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1. To report on the progress achieved in 2009 as per the approved Country Programme Action Plan and
Annual Work Plan.
2. To accompany the Annual Workplan Monitoring Tool as a narrative and provide an assessment of
progress made in achieving CP outputs, challenges faced and obstacles met.

Section 1: Outcome and Output indictors reporting

Please fill in the excel file to inform us about the progress that was made in 2009. If you don‟t have the
information just write down Information not available. If for 2009 in your district you didn‟t work on this
area just right down Not Applicable.

Section 2. Summary of 2009 Programme (max 2.5 page and KEEP IT SIMPLE and TO THE POINT)
Summarize the main constraining and facilitating factors affecting implementation and the achievement of
results. Identify key lessons learned in addressing constraints and taking advantage of facilitating factors.

Output R101
A. Results of programme in 2009
Activities are conducted below ;
1. Map status of ARH in the local curricula
2. Technical assistance for ARH integration in the local curricula through workshop to integrate
ARH issue into local curricula and series of meeting to draft local curricula integrating ARH
3. Strengthen roles and functioning of mechanism DAC through regular quarterly coordination
meeting with related stakeholder on HIV and AIDS prevention
4. Strengthening roles and function of the mechanism: to promote RH, HIV/AIDS and CCS issues
through training the development of contraceptive forecasting at Jakarta, workshop; development
work plan for RH commission and development of 5 years forecasting of contraceptive.
5. Coordination meeting of CCS to strengthen mechanism for ensuring the availability of CCS
6. Advocacy workshop on the need for availability Safe Blood Supply in Hospital to support
Target 1; focal point at MONE identified and selected, guideline of integration of ARH into local
curricula endorsed, map on status of integration of ARH in the local curricula is available,
workshop ARH integration conducted in 9 district, at least 10 schools teachers in 9 district trained
as facilitators on ARH education; and “Pojok Remaja”/ “PIK-KRR” established at selected
Target 2; CCS mechanism functioned, at least 6 PAC/RH commission/CCS established, advocacy
on RHCS and RH costing to parliaments and decision makers implemented, 5 years contraceptive
forecasting developed, advocacy on selected issues take place ; local budget for contraceptive,
IERH and CEONC, roles of NGO in supporting the development programme (especially in
addressing sensitive issues : ARH, HIV/AIDS), selected PERDAs
 Diknas at district become focal point to integrate ARH into local curricula. Although, the
person recommended is not the curriculum division, he can run the activities as expected.
Series of meeting are conducted, and one workshop to integrate ARH into local curricula is

conducted, while workshop ARH guideline of integration of ARH in local curricula still in
process, map on status of integration of ARH in the local curricula is conducted on 5 sub-
district where 70% has provided ARH information to the students through integrated the
materials to the subject such as; penjaskes, religious, biology at SMP and SMA levels. There
were 5 schools selected as pilot project to integrate ARH on the subject as mentioned above
and one PIK-KRR established in schools named PIK-KRR SPP Singkawang.
 RHCS, RH commission and AIDS Commission are also functioning, Series of meeting is
conducted to make sure the organization run as well as possible. The advocacy to new
member of legislative by personal is done to make sure the local budget from that
organization. Local regulation related to RH and AIDS is discussed to support the program

B. Constraints and obstacles faced in trying to achieving the annual targets

There was a problem to integrate ARH into local curricula which caused by too much subjects were
learned by students as regularly, also based on Diknas policy, local curricula which is known by
MULOK is the additional subject for supporting the development of local government and it has to
be related to „Motto Singkawang‟, such as tourism subject, mandarin. Others, the persons as IP are
also new and rather late on stressing this issue. So, they need more technical support.

C. Lessons learned and recommendations

The central policy still needed in achievement of the issue, such as letter of inform from National
Education Minister (MONE).

