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How ego games destroy spiritual communities

Ascended Master Gautama Buddha, January 1, 2006 through Kim Michaels.

I, Gautama, am the Buddha in the Crown of every true student of the path to Budd
hahood. I come to make sure you understand the teaching of the relationship betw
een the Buddha and the Mother. Truly, the key to healing your psychology and ove
rcoming the past
and all attachments to the past
is to understand that you canno
t overcome the human consciousness by using the human consciousness.
You see, my beloved, everything in the material universe is made from the Ma-ter
light. Any problem you have is made from a misqualification of the Ma-ter light
, so that the light has taken on a form that is not in alignment with the perfec
t laws of the Father, the perfect laws of love that ensure the growth of all lif
e. Thus, the imperfect form, the imperfect manifestation, limits not only yourse
lf but all life.
Once the Mother light has taken on a form that vibrates below the level of love,
there is no remedy in the material universe that will completely cure that prob
lem. There are truly many healing methods that can help you walk forward on the
path toward healing, but there is no ultimate remedy, there is no philosopher's
stone, there is no magic wand that will take away the imperfect conditions by us
ing only the forces found in the material universe.
The only way to be free of your past is to reach up for the power of God within
you, the power of God the Father. This is what I called the Buddha nature when I
was privileged to release the teachings that became the basis for what you now
see as the religion of Buddhism. You, today, know them as God the Father, as the
expanding force of the Father or as your I AM Presence.
You must make two decisions to be healed
My Beloved, only the power of the I AM Presence, the power of the Father, the po
wer of the Buddha can truly set the Mother light free from an imperfect matrix a
nd therefore heal you from the wounds in your psychology. Yet in order for that
power to be brought down into your lower being, you must be willing to surrender
your attachment to your wounds, to your hurt, to your pain. This, therefore, be
comes a twofold action and it requires you to make two decisions. You must decid
e that you are willing to align yourself with the will of the Father. This is wh
at Mother Mary demonstrated when she said to the angel "Not my will but thine be
done." This is what Jesus said when he asked the Father to take the cup away fr
om him and still said "Not my will but thine be done."
But you must understand that this is your own higher will and not a will that is
alien to you or that seeks to restrict or limit you. On the contrary, your own
higher will only seeks to set you free to be all that you are. And thus, in orde
r to submit, to surrender, yourself to your own higher will, you must be willing
to dispense of the lie of the fallen angels that God's will is contrary to your
own, that it restricts your free will or takes away that free will. This is a l
ie they have put upon the evolutions of earth for eons, and truly it is a lie th
at in this day and age you must challenge, you must grow beyond.
For when you do surrender to the higher will of your own being, then the light c
an be released and descend into your form. But the healing is not complete by th
e light descending, for you must also be willing to let go of your attachment to
your pain, to your hurt, to your sense of anger or non-forgiveness toward those
who have hurt you, even your non-forgiveness towards God or yourself. This then

can best be done when you understand the ego and understand that it wants to
ep you trapped in this little box, where you are so focused on yourself, your
n pain, your own needs that you have no thoughts for other parts of life. And
at is why, truly, the best way to heal yourself is to seek to heal others, to
ve to others.


My Beloved hearts, when you realign yourself with the will of the Father, draw d
own his light and then
at the same time
you are willing to serve others, then yo
u will establish the figure-eight flow. And as that flow continues, it will lite
rally pull out of you all imperfect conditions and energies so that you are heal
ed gradually. And as you are healed, the intensity of the light will increase. Y
ou can hold more light, and as you give out more light, God will multiply what y
ou give, will multiply your talents. And thus, to him that hath more shall be ad
ded until all life is raised up.

