Anda di halaman 1dari 8

r Two hodies Pand Aare sven an i na d rpla.

snenr x" and rhEn re eased The sDphs be ow

show howrh. r disp ac.mdntsvaryw ih r hp
!f!!!:E5,Eq644:!3!e!-e!!-q1!j]]E!je! j
1 rhe onosph{e cont:rni tree . ectotu. Whar stheamprtud€oJo{latoiortheo{ !tonof
Ihese e eciro^5when rubjed 1o i 200 kHz e edromasneti.wave in whi.hrhe o{ l o.s ofelectr.
le d h:ve amplitude 5 x 10 rV m t?

2 A peidu um s.ointuclad fion d lixed renslh ot ighirhrcad aid a spher.a, ow dens ry,
po ystvrene bob. t is fo(ed 1o oscillate at 3 different fisquen. esf n airi ard the re5poore 65ho$n i^
P and a/e rhen 5ubleded ro a drvinc force ofcodnantamp irude and vriabrelrequen.y f. wh ch
scpb ben represens the wavl. wh ch rhe anprirude of Pand q va./ with n

Whicho^eolthefoirowngsriphs iperimertwe,eroberepeated D


I /\
4 A suspens oi br dse sto be b! lt acro$ a va leywh€re t s rnDwn th rhe su5t ats s
iterua s lti5e5rjmated that thespeed oltransve6e wavesalons the span otrhe brdgewould be 400

/\ ns' Tlred.nserorresDnanrmotois ntheb dceat stundandnbifiequen.ywoudbesrearesr I

5 A a rsht h. na spnng p' an equiib.ium ertens oi or0.r m The ha*
mas h:igiis iion
downw drbyadnih.eol0.02maf,drhenrere:iedTheatrc!larfrequencyofthd
is pulled vedica ly
simpleharmoni.mouon s l0 rad sm tTheeqratiD^re:tnsrhedisprcematrtxofthema$tromlts
equilibrium posit on and thd t he r atr!r relpase is

a r/m =0 0u,in {r{rhtl

B l/m : 0.03 sin 110(r^)l
c vh"0.0zmsoqttl
D r/m =003co5lro(ftll

6 Ama$noiasmoolbho'i:oita tabeisata.hddbyt{o gh*prisstotwDfixedsuppodsa5

shownbeow Thema$exe.rtes lna shpehamo^i.motionofampltldedai.lperiodLwhati5
rhd tob dnersy dfthe has?

7 Varuesollhea(ereraronaofapadi.r€movins nsmpeh:rmonicmoiona5afunctoiofirs
d sp at3ment rare eivei in thetahle be ow
9 rn0h.h group be dwdo a ,ema tr consta.twhef a padi. e mdes i^ sidple

rhe pe.od ofthe motion n

3 A pafri. e noves sothat rs potent a pnercl u varies{ith the squ:,e otthe dGp ac.nenl r lrom

10 A conna penddlrh undtrsdes uniform.ncuar morion if a hoizo^btpaia. the dd r olrh!

c rurar path G 0500 n and the umc bkei rd.ohprete onp revoluroi k 2.15 5 A amp sh nes on ths
pendu um bob as shown inrhe fsure b. ow.

whi.h one ofthplo low rsgmphs he fcrce F adinc onthe padicle i

the dne.tion oi nd.asing rdepends dn r? ,I_t
- I
Thd shados ofthe bob on the sreen was obseruedio move b?ckand rodh a ors i hDrnoil:llne wirh

.Dnnant spesd o1145 m 51.

Whrtisthe nax nun a.cdlention ofthe pad. e?

.oniant speed of4.23 m st

speed va.ylns between o and 1.45 m st.

5pee,i var/ins between Oand 4.23 m s1.

