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Corruption is derived from the Latin term corruptio, which means damage.

corruption is the behavior that causes damage in all areas of life.
According to Transparency International: corruption is the behavior of public
officials, and politicians or civil servants, which is unnatural and not legally enrich
themselves or enrich those close to him, by way of misuse of public power
entrusted to them.
According to the law in Indonesia: The obvious explanation exists in article 13 of
Law No. 31 Year 1999 jo. UU no. 21, 2001. According to this law, there are 30
actions that can be categorized as corruption.
Indonesia has been plagued by corruption. Corruption, with few exceptions, has
been rampant in almost all public institutions at all echelons of government at
central and regional levels. Almost without any embarrassment again if the person
concerned involved corruption. Even the private sector, non-governmental, also
flirted, collusion, when dealing with agencies / government employees. Rampant
corruption scandal almost like in Russia and China
corruption grouped as follows:
1. Corruption associated with the loss of state:
a. Against the law to enrich themselves and can harm the country is corruption;
b. Menyalagunakan authority to benefit themselves and buffer state loss is
2. Corruption related to bribery:
a. Bribing civil servants are corrupt;
b. Bribing civil servants because his position is corruption;
c. Civil servants taking bribes is corruption;
d. Civil servants receive his reward is associated with corruption;
e. Bribe the judge is corrupt;
f. Bribing advocate is corruption;
g. Judges and lawyers taking bribes is corruption;
h. The judge accepted a bribe is corrupt;
i. Advocates of accepting bribes is corruption;
3. Corruption associated with fraud in office:
a. Civil servants defraud or let evasion is corruption;
b. Civil servants falsifying books for examination administration is corrupt;
c. Civil servants are damaging evidence of corruption;
d. Civil servants help others destroy evidence is corruption;
4. Corruption associated with the act of blackmail:
a. Squeeze civil servants are corrupt;
b. Civil servants squeeze other public officials is corruption;
5. Corruption related to cheating:
a. Contractor cheating is corruption;
b. Project supervisors let the cheating is corruption;

c. Partner military / police cheating is corruption;

d. Associate superintendent military / police cheating is corruption;
e. Consignee military / police let the cheating is corruption;
f. Civil servants grab ground state to the detriment of others is corruption;
In addition to the shape / a type of corruption that has been described above, there
are other corruption criminal acts related to corruption set forth in the law. Other
types of criminal offenses relating to corruption that:
1. Hinder the process of checking corruption cases;
2. Do not give information or giving false information;
3. Banks that do not provide account information suspects;
4. witness or expert who does not give any information or giving false information;
5. The person who holds the secret of office does not give any information or giving
false information;
Okay, maybe that's all I can bring. hopefully what I bring before can add to our
knowledge about the corruption in Indonesia

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