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The passage of time is punctuated by the events which happen in one’s life. You rarely notice true passing of the hours,
days, months or seasons except for memorable events to note how time for you has gone on. Why such a marked
interest in time should be a consideration is chiefly due to the ever punishing awareness that for you time is finite. In
your eyes you are aware that in a corporeal world the human body has limitations placed upon it. These invariably
increase with age and most people in Western civilisation become melancholy (or even to the point of obsession) about
their inevitable end. The body ceases to function, it is natural law, just as it is that the end becomes the beginning of the
souls release.

The chain of special events which punctuate your awareness are individual to the soul, for some a marked event is
special for others the same is not as memorable. But they good or bad, experiences, mark the shaping of ourselves and
the way we perceive such events, and handle them later, is of much importance – more so undoubtedly than the time
that has passed between them. Our attitudes to such learning experiences, perhaps even life-changing in their intensity,
shape and mould what we are to become. We will change, we will develop, sometimes for the better and maybe not.
This is our learning ground, our chance to grow and develop, to test the boundaries imposed upon us but to embrace
nature’s law at the same time.

Nature’s law is not written down so that we may all learn its controlling influences on our lives. It is an unspoken
language, an unforeseen force and an energy that tries to counterbalance the cause and effect of how we interact with
the corporeal world around us. Whether we choose or not to abide by such a law is up to us to decide, but the effect of
abusing it can be severe – if not for us then for other perhaps unknown and unseen living matter. Whether this matter
has a life energy or not makes no difference – the cause and effect of our actions will have an escalating affect. We kill
the fly, that feeds the frog that spawns the rivers that fail to support other life etc etc.

In essence, each and every action shapes the world about us and whether or not that is a memorable action or event to
you, it may turn out to be so to someone or something else who is affected by its repercussions. The flippant amongst
you, the uncaring and the ones whose souls have not yet progressed enough beyond their own selfish needs – will turn
around and say “so what”. The answer is simple. Their inaction, their negativity and lack of purpose escalates, alone
they may not make a difference, but multiplied by the extent of their kindred spirits, the effects are alarming. Indeed, to
such proportions that corrective actions by these souls only too painfully aware of the need to react and counterbalance
the situation, become inane. Their repair, their attempts to heal can be slower than the spread of that which needs
correcting. Take as an example The Greenhouse Effect, El Nino, Tidal Flows and World Climate changes.

All these things are what you are shaped by and begin to shape our futures more than they did our past. As time
advances, each new generation has new and unavoidable issues to deal with that are unique to their era. Add to that the
diverse social, physical, moral and religious backgrounds that shape the world and its thoughts and you begin to feel a
lost soul in a vast world. So many souls feel moulded, shaped and steered by their outside influences, but this is life and
the learning experience we are on. This ever changing theatre of life determines that we should be adaptable, flexible
and true to ourselves and others. We cannot allow life to go on around us and not be part of the action, for as we have
seen, sometimes inertia is what ruins us and others. A zest for life, a launching oneself into the discoveries of what we
can give and receive to our world, is vital for our advancement as a person, as a species, and as a planet.

To say we have developed and yet have to acknowledge to what extent others had to suffer, or to the damage we did to
other species and eventually the planet – cannot be seen as development at all. True accomplishment is the ability to
give with love, and the result is that more love and positivity is produced. With this in mind, as one person does a deed
the effects may not be immense, but multiply that action by their many kindred spirits and the affects can be
marvellously radical. Nature’s law becomes our law, and the way we allow ourselves to be governed by it not only
affects us, but the life around us now and in the future. Our responsibility to ourselves and all around us is essential at
all times. When our bodies have gone and our souls have moved on, what we shape now becomes our future just as
much as it does all future living forms. Can we be proud of our contribution to that legacy?

When you consider love to be a positive and driving force in the world, you should give thought as to where this
powerful emotion comes from. The energy of love comes from within. This needs to be repeated to ourselves time and
time again because so often we attribute love to something from without that penetrates our lives or reacts with us to
bring about our own loving energy. It comes from within. It extends to without. It is an energy that can reach
everywhere and turns inertia to activity. Love blends and combines, heals and brightens. Love is a light that can turn
the shadow of our souls towards a higher plane and understanding.

It is true that we each seem to desperately need love. Yet so often we look and turn to others for this energy to be
supplied. Whether expected, asked for, demanded or taken we have failed to realise one essential blessing. Love comes
from within. We have it in ourselves to give ourselves the love we need, perhaps more so than we do to supply it to
others. We know our own minds better than anyone else. We know our own souls more than others. We know our
bodies and how we feel. Love can rule it all if we allow ourselves the ability to show ourselves love. Why would you
deny yourself the love that you are willing to freely express and give to others – whether you know them or not. Whom
better to love than yourself. And if you don’t love yourself, who better to love themselves enough to make the change
from within. Become the person you want to be. Truly no-one and nothing can hold you back if you want to move on –
only the counter productive force of fear.

Many people fail to find love in their hearts for themselves. To love oneself means to allow yourself the drive and
enthusiasm to learn and develop, to ever extend the knowledge and abilities you have. Bu challenging yourself, by
growing to be a better and wiser person, by loving yourself you ultimately begin to show love to others. It is infectious
and what was within grows to without and you are naturally, freely then expressing your love in words and deeds to
benefit others. Love is not a weakness, it is a gift, a blessing to yourself and for the benefit of you to share with others.
Never presume to receive what you are not prepared to give, for ultimately you shall get it back tenfold.

There are many in the Spirit World whose sole work seems to be to generate love by their actions and deeds, their very
thoughts extending seemingly a constant energy extended towards others. These others may be other souls, both human
or animal, but also other living tissue upon the earth. Their thoughts become in effect an energy to raise the vibration of
all living matter. With the power of love that they are extending, they begin to shape the way we look at ourselves or
others. Love has that affect. When we know happiness we wish to see others find love and happiness too. And if
someone or something is struggling to find it, we should persist, perhaps step up our task and have trust in ourselves
and the positive effect we can have on our Worlds.

Both the Spiritual plane and the Earth plane co-exist, and the good done on each sphere has repercussions on both.
When those on the Earth are disheartened, or fall under the shadow of their physical surroundings we do our utmost to
help them. So should you. By helping yourselves and then extending your love to others you help us in our work. There
is so much to do. In fact so much that if you knew of it all, or even a fraction of it, then you would feel humbled and
perhaps even overwhelmed. Your love, attuned to your thoughts and directed by us, with us, or even channelled alone,
can all make a significant difference and raise the vibration of both planes by your efforts. If by your very thoughts you
can affect yourself, then it seems a natural course of conclusion to suppose that you can likewise influence others in the
same manner. As you realise that this is true, then you should be doing your utmost to make a difference.

Give to yourself and to others. Let this be synonymous in your thoughts and actions. They say that as you give you
receive. This may not always be true directly but if you succeed in your mission to improve the lot of others, then the
affects will undoubtedly ripple through their worlds. Believe that you can make a difference and in loving yourself you
are imbued with the magical energy of love. A force to enjoy and be enjoyed. A force to share.

You should not be concerned with the worry of finding someone to share your life with. This is something that need not
concern you at the present. It takes time to heal the hurt and memories and this is what has been happening all this
while. You may be ready to commit to another try, but that other soul might not. You must experience patience and
whilst doing so you must pray.

Prayer is a way of addressing your thoughts and commanding them to do what you would have them do. If this is to ask
for someone to love to enter your life then so be it. If it is to become stronger in mind and happier in spirit then so be it.
It is a means of reaching out to where you want to be, and in time when the will is ready and all is right, prayers get

Be encouraged by the gradual progress you are making but seize the day and strive for more. It is possible to achieve
more than one thing at once so aim high and try not to be so disappointed. Things happen when all the circumstances
are right, for you and others. All will come good in the end and you will be the happier for it.

Watch what you say and do when the temperament of others hangs in the balance. There are many times in the next
few weeks, possibly months, when tensions run high. As a result you have a marked effect on others and how they
perceive themselves and their own lives. They have to weather life’s storms by guiding their own ships. You can help
point their sails in the right direction but when they let go of the rudder and shout “steer!” you must be prepared and
steadfast and say “no”.

Body heat and body temperature are important when it comes to determining changes in the Earths current. There are
subtle forces apparent in various parts of the world, and each country has its own unique forces. Every body of that
country is therefore in tune with its surroundings even before it is born, adapting constantly to these unforeseen forces.

If you think of your body as a compass you would not be far wrong. It is a divining instrument made up of the same
elements which surround it, and yet it is one of the finest processing centres, the brain, to learn to recognise such
influences. Though often unseen, such strong forces at times make themselves known. Believe me when I say that they
are perfectly natural and there is no intelligence to them in the forces themselves. However, we are aware of the forces
too and have learned how to use them to help us in what we do.

The forces concerned are shifts often in the Earth’s polarity. They too can be small or large, strong or weak depending
also on the position and often the climate too. A lot of these forces are heightened by geothermal activity, and the
geology of the area shapes to focus the concentration of force. There is a direction to such unseen forces, and the
elements that shape them have just as much predictable patterns as they do random fluctuations.

