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Commercial Financing

1. Hexa Investment

Kredit Investasi

Kredit investasi adalah kredit jangka menengah/panjang yang diberikan kepada (calon) debitur
untuk membiayai barang-barang modal dalam rangka rehabilitasi,modernisasi, perluasan ataupun
pendirian proyek baru, misalnya untuk pembelian mesin-mesin, bangunan dan tanah untuk pabrik,
yang pelunasannya dari hasil usaha dengan barang-barang modal yang dibiayai.

Ketentuan :
Mempunyai Feasibility Study.
Mempunyai izin-izin usaha, misalnya SIUP, TDP, dll.
Maksimum jangka waktu kredit 15 tahun dan masa tenggang waktu (Grace Period)
maksimum 4 tahun.
Agunan utama adalah usaha yang dibiayai. Debitur menyerahkan agunan tambahan jika
menurut penilaian diperlukan.
Maksimum Pembiayaan 65% dan Self Financing (SF) 35%.

Bunga :
Suku bunga kredit 13,5 % s.d. 20% p.a. tergantung dari Faktor Resiko
Diskonto 5 % s.d. 15 %
Management Fee 5%
Commission Fee 2,5% s.d. 5 %

Manfaat :
Pencairan langsung dipindahbukukan ke rekening giro.
Rencana angsuran telah ditetapkan atas dasar cash flow yang disusun.
Pelunasan sesuai dengan jangka waktu yang telah ditetapkan/jatuh tempo.
Penarikan/penurunan atas dasar prestasi proyek.


HEXA CAPITAL adalah fasilitas kredit modal kerja yang diberikan baik dalam rupiah maupun
valuta asing untuk memenuhi modal kerja yang habis dalam satu siklus usaha dengan jangka
waktu maksimal 1 tahun.

HEXA Revolving

HEXA Revolving adalah fasilitas kredit modal kerja yang diberikan baik dalam rupiah maupun
valuta asing untuk memenuhi modal kerja yang habis dalam satu siklus usaha dengan jangka
waktu maksimal 1 tahun namun dapat diperpanjang.

HEXA Aflopend

HEXA Aflopend adalah kredit yang diberikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan modal kerja yang habis
dalam satu siklus usaha.
HEXA Construction

HEXA Construction adalah kredit yang diberikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan modal kerja khusus
bagi usaha jasa kontraktor yang habis dalam satu siklus usaha.

HEXA Bridging

HEXA Bridging adalah kredit talangan yang diberikan untuk menalangi kebutuhan modal kerja
khusus untuk jangka waktu perbulan dengan menggunakan special rate

Ketentuan :
Mempunyai usaha yang layak dibiayai. .
Mempunyai izin-izin usaha, misalnya SIUP, TDP, dll
Maksimum jangka waktu kredit 1 tahun.
Agunan utama adalah usaha yang dibiayai. Debitur menyerahkan agunan tambahan jika menurut
penilaian diperlukan.

Bunga :
Suku bunga kredit 13,5 % s.d. 24% p.a. tergantung dari Faktor Resiko
Special Rate 2 % Flat / Perbulan
Diskonto 5 % s.d. 15 %
Management Fee 5%
Commission Fee 2,5% s.d. 5 %

Manfaat :
Penarikan dilakukan setiap saat.
Bagian yg belum ditarik tidak dikenakan bunga.
Pelunasan pada saat jatuh tempo kredit.
Aktivitas keuangan disalurkan melalui rekening pinjaman.
Tujuan pembiayaan untuk modal kerja yang mempunyai pola fluktuasi/turnover tinggi.

3. HEXA Liquid Collateral

HEXA Liquid Collateral adalah kredit (cash loan dan non cash loan) yang diberikan dengan
jaminan instrumen perbankan.

Ketentuan :
Mempunyai izin-izin usaha, misalnya SIUP, TDP, dll untuk perusahaan, dan identitas diri untuk
perorangan .
Maksimum jangka waktu kredit 1 tahun dan dapat diperpanjang.
Limit maksimum 70 % dari nominal jaminan untuk Cash Loan, dan 80 % dari nominal jaminan
untuk Non Cash Loan pada valuta yang sama.