11 A5prins hrnssvertically riom the ceiinsaid a ma* ratiached to irsiiee end.Whenlhe ma$
isp!leddownaMreleased, t o{lhtes vonlca ly w th rimple harmonic morion ofpeiodl. The 13 Ama$suspeidedfromaveni.al5prigsdsphcedverticallvdovrnw dsbyadieEnceAand
var ron whh irfre ofits d *ance from ! ngisasehown reeasdd.rerdcuressmpehamoni(moronaboutsequiibumpostono.Givefthatlhetmetalei

14 A pa^dulum is driven bVa pe.lodicdriviis

foi.e olfrcquen.yl The var arion ofpendulum
owithlwas determined forexpermeni done ln a.onlalnerotfxedvolume and atrwo

whnh (aleme g ves a.ofted deduction fiomrhe gdDh?

a The amplitude ofthe o5cirauon is 70 cm. B

3 The lindnenersyi3a maxlmum r=ttT.
c Th.restorrnslo(eonrhemass ntrelse!betwe.nt-0andr=lT
D lhe speed 13a maximum ar t=rlT.

12 A padi.le underBocssimple harmonic motion wirh amplilude ol0 30ch. Th. graph be ow sho{s
irie varauoi ofits rotedt alenerar s.w th t me, r.

15 A part c e P performs simpre h monrcmouon of period 3 sabout a fixed pointo .the

hori?o aldredlon.Themaxmumdkph.enenrofPiiofro s5fr rlPisritaly oandmovingto
ihe eF. the 17 r aterPw be
A movinstow.rdso.
B movinswtrhindeisingrpeed.
c movinew th inc.e ins ac.e ecuon
D : disbn.e of2.5 mio ihe eftDfo.
19 The d;scm be owrho$. diso a.edenlr meBraph ofa body pertorm is stmp e harmon.
16 rha diasrem be owshows : Bafr bn'r psdllufr 1dmw105ca e). whe^ the hebr bob ssiven
ene,sytoo! raton,allthep:per.onapend!unsa,eohseruedroonl e
pendu umsharthe aGest 3mp irude olvibrarion?

17 The bob ol a 5 mple ppndu um of pe'iod 2 .ecofd5 G slven a shail d sp a.pment ard then 20 whnh ofihe lorowins threa resi.ns ofrhe ere.tromasne|c soe

A 6amma bys, mi.rcwaves, visible 6dkt on

wh.hdiaccmshowsrhevadalio^wfthtneorthebobtrinpticenersyErandnsporentaenersy, 3 Rad o w:vas, ultraviolet revs, xiavs
c ultavloetrey3,inta.rdd mys, h crowave3
B D Veibe r.diarion, Ramfrarays, BdoMves

c o ?1 A polntsource olf und emlts:nergy eqtra lyin al direct ons a

pra€d 1.0 m fromihe 5ou(e measuEis an inten3irvol3.owm r. The amplitude ofthe sourcc h thei
doub ed wh iitensilywourd the d,areclor nessuie f t s nlw otaced ria disbice 5 0 m rrom the

s r6wm'z D 21!!n'

a poinr na$ movesw th slnple harmoni. morion. which ofthe tolowids natements G f6Ge? 22 Asnallsourceofiound.adate!eneEyequally i.l dkedions Thejnteisiivoflhdsoundzo
mfromrhesoure so.lowm'2 ftheposerolthesoui.eiiddubed, rten5itv ar a di5ran.. 4.0 m fiom
A The mar mum ri^eticenaGy ls d€pendentonthe lrequen.y ofthe oscibnon,
3 The t me takea lDrthe *ned iD.hance tom m:: mum iinellce
porenrblenergy i5 a quanerorrhe pe odoftheokl lon. o1owml c
c An onihtion systad wirh la.ser amp irudewilhave a g'eaternaximum velocitv
e. amD ituderilhave oncer pe od.
23 Apinew3yeolamprtudeAkin.idenionasudaceareaspra.ed50th tnperpeidi.! ro ra.on*anr Ete Pand a peron
the d redlod ot tavelofthewavd. The dndlgy per unr r mr rer.h ng the surfacE is rhe:mp irudE E. Df atl0mrftns Afterawhre,theinreisityofrhe$unddoubreJ. lrhe0e6onerhesrheso!ndroseen
rh3wivd 5 ifte*ddto2AandtheaFaolthesurface 5reducedlo]4s Nowmu.hene4vperunit ouda5balore howlar shDuld he be iowl,Dm the sorrc?
t me rea.has this 5ma ersudace?

