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4/8/15 Astrological Observations & other notes

Hope everyone reading is having a great Spring and Equinox was filled with joy.
Jupiter has gone direct, and along with are some other features worth taking a quick look atOne theme I gathered and jotted down was: The vanity in Hostility and the hostility in Vanity.
There is a whole, Don't screw with my Beauty thing going on. Really, to expand, it is also
coming across as how for many, they are making a run for or building up to make their own luck
where they felt 2014 ripped them off and beat them down. So much promise that was there in the
start didn't pan out, for whatever reason. People are leaving behind formulas that are now being
blamed from last year or even finally done with trying to renew them this year.

Ones such as, Just keep putting out good things and good is bound to come back to you. It
looks great on the inside of that latest self help book you paid top dollar on at the bookstore. It
even seemed to be working for a while, maybe. Always flip sides of coins; always snap backs.
Many subject to what is above are getting dedicated now more than last year or the beginning of
this year to break free. They have been beaten to start behaving as their power rather than craving
for their power.
I love to conjure the image of the tiny newly hatched tortoises scrambling like mad for the
open waters. Birds waiting to swoop in. A swap from the carrion and garbage these birds are used
to having to settle for, now with this beach-wide feast. Rather than a bird hostility, there is a
hostility not many see, I don't have to run faster than a Bear chasing us. I just need to run faster
than you, and these little tortoises are mutating sharp teeth and claws to injure their other own
pals they were incubated with.
So much to see 'n do. So much new stuff and possibility. Spring is like this: You know

what I've learned about your planet? There's enough life on Earth to fill 50 planets. Plants,
animals, people, fungi, viruses, all jostling to find their place, bouncing off each other,
feeding off each other. Connected. From the movie K-Pax...
So, remembering to love yourself has been a huge theme. What I mean is not in the
sense of any assumed self forgiveness excusing pure narcissism, but in the sense we start
doing the injury to others because we are watching their strides too hard, trying to keep up
and be a few steps ahead. That's all we need? - but, not to be happy or know ourselves only
to survive in a rat race. There is no actual connection in it, save the messed up triad of the
thing chasing us both we agree on that much and either you or I being just slightly better
by comparison to do what is causing much injury and over compensation for lack of self
gnosis and the more precise self acceptance and loving one self completely. Without the
differential, it can easily be thought I speak of hugging oneself in the mirror after spending
hours and hours getting ready to check the mail and go out for some more stuff at the drug
store we just ran out of getting ready.
So, in arming ourselves with the knowledge, we see there is an actual Spring board, a
launch pad made of all this here. Which, is great, unless things are blowing up in your face
by starting a ton of new projects or dreams wished fulfilled by no follow through or, at least
a honing in on condensing a few or several smaller into a consolidated sphere of excellence
and awesomeness. If there is no air in it, sometimes it spoils faster, unless there is a lot. That
last sentence should be felt as North Node [a.k.a. Rahu] and Black Moon Lilith in Libra on
this whole event.
That leads to Mother working with Crone effects & intents to tie up loose ends with a
more potent beginning in mind. At the heart, it very much is; Spring is my Baby. You are not
taking my baby from me. Guys should feel that same thing, very naturally, as this is
communed through both energetic Mars as well as Venus in Taurus and reverberated.

So, for guys it may take shape less as the rune Berkana and more as Othala. Which is
the personal territory or ancestral inheritance; all that could be deemed external space
others should not be able to just waltz in with sweeping powers over. So, match Algiz to
both Berkana and/or Othala. Algiz is an abrasive sedge grass and also an Elk or antler power,
also in accordance with the notions of Spring mating. Algiz here matches as the black or
root stone power for your Othala which we can say is White in this case and Berkana which
is Green more often than not and especially in this case.
Also, I've been seeing Pertho a lot more than usual the last couple weeks or so. So, I
create in my mind Pertho and Othala together as Silver/Gray with Purple and Royal Blue.
Art for Arianrhod

I did two Arianrhod art pieces. One with a half hour single of EP length.