Suku bunga kredit sebesar 3,5 % p.a. di atas suku bunga agunan dalam valuta rupiah dan 2,5% p.a.
di atas suku bunga agunan dalam valuta asing.

Manfaat :
Bagian yg belum ditarik tidak dikenakan bunga.
Pelunasan pada saat jatuh tempo kredit.
Sifat kredit dapat berupa penarikan sekaligus, rekening koran, atau sesuai jadwal.
4. HEXA Choice

HEXA Choice adalah Kredit atau pembiayaan dari untuk investasi dan atau modal kerja, yang
diberikan dalam Rupiah dan atau Valuta asing kepada nasabah usaha kecil dengan plafond kredit
keseluruhan maksimal Rp. 500.000.000,- (lima ratus juta rupiah) untuk membiayai usaha yang

HEXA Choice - Investment

Adalah kredit jangka menengah/panjang yang diberikan kepada (calon) debitur untuk
membiayai barang-barang modal dalam rangka rehabilitasi, modernisasi, perluasan ataupun
pendirian proyek baru, dengan jangka waktu maksimal 10 tahun.

HEXA Choice - Working Capital

Adalah kredit yang diberikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan modal kerja yang habis dalam satu
siklus usaha.

HEXA Choice - Construction Capital

Adalah kredit yang diberikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan modal kerja khusus bagi usaha jasa
kontraktor yang habis dalam satu siklus usaha.

HEXA Choice - Channeling

Adalah Kredit Modal Kerja atau Kredit Investasi yang diberikan melalui kerjasama dengan
Lembaga pembiayaan, koperasi atau Bank Umum lainnya.

Ketentuan :
Berbentuk usaha perorangan, badan usaha yg tidak berbadan hukum atau badan usaha yg berbadan
hukum termasuk koperasi
Berdiri sendiri atau tidak berafiliasi dengan usaha menengah atau usaha besar
Milik WNI
Kekayaan bersih maksimal Rp. 200 .000.000,-.
Hasil penjualan tahunan paling banyak Rp,-
Share dana sendiri minimal 20%


HEXA FARM adalah fasilitas kredit modal kerja yang diberikan kepada :

Petani, dalam rangka intensifikasi padi, jagung, kedelai, ubi kayu, ubi jalar;
Peternak, dalam rangka peternakan sapi potong, ayam buras, dan itik;
Petani ikan, dalam rangka usaha penangkapan ikan, penunjang perikanan dan
budidaya ikan dan atau bersama-sama dengan usaha budidaya peternakan ayam
Koperasi, dalam rangka pengadaan pangan berupa gabah, jagung, dan kedelai
serta usaha perikanan.Rupiah maupun valuta asing.
Badan Usaha Pendukung
- Kementerian Republik - Koperasi / Koperasi Unit Desa
Indonesia - Assosiasi atau Himpunan Sosial
- Badan Usaha Milik

Ketentuan :
Mempunyai usaha yang layak dibiayai.
Khusus untuk Koperasi merupakan Koperasi Primer dan memiliki izin usaha serta pengurus
yang aktif.
Belum pernah memperoleh fasilitas kredit atau pernah / telah memperoleh fasilitas kredit
dengan kriteria "lancar" atau tidak dalam kondisi bermasalah.
Maksimum jangka waktu kredit 1 tahun.
Agunan utama adalah usaha yang dibiayai. Debitur menyerahkan agunan tambahan jika
menurut penilaian diperlukan.

Suku bunga untuk usaha intensifikasi padi, jagung, kedelai, ubi kayu, ubi jalar sebesar 12%
per tahun;
Suku bunga untuk usaha peternakan sapi potong, ayam buras, dan itik sebesar 16% per tahun;
Suku bunga untuk usaha penangkapan ikan, penunjang perikanan dan budidaya ikan dan atau
bersama-sama dengan usaha budidaya peternakan ayam buras, sebesar 16% per tahun;
Suku bunga kredit kepada Koperasi dalam rangka pengadaan pangan berupa gabah, jagung,
dan kedelai serta usaha perikanan sebesar 16% per tahun.

