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Page 12 :None, for our group there is no assessment method that will suite for all kinds of learning

because it depends and varies on the different factors such as: needs of the learners, the learning
outcomes that should be assessed, individual differences and multiple intelligences of the learners,
facilities and materials to be used , the purpose of assessment and others.Learners are the main
factor to be considered in choosing the best assessment method to be used. In assessing learners
should be the center of the assessment process because they are the ones to be assessed. What
assessment method that is appropriate for all types of learning? There is no best
assessment method in the classroom situation. A teacher must use assessment methods that could
cater the the nature and needs of the learners. There are times that a assessment method is not
applicable in your topic. All you need to do is to be a flexible teacher on which you will use varied
assessment methods in the classroom setting.
Page 13-14:When to use a written response instruments? we can use written response
instruments any time we as long as the tests we are going to give is valid APPROPRIATE
USE OF PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT Performance-based assessment is becomingly increasingly
common in professional preparation programs. The definition adopted by ACPE calls for
"assessment that requires students to actually perform, demonstrate, construct, develop a product
or a solution." In performance assessment, requiring "students to actually perform, demonstrate,
construct, etc.",,,,,, here is some scepticism as to whether multiple-choice questions are useful. A
while ago, I shared this scepticism. I assumed they werent very rigorous.Now that Ive been using
multiple-choice questions for some time, inspired by Daisy Christodoulou, Im beginning to realise
why they are so useful. Daisy argues that they can require higher order thinking, if the distractors
home in on important, frequent misconceptions. Daisy went through all of the literature and history
multiple choice questions on British Columbia leaving exam, and says all of them made me think
hard about deep issues. This fits with Professor Rob Coes simple theory of learning: learning
happens when you have to think hard about subject content. Phil Stock has also come on a similar
journey to me in his thinking on multiple-choice questions.,,,,, Matching type of test measures the
ability to identify the relationship between a set of similar items, each of which has two components, such as
words and their definitions, symbols and their meanings, dates and events, causes and effects, people and their
accomplishements, problems and solutions,etc.;;;;;;;; Constructing true/false testsAppropriate for all levels
of,cognitive ability, Objective, Efficient in testing recall and comprehension of a broader content area relative to
other testing strategies
Page 19 # 3: Do you have other types of validity of test other than content validity? Measurement ValidityThere's an awful lot of confusion in the methodological literature that stems from the wide variety of labels that are
used to describe the validity of measures. I want to make two cases here. First, it's dumb to limit our scope only to
the validity of measures. We really want to talk about the validity of any operationalization. That is, any time you
translate a concept or construct into a functioning and operating reality (the operationalization), you need to be
concerned about how well you did the translation. This issue is as relevant when we are talking about treatments
or programs as it is when we are talking about measures. (In fact, come to think of it, we could also think of
sampling in this way. The population of interest in your study is the "construct" and the sample is your
operationalization. If we think of it this way, we are essentially talking about the construct validity of the sampling!).
Second, I want to use the term construct validity to refer to the general case of translating any construct into an
operationalization. Let's use all of the other validity terms to reflect different ways you can demonstrate different
aspects of construct validity.
Content validity occurs when the experiment provides adequate coverage of the subject being studied. This
includes measuring the right things as well as having an adequate sample. Samples should be both large enough
and be taken for appropriate target groups.
Page 27 #2: What help have scoring rubrics given you? For teachers, scoring rubrics outline descriptive criteria
that ensures that the grading standards don't change over time. For students, they make it easy to recognize
strengths and weaknesses. #3: Rubrics are important basis for a performance tests,projects or output of of the
students. A teacher may experience difficulty in adapting rubrics which do not measure the target learning outputs
of the students. There will be mismatch between what you taught them and how do you measure their
performance. It is best for teacher to review the criteria and scoring of rubrics to match the learning outputs versus
the learning assessments. #5: Analytic is easier to use than holistic. Analytic rubrics articulates levels of

