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Cameron T.

Hydraulic Modeling of the Salt River, Arizona Using HEC-GeoRAS
The Salt River floodplain, located near Phoenix, AZ was studied using the Hydrologic
Engineering Centers River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) with HEC-GeoRAS. HECGeoRAS, a set of procedures, tools, and utilities for processing GIS data in ArcView
GIS, was used to assist in hydraulic model development and analysis. Spatially
referenced depiction and visualization of flood depths and velocities developed by
GeoRAS provided valuable tools for evaluating impacts associated with ecosystem
restoration and flood damage reduction alternatives.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) provide a powerful tool for storing, managing,
analyzing, and displaying spatially distributed data. However, the benefits derived
from using a GIS to assist in hydraulic analysis are often unavailable to engineers not
specialized in GIS operation. HEC-GeoRAS is the result of efforts to assist engineers
in hydraulic model development and analysis using a GIS.
The development of HEC-GeoRAS has linked ArcView GIS (Esri, 1996) to the Army
Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center River Analysis System (HECRAS). HEC-GeoRAS provides specific access to GIS procedures that assists the
hydraulic engineer in the creation and evaluation of hydraulic models using digital
terrain data. Providing limited, logical access to a GIS allows the engineer to
concentrate on hydraulic concerns, rather than focusing on the complications of
applying the GIS.
Benefits achieved using GIS for assisting in hydraulic modeling of rivers systems are
demonstrated through the analysis of the Salt River, Phoenix, AZ. HEC-GeoRAS was
used to create an HEC-RAS import file, process water surface profile data exported
from HEC-RAS, and perform floodplain mapping for several floodplain alternatives
concerned with ecosystem restoration and flood control.
Purpose and Scope
The purpose of the Tres Rios Feasibility Study was to evaluate ecosystem restoration
and flood control mitigation measures for the area known as Tres Rios, Arizona. Tres
Rios, Spanish for "three rivers", is located in Maricopa County, approximately 14.5
km (9mi) west of Phoenix, Arizona (USACE, 1997). Comprising the confluence of
the Salt River, Agua Fria River, and Gila River, the study area is approximately 14.8

km (9.2 mi) long and 1.6 km (1.0 mi) wide. A year-round discharge of 580 million
liters per day (153 mgd) is delivered to the Salt River by a waste-water treatment plant
operated by the City of Phoenix (USACE, 1999a).
Several study alternatives were developed for improving and increasing fish and
wildlife habitat and diversity for threatened and endangered terrestrial species with
benefits associated with flood damage reduction, recreation, and water quality. HEC
was charged with evaluating alternatives that incorporated ecosystem restoration by
providing riparian habitat and flood control by levee. Transmittal of the hydraulic
impacts associated with the alternatives and comparison to those existing hydraulic
conditions to decision-makers in a meaningful manner was paramount to developing a
consensus plan for improving the Tres Rios study area.

Figure 1. Tres Rios, Arizona study area and floodplain.

Process Overview
The GIS was viewed as the ideal tool to facilitate plan evaluation because of the
capability to process and visualize spatial data. Visualization of results would not only
assist engineers with modeling efforts, but would clearly communicate conclusions to
the numerous decision-makers involved: planners, community members, biologists,
and environmentalists. HEC-GeoRAS 3.0 for ArcView GIS was used to assist the
HEC-RAS 3.0 hydraulic analysis. A summary of the software used for this study is
provided in Table 1.
Table 1. Summary of software used in analysis.



HEC-RAS v.3.0

Water surface computation program. Steady-flow module of

version 3.0 was used.

HEC-GeoRAS v.3.0

Pre-processing of geometric data for import into HEC-RAS.

Post-processing of HEC-RAS results. GeoRAS is an ArcView

ArcView GIS v.3.1

GIS used for processing and visualization of spatially distributed


3D Analyst v.1.0

ArcView extension. Required use with GeoRAS for TIN


Spatial Analyst v.1.0

ArcView extension. Optional use with GeoRAS for grid


Hydraulic models were developed for existing conditions and several alternative
condition scenrios. The existing conditions were evaluated for the base-line
conditions. Water surface profiles generated through the GeoRAS process were
verified with profiles computed with existing hydraulic models (USACE, 1999b).
Alternative conditions were modeled which included increased conveyance and
modified roughness coefficients for riparian areas in the main channel and overbanks
and a levee on the north side of the river system.
HEC-GeoRAS 3.0 is an ArcView GIS extension, cooperatively developed by the HEC
and the Environmental Research Institute, Inc. (Esri), specifically designed to process
geospatial data for use with HEC-RAS (HEC, 2000a). The extension allows users
with limited GIS experience to create an HEC-RAS import file containing geometric
attribute data from an existing digital terrain model (DTM) and complementary data

