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Represents a label control, which displays text on a Web page.

Picture Box
The PictureBox control is used for displaying images on the form. The Image property of the control
allows you to set an image both at design time or at run time.

Group Box
Represents a Windows control that displays a frame around a group of controls with an optional

Text box controls allow entering text on a form at runtime. By default, it takes a single line of text, however,
you can make it accept multiple texts and even add scroll bars to it.

Notify Icon Control is used to display an icon in the system tray. This control can
be used to indicate the start and stop of an application or a process or a service.

Context MenuStrip
The ContextMenuStrip control represents a shortcut menu that pops up over controls, usually when you
right click them. They appear in context of some specific controls, so are called context menus. For
example, Cut, Copy or Paste options.
This control associates the context menu with other menu items by setting that menu item's
ContextMenuStrip property to the ContextMenuStrip control you designed.
Context menu items can also be disabled, hidden or deleted. You can also show a context menu with the
help of the Show method of the ContextMenuStrip control.

Numeric UpDown
The Windows Forms NumericUpDown control looks like a combination of a text box
and a pair of arrows that the user can click to adjust a value. The control displays
and sets a single numeric value from a list of choices. The user can increase and
decrease the number by clicking up and down buttons, by pressing the UP and
DOWN ARROW keys, or by typing a number. Clicking the UP ARROW key moves the
value toward its maximum; clicking the DOWN ARROW key moves the position
toward the minimum. An example where this kind of control might be useful is for a
volume control on a music player. Numeric up-down controls are used in some
Windows control panel applications.

Simple Button
Use the SimpleButton control to create a button in your
application. Buttons are used to initiate actions from forms and
dialog boxes. The button's associated action can be invoked by
clicking the button using the mouse or pressing the ENTER or SPACE

BAR key if the button has focus. The button's action should be
implemented in the Click event handler.

Timer Control plays an important role in the Client side
programming and Server side programming, also used in Windows
Services. By using this Timer Control, windows allow you to control
when actions take place without the interaction of another thread.
The Panel control is used as a container for other controls.
Used to group collections of controls.

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