Anda di halaman 1dari 9


-: Q1- Regarding the intestine all are true except
a. Burnner's gland are located in the lamina propria of
.b. The surface epithelial cells are rich in microvilli
.c. The mucosa of the colon has deep crypts but no villi
.d. Argetallin cells secret hormones and vasoactive amines
.e. Paneth cells secret lysozyme
Q2- In human esophagus all of the followings can formed
-: except
.a. Simple columner epithelium
.b. Striated muscle fibers into upper theird
.c. Serosa covering its abdominal part
.d. Mucous glands in submucosa
.e. Meissner's plexus of nerves
-: Q3- Regarding the stomach all are correct except
.a. It is lined by simple columnar epithelium
.b. Pyloric glands have many chief cells and parital cells
.c. Oxyntic cells have secretary caneliculli
.d. Chief cells are basophilic and secret pepsinogen
.e. The cells of gastric mucosa can regenerate
-: Q4- Regardening the tongue mark one correct statement
.a. It is lined by stratified columner epithelium
.b. Fungi form papillae are located behind sulcus terminalis
c. Taste buds are located at the latral side of circumvallate


-: Q5- Regarding the stomach select the correct statement

.a. Its fundic glands are located in the body of stomach
.b. The chief cells are responsible for the product of HCl
.c. The parital cells produce pepsin
.d. The pyloric glands contain large number of chief cells
.e. The cells of gastric mucosa do not regenerate
-: Q6- Regarding tongue papillae select one correct statement
.a. They projected from the ventral surface of tongue
.b. Fungi form papillae located behind the sulcus terminal
.c. Filiform papillae appear white due to parakeratosis
.d. Fungi form papillae surrounded by deep circular trench
.e. filiform papillae often have taste buds
Q7- The following statements regarding the histological
-: structure of the small intestine are true, except
a. The intestinal villi are lined by simple columnar cells that are
.rich in microvilli
b. They have argentaffin (enteroendocrine) cells that secrete
. hormones and vasoactive amines
.c. Paneth cells are present at the base crypts
.d. Meissner's plexuses are located in the muscularis externa
.e. Brunner's glands are located in submucosa of the duodenum
Q8- The following statements regarding the histological
-: structures of the intestine are true except
a. Brunner's glands are located in the submucosa of the
b. The surface epithelial cells are rich in microvilli
c. The mucosa of the colon has deep crypts but no villi
d. Argentaffin cells secret hormones & vasoactive amines
.e. Paneth cells secret mucous


Q9- The following statements regarding the stomach &

-: esophagus are correct except
a. The oxyntic cells of the gastric glands are characterized by
.secretory canaliculi
.b. The mucous can be damaged by alcohol, aspirin or infection
.c. There is striated muscle at the lower end of the esophagus
d. Chief cells of the gastric glands are basophilic & secret
.e. Pyloric glands have no chief cells or parietal cells
Q10- Regarding the stomach all the following statements are
-: correct,except
.a. It is lined by simple columnar epithelium
.b. It contains myenteric plexus
.c. It is covered by serosa
d. Its muscularis extema is formed of inner oblique, middle
.circular and outer longitudinal layers
.e. Its wall is folded into plica circularis
-: Q11- Parietal cells have
.a. Periphral-located nuclei
.b. Strong positive basophilic cytoplasm
.c. Intracellular canaliculi
.d. Well-developed RER
.e. Granuls visible by light microscope
-: Q12- the inner side of lip is lined by
.a. simple columnar epithelium
.b.keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
.c. non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
.d. simple squamous epithelium


-: Q13- the lip margin is characterized by the following except

.a.non-keratinized epithelium
.b.the epidermis is transparent
.c.abundant blood capillaries
.d.the capillaries are very close to the surface
.e.taste buds
-: Q14- the oral aspect of hard palate is covered by
.a.keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
.b.non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
.c.simple columnar epithelium
.d.simple squamous epithelium
.e.pseudostratified columnar epithelium
-: Q15- von ebner's glands are
.a.present anterior to sulcus terminalis
.b.serous gland
.c.present around fungiform papillae
.d.mucous gland
.e.their ducts open in floor of the mouth
-: Q16- fungiform papillae are
.a. 8/12 in number
.b.conical in shape
.c.surrounded by a circular furrow
.d.taste buds are found in their epithelium
.e.located on sulcus terminalis
-: Q17- meissner's autonomic plexus is present in
.a. mucosa
.b. muscularis mucosa
.c. submucosa
.d. muscularis ecterna
.e.advetitia or serosa