Manfaat :
Penarikan dilakukan sekaligus, kecuali untuk Koperasi, penarikan kredit dapat
dilakukan setiap saat.
Pelunasan pada saat jatuh tempo kredit atau pada saat panen.
Pembiayaan dapat diberikan secara kelompok.
Memperoleh bimbingan teknis/teknologi dan manajemen dari Petugas Penyuluh
Lapangan (PPL) yang ditunjuk.

*) Intrest adalah Indikasi dan tidak mengingkat. Dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu.
Prinsip Syariah

Kegiatan usaha syariah antara lain:

Mudharabah, pembiayaan berdasarkan prinsip bagi hasil
Musyarakah, pembiayaan berdasarkan prinsip usaha patungan
Murabahah, jual beli barang dengan memperoleh keuntungan
Ijarah, pembiayaan barang modal berdasarkan prinsip sewa

Prinsip Operasi Syariah

Syariah menganut prinsip-prinsip sebagai berikut:

1. Prinsip Keadilan
Prinsip ini tercermin dari penerapan imbalan atas dasar bagi hasil dan pengambilan margin
keuntungan yang disepakati bersama antara dan Nasabah

2. Prinsip Kemitraan
Syariah menempatkan nasabah penyimpanan dana, nasabah pengguna dana, maupun pada
kedudukan yang sama dan sederajat dengan mitra usaha. Hal ini tercermin dalam hak,
kewajiban, resiko dan keuntungan yang berimbang di antara nasabah penyimpan dana, nasabah
pengguna dana maupun . Dalam hal ini berfungsi sebagai intermediary institution lewat skim-
skim pembiayaan yang dimilikinya.

3. Prinsip Keterbukaan
Melalui laporan keuangan yang terbuka secara berkesinambungan, nasabah dapat mengetahui
tingkat keamanan dana dan kualitas manajemen

4. Univeralitas
dalam mendukung operasionalnya tidak membeda-bedakan suku, agama, ras dan golongan
agama dalam masyarakat dengan prinsip Islam sebagai rahmatan lil'alamiin

Syariah VS Kapitalis (Konvensional)

Prinsip Syariah

Islam memandang harta yang dimiliki oleh manusia adalah titipan/amanah Allah SWT sehingga
cara memperoleh, mengelola, dan memanfaatkannya harus sesuai ajaran Islam

syariah mendorong nasabah untuk mengupayakan pengelolaan harta nasabah (simpanan)

sesuai ajaran Islam

syariah menempatkan karakter/sikap baik nasabah maupun pengelola ank pada posisi yang
sangat penting dan menmpatkan sikap akhlakul karimah sebagai sikap dasar hubungan antara
nasabah dan

Adanya kesamaan ikatan emosional yang kuat didasarkan prinsip keadilan, prinsip kesederajatan
dan prinsip ketentraman antara Pemegang Saham, Pengelola dan Nasabah atas jalannya usaha

Prinsip bagi hasil:

Penentuan besarnya resiko bagi hasil dibuat pada waktu akad dengan berpedoman pada
kemungkinan untung dan rugi
Besarnya nisbah bagi hasil berdasarkan pada jumlah keuntungan yang diperoleh

Jumlah pembagian bagi hasil meningkat sesuai dengan peningkatan jumlah pendapatan
Tidak ada yang meragukan keuntungan bagi hasil

Bagi hasil tergantung kepada keuntungan proyek yang dijalankan. Jika proyek itu tidak
mendapatkan keuntungan maka kerugian akan ditanggung bersama oleh kedua belah

