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Systematics is defined as a science that deals and encompasses traditional
taxonomy, the description, identification, nomenclature and classification of organisms.
Its primary goal is the reconstruction of phylogeny or evolutionary history. The most
widely used method of classifying organisms today is known as cladistics and is
commonly represented in the form of a cladogram. Evolution is a force that shapes and
forms our terrestrial world. Numerous varieties of plants and animals inhibit the earth
and each species itself composed of a wide range of morphologies and adaptations. In
this study, we obtained an idea of how systematics work using cladistics by observing
different specimens Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Pinus insularis, Nephrolepis sp., Selaginella
sp., Fissidens sp., Spirogyra sp. Anabaena azollae and other additional specimens and
their characters. Then later on construct a cladogram using the observations and
identify which characters are common and derived character. It is further proved that
systematics provide information about the avolution and diversity of plants and life as
well. However, this study is conducted by using our mere senses, to observe the
morpho-cytological traits, which varies from one person to another and our observations
might have some deviations. Therefore, it is suggested to conduct another study and is
much better to use the genome sequence instead of morphological traits.

Systematics is defined as a science that deals and encompasses traditional
taxonomy, the description, identification, nomenclature and classification of organisms.
Its primary goal is the reconstruction of phylogeny or evolutionary history. The exercises
in Botany 3 are focused on the classification of plants and their allies
There are two major means of arriving at a classification of life: phenetic and
phylogenetic. Phenetic classification is based on overall similarities between and among

taxa. On the other hand, phylogenetic classification is based on evolutionary history, or

pattern of descent, which may not correspond to overall similarity.
The most widely used method of classifying organisms today is known as
cladistics, a form of phylogenetic analysis that explicitly seeks to understand
phylogenetic relationships. It is commonly represented in the form of a cladogram
(phylogenetic tree), a branching diagram that conceptually represents the evolutionary
pattern of descent. The line of a cladogram represents lineages from one common
ancestor. Changes in evolution may occur in lineages or clades, which denote descent.
Cladograms have implied relative time scale and any branching represents lineage
divergence, the diversification of lineages over time and maybe recognized as a change
from preexisting (ancestral) character state to a new, derived character state. The
derived character state is an evolutionary novelty, also called apomorphy. Cladistics
utilizes these apomorphies (Simpson, 2006).
A key component in cladistics is the recognition of monophyletic, paraphyletic
and polyphyletic groups. A monophyletic group is one consisting of a common ancestor
plus all descendants of that common ancestor. In contrast, a paraphyletic group is one
consisting of a common ancestor but not all descendants of that common ancestor
while a polyphyletic group is one in which there are two or more separate groups, each
with a separate common ancestor. Simpson (2006) recognizes that paraphyletic and
polyphyletic groups distort the accurate portrayal of evolutionary history and should be
By the end of this exercise, the students should be able to: (1) recognize the
difference between the traditional classification and cladistics classification; (2)
distinguish ancestral from derived characteristics; (3) construct a cladogram from
morpho-cytological data; and (4) recognize how cladograms depict evolutionary
relationships between plants and related organisms.
Evolution is a force that shapes and forms our terrestrial world. Numerous
varieties of plants and animals inhibit the earth and each species itself composed of a

wide range of morphologies and adaptations. These species never stopped and
gradually continue being modified as they try cope up with the changes of their
environment. In short, evolution can be defined as a change of gene frequency over
time. The evolution processes of the organisms depends on their genetic characteristics
and the type of environment they have and theyre going to have (Hancock, 2012).
Moore, et al. (1995) mentioned that evolution is said to be reflected by phylogenic
Phylogenetic analyses has always been the basis of many research areas in
biology up to this time and typically involve the identification of genetic sequences, their
alignment, the phylogenetic reconstruction and the graphical representation of the
constructed tree (Dereeper, et al., 2008).
Phylogenetics is designed to determine the pattern of phylogenetic descent
necessary to predict the processes of evolution that has something to do with the origin
of the species. It is also an approach that accomplishes the organizing of organic
diversity in order for our ideas to be scientifically discussed and evaluated (Wiley,
Lieberman, 2011).
Evolution of plants has resulted a very large complex varieties from a simple
multicellular algae, bryophytes, pteridophytes up to gymnosperms and angiosperms
(land plants). And Yin-Long (2008) stated that a completed structure of phylogeny of
major lineages of land plants and their algal relatives represents a groundwork for
comparative biological research or proof on extant and extinct organisms to elucidate
the nature of these events. Thus, using the phylogenetic classification, namely
cladogram is a great help throughout this activity.


