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Case Study : Institut Teknologi Bandung
R. Edi Triono Nuryatno, Jaka Sembiring, Sukirno (RIP) dan Widyawardana
Information Technology Research Division
School of Electrical Engineering & Informatics
Institut Teknologi Bandung,,,
The process of designing information technology strategy plan (ITSP) in this research is using the research methodology
Mixed Methods Approaches by the scope of the research framework on the COBIT framework V.4.1 in Domain Plan and
Organize, with the approach in the IT Process PO1-Define a Strategic IT Plan with coverage Detailed Control Objectives, on
the activity PO1.1 IT Value Management, PO1.2 Business - IT Alignment, PO1.3 Assessment of Current Capability and
Performance, and PO1.4IT Strategic Plan. As a major research framework, COBIT V.4.1 able to limit the scope of the
problems in this research, and can perform transcription analysis on the various theories and frameworks that relate to the
design of IT organizations. Research produces 4 outputs consisting of; identification between sustainability goals with the
objectives of the IT institutions, identify the value of IT management, to get an assessment of current capability and
performance, and the IT strategy plan.
The design is divided into seven discussions, namely the following; institutes goals in the context of IT in the ITB, IT leads to
ITB, information architecture, application architecture, infrastructure architecture, organizational architecture, and IT Roadmap
development. Classification of services in the main IT ITSP consists of Teaching and Learning Services, Academic
Administration Services, Research and Expertise Service, Human Resource Development Service, Organizations Management
Service, Service and Support. Discussion of the organization strategies focus on the IT Management Unit in the ITB. IT
Architecture in the ITSP is divided into 4 main categories, namely information, applications, organizational, and infrastructure.
The others discussion is about IT planning related with institutes business goals context, on investment and related
development of IT Roadmap achievement in ITB.
Keyword: CIO, COBIT V.4.1, CSF, ITSP, McFarlan, Webometric, WCU

A problem faced by the ITB is the absence of IT Strategic Plan
which is a part of the IT governance process in the ITB. The
absence of IT Strategic Plan will cause the use of IT resources on
the management of academic activities and support of other
will not run perfectly and
organized. Therefore to achieve the vision, mission, goals, and
mechanisms of good governance on IT governance, ITB requires
the IT Strategic Plan. Based on the needs analysis outcome and the
problems above, this research will be focused on the design of the
IT strategic plan, as a guide and a part of IT governance processes
in the ITB.

Methods Approaches by the scope of the research framework on

the COBIT framework V.4.1 in Domain Plan and Organize, with
the approach in the IT Process PO1-Define a Strategic IT Plan with
coverage Detailed Control Objectives, on the activity PO1.1 IT
Value Management, PO1.2 Business - IT Alignment, PO1.3
Assessment of Current Capability and Performance, and PO1.4IT
Strategic Plan. As a major research framework, COBIT V.4.1 able
to limit the scope of the problems in this research, and can perform
transcription analysis on the various theories and frameworks that
relate to the design of IT organizations. Research produces 4
outputs consisting of; identification between sustainability goals
with the objectives of the IT institutions, identify the value of IT
management, to get an assessment of current capability and
performance, and the IT strategy plan. Below, a picture which
explains the use of research methods in this study.

The process of designing information technology strategy plan

(ITSP) in this research is using the research methodology Mixed
3nd International Conference on Chief Information Officer
C for C (CIO for C Generation) in Conjuction with the 5th International Academy of CIO (IAC)
Annual General Meeting & 6th e-Indonesian Initiative (eII) Forum
5-7 May 2010 in Bandung, West Java-Indonesia
ISBN: 978-602-96907-1-2


Figure I.1 Research Method

The results of these research methods will be based on research
questions and hypotheses, so that the purpose of this study is to
produce draft IT strategic plan can be achieved. Therefore, in order
to achieve this goal, this research needed a research
workflow. Workflow is using qulaititaive and quantitative methods
(mixed methods) with a frame and control research using COBIT
V.4.1 framework, which divided into 3 main sections, namely the
identification, analysis and design itself. In general, descriptive
workflow is as follows:

