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Plot all layers black except one in red

Make all the layers colors from 1 to 249

(Index Color) plot out in black
(monochrome) and then if you want to use
a layer color to stand out just change it to a
True Color.

Moving objects in front of or behind other objects

There is a DRAWORDER command, but the
easiest way to put the image on top is as
1. Select the image. (Click on its edge.)
2. Right-click the image.
3. Choose Draw Order> Bring to Front.
Command DR -> F (front)

Slim down your drawings with the PURGE command

Definitions of blocks, layers, styles, and more that arent actually used in
the drawing make it slow and cumbersome. The PURGE command finds named
components that arent used and lets you delete them. In a complicated drawing,
there can be dozens or even hundreds of unused layers, blocks, text styles,
dimension styles, and more.
You may also want to purge nested
items, such as blocks within blocks.
The PURGE command has a feature
that helps you figure out why you cant
purge an item. Select the View Items You Cannot Purge option. Then select an
item. Below the list of items, youll see an explanation. For example, This layer
cannot be purged because it is the current layer.

You can also use the PURGE command to get rid of zero-length lines and empty
text objects, as well as orphaned data, which refers to obsolete DGN linestyle
data. Use the checkboxes at the bottom for those tasks.

Reduce file size and eliminate unwanted drawing

settings with the WBLOCK command
Ive seen unusually large CAD .dwg files. I had the same problem when a
colleague stumbled onto a solution that greatly helped me. Open the
drawing.wblock, click on Entire Drawing and save it. I had a simple file that
was 73mb and by doing this it reduced it down to 3mb. And quickly.
The WBLOCK command writes (saves) the objects in a drawing as a new
drawing. You can specify specific objects or the entire drawing.
A bonus is that you lose many settings in the current drawing. You can
therefore use this technique to troubleshoot problem drawings that dont behave
the way you want them to. Its often hard to ferret out the settings that might be
causing the problem such as system variables so moving the objects to a
new drawing can be an easy fix.

Layer & Spatial Indexing for faster XREFS loading

To receive the maximum benefit of demand loading, it is recommended
that you save any drawings that are used as xrefs with layer and spatial indexes.
A layer index is a list showing which objects are on which layers. This list is
used when the program is referencing the drawing in conjunction with demand
loading to determine which objects need to be read in and displayed. Objects on
frozen layers in a referenced drawing are not read in if the referenced drawing
has a layer index and is being demand loaded.
The spatial index organizes objects based on their location in 3D space.
This organization is used to efficiently determine which objects need to be read
in when the drawing is being demand loaded and clipped as an xref. If demand
loading is turned on, and the drawing is attached as an xref and clipped, the
program uses the spatial index in the externally referenced drawing to determine
which objects lie within the clip boundary. The program then reads only those
objects into the current session..
Spatial and layer indexes are best used in drawings that will be used as
xrefs in other drawings where demand loading is enabled. Drawings that are not
going to be used as xrefs or partially opened will not benefit from layer and
spatial indexing or demand loading.
To Save a Drawing With Layer and Spatial Indexes
1. At the Command prompt, enter INDEXCTL.
2. Enter 1, 2, or 3, depending on how you want to save the drawing.
INDEXCTL set to 1 creates a layer index. INDEXCTL set to 2 creates a spatial
index. INDEXCTL set to 3 creates both layer and spatial indexes. INDEXCTL set to
0 (the default) does not create an index.

Delete a Layer that Contains Objects

LAYDEL is an Express Tools Command that allows us to delete a layer even if it
contains objects. This is useful to delete layers we want to purge but because
they might be included in some block definition we are not using anymore, the
purge command can't delete them.
(alternatively you can access this function through Format --> Layer Tools -->
Layer Delete).

There is an alternative method to delete a layer but keep its objects.

The LAYMRG Express Tool Command merges one layer into another and
deletes the first one. It is very useful when trying to simplify the layer structure
of a drawing but we want to keep all its graphical information. To use it, type
LAYMRG (alternatively you can access this function through Format --> Layer
Tools --> Layer Merge)select the layer to delete and merge, press ENTER, then
select the target layer where you want the information to be merged to.

Cote pentru goluri

Text override: <>\X30

Select all objects in a single layer

The QSELECT command allows you to quickly select objects based on search
filters. Simply select the layer you want to filter for from the Value drop down
(Currently specified as 0).
Also with the QSELECT command you can Count Objects Within a


Hides or locks all layers except those of the selected

LAYISO command Hides or locks all layers except those of the selected objects.
1. Select Objects on the Layer(s) to be Isolated
After selecting one or more objects, all layers except the layers of the
selected objects are either turned off, frozen in the current layout viewport, or
locked, depending on the current setting. The layers that remain visible and
unlocked are termed isolated.
Locked layers are faded by default. You can specify the percent of the
fading from the Lock option in this command. You can later change the value
with the LAYLOCKFADECTL system variable.
If you make changes to layers within a session and you want to restore
the layers to the state they were in immediately before you entered the LAYISO
command, use the LAYUNISO command.
2. Settings
Controls whether layers are turned off, frozen in the current layout viewports, or
Turns off or freezes all layers except the layers of the selected objects.
Lock and Fade
Locks all layers except the layers of the selected objects, and sets the fading for
locked layers.
In a layout, freezes all but the selected layers in the current layout viewport only.
Other layout viewports in the drawing are unchanged. If not in a layout, all other
layers are turned off instead.
Turns off all but the selected layers in all viewports.

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