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1.1 Introduction of topic
Studying the effect of emotions on the Customer Satisfaction with
special Reference for MCDONALDS Product.
Traditionally, Satisfaction definitions include emotion (feelings) elements.
While it is accepted that satisfaction is closely related to, or includes emotions,
it is not clear whether satisfaction is an emotion itself, or consists of several
emotions that form the overall satisfaction emotional component.
High consumer satisfaction has been linked to positive consequences for the
service organization. Hence, it is in the interest of every firm to monitor their
customers perceived satisfaction with the service offer and the underlying
factors that affect it. In services research, perceived service quality has usually
been used as the only indicator of consumer satisfaction. However, there is a
growing body of literature which clearly indicates that the positive and negative
emotions that consumers associate with the service play an important role in
forming satisfaction. Generally, positive emotions have been found to enhance
satisfaction. On the other hand, it is also possible to combine high satisfaction
with feelings that in other circumstances would have invoked dissatisfaction.
The structure of emotions and consumer experienced emotions with advertising
there is a lack of research on the linkage between emotions and postconsumption variables like satisfaction.
Different segments of consumers may react with different emotions to the same
service, and because of service variability, one consumers perceived service
quality and experienced emotions may vary from one service encounter to
another. It is a challenge for service managers to understand the emotions that
their customers experience, and to manage the service in such a way that
positive emotions are promoted and negative emotions reduced. In order to
better understand the role of emotions in services, research is needed on
different types of service encounters. The present study seeks to increase our
understanding of how experienced emotions affect consumer satisfaction with a
McDonalds product.
The main aim of this study was to investigate the structure of emotions as
experienced by consumers for McDonalds products

1.2 Objective of the study

The objective of the present study is as follows:


To review statistics on peoples emotions eating at an establishment.

To study customer preferences under different emotions.
To study the impact of emotions on customer satisfaction.
To study the supply chain management of McDonalds.

1.3 Literature Review

The word "emotion" dates back to 1579, when it was adapted
from the French word mouvoir, which means "to stir up".
However, the earliest precursor of the word likely dates back to
the very origins of language.
Emotions have been described as discrete and consistent
responses to internal or external events which have a particular
significance for the organism. Emotions are brief in duration
and consist of a coordinated set of responses, which may
mechanisms. Emotions have also been described as biologically
given and a result of evolution because they provided good
solutions to ancient and recurring problems that faced our
Emotion can be differentiated from a number of similar
constructs within the field of affective neuroscience.

representation of emotions, private to the individual
experiencing them.

Moods are diffuse affective states that generally last for

much longer durations than emotions and are also usually less
intense than emotions.

Affect is an encompassing term, used to describe the

topics of emotion, feelings, and moods together, even though it
is commonly used interchangeably with emotion.
Customer satisfaction, a term frequently used in marketing, is a
measure of how products and services supplied by a company
meet or surpass customer expectation. Customer satisfaction is
defined as "the number of customers, or percentage of total
customers, whose reported experience with a firm, its products,
or its services (ratings) exceeds specified satisfaction goals."[1]
In a survey of nearly 200 senior marketing managers, 71
percent responded that they found a customer satisfaction
metric very useful in managing and monitoring their

It is seen as a key performance indicator within business and is

often part of a Balanced Scorecard. In a competitive
marketplace where businesses compete for customers,
customer satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and
increasingly has become a key element of business strategy.
"Within organizations, customer satisfaction ratings can have
powerful effects. They focus employees on the importance of
fulfilling customers expectations. Furthermore, when these
ratings dip, they warn of problems that can affect sales and
profitability. These metrics quantify an important dynamic.
When a brand has loyal customers, it gains positive word-ofmouth marketing, which is both free and highly effective."
Therefore, it is essential for businesses to effectively manage
customer satisfaction. To be able do this, firms need reliable
and representative measures of satisfaction.
"In researching satisfaction, firms generally ask customers
whether their product or service has met or exceeded
expectations. Thus, expectations are a key factor behind
satisfaction. When customers have high expectations and the
reality falls short, they will be disappointed and will likely rate
their experience as less than satisfying. For this reason, a
luxury resort, for example, might receive a lower satisfaction
rating than a budget moteleven though its facilities and
service would be deemed superior in 'absolute' terms."
The importance of customer satisfaction diminishes when a firm
has increased bargaining power. For example, cell phone plan
providers, such as AT&T and Verizon, participate in an industry
that is an oligopoly, where only a few suppliers of a certain
product or service exist. As such, many cell phone plan
contracts have a lot of fine print with provisions that they would
never get away if there were, say, a hundred cell phone plan
providers, because customer satisfaction would be way too low,
and customers would easily have the option of leaving for a
better contract offer.
There is a substantial body of empirical literature that
establishes the benefits of customer satisfaction for firms.

