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DOI: 10.5958/2319-5886.2015.00050.

International Journal of Medical Research

Health Sciences
Volume 4 Issue 2
Received: 20 Nov 2014
Research article

Copyright @2014
ISSN: 2319-5886
Revised: 10 Jan 2015
Accepted: 16th Mar 2015

Anand Nalini I1, *Modi Nikunj K2, Sharma Hariom M 3

Professor, Department of Obstetrics and gynecology, 2 Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, GGG
Hospital & M P Shah Govt. Medical College, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India
Professor & Head, Department of Biochemistry, Sir T Hospital & Govt. Medical College, Bhavnagar, Gujarat,
*Corresponding author: Modi Nikunj K Email:
Background: Preterm birth is a poorly understood domain so it is a one of the most serious problem encountered
in case of pregnant women. Because of the incomplete knowledge of biochemical and molecular reasons for
preterm birth, many authors have shown interest in various predicting risk factors of preterm birth. Aim: This
study was undertaken to know risk factors for preterm delivery and to investigate the usefulness of the most
widely used creasy scoring system in identifying the high risk group of women at the tertiary care center of India.
In this study also included observation of perinatal mortality and morbidity associated with preterm deliveries.
Material and Methods: In the present study of 175 women who gave birth to preterm babies, detail history was
taken. Then all the Data were statistically analyzed based on percentage. Result: Preterm delivery is particularly
affected by precipitating of some risk factors (Hb, weight, parity of mother etc.). Conclusion: so we can say that
such risk factors acting as a precipitating factor for preterm deliveries. Awareness of such risk factors is essential
to plan public education programs and to consider appropriate perinatal care options for women at potentially
higher risk for preterm delivery.
Keywords: Preterm birth, Creasy scoring, Perinatal death
One of the most important unresolved issues
currently confronting obstetricians is the prevention
of preterm birth (birth before 37 completed weeks of
gestation). Preterm birth is, worldwide, the most
challenging problem in obstetrics, but the prevention
of prematurity has been difficult and ineffective
because of its multifactorial and partly still unknown
etiology. Identification of those women who are
likely to deliver before term requires use of simple
diagnostic tools that can be applied to both
asymptomatic and symptomatic pregnant women. [1]
Many healthcare providers collect data on pregnant
women for assessment of preterm birth risk. Current
technology makes possible collection of a plethora of
Nalini et al.,

data, yet a perinatal healthcare provider has no access

to a general, reliable and valid method of preterm
birth assessment. [2] Babies born before the 34th week
of pregnancy, have the highest risk for early death
and enduring health problems, but recent research has
shown that even preterm infants (at 34 to 36 weeks of
pregnancy) have greater health risks than fullterm
babies. [3]
The treatment of preterm labor, preterm delivery, and
premature birth are not only major problems in
obstetrics and pediatrics but also have major
economic, psychological, and social impact. Most
existing methods to assess preterm birth are based on
risk scoring, done manually. These methods are
Int J Med Res Health Sci. 2015;4(2):269-273

between 17% and 38% predictive in determining

preterm birth. This range of accuracy is obviously not
satisfactory. Some authors conclude that-in generalmanual risk screening tools are not sufficient to be
used in the prediction of preterm labor. [2] To improve
the outcome of these very preterm neonates, we need
to expand our knowledge of the etiology, prevention,
and treatment of preterm labor and preterm delivery.
However, the rate of preterm delivery has not
decreased in the past 30 years Goldenberg et al.,
2008, mainly because of failure to identify the highrisk group during routine prenatal care. [4] To identify
women at risk of spontaneous preterm birth,
clinicians use prior preterm birth, multiple pregnancy
and prior cervical surgery as major risk factors.
Useful clinical risk factors in predicting spontaneous
preterm birth in nulliparous women with a singleton
pregnancy are scant, except for a history of prior
cervical surgery. [5]
So the present study was with the aim of first, to see
the effectiveness of the routine creasy risk scoring
system in predicting the high risk group in local
population and second, to find out the common high
risk factors like Hb, weight, parity of mother
associated with preterm labor.
The department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, of
Shri M. P. Shah Govt. Medical College and Guru
Govindsinh General Hospital, Jamnagar, carried out
the present study. Informed consent was taken from
all individual subjects included into the study. In the
present study of 175 women, who gave birth to
preterm babies (in 1 yr duration) were included and
classified as at low, medium or high risk for preterm
labor according to the Creasy scoring system which is
based on socioeconomic factors, previous medical
history, daily habits, as well as aspects of the current
pregnancy. [6] This scoring system is extensively used
to identify preterm delivery. Socioeconomic class is
assessed by Prasads social classification. All other
term pregnancy was excluded from the study. The
gestational age was assessed from the date of last
menstrual period, provided she had regular ovulatory
cycle previously. In others, clinical examinations like
fundal height date of quickening, appreciation of fetal
heart by stethoscope and ultrasonographic
measurements were used for gestational age
determination. Anthropometric measurements of the

