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Celery juice is a non-pharmacological therapies that have a positive impact on hypertension. to
obtain maximum results celery juice combined with carrot and carrot and honey where the honey
has a positive impact to reduce hypertension.
This research uses experimental methods to study the draft Pre One Group Pre test-Post test
design. Sampling method used is purposive sampling. Samples taken in 24 (12 controls and 12
treatment groups).
Based on statistical analysis of test results of Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test on the treatment group
obtained = 0.008 which means that the effect of giving a combination of carrot and celery juice
honey to decrease the level of hypertension in patients with hypertension. In the control group
obtained p = 0.014 which means there is a decline in the influence of hypertension even without
therapy the combination of carrot and celery juice honey. Hi Ho is rejected and then accepted it
means there is the effect of giving a combination of carrot and celery juice honey on the
reduction of hypertension in patients with hypertension.
Hypertension one is to provide pharmacological and non pharmacological therapy. It should be
used, namely the provision of therapy alternantif combination of carrot and celery juice honey to
a decrease in the level of hypertension in patients with hypertension.
Key words: combination of carrot and celery juice honey, decreased levels of hypertension
in patients with hypertension.

Hypertension is a blood pressure of persistent or continuous thus exceeding the normal limit in
which the systolic pressure above 140 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure above 90 mmHg
(Smelttzer & Bare, 2002). Hypertension is one of the causes of death in the world who do not
show symptoms, so many do not realize the dangers of this disease and how the handling, so the
disease is not getting worse. Results of interviews investigators Karangrejo In the village of RT
09 RW 04, the District Manyar Gresik that most people with hypertension or high blood pressure
using pharmacological therapy, they assume that hypertension can be cured with
pharmacological therapy alone. Though hypertension can be treated with non-pharmacological
therapy, one of them by consuming celery juice. Celery juice is a non-pharmacological therapies
that have a positive impact on hipertensi.Berdasarkan Purbaya theory (2007) and Noviana (1993)
to obtain maximum results celery juice combined with carrot and honey carrots and honey which
has a positive impact to reduce hypertension. However, a combination of carrot and celery juice
honey still many who do not understand the positive impact. So that non-pharmacological
therapies such as carrot and celery juice combination is not yet clear honey.
Based on the reporting of hospital records of 27 provinces in Indonesia by the Directorate
General of Medical Services (2004), all patients was 0.89% outpatient hypertension. Based on
data obtained from health centers located in the village Flamboyan Karangrejo RT 09 RW 04, the
District Manyar Gresik in September-November the number of patients has reached 45% of the
total population of 460. Hypertension often create complications such as heart attack, kidney
dysfunction, arterial disease until the advent of stroke (Ridwan 2010). According to the World
Health Organization, 50% of patients with hypertension were detected only 25% who received
treatment and only 12.5% can be treated well. Hypertension can not be cured, but can be
controlled blood pressure (Canobbio, 1990). At the beginning of the study the researchers
conducted an experiment by giving a non-pharmacological therapy in the form of a combination
of carrot and celery juice honey in 5 people with hypertension, the results obtained turned out to
be a combination of carrot and celery juice honey gives a positive impact in the form of a




Hypertension is often called the "Silent Killer" because at this stage unknown signs and
subjective symptoms that identify the presence of disease. Hypertension commonly occurs in the
age of over 30 years, and was exacerbated by the presence of factors including genetic

predisposition, and environmental geography, fetus, gender, age, sodium, renin system
obesity. The number of fatal cases due to hypertension due to lack of knowledge and awareness
of the dangers of this disease. There are two ways in lowering hypertension therapy with
pharmacological therapy and that non-pharmacological therapy. Pharmacological therapy with
antihypertensive medication delivery while non-pharmacological therapy or traditional (natural
medicine) by using natural ingredients such as fruits, vegetables and plant species
herbal.Beberapa efficacious lowering high blood pressure is one of Celery plants (Apium
Graveolense Linn) which combination of carrots (Daucus Carota) and Honey. The research of
Drs. Sudjaswadi Whiryowidagdo, former Head of Sub Directorate of Traditional Medicine,
Ministry of Health, stated that celery contains flavonoids and phthalides whereas in other
research stating that the carrots and honey also has content that is able to reduce hypertension,
the carrots contain potassium succinate which has properties of anti-drug hypertensive thus help
lower blood pressure. So the carrot is also a good diet for people with hypertension (high blood
pressure) while the honey has a chemical component that has an effect that is
asetilkolin.Asetilkolin koligemik serves to improve blood circulation and reduce blood pressure.
Based on the above problems, researchers are interested to give non-pharmacological treatment
and research on "The effect of celery juice combined with carrot and honey to decrease
hypertension in hypertensive patients"


