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Astrology Article: Resolving Unknown Birth-Time Problems

by Elbert Wade - Professional Certified Consultant Astrologer

Copyright 2006 by Dell Magazines, originally appeared in Dell Horoscope - All Rights Reserved
After reading this, also read: All 12 Signs Rising: Which Is Your Ascendant?
"I don't know what time of the day I was born." "I don't know any way to find out my birth data-even the hour." These are statements all too often heard by professional astrologers and serious
students of Astrology. Without the hour of birth, determining the correct sign ascending (rising)
can be a time-consuming procedure through the lengthy processes of 'rectification.'
Knowing the correct sign ascending at birth is of utmost importance in making Astrology more
meaningful--particularly in timing events in a native's life and in understanding and 'predicting' his
reactions to life itself.
Where there is not time or interest for a complete rectification, it is customary to erect a solar
chart (a 'horoscope' in which the Sun is placed in the first house and in the native's birth-sign, the
rising sign or ascendant and the Sun-Sign being treated as the same), or a noonmark chart (Sun
is placed at the midheaven--top--of the horoscope and in the native's Sun-Sign). While both
charts do show planetary sign placements and aspects (distance relationships) between planets
and the Sun and Moon, they cannot be expected to show the correct signs on the cusps of the 12
houses and consequently leave much to be desired in the reading of the chart. Until corrected by
precise rectification, neither the solar nor noonmark chart can accurately time events and trends
in the individual's past--or future.
So, astrologers and students of Astrology find the unknown birth hour a real enigma--'fly in the
cosmic soup' when attempting to erect an accurate natal chart.
Why do so many individuals not know their hour of birth? Reasons are many. Some never knew
or had a reason to find out; others have forgotten; some may not have any easy source or means
of checking on the exact time--at least they may think they don't. This article can give you and
them some new ideas for finding that elusive birth hour, thereby making it possible to determine a
correct ascendant (rising sign).
Experience bears out the fact that those born 20, 30 or more years ago may not remember or
have any readily available records to prove/confirm their birth time. Too often, available records
are inaccurate, or not exact. Surely the majority of people born years ago did not arrive and utter
their first cries exactly on the hour--at 6:00 AM, 12 noon, or 10:00 PM! But, unfortunately, birth
certificates seem to reflect such times more often than the odds would favor.
Fortunately for astrologers, astrological research, and for individuals concerned, in more recent
years more-precise records and accurate recording of birth data are kept so individuals can know
their birth times down to the minute--even the second in some cases.
Since the main concern here is determining a close estimate of the birth time so the correct
ascendant may be known for those who do not have their birth time, it is time to look into some
workable and common-sense ways of obtaining as nearly-correct a birth time as possible with the
least expenditure of time and energy.
First, understand the normal ascendant progression--Aries - Taurus - Gemini - Cancer - Leo Virgo - Libra - Scorpio - Sagittarius - Capricorn - Aquarius - Pisces (caused by the earth's
rotation); then attempt to narrow the possibility of which sign might have been ascending (rising
on the eastern horizon) at the birth hour. Keep in mind that a native can have only one of a
possible 12 signs rising, and that the ascendant changes approximately every two hours as the