Water is a huge factor in being able to sense such hidden or invisible forces. Our own bodies were made of primarily
water and this is what shapes us into divining rods. Other elements within us help to fine tune the aspects of what
information our brains choose to receive. For instance, one could determine the traces of iron ore of underground
mineral veins, as well as underground flows of water. It is the body that acts as the catalyst to help pick up this
information and the mind that adapts to interpret it. Body temperature becomes a way of attuning also, the rise and fall
of it is connected to the strength of the force. The Earths temperature is controlled from above and also below, and as
part of the Earth, for we share the same elements, we can be strongly affected by the same influences.

Imagine that you are aware of these invisible forces of Nature, that you could detect them. They would become
apparent because your body would feel the sensation of energy. Rather like a tingling sensation, a sudden rise or fall in
one’s own temperature, a certain change in stress/tension of one’s muscles. These are what the sensations can sense like
and can be amplified with the help of other natural elements. For example, a dowser uses a rod of hazel-wood or
similar (even metal rods) because they help amplify the signal through the bonding of elements within the body and
the rods and then connecting to the elements of the surroundings, all processed by the mind. The brain is the controlling
mechanism, so it can say to a huge degree just what it wants to trace, from energy forces to water flow.

So fine tuned can one be with practice that it is entirely possible to detect even the smallest objects with pinpoint
accuracy. Rare individuals who have devoted time and effort to the sharpening of this kills can not only tell where a
particular mineral is, but how far down and even how pure. As with the psychic faculty which is just another form of
adaptability to our energy forces, any individual has the inert ability to do this. With an instrument that we were born
with already able to influence our minds, and be influenced by our surroundings, we learn to sense these forces even
by the energy within ourselves – if you will “the soul”. This is a very simplistic terminology because it is the life-force,
an energy in itself, that then becomes “our body”. It helps act as our divining instrument so that we too can sense and
use this energy.

These energy patterns have a bearing on the body and mind. People not realising what it is that makes them feel a
certain way can have good and bad feelings about somewhere (and even something in the case of psychometric and
clairsentience). It is a combination of which elements that make the determination/feeling of the force that is implied.
Possibly how we determine it is up to how well we govern our own minds and how balanced we are mentally. If we try
to remain neutral we can generally determine the sense of the energy, how positive or negative it feels, which way it is
flowing, how strong it is. Much like trying to track water or iron ore, an unseen energy has a current and is affected by
the Natural surroundings.

A classic case in point is lay lines. Energy patterns flow form one sight to another, and some places are governed by
them. In that I mean there is a determinable presence that can be detected. Some sites have been built in the past by
those able to sense these flows, and these can help to amplify the magnitude of the energies. Ancient monoliths, houses,
copses and even roads have all been built with these forces in mind. They do not control the forces or their flow, they
just seem to heighten, or siphon off some of that perpetual energy, to interrupt its flow even. The criss-crossing flows
of energy do cover the world, but they change too given the right circumstances because major changes to the physical
environment can divert the flows. A case in pint would be an earthquake, or even a landslide. One of the things to
seemingly divert or inhibit the energy flows is stone or rock. Large enough items of these can act as a barrier,
preventing the elements that make up the vibration of this energy force from flowing in the direction it would naturally
With this in mind it is not unusual in a developing age, to find that man has naturally dampened his own exposure to
such elements of Nature by building his towns and cities. Prehistoric man was more attuned to these subtle forces and
better capable of using them to his advantage because he needed them to survive. Nowadays in many countries, the
developing world has the luxury of self-created survival techniques – food stores, running water – everything bought
and sold and readily available at our disposal. As we developed the need was lost, but not the gift. The unknown forces
are still at play on our bodies as the unborn child would be able to testify if his mind could determine what they were.

So you see, as we share the same trace elements that can be found on our planet we are bound to our home in many
subtle ways, even if they are unseen or undetected. Our whole universe shares in some of these elements, but it is the
Earth which harbours the link that is special to ourselves – that shares our vibrational pattern, even after we die.
Though forces are unseen, though mineral deposits and water are beneath ground and seemingly undetectable, it does
not mean that they are not there. The truth is the truth, whether or not we choose to ignore it. So much like the psychic
faculty the way of determining such natural forces is by application of one’s body and mind with a spirit of will that
shall allow us to see.

What makes man great? I believe there is some semblance of greatness in every human being, be they man, woman or
child, white, black, yellow or whatever faith and whichever religion they share. We all share the gift of brotherhood,
even our sisters and brothers across the world have that much in common with us – the Brotherhood of Man. It is a
special gift. A gift of life. A gift not to be squandered on selfishness, avarice or despair – a gift to be shared, exalted
and honoured. No matter who or what we are, we cannot deny the gift of life is precious. Here we begin our journey
and upon ending it we start to tread a new path, taking with us all that we have learned.

It is not enough for one man to live a solitary life unless he has learned from it. He may then benefit himself, but it also
his duty to help his fellow brothers and sisters to understand and share in what he has learned. Likewise, it is not
enough to always live in the company of others if you have never also taken the time to look within. To leave this
world of ours and not have shared in the glory of love, of oneself and ones fellow man, is to stunt your soul in the
world hereafter. We must labour hard so that the simple truths come easily upon us, so that we can learn who we are,
what we want and how we can be happy.

Self expression comes to us all, but how we show it and how we choose to wear it are up to us. Yes, we can be
influenced by our surroundings, our neighbours or even the political and social settings we are in – but ultimately the
decision is ours. We can stand and be counted and fight for what we feel is right, or else we can sink into subjugation
and believe ourselves to be ineffectual and not worthy of what we have to say and do.

It is easy to give in, let the fire inside be vanquished by the pressures of our world, but we owe it to ourselves and to
those we love not to be defeated. Give rise to your uniqueness, give voice to your spirit and sing to the world around
you of your song. Your voice is one of tens, of thousands, of millions who everyday wake up and want to impress
themselves upon everyday life. But somehow they allow themselves to crumble, to gather dust on their ambition, to
starve their intellect in an effort to survive. We need to survive – but at what price do we place ourselves.

The human soul needs to give voice, needs to sing of its ambitions, to deliver its uniqueness on an unrelenting world
and not be afraid. If we all edged forward towards our goals, just a little bit each day, then what progress our world
would make. Humanity needs help, it needs your help to survive. It needs nurturing and it strives to exist and flourish
because we are too used to taking the easy option. We have become cosseted in this life of ours, and those who do not
have the same opportunities as us are our responsibility too. It is not enough that we should develop at the expense of
others. So let us all make a promise, to ourselves and our fellow man. That we will love, honour and protect ourselves
against the greed, the hatred and the denial. We shall improve our way of life and understanding and help our brethren
to do the same.

Let us take the hand of our neighbour and say “I understand your struggle my friend, it’s my struggle too so let’s unite
and conquer it together”. We can build a better future, develop ourselves, give to others and show in love that our world
can be a better place to live.

On the banks of a river a small boat would set sail with me in it. Crafted from the weaving of willow and lined with a
clay pitch that was prepared using grounded and powdered dust to give it added strength. The boat was light and not
particularly used as anything other than a single carrier to help me to traverse the shallow waters. There amongst the
reed beds I could harvest the eggs of the birds, cut down the reeds which we used for our roves and matting. There was
hardly enough room for me to sit, my knees up but my feet in the remainder of the inside. I would have a matted raft
made of the same material as my canoe like boat. This would be trailed behind me for my wares to be carried without
losing any of manoeuvrability.

There were pretty flowers too that could be harvested to be woven into garlands and necklaces or bracelets, then traded
with others of my village. I am about twelve or thirteen then and certainly considered to be a young man whose duties
as a contributor to village life were taken seriously. I had no need to hunt, this was taken care of by the older men of the
village. They were in their early to mid twenties, very few people in our village survived into their thirties. There were
however revered elders, their grey hair worn with pride. All listened to what they had to say, but in a system of
democracy theirs was not the only word.

I remember I had a flute hollowed out from a bulbous reed that played high but sweet. When I played it in imitation of
the birds they would come close and listen as if curious at the sound. There was much harmony in village life but also
much hardship too. We didn’t seem to plan ahead, we had no capacity to judge what might be, we just knew the what
was and lived for the day. I had a precious bead necklace and my clothes were of buckskin and a coarse wool which
softened with wear and continuous washing. There was not the bright colours then as are available now, though certain
pigments were known to us we preferred the natural browns and tans, yellows and creams with a rare and valuable
garment of green amongst the lucky few. Clothes were an essential, not a luxury and everything we had was used to the
full. Even our blankets, woven by the girls, some barely seven or eight, were crafted on single looms and though very
basic in form, symmetrical and complex patterns would be created. This was an art form amongst my people.

There weren’t many of us in the village. Often some would leave and it was a rare few who ever returned. They went
off in search of honour and adventure, to find new blood and mates that would bear them strong and healthy children.
They must have travelled far, because even in my boat I never came across anyone I knew or recognised. Ours was a
happy but solitary existence. On cold nights we would all sit outside around a communal fire and sing and chat. At
times we would dance and honour the Gods about us. In Winter we would share our tents with each other and keep
warm, many bodies pressed close together. The sick would often wander away and go off to die amongst the open lands
or rocky hills, we knew they left but never tried to stop them. Amongst my people we knew with age came disease and
this could reap more destruction to us than any fire or disaster.