Sandra Kiffin-Petersen, and Geoffrey Soutar from University of

Western Australia and Steven Murphy from Carlton University,
Canada used a qualitative diary study with 276 sales
employees to shed light on the sales experience from the
employees perspective. In psychology, affect is the
experience of feeling or emotion. We often feel emotions in
response to specific events, particularly social interactions.
Affective events theory (AET) suggests that a salespersons
thoughts about how they rate their interaction with a customer
(appraisal) will then help determine the emotions they feel.
Until now, studies of how an individuals positive emotion
appraisals fluctuate in real life, or organizational settings, have
been thin on the ground.
Emotions were also shown to be contagious so as well as a
great sales interaction making for a happy customer, it was
also demonstrated that customer happiness can rub off on the
sales staff serving them.
"The customer interaction may need to be recast in the context
of a dynamic interplay between salespersons and customers,
where the affective state of each may influence the other," the
authors of the study suggest.


This chapter gives us an overview of the methodology, which describes how the research will be
carried out. Methodology refers to how a research should be undertaken. In order to conduct
a successful research, it is essential to collect relevant data from various sources and analyze it.
The study sets out to expand upon work on the topic of
The effect of emotions on the Customer Satisfaction with special Reference for
Considering the nature of our research, we intend to use a questionnaire approach as research
methods. This study further defines and discusses the following: the research design, the
research approach, the research methods, the sample design and data collection and analysis of
the research.
There are a number of different types of method available for the collecting research
data, for example:

The Research Process

The first step of any research is to identify a subject area of research and design a clear
objective within it to do further study on that particular research. Secondly, after getting
secondary data from different sources on a similar subject has to be critically reviewed. To
carry McDonalds Customer Satisfaction with their emotion out proper research an ideal
person has to be defined, out of which, a sample has to be dispatched for survey by different
However, to make the research more authentic, qualitative research has to be carried out in the
former of descriptive questionnaire. Lastly, before completing the report, the descriptive data
thus collected has to be analyzed properly and then drive final conclusion.
Following charts will show a brief summary of the research process .

Formulating and clarifying Research Topic

Critically Reviewing Literature
Choosing Research Approach

Constructing Instrument for Data Collection

Selecting a Sample for Survey
Analysis Qualitative Data
Writing the Research Report

Research Approach
An effective strategy will be used to collect most of the information and data from various
sources. The research will contain two parts, firstly secondary Research in which the
researcher will go through various research papers, electronic journals and database. Whereas
for primary Research, different methods that will be used to collect information from outlets
of McDonald.
Sources of Data Collection
Data for the research project is usually either by using primary data, secondary data or a
combination of both.
Secondary Data
Secondary Research will be aimed at focusing on existing sources of information such as an
internal document, journal, magazines, internet etc. Research got permission from management
to use internal material Data.
McDonald's Customer Satisfaction with the emotions.
Collection from secondary research
will be routinely evaluated to eliminate bias, check the accuracy of data, make sure it is current
and not obsolete, fit the purpose for what it is collected , examine the content of the data and to
make sure it is dependable.

Different statistical tools such as bar charts will be used to analysis data and to draw
conclusions and recommendations. In order to make it more comprehensive, Ms Word
document will be used. This research methodology is carefully selected after considering factors
such as the purpose of the research, accessibility and the amount of the time available.
The secondary research does not provide statistical information about the subject and is purely
based on qualitative analysis. It triggers generalized results not representing the actual picture
of the research. For this reason, we cannot rely much on qualitative research.
Primary Data
Primary data can be defined as the new data collected for the specific purpose of the research.
This usually includes the use for various forms of interviews and questionnaire. The main
medium to obtain the primary data is through a questionnaire. A questionnaire is a written list
of questions, the answer to which is recorded by respondents. The questionnaire will consist of

ten questions for which descriptive answer have to be provided by the customers, to support my
Questionnaires will be a mix of structure and unstructured questions. Structure questions will
be used to find out the percentage of similar answer to a given condition while unstructured
question will be use whenever there is a necessity for a wider view on the part of the respondent.
Other forms of interview method such as postal email interview will be not used as the response
rate is likely to low, additional time be needed to get a response and the lack of
motivation/initiative on the part of the respondent will make the process frustrating. Further, it
will not be possible for the research to read between lines of the response, due to the absence of
observation of body language.
Questionnaire Survey
Any person to person interview between two or more individuals with a specific purpose in
mind is called an interview. Research will collect primary data through the questionnaire duly
filled in by the sample companies will be briefly informed about the research by the researcher
before they will be given the questionnaire to be filled. The questionnaire will be mainly
targeted to the customers who provide the most detailed information about the emotion which
effect their satisfaction. All the respondents agreements will be taken before using the provided
data for research.