g 1E C E D
29 Starhub Mobid usei GsM 1300 with a frequen.y df 1710ro 1/3s Mf: wh dr resioi of
5 these fEquPn. e5 be one to7
lProjedSupe6er,areevi5onviewer iParrRshe !thesound*aot.rh5vewersseatedz00nfromihe

A" ve" a!dienei5inthd,ecord n l0 cois dar a sound bpa.on e he o.ean. wh ch olth. io rowins is
and thele ev sion vjewerhearthe eme sound atmedrrereiceof0025s,
rtrhedirtance betweenthe lve"audienceatrdtheterevisotrvewer!15.0kmanda*umi^srh.lhe Amp itude (wilh dirtan.e dfron the,oure)

n lwo poinc of a prosre$Lveransve6ewarewhid h:veaphsf

difieretrceof r/rGd 5o050m.rrrhefrequencyotthewave s500Hr,wh sthespeedolrhowave?
l1 ihe d asram belowshowea^ rietanGieors oi oIa nrli
va!e s a odg it fion reftio risht

26 Asm: loud5peaker:tPcenectesasoundwaveofrrequen.y660N: lrhespeedof30uidin

anis:l30 ms ', ihs pha5e d fieren.s betweei the anvibrat ous O and R,0 25 m apad, 5
which one ol rhe folowrnscotrecl y shoss tl'e diJed on5 olthe veloci!ies ofthe poinls l,? a& l oi the

27 The nreinty of. wave s proponiona to the squ e olthe amp irude otthe srve. ltwowave5
ofihe ine dlffereitampliiudes are super nposed at a po trt in phaee the tota ntetrsiy

the meai varue otth€ inipnsit ps
ihesqu e orihe 5!m olth

rhe squme olthe mean va ue orlhetuoamp irude5

shodsrr!dured A 3 50 ks obj€cl ls conn€cred lo a 5 !0 kg lbje.t by a lehr inexenstb € 6k ng lhal pEssee
ovsr a iriction e63 pll 6y. Th. 5,00 k! obj€ct ls ornnoolnd 10 a tighl 6pr n! ot sprjnq
32 The fisure lruncresa m:$ be made i. vtbrute vE _or3ua r 6q.ak ro 200 N rr
rr r\..a,'r,o-Lr pollio, hd ro.^! . e@o;,
ano,-.f d d r 3 5 00 !9 oD,ec is:0 0 am.€ $e roo, as 8a()m i1-9.3
n i r,n.,e
snoo|n'.. -?la\{odrorhe-oronra asur€to-r'on irresrrq
remahs con31€.1in lh s queslio^.

rhe v bratoritse r has.onnanr am ,theamplitudeolvibhijonofihe

ma* is seei to.hanse a5 shown ln rhecraph be ow

(t) !6w.n e body dlEqr.m ol the 5.00 kd obl6d wh6n lt rs in

lndldtd.l.arly llro iorc6 on yolrdlaodm. t2l
([) T!.3.50 kg ob,od is ns gvah d 6lqfLd,!DE*-.d l dow.lro stop. B,
'e accareztb. oitle 5o0 {s oq.o 16sv.n orr--.40r lrl
(lll) usln! yolr anewer ih lb,0t). prove rhdt rh€ hotion ot rha 5 oo ks dbj€ci ts s npl.
'a.-d' ic..d T16lspir.o s&€- bv I 2'\r-!. l2l