Specimen of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (fertile branch), Pius insularis (branch with
fascicles and female cones), Nephrolepsis sp. (whole plant), Selaginella sp. (whole
plant), were obtained and then observed the different morpho-cytological characters.
Prepared slides of Fissidens sp. (moss), Spirogyra sp. and Anabaena azollae were also

obtained and then also observed the visible characters through a microscope. The
present morpho-cytological characteristics of the specimens are recorded in Table 1.1.,
and ranked them according to the number of their representatives in Table 1.2. In Figure
1.1, a cladogram was then constructed using the data gathered.
In Table 1.1., we observed the given specimens and identified their present
characters. The specimen which has the most number of characters is the Hibiscus sp.
and the least number of characters is the Anabaena azollae.
In Table 1.2., we listed all the characters with specimens representing them and
then ranked from the highest number to the least number of representatives. The
specimen with the highest number of specimens is the Cell wall, which is represented
by all specimens, and the least number of representative is the Flower, which is
represented by Hibiscus sp.
Based on our constructed cladogram, Fig. 1.1, the representative specimen
which has the most morpho-cytological characters is the Hibiscus sp. and also has the
most derived character which is flower. It is an angiosperm, and angiosperms do
contain all of the given characters. It is supported by Friis and companys (2002) study
which stated that basal angiosperms are the latest evolution of land plants during Early
Cretaceous period around 100 to 145 million years ago. Next is followed by Pinus sp.
which is a gymnosperm. Gymnosperms contain all of the given characters except flower
which was also reflected in our cladogram, followed by Nephrolepis sp. which doesnt
contain seed and flower, then followed by Sargassum sp. which doesnt contain
megaphylls, seed, and flower, followed by Selaginella sp. which its leaves doesnt have
cuticle, doesnt have megaphylly, seed, and flower, then followed by Galaxaura sp.,
Fissidens sp., Mnium sp., and Sphagnum sp. which are eukaryotic but doesnt contain
xylem, cuticle, megaphylly, seed, and flower (Taylor, et. al, 2009). Then lastly followed
by Anabaena sp. which is under the kingdom bacteria, phylum cyanobacteria, which
doesnt have a true nucleus and doesnt have a membrane bound organelles, only just
some vesicles (Nadis, Steve, 2003) and is deduced to be the ancestral character which

is supported by Lewis and McCourts (2004) study that land plants originated from
freshwater multicellular algae.
Systematics is the study of diversification of living organisms from past to present
and their relationships to each other. It is necessary to study systematics in order to
understand the evolutionary interrelationships of living things and also to interpret the
way in which life has diversified and change over time and even deduce what will
happen next and what we could do with it (Moore, 1995).
Phylogeny is an essential basic science for different kinds of fields. For instance
in health and medicine. We can trace the root a certain disease using the ideas we have
in genetic evolution and because of that we can deduce how to make a cure or
medicinal treatment for that kind of disease (Ruvolo, 1997).


In this exercise, we can conclude that traditional classification from cladistics
classification. In traditional classification, we trace the relationships between the species
while in cladistics classification we evaluate the evolutionary process of organisms as
well as life.
Among the given morpho-cytological characters, cell wall is the most ancestral,
represented by the specie Anabaena sp., a blue-green algae. We can also conclude
that the most derived morpho-cytological character is the flower, represented by the
species Hibiscus sp., an angiosperm.
However, this study is conducted by using our mere senses, to observe the
morpho-cytological traits, which varies from one person to another and our observations
might have some deviations. Therefore, it is suggested to conduct another study and is
much better to use the genome sequence instead of morphological traits.


Dereeper, A., Guignon, V., Blanc, G., Audic s., Buffet, s., Chevenet, f., Dufayard,
J.F., Guindon, S., Lefort, V., Lescot, M., Claverie, J.M. and Gascuel, O.
(2008) robust phylogenetic analysis for the non-specialist,
Nucleic Acid Research, Volume 36, Issue suppl 2, Pp. W465-W469,

Friis E. M., Pedersen K. R., Crane P. R. (2006) Cretaceous angiosperm flowers:
innovation and evolution in plant reproduction Palaeogr. Palaeoclim.

Palaeoecol. 232, 251293. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2005.07.006

Hancock, J.F. (2012) Plant Evolution and the Origin of the Crop Species,



Lewis L., McCourt R. M. (2004) Green algae and the origin of land plants. Am. J.

Bot. 91, 15351556. doi:10.3732/ajb.91.10.1535

Moore, R., Clark, W.D., Stern, K.R. (1995) Botany , Wm. C. Brown

Communications, Inc. pp. 575

Nadis, Steve (November 2003). "The Cells That Rule the Seas". Scientific

American 289 (6): 523. doi:10.1038/scientificamerican1203-52

Ruvolo M. (1997) Molecular phylogeny of the hominoids: inferences from

independent DNA sequence data sets Molecular Biology Evolution
Simpson, M.G. (2006) Plant Systematics, Canada: Elsevier Academic Press.

Taylor T. N., Taylor E.

of fossil plants, 2nd ed. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Wiley, E.O., Lieberman, B.S. (2011) Phylogenetics: Theory and Practice of

Phylogenetic Systematics, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey
Yin-Long QIU (2008) Phylogeny and evolution of Charophytic algae and land

L., Krings M. (2009) Paleobotany:




plants, Journal of Systematics and Evolution 46 (3): 287306, Department

of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, The University Herbarium, University of








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