mother including weight, height were carried out by

using standard techniques. Other data of
socioeconomic status, personal history, past medical
surgical, obstetric history and prenatal care were
collected by interviewing the patients. Hospital
records were also abstracted for relevant data and
used for cross-check the reliability of information
obtained during the interview.
Physical examination, Blood pressure and
hemoglobin by standardized acid haematin method
were also done. Anemia in this study was defined as
hemoglobin < 10 g/dl on one or more occasion.
Chronic or pregnancy induced hypertension was
defined as a blood pressure greater than 140/90
mmHg repeatedly, and, if the women also had
proteinuria than pre-eclampsia was considered to
exist. After delivery the newborn was examined
within 6 hours and fetal maturity was assessed. Then
all the Data were statistically analyzed based on
Finding of the present study are as under
First the relationship with the age of mother (in yrs)
and preterm delivery compared, in that the age group
are divided in < 20 yrs, 21-25 yr, 26-30 yr, 31-35 yr,
36-40 yrs and >40 yrs, out of them majority of
preterm delivery was noticed in 21-25 yrs of age
group. That is of 87 out of 175 preterm deliveries.
Then the incidence was gradually declined with
increase age. Then relationship with the gestational
age of mother (in wks) and preterm delivery
compared (Table 1), in that most of the preterm
deliveries occurred in 31-34 weeks of pregnancy.
Table: 1 Relationship of Gestational age with
Preterm delivery.
preterm Percentage
age (in wks) delivery
(out of 175)
10.8 %
48.5 %
40.7 %
Then out of 175 preterm delivery, 76 were primi
while 99 are multipara in that 94 were multipara and
05 were grand (>4) multipara. One of the important
relationships of weight and preterm delivery (Table
2), in that 153 preterm delivery seen in < 55 kg wt

Nalini et al.,

Int J Med Res Health Sci. 2015;4(2):269-273

(out of them 28 have < 45 kg wt) and only 22 have

preterm delivery with more than 55 kg weight.
Table: 2 Relationship of Maternal Weight and
Preterm delivery.
Weight (in Kgs)
< 45

No of preterm
delivery(out of 175)

16 %
71.4 %
12.6 %

In relation to the antenatal care 118 were unbooked

and 57 were booked. In our study approximately 49%
births were females and 51% males. According to
socio economical class (Table 3), majority of preterm
delivery was noticed in low socioeconomic class
(84.57%) and that is of 148 out of the 175, and
remaining 15.43% from middle class.
Table: 3 Relationship of Socioeconomic class and
Preterm delivery.

No of preterm
delivery(out of175)

15.4 %
84.6 %

with Hb level < 10 g/dl (in that 25 have Hb < 8.0

According to past history 29 have previous h/o of
abortion, 20 have H/o preterm delivery and 09 have
previous H/o both.
In this study, according to creasy risk scoring system
(primi + multi) (Table 4), in that (31 +3 = 34 in low
risk), (21 + 8 = 29 in medium), (24 + 88 = 112 in
high risk).With twin pregnancy (175 + 13 = 188)
child born. Out of them 49 were still birth, 55
neonatal deaths and hence making 104 prenatal
Table: 4 Creasy scoring and distribution by
Gravida Low

Fig1: Relationship of Hb level and Preterm

According to Hb (Fig. 1) only 8 women have preterm
delivery with Hb > 10 g/dl, and rest of the women

The importance of preterm delivery as a major public

health problem is easily demonstrated by virtue of its
contribution to total perinatal mortality contributing
50% to 70% of all perinatal deaths in most data
sets.[7] Early detection of preterm labour is difficult
because initial symptoms and signs are often mild and
may occur in normal pregnancies. Thus, many
healthy women will report symptoms during routine
prenatal visits, whereas others destined for preterm
birth may dismiss the early warning signs as normal
in pregnancy. The traditional criteria for preterm
labour (persistent contractions accompanied by
progressive cervical dilatation and effacement) are
most accurate when contraction frequency is six or
more per hour, cervical dilatation is 3 cm or more,
effacement is 80% or more, membranes rupture, or
bleeding occurs. [8] Though preterm birth occurs in
approximately 5-15% of all deliveries, it accounts for
the major bulk of perinatal and especially postnatal
deaths. The risk of neonatal morbidity and mortality
mainly depends on the gestational age at delivery.
Survival rate increases with an increasing period of
gestation. In a developing country like ours, where
intensive care facilities are often unavailable,
mortality figures would be much higher at a lower
gestation period at delivery. [1] Some biochemical
markers like fetal fibronectin, the thrombin cascade,

Nalini et al.,

Int J Med Res Health Sci. 2015;4(2):269-273

In the present study of preterm delivery, 19 cases of

PET pre eclamptic toxemia, 18 cases of PROM premature rupture of membrane, 18 cases of APH
(ante partum haemorrhage), 13 cases of twin
pregnancy, 11 cases of UTI - urinary tract infection,
07 cases of Eclampsia were noticed. While some
cases of fever, heart disease, cerebral malaria,
anomalies, uterine anomaly and uterine prolapsed.
And 62 are from the unknown reason. In this study
out of 175, 13 were twin delivered.