(a) Nrnethe pheaomenon which {lv) Th6 3.50 kg obj6cl 16 putt€d 2.0 cm doM lho tn.!tn6 tom il6 equitibdum p..ltioh {so
thar $6 5.0! kg oblect 16 22 0 m abo!. he lrod) end ir Etoa6ed tiod Bt.
Flnd rh6 sped ot each lbl€d when tho 5.00 k9 oblerl ts ?1.0 cm the ioor.
{b) Forthe m6sv brar ns at maximufr ampril!de,.atcutaia t2l
lv) Skeich on h€ sm5 dbg@ ih€ spa6d agdtn6t lime Ordph ol ih6 B.5O kg oblod td
li) the aneu arrrequeroy, t5a c*- rr'h6 r.m 6 sn@r1 S) sr
whel Fe e ood o-o-,R,. b
ldbello!. gEohB s and R €sp€nt,F5 tzt
(.) An obj€.t-Bp no d,slen undergo* sinpla hamo.ic moiion wlh ahptilude a
G) Arishr pre.e orcd 5tiyed rothe masafth ns ptane hori.otrta on the figure, dras a ine lU Ooe. the iolal BnoEy chsoge if lh6 mass tE doubt6d bul ampltlde 16 nol .hanoad?
F,p a I2l
to 5howthov auoi wrth frequen.y ofthe amp irude oJyibmtion olthe na*.
{ll) A6 lh6 krneft and potaditd enellies .t e gt6n h ts frouoi a6cl.d by th6
(d) st eom5l!auoi nwh.hrh"phenomemnilusrretedinrhef etrra 5u*dtoadvanbSp, dhSige ln ha$? Explrln. pl
{b) (l) showttutlhe fraximlm sp€€d otlh6 lltd€r s o.5o m ei.


{il) Us€ Flg.2,2 of olh€Ntse to fi^d rh. amplthrdE ot osc|tslton roquircd ro haNe the
m.xldum sp6ed of lhe ! idor, Ahow your roEsonln!

F!,2,2 3hd! lh. vaiatlon ol lh6 obslic s@in €n€rly slorcd ln the w u1 the amplrud€=..- ...-...... ....,. n I2l
fbm rh6€quilitium pditon. Not€ lnat tho 6rEin €n6rgy ls 70 mJ wh€n th€
diEpla csmenr x
{c) Th6 equ€lon ot moron ot Ih€ g ider r€lalng ils a6 eralio^ r li fi s,ro its displa€hont

a =- 11At

O Uselhis squatronlo6howrharrr€ pedod olosc ano^ 13060s.


(ri) (.rso tho dat f@m{blli)hd(c)(i)10skerdronFls.2.3lh€vdldclryribe96ph

fe 11x;0 050 m al i:0,
th€ g lder.ll ls @i6as.d

! 0.0r 0@ 003 0.o4 !.0s 0.06

(i) lho lot€lonsrcy slored in lh€ sysl6flwh€. os.lri.lin!-

(i) tho hdxlmum kin€lic ene.gyoith6 9LidBr. t3t

',,','''.', .''''',..',..mJ tl1
A biock ol wood olma$ m fdat ln s! llwater
when the block k pushed d.wn intoihe wateri wtihoulrdtaltysubheEing ti and kthen
released, h bobs up 6nd down in thew erwithafraquei.Vfstvenbytheexpre$ioi

Where t k deasued ii Hraid m ln k.

suda.e waterwavesofspesd O.9O diland wavelengih o.3om arcrhen t^ddantonthe b o.k.
These cause ftsonancd lnthe dp and down mononofthe blodl.

a) Exphinwhat k neant bythe ten resonan.e.

Th€ hdrcase in a hp ltud 6 ol oscttation or an e 6drio or m@hanle sy6l€m er posed 10 a

p6r odrc forcs shose r@quency is €quat or clos€ 1o the natu€l arcqu€ncy ot rhe systed.

b) Cal.uhte

f) the nequen.r olthewalerwaves

{i) the frasorthe b ock

De( be and dphrn whaihappenslothc amptitude ol the vartkaldcilauonsotrhe

block afier lhe to lowlns.hangesare made ind€pendenuy:

i) waterwavesoflaGeranplhude are incident on ths block

i) th. dktan.e h€tueen thewave destslncreases

ir) tha bld.khasabsobed sohe water

12 t!)1173.5.!.r ln)0.6e
34 Gllrl 120 d lr) ro ni
t5 lb)li) 3.0 il

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