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Essential Chemistry SPM Question Bank

Chapter 12: Oxidation and Reduction

Paper 1

What is the oxidation number of the sulphur element in a sulphate ion, SO 42-?
A -2
C +6
B -6
D -8

Cl2 + 2KI I2 + 2KCl
The oxidation number of chlorine in the reaction above changes from
A O to -1
C 1 to -1
B -1 to O
D -2 to O

Which of the following can act as an oxidising agent?

I Chlorine gas
II Bromine water
III Sulphur dioxide gas
IV Tin(II) chloride solution
A I and II only
C I, II and III only
B III and IV only
D II, III and IV only


Which of the following reactions is not a redox reaction?

A Displacement
C Electrolysis
B Precipitation
D Rusting


When a certain type of gas is channelled into an iron (II) sulphate solution, it will change
the green colour of the solution into brown. The gas is most likely
A hydrogen chloride
C chlorine
B hydrogen sulphide
D ammonia


When an ion is discharged at the anode during electrolysis, it experiences

A ionisation
C oxidation
B precipitation
D reduction


What is the energy change that occurs in the cell shown in the diagram below?


Which of the following equations occurs at the anode?


Chemical energy into kinetic energy

Electrical energy into heat energy
Electrical energy into chemical energy
Chemical energy into electrical energy

Fe Fe2+ + 2eO2 + 2H2O + 4e- 4OH4OH- O2 + 2H2O + 4eFe2+ + 2e- Fe

The figure below shows the extraction process of tin in a blast furnace.

What is substance Y?
A Iron
B Carbon

C Platinum
D Magnesium


The figure below shows an experiment that is carried out to study the corrosion of iron.

The iron nail will become corroded at the slowest rate if the metal container is made of
A magnesium
C aluminium
B copper
D tin
Paper 2
Structured question

The figure above shows an apparatus set-up that is used to study the reaction that occurs in test
tubes P and Q.
(a) What can be observed in test tubes P and Q?
(b) Write the ionic equation for the reaction in (a).
(c) Some of the reaction products in test tube Q is mixed with 1,1,1-trichloroethane liquid
and then shaken.
What is the colour of the 1,1,1-trichloroethane liquid layer that is formed?
Write an ion electron equation to represent the formation of the substance
that gives the 1,1,1-trichloroethane liquid layer its colour.
(d) State the function of the zinc in test tube P.
(e) Write the change in oxidation number of the bromine in test tube Q after (c) occurs.
(f) For the reaction that occurs in test tube P,
state the type of reaction that occurs.
name one other substance that can replace the zinc piece.

Essay question
(a) You are given two compound formulae.


(i) Based on the two formulae, state the oxidation number of sodium and lead.
[2 marks]
(ii) Name both the compounds according to the IUPAC naming system.
[2 marks]
(iii) Explain the difference between the names of the two compounds according to the
IUPAC naming system.
[2 marks]
(b) The figure below shows the set-up of apparatus that is used in an experiment to study
electron transfer at a distance.

(i) Name the reducing agent in this experiment.

[1 mark]
(ii) Write the half-equation for the reaction that occurs at the negative terminal and the
positive terminal.
[5 marks]
(iii) Based on the answer in (b)(ii), describe the oxidation and reduction processes in
terms of the electron transfer that occurs at the negative terminal and the positive
terminal as well as state the observation that can be made at the end of the
[8 marks]

Paper 3
The figure below shows an experiment that is carried out to determine the order of metals in the
reactivity series of metals, by using the carbon element.

Mixtures of the following substances are heated strongly in the crucible.

Lead(II) oxide and carbon
Zink oxide and carbon
Copper(II) oxide and carbon
The results of the experiment are recorded in the table below.

Observation on the mixture of substances

Bright embers

(a) Observe each diagram in the table above. Complete the observation on the mixture of
substances by stating the observation made on the reaction that occurs.
(b) Complete the table below based on the observations.
(i) Variable that is manipulated:
(ii) Variable that responds:
(iii) Variable that is kept constant:

(i) Way that variable is manipulated:

(ii) Observation of the responding variable:
(iii) Way to maintain the variable that is kept
[Method of controlling the variable]

(c) State the hypothesis of this experiment.

[Making the hypothesis]

(d) Based on the observation made in this experiment, arrange the lead, zinc, and copper metals
according to a descending order in the reactivity of the metals.

Decreasing reactivity of metal

(e) The experiment is repeated using a number of different oxides and the observations made in
the experiment are shown in the table below.
Mixture of substance
Aluminium oxide and carbon
Iron(II) oxide and carbon
Magnesium oxide and carbon
Tin(II) oxide and carbon

Observation on the mixture

No change
No change

Based on the observations in the table above, classify the metals into two groups, namely the
group of metals that are more reactive than carbon and the group of metals that are less reactive
than carbon.

Paper 1


Paper 2
Structured question
1) (a) Test tube P: Blue coloured solution becomes colourless / Zinc piece dissolves
Test tube Q: Yellow coloured chlorine water is bleached / colourless solution changes to
a brown colour
(b) Test tube P: Zn + Cu2+ Zn2+ + Cu; Test tube Q: Cl2 + 2Br- 2Cl- + Br2
(c) (i) Brown
(ii) 2Br- Br2 + 2e
(d) As a reducing agent
(e) From -1 to 0
(f) (i) Redox reaction
(ii) Magnesium tape / aluminium piece
Essay question
(i) Na: +1; Pb: +4
(ii) Sodium chloride; Lead(IV) oxide
(iii) - For the element in the compound that has only one oxidation number, the roman
numeral does not have to be written.
- Sodium has only one oxidation number. Lead has more than one oxidation
Iodide ion/ potassium iodide
Negative terminal: 2I- I2 + 2e
Positive terminal: Br2 + 2e- 2Br(iii)
At the negative terminal:
- The iodide ion loses one electron
- The iodide ion is oxidised into iodine
- The green solution changes to brown
At the positive terminal:
- The bromine gains electron
- The bromine is reduced into bromide ion
- The brown solution is decolourised

Paper 3
(a) Dimly lit embers; Very bright embers
(b) (i) Type of metal oxide; By changing the type of metal oxide
(ii) Embers; Brightness of embers
(iii) Quantity of metal oxide; Use the same mass of metal oxide
(c) The more reactive a metal is, the brighter its embers
(d) Carbon, lead, copper
Metal that is more reactive than Metal that is less reactive than

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