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Welcome to Rain Forest WebQuest!

You will be exploring the various plants and animals that live in the rain forest and in
what countries do rain forests exist. You will be fascinated at what types of living
organisms are found in the rain forest and as well as their location in the world.

Enjoy your journey!


You will be taking a journey through different websites to learn about the animals and
plants that exist in the rain forest as well as locating rain forests from around the world.
Your task is to choose either one animal or plant that lives in the rain forest and learn
about it. You will then write a 2 page report of the animal or plant of your choice and
discover where rain forests are located. Finally, you will present your report and findings
to the class.


1. What animals and plants exist in the rain forest?

To learn about the animals and plants that exist in the rain forest, read the following
two books: “Animals of the Rain Forest” by Stephen Savage and “Rain Forest Plants”
by Pamela Dell. List 3 animals and 3 plants. You read about.

2. Choose one animal or plant to write a 2 page report.

Now that you have learned about the animals and plants that live in the rain forest,
choose one animal or plant that is of interest to you. Visit the following websites to
explore more about your animal or plant. Then write a 2 page report on your
3. Where are rain forests located?

Since you have learned about a specific animal or plant that lives in the rain forest, it
is time to research where rain forests are located. Visit the following website to
discover where you can find rain forests. List 5 areas in the world.


Process 1
Beginning 1-Lists none or one animal or plant
Developing 2-Lists 2 or more animals or plants
Qualified 3-Lists 3 animals or plants


Process 2
Beginning 1-No explanation of animal or plant
Developing 2-Somewhat explanation of animal or plant
Qualified 3-Thorough explanation of animal or plant


Process 3
Beginning 1-Lists none or one area
Developing 2-Lists 2 through 4 areas
Qualified 3-Lists 5 areas



Congratulations! You completed your journey on animals and plants that live in the rain
forest. Be ready to present your findings to the class.

One last thought, did anyone in the class choose the same plant or animal you chose? If
so, did you learn something new about your animal or plant from their report that wasn’t
discovered by you?

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