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Computers softwers can make mashine thouth.

Machine have varios devises to collect information like human do .They have
cameras, video cameras, ultrasounds, microphones ,scanners for vision and
sounds. Machines have sensors for touch and they can smell smoke and poison in
air. Machines can collect information alone or humans can feed them with data
information of various kind. They passed this information and communicate with as
via different softwers.
We use machine in different varios type of jobs to help as to produce for as and we
connected them in systems .This systems are very powerful and we must admit that
machines knows because we seek information from them and search information
with software. We communicate with machines and we have reason for that they
knows and possessed information we need or they processing enormous number of
information which we couldnt remember .
Mashine help as to communicate and speread information or share information.with
help of computers weshare our personal informations photos videos writings .
But we can say they are not aware about this knolege,they havent system to
understand themselves.They never ask them self Who we are?Or neve said I am
machine I am.
Or they can? They recognize compartibile softwer,they coate with themselves they
have their own language. We think that they serve to as beacose we made them?
We thik that mashines havent knowledge because they are different or havent
emotions or thry are not organized like us? It is mistake .They are different but
they poses information and knowledge. Maybe their knolege is more itresting than
human knolege beacose it is without influence of human way of thinking. We knows
that we must feed machine with data or that mascine collect data on certain way
and this is fact this is true.We can read this data or make conections or find
similaries or comparaison with other data with specific software and it is easy to
control and understand way how machine think.
And what is the knowkege? It is not only collecting and sistematising informations. It
is a question of biing human, use this information to make better world for humans
to eksplain world to ourselves and change opinions, be flexible and innovative.
Simply be human. We make unusual connections between things, we humans make
mistakes and from this we make knowleage. From experiments and failures.
An now we learn machines to do just like us. I think that we will successfully teach
machines to be like us. We are creating our duplicates. And we will develop
machines till we will satisfy with them with mechanical creatures which can think
improved copy of ourselves.

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