performance for each criterion while holistic does not list separate levels.What's the difference between analytic
and holistic rubrics?Analytic rubrics identify and assess components of a finished product.
Holistic rubrics assess student work as a whole.Which one is better?Neither rubric is better than the other. Both
have a place in authentic assessment, depending on the following:
Who is being taught? Because there is less detail to analyze in the holistic rubric, younger students may be able
to integrate it into their schema better than the analytic rubric.How many teachers are scoring the product? How
many teachers are scoring the product? Different teachers have different ideas about what constitutes acceptable
criteria. The extra detail in the analytic rubric will help multiple grades emphasize the same criteria.
page 28 :When to Use a Rubric
Rubrics are expensive in terms of the time and energy they require to design and implement. The decision to use
a rubric must be weighed carefully. Rubrics are best suited for situations where a wide range of variation exists
between whats considered very proficient and whats considered not yet proficient.Teachers have found rubrics to
be every useful in providing guidance and feedback to students where skills and processes are the targets being
monitored. Examples of skills or processes that adapt well to being rubriced include: the writing process, the
application of the method of scientific inquiry, thinking skills (i.e. constructing support, compare, problem solving,
etc.), and life-long learner skills (i.e. collaborative worker, quality producer, etc.).Methods other than rubrics are
more conducive to monitoring quantities or amounts of factual information known by a learner. These methods
may include tests, quizzes, checklists, etc.Helpful Hint: Dont rubric everything. Some teachers reserve rubrics for
processes and skills in which students are having difficulty demonstrating a high degree of proficiency. Others use
rubrics to scaffold new performance tasks or introduce new skills and processes. However, or whenever, the
decision is made to use a rubric, best results usually occur when students are involved in the work of designing a
rubric, as well as in the feedback loop and in the reporting-out to stakeholders process, (i.e., parents, school
board members, community, etc.).. advantages and Disadvantages of the Rubric
Holistic Rubric AdvantagesQuick scoring and they provide an overview of student achievement.
Easily obtain a single dimension if that is adequate for your purpose.Holistic Rubric DisadvantagesNot very useful
to help plan instruction because they lack a detailed analysis of a students strengths or weaknesses of a product.
Do not provide very detailed information.Analytical Rubric AdvantagesProvides meaningful and specific feedback
along multiple dimensions.
Scoring tends to be more consistent across students and grades.
Easier for the teacher to share with students and parents about certain strengths and weaknesses.
Helps students to better understand the nature of quality work.Analytical Rubric DisadvantageIt is more difficult to
construct analytical rubrics for all tasks.Tends to be quite time consuming.
Lower consistency among different raters.Advantages of Rubrics in GeneralForces the teacher to clarify criteria in
detail.Useful feedback for the effectiveness of instruction.Motivates students to reach the standards specified.
Narrows the gap between instruction and assessment.Flexible tool, having uses across many contexts, in many
grade levels and for a wide range of abilities.Potential to be transferred into grades if necessary.
Can offer a method of consistency in scoring by clearly defining the performance criteria.
Giving the child more control of their own learning process.Potential to open communication with
caregivers.Disadvantages of Rubrics in GeneralRubrics can also restrict the students mind power in that they will
feel that they need to complete the assignment strictly to the rubric instead of taking the initiative to explore their
If the criteria that is in the rubric is too complex, students may feel overwhelmed with the assignment, and little
success may be imminent.
For the teacher creating the rubric, they may find the task of developing, testing, evaluating, and updating time
consuming. Constructing a Rubric:Know the goals for instruction- what are the learning outcomes?
Decide on the structure of the rubric- holistic or analytical--what fits best for the task?
Determine the levels of performance- are there levels of performance specific to each criteria?
Share the rubric with your students-students should have an opportunity to see, discuss or even design the rubric
prior to the performance or the science activity.
Page 29: What benefits have scoring rubrics brought to the teaching learning process? Scoring rubrics is a
systematic and rational way for a teacher to evaluate a student's performance. The benefits are that the student
gets good and useful feedback on his performance while the teacher gets an easier way to grade the homework.
I'm sure the latter is the main reason that the whole "scoring rubrics" scam is so popular. One of the benefits of
scoring rubrics in the teaching-learning process is that students can effectively visualize what they have to do to
earn the grade they want.,,,,,,, How are scoring rubrics related to portfolio assessment? Portfolios are a kind of
authentic assessment and because authentic assessments cannot be graded like traditional assessments,

scoring rubrics is just one way to assess portfolios in order to increase the reliability of scores based on human

Paragraph Writing Rubric


Main Idea
Topic Sentence


Observes Basic



Write a main idea and support it
with facts and details

Strong main idea/

topic sentence is
clear, and is restated in
the closing sentence.