The process of identification on the IT condition is done by

exploring the IT business focus on ITB as an educational
institution through the criteria of information, business objectives
and IT resources. Then the Identification is performed on the basis
control of the ITB objectives, ITB policies, ITB activities and IT
services in ITB. The results obtained are general profile acquisition
identification and acquisition of ITB profiles identified in the ITB
IT. Identify the general profile of ITB in this research, is needed to
obtain the basic principles of the institution (business
principles).While the analysis is divided into two parts, namely
internal and external analysis. The analysis is derived from the
orientation process to criteria of COBIT framework V.4.1
consisting of IT value management (PO1.1), alignment of IT with
business (PO1.2), an assessment of the performance and
capabilities of the current IT general controls and application
controls .(PO1.3), Last of the criteria V.4.1 COBIT framework is
measurement-driven. The approach of measurement-driven is to
measure the level of IT capability and performance. The following
description of the process of identification and analysis, are
explaining with this pictures below.

Figure II.1 Identification of IT Aligment with Business Goals

Figure I.2 Define a Strategic IT Plan Process

Figure II.2 Identification of IT Value Management

Figure I.3 Control and Research Framework
3nd International Conference on Chief Information Officer
C for C (CIO for C Generation) in Conjuction with the 5th International Academy of CIO (IAC)
Annual General Meeting & 6th e-Indonesian Initiative (eII) Forum
5-7 May 2010 in Bandung, West Java-Indonesia
ISBN: 978-602-96907-1-2

internal and external analysis; IT Service at an institution must be

organized in the independent IT organization management and
should be able to communicate directly with policy holders; CIO is
absolutely needed by the ITB as an educational institution WCU
oriented; IT Services will not run well without the guidance of the
ITSP as part of IT governance processes at the ITB.


Figure II.3 Internal Analysis of IT Services





Figure II.4 External Analysis of IT Services



The design is divided into seven discussions, namely the following;
institutes goals in the context of IT in the ITB, IT leads to ITB,
information architecture, application architecture, infrastructure
architecture, organizational architecture, and IT Roadmap
development. Classification of services in the main IT ITSP
consists of Teaching and Learning Services, Academic
Administration Services, Research and Expertise Service, Human
Resource Development Service, Organizations Management
Service, Service and Support. Discussion of the organization
strategies focus on the IT Management Unit in the ITB. IT
Architecture in the ITSP is divided into 4 main categories, namely
information, applications, organizational, and infrastructure. The
others discussion is about IT planning related with institutes
business goals context, on investment and related development of
IT Roadmap achievement in ITB.







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Majelis Wali Amanat. Draft Evaluasi Sistem Teknologi
Informasi ITB. PT MitraNet Mitra Utama. MWA ITB.
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Stenzel, Joseph. CIO Best Practice Enabling Strategic
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The main conclusions from the results of this research are as
follows; PUTIKN V.1 2007, as a model of national ICT
governance, can be applied to the process of identification and
analysis of IT services in Indonesia, and the model can be applied
to the higher education institutions to create an IT strategic plan, in
this case is ITB; COBIT framework V.4.1 can be applied as a
control and research framework in the design of the ITB IT
strategy plan; The good analysis of IT services must be in terms in
3nd International Conference on Chief Information Officer
C for C (CIO for C Generation) in Conjuction with the 5th International Academy of CIO (IAC)
Annual General Meeting & 6th e-Indonesian Initiative (eII) Forum
5-7 May 2010 in Bandung, West Java-Indonesia
ISBN: 978-602-96907-1-2







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Majelis Wali Amanat. Notulensi Rapat Evaluasi Sistem
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Boar, Bernard. The Art of Strategic Planning for
Information Technology. John Wiley & Sons. Inc. United
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Webometric, 2009: Ranking of World Universities.

3nd International Conference on Chief Information Officer

C for C (CIO for C Generation) in Conjuction with the 5th International Academy of CIO (IAC)
Annual General Meeting & 6th e-Indonesian Initiative (eII) Forum
5-7 May 2010 in Bandung, West Java-Indonesia
ISBN: 978-602-96907-1-2

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