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9th class (Chemistry)

The Fahims school system


Choose the correct answer for each of the given option

1. The number of isotopes of hydrogen is
a. 1
b. 2
2. The incomplete period in the periodic table is
a. 7
b. 6
3. Galium (Ga) belongs to ______________ family
a. Boron
b. Carbon

c. 3

d. 4

c. 3

d. 1

c. Nitrogen

d. Fluorine

b. Cu

c. Fe

d. Ca

b. Covalent

c. Coordinate

d. Chemical bond

4. The most reactive metal is

a. Na

5. The bond in MgO is

a. Electrovalent

6. The process in which molecules escapes from the surface of liquid is called
a. Sublimation

b. Evaporation

c. Boiling

d. melting

7. a formula that indicates actual number and types of atoms in a molecules is called
a. empirical formula

b. molecular formula

c. molecular mass

d. formula mass

b. 1.67 x 10-23g

c. 1.67 x 10-24g

d. 1.67 x 10-25g

c. 100g

d. 90 amu

c. 9.11 x 10-28g

d. 9.11 x 10-30g

8. the mass of proton is

a. 1.67 x 10-22g

9. 5 moles of water are equal to

a. 80g
b. 90g

The mass of electron is

a. 9.11 x 10-26g

b. 9.11 x0-27g

11. The bond which is formed by the transfer of one or more electrons from one atom to another atom is
a. Ionic

b. Covalent

c. Co-ordinate

d. Chemical bond

c. Liquid

d. N.o.t

12. Neither definite shape nor volume is the property of

a. Solid

b. Gas

13. The sum of atomic masses of all atoms in a formula unit of substance is called
a. Empirical formula

b. Molecular

c. Molecular mass.

d. Formula mass

b. Gold

c. Mercury

d. bromine

14. The only liquid metal is

a. Nolybdenum

15. the bond which is formed by one sided sharing of one pair or electrons is called
a. ionic

b. covqalent

c. coordinate
covalent bond

16. manleeve periodic table contain__________periods

a. 7
b. 8
c. 12
17. The element of 7A group are known as
a. Halogens
b. Lanthanides
c. Actinides
18. Most crystals show good cleaning because their atoms, ions and molecules are?
a. Weakly bonded
Strongly bonded together
b. Spherically

d. chemical bond

d. 10
d. N.o.t
c. Arranged in planes

9th class (Chemistry)

The Fahims school system

Name:-------------------Section B
Write short answers of any eight of the following. Each question carries equal marks.
1) Define chemistry .give the name of any six branches of chemistry.
2) Define the Law of Definite proportion in your own words, give an example.
3) Discuss some of the physical properties of the elements which exhibit periodicity.
4) Give the characterisitics of covalent bond
5) Define any two of the following
a) Molecular formula mass
b) Formula mass
c) Molar mass
6) State the law of reciprocal proportion and illustrate it with example
7) Write down the disadvantages of mandleeves periodic table
8) Outline the main points of Dalton atomic theory
9) Write down the formula of the following
Silver nitrate
Nitric acid
Potassium chlorate
Sodium chloride
Calcium carbonate
10) Balance the following equations
a) C2H5OH + Na ------------------------- C2H5ONa +H2
b) KNO3 ----------------------------- KNO2 + O2
c) NaHCO3 ---------------------- Na2CO3 + CO2
+ H2O
d) CO + O2 ------------------ CO2
e) N2 + H2 -------------------- NH3

Section 3
Answer any two of the following questions. Each question carry equal marks
11) A) What is a chemical reaction? Explain any two types of the chemical reaction with example
B) What is the important role of chemistry in the society?
12) A) comparison between covalent bond and coordinate covalent bond .
b) What is hydrogen bonding? What types of forces are present in hydrogen bonding?
13) Define and explain discovery of electrons by discharge tube experiment.

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