Most of our food was cooked on a spit, or else heated in big earthenware cooking pots. The very small children
supplied the tinder and firewood and had to keep the fire burning. There was little crime, punishment was generally to
be shunned by everyone until the council of elders, sometimes only three to five individuals of both sex, decided to let
everyone “notice” you again. This had an amazing affect on us, because no-one wanted to be shunned and nobody
wanted to shun you. Even petty crimes were punishable. We ate off clay pots and most of what you deem to be cutlery
was actually wood hollowed out and crafted to create a spoon. Mostly we ate with our fingers but our diet was varied.
Maize, corn and berries were our staple foods with water and milk creating a mulch that could be eaten as a sort of
porridge with cereal, or else wrapped in leaves encased in clay and bake din the embers of the fire, this came out like a
flat bread. We did have fish and lots of smaller animals that we would catch with spears or knives. We knew how to
make traps and we were well attuned to the nature around us. We knew better than to strip our natural habitat of all it’s

We were a naturally gregarious people and we were extremely curious. Though we did not read or write we had a great
oral tradition and stories of our Gods and our ancestors were told to us every night. In turn we would share these stories
with our children. I didn’t know the name of the river I was on, to my people names were sacred things and we
declined from using them in common everyday use. To say a name was to detract from its power and possibly therefore
call vengeance upon you. My river was small and winding, it never dried up but in the Summer months the level would
be so low that the reed beds could be walked on. Though the water was just over ankle deep the mud would be up to
your knees and never manageable to walk. There were many snakes anyway, so leaving the canoe was never a sensible
thing to do.

We learned to cut a path through the reed banks and placed our traps deep in the heart of them. This was my life before,
one of my existences as a twelve year old. At time of happiness in our primitive (to you now) ways. The river wound
and bends its way along to a bigger swell and stronger current about a days paddling further up. It comes from the
rocky hills in the opposite direction and in Winter is ice cold and has been known to freeze over. My people’s houses
are made of wooden frames for the bigger homes over which we weave our rushes and use the rush matting for floors
and roofs. In the Summer this keeps us cool, but in the Winter we have to daub the outside framework with the same
clay composite pitch substance that is used on the boats. This is a job done by the men, who get all the village to gather
the raw materials and the women soldier away as if cooking. Once hot, we allow it to cool slightly until it is
manageable and is placed over the wicker like frame and then left to solidify. It sets hard and brittle and has a choking
smell to it that takes days to wear off. In the Winter many of us get coughs from this smell and dust on the inside of our

I had never seen a white person. I would see only three or four people, always men and often travelling alone from their
villages far away. We did not have horses, we went places by foot. All visitors were welcome but it was expected that
they would share with us their village traditions and history as part of our evenings celebrations in return for their food
and lodging. They may stay weeks, even months but eventually they would always leave. Mostly, they were always
like us, perhaps with slight differences in attitudes and with some shared insights for improvements or advancements.
But they varied so little to our looks and ways that we never doubted we were of the same lineage, ancestors of the
same Gods.

Most of our important ceremonies were performed around the totem, a huge pole of timber fashioned in to the likeness
of our various Gods. In this way the gods would give us their blessing, or else watch and look into our hearts and know
them for what they were. This was as near to a sacred spot as we had but it was more than that. Many a dance, and
music and even certain rights were conducted at this spot to give potency to the proceedings. I even saw medicine
performed at this spot once whilst the whole village watched. There was much sickness and vomiting from something
the person had eaten. The medicine man rattled and waved his mighty power stick and then offered the person to sip
from a cup of ugly looking and foul smelling liquid. They immediately began choking and then passed out, whilst the
medicine man continued to dance and shout. Four of the villagers carried them to a hut where they slept for three days
before waking and walking right out and not recollecting anything other than having eaten some poisonous berries and
plant leaves (which they immediately showed us all so that we might gain from their mis-adventure).

Another custom amongst my people was to give each other coloured stones with symbols painted on to them. Along
with weaving our blankets and clothes with fanciful symmetrical patterns, these stones were an art form too. They were
like naming stones, empowered with the gods they portrayed, invariably animals. It was considered that you would
inherit the same qualities for a short time if this stone was given to you with love and sincerity. It only worked the once
and it was a matter of pride amongst us to give and receive such gifts.

It has always been the way that the greatest of builders could accomplish their masterpieces of architectural triumph by
patience, mathematics and an understanding of the laws of economy. It is not enough to have an idea, to nurture and
feed it and then see it grow and develop beyond your wildest dreams. You need the backing and patronage of a wealthy
merchant who sees profit in the enterprise, a rich royal who sees the chance to shine above his peers or else the
hopeless fanatic or fool who sees in the scheme something which is lost to you. Any or all will satisfy the coffers
needed to build and construct your elaborate scheme, an endless stream of money to see it to its completion.

Weights and counter-measures help test the theory behind the support beams and anchorage of the foundations.
Mathematics and the knowledge of geometry enable you to accurately predict what needs to go where and when. This
project will take years of your life and therefore needs to be researched thoroughly. The greatest architect plans need
defining, re-definement and finally the ability to be practical. So many times there must be a compromise between what
is structurally possible and art for cosmetic or aesthetic sake. A good and sound understanding of the properties of the
materials being used, as well as the craftsmen’s skills likely to be needed is always vital and added advantage.

Plans and drawings mean little to the layman who sees advancement only as the building progresses. The workforce
have little time to spare on how much effort was put into the stage that came before them. Oddly enough the physical
environment and climatic changes are also a major factor if the building is to feel right in its surroundings. All these
things are the skills needed by any architect and it is essential that as the years progress we understand how we
developed these skills. Patience has brought us so far and will take us even further.
I am in a large stone room and my feet are being painted on the soles with patterns. I see swirling signs of yellow ochre
and gold. It is as if some celebration, a festival, is about to take place, and there is a preparation ceremony for me to
attend. It feels like I am in Tibet an a gong is sounded far away, not a single sound, but a sound that is in a continuous
loop with mantras and prayers being said by everyone. But not in my room. I am an only child, perhaps five or six. My
skin seems flawless, fascinating, the colour of a very pale manila envelope. It is the binding to the book of my soul, I
see from within outwards on a world I seem to recognise, that seems more than familiar to me, and yet different to how
it was.

I think this is called the “Pin Yar” (phonetically – maybe an ‘n’ on the end), a ritual that lasts many days and which
demands many days of solitary meditation in preparation. In fact, I was three or four when I was last doing this in a
previous incarnation, too young to speak but knowing enough to stay silent except when I laughed at two dancers who
led the celebratory dance. They had these long strips of yellow and gold and even orange and vermillion material
attached to canes. They continuously moved in arches and rhythms that kept the ends from touching themselves, the
floor or one another. To have done so would have brought disgrace.

I was to recite the holy blessing to the crowds. Not a huge crowd, just an audience of dignitaries, monks, priest and
heads of state. I was not important, only the role I did mattered to them. The recital would take many hours to
complete. I didn’t sit cross-legged like you might think, but on a cushion with my legs folded to my side so that I might
be comfortable. I would stop and smile at intervals at the friendlier faces in the room, ones I recognised that were very
old to my eyes but which I somehow recognised I could not put names to them but I remembered what they were like
and the oddest details about them or their families. The prayer mantra was no formidable task, it seemed natural to
recall and recite it. The words just seemed to flow, and when they didn’t I would break, and they would reform again.
Secretly I had them hidden in the folds of my robes. I think the old ones knew, but I was still very young and
impressionable, and I think they felt they ought to make allowances. I didn’t dare look at it as I knew their eyes would
be drilling holes into the back of my neck. They sat behind me, the pitch of their voices all different, and yet together
harmonious in their single note. I didn’t look at the “book” and was filled with pride that I didn’t, but it gave me relief
to know it was there. When I describe it, it is more like a long rolled up tiny parchment with the smallest writing in
symbols upon it.

The masters behind me were all old. They wore a sort of red colour that denoted their official rank. Most of them
scared me because they could be hard and disciplined. I had had water bread and rice for the many days leading up to
the festival and I was looking forward to the sumptuous feats which would be laid out for us at the climax of the
celebration. This would be my chance to eat and gorge myself and the special delicacies I was to abstain from in my
monastic life. Abstinence and prayer were to be the staple requisites to goad me on, to better my spirit by merely
feeding my body and not allowing it to be indulged. In this way it was to transpire that my soul, but that is not the
correct word of this people, would develop at a faster, more keen pace. It didn’t stop me sneaking about at night, trying
to go undetected and begging or stealing food from the kitchens just to stave off me ever debilitating hunger!

The red of the masters gowns were just for show at the festival. It was a dull deep red, almost a wine colour that had to
be especially blended just for the occasion. Robes were usually nothing more than blankets, dull and unexciting so as
not to draw attention to oneself and become vain. Our heads were shaved and in this too we were to chant and say our
prayers. It was hard to concentrate on what we were chanting when the razor they would use had become blunt and
scraped across your scalp in a ratching rough way. Water, which was meant to be holy and have been blessed (but I saw
them bringing it up by the bucket and pouring it straight into the bowls without any recitation at all!), this was tipped
over us in a way I suppose to be the symbolic holy anointing of the Christian faith.

