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Field investigation on the railway train and track dynamic interaction

(A case study in Tehran subway)

J. A. Zakeri1, M.H. Esmaeili2, M. Shadfar3

Associate Professor, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran,
Researcher, Matsa co, Technology Incubator, Iran University of Science and Technology,
Research Assistant, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran,

Dynamic evaluation of railway train and track is considered as a measure to ensure the effective and
health operation of rail transport system. In this regard, a substantial proportion of technical texts in
the railway field are dedicated to the theoretical evaluation of dynamic behavior of railway track and
train. Although these studies give acceptable results, but there is a need to ensure the accuracy of
theoretical models through actual laboratory and field tests. Despite the importance of field tests, due
to cost and time limitations, a few studies have been done in this field. In order to address this
limitation, in this research, the dynamic behavior of Tehran Metro track and rolling stock were
evaluated through comprehensive field tests. For this purpose, two types of train used in Tehran Metro
Line1 were selected and instrumented. Axle box, bogie frame and carbody accelerations were recorded
while the trains were moving in the line 1. Analyzing recorded data, effect of rail corrugation, rail
joints, track grade, curve radius and suspension system on dynamic response of track and train was
evaluated. The results showed that the suspension system of the trains works in such a satisfying way
that the forces exerted on the car and passengers greatly reduce, but due to the rails corrugation and
the unevenness in rail joints, dynamic forces are up to three time greater than static loads. Besides, the
results showed that ascending slope generate more track force compared with descending grades. To
avoid track rapid deterioration, enhance train and track life and avoid environmental issues, it is vital
to modify rail defects.
Key words: Dynamic interaction, Field tests, Suspension system, Rail joints, Rail corrugations

1- Introduction
The nature of railway train and track dynamic interaction is considered as one of the most effective
ways to build a proper understanding of rail transport system functioning. Dynamic incompatibility of
these two parts can significantly reduce the life of railway infrastructures and increase railway
maintenance costs. Furthermore, because the vibrations transmitted to the surrounding environments,
is directly related to the dynamic interaction of train and track, any incompatibility generates
excessive environmental vibrations in residential areas.
Generally, studies in evaluating the dynamic behavior of railway track and train are conducted in four
main fields i.e. wheel-rail contact behavior, dynamic effects of wheel and rail defects, dynamic
behavior of railway train; and superstructure. Each of these studies generally can be performed in two
ways of theoretical and field tests.
Theoretical methods of evaluating the dynamic interaction of the train and track are performed in two
analytical and numerical ways. Analytical models are generally based on solving the equation of load
on beam rested on elastic foundation. Assuming a set of train wheel loads as quasi-static loads on
beam placed on elastic foundation was solved by Doyle [1]. Feng taking a train moving on a one-layer
beam rested on elastic foundation investigated the track responses [2]. Assuming the train load as
moving mass and track as an infinite beam, Mazilu solved the equations in frequency domain [3].
Hussein and Hunt, used a double beam model of rail and track and a harmonic load to solve the