Prinsip Konvensional

Pada konvensional, kepentingan pemilik dana (deposan) adalah memperoleh imbalan berupa
bunga simpanan yang tinggi, sedang kepentingan pemegang saham adalah diantaranya
memperoleh spread yang optimal antara suku bunga simpanan dan suku bunga pinjaman
(mengoptimalkan interest difference). Dilain pihak kepentingan pemakai dana (debitor) adalah
memperoleh tingkat bunga yang rendah (biaya murah). Dengan demikian terhadap ketiga
kepentingan dari tiga pihak tersebut terjadi antagonisme yang sulit diharmoniskan. Dalam hal ini
konvensional berfungsi sebagai lembaga perantara saja

Tidak adanya ikatan emosional yang kuat antara Pemegang Saham, Pengelola dan Nasabah
karena masing-masing pihak mempunyai keinginan yang bertolak belakang

Sistem bunga:

Penentuan suku bunga dibuat pada waktu akad dengan pedoman harus selalu untung
untuk pihak
Besarnya prosentase berdasarkan pada jumlah uang (modal) yang
dipinjamkanPenentuan suku bunga dibuat pada waktu akad dengan pedoman harus
selalu untung untuk pihak
Jumlah pembayaran bunga tidak mengikat meskipun jumlah keuntungan berlipat ganda
saat keadaan ekonomi sedang baik
Eksistensi bunga diragukan kehalalannya oleh semua agama termasuk agama Islam
Eksistensi bunga diragukan kehalalannya oleh semua agama termasuk agama Islam
Pembayaran bunga tetap seperti yang dijanjikan tanpa pertimbangan proyek yang
dijalankan oleh pihak nasabah untung atau rugi
Deposit Features
Current Deposit

As with other s, this account is essentially offered for the safekeeping of your deposits as
well as a facility where you can enjoy the instruments of remittances such as checking
accounts, payroll services, etc. Withdrawals from this deposit account, including checks
drawn for and against it, will be guaranteed and honored by the Islamic , provided your
account balances are sufficient to meet such withdrawals.

Savings Deposit

This deposit account basically serves the need for the safekeeping of your surplus
funds. The Islamic guarantees the withdrawal of funds from this account anytime you
may wish to do so. If you meet the minimum deposit required under this account, the
Islamic may grant a reward on your deposits. Such reward is variable in nature since it
is relatively profit-based and is discretionary on the part of the Islamic

Investment Deposits

General Investment Deposit

This type of deposit account fulfills your need for a reliable financial intermediary with
which to invest your money over a specified period of time. Under this account, the
return on your investment deposits is based on actual profits earned by the funds
invested net of a reasonable Islamic ’s share. This means your funds invested in this
account will generate a variable rate of return with potentials for high yielding profit
shares instead of the usual fixed return in the form of interest. In short, your money’s
worth under this account. The Islamic ensures not only the profitability but security of
your investment as well because your funds will be rechanelled to inherently-safe
investment schemes covering a whole range of financing modalities that is not based on
interest capsulized in the following:

Various forms of capital financing such as deferred sales, leasing &lease purchase
transactions where the forms of financing involve fixed assets registered in the name of
Islamic .

Corporate or Infrastructural projects backed up by the government or corporate

reputation & resources as a form of guarantee.

Working capital and other forms of trade financing with supporting purchase orders and
other trade related instruments such as LCs, etc.
The Islamic further safeguards your investments and deposits by:

Placing your funds in selected projects and other enterprises with established track
records in business;
Diversifying the business exposure of your funds with emphasis on the “strategic pooling
of risks “ to cushion the impact of undesired reverses in business;
Assigning dedicated, well-trained and viability-oriented personnel equipped with the
appropriate business support infrastructures such as strategic databases system, etc.

Special Investment Deposit

This deposit account is similar in all respects to General Investment Account except that
you should meet the required minimum to invest in this account for you to enjoy a unique
privilege of deciding on your preferred investment exposure.