Something in my title or name ended in Lampur, which in truth meant something like “the leading one!. It was nothing
like Dalai, and I laugh that you would insinuate a connection to such a personage. I was no leader of my people, no
holy embodiment of our religious idol, though I doubted he faired little better than I. I was just a sort of holy master for
my monastery, no-one of such importance except s a leader in the ways my people should follow. They would come
once a week to be blessed and I would listen to them and offer my blessings. It became mechanical after a while, but
often alone in my apartments I would sit and meditate on their needs seeking an answer to their prayers to be delivered
directly to them through the holy state within me. I knew it could be done, I had unfailing faith and conviction. I lacked
love for I had been given so precious little of it in my many incarnations, but I had compassion. I had lots of
compassion and a heart to open up and swallow the whole world.

The subject of whether animals have a group soul is a delicate one. Most people do not like to dwell on the subject if
they find the answer makes them address issues they are uncomfortable with. For instance, if it were found to be true,
would you still slaughter animals for their meat and furs?

It is not necessarily a question that is easy to answer, the definition of the soul is an important consideration. In terms of
a person, every human being is blessed with a soul. It is the seat of our understanding, of what makes us unique an
energy force indelibly inscribed with the passage of our lives. We have the ability to record it all, but with the physical
constraints of our bodies, the mind only senses a fraction of this information. The brain is used only in fraction and the
soul too has far more to it than we ever use or give it credit for.

The soul is unique to us in the impressions it holds. This is who we are, what we want from our lives and how we
perceive that we are going to get it. It is a never ending, adaptable, flexible and nurturing force. As the body dies the
soul continues and retains the personality that has been shaped by its experiences. Our lives and experiences may come
to your awareness, but they are all relatively unimportant, because what matters is the way you are now, who you have
become and what you intend to do to develop yourself and improve upon what exists.

This self awareness is evident to us all, but for some the life experiences means that it takes time to come to terms with
ourselves. The soul records everything and makes us who we are. For some, that realisation is not a blessing but a
burden. Those who cannot love themselves, or do so in a selfish egotistical way, face much time and effort to improve
their lot. Every soul is a life force, an energy that shares much in common. When the body is gone the question of race,
gender and faith are all meaningless except in how they have shaped us. The barriers imposed by man are all man-
made, and they are stripped away by death. If you wish to go with them, for after years of indoctrination even habitual
habits take some breaking, then no-one will stop you. But why try to self-impose any sort of divisions that may lead
you away from a path of progression?

As regards gender or colour, I believe the soul has none. The soul of both man and woman, Chinese, Indian, white or
black is from the same spark of life, part of the same source of eternal waters. The only separation that is truly evident
to each other is how bright we have become, how far we have progressed. For the soul glows with a spiritual intensity
that we all realise we can achieve and aspire to. To se this enthuses hope and love, so there is no real bitterness at this
simple division. After all, we are all at various stages along the path of our progression.

It seems true that some seem to have a preference to be either male or female. It is not important, as one is no better
than the other, one is neither stronger or weaker, more intelligent or dominant. What we choose to be depends on how
we feel, and life experiences shape our understanding. What we were in the body may be how we see ourselves in the
psychic/spiritual sense. We naturally have inclinations towards the form that we are most comfortable with. But it
doesn’t really matter. You should not approach anyone any differently be they man, woman, old or young. Every soul
is unique and every soul is equal in that it can progress to the same extent that wealth can. How we help each other to
do that and whom we are drawn to in order to achieve it is also very much down to personal choice. In helping others
we invariably begin to help ourselves. In seeing in others what we have failed to see in ourselves comes understanding.
Thoughts become our actions, what we do and say, how we treat ourselves and others are just as important in the Spirit
plane as it is on the Earth plane. That is the human soul, the life force which is the energy that holds our self-awareness.
The thing which is created and then moulded by ourselves and the patterns of life it then experiences. No two are alike
and yet all are akin.

For animals the soul does exist as a life force, and though some would argue, this very essence is also from the same
pool as our own. But somehow it is different and the same all at once. Like our energy is from a great ocean and theirs
is from a river. One is salt water, the other fresh water but aren’t they both water, termed the same, considered the same
in general despite their different properties? Ultimately doesn’t the river tend to flow back into the sea, to find the place
which it had originally come from? This is why I deem our life forces to be the same, as I do with any living thing. It
has a life force, it has awareness to a degree. It may not have a consciousness as we interpret it, but as it lives it enjoys
a natural progression, is influenced by outside sources and dies just as we do. But this life essence is not destroyed, it is
refashioned, re-used, re-born in the Spirit World ready to flourish and progress as far as its natural limitations will take

Yet animals have that special life force that can be considered an elementary soul. Perhaps we didn’t consider neo-
lithic man to be more developed than ourselves, more cultured or self-aware – but it didn’t mean that he didn’t possess
a soul. If you can believe that these early descendents of ape could house a soul in their bodies, then why not an
animal? The terminology, the distinction as to what separates man from the beasts is another man-made belief. A way
of accepting superiority over our fellow creatures and the rest of the planet. It was even proclaimed by the white man
over many races, the black brethren, the Red Indians, one nation over another. They may have claimed superiority but
they never proved it by the actions of their souls.

It is not a question of do animals have a life-force, a spirit, as we all do, as every living thing does. It is a question as to
when does this turn into a soul, as it can surely do? At some stage the animal or creature gets to a point of self-
awareness and the evolution of the life energy has happened – a soul is born. How that soul then shapes itself is also
dependent on outside forces, on life experiences. It is just as malleable as our own. But its natural progression is to
survival of the physical, as in any plant, it’s life-force urges it to survive. But those animals that develop this awareness,
this self of “I am”, even though rudimentary they have shown evidence of a soul, of independence in amongst similar

When that creature dies, the life-force moves onto the Spirit plane. Like our souls, we naturally find ourselves amongst
like minded people. We tend to gravitate around what we know and feel comfortable with. But in our search for
progression, something inevitably leads our soul on to search for more, something better than we are. Likewise, the life
essence is re-created again retaining what it knows itself to be before but free of the physical constraints and influences
of the Earth plane. As we have a Spirit body fashioned form that which we saw ourselves, so too does every life-force.
Those elements that were physical return to the Earth, those elements that were psychical return to the Spirit. But what
of that distinction, that term of natural progression, where the life-force had become a soul, an animal soul.

This soul too may seek a progression within its natural confines. Why should it wish to progress to a human level when
it is seeking progression as an animal? Even the basic soul of an animal will do as we do, seek out those it feels
comfortable with. It will continue to grow and develop, create for itself more self-awareness and perhaps gain its own
individuality. Beyond that I am not certain. The natural order is perhaps for the herds and flocks, unburdened by the
physical the compulsion to kill etc may take some getting used to. We suffer because we are self-aware of the injustices
we do to our fellow man and our world too. We cannot choose to physically hurt anyone after our death although the
intention may be there, they have no physical body so we must accept it cannot be done. The animals too must come to
realise this. And with this realisation they must come to naturally progress and develop in other ways open to them.
Logically, we do not have any conception of how far we are going, and neither do I think do they. But as their soul is
created it eventually develops and takes them forward towards their Natural Law, their own evolutionary state.

I would like to think, as I mentioned before, that as all rivers return to the sea then so too can souls become greater than
what they were – perhaps towards the development of self-awareness that the human soul has. But that is conceited.
What right do we have that ours is the evolutionary perfection that all life-forces should aspire to. Like it or not, we are
governed by the Natural Law, something brought us where we are, keeps things as they should be, holds this and all
worlds together at the same time. A life-force itself perhaps, with a consciousness an awareness of self even beyond
that of the human soul?

So you see, animals can have souls. Many domesticated pets who have been around humans seem to have self-
awareness and would be thought to have a soul. Apes and dolphins have all shown an intelligence, sometimes beyond
our own understanding, and seem to have an awareness of self. Wild or domesticated the soul has no preference, much
like our own colour of skin. It exists, possibly in each and every one no matter what state of dormancy it could be in –
maybe at its basic it is merely a life-force determined to stay alive for its natural life – and at its best it is self-aware and
living and enjoying its life to its full potential within its natural confines. Much like ourselves, for we too are animal.