When you deal with Cauldron technique, Cerridwen comes to mind naturally. Here, we
have everything I just went over as Mother in Crone magick. It is also represented as the tynged
upon Llew. Her 'accident'. It is no easy thing to say, as I'm very resonant with this at first
misshapen grotesque divine event. Like The Silver Wheel Moon Mother's magick, these curses
where not of hatred for Llew as not being a perfected son 'made in the image of the god', it was
because of the gnosis of both hardship, but if ever pulling through, becoming among the greatest of
the gods.
Incredibly, wanting to read more, I was set to find the 'M' of my Encyclopedia Britannica
library. I realized it was in my room from going through 'Magi', and of this huge volume, I opened
right up to The Mabinogion . Exactly what I was going to flip through pages to find. Accidental
stichomancy, I was awash with memory of huge connection in this being and branch of cosmic life
and self awareness.
The other art work is more fertility based and would make the weak enslaved to modern
etiquette and pride of clean living of all that indecent taboo to blush. What the current
programming states as 'pushing toward the shameful..or shameless', take your pick. By the
intentional push, I wanted to hone in upon the genuine love of Cosmic Mother, and urge within
the observer we are too bound up in sexuality a natural ecstatic drug becoming as great a
falsified, beaten-in threat to the governed as is the psychedelic and entheogenic medicine.
The modern modality sold mind of tinier comprehensions with no comic connections deeply
fostered is; So, it looks like you are fascinated with the Naked Mother, etc. Given the work already
established in the library, I am portraying the Father it might be seen fast as the Shining One
Note the netting, the netter, the net weaver and Netjer reference. I don't see things going
into the cauldron like eye of newt or wing of bat. One god being is not separate from the Cauldron,
you are looking at the work of the cauldron, and so the becoming of the souls energetically linked.
This notion is of extreme breathing importance to all granted from the beginning of the library up
to now. That is not a cool artistic cauldron reference, it is the final aesthetic of all cauldron
working in/with/as gods and goddesses. In the Nordic-Germanic; The Thing. To mention my
personal reference god-point-being there; Tiw is Mars of The Thing. The White or Base Lord
Shining One energetically emanating/charging. This power is in all of us.
Another example of what is deemed as garbage to the ancients being our gold and vice versa;
I would be an avatar of the god; the Lordship General or Basic. I must press on knowing that the
modern society works harder to debase and keep the Llew amorphous blob birth in the state of
not developing now into a Mighty Power. Which, is sad death beyond all ripping of ourselves off.
So, there are coinciding mutations, of the tortoises now injuring each other, and the Modern
Primitive. Those of Us reclaiming our own divine roles and Wyrds in the Wells of Thingness.
The Cauldron of Cerridwen...or Spring 4/4-8 up to now Full-Waning 80% moon of
Arianrhod. I did much Blodeuwedd material in the last couple presentations.
I created the album cover with much joy and pure love.

As stated elsewhere on the internet by myself this afternoon...

Now is a most brilliant time yet this year for reversal spells or setting in motion meditations to
receive loads of new sigils or other raw materials for your Craft that will shape up the potency of the
entire rest of the wheel of the year as you interact. Many who aren't able to see and work this precise
event will wonder why things aren't clicking. It's a moon thing, and of course, gives great dynamic
opportunity with vast reward, but you need to be in tune...unlike the sun won't be doing a thing for an
extended time. You know, you have a night, at most..maybe a couple. Hours in terms of precise
Especially designing and plotting course this afternoon 'n preparation, building at the 11th hour [EDT]
and peaking through just before the 1st hour of Thursday [technical]. This is in Harmony with what I
wrote elsewhere on the Artemis of the FM on 4/4 taking rise more as the Eris.
Thanks to the current moon, a vortex/portal is available beyond the current bearing down of Father
Time/Lord Karma.
The sentence about Eris and everything given in Harmony with was fun,
if you're good enough to get it.
So, all this, that art I say as archetypal cauldron work [beyond a neat picture], and the album and
work before it are all linked into the Pertho potluck of magick and high energies. In skrying, so many
weaving patterns unfold before me, are felt and absorbed in work and the constant remaking and
interwoven endless initiations we are interacting in. As soon as you walk out your door, regardless of
how long it took you to get ready, you are about to be initiated at even the most subtle verb, into
someThing...or Other.
One of the main bodies of all of this that really is in all working and every cauldron and secret to
none is that magick and energy, rebirth and incarnating, manifestation and inspiration are Life Forces at
once always readily available and to be had. Thank yourself when you are giving, and thank your
infinitely varied Mediums in receiving. In between, love your local magick people by all their associative
titles, rather than those who merely sedate you with hidden sources of denied conjurations to sedate you
again 'n again. It's the difference between mistaking Glamour for being the genuine stars and mistaking
Stars for being disingenious glamour.
Fare thee well.
My blessings in all you take on genuinely.

Von Kotterhausen
Among the other brilliant features of what I'm living in.
This is tantric Saced Art of highest value and free ecstasy... not a taboo.

In this as all other facets of cosmic engagement; self responsibility,

my voice is the only one that bears any water or relevance to
My own better strategies.
Every person's right of Consciousness is the Gift to their own World.
Whosoever summons the Magick,
only they are the undoing of themselves or become
their own masters in Essentiality.

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