxic emissions on the
planet is not a focus of any conference discussion or proposed restrictions?

Commercial Aircraft jettison fuel directly into the environment for “safety reasons”. The
United States Military jettisons fuel directly into the ocean before fighter jets are allowed
to land on aircraft carriers. The first makes sense to save passenger lives in emergency
situations. But the second? Sure we don’t want our fighter pilots crash landing and
destroying Billion Dollar Aircraft carriers. But you kind of wonder just how much fuel is
really dumped each and every day.

Experts guess that more than 15 million pounds of jettisoned fuel rained down into
the oceans from civilian and military aircraft during the 1990s. Source: Oil at Sea

So why is the United States Military Industrial complex NEVER mentioned by the
Global Warming Fear Mongerers?

Even according to rankings in the 2006 CIA World Factbook, only 35 countries (out
of 210 in the world) consume more oil per day than the Pentagon.

Can you see the Fraud as it unfolds? Can you see the hypocrisy? The Federal
Government under the Guise of Global Warming wants to implement “Carbon Taxes” on
the people, but are making ZERO effort to curtail their own pollution. If the United
States was truly concerned about Global Warming they would not be the largest
contributor! The Government wants to tell you what to do, what to drive, what kind of
furnace you can own, what kind of … on and on. But they do nothing to clean up their
own act? Think about that.
Steve Kretzmann, director of Oil Change International, reports: "The Iraq war was
responsible for at least 141 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent
(MMTCO2e) from March 2003 through December 2007. ... The war emits more
than 60 percent of all countries. ... This information is not readily available ...
because military emissions abroad are exempt from national reporting
requirements under U.S. law and the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate

Unfortunately for the Global Elitist the Weather is NOT cooperating in their scam! It’s
hard to get people to buy into the scam when there is a deep freeze in States that do not
typically experience deep freezes. Yes it’s true, the weather changes… we do indeed
have “Climate Change”. Some years are colder and some years are warmer. And it has
everything to do with the Sun and nothing to do with Co2, If you want to absorb all the
extra dangerous C02 stop letting the Oil Companies destroy the Rainforest. Stop covering
up the World’s Largest Global polluter.

Wake up America. We live on a Planet that is being polluted by Multi-National

corporations. The Government doesn’t want to stop the pollution. They want to tax you
and issue the corporations “Carbon Offset Credits” so they can go on polluting, and then

We have a real problem - it's Corporate Pollution and Government Deception.

Supporting the "Global Warming" agenda will only give Corporate Polluters a free pass
to continue polluting and raise your taxes.

We need to focus on the Real Issue and it's not how warm it is outside. It's how the
Corporations are polluting with complete immunity. Exxon Mobile paid no punitive
damages for the Exxon Valedez spill. How did that happen? Just ask Justice Souter. 20
Years of litigation and they walk away free. Texaco destroyed a huge portion of the
Ecuadorian Rain Forrest, then declared Bankruptcy and walked away free.

WAKE UP! We all want a clean planet, but the Global Warming agenda has nothing to
do with "Saving the Planet" and everything to do with robbing you of your liberties and
taking more of your money.

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