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Northern Caribbean University

Marsha Anderson
Oral Communication
Informative Speech Outline
Title: Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
Specific Purpose:
To inform my audience about the symptoms, causes and treatment of
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
Thesis Statement: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder characterized
by unreasonable thoughts and fears (this is called obsessions), which leads a person to do
repetitive behaviors (this is called compulsions). The person with obsessive-compulsive disorder
may realize that their obsessions are not rational, and may try to ignore or stop them, but that
only increases the distress and anxiety. Ultimately, they feel driven to perform compulsive acts in
an effort to ease their stressful feelings
1. Open with impact: David is a 40-year-old accountant who is divorced and lives alone
confessed that his marriage ended because of his ways of doing things. David repeats
everything he does (e.g., reading, writing, locking doors) at least three times to ensure
that he has done every task perfectly. He says that the more anxious and stressed he is,
the more times he needs to repeat a task. At work, he repeatedly checks everything he
does, particularly forms and other written work. He states that it often takes him a long as
6 hours just to address an envelope, because he worries that something bad might happen.
David knows that his need for perfection and fears caused his marriage to fail and makes
him less productive at work, but he worries that if he does not succumb to the impulses
that drive him something bad will happen.
2. Focus (purpose statement): OCD obsessions are repeated, persistent and unwanted
ideas, thoughts, images or impulses that the afflicted person has involuntarily and that
seem to make no sense. These obsessions typically intrude when they are trying to think
of or do other things. The obsession leads to compulsions or repetitive behaviors that
they feel driven to perform. These repetitive behaviors are meant to prevent or reduce
anxiety related to the obsessions.
3. Connect with your audience: People with OCD are often acutely embarrassed about
their symptoms and will put great effort into hiding them. Before the disorder is
identified and treated, families may become deeply involved in the sufferers rituals,
which can cause distress and disruption to family member

Speech Preview/ Transition: I would first like to discuss the symptoms to ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder
1. Main Point: Symptoms of obsessions are persistent unwanted ideas, thoughts, images or
impulses that involuntarily occur and make no sense. These obsessions drive the person
to perform compulsive repetitive behaviors; the behaviours are meant to prevent or
reduce anxiety related to the obsessions. Themes of the obsessions and resulted
compulsion include:

Fear of contamination from germs or dirt:

Washing skin until it is raw and cleaning excessively until
Demanding reassurances


Excessive concern with symmetry and order,

Performing the same action repeatedly
Placing objects in certain order, by height colour or shape they
assume is perfect


Aggressive or horrific impulses and sexual images or thoughts

Repeatedly checking in on loved ones to make sure they are safe.
Counting, tapping, repeating certain words, or doing other
senseless things to reduce anxiety

Speech Preview/ Transition: Now that I have told you about the symptoms of OCD I will look
at the some of the speculative caused
2. Main Point: The cause of obsessive-compulsive disorder is not fully understood however
there are some theories that indicate the causes.
A. Insufficient serotonin
A brain chemical messenger

Biology or Family history

Change in body chemical
Family history of the disorder


Stressful life events

experiencing death
Changes in routine such as school

Speech Preview/ Transition: Knowing the symptoms and the causes of OCD are the first steps
before starting an effective treatment.
3. Maine Point: OCD will not go away by itself, so it is important to seek treatment. The
most effective approach to treating OCD combines medications with cognitive behavioral

therapy and self-help technique

A. Cognitive behavioral therapy
Teaching the afflicted to face their fears
B. Along with therapy, pills can also be used to treat this disorder.
Administering antidepressant
C. Anxiety management techniques
Practicing self help techniques
In conclusion, I hope you were able to gain new knowledge about Obsessive Compulsive
Disorder its symptoms, causes and treatments. The symptoms being both the obsessive and
the compulsive, the causes being genetic and traumatic, and the treatments being therapy,
antidepressants and self help. OCD is one of many mental disorders that plague everyday
people and it is important for the public to be aware and develop an understanding of those
that find themselves afflicted.

Bibliography of works cited:

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