A greater understanding of the ascension

This is a teaching that is essential for your own healing, for the planetary hea
ling, but it is also essential for what I would speak to you about in this disco
urse, namely how you can establish Maitreya's Sphere of Oneness, coming together
in that true Spirit of Oneness. From the beginning of time on this planet, you
will see that most spiritual movements or organizations have talked about the ne
ed for people to come together, whether they call it community, the Sangha of th
e Buddha, the Body of God, the Body of Christ or a particular church or religion
Why is it so important for people to come together? Well, as I just explained, t
ruly for you to be healed personally, you must overcome the focus on yourself an
d seek to serve all life and heal others. And what better and more obvious way t
o do that than to come together with people in some spiritual setting, organizat
ion or movement, so that you can help each other heal and grow. So this is one p
urpose your own healing.
Yet there is a greater purpose, which many people have not understood and which
really could not be realized until the present age. When you look back at record
ed history, you will see that religion has been focused on saving the individual
. The teachings of the ascended masters have for many years talked about the asc
ension, focused on the ascension of one individual at a time. And truly, the asc
ension of you individually is a process that you walk alone. Yet there is a grea
ter understanding of the process of the ascension.
In ages past given the density of planet earth and the density of the consciousn
ess of humankind
it was not possible to raise up the entire planet to a higher v
ibration. And thus, we were focused on raising up one person at a time, so that
as individuals ascended to heaven, they would form a magnet in heaven that would
pull on the rest of humanity, calling them to come up higher. This is what Jesu
s expressed, when he said, "And I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto me.
" So even in the Piscean age it was necessary to focus on helping those, who wer
e ready, achieve their individual ascensions.
But in the Age of Aquarius there is a higher goal that is within reach, if enoug
h people will heed the teachings on oneness and dedicate their lives to manifest
ing that oneness here below. When you go within and establish the figure-eight f
low that I described earlier, then you open up the floodgates of heaven. And whe
n you then perform the Omega action, you can draw the Alpha action of the light
down and use it down here to build a horizontal unity, where you have the vertic
al figure-eight flow between you in embodiment, your higher Self and the ascende
d masters above, yet you also build the horizontal figure-eight flow here below.

If a critical mass of people will build the vertical and the horizontal figure-e
ight flow
come together in a Sphere of Oneness then it will not be necessary for
you to ascend from earth, for you together can raise up the earth so that the e
arth will be purified and outpicture the Kingdom of God, which we also call the
Golden Age of Saint Germain. So you see, coming together in a spiritual communit
y is truly an essential step in the progression of this planet, in the raising o
f the consciousness of humankind. Thus, it is necessary for you to understand ma
ny things about the process of coming together, and we will surely give you teac
hings that will help you with this.

A spiritual organization can become a hindrance to growth

I come to give you a special teaching, relating to people who have been in any s
piritual organization for some time, and they have either left that organization
in disappointment or they have felt a certain emptiness or a certain unrest as
if it was time to move on. This is because when you have been on the spiritual p
ath for some time
and have focused on your own personal healing and growth you w
ill reach that critical point
which Mother Mary explains in the new book where y
ou simply cannot grow any further by focusing on your personal growth.
The only way for you to grow beyond that point is to redirect your focus and see
k to help others. For many sincere spiritual students this can be a very difficu
lt challenge, because they have been focused on their own growth for a very long
time. Many of them have been focused on a specific approach to saving the plane
t or serving the ascended masters. And when you have been focused on one approac
h for a long time, it is virtually inevitable that your ego manages to raise up
certain walls around your mind that cause a certain rigidity. You become comfort
able with your approach, and now it becomes difficult to let go of that sense th
at you have achieved a certain maturity on the path, that you know your way arou
nd, that you have a sense of comfortability, perhaps even a sense of security.
This is something you see in every religious or spiritual organization found on
this planet. Many people have served tirelessly and with great zeal for a long t
ime, and they have attained a position of leadership. And now
suddenly a certain
comfortability or rigidity steps in, and suddenly the ego manages to convince p
eople that it is more important to maintain their present position in the outer
organization than to recommit themselves to taking the next step on the spiritua
l path, so that they can rise to an entirely new level.
When leaders feel threatened
This is indeed why Jesus said that the first shall be last and the last shall be
first. For what happens when those who are the most experienced, those who have
attained positions of leadership, become rigid in their approach to the path or
in their approach to a particular teaching or organization? Well, I will tell y
ou what happens. Their growth comes to a halt.
Yet there are those who have not been in the organization for as long, and they
have not become rigid and they are still committed to growth. So they use the te
aching or the organization to grow, and there comes the inevitable point where t
hey start growing beyond the level of spiritual attainment of those who are in l
eadership positions. What will inevitably happen is that those in leadership pos
itions suddenly feel threatened by those that they had considered as being below
them in the hierarchy that they had established in their minds.
Suddenly they realize that these newcomers, these upstarts, want more than just
passively following the leaders. And in some cases it is true that those who are
less experienced want to fulfill their ego desires, or maybe they lust after th

