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Adrian Jayadi

DPES Assignment
Drug Addiction
Drug addiction is when people is dependence from drugs or medication,
cannot stop using it. When people are addicted using somekind of medication
the wont be able to control the normal dose that doesnt give any side effect in
the body . Many people that has been addicted feel very hard to stop using the
medication, ussually they need help from other people to make them stop using
drugs. Stopping ussually makes people suffer from widthdrawal symptoms.
Some of drug addiction symptoms and behaviours are failing to stop using
certain kind of drugs, an intension to use drugs everyday, buying drugs
eventhough have a few amount of money, doing dangerous activity when under
influence of the drug, doing things that we normally dont dont such as robbing,
stealing things.
It is important for use to know people who are a drug addict . It is often
hard to differentiate normal people and a drug addict. People with drug addiction
are hard to control their mood and anger. Drug addict ussually have a symptoms
such as having problems with physical health. Getting tired easier, lack of energy
and motivation. Showing neglected appearance are one of the other indication. A
teenager ussually are concern with their appearance, in a drug addict this
concern are mostly gone . They have less interest in making their appearance
looks good. The third indication is a dramatically change in their behaviour. A
change in family or friends relationship might be a sign of a drug use. Having
problem in their environtment such as school or workplace. Skipping classes, did
not attend in most of the class, did not come to work, a sudden disinterest in
work or school, a huge drop on the grades . The last one is spending too much
money . People who are drug addict usually spend all of their money to buy the
drugs. This makes them need a huge amount of money. The tend to steal money
from other people , selling things they have in their house , and use all of their
saving for drugs.
There are several types of drugs that people can be dependence to such
as :
1. Marijuana and hashish
Marijuana contains cannabis compound including tetrahydrocannabinol.
People who are addicted to marijuana tend to use the drugs everyday in
their live. Sign of use can be poor memory, increased blood pressure and
heart rate, red eyes, decreased coordination, difficulty on concentrating ,
increased appetite , slowed reaction time, paranoid thinking .
2. Methamphetamine and cocaine
Methamphetamine sometimes called meth is a very dangerous drugs.
People will get highly addictive and causing several health problems that
can be short or long term . The highly addiction is what makes
amphetamie dangerous and it cost not to expensive and easy to get in a
wide range of area. Sign of methamhetamine user are Euphoria,
restlessness, poor appetite , depression when stop using the drugs,






insomnia, weight loss, increased heart rate, blood pressure and

temperature , paranoia, nasal congestion and damage to the mucous
membrane of the nose in users who snort drugs.
Barbiturates and Benzodiazepine
Sign of use can be drawsiness, slurred speech , lack of coordination,
memory problems, confusion, slowed breathikng and decreased blood
pressure, dissiness , depression. Barbiturates and benzodiazepine are
drugs that act as central nervous system depressants. This can produce a
sedation effect and anasthesia. Examples of barbiturates are
Phenobarbital (used as axiolytics and hypnotics ), amobarbital ( Amytal )
and secobarbital (seconal . Benzodiazepine include tranquilizers, such as
dizepam ( Valium ), alprazolam ( Xanax ), lorazepam ( Ativan ),
clonazepam ( Klonopin ) and chlordiazepoxide ( Librium ). Barbituraes also
have analgesic effect but this effect is not too strong.
Club Drugs
Examples of club drugs are Ecstasy (MDMA), GHB, Rohypnol and ketamie.
This drugs are ussually used in a party or club young people. Sign of use
are poor judgement, memory problems or loss of memory, drowsiness and
loss of consiousness ( usually in people who use GHB and Rohypnol ),
Euphoria, altered sense of sight, sound and taste.
The most common hallucinogens are LSD and phencyclidine (PCP). Sign of
use of LSD can be Hallucinations, rapid increased of heart rate, high blood
pressure, tremors, reduced perception of reality for example hearing
colors, mental changes in perception. Sign of use of PCD are Euphoria,
hallucinations, panic disorder , poor appetite, depression, becoming more
aggresive, violent behaviour, delusional.
Some substance that can be inhaled such as glue, paint thinners,
correction fluid, gasoline, cleaning fluid, and house hold aerosol products.
This substance can be toxic to our body, creates a decreased feeling of
inhibition, seizure and damage to our brain, liver and kidney.
Narcotic pain killers
One of the narcotic painkiller that is commonly used are opioids. The class
of drugs include heroin, morphine, codein, mathadone and oxycodone.
Doctors used this as a pain killer and we need to take the medicine as the
doctor prescribed. If we increased the dose of drugs can make our body
dependece to this medication and make addiction . Sign of use of narcotic
pain killers can be sedation, reduced sense of pain, confusion, depression,
constipation, slowed breathing, and needle marks.

What cause people becoming depence to a certain kind of drugs because

of environtmental factors such as family beliefs and attitudes and exposure to a
peer group that encourage drug use, seem to play a role in initial drugs . Genes
can also be the cause for addiction. Once weve started using drugs the
development into addiction may be influenced by inherited traits. Addicting
drugs causes physical changes to some nerve cells ( neurons ) in our brain. The
risk factor of people who are dependece to drugs are : Gender . Male are likely to
have more problems of drug addiction. Poor falimy relation can increased the risk

of addiction to drugs for young people . Anxiety, depression and loneliness is one
of the reason people choose to use a drugs to get addicted to drugs . Family
history of addiction . If we have a blood realtive , such as a parent or sibling ,
with alcohol or drug problem , that increased the risk of developing drug
addiction .
Drug addiction can cause life changing complication such as :
1. Health problems . In a prescribed dose of drugs , drugs are not
dangerous to our body. But when we consume a higher dose of drugs it
become toxic to our body and can create an addiction . This addiction
can lead to short and long term mental and physical health probelms
and it is depend on the drugs that is consumed.
2. Suicide . People with addiction tend to do suicide more often .
3. Family problems . People who are addicted to drugs usually had a
change in family realtionship. They tend to lose their relationship, their
relationship become worse beacuse of change of behavioral , such as
anger and easily change mood , stealing money form their family and
selling things they have in the house .
4. Work issues . People tend to lose their job because their work become
less effective
5. Problems at school . Because of behavioral changes , hard to get
focused can create problems at school . Grades are getting lower
beacuse there is no time for studying anyomore .
6. Financial problems . Because they are addicted to drugs , they used up
all their money to buy the drugs because drugs become their daily
need . They spend all of their saving just for drugs, they sell all of their
things in their house such as TV , telephone , etc to get money . And
this financial problem what leads into stealing.
7. Getting a communicalble disease . People who are addicted to a drug
become more susseptible to get infectious disease such as HIV
( because of sharing needles ) .
8. Unconciousness , comma , and sudden death . If we take very high
dose and sometime combine with other type of drugs or alcohol can be
particularly risky.
Therapies can help people who are already addicted to drugs. Several
kinds of therapies that can be followed by drud addict :
1. Counceling. Counseling with a psychologist, psychiatrist could give a
help for us to reduced the tempation for using the drugs. Behaviour
therapies can help decrease of drugs craving and also fix the
relationship problems with your fammily and friends . Works and study
can also get better when this behavior problem resolve .
2. Treatment programs . include education and therapy session to explain
all things about drug addiction, how to prevent it, risk factor and
preventing relapse.
3. Withdrawal therapies . The goal is to make us not depende to drugs
anymore. Withdrawal therapy include reducing the dose of drugs taken
or temporary changing the drugs with other substance, such as
methadone because it has less side effects.

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