-: Q18- auerbach's myentric plexus is present in

.b.muscularis mucosa
.d.muscularis externa
.e.adventitia or serosa
-: Q19- the epithelium linging esophagus
.a.simple columnar
.b.simple columnar ciliated
.c.pseudostratified columnar ciliated with goblet cells
.d.stratified squamous non keartinized
.e.stratified squamous keratinized
-: Q20- the fundic gland contains
.a.oxyntic cells
.b.somatotropic cells
.c.principle cells
.d.oxyphil cells
.e.non of above
-: Q21- gastric enzymes are secreted by
.a.enteroendocrine cells
.b.mucous neck cells
.c.oxyntic cells
.d.chief cells
.e.all of above
Q22- On each maxilla and each side of the mandible, both the
deciduous and permanent dentitions typically include two
.___________ for slicing or cutting into food


Q23- Unique to the permanent dentition, the two pairs of

____________ on each jaw are used for crushing and grinding
.d.wisdom teeth
Q24- Submucosal nerve plexus is to submucosa as
.____________ nerve plexus is to muscularis
-: Q25- Histologically, the stomach mucosa comprises
.a.simple columnar epithelial lining, with numerous gastric pits
b.goblet cells that secrete a thick carpet of mucin over the
.surface extra, inner layer of smooth muscle called the oblique layer
.d.all of the above
Q26- The ____________ is actually composed of
____________ peritoneum and is therefore found only on
.organs within the peritoneal cavity
.a.lesser omentum; visceral
.b.mesentery proper; visceral
.c.adventitia; parietal
.d.serosa; visceral
Q27- Portions of the GI tract outside the peritoneal cavity are
-: surrounded by a layer of areolar connective tissue called the
.c.mucosa exerna
.d.tunica albuginea


Q28- Which selection correctly pairs a type of gastric epithelial

?cell with its secretion
.a.mucous neck cell, alkaline mucin
.b.parietal cell, pepsinogen
.c.enteroendocrine cell, somatostatin
.d.chief cell, hydrochloric acid
Q29- In the small intestine, the plicae circulares and villi
-: provide
.a.increased surface area for the absorption of nutrient molecules
b.attachments for mesenteries suspended from the dorsal body
.c.initiation of enterogastric reflexes that accelerate digestion
d.intestinal contractions that churn and swirl the intestinal
Q30- The mucosa of the ____________ is equipped with
abundant, pea-sized or larger ____________ that help to protect
.it from encroaching bacteria
.a.liver; hepatic sinusoids
.b.jejunum; lymphatic nodules
.c.ileum; Peyer patches
.d.appendix; lymph nodes
Q31- The hormones produced by the enteroendocrine cells of
-: the intestinal glands include
.a.pepsinogen and gastrin
.b.secretin and cholecystokinin
.c.enterokinase and aminopeptidase
.d.biliverdin and bilirubin


Q32- Between the skeletal and digestive systems, there are three
types of ____________: one in osteons, one in ____________,
.and one within parietal cells of the gastric glands
.a.calcium compounds; hepatic lobules
.b.calcium compounds; spongy bone
.c.canaliculi; hepatic lobules
.d.canaliculi; spongy bone
?Q33- Where does most nutrient absorption occur
.c.body of stomach
.d.ileum and cecum
Q34- What is the most likely cause of pernicious anemia (a
chronic, progressive anemia of older adults), given that it can be
?successfully treated by administration of vitamin B12
.a.chronic pancreatitis or gastroenteritis
.b.defective parietal cells in the gastric glands
.c.hemorrhage anywhere in the GI tract submucosa
.d.inadequate dietary intake of iron compounds
-: Q35- The main functions of the digestive system are
a.digestion and ingestion
.b.propulsion and secretion
.c.absorption and elemination
.d.all of the above

for whom suffer
for whom feel the pain
for whom bleed a tear
for whom lost the sympathy
for whom lost somebody

Smile! There is glimmer of hope


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