sets. The DTM must be in the form of a triangulated irregular network (TIN). Results
exported from HEC-RAS may also be processed.
HEC-GeoRAS was used to create a geometric import file for import into HEC-RAS.
The import file is an ascii file format containing header, stream network, and crosssectional information. Information contained in the import file includes river, reach
and station identifiers; cross-sectional cut lines; cross-sectional surface lines; crosssectional bank stations; downstream reach lengths for the left overbank, main channel,
and right overbank; and cross-sectional roughness coefficients. Levee alignment
information (incorporated in HEC-GeoRAS 3.1) was written to the import file, as
well. Water surface profile data and velocity data exported from HEC-RAS was
processed for floodplain delineation, inundation depth, and velocity GIS data sets.
HEC-RAS is a one-dimensional, water surface profiling program (HEC, 2000b). The
HEC-RAS model construct requires definition of the land surface to be modeled and
flow data for hydrologic events. The geometric and flow data is used to calculate
steady, gradually varied flow water surface profiles (steady-flow module) from energy
loss computations. HEC-RAS is capable of modeling a full network of channels, a
dendritic system, or a single reach.
Hydraulic Analysis
HEC-GeoRAS was used to develop hydraulic models for the existing and alternative
conditions. The alternative scenarios incorporated modification of the channel crosssectional conveyance and roughness coefficients. For brevity, only one of the
alternative scenarios and the 1% chance exceedance flow event are discussed in this
Data Preparation
GeoRAS requires the use of a digital terrain model (DTM) in the form of a
triangulated irregular network (TIN). The TIN is used for extracting station-elevation
data along cross sections, but may also be useful for visualizing the terrain. Due to the
fact that the terrain for the Tres Rios study area had braided river channel with little
relief, visualization of the TIN was not practical for identifying connected conveyance
areas. However, registered digital aerial photography at a 1:2,400 scale were available
for the study area and were used to identify the stream network and floodplain.
Several RAS Themes were created in the process of developing the geometric data file
for import to HEC-RAS. ArcView themes defining the stream network, main channel

conveyance, flow paths, cross-section locations, and levees were developed. A land
use theme was available for the study area, and was used to estimate roughness
coefficients. These themes were then used, together with the TIN, to develop
geometric data for import into HEC-RAS. Themes used for data extraction are listed
in Table 2.
Table 2. Summary of RAS Themes used for data extraction.

Terrain TIN
Elevation data is extracted
from the Terrain TIN, but it is
also used to locate the
floodplain. For the Tres Rios
area, a digital orthophoto was
available to use a reference
for locating the floodplain.
Note the waste water
treatment plant in the
Northeast portion of the
The Terrain TIN was
modified for the alternative
scenario to reflect proposed
channel modifications.

Stream centerline
The stream centerline was
digitized, using the
orthophoto for reference,
from upstream to
downstream. The stream
centerline is used to calculate
the river stationing at each
cross section.

Bank lines
Bank lines were located at the
edge of the main channel.
The bank lines used with the
cross-sectional cut lines to
determine bank stations at
each cross section. HEC-RAS
uses the bank station
identifiers in the conveyance

Flow path centerlines

Flow path lines are used to
calculate the downstream
reach lengths in the left
overbank, main channel, and
right overbank between cross
sections. Note in the adjacent
figure that the flow path lines
are not in the overbank areas.
While the lines are not drawn
in the correct location
(outside of the bank lines) the
resultant length is acceptable.
We would be concerned if
our channel was very

Cross-sectional cut lines

The location of cross sections
is defined by the crosssectional cut lines theme.
They are digitized from the
left to right overbank (when
facing downstream). Cut
lines should be created
perpendicular to flow.
Geometric data is extracted
using the cross-sectional cut
line theme. The data is then
appended to the cut lines
theme table.

Levees were digitized to limit
flow in the overbanks behind
high ground. The levee
information was extracted at
each cross-sectional cut line
intersected by a levee.
The alternative scenerio
incorporated a flood control
levee in addition to those
levees used to represent high
This capability has not yet
been incorporated into HECGeoRAS.

Mannings n values
Mannings n values were
estimated based on land use
data. N-values were extracted
along each cut line.
N-values were modified for
the alternative condition to
reflect the change in
vegetation type in the riparian
habitat restoration zones.

Data were extracted through automated procedure in GeoRAS. The data were
appended to the cross-sectional cut line theme before being written to a file for import
into HEC-RAS. The cross-sectional cut line theme table is shown in Figure 2.
Mannings nvalues and levee information is stored in separate tables that are linked to
the cross section ID (XS_ID) field. The geometric import file is an ASCII file, having
a data exchange file format developed by HEC, that contains a header information,
stream centerline data, and cross-sectional data.

Figure 2. Geometric data appended to the cross-sectional cut line theme.

Data Completion and Model Simulation
The geometric data was imported into HEC-RAS for model completion and
simulation. Data imported into HEC-RAS included the stream network and crosssectional geometry. As shown in Figure 3, station-elevation data, bank stations,
downstream reach lengths, Mannings n values, and levee information were imported
for each cross section.