equations in frequency domain [4]. Qingsong assumed three parallel beams for track elements i.e. rail,
slab and Megr concrete and solved the equations of track response [5].
In many cases due to complex geometry, it is very difficult and practically impossible to model the
problem with analytical methods. Numerical methods are applied in such cases; while analytical
methods are used to validate the numerical models. Depending on the case, various numerical analysis
i.e. finite element method, finite difference method and boundary element method are used to evaluate
dynamic interaction of track and train. Each of these approaches, in its turn, can be applied in 2, 2.5 or
3 dimensional methods. Zakeri et al developed a two-dimensional numerical model, and solved
dynamic equations governing on train and track system [6]. Yen and Lee developed a threedimensional finite element model of railway track in ABAQUS finite element program, and
investigated train and track dynamic interaction [7].
Several methods are used to model railway vehicles. Using Multi Body Dynamic methods i.e.
concentrate oscillatory moving loads, Galvin et al simulated wheel loads [8]. In more accurate models,
axles, car body and bogie was also simulated in addition to the wheels [9]. Xie et al composed mass,
damping and stiffness matrices of the train in a two-dimensional model and solve the governing
dynamic equations of the system [6]. Xie et al also presented three-dimensional multi body model of
Rolling Stock and solved its equations [10]. Based on mentioned studies, a considerable number of
commercial software are also developed. Russian railway developed Universal Mechanism software
based on Multi Body Dynamics techniques, NUCARS software by American railway, SIMPACK
software by Germany and Vampire was presented by British Railway [11].
Dynamic wheel and rail contact force was modeled in references by nonlinear contact theory of Hertz
[9]. Besides, modeling creep forces in wheel and rail contact mechanism became possible with the
help of Polach and Kalker theories [12].
Modeling of rail surface roughness would be possible thorough creating desired roughness in field and
measuring its function [13]. Bytzn and Dynkl evaluated the effects of track unevenness on responses
of vehicle moving on infinite beam [14]. Many researchers applied track defects in their numerical
models considering functions such as sine, cosine and triangular shape [6].
Due to the lower cost and speed of the procedure, theoretical methods are more common to study the
interaction of the track and train. However, ensuring the correctness of the theoretical methods require
validation by field tests. In other words, field test results, usually are regarded as a reference point for
evaluation of theoretical methods. Thus, the second group of dynamic train-track analysis methods is
laboratory and field tests. In this regard, various test lines were developed around the world. FAST
track was developed by American railway and different standards developed based on the results of
the tests in this line [15]. Russian railway with a decade of dynamic field tests was focused on optimal
rail profiles [16]. Swedish railway also made extensive studies on the behavior of railway wheel and
rail contact mechanism [17]. British and Germany railways studied dynamic behavior of wheel and
rail through laboratory roller rig tests [18, 19].
As indicated, despite the significance of field measurements, a few numbers of studies is allocated to
this area. To address this need, the dynamic conditions of train and track used in Tehran Metro Line 1
is evaluated in this research. Two types of trains in Tehran Metro Lines i.e. AC and DC selected and
instrumented in tree points i.e. axle box, bogie and carbody. The acceleration time histories were
recorded while the trains were moving in the lines. Finally, the effect of rail corrugations, rail joints,
track slope, curve radios and suspension system on track and train responses was investigated by
analyzing recorded data.

2-Field tests
In order to evaluate the dynamic behavior of wheel and rail, comprehensive field test measurements is
performed in Tehran metro lines. Tehran urban railway transportation network is composed of 5 lines,
with a total length of 39 kilometers. line 1 (Fig. 1) is the oldest one that is contained of various sharp
curves in the range of 120 to 400 meters radius. Vehicle curving in such sharp curves has lowered the
wheel-rail life period considerably. Life cycle cost analysis done in Tehran subway lines, showed that
inappropriate wheel and rail interaction in curves, has decreased the wheel-rail life by 10 to 40 percent

and as a result, up to 3 million dollars excessive expenses, is imposed yearly in wheel and rail
maintenance costs.
Pair of Tehran metro trains with DC and AC tractions consist of seven wagons, were selected to be
instrumented for field tests. As showed in Fig.2, axle box, bogie frame and car body was instrumented
and the accelerations were recorded while the vehicles were moving with 60km/h velocity between A1
and S1 stations indicated in Fig. 2.
Line 1



Fig 1. Tehran metro map, line 1, the vicinity of field tests

Fig2. Train instrumentation in field tests

In order to correct baseline error and omit inappropriate and unwanted recorded data, all field data was
filtered using a code developed in MATLAB. Fig. 3 presents a sample of filtered results in time and
frequency domain measured on train wheelset between Shariati (T1) and Mirdamad (S1) stations. As
illustrated, the dominant frequencies are 11, 28, 40 and 70 Hz which represent wheel base distance,
fasteners distance, track critical and short pitch irregularity frequencies respectively [20].

Acceleration (m/s2)

Furrier amplitude

Time (s)

Fig 3. Acceleration measured on the wheelset in frequency and time domain

In order to have a proper judgment about train and track interaction, the dynamic force imposed on
track was calculated using field measurements. To this end, wheelset acceleration values were
subtracted from bogie frame values in frequency domain, transferred to time domain, and multiplied to
wheelset unsprung mass. Using this strategy, the dynamic forces imposed on a straight section of track
is plotted in Fig. 4.