Other Facilities

In its expanded operations, The Islamic Banking will also serve you’re your fund
transfers & remittances requirements and other allied facilities such as:

1. Telegraphic transfers
2. Demand drafts
3. Transfer remittances
4. Forex requirements
5. Automated Interbranch withdrawals, deposits
6. Letters of Credits

Investment Features: Financing in the Islamic

The investment operations of the Islamic are replete with various financing schemes
that will suit you’re business requirements whether you are a contractor, exporter,
importer, manufacturer, merchant, trader, retailer, real estate developer, trucker,
warehouser, lessor, or any business enterprise or government corporation/ institution.
As such, you may choose from a wide array of financing facilities and services, which
include the following:
Capital or Project Financing

A. Trustee Project Financing

This scheme is designed particularly for awarded projects that need full financing. Under
this arrangement, the client utilizes the funds of the Islamic to roll the completion of a
government or corporate project. In return a pre-arranged share of the profit derived
from the project is assigned to the client. The ratio of profit sharing may be tilted in favor
of the Islamic being the sole financier of the project cost and, in some instances, also
the project sourcing party.
Funds made available by the Islamic under this financing mode are usually used to
defray the cost of the real estate and housing development, construction of public roads,
ports, markets, buildings, corporate plants, warehouses, and other infrastructural

B. Joint-venture project financing

This mode of financing serves the need of clients whose available funds are not
sufficient to defray the cost of awarded projects. Under this scheme, both the Islamic
and the client share the capital formation of the venture according to the pre-arranged
ratio. Both partners to the venture also agree upon the ratio of profit sharing.

This financing arrangement is also applicable to projects mentioned in trustee projects

mentioned in Trustee Project Financing. The Islamic may or may not participate in the
management of the project. The ratio of profit sharing in this case is usually titled in favor
of the active or Managing Partner who is usually the client.

Clients in both the foregoing project based financing may find working relationship with
the Islamic convenient and profitable since they may gain access to initiated projects as
a result of its investment in real estate and building constructions as well as other project
sourcing potentials of the

C. Deferred Sales Financing

This mode of financing caters to the need of clients to acquire assets in the form of real
properties such as land and buildings, heavy machineries, transport system
warehouses, plants, public markets, ports and other fixed assets. These assets are first
purchased or constructed by the Islamic upon proposals from prospective clients for
purposes of reselling to them on a deferred basis over an agreed profit margin accruing
to the . The term of the amortization usually ranges from 2 to 10 years depending on the
agreement of both parties

The deferred sales scheme, usually comes in the form of capital financing and may suit
the requirements of:

Successful manufacturing concern that wishes to expand its production but does not
have funds to buy the needed heavy machineries
A successful manufacturing concern that wants to expand operations but cannot afford
to tie up its working funds to defray expansion cost such as the acquisition of land,
construction of plants, etc.
A successful retail establishment that aims to expand operations resulting in need of
capital financing to defray the cost of say, a commercial complex
The expanding thrust of successful hotels, condominiums and the like;
Enterprising and profitable real estate developers;
A successful leasing firm wishing to acquire fixed assets
Self liquidating projects of governments corporations, institutions, and other project
Eligible individuals wanting to own residential assets

D. Lease Financing

This mode of financing addresses the need of clients who wish to avail usage of an
asset on a lease basis. Under this arrangement, the client requests the Islamic to
provide him a certain asset for his use. In return he obligates himself to lease the asset
concerned over a specified period of time allowing the Islamic to earn a certain profit
margin after the total periodic amortizations shall have been collected at the expiration of
the contract. The lease term may vary from 2 to 10 years depending on the nature of
asset and the agreement reached.

Lease financing may suit the business requirements of :

A manufacturing concern that aims to avail itself the convenient usage of a plant,
warehouse, commercial buildings and other machineries and equipment on a
rental basis

A trading concern that wishes to avail itself the convenient usage of a warehouse
or commercial buildings and sites on a lease rental basis
Government units or institutions that want to avail themselves the convenient
usage of land or buildings on a lease / rental basis
Eligible tenants or corporate firms who wishes to avail themselves of a
condominium type residences or offices on a lease/ rental basis