earth turns on its axis. Example: an Aries born between 4:00 and 6:00 AM normally, would have
Aries ascending; if born between 6:00 and 8:00 AM, Taurus would be the rising sign/ascendant,
etc. Of course, this simple system of progression cannot allow for sign 'interceptions' in 'houses,'
or daylight saving time, and does not apply equally to all latitudes. Nevertheless, it does give an
idea of the regular progression of the 12 signs as they ascend (rise) daily.
In determining unknown ascendants, begin with a systematic process of elimination. Narrow the
birth time as much as possible. For instance, narrowing it to nighttime reduces the number of
possible ascendant signs to six instead of 12. Further, if time can be narrowed to between 6:00
PM and midnight, the number of possible ascendants is reduced to about three instead of six.
Begin the elimination process by asking the person such questions as these: "Were you born
during the day or at night?" If day, "Was it before or after noon?" If night, "Was it before midnight
or after?" If before midnight, "Was it between 6 and 8, 8 and 10, or 10 and midnight?" Additional
questions may narrow the time even more.
By reducing the possibilities in this manner, 'rectification' of the birth chart to establishing the sign
ascending should be a relatively easy matter. You may check the accuracy of your preliminary
'rectification' by careful observation of the person, and by reading the general characteristics of
the 12 signs ascending.<BR
To determine the exact hour and minute of birth, further rectification based upon the timing of
major/important events in the native's life past to present will be necessary. When done correctly
(with painstaking and time-consuming care), the true birth time and the correct sign/degree of the
ascendant (cusp--beginning--of the first house) as well as the signs/degrees of the other houses
can be determined. This is possible since at this point an Astrologer would be able to calculate a
chart based on the newly-determined birth time.
This elimination process will not be so helpful in all cases, however. Sometimes the native will not
have even a remote idea of the birth time and/or no clear manner to get birth information. But
since a good astrologer often prides him/herself on making the "impossible" possible, consider
some other means for getting "unavailable" birth data by following a true personal experience of
this author which proves the popular adage: "Where there is a will, there is a way."
When this writer first became seriously interested in Astrology some 40 years ago [circa 1962], he
had his natal chart erected and delineated by three different practicing astrologers to satisfy his
Virgo skepticism about whether or not there was anything to this science-art called Astrology.
When the first astrologer asked for the hour of birth, he quoted the time he thought his mother
gave as his entry to this planet. He recalled her saying that it was around 8:30 P.M. Since she
was deceased, it was not possible to confirm this.
The astrologer erected the natal chart for the proper date, location and 8:30 PM and found that
the sign Aries was ascending. A delineation (reading) was done based on this ascendant. While
the information was impressive character-wise, it did not at all fit the timing of major events in the
life--changes of residence, education periods, marriage, etc. It was, in fact, "off" from 2 to 3 years.
In defense of her reckoning, the astrologer felt, however, that the author's physical appearance
definitely was that of Aries rising--the erect-walking pioneer. But she finally commented that a
copy of the birth certificate should be secured to check the accuracy of the birth time.
When the certificate arrived, it showed the time to be 10:00 PM. A second astrologer was
consulted and a natal chart prepared for that time. This chart showed the rising sign Taurus--the
businessman. This delineation, like the first, proved to be somewhat accurate except for the
timing of events in the life, and some inaccurate personality traits. Again the advice was given
that further research into the exact birth time would be necessary before a true chart could be

A long-distance call went to the office of the physician in attendance at the birth. The doctor, then
quite advanced in years, consulted his records and looked up the name. His answer was that the
birth time was 10:00 P.M. When questioned, he commented that it was as nearly correct as he
could determine and was a good 'guesstimate' since the birth had occurred in the parents' home,
not in his office or at a hospital. Where to go from here? It seemed there was no other source to
At this juncture, it appeared the birth time could have been anywhere between 8:00 and 10:00
PM, or later. It seemed the only other alternative was to check the matter by asking older brothers
and sisters who might have any information.
These efforts proved almost fruitless since the two brothers and two sisters were uncertain of
anything except to confirm in every instance that it was before midnight.
A third astrologer was contacted. After meeting with him for a short while, he commented that the
sign ascending had to be Gemini because of the manner in which the hands were used while
talking, the expression in the eyes, and the matter of this author being left-handed. (It is
worthwhile to note this individual had some 30 years experience as an astrologer.) He erected a
chart with an estimated birth time of 11:00 PM, which later proved to be almost exact by the
timing of major events in the life. For example, he stated that father had died when this writer was
16 years old. Later checking proved him to be inaccurate by only one week!
For most people this would have been close enough and a satisfactory confirmation of the birth
time, but not for a detail-obsessed Virgo. It was just not satisfactory to think there wasn't
somebody who knew just when the birth occurred.
Then it was remembered that a neighbor lady had been in attendance at the birth. She was
contacted and asked if she knew the time. Her comment was: "Oh, it was very late. We thought
you would never decide to be born." She went on to say that it was just a little after 11:00 PM
because she had just heard the clock strike eleven.
Later intense rectification proved the birth time to be 11:02 P.M. This does seem to demonstrate
that exact birth times can often be determined/confirmed--even in 'impossible' cases.
Since it may be necessary to question others regarding a time of birth, the following suggestions
and comments are offered so information obtained may be more accurate.
It is very important when asking anyone about your birth time not to 'load' the question. For
example: If you ask: "Was I born at 6:15 PM?" they may answer yes if there is uncertainty at all in
their mind. They may choose to agree rather than go to the trouble of trying to remember since
those who have not yet realized the importance of Astrology in their own and others' lives may
think that knowing the actual time of birth is of no particular importance. It is better to ask them to
tell you rather than your suggesting a time.
It is important to realize that while mother is generally right about most things, she may miss on
birth times of her children. The fact is that she may not have been too aware of the time at birth.
Time is not usually her main concern then. Also, if there is more than one child, it is very easy to
confuse birth times after a few years pass.
Fathers are not usually a good source for such information. They seldom concern themselves
with such 'family' matters, and they are usually too nervous to pay much attention to minutes
during their waits for the blessed event.

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