In some cultures it is believed that we are re-incarnate, possibly to human bodies, possibly to animal and maybe even to
an living form. All of these possibilities can be believed if you accept that we all share the very same life force. It is
only the development and extent of our souls that differ. No two souls could inhabit the same body nor do I feel they
would want to, but consider that this could indeed happen when Natural Law goes awry. For instance, when Siamese
twins are born, their body co-joined but their personalities different. Could each not have a soul, for indeed when
separated do not both twins survive, hence a soul lived in each. If so, where was it housed, surely not in any particular
part of the body. For if so only the twin with that part would survive. No, the soul, the life-force which animates the
whole and perfect body, whether limbs are missing or organs etc, inhabits the whole of the physical. It cannot leave the
body until death permanently, though it is possible that it can leave temporarily but retain a connection to that body, as
in astral projection where a silver or invisible cord connects the two. If there is a connection between the soul and the
body, perhaps it is with the brain, because that is the organ which shapes our understanding of the world about us, that
then goes to imprint itself upon our souls. But even during clinical death, where the brain stops temporarily our soul
seems to survive. Perhaps it lingers only until all our brain activity ceases, which is often later than the heart is
pumping. Perhaps we return only when the brain starts functioning again. In the case of a coma victim, their brain still
has electrical energy regardless of consciousness. Their souls are still there, even though they may be elsewhere in a
semi-permanent state of astral projection/out of body experience, until their brain activity returns to recall their soul
back to its host.
If there is a Natural Law, I am not sure if it includes coming back as anything other than another human. In theory I
believe it is possible, purely from the theory that our life forces are identical. But what would our souls gain by being
trapped in another from other than human – maybe there would be much to learn to give us an understanding of all our
brethren that share our worlds. In knowing them by experience maybe we can get to know ourselves better, and
appreciate ourselves more in that knowledge. For my own part, I cannot recall ever being a plant or animal, though I
recall many connections to such in previous times. Whether that was on Earth or in Spirit I cannot be sure. It was still
me, my soul, just a different journey, another path along the same road. Of course, we may not be able to remember it.
If life-force can permeate any body, maybe the soul stays dormant because of the Natural Law and remains unaware of
the specifics – just recalls part of it. For example, perhaps for some reason I love swimming, the sea and sea-life and
yet my family had never taken me. It fills me with joy to se pictures etc and I can almost feel or sense what it is like. So
many times our souls feel this way. Maybe that sense of joy and feeling of comfort is the very sense of what an animals
soul progresses towards and beyond.

The body dies ad the life-force continues. Natural Law sees you, places you, reshapes and re-deposits you as you are to
be. If it places you back in Spirit, or re-houses you back in a human body, or leaves you remaining in the hills, plains or
seas – it matters not. We must accept there is an order to things, a Natural Force, that governs the life-force, as our
souls would govern us. Maybe the knowledge of what or who that order is, an understanding of Natural Law is what we
are aspiring towards. The bigger picture. There are so many questions and we may never know all the answers. Our
soul holds more knowledge than we realise and it is a gift, a blessed thing, a life force which we share with everything
around us, both on Earth and in Spirit.

What colour are you? By that I mean what colour is your heart and what colours does it see? When you look at yourself
in a mirror do you see a colour that pleases you, and if not why not?

There is a place within ourselves that always seems to be unhappy with something about us that just doesn’t feel right,
look right or act as we think it should. Sometimes this is only vanity talking, finding an aspect which it feels we should
improve upon to be ultimately more appealing, alluring or to catch someone else’s attention. We fail to see it is
ourselves who can be more demanding than our friends, neighbours or colleagues. We do not see that we should
change what does not sit well with us for us, for the good of how it makes us feel. Not someone else, but for ourselves.

When you glance in that mirror the colours that should fill you out to be like the sensations you get whilst walking in a
beautiful multi-coloured garden. The hues should fill you with excitement and joy. Sure, a garden needs nurture and
care, and we all need to do a little weeding now and again or else the things that don’t please us tend to grow strong
roots and spread. Far better to look at ourselves, correct these little things we don’t care to have on show, and then
bathe in the colours of what remains. A host of multi-colours, a swell of pride and ambition, a sense of accomplishment
comes from knowing how hard you have toiled to get to your crowning achievements.

Colour your heart with those things it desires, particularly of yourself. No easy battle ever produced the sense of
accomplishment you would relish, so set your goals high, keep your head up and walk ahead. Walk and don’t run. Time
is not an issue, just so long as the journey is colourful and you remain pleased with your progress. And when you do
not, you leave your path, stop, go back or else change direction but never soldier on regardless when you see your
choices fading as a result. The time has come to make that change. Rejoice it is here!

It is all about bonds, this life that is held so precious. Bonds of love. That can be many different kinds of love, but love
given freely and loved received with an open heart and mind – that is the bond which builds us. That is the strength
which we feed upon when we are low or in despair – we can always find comfort when we have loved and been loved
in our lives.

There is a special bond between anyone who displays these bonds of love. Animals and pets give love and do so,
maybe in the hope of getting something in return like food or affection n –but often they seem to know when we are in
need and so are there. They sit with you when no-one else will, they share your solitude and melt your heart. There is a
special reciprocated love between a pet and their friend (owner never seems an appropriate word).

Do not doubt that such ties of love are the epitome of what we can aspire to between ourselves. To give one another
and share with each other, even though we may not be able to speak directly and understand fully our separate
languages. So if we can learn from the relationship with our pets, who are after all less complex on the whole than our
fellow man, why can we not turn such compassion towards our foreign neighbours. Why do we have to pre-judge,
assume the worst and feign such ignorance or show such intolerance. We, who will sit down happily and share in the
solitude a mutual bond of love with our pets, cannot even extend the same courtesy to our brethren. Whether they are
abroad, next door or even with us, what should their proximity matter. Surely we should relish the time together, to
learn from each others ways and to become perhaps that much more aware of how to love each other.

It seems an apt time to remind ourselves of such actions and bonds of love. Let us hope we can continue to prove that
love can be freely expressed even when we are not aware what each may be thinking. If our hearts show love, our
actions will follow and so too our minds.

Many times we talk of resonance and vibrations of inanimate objects or what you would deem to be lifeless things such
as stone. Even if these things do not look as if they are alive to you, indeed they are in the sense that we mean. They are
made up of particles, and those particles are moving, and this vibration is a life force in itself. This has the potential to
release, convert or store this energy. When an object is viewed by us we can se how the matter which holds it together
is reacting.

Now do not confuse the life force in it as a sentience, such as in animals, insects or humans. They possess brains and
with them a means to develop and progress, although this does not affect their body’s except in movement and
intention, each possesses the ability to physically progress. The life force permeating an inanimate object has the ability
to be transformed in the psychic world, but there again it is subject to the Laws of Nature. It is an energy force which
has been created in the likeness of that which preceded it. Even a plant has a certain “awareness” and will be recreated
in the Spirit World much as it was on Earth, but as with a human body, is created whole. Only as it is nurtured and
cared for will it develop to its full potential, and as matter cannot be destroyed when we pick the flower it will always
grow back, (much as it would do on Earth). Bees and birds may naturally look to the flowers and trees, but they have
no need to feed their Spirit forms. But instinct and Natural Law sees them do this and continue to do so. After all, their
intelligence has limits to what it sees as its purpose and what is the ultimate progression to it. In fulfilling this then
contentment will surely fill the creature, plant or animal and so the Spirit force will flourish.

On Earth, the rocks and crystals are made up of moving particles which have an energy. This may not be very
discernible to you but nevertheless the energy is there. As the physical body is also a blend of vibrating atoms it can be
influenced, and vice-versa, by any such life-force. How distinctive such an interaction is depends very much on the
object, in fact on a number of factors. But what I am trying to impart to you is that if objects can impress upon us, and
we upon them, then we can begin to understand a lot. For instance, why houses begin to feel cosy and welcoming, or
foreboding. Why can we seemingly tell things when we hold objects belonging to a person about that person. Why
some places seem to carry an echo or sound of movement that went before at some previous time such as in

How very simple this answer is. If you hold a table or chair, it feels tangible, you may get nothing psychically from it,
but physically you are interacting with it. Heat is transferred, atoms touch atoms but both retain their form, sometimes
some atoms/particles are passed on. Even though we cannot see these changes, they are there. This is why we should
embrace the concept of caring for our planet and everyday surroundings. When the physical body loses interest in all
but its own indulgences it has begun to appreciate Natural Law. As this governs life in the physical realm, where
everything is spirit energy/life energy (as it had been on Earth but encased with a physical frame) then you will lose the
appreciation all the more for how to blend with all around you. Hence he saying, “as you sow, so shall you reap”. By
learning not to be dominated by the physical body and material things, you are more in command of yourself when you
have left that body.

Mentally you retain all that you were, the same personality and experiences that made you unique. Even though the
physical need has left you, you may still need to learn not to succumb to the cravings and weaknesses of a physical life,
or the temperaments that made you what you were. As a balance is found in the Spirit body, then it is reasonable to
assume the mind may find the balance too. As your soul holds the key to yourself then you are guiding who you are,
what you want and how you wish to react – just as you do now. But you are free of the constraints of demands on the
physical aspects of your life. You may still wish to enjoy all the pleasures of what you knew, but it will undoubtedly be
different. You’re different. You need to look at things anew, and how well you adapt will depend on what you have
learned that is useful in the Spirit World.

Being useful, to you or others, may be in ways that you had never though of. Caring for others (not in a physical sense
but a psychic sense). For example, thoughts are vibrations of energy (in the physical they are electrical impulses carried
form the brain to our extremities or beyond) and determine much in ourselves and others. In a psychic world our own
energy reacts in a more visible way to us than we had on Earth with our surroundings. As a course of our actions we
can visibly see how we affect others. But we always remain masters of our own souls, and to a greater degree can close
ourselves off to things and refuse to accept them. How we view ourselves, our surroundings and other life forces (be
they sentient or not) all gets impressed upon our souls. We can change if we want to change, and indeed that is the
magnificent thing about the soul, eventually it will want to change!

