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Initial Call for Proposals

Deadline March 15, 2015

18th Annual Colloquium on International Engineering Education

Institute of International Education (IIE) and German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
November 5-6, 2015
Building Strategic International Partnerships
The Institute of International Education (IIE) and German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) are
soliciting ideas for complete sessions as well as for individual paper and poster presentations for the
18th Annual Colloquium on International Engineering Education to be held in New York, November 5-6,
The purpose of the Colloquium on International Engineering Education is to bring together engineering
and language faculty, administrators, exchange organizations, funding agencies, non-profits and industry
representatives engaged in engineering education initiatives around the world to discuss strategies and
share information and best practices for the internationalization of the engineering curriculum.
The theme of the 18th Annual Colloquium on International Engineering Education is Building Strategic
International Partnerships. The international engineering community is invited to submit thematicallyrelevant abstracts for sessions, papers or posters highlighting programs and partnerships, projects,
research, trends, and initiatives in international engineering education.
The program will include four sessions with two parallel groups each. Particular consideration will be
given to abstracts with the following topics:

Engineering and entrepreneurship

Role of industry: Where does industry interest align with academic and research interests? What
impact does Industry 4.0 have on the curriculum?
Lessons learned from different international models: How are Germany, the US and other countries
bridging the gap between industry and academia? What sectors are best represented and which
sectors are missing?
Foreign language acquisition and engineering education
What level of foreign language proficiency is needed for engineers to be considered globally
How much of a competitive advantage do engineers with foreign language skills have in the

Beyond transactional partnerships

Sustainable collaborations: What is the value in moving from transactional partnerships that focus
exclusively on student exchanges to transformational partnerships, encompassing wider
institutional engagement?
Best Practices: What works for engineering students and programs through a multi-dimensional
Case studies: Building a sequence of international opportunities to fit the needs of STEM students
New York as a destination for STEM
What role does the New York metropolitan area play among students and professionals for the
teaching and study of STEM?
Challenges in creating and components of successful engineering programs (accreditation etc.)
Existing models: Why a one-type-fits-all approach does not work?
Funding opportunities
There are a number of fellowships and funding sources for students and post-docs to go abroad. The
issue is not only funding but finding the right collaboration.

Information on this years Colloquium can be found at:

Please submit a short summary of your presentation proposal with the attached form by March 15, 2015
via e-mail to:
Senior Program Officer, Science and Technology Programs
Institute of International Education; 212-98-5442

Initial Call for Proposals

18th Annual Colloquium on International Engineering Education
New York City, Nov 5-6
If you have an idea for a complete session, or for an individual paper or poster presentation that relates
to the colloquium theme
Building Strategic International Partnerships,
please submit the attached form and a short abstract by March 15, 2015 to

Presenter/Moderator Information: (Note: Please provide information for EACH presenter)

Name ____________________________________Title _______________________________________
Mailing Address________________________________________________________________________
City _______________________________ State _______ Zip_________ COUNTRY________________
Phone _____________________________________
E-mail _____________________________________
Presentation Title ____________________________________________________________
This is a

Concurrent Session _______

Paper ______

Poster ______

Audiovisual needs __________________________________________________________

VERY IMPORTANT: Please attach your presentation abstract in narrative form as you wish it to appear in the
program. Please limit your description to 150 words or less.

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