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Ogden International School of Chicago West Campus

Monthly Department Chair Meeting

Wednesday, 1/07/2015
Objective: To determine next steps for school-wide professional development and department programs.

Agenda Item
Department Updates, Questions, Concerns

Course Frameworks

Notes below
3:30 3:45

3:45 4:00

Semester 2 and Long-term Goals

January 30th Professional Development Day


4:00 4:15

4:15 4:30

Arts: Terry felt that course offerings more around making schedule easy rather than making comprehensive.
Sciences: Science concerns with original plan that they made suggestions for and were incorporated.
Lang and Lit: Work with dept. to figure out the hiccups so that it isnt left up to chance or someone who
doesnt know dept well enough.
I&S: Semester electives options?
PE: Schedule concerns with current staff and suggested program?

Scheduling options for students? When will they know options?
When is the framework going to be approved with principal?
Whats the final date of whats being offered to kids?
Third language option?
WL: Placed with exams (placement/exit)? Details?
Students who want to take WL course but not ready for DP? Transition WL AP course for upper class bridge
5 Preps for MS? When will we know?

IB training timeframe?

How do we know most rigorous? Do we need to give specific metrics?

Common prep for department meetings?
Readings have to come from coordinators /APs
Turnaround of reading and implementation.

- Data
- Standards based grading article and share outs from teachers that work on it. Reasons
- Teachers share inquiry based lessons/units.
- Inclusion teaching

Next Steps
Department chairs brainstorm how teacher mentorship, instructional pop-ins, and full faculty PD

All department chairs

Next meeting

The Ogden International School of Chicago West Campus

can be used to move towards long term PD goal.

Monthly Department Chair Meeting

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