So everything is connected my friend and we can all be a part of that connection, whether we choose to be a part or not,
be aware or not. That is our choice. We cannot learn it all at once but as we have forever, how long it takes us to want
to learn does not matter – so long as we do.

If you look at the two hands in front of you there is an offering in each which is given to suggest something to you and
to introduce an element of thought to set you thinking. In the left hand as you face it is a feather. This symbolises many
things to you. It reflects both the old and the new and has many connotations that are particularly apt to your situation.

You know that the feather is light, in fact you imagine it to be weightless. Indeed a feather can float on the winds of
change an allow itself to drift aimlessly whilst doing so. Lives are similar unless we take control to influence our own
direction. As we meet obstacles on our path, we learn to alter direction and choose a different path. We cannot always
plan our route down to the last detail, at times we must be happy to drift and at certain others we must veer towards the
course that suits us best. And although we may be as light as that feather, we are one of many such “travellers” all
caught up by the fate that directs us. At times drifting, at others steering but all aiming towards our goals.

It may be that together we can form bonds with our fellow travellers to help speed us on our mutual path much quicker
than we can alone. Together we can learn to fly as one, sharing and learning and benefiting from the experience. We
are not always destined to travel alone, but also we must consider that neither are we always looking to travel in the
same direction. It is inevitable that we each find our hearts content in different things. As our hearts very often govern
where we wish to be, we may often find the directions that we travel are in conflict with other travellers. Our
neighbours may cause a disturbance to us in our journeys, possibly delay us or force us to take an alternative route just
so that we may not have to do the same ourselves.

Do not be angry, envious or jealous. The journey is the important thing to us, not how fast we reach that final goal. If
we got there and hadn’t enjoyed or learned the way we must ask ourselves what benefit we derived now that we are
there. It takes a long time to reach where you really wish to go, and our very nature’s are that once we get there we
soon wish to move on. The feather is symbolic of a quill, with which to write about your travels and experiences.
Perhaps in what you write others may learn so as to help them where they wish to be or to decide how they intend to
get there. It is also a thing of comedy, an instrument of ticklish fun – reminding us that in humour comes an elevation
of the spirit. The feather is soft and this indicates we too must be gentle at times and not always battle hard. Sometimes
it is easier to conceded and find an alternative direction to suit your needs and bring you happiness.

In the other hand there is an acorn. This symbolises Nature, and has its roots in the very ground you walk on. Life takes
many forms, it lies dormant within the shell waiting to react with the elements. Our own souls are similar. We are
influenced from our very conception and born into a very real and tangible world. We have a physical body whilst we
live on earth and we are subject to Natural Laws and very real limits. Our souls are housed in the shell of our own
human body. We grow and adapt much like the acorn, influenced by the real world about us.

Yet from humble beginnings the smallest acorn grows to be a mighty oak and in hundreds of years no-one would fully
appreciate how far it has come without being privy to its origins. Every human being has started off like that acorn, so
we can all appreciate how far down the evolutionary line their fellow man has travelled. Each point is another step, a
further experience and gives us more knowledge as we go on. Like the acorn, others may feed off us to give them the
sustenance they need, the nourishment to their own souls. This doesn’t have to be to the detriment of ourselves. Acorn,
sapling or oak, what is was and shall be combines to become the journey of life.

The projection of oneself and ones personality, the image that we want the outside world to see is very often not a true
reflection of what is within. The hopes, dreams and turmoil are very often suppressed and subdued alongside our
expectations and those of others. We let them see what we think they should, what we dare let them see, what we feel
we can give in the circumstances. This not only serves to stunt our own growth in development, but so too that of the
world around us which we have an influence upon. If we were all at liberty to divulge our inner selves more readily,
without fear of ridicule, judgement or harm, I wonder whether we would learn more.

Certainly we would learn more about the ones we love. We would understand them for who they truly are and what
they really want. We would know where they want to get too and be able to help more readily aid them in that journey.
The psychic faculty allows us to sense a lot of the unsaid, much of the undelivered or unexpressed. It gives one insight
into a part of people they are reluctant to show to the world, their inner “sanctum” – their soul. You cannot learn it all,
you perceive things without their help or guidance. Your subject can be mute but you would still be aware of much that
is the essence of “them”.

It is hard to express ones disillusion, frustration or at times sheer exhilaration that such a faculty can bring of other
peoples hopes, aspirations and joy you get the mixed vibrations too of more negative human traits. We are all very
good at expressing our positive sides but we tend to try to hold in the more alarmist negativity that often invades our
character. People give more ready voice to their frustrations now, vent their anger often in public. Perhaps it is the
suppression of their more caring and emotional traits that have now become a part of them they do not wish the outside
world to see. But the world needs to embrace compassion, loyalty, trust and value determination and good deeds. Ever
has there been a counter balance within Nature, and within ourselves. The good and bad in each of us can be truly seen
and perhaps remains unjudged by the psychic.

They tend to be more aware of themselves and others. Theirs is an ability that has its rewards but can cause so much
loneliness. Being laid bare to all these senses, this unfelt world of vibrations, even when not singled out to any
individual brings a sort of unseen pressure. It can be seen at times as loneliness in being held to be different in your
perspective. At others, it can be incredibly rewarding to feel at one with the World and feel you understand how you
are but a special part of the whole. In our lives, and the life we possess after death, it is the feeling that others will come
to know also.

Being devoid of a physical body your psychic and spiritual self comes to the fore. How readily we adapt to this and use
this new found sense of freedom is determined by who we are, who we were and who or what we want to be or do.
Somewhere along the line others will feel the way you do now and have to adapt themselves to its realism and
application. To use this psychic ability as one would use conversation or action, to let it become a sense that heightens
who we are ourselves and how we interpret or react to the world about us.

The world incorporates all living things. Anything which has life, and that is all matter, has a part to play in this world
of ours – as we do ourselves. We must come to understand that it is ones duty to express oneself with love, to show
love and be true to oneself – so that those not blessed with, or unaware of their own psychic sense, are not
disadvantaged at being unable to see the real you.
It is what gives you pleasure, and what brings pleasure to others that becomes our focus in the life hereafter. How easy
it would be to say that we just sit back and relax and let it all come to us – but sadly that won’t work. Those who
struggle to achieve their ambitions, those who desperately spend their time in the employ of a product of their soul, in
whatever expression of form it takes – they are both the givers and receivers. Others take more of an interest in the end
result and the provider gains in the experience and evidencing how what they created brings joy to others.

There can be no doubting that we can’t all be maestros or masters in our works, but we all shine at something. We take
our harts delight in tasks that bring us pleasure, and with less constraints on us, when time is irrelevant and material
restraints are few then we shall have no barriers but for the ones we ourselves create. We can make a start here and
now, learn what we can and then be continually developing and striving to do better.

It serves others that when they see a thing of beauty, be it a garden, a painting or a tapestry, they can enjoy it knowing it
was made and given with love. In spirit, it will be love which seems to permeate our very selves, to be much stronger
when we have less distractions. Of course, as always those who do not wish to enjoy the beauty around them do not
need to. They can remain ignorant and devoid of the pleasures of others efforts and progress. But how much more
satisfying it is to see how someone develops, to feel a part of their progress, and share with them the journey they are
taking through their works.

Writers, singers, musicians, sculptors, architects, scientists, mathematicians, adventurers all – we have so many
avenues or paths to explore our choices are quite breathtaking. So let us create so that we can all enjoy.

I do not pretend to know much about geothermal properties in relation to earth’s inner and outer cores but an exchange
of heat has always persisted. There were times during the ice ages that have been before when virtually no heat seemed
to reach the surface but this was rare. The thermal qualities at the centre of our world have rendered man with an
inexhaustible cause for satisfaction, and an equal measure of catastrophic perplexity. From mud baths to thermal
bathing, from the eruption of volcanoes to the movement of the tectonic plates – all can be linked to geothermal

How utterly marvellous it is to think with incredulity that we stand upon a solid earth, which at it’s core is a molten
furnace that can give vent to it’s pressure at any time. From geysers to eruptions, such alleviations are all part of
Nature’s balance to keep harmony and restore the natural equilibrium. This becomes more and more difficult as we
devastate our planet much quicker than we can restore it. Geothermal dynamics broaches the subject of equilibrium
from an impartial sense in many ways. It realises that the loss of balance can have quite catastrophic effects.

The temperature as one approaches the earth’s core can be hotter than our comprehension allows. It seems
inconceivable to think that from such a state, an outer skin of solid rock can form – and have cooled significantly to
allow the very outer edge, being the earth’s surface, to support life. We have a vast proportion of this surface
containing water which helps us sustain that life. Up above us, we have another molten furnace burning in space called
the sun, which also has it’s effect – as does the moon and perhaps also the other planets too.

In this universal balance, as if hanging by a thread are our own inconsequential lives, perhaps so if we were to think of
them individually, but as the units of mankind become combined their effects can have dramatic consequences. Man
diverts the earth’s resources, and uses them to his own ends, sparing little thought to the effects that may arise. Many
are already aware of the devastation brought about by air pollution, the pollution of our seas, chemical and biological
agents introduced into our habitats and let loose in the world we inhabit. The planet of ours, this jewel of life, struggles
to keep pace with our achievements – and with our follies.