Adequate main idea/

topic sentence is
restated in the
closing sentence.

Each paragraph has

three or more
supporting detail
sentences that relate to
the main idea.

Each paragraph has

two supporting
detail sentences that
relate to the main

Contains few, if any

capitalization, and
spelling errors.

Contains several
errors in
spelling or grammar
that do not interfere
with meaning.

Contains many errors

in punctuation,
spelling and/or
grammar that
interferes with

Legibly handwritten or
typed with no
distracting errors.

Legibly written,
easy to read with 12 distracting errors.

Several distracting
errors that make
portions difficult to

Understand that the supporting
sentences in a paragraph should
work together to tell more about
the main idea

Use basic punctuation correctly
Know and correctly spell level
appropriate high frequency
Use correct verb tense when

Use correct letter formation in
print and cursive



Total Score________

Main Idea/ topic

sentence is unclear is
weakly restated in the
closing sentence.

Main Idea/ Topic

sentence is unclear
and is not restated in
the closing sentence.

Each paragraph has

one supporting detail
sentence that relates
to the main idea.

Each Paragraph has

no supporting detail
sentences that relate
to the main idea.

Contains many
errors in
spelling and/or
grammar that make
the piece illegible.

Many distracting
errors making it

Page 38:What is the function of portfolio? A Project Portfolio Manager's role begins at project inception.
Decisions to proceed with projects, although constrained at times by organizational imperatives, should involve
the Project Portfolio Manager. A basic project approach emphasizes the need for the enterprise project office to
provide decision-making information such as pipeline views, resource supply and demand statuses and
comprehensive information about projects already underway. This information should be provisioned through the
project office's portfolio management function. Function of Portfolio Assessment:
Using a portfolio for assessment allows the student to self-monitor her own learning, but it also gives the teacher
opportunity to see growth and development in the form of one project. Additionally, the portfolio assessment can
be easily shared with parents, giving teachers concrete evidence of a student's achievements and struggles.
Other purposes for a portfolio assessment include use as an element of an admission package, final exams and
grades, and a means for students to celebrate their own accomplishments.
Page 41-42:What difficulties met in constructing multiple choice? The difficulties in constructing multiple
choice is determined by how easy or hard a question can be. For example, If the value of a question is set
at low, it means that this question is hard whereas a high value question is easy.
With your question "Is a multiple choice type of test valid to determine learning assessment strategies?", the
answer is dependent. Validity means that a test must measure what is supposed to be measured. That`s right. In
order for a test to be valid, the purpose should be achieved. What is the purpose? The purpose is your objectives.
If your objective is to determine learning assessment strategies, you should first know what level of cognitive
domain you want. The levels of cognitive domain of Bloom`s taxonomy are Knowledge, Comprehension, Analysis,
Application, Synthesis, and Evaluation. If the objective is under the knowledge level, the test should also be under
the knowledge level. Each test item should be analyzed in order to determine if the right level of cognitive domain
is achieved. Multiple Choice, True or False, Matching Type are best for Knowledge, Comprehension, Analysis,
and Apllication levels. Essays are best for Synthesis level. In other words, multiple choice can be a valid type of
test if the items achieved the correct cognitive domain it is supposed to be in. If you want to determine learning
assessment strategies, analysis and application are the best levels in the cognitive domain to use. You will be
able to apply these levels in the multiple choice type of test if you provide real-life situations in classroom
assessment. This way, a multiple choice type of test would be valid. What difficulties met in completion test?
Difficulties test takers can have with completion tests are:

In order to do well on the test, the test taker has to know the content that is being tested. Some clues might be
found in the question or in other questions, but that would be the exception and not the norm.
Spelling of the answers might be a factor, so not only would you need to know the answer, but spell it correctly,
too. What difficulties met by essay test? Many people have difficulties with an essay test. And essay test requires
a knowledge of the test subject, whereas a multiple-choice test offers the possibility of getting answers correct by

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