Track force (ton)

Time (s)

Fig 4. Track force time history-straight section

3- Results
Train-track dynamic characteristics are investigated using field test results measured and analyzed in
previous section. These characteristics are: effect of rail irregularities; effect of curve radius, effect of
track grade, effect of rail joints and effect of vehicle suspension system performance.

3-1- Rail irregularities

Field observations in various curves in Tehran metro showed that the dominant rail irregularities are
short pitch ones with the wavelength of 15 to 25 cm (Fig. 5). The reason of presence of short pitch
irregularity is mainly due to rail greasing which decreases the coefficient of friction much more than
desired. This increases slip movement of wheel on rail and intensifies rail irregularities. Moreover, as
illustrated in Fig. 3, a considerable proportion of power imposed on train and track is in the frequency
range of 60 to 80 Hz, which exactly is in agreement with short pitch irregularity frequencies.
In order to investigate the effect of rail irregularities on track forces, it is necessary to compare
measured track forces before and after rail grinding. Fig. 6 shows measured vertical forces in the
presence of irregularities in straight track and curves with various radiuses. The case of rail grinding is
created by performing frequency analysis on frequency functions. Fig. 7 shows the track loads in
curves without the irregularities (after rail grinding). As indicated, the force values are independent
from curve radius and are the same as the values in straight sections. Comparing these two figures, it
can be concluded that the short pitch irregularities has caused a 25 percent increase in track dynamic

Fig 5. Short pitch irregularities observed in curves (15 to 25 cm wavelength)

Fourier amplitude
S1-T1 (Mirdamad-Shariati)
R=290 m

Frequency (HZ)
I1-J1 (Emam Khomeini-Sadi)
A1-B1 (Bagher Shahr-Rey)
R=401 m
R= 498 m

B1-C1 (Tangent track)

Fig. 6. Dynamic track forces in frequency domain measured in various curves of Tehran metro-line
1 (in
presence of rail irregularities)
Fourier amplitude
R=290 m

Frequency (HZ)
(Emam Khomeini-Sadi)
R=401 m

(Bagher Shahr-Rey)
R= 498 m

Fig. 7.. Dynamic track forces in frequency domain in various curves of Tehran metro-line
1 (The
effect of irregularities is omitted)

3-2- Curve radius

As it is illustrated in Fig.6 the excitation frequency in curves
curve and straight sections are the same and
equal to frequency
ency of short pitch irregularities; but, the track force amplitudes in curves is more than
straight sections. In other words, as the curve radios decreases, the dynamic forces of track increase.
This is mainly due to the dependency of rail irregularities amplitude to the curve radius. As the curve
radius decrease, the rail irregularities will be increased and more dynamic forces will be generated.
Sharp curves cause high roll-slip
slip wheel-rail
contact whichh leads to high damage to wheel and rail. An
example of wheel-burn [21], rail damage caused by wheel slip in sharp curves observed in the vicinity
Imam Khomeini) is shown in Fig. 8.
of H1-I1 stations (15 Khordad-Imam

In order to exactly investigate the effect of curve radius on track forces, it is necessary to omit
dynamic loads created by rail irregularities. Thus, indicated in Fig. 7, the forces are independent from
curve radius and are the same as the values in straight sections.

3-3- Rail joints

According to visual inspections in Tehran metro, considerable unevenness were observed in the
vicinity of rail joint welds (Fig. 9). These defects cause excessive impact loads on track and train in
each wheelset passage. Fig. 10 shows the measured dynamic forces in the vicinity of S1-T1
(Mirdamad-Shariati) stations. As can be seen, the dynamic forces in the rail joints are tripled due to
presence of unevenness in welds. These defects along with short pitch irregularities are the main
source of excessive dynamic forces generated by rail in Tehran subway network.