E. Lease purchase financing

A manufacturing concern that aims to avail itself the convenient usage of a plant,
warehouse, commercial buildings and other machineries and equipment on a rental
A trading concern that wishes to avail itself the convenient usage of a warehouse or
commercial buildings and sites on a lease rental basis
Government units or institutions that want to avail themselves the convenient usage of
land or buildings on a lease / rental basis
Eligible tenants or corporate firms who wishes to avail themselves of a condominium
type residences or offices on a lease/ rental basis
Working Capital or Trade Financing

A. Working Capital Financing

This mode of financing is offered to clients who need working capital on a relatively
short-term basis to manufacture or buy goods or commodities for reseller purposes.
Under this scheme, the Islamic buys certain commodities requested by clients who by
presenting trade instruments such as purchase orders, LCS and other attendant proof of
trading transactions, establish the existence of a ready market for the goods requested.
The eventual repayment of the financing exposure includes in a prearranged mark-up for
the Islamic . Working capital financing caters to domestic transactions only.

B. Working Capital LC

This mode of trade financing is provided fully in the form of an LC instrument negotiated
from foreign countries as requested by an eligible client. The total importation cost plus a
pre-arranged mark-up is then repaid to the Islamic upon resale of the imported
commodity. This is granted only to clients who are eligible as contained in the conditions
set forth in letter A.

C. Jointly Funded LC

This mode of financing applies when the funds of a prospective client wishes
To import a certain commodity are not enough to absorb the total importation cost. Both
the Islamic and importer share the total cost of the LC needed to buy the imported
commodity. Both parties share in the profit that will be derived from the resale of the
imported commodity based on a pre-arranged ratio.
Islamic Bank can Provide

Bank Islam provides facilities and financing for the purpose of facilitating trade or providing
working capital for its customers via our short term facilities. Such facilities / financing may be
granted in connection with the purchase or import and sale or export of goods and machinery,
acquisition and holding of stocks and inventories, spares and replacements, raw material and
semi-finished goods.

The facilities currently provided are:

Letter of Credit - i
Letter of Guarantee - i
Islamic Accepted Bill-Import - i
Islamic Accepted Bill-Export - i
Islamic Export Credit Refinancing Scheme - i
Murabahah Working Capital Financing - i

Apart from the above, Bank Islam also provides medium and long term financing under several
different Shariah principles:
Share Financing Package & Naqad under the contract of Bai Bithaman Ajil - i
Bridging & End Financings under the contract of lstisna - i
Project Financing under the contract of Mudharabah & Musharakah - i
Floating Rate Financing under the contract of Ijarah Muntahiah Bit Tamik - i
Financing The Acquisition of Assets under the contract of Bai Bithaman Ajil - i
Financing The Acquisition of Assets under the contract of Ijarah - i
Working Capital Financing under the contract of Bai Bithaman Ajil / Ijarah Muntahiah Bit
Tamlik - i
Cashnote facilities under the contract of Bai Bithaman Ajil / Qardhul Hassan
Convertible Financing
SMI / SME Funds Under Bank Negara Malaysia (I do not know if in Indonesia is

Bank Islam’s facilities have been proven to be better in some aspect as against the conventional
ones. With a fixed rate charged on all its financing products, customers can calculate the amount
they are paying to the bank until the end of their financing without taking into consideration the
bank’s base lending rate which is commonly used by the conventional banks, the cost of
financing is made known to the customers. Thus, the customers can project their cash flow for
better management.

The fixed monthly installment allow the customers to budget their costing better and plan their
future in a more strategic manner without having to worry about any financial uncertainties.

Unlike the conventional overdraft facility that charges commitment fee for unutilized amount, Bank
Islam does not impose such a fee on its Naqad facility customers.

As for the Islamic Accepted Bill (AB-i), there is no acceptance commission and it is based on buy
and sell rather than at a discount as in the conventional Bankers Acceptance. While financing for
full value of the invoice and not rounded down to the nearest thousand as practiced by the
conventional instruments, Bank Islam only charges its profit at tail-end.