McDonalds Customer Satisfaction with the effect of their emotions.
Questionnaire Frame Work
To conduct research in the form of a questionnaire, a sample will be chosen. A sample is a set
of elements selected in some way from a population. It is, therefore essential to choose a proper
sample for any research. The quality of the sample has a significant impact on the overall
quality of research but designing an appropriate sample is seldom easy.It is also important to
choose a sample of respondents. To select sample, questioner will be distributed to the
customers of McDonalds.
Information will be gathered on the basis of it; however, it will be kept in mind that a more
varied the sample would lead to better accuracy to the finding to the research. Therefore,
maximum number of questioners will be distributed, In order to come out with accurate
outcome for the research.
Questionnaire Design
While designing the questionnaire, the main object will be that how customer addresses the
effect of emotion . Also, what are the parameter how they decide their preference.
The researcher will utilize sampling methods in designing the research sample. Initially the unit
analysis will be identified their preference and with that their emotions.

Furthermore, several sampling methods as appropriate and listed below will be considered
bearing in mind the time and cost constraints at the time of study, accessibility of information,
the scope of the inquiry and the desired accuracy. The researcher will take every precaution to
make sure a credible scale has been developed for the study.
Data Collection
Questioners will be used as collection methods. The time will be managed.
Questionnaires will be distributed to the customers of McDonald products will be held. The
respond will vary with the different questions of which adequate research analysis will be done.
We took 30 random samples from three different locations, CBD VASHI- KHARGHAR





Age of the respondents:

Age is an important factor in arriving at a good decisions and implementing the decisions. The
respondents are classified into four groups viz, below 25, 26-35, 36-45, above 46.

Table 1.Showing age of the respondents




50 &
From the table 1, it is clear that 20% of the respondents fall under the age
group of below 25 years, 46.7% of the respondents fall under the age group of
26-35 years, 23.3% of the respondents fall under the age group of 36-45
years,10% are under the age group of above 46.

Gender has been classified into two groups viz. male and female.





From the table 2, it is clear that 71.7% of the respondents are male and 28.3%
of the respondents are female. The majority of respondents are belonging to
male category.


Education :
It is classified into two groups viz. under graduation and post graduation.
From the table 3, indicates that 60% of the respondents are having under
graduation, 40% of the respondents are having post graduation.

It is classified into 5 groups viz, Students, Employee, Self Employed, Professionals & Other
Table 4. Showing status of the respondents
The above table 4 indicates that 16.7% of the respondents are students,
26.7% of employee, 18.3% of the respondents are self employed, 15% of them
are professionals, 23.3% of the respondents are belong to other groups.

Annual income
Income is an important factor because each and everything is based on income. The respondents
income is studied under four different categories they are less than 50000, 50001-200000, 200001450000, and more than 450001.
Less than
More than
The table 6, shows that 3.3% of the respondents are having annual income of
less than 50000, 1.7% of having 50001-200000 income, 25% of them are
having 200001-450000 income, 70% are having income more than 450001.


Table.8 Survey questionnaires provided to the respondents:


Are you aware that purchasing ecofriendly green products will contribute
to sustainable future?


Chapter - IV


As per our research, wherein we had 30 random samples at
different outlets of McDonalds. The respondents were 11 females and 19 males.
Out of which 21 were in a happy mood when they visited the outlet, and 4 were
sad and 4 were bored.
As per these responses we found out that 70% were in a happy mood and at the
same time were satisfied with the service provided.
As per our findings, different emotions did not affect the customer satisfaction.
We found that irrespective of the mood of the customer they were either
satisfied with the service or not depending upon the service provided.
We also found out that after meals there was a definite change in the moods of
the customer thereby changing the emotions.


Chapter V


Concerning all types of business organization customer satisfaction is the most
important issue, and considered as most reliable feedback, for the excellence of
any business organization. Customer satisfaction is the part of marketing and
play important role in the market. And for measuring the customer satisfaction
and emotion effect on the level of satisfaction this study was conducted. Service
quality, physical environment and emotion are the key determinant of customer
satisfaction in the purchase of fast food industry. At the end it could be
concluded that, there is a significant positive effect to customer satisfaction with
the respect to their different emotions for McDonalds product. As per our
research proved that customers mood did not dictate their opinion about the
service provided. Moreover it was clearly seen that they left with a positive
feeling after a meal at McDonalds, in addition to it a good customer service
provided left the customers with an overall good experience irrespective of the
mood with which they walked in. According to our research our only suggestion
would be for the companies to satisfy their customers with quality products that
were promised to them and in return the companies can earn the loyalty of the
customers, thus irrespective of the customers mood the company retains them
for long.



Chapter VI



Since we found out that the customers moods did not affect their level of satisfaction, we
hereby suggest that the companys need to concentrate on the services they provide. Good
response and service from the employees towards the customers do change the mood of the
customers, hence its extremely important for the company to concentrate on providing a good
and efficient service.
This will ensure the company to have higher rate of customer retention.




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