Modification of bank stations and levee alignments was accomplished using the
graphical cross section editor in HEC-RAS. Other data that needed completion
included bridge data and ineffective flow areas for the Gila River and Aqua Fria River
floodplains. Flow data and boundary conditions were also input in HEC-RAS before

Figure 3. Cross-sectional data as imported into HEC-RAS.

Existing Conditions. Mannings n values were estimated based on land use. Levee
alignments were used to represent roads and connected high ground that prevented
flow into the overbanks. Proper levee alignment and bank station positions were
achieved by modifying the imported data within HEC-RAS, using the graphical cross
section editor. The final geometry, as represented by the RAS Themes, is shown in
Figure 4.
The 1% chance exceedance event water surface profile that was computed using the
imported geometric data matched well to the calibrated HEC-RAS profile computed
by the Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District (USACE, 1999b). Therefore,
no calibration or adjustment of n-values was required. Ineffective flow areas,
however, were added to the cross sections in the Agua Fria River and Gila River

Figure 4. Existing conditions themes.

Alternative Conditions. The riparian habitat and levee construction for the alternative
plan was incorporated into the geometric data by modifying the land use data, levee
data, and terrain TIN. Location of the proposed riparian restoration efforts and levee
alignment are shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Alternative conditions themes.

Each riparian habitat was incorporated into the geometry by modifying the terrain TIN
to reflect the design shape and elevation. The vegetation associated with each habitat
area was incorporated into the land use data and new representative

Mannings nvalues were estimated. All other geometric data were identical to the
existing conditions scenario.

Results exported from HEC-RAS were imported into the GIS using GeoRAS. Data
exported from HEC-RAS included water surface elevations at each cross section,
velocity information at distributed points along each cross section, and bounding
polygon information. The bounding polygon information defined the extent of each
cross section as modeled in HEC-RAS for the given flow. Floodplain delineation and
velocity data were developed which adhered to the bounding criterion.
Floodplain Delineation
Floodplain delineation for each scenario was performed resulting in an inundation
depth grid and floodplain polygon. The steps were executed by GeoRAS during the
floodplain delineation procedure are summarized in Table 3.
Table 3. Floodplain delineation process.

Water surface TIN

Cross sections, exported
from HEC-RAS and tagged
with water surface
elevations, are used as
breaklines to develop a
water surface TIN. This
process is independent
from the terrain data.

Bounding polygon
The water surface TIN is
then clipped by a bounding
polygon. The bounding
polygon ensures that only
the area that is
hydraulically modeled is

Resultant water surface

The resultant water surface
TIN may be used to
identify the water surface
elevation at a location
independent from the

Inundation depth
An inundation depth grid is
developed by subtraction of
the rasterized water surface
TIN and rasterized terrain
TIN. The user may specify
the rasterization cell size.

Floodplain delineation
A floodplain polygon is
determined by vectorizing
the boundary of the water
depth grid.

Simultaneous visualization of floodplain delineations and aerial photographs allowed

decision-makers to identify acceptable levee alignments. A comparison of floodplain
delineations for the existing and alternative conditions is shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Comparison of floodplains delineated using GeoRAS.

Velocity Analysis
Velocity grids were developed from the cross-sectional velocities. As illustrated in
Figure 7, the comparison of velocities between the existing and alternative conditions
indicated higher velocities through the excavated riparian corridors and lower
velocities in the channel adjacent to the riparian areas.

Figure 7. Velocity difference between existing and alternative conditions.

GIS provide a powerful tool for visualizing and processing spatial data. In particular,
HEC-GeoRAS provides procedures, tools, and utilities that assist in the development
and analysis of hydraulic models by allowing engineers unspecialized in GIS
operation to view a "real-world" representation of the system under study. But
GeoRAS does not just help engineers focus on engineering concerns, it facilitates
communication between decision-makers involved in plan formulation, hydraulic
analysis, and public inquiry.
While GeoRAS greatly facilitates hydraulic model development and analysis with
HEC-RAS, results must be carefully examined with cautiously drawn conclusions.
Identification of errors by visual inspection of hydraulic model results leads to in an
iterative process for model refinement.
Esri (1996). ArcView GIS: Using ArcView GIS, Environmental Research Institute, Inc.,
Redlands, CA.
HEC (2000a). HEC-GeoRAS: An extension for support of HEC-RAS using ArcView,
Users Manual, Version 3.0, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering
Center, Davis, CA.
HEC (2000b). HEC-RAS River Analysis System, Users Manual, Version 3.0, DRAFT
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center, Davis, CA.
USACE (1997). Tres Rios, Arizona Reconnaissance Report, April, U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers, Los Angeles District.
USACE (1999a). Tres Rios, Arizona Feasibility Study, F4 Documentation, June,
DRAFT, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District.
USACE (1999b). Tres Rios, Arizona Feasibility Study, Technical Appendices, F4
Documentation, June, DRAFT, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District.
Author Information
Cameron T. Ackerman, Hydraulic Engineer
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Hydrologic Engineering Center
609 Second St.

Davis, CA 95616
Telephone: 530-756-1104
Fax: 530-756-8250

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