Output R105
A. Results of programme in 2009
Activities are conducted below;
1. Training workshop facilitator of religious leader on RH & gender (mosleem & Christ)
2. Facilitation the integration of RH and Gender issue into religious events (moslem, Khonghucu,
3. Training on RH issue for counsellor marriage
4. Facilitation the integration of RH and Gender issue into pre-marriage counsellor
5. Study visit ulama (field visit after meeting)
6. FGD by district facilitator to sub-district to evaluate RH and Gender
Target of the year;
At least 25 religious leaders in each district and all marriage counsellors at sub-district level received
training on how to communicate RH, FP and Gender related issue to their followers and/or
prospective couples.
The number of religious leaders and counsellors marriage are increased. The religious leaders and
counsellors marriage has been received the training on issue of RH and Gender. After training they
became facilitator in religious events such as provided RH, FP and Gender in Khotbah Jum‟at for
moslem, Kultum since pasting month, group pengajian, while Christ facilitator conducted activities
on Misa. 30 facilitators spread out to sub-district and provide information about FP, RH and gender to
their followers minimum 12 times in a year, this is also done by pre-marriage counsellors who
facilitated marriage counselling to the prospective couples minimum 5 couples at each times.
The training focused on 3 sub-district (Singkawang Timur, Tengah and Selatan). The participants
contains moslem, Christ and khonghucu which is recommended by Religious Dept. Office. Based on
the target, it was founded more than 25 religious leaders in each district and all marriage counsellors
at sub-district level received training on how to communicate RH, FP and gender related issues to
their followers and/or prospective couple
B. Constraints, obstacles and opportunities faced in trying to achieving the annual targets

It was difficult to find a good trainer which caused by the request always system of recommendation
of the office, that is why betters trainers needed.

C. Lessons learned and recommendations

The central and province trainers has certificated, at least they have ever ToT training, and not
depending on determination by office recommendation.

Output R301
A. Results of programme in 2009
Activities are conducted as below;
1. Talk show radio (interactive dialogue) RH issue
2. Development IEC material (Chinese)
3. Dissemination of FP information to ethnic Tionghoa Traditional Puppet Show in religious events
(wayang gantung)
4. Training workshop on RH & gender for PLKB, bidan
5. RH and gender promotion to community group
Radio broadcasting through interactive dialogue about FP/RH/ARH/STI/HIV/AIDS/GBV (once a
week for 45 minute airing radio) is released, IEC/BCC (4000 leaflet, 2000 sticker, 1000 booklet) both
in Indonesia and Chinese language are printed and distributed to support and promote RH/FP
especially IERH and GBV prevention. The number of men, women, young people (male and female)
attended the activities promoting RH/FP/IERH/GBV through religious event or group discussion are
B. Constraints and obstacles faced in trying to achieving the annual targets
Not enough fund to conduct and integrate on promoting RH/FP/IERH,GBV into the events or
C. Lessons learned and recommendations
Sponsorship is needed, or corporate to private and big company to support the events.

Output R205
A. Results of programme in 2009
Activities are conducted as below;
1. Collecting data by DHO for mapping status of IERH at 3 PHC and EmOC/Blood Bank Supply
2. Workshop data analyse and asses the needs
3. RH monitoring and evaluation through regular meeting at puskesmas and dinkes, participation on
annual review meeting at province
4. Development of annual work plan based on analysis of puskesmas status
5. Desk review IERH at Puskesmas by DHO assist by RH facilitator
6. TA to selected puskesmas through desk review
7. Procurement of equipment and supplies to support lab services to selected puskesmas
8. Training at province for establishing VCT service
9. Establishment of network for VCT re-feral
10. Refresher training for DH facilitator in province
Target of the year;
M&E data collection, TOR RH facilitator developed, refresher training conducted, RH facilitator,
PKM developed, R&R mechanism established, equipment and supplies for PKM provided, tools
used, data collection update, CEONC training, safe blood available, MoU hospital-dinkes.
Achievements; M&E data collection is conducted after tools revised, ToR RH Facilitator developed,
refreshing training conducted, IERH 3 selected Puskesmas developed, R&R mechanism established,

equipment and supplies for Puskesmas are provided, tools used, data collection updated, CEONC
training is conducted, safe blood available, MoU among Hospital and Dinkes are released.
B. Constraints and obstacles faced in trying to achieving the annual targets
(you can mention here big issues such as lack of time, lack of commitment from politicians and policy
makers unclear targets, not enough IEC material available, better trainers needed, need for more
technical support, etc)