This study uses the Pre Experimental research by design One Group Pre-test Post test design
(Nursalam, 2008), which aims to determine the effect of a combination of carrot and celery juice
Honey to a decrease in the level of hypertension in patients with primary hypertension in
Karangrejo Village RT 09 RW 04, the District Manyar Gresik. This research was conducted in
the village districts Karangrejo Manyar Gresik. The study will be conducted in January-March
The population in this study is the average of the three months in the village of hypertensive
patients Karangrejo RT 09 RW 04 districts Manyar Gresik many as 25 people. Sampling in this
study is the use of Non-Probability Sampling method of purposive sampling is choosing the type
of samples among the population according to the desired research (based on inclusion and
exclusion criteria). Based on sample size calculations obtained a total sample of 24 respondents
in accordance with the inclusion criteria. The independent variable in this study is administration
of a combination of carrot and celery juice honey, while the dependent variable is the rate of
hypertension in patients with hypertension. The instrument used in this study is the observation
sheet by using spignomanometer and stethoscope. Methods dilakukukan observation in this study
in order to determine the level of blood pressure respondents using a blood pressure measuring
device (spignomanometer) assessment of blood pressure levels are hypertension 130/85 normal 139 / mmHg, grade 1 (mild) subgroup border 140/90 - 149/99 mmHg, hypertension Grade 2
(moderate) 160/100 - 179/109 mmHg, hypertension grade 3 (severe) 180 / 110 mmHg. The
data were processed and analyzed using the Wilcoxon Sign Rank statistical test to determine
differences in dependent variables before and after treatment with a significance level of p <0.05.
Furthermore, compared to the level of hypertension before and after the intervention. This
analysis uses the latest version SPSS17.00 for windows.


1 Given the level of Hypertension Before Celery Juice Carrot and Honey Combination in



Table 1 Rating of the hypertension before being given a combination of carrot and celery juice
honey in patients with hypertension in the Village District of Manyar Karangrejo Gresik in
January - March 2012.

Hipertensi dengan therapy jus kombinasi





The above table shows that before being given combination therapy carrots celery juice and
honey in the treatment group had mild hypertension and a half of the respondents as many as 6
people (50%) and half of the respondents who have hypertension are as many as 6 people (50%).
Humans can often feel a sense of hypertension without interruption and hence the symptoms of
hypertension is often called the "Silent Killer" because at this stage unknown signs and
subjective symptoms that identify the presence of disease. Hypertension commonly occurs in the
age of over 30 years, and was exacerbated by the presence of factors including genetic
predisposition, and environmental geography, fetus, gender, age, sodium, renin angiotensin




According to research Widyawarunti Aty, MSI, Apt that celery is very good for hypertensive
patients because it contains Pthalides and Apigenin.Wortel containing potassium succinate
containing anti-hypertensive drugs. According to Peter C. Molan (1992) that honey contains
chemical components that asetikolin, which serves to improve blood circulation. This is why
researchers to combine 3 types of juice into 1. Where the benefits for lowering hypertension.
Structural and functional changes in the peripheral vascular system is responsible for changes in
blood pressure that occurs in the elderly. These changes include atherosclerosis, loss of elasticity
of the connective tissue, and decrease in relaxation of vascular smooth muscle, which in turn
menurunkankemampuan distension and tensile strength of blood vessels. Consequently, the aorta
and large arteries decreases its ability to accommodate the volume of blood pumped by the heart

(stroke volume), resulting in decreased cardiac output and increased peripheral resistance
(Smeltzer, Bare, 2002). This could lead to thickening of the walls of the arteries that lead to the
loss of elasticity of the blood vessels, descent, increasing the amount of blood pumped to the
heart, kidney disease, adrenal gland and sympathetic nervous system, obesity, psychological
stress, stress, and tension can cause hypertension (Marzuky 2009 ).