e power of those in positions of leadership. And thus, truly, they are not worth
y of those positions.
Yet I must tell you that in virtually every organization of any merit there is a
certain group of people who are beginning to grow out of the ego and manifest t
heir Christhood, and thus they have an inevitable and unstoppable longing to exp
ress that Christhood. They truly are the ones who are worthy to hold positions o
f leadership or in other ways express their Christhood within the framework of t
he organization. And if those who have positions of leadership were equally comm
itted to manifesting and expressing their Christhood, there would be no conflict
. For truly, all would then find their place and be able to express their Christ
attainment and their God flames. But what inevitably happens is that the leader
s who have lost their commitment to growth feel threatened, and so they seek to
hold back the ones that are growing in Christhood.
The greatest tragedy in spiritual organizations
My Beloved, this is the greatest tragedy of any spiritual organization when this p
rocess comes to a head and the inevitable confrontation occurs. So many scenario
s have outplayed themselves throughout the ages that if I were to tell you about
them, you would literally feel nauseated. You would feel like throwing up in di
sgust by seeing how the ego again and again
has managed to cause sincere spiritu
al seekers to enter into the dualistic game of trying to prove who is right and
whose ego is better than whose.
My Beloved hearts, this has been going on for so long that we of the ascended ma
sters have simply had enough. We have said, "Enough is enough. It is time for us
to establish organizations and movements on this planet, where these ego games
can no longer destroy the organization and destroy those who are sincerely follo
wing the path." Thus we ask those of you who are open to this new dispensation,
those who are open to Maitreya's Sphere of Oneness, to commit yourself to overco
ming these ego games, first in yourselves and then seeking to help others overco
me them.
I speak sternly now, for I do indeed come as the force of the Father, the force
of the Buddha, to bring you into alignment with the higher will of your own bein
g and make you see that you too have tired of these ego games. You have in many
past lifetimes been involved with spiritual movements. You have put forth sincer
e efforts, only in the end to see your efforts dashed and your pearls cast befor
e swine, where they were devoured by those who were so caught up in the ego game
s that they would not let them go.
You too have come to the point, where you have said, "Enough is enough" and that
is why you are where you are today in consciousness. Yet I know that there are
some spiritual people who are not yet open to the teachings we are giving becaus
e you have been too hurt, they have been too put down. And you have allowed your
self to take those hurts personally, to become attached to them, so that you are
not willing to let them go. You are not willing to realign yourself with the hi
gher will of the Father which says, "My child it is time to come home. It is tim
e to stop playing in the sand. It is time to stop hiding your head in the sand,
but to rise up, stand firm and be who you are. Come up higher! Let go of these o
ld hurts, let go of these old wounds and realize that you were hurt by others be
cause they were trapped by the ego and you allowed yourself to feel hurt because
you were trapped by the ego.
The only solution is that someone has to step outside of that ego game. And my b
eloved hearts, I am calling you to be that one who will step outside of the ego
game and recommit yourself to the true path, the path of Oneness. This truly is
what we desire to see happen in the coming years. This is why Maitreya was grant
ed this dispensation of the Sphere of Oneness, which I must tell you is a grand

dispensation when you consider what is going on on this planet at this very mome
nt in so many areas, where the ego games are allowed to run rampant even to the
point that people are willing to kill millions of people in order to prove that
their religion or their ideology is right.
Gautama s special grant
The spiritual people are our best hopes for turning around this situation, estab
lishing a Sphere of Oneness that can serve as an example for all those who are l
onging to see this planet rise out of the dualistic ego games and manifest the K
ingdom of God, the Sangha of the Buddha, the Circle of Oneness, the unity of the
Body of God, the Body of Christ. Thus, I, Gautama, commend all of those who wil
l be awakened to the call of Maitreya's Sphere of Oneness both now and in the fu
ture. I congratulate you for coming to the point of recognition that there is in
deed a greater mission waiting for you that is not specific to any particular re
ligion but transcends all outer religions. For truly, the members of any religio
n or no religion are equally welcome in Maitreya's Sphere of Oneness when they hav
e committed themselves to the path of oneness.
Thus, I, Gautama, come to offer all spiritual people a grant. If you will allow
me, I will anchor a certain portion of the Peace of the Buddha in your crown cha
kra, where it will remain for as long as you are committed to the path of overco
ming your attachments. Thus, whenever you feel that you are facing a difficult s
ituation or a difficult wound in your own psychology, I ask you to visualize tha
t you are sitting like the Buddha in your crown chakra, that your crown chakra o
pens as the lotus blossom and that you see my Presence descend upon you, so that
the Buddha in me and the Buddha nature that is in you become One. This will giv
e you peace and a realignment with your I AM Presence.
Thus I, Gautama, seal you in the love of Alpha and Omega. I seal you in the name
of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother and I seal you in
the Peace of Buddha.

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