0% Hb > 10 g/dl 5% Hb 08 - 10 g/dl

Hb < 08 g/dl




and maternal salivary estriol measured in

asymptomatic women with and without risk factors
for preterm birth. [8]
In our study majority of preterm births were in
mothers of age group 21-25 years and that was
gradually decreasing with increasing age. It is
comparable to many similar studies like Molly Phillip
et al. and Trivedi et. Al. inspite of very high incident
of prematurity among teenage patients, the total
number of patients in this group remains low because
of decreasing trend of teenage marriage and late age
of marriage. Higher incident of prematurity in the
older patients is likely to be due to malnutrition,
anemia, increase physical work load and increased
incidence of medical and obstetric complications. [9]
Also presence chorioamnionitis, bacterial vaginosis,
urinary tract infection were significantly associated
with preterm labor. [10] Fibronectin, an extracellular
matrix protein, acts as the glue that attaches the
fetal membranes to the underlying uterine decidua. A
positive fibronectin test (50 ng/mL or more) in a
patient with symptoms suggestive of preterm labor
has been associated with an increase in the likelihood
of birth before 34 weeks and birth within 714 days
of the test. [8]
In our study preterm birth in primipara, multipara and
grand multipara were 43.4%, 53.7% and 2.95%
respectively. This result is somewhat similar to other
work reported on this aspect. [11] In grand multipara it
is combined effect of parity, preexisting poor
maternal nutrition, anemia less spacing between two
pregnancies, lack of antenatal care, associated
medical and obstetric complication etc. also play a
role. The distributions of preterm births by gestational
age observed in the present study are quite
comparable to those of jose [10, 11]
The delivery probability profile incorporates data on
fetal fibronectin, cervical length by ultrasound and a
past history of preterm delivery to generate standard
pregnancy survival curves. This information might
also help in developing patient-specific strategies to
help prevent prematurity. [12]
It is observed that almost 87.5% preterm births were
from mothers with pregnancy weight of less than 55
kg. in another study from India 52.5% preterm births
were in mothers having weight of less than 45 kg.
Pre-pregnancy weight of mother and weight gain
during pregnancy also affects the birth weight. [13]

The effect of regular antenatal care on the incidence

of preterm birth observed in the present study is
compared with some of the other studies. Incidence
of preterm birth is markedly less in booked cases as
compared to unbooked cases (who attended less than
3 antenatal care or none). Greenberg noted that
prenatal care had a greater impact on pregnancy
outcome in socially disadvantages women, a group of
women who often obtain less prenatal care. [14] The
prevention can be based on at risk approach (a)
Patient at high risk of preterm labour should be
monitored carefully and (b) Patient with warning
signs will go through prophylactic treatment like
antibiotics, tocolytics, bed rest etc. to prevent preterm
The higher frequency of preterm births in lower
social class might have been due to a number of
factors. More than two thirds of the patients admitted
to our hospital are from these social classes. Secondly
those who are economically at disadvantages might
be worse off as regards health, physique, knowledge
and nutrition. Present study data and that reported by
other studies clearly indicate that socio-economic
status has got direct and profound influence in the
preterm labor and birth. [15, 16, 17]
Anemia has been documented to result in higher
incidence of low birth weight babies as well as higher
preterm births. Anemia could lead to T and B cell
suppression and resulting immune suppression could
lead to increased susceptibility to infection. [18]
Similar results are also reported by kandeparker et al.
with 54% cases having Hb less than 10.0 g%. [11]
In agreement with other studies [19] we found that
history of previous abortion and previous preterm
delivery increase the risk of preterm delivery in next
The ability of creasys score in predicting Preterm
birth is significant but it also has its limitations when
applied in Indian context, where no. of other
parameters do play a major role in predicting Preterm
birth. This study present that maternal age,
socioeconomic class, parity, past history are
important risk factors for Preterm birth. If added to
the present scoring system they will greatly improve
the predictability of the scoring system in Indian
context. Similar study was also found by another
author in India. [20]
The total perinatal deaths were 104 (49 still birth + 55
neonatal death) giving an incidence of 55.3 %

Nalini et al.,

Int J Med Res Health Sci. 2015;4(2):269-273


perinatal mortality. As compared to western studies it

is much higher. This is due to the fact that they have
lower rate of preterm birth and much better neonatal
services including intensive care units for preterm
and low birth weight babies. Regarding neonatal
death our results are comparable with Khandeparkar
el al study. [11]


Our data in this study shows the correlation with
various risk factors to the preterm birth. From the
present study, it is concluded that to make creasy risk
score more specific and effective in the Indian
context, it should be modified by giving higher score
to women with low socioeconomic status, low
pregnancy weight, physical work during pregnancy
and low maternal age. A slightly modified scoring
system needs to be devised for Indian population.
More elaborate information about the components of
the scoring system is required for understanding the
need to devise it in Indian context.




Conflict of Interest Nil



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