1 Before combination therapy carrots celery juice and honey, the level of hypertension in
hypertensive patients obtained partial results besarresponden hypertension were 13 people and 11
people lightly.
2 Prior to the intervention in hypertensive patients was 6 and get 6 light, after the intervention of
patients with hypertension and mild normal 8 people 4 people.
3 Based on the results of the analysis with the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test: found a significant
difference or no effect before and after combination therapy celery carrot juice and honey on the
level of hypertension in patients with hypertension.
1 combination therapy carrots celery juice and honey may be another alternative in the treatment
of hypertension, in a way that regular consumption of blood pressure can be regulated normally
140/89 mmHg.
2 For health workers in the village of the District Karangrejo Manyar Gresik may be one of the
discussion in the community outreach activities.
3 Meningkatkankhasanah ilmuKeperawatan Medical science, particularly the field of
cardiovascular disease Bedahtentang.
4 Further research is needed on the reduction of hypertension with different variables of a
combination of carrot and celery juice honey scented with extracts is less tasty celery, carrots and
5. In a subsequent study with respondents given treatment combination therapy carrots celery
juice and honey, making the respondent can be taken from home or the same place so that
therapy can be younger confounding factors can be controlled and minimized.

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Intisari dan Kesimpulan : Pengaruh Jus Seledri Kombinasi Wortel dan Madu Terhadap
Penurunan Tingkat Hipertensi Pada Pasien Hipertensi.
Hipertensi merupakan tekanan darah persisten atau terus menerus sehingga melebihi batas
normal dimana tekanan sistolik diatas 140 mmHg dan tekanan diastole diatas 90 mmHg
(Smelttzer & Bare, 2002). Hipertensi merupakan salah penyebab kematian tertinggi di dunia
yang tidak menunjukkan gejala sehingga banyak yang tidak menyadari akan bahaya penyakit ini
dan bagaimana penangannya, sehingga penyakit ini tidak bertambah parah . seledri sangat baik
untuk pasien hipertensi karena mengandung Pthalides dan Apigenin.Wortel mengandung
potassium suksinat yang mengandung obat anti hipertensi. Menurut Peter C. Molan (1992)
bahwa madu mengandung komponen kimia yaitu asetikolin, yang berfungsi untuk melancarkan
peredaran darah. Hal inilah yang mendasari peneliti untuk mengkombinasikan 3 jenis tersebut
menjadi 1 jus. Dimana manfaatnya untuk menurunkan hipertensi. Perubahan struktural dan
fungsional pada sistem pembuluh darah perifer bertanggung jawab pada perubahan tekanan
darah yang terjadi pada lanjut usia. Perubahan tersebut meliputi aterosklerosis, hilangnya
elastisitas jaringan ikat, dan penurunan dalam relaksasi otot polos pembuluh darah, yang pada
gilirannya menurunkankemampuan distensi dan daya regang pembuluh darah. Konsekuensinya,
aorta dan arteri besar berkurang kemampuannya dalam mengakomodasi volume darah yang
dipompa oleh jantung (volume sekuncup), mengakibatkan penurunan curah jantung dan
peningkatan tahanan perifer (Smeltzer, Bare, 2002). Hal ini bisa mengakibatkan penebalan
dinding arteri yang menyebabkan hilangnya elastisitas pembuluh darah, keturunan,
bertambahnya jumlah darah yang dipompa ke jantung, penyakit ginjal, kelenjar adrenal, dan
sistem saraf simpatis, obesitas, tekanan psikologis, stres, dan ketegangan bisa menyebabkan

1. Sebelum diberikan terapi jus seledri kombinasi wortel dan madu, tingkat hipertensi pada
penderita hipertensi didapatkan hasil sebagian besarresponden mengalami hipertensi sedang 13
orang dan ringan 11 orang.
2. Sebelum dilakukan intervensi penderita hipertensi di dapatkan sedang 6 orang dan ringan 6
orang, setelah dilakukan intervensi pasien hipertensi normal 8 orang dan ringan 4 orang.
3. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dengan uji Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test: didapatkan perbedaan yang
signifikan atau ada pengaruh sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan pemberian terapi jus seledri
kombinasi wortel dan madu terhadap tingkat hipertensi pada penderita hipertensi.

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