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Key definitions
Tipping point The point at which a system switches from one state to another.
Greenhouse effect The warming of the earths atmosphere, due to the trapping
of heat, that would otherwise be radiated back into space. It enables the survival of
life on earth.
Enhanced greenhouse effect When levels of greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere increase due to human activity. Eg burning of fossil fuels since the
industrial revolution, deforestation, new industrial processes and more extensive
Evidence for climate change
Short term
Definition - Measured over the last few decade using sensitive, accurate
equipment eg satellites and ocean temperature buoys.
INSTRUMENAL RECORD This shows the near surface air temperature from the
last 100 years and shows ocean temperatures. Shows temperature rose by 0.74
degrees from 1900 to 2000. Reliable as shows actual scientific measurements on
a global scale.
ICE RESPONSES Gather ice from different areas (eg Alps) and see how far its
melted. Shows melting of Greenland ice sheet increased by 16% since 1979.
Reliable as shows actual scientific measurements on a global scale.
Medium term
Definition - Measured over the last few thousands years since around 1850 eg
thermometers and rain gauges.
HISTORICAL RECORDS - Can be used such as the analysis of paintings,
photographs, and written accounts. The evidence points to colder period (little ice
age) and warmer period (medieval warm period). Not reliable as the creator
didnt set out to record climate and the work is usually local so cant be gen.
TREE RINGS - Trees are sensitive to annual changes in temperature and the
thickness of growth changes in climatic conditions. Wide rings = good growing
conditions, narrow rings = climate stress. Reliable but depend localised and hard to
determine importance of light, temp and precipitation on growth.
Long term
Definition - Over several hundreds of thousands of years to millions of years eg
ice cores.
ISOTOPES - Can be found by looking at 018 and 016 isotopes in ice cores. Normal
oxygen contains 8 protons and 8 neutrons (016). A small fraction of oxygen atoms
contain 8 protons and 10 neutrons (018) which is heavier than 016. This means
016 will evaporate more easily than 018 as 16 is lighter, therefore in a warm
period, most 016 has evaporated so there is more 018. Reliable
POLLEN - Shows that ecosystems have changed due to climate. It is a unique
shape so can be identified with a particular plant. If pollen falls into a peat bog and

is preserved, it can be used to identify the plant it belonged to and therefore the
climate. Mid reliable good preservation is rare and vegetation may lag behind
Climate change and its causes
Natural causes
Milankovitch cycles 3 variations in earths orbit around the sun eg circular and
elliptical which changes every 100,000; earths tilt in 23.5 degrees every 41,000
years and earths axis wobbles on a cycle of 22,000 years.
Solar output Suns output isnt constant, it varies. Most of the cycles are short
term. Sun spot activity takes place every 11 years.
Volcanic activity Volcanoes eject material into stratosphere and winds
distribute it around the globe. The material includes as, co2, water vapour and
sulphur dioxide. Eg Mount Pinatubo Philippines where 17 million tonnes of material
was ejected and cooled earth by 0.6 degrees.
Global dimming -

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