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Import Model

Using the command line application axutil.exe, import the model file with conflict resolution set
to push:
axutil import /file:RF-SMARTCore.axmodel /conflict:push

This will push any conflicts that exist in the model to a new model that is stored in the ISP layer.
If performing an update to an existing installation, set conflict resolution to overwrite:
axutil import /file:RF-SMARTCore.axmodel /conflict:overwrite

If you are not running this command on the AX 2012 server, or if you have multiple instances
installed on the same server, you may need to specify the database and/or server name. Do that
using the format below, substituting your servername for <ServerNameHere> and your database
name for <DatabaseNameHere>.
axutil import /file:RF-SMARTCore.axmodel /conflict:push /db:<DatabaseNameHere>

When prompted to continue, press y then enter.

Resolve Conflicts

If there are any errors during the import, perform conflict resolution by manually resolving the
conflicts or by executing the provided script from your development layer. Make note of the
name of the Conflict model used during the import. The model will be named in the form:

Where # represents a number assigned to make the model name unique. If you missed the name
of the conflict model, you can view a list of all models in the model store by executing the
following command:
axutil list

You can view a list of conflicts generated by typing the following command, where # will
represent the number assigned to the conflict model (usually 1):
axutil view /model:"RfsmartAX2012Core (Conflict #)" /verbose

For more information, see How to: Resolve Conflicts After Importing a Model.
After conflict resolution, delete the conflict model using the following command line, where #
will represent the number assigned to the conflict model (usually 1):
axutil delete /model:"RfsmartAX2012Core (Conflict #)"

Restart AOS Services

Restart Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server

Import DAT File

Import the provided DAT file:

System Administration > common > Data Import/Export > Import

On the Advanced tab, check Include system tables

Click OK.
If you see the following window:

Click No to all and then click OK.

Click Yes to continue.
If you receive an infolog after the import that contains errors or warnings that records were not
imported because they already exist, they can be ignored. Some of the records being imported
may already exist in the system depending on previous configurations that may have occurred.

Compile and Synchronize

System Administration > Periodic > Compile application

System Administration > Periodic > Database > SQL administration
Run synchronization from the Table actions menu and follow the prompts.

Perform Full CIL

System Administration > Periodic > Compile into .NET framework CIL
Register Services

From the AOT, expand the Services node and locate the RFS service objects.
Right click on each service and select Add-Ins > Register service

On the resulting form, click the Refresh button:

Cycle RF-SMART Inbound Ports

Deactivate and reactivate the RF-SMART inbound ports. This process refreshes the system and
clears any erroneous data.
Navigate to System Administration > Setup > Services and Application Integration Framework >
Inbound Ports
Select the RfsAxDataServices inbound port

Click the Deactivate button in the toolbar

Click the Activate button in the toolbar

Select the RfsCqrsServices inbound port

Click the Deactivate button in the toolbar

Click the Activate button in the toolbar

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