The earth’s core temperature has risen to many times to it’s previous high temperatures, beyond that which allows
harmony to reign. If allowed to keep pace we will begin to see the effects in close to only 50 years, with much
increased seismic activity being the start of the warnings. These signs should be heeded, because even drilling into the
core by means of hydraulic “plate tapping” will not suffice. Puncturing holes in an effort to release the build up of
pressure just causes a significant risk. Because without the build up of pressure mounting it’s like lancing a boil on the
body blindfolded not knowing for what part we are aiming to do so.

Man seems more worried about the effects of global warming than geo-technical threats by that I mean tectonic
displacement, electromagnetic disharmony and geo-thermal fluctuations. All fancy words for quite catastrophic
changes. The more man changes his environment the greater the possibilities of these as a result. We need to think of
harmonics co-existence and bio-dependency with our planet. The temperature has risen more in the past one hundred
years than since the great continental drifts.

You ask about palaeontology and the ascent of mankind and its true that your mind goes automatically to the concepts
raised in Darwin’s “Origins of Species”. But it is not enough to merely theorise without contemplating the bigger issues
such as when do we make the distinction between man and beast? At what stage do we consider early man to become
the species we believe had crudely defined sense of self and thus started his way on the evolutionary journey to where
we are now.

This distinction is important because if we are to believe that “man” did evolve, his brain adapting to new surroundings
and needs, was this a gradual or sudden development? Was this something which happened all at once or was it
regionalised. Can a classification of early man be made so generally for age periods if there were waves of learning
speeds between the separate areas? From the earliest “humanoids” we see patterns emerging from ampromorphical
digs. Genealogists can summise the ascent of man and predict how the races developed. But what we cannot seem to do
is relate to the forebears – a stark reality of what we once were. And is it is not possible that living man at this juncture
in time could not also seem so “basic” by luminaries of the next millennia?

The pattern of man’s progress across his terrain was a some what slow one. He seems to have predominantly been
nomadic to match his needs. He was slow moving, heavy set and ignorant of the compulsion to travel. It was just a
basic need to him. As man progressed fro mall fours having come down from the huge prehistoric forests that
dominated the landscape, he had a purpose. The trees were beginning to be cleared and the vegetation with it. Over
population of the species in these dense areas meant animals had to diversify to continue at the rate they were
developing. They gradually started to move into the more open plains, where the forest could no longer hide the,.
Predators quickly followed suit, and then a whole manner of species were venturing further despite being exposed to
the elements and predators. The earliest man, more animal than human as we would recognise him began as a larger
ape. He became more land-bound, finding food more readily and plentiful on the ground than the forest canopy.

This led to a more carnivorous diet. We were never herbivores, we were carnivores who learned to adapt. The more
varied our diet the more we changed physically. For a start, our teeth became more sharp to bite and tear. Our brains
increased to help us adapt to our new needs such as rudimentary tool making and shaping. Our physiques too began to
become different as we eventually became more land-based. There was a physical need to hunt and overpower our
prey. That meant becoming quicker, being more adept, and using more organisation and social interaction to meet the
group’s needs. That was a very important first step – the sense of “I” became a sense of “we”, and with it the realisation
of the benefits that this could bring.

Broader shoulders for throwing, lifting and carrying. A more upright posture to help us be more agile on the ground and
see further whilst pursuing prey or watching/listening for predators. A change in the larynx and the development of the
vocal chords to allow us to communicate better. The physiological benefits of having limbs that could better manoeuvre
and aid us in our daily lives. And as we clothed and housed ourselves we were less exposed to the elements, so the hair
which covered us gradually became less useful. The changes happened over time alongside man’s mental development.
There was no sense of superiority, only instinctual patterns to his behaviour as he became more curious, to have a sense
of self and what set us apart from each other and the other beasts. Above all – man was the one creature whose adaptive
nature made him the ultimate overall dominant species. Not in every case could he claim to be master of the
environment, or the best suited to success. But he did succeed and his knowledge expanded.

The many changes that took place happened over thousands of years. In fact our progress was as much stop and start as
anything else. When we had learned the arts of survival and were protected against our enemies and the environment –
we sought no need to change. These periods of inertia found us rooted I none spot – only when we were forced to move
did we begin to have to learn new ways and conceive of new ideas to be as successful as we once knew we had been.
This went on in man’s early dawning of his consciousness, and created the drifts in developmental stages throughout
the world as we know it today. Eventually man began to develop his communication and become less aggressive over
issues of his terrain. He began to trust other groups, albeit warily finding in this a mutual benefit – shared knowledge.
As he did so interactions and travel became more commonplace until finally the type of society we see today had
evolved in its rudimentary forms. The haves and have nots, the emotions and sins which we judge and govern ourselves
by. We were never perfect, and are still far from it. We come from the very creatures for whom we now must have a
responsibility to in helping to keep their habitats alive.

There are many flows of energy contained within the earth, and these flow not always at random; more often than not
in certain well defined paths or lines. They have been deemed ley lines by some, but essentially descriptions of such are
not always accurate, and do not readily explain all the phenomena,

It is geo-thermal properties, like any current, passing between two points. These points could be any natural landmark,
but certainly there are man made focal points too. These can help focus or divert energy. From standing stones, to
houses and churches, from rivers and rivulets to barrows and hills. Each has a property about it that attracts or repels
these forces naturally.

The decision to track and map these points and follow these lines is not an easy one to accomplish. Man himself is a
divining rod of the forces around him, susceptible to the very energies he is mapping. Let me try and elaborate how this
energic field is comprised.

The basic concept seems to be one of simplicity in that heat rises to the surface from the crust. It finds paths through
certain bedrock which acts as a natural damping ground. As it finds natural fissures and cracks, it is compressed and
escapes through. The energy is stronger, more intense at this point. It reacts to the electro – chemical stimulus from the
earth’s surface. Somehow the contact with the air in our atmosphere seems to excite the particles and causes them to
vibrate at an accelerated pace. As they are bombarded, their motion increases and they are carried as if on a wave.

Now all waves have motion. They also have a direction and in this case it is the very nature in which we change our
planet that is affecting our surroundings, that influences this direction. Movement is towards objects which also have an
electro-magnetic discharge, a sort of natural reaction to the atmosphere about it and the almost intangible build up of a
static force. This rather passive energy, negating effects, causing more often than not a very peaceful, alluring, gentle or
serene feeling to ones moods; this is where the positive force is attracted. Certain geological formations are natural
adaptors to this energy fro m the earth’s crust. They act like energy stations, concentrating the effects, but not negating
them, they are like conduits.

When the energy passes through it is released again, perhaps more synchronistic than before, a little more passive than
it was the further away it gets from the original source of escape upon the earth’s surface. Climatic changes, and the
dramatic alteration of the world we live in has cause confusion to the once balanced flow of these energy lines and
paths. It means they are more random, more sporadic. In some places the energy is quite palpable, one almost feels it
without the need for natural items to measure the flow, like dowsing rods, crystal pendulums or water diviners. In
others, the energy flows weakly and rather too haphazard, dulling senses and causing confusion.

It is often speculated that environs help induce certain psychical phenomena. But a lot of these such events or
recordings, are helped or hindered by these unseen forces that are as Natural to the earth as we ourselves are. As we are
all made of the best part of similar elements but in different proportions it is only natural to expect that we can pick up
on these flows. What we need to do is see how they can be shaped and used to our own advantage. For instance, mood
swings, as if influenced by the weather (which in turn plays on the very logical basis of an unseen, undetectable change
in atmospheric pressure on our bodies organs of the senses). If we could create a very positively charged environment
that is then “neutralised” by a negatively charged landmark or building we could have lots of energy turned into a
battery-like power house to use to our advantage. Such places would be ideal for health centres, places for worship and
concentration, and areas for the artists to perform at their best or thinkers to adopt more readily to their theories in their
realms of study.

This is not a measured science, but it so easily could be. Most things influence these energy spots, where they surface
and the direction that is taken. It can like most things, as if it is their yin and yang forces, the tai and chi, the breath in
and the breath out, follow an ebb and flow. The rhythm it takes is an adaptation over the years of the way it used to
flow before the rhythm was disturbed. New villages, towns and cities, and the burdens they yield, all have a marked
effect on this world’s ability to control it’s own destiny. It should not be taken for granted that that decision has been
granted to us, and the responsibility is a s great now as it was a long time ago.

Let us hope we can learn to use our sense sin establishing a sympathy6 with these flows. This invisible lattice of energy
bounds, like some worldwide spider’s web, places us all with in it’s reach. And ho we respond to it is vital. If we are
aware of it’s effects then we can avoid any negative implications and start things to work to our benefit, and those of
our fellow man – and also the others under our care. For we have a responsibility to them, for are we not the ones who
have shaped their very existence for them. In that alone we have a responsibility and a debt that must be paid by each of
us right now.