Fig 8. Severe wheelburn defect observed in field


Fig 9. Unevenness observed in the vicinity of rail joint welds

Track dynamic force (Ton)

Fig 10. Track dynamic forces in rail joint

3-4- Track grade

Track dynamic forces in two cases of ascending and descending grade (28 %) for both AC and DC
trains are plotted in Fig. 11. As can be seen, the dynamic forces are greater when the train is moving in
ascending grade. The amount of increase is 5 and 13 percent for AC and DC tractions respectively.
This increase is mainly due to more Turks exerted to wheels for train climbing in ascending grades. In
addition, it is also clear that trains with AC traction motors have lower amplitude compared with DC

Force (ton)

Force (ton)
Time (s)

Time (s)

Force (ton)

Force (ton)
Time (s)

Time (s)

Fig 11. Track dynamic forces in ascending and descending grades (28 %)
a: Ascending grade, AC train b: Ascending grade, DC train C: Descending grade, AC train D: Descending
grade, DC train

3-5-Train suspension system

In order to evaluate the dynamic performance of train suspension systems, natural frequency of
primary and secondary suspensions as well as their ability to attenuate dynamic forces should be
investigated. Primary suspension system natural frequency can be obtained by comparing axle and
bogie frame acceleration in frequency domain. According to Fig. 12, due to the operation of primary
suspension, all of the amplitudes are decreased from wheelset to bogie frame, except the amplitudes
corresponding values of bogie frame natural frequency i.e. 11 Hz. This frequency is in the acceptable
ranges reported in literatures [22]. It is also clear that primary suspension system reduces the dynamic
forces up to 5 times. Thus, it could be concluded that the primary suspension system has an acceptable
To secure good ride comfort, it is of importance not to let the frequencies of the carbody coincide with
the range of human body sensitive frequencies. Comparing recorded bogie and carbody acceleration in
frequency domain, the natural frequency of secondary suspension obtained equal to 1 Hz. By
comparing this value with natural frequency of human body (1-3 Hz), the high ride quality is expected
[23, 24].

Fig 12. Mesured accelerations on bogie frame (right) and wheelset (left) in frequency domain

4- Discussion of results
The analysis of field measurements in last section indicated that the dynamic behavior of rail and
wheel need to be reconsidered and modified in order to reduce track forces. The graph plotted in Fig.
13 indicates the role of investigated parameters i.e. rail irregularities, curve radios, rail joints and track
grade in track force amplification. As illustrated, unevenness observed in the vicinity of rail joints
produced the most amounts of dynamic forces (100 to 200 percent increase). With a 25 percent
increase, rail irregularities (with short wavelength) are in the second rank. The effect of curve radios is
not considerable. Depending on the traction motor kind, ascending grade could produce up to 15
percent force amplification.

Fig13. Effect of various parameters exacerbating track dynamic forces

Short pitch irregularities in the rail surface are one of the main parameters in track dynamic forces
amplification. Field inspections showed that improper function of mechanical grease pumps in curves
causes the amplitudes of irregularities to increase. Grease pumps should be adjust enough not to inject
greases on the rail head surface.

5- Conclusion
In order to have a proper understanding of track and train performance, the evaluation of track and
train dynamic interaction is considered as an effective method. Although a great amount of theoretical
studies have been conducted in to the evaluation of train and track dynamic interaction, a few number
of site investigations is performed in this field. Thus, train and track dynamic forces were investigated
in this research through comprehensive field tests. Trains used in Tehran subway line 1 were selected
and instrumented. Finally, the dynamic performance of track and train was investigated analyzing
recorded data. The results showed that rail irregularities, rail joint welds and movement in ascending
grades have seriously increased the track dynamic forces. As a result, not only the wheel and rail life
would be decreased, but also more groundborne and train vibration would be generated. High volume
of complaints from residents around the metro is representative of the excessive track vibrations.

This work was supported by the Program, IRTNV, evaluation of effect of vibration induced by Tehran subway on adjacent
buildings and proposing mitigation measure Projects of Tehran Urban and Suburban Railway (TUSR) and MATSA
Company. The School of Railway Engineering (SRE) at Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST) is acknowledged
for providing test equipment. This appreciation is extended to all site engineers and technicians in MATSA Company who
carried out the site measurements.

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