These are some of the salient features of the Shariah complaint products offered by Bank Islam,
which make them more competitive and marketable than that offered by its conventional

Bai Bithaman Ajil means deferred payment sale whereby the Bank will finance
customers who wish to acquire on asset but to defer the payment for the asset for a
specific period or to pay by installment.


Under this facility the Bank shall first purchase the asset concerned. The Bank
subsequently sells the relevant asset to the Customer at a selling price which comprises
the actual cost of the asset to the Bank and the Banks margin at profit.

Payment Terms

The Bank allows the Customer to settle by installments within an agreed period.


The BBA facility can be utilised by the Bank to provide the Customers with medium and
long term financing to acquire an asset which may include the followings:
Residential Houses / Shophouses / Apartments / Office space / Buildings etc
Motor Vehicles
Plant and Equipment
Other appropriate assets.

Other Benefits

The BBA facility can also be utilised far refinancing of assets owned by the Customer,
and the proceeds to be utilised for the Customers working capital.

Istisna’ means purchase by order. Under this facility the Bank will finance Customers
who wish to acquire asset being constructed and to defer payment for the asset for a
specific period, or to pay by installments.

Under this facility the Bank shall purchase the ownership to the asset being constructed
from the Customer by novating the construction contract between the Customer and his
contractor / supplier. Subsequently the Bank shall immediately sell back the ownership
of the said uncompleted asset, also under the concept of lstisna’ to the Customer at a
selling price which comprises the cost of the Asset to the Bank plus a margin of profit to
the Bank.

Payment terms
The Customer is allowed to settle the Selling Price by installments within the agreed

Share Financing Package Under The Principle Of Bai Bithaman Ajil

Share Financing - BBA

The Bank may provide a financing package to corporate customers who wish to obtain
financing for its employees to exercise their rights on Pink Form Shares / ESOS /
ELSOS / Right Issues / Private Placement but to defer the payment for the shares for a
specific period or to pay by installments under the principle of Bai Bithaman Ajil.

The security for the facility is usually by way of pledging of the shores to be financed at a
security cover acceptance to the Bank.

Payments Terms
The payment period is usually up to a maximum of five years (60 months) or up to the
directors’/ employees’ / customer retirement age, whichever is shorter.

Modus Operandi
The Customer shall transfer the pledged shares by requesting the share registrar or
Issuing House to register the shares direct to Al-Wakalah Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn
Bhd, CDS account.
Bridging Financing Under The Principle Of Istisna’
Bridging Financing
The Bank may finance its customers who wish to obtain bridging financing for the
purpose of financing the development of:
Housing projects
Commercial projects
Construction of industrial / commercial building

Under the principle, the Bank shall enter into on agreement to purchase from the
Customer the project / assets to be developed (Purchase by order) at an agreed
Purchase Price.

Subsequently, the Bank shall immediately sell bock the projects / assets, also under the
principle of Istisna’ (Sale by order), to the Customer at a Selling Price which shall be
made up of the original Purchase Price and the Bank’s profit margin.

Payment Periods
The Customer is to settle the Selling Price by installments within the agreed period or
By redemption exercise (if applicable).

Banks Purchase Prices

It is normally released an staggered basis i.e. upon the presentation of valid Architects’
Certificate and / or
Other acceptable documentary evidence.

Additional informations required for this kind of financing

Estimated drawdown schedule;
Projected Cashflow and its assumptions over tenor of facility;
Projected Profit & Loss Account and Balance Sheet over tenor of facility;
Detailed background of the project;
Location of the project;
Type of building to be erected, saleable built up area (per sq.ft.), Soles Price (per
unit), Number of units to be developed etc;
Phases of Development and Sales Target;
List of appointed Consultants (Architects, M&E, Quantity Surveyors etc);
Breakdown of the Development Cost; and
List of potential / confirmed bookings.

End Financing Package Under The Principle Of Istisna’

End Financing

The Bank may also provide on end-financing package for the individual purchasers of housing /
commercial building developed by the customer who applied for the Bridging Financing Facility.
The application can be made by the Customer together with the Bridging Financing application.

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