You mentioned of the great library which did indeed exist. There were other such establishments to house great
philosophical works, and works of interest like stellar cartography, and maps depicting the oceans and river ways of the
trading world. As information was precious, little on written format, save for piece-meal rewritten and in some form
falsified or glorified t fit the copiers purpose; the originals tended to be invaluable. Heliopolis and Constantinople were
also centres of great learning. Literary classics, plays, drama, poetry – all this was put into the written format on steli
and papyri, in parchments and tablets, even some in cuniform and pictogram.

The masters and keepers of these works were like revered librarians. They had access to texts and information that the
greatest minds and thinkers wanted, and so in turn liaised with the best the world had t offer. We must remember that
such works were important, especially in traditions where word of mouth was still the most popular way of
disseminating information. Many of the books were destroyed by fire or burned by the infidels, whose belief that any
writings not in their own tongue were heretic.

But do not suppose that the keepers would not have the foresight to accurately pre-judge the political status-quo. They
managed to smuggle much away but dared not reveal the whereabouts in fear of reprisals – the seizure of their cache
and its ultimate destruction on discovery. They were put safe, but in an unceremonious plain and unprepared place.
With their obscurity died their secret. It is not enough to know what to look for, one must know where to find it. Think
on it tonight and maybe you will get some sense of the urgency and panic with which they put their fraught plans into

When words come from the heart, they cannot be easily dismissed. There is a simple, unyielding and compelling truth
to the honesty of the heart’s eloquent message. It tugs at the strings of other’s hearts, moves them to action, allows
them to free themselves of the inertia that binds them. People fail to see what control their heart can have on them, the
joy and tenderness it can bring.

Sometimes the heart governs us more than we can direct ourselves. It involves us in a chain of events which maybe
seem to have no purpose or no end. But as abide by its own logic, as we blindly follow and allow ourselves to be led,
we can be moved by the results. You see, love is an epidemic, it spreads the more we come into contact with others, the
more we give it – the more we get back.

An open heart, offered to the world and freely giving love is a special blessing. Man takes and uses this love, to shape
himself and the world about him. A closed heart rejects indiscriminately and fails to feel the warmth that humanity
extends to it. It is hard to understand and appreciate what benefit this can be to the person whose body houses such a

Open mind, open arms, open heart. Mind, body and soul in unison. This is what we must endeavour to find within
ourselves, for we start with me and hope that by doing so others may follow. When our hearts sing, how can we expect
others to listen if indeed we cannot hear it ourselves. From inner harmony comes peace without. This flow of immortal
power can feed the starving souls of a Nation, or lighten the burden of a struggling World.

Babel. It seems as if the streets themselves whispered like the residents. Where long winding narrow streets seemed to
lead forever without really ending up anywhere. There were so few squares or parks. It was not that kind of city. It was
more like a fortress town, built with no grandeur and precious little comfort in mind. It lacked finesse or sophistication.

The place is built up high, and has a considerable amount of stone. It seems to jut up out of arid terrain like some
megalithic expanse. Ancient traders knew of it, but it was more for information than merchandise that Babel became
famous. An unbelievable plainness, a lack of detail in its simple form brings little to endear it to the occupants. Yet they
seem determined to settle here, camped within its walls, sharing confined quarters and yet content.

Babel is a seat of learning. There are towers here, very tall and uninspired things. They rise up and call to people, like
beacons in the night, beckoning them to come and learn. The city of whispers, a place of free speech. Babel, once the
town of free thinkers became the city of lies and was pulled down and ultimately abandoned. Despite its lack of
aesthetic pleasures, scholars would learn much to satisfy them. It was here that the first radical steps of offering
teaching to the commoner became widespread.

What Babel provided was expertise. It sowed the seeds of knowledge for many generations of self-learned craftsmen,
architects, local government officials as we would term them, and towards the end even started to embrace the concept
of classes for women. But by then, Babel had fallen and nothing was to be put right again.

Anthropomorphology can be related to the living of life through others and has a serious part to play in the
establishment of the way science looks at modern day man. To understand the present, and to be able to visualise the
future, one needs to have a clear understanding and appreciation of our past. This is where this particular branch of
study will clearly lead us and perhaps cause a divide between many modern day scholars.

There are some who say that we can never be truly reliant on the things we find, as we are apt to piece together the
facts in the way we wish to see them, and not as they were. There are others who say we need a basis of truth on which
to build our assumptions, and then rightly or wrongly adapt them as more discoveries are made. Both lead to
arguments, as is the want of science. No-one can seemingly ever be happy and there are detractors along any particular
school of thought.

I rather believe that man has to understand where he has been to know where he is heading. Our journey is a long one,
and is particular to each of us – no two paths are alike. But what we find in our existence is that others have trodden a
similar route, and we should take an interest in what they have to say about it. In the case of those who have gone
before us, they cannot always speak directly to us in their art and literature. We need to examine their lifestyles, their
cultures and patterns of life to have a good understanding of what drove them, and ultimately what made them the
people they were.

So many cultures exist around the world now. In previous times, when world communication was harder there were
more splinters of ethnic groups and minorities. Their diversification was immense, and unlike today where people ad
their thoughts and ways tend to merge with inter-racial and multi-cultural missing, there was less chance of such a
dilution of all these beliefs and ways of life. Much has evolved in direct relation of course to the migratory pattern of
our peoples. Along with this the scientific and medical advancements meant progression often come quickly and at a
pace which was absorbed and perhaps a little too fast for many of those expected to digest this new found knowledge.

The marvellous thing about humans is their fantastic adaptability. Their brains have this amazing resilience, they can
take in so much and accept it readily if it is to their liking. Sometimes knowledge becomes comfort to them – at others,
when the truth is less palatable, it becomes the opposite and extreme discomfort means to preserve the way they want
to view their world, they are willing to push away truth and halt the flow of knowledge in fear of what it truly means
they have or will need to become.

So you see, this particular field of study has many scientific demons to face. Society is not comfortable with the pattern
of it’s progress when it all too readily reveals the sad repetition of our own species poor choices, and perhaps the all too
prevalent examples of what that resulted in. But along with the hard lessons there are little gems of understanding to be
gained. Man developed at a fantastic pace at certain stages of his evolution and these were generally when he was
attuned to his neighbours and the surroundings. These “spurts” of progress can be evidenced in the leaps of faith, the
technological triumphs and the contentedness of the people as a whole and not just in the minorities of a group.

So perhaps we should applaud those who look to the better understanding of past cultures theories and living patterns.
The way man was is what made us who we are today, and that present is already shaping our futures.

Sacred geometry and astrophysics had a special part to play on pre-cultures and the way that society later developed
knowledge was held as sacred and was deemed as power, the holders of which could reign absolute. But it took a
devout and hard working person to spend time in such reverence in the “holy works” as the holders or “keys” to the
information liked to think of themselves. They saw that they could unlock the mysteries of the direction the soul was to
take, the path to follow to a better eternal after-life.

With such knowledge comes responsibility and sadly the temptation was to use such skills and abilities that they
learned to their own ends and personal gain. There was always to be a secretiveness about the order that was formed,
but never an intention for it to become a tool for individuals to strike out on their own and hold sway over others. As
with all who handle such intimate knowledge of their place in the Universe badly, they have their brief shining moment
and then dim to obscurity. As they fade, they fail to pass on what they know and share where they went wrong so that
others can learn from them.

The balance of the greater universe is a harmonious one. By studying the microcosm the macrocosm becomes apparent.
An energy force pervades everything and touches our own lives in so many unseen, untouched and unaware ways. If
we could only relearn the way to live in harmony with our own surroundings and the heavens above. All has a sway on
the directions we take, like the pull of the moon upon the tides, we move on an unseen flow. Rather than drift on an
endless current, far better to know where to head for, how to steer ourselves, and what we might hope to find when we
get there. The path is the experience and we must move ourselves not be moved by outside forces. So with knowledge
comes direction and it’s possible that understanding simple balances with what is about us, will help to move our souls
to what they seek.

There comes a challenge in one’s life when you have to accept and appreciate a healthy balance to the way we live.
That balance is different for each and every one of us, so when we come into contact with others a certain harmony
must flow. To flourish as individuals we need to get the best from the harmony and that means being prepared to
change, to compromise and being willing to try.

The trials of finding it hard to accept just how out of kilter we are with the way we would like things to be for us, isn’t
easy. It is a slow and painful process addressing our true needs, and trying to determine just what makes us happy.
When you look at things, how many actions seem pointless, routine and yet we devote our valuable time to them with
little in the way of routine.

Take time, sit and make a plan of where you would like to be and how you think you could get there. It sounds so
elementary, but how many people reach the end of their lives and still haven’t realised their goals. The easiest or
shortest routes are not necessarily the best, sometimes treading or towing a different path or line, becomes an avenue to
new interests as we develop and grow.

I have seen the hearts of people and truly believe they lose their way when their path becomes a routine that they
become willing to accept because it’s comfortable. It’s so easy to settle for mediocrity when you know hard times can
mean loss and struggle and uncertainty. But why settle for that when life could be full of wonder and special moments.

Take time to plan your life – and you wont be disappointed. It is an age of wonders and in such an age we need to
believe in wonderful things happening to us, not thinking they only ever happen to the next man. Believe it, live it, do

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