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Drinks and Health

Carbonated beverages are very popular and are used often by people around the
world. The important thing to remember is that over consumption of soft drinks
should be avoided because of their numerous harmful effects such as as: obesity,
osteoporosis, nutritional deficiencies, and tooth decay. It is important to be aware
of the harmful effects of such deleterious beverages.

A very serious effect of soft drinks on people’s health is the correlation

between soft drink consumption and
the increased risk of bone fractures
and osteoporosis. The large
amounts of sugar, bubbles caused
by carbon dioxide, and phosphoric acid
that are found in soft drinks remove
nutritious minerals from bones
allowing the bones to become weak
and increasing the risk for them to
break. This is done by the
phosphoric acid disrupting the
calcium-phosphorous ratio, which
dissolves calcium from the bones.
Many people consume soft drinks instead of necessary beverages like milk, so their
bodies are not receiving enough nutrients, especially calcium. This deficiency in
calcium intake and increased consumption of soft drinks is a greater problem for
women than for men. The discrepancy between genders is because men
traditionally eat more and consume more milk than their female counter parts, so
soft drinks do not have as profound of an effect on men.

Most carbonated beverages contain caffeine, which is considered to be a

mild drug and can have harmful effects, especially on children. Soft drinks are the
most consumed caffeine-containing beverage in America. Caffeine is a drug that
acts as a stimulant to the central nervous system. Large amounts of caffeine
consumption can cause diseases and disorders such as insomnia, nervousness,
anxiety, irritability, and deviations from the normal heart rate. Caffeine is an
addictive subastance, which causes consumers to need more caffeine. A major
concern about caffeine is that it increases the excretion of calcium in urine, which
increases the risk for osteoporosis in heavy caffeine consumers. Some preliminary
studies show that caffeine increases the risk of birth defects.

Many soft drinks contain caramel coloring to allow them to have their dark
appearance. The chemical polyethylene glycol is used to achieve this dark color.
Glycol is used in antifreeze. Scientists are concerned that this caramel coloring may
be a carcinogen.

Dental cavities are often associated with carbonated beverage. This

association is important because the amount of sugars that are consumed is
important in forming caries, which is when a cavity effects only the enamel, the
outer protective layer of a tooth. Caries are caused by the bacteria mutans
streptocci, which is a part of dental plaque. The bacteria attach to teeth and
produce high amounts of acid from sugars and other types of acid.

Lactobacillus and actinomyces viscosus are two other kinds of bacteria that
adversely affect teeth and survive well in very acidic environments. The amount of
sucrose that is consumed in a diet propagates tooth decay by changing the nature
and thickness of plaque. Glucose and fructose increase the thickness of plaque as it
forms into a thick gel from a liquid. The gel blocks the movement of saliva and
forms an acid environment that erodes the tooth surface. This thick plaque
formation is more common in pits where it is easier for the bacteria to keep the
saliva out. The more often one eats the greater risk the person has for caries. This
is because sugars in food are broken down to fulfill the metabolic needs of the
different harmful bacteria. The more this happens the more difficult it is for saliva
to buffer all of the acids present.

The acids that are not buffered dissolve the apatitle crystals of a tooth’s
surface; this process is called demineralization. Demineralization is characterized
by a thick layer of plaque blanketing teeth, dropping to a low pH for several hours
removing the calcium nutrients of the tooth. Teeth can be mineralized by calcium,
fluoride and phosphate, which are all contained in saliva. Carries are formed when
the process of demineralization occurs more often than the process of
remineralization. Enamel, which is composed of cementum and dentin, naturally
protects teeth. Dentin is a highly substituted calcium phosphate salt, which is also
called apatite. Carbonate makes the apatite very soluble but fluoride helps to
strengthen the apatite. Cycles of demineralization and remineralization of teeth
allows for the teeth to contain more fluoride, which makes the teeth stronger.
Drinks and Health

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