C. Lessons learned and recommendations

Output P101
A. Results of programme in 2009
Activities conducted are;
1. Support the publication of DDA (data compilation and data entry)
2. Dissemination of DDA with additional indicator for PDS, RH and Gender
3. Quarterly meeting for inter-sector database forum
4. Evaluation of data source at related sector and analyse the quality data
5. Estimation of indicators
6. Refreshing training to improve the quality of data RH, Population and Gender based on
evaluation of data source
7. Training on data utilization for planners and policy makers from related sector
Target 1; 75% of identified indicators of disaggregated data on Statistical Year Book.
Achievement; 87,5% of identified indicators of disaggregated data on Statistical Year Book. 18
indicators from 22 indicator as target on population data is released, 17 from 19 indicator as
target on Reproductive Health is released, and 13 from 15 indicators as targeted on Gender are
released on the Statistical Year Book .
Target2; 75% of planners and policy makers trained on utilizing available data for development
Achievement; there are 35 persons policy makers and 53 persons planners in Singkawang, it
means 88 persons. There were only 17 persons trained. Only 20% planners and policy makers
trained on utilizing available data for development plan. 70% showed on pre-test and 81% on

B. Constraints and obstacles faced in trying to achieving the annual targets

Lack of time which caused by the activities are conducted at the end of the year, while at the same
time the policy makers and planners were very busy on their work and activities.

C. Lessons learned and recommendations

Better communication and confirmation among related sector are expected, especially in scheduling
of the activities.

Output G101
A. Results of programme in 2009
Activities are conducted as below;
1. In house training at 2 polsek; how to provide services with gender and victims perspective, code
of conduct, service mechanism, referral system and R&R system
2. Improvement of facility at polres and polsek
3. In house training at 2 puskesmas
4. Counselling training for women organisation (PKK) using PKK simulation module for domestic
5. TA from district PKK to sub-district PKK

6. Case management meeting at subdistrict level (evaluation, SOP, referral mechanism and R&R by
each GBV service provider in 2 polsek, 2 PKM and PKK district
7. Evaluation meeting of Pokja PKTP/KBG/P2TP2A at district level
8. Workshop to implement SOP in handling GBV including referral system and reporting at district
9. Workshop to build commitment to handle GBV (involve religious leaders, community leaders,
GBV service providers, relevant sectors) at district level
10. Workshop ensuring knowledge and understanding of VAW, include integrated services for GBV
victim to all GBV service provider at district (PPT, PKK, Puskesmas, PPA polres,Polsek) and
relevant sectors
11. Duplication of R&R forms in each GBV service providers at 2 sub-district & district
Target of the year;
The three service points (medical, law-enforcement, shelter/psychosocial assistance) in district
are functioning in deliver an integrated minimum standard assistance to victims/survivors of
GBV, GBV prevention and management include monitoring and evaluation system are integrated
and functioning to related sector work plans and local budget.
The two (2) Puskesmas , two (2) Polsek, two (2) psychosocial /PKK at sub-district level
(Singkawang Timur and Selatan) are functioning in conducting prevention and handling GBV,
R&R standard format is used by providers services, networking system in GBV
prevention/management both district and sub-district level providers services are established,
GBV forum named FKPSM (Forum Komunikasi Pekerja Sosial Masyarakat) which included in
P2TP2A are established and supported with place as operational and shelter,
structure/membership, roles and function, source of operational budget and work plan, SOP on
GBV prevention/management developed, 1 draft perda on trafficking drafted

B. Constraints and obstacles faced in trying to achieving the annual targets

Not enough IEC material about GBV, domestic violence, trafficking available at providers services
can make the communities got difficulties to access the service needed.

C. Lessons learned and recommendations

Domestic violence and trafficking was found difficulty in prevention/management which caused by
the culture of the area, so the better way is needed.

Section 3: Monitoring

Summarize what knowledge and insights you have gained from monitoring activities conducted in the course
of the year and assess how this knowledge was used to improve project performance (keep it short and to the
Monitoring activities are conducted to know how far the action plan released by implementing partner. Based
on visit 1 at quarter 2 and visit 2 at quarter 4, it was found that;
 Resources persons recommended sometimes is not proper to support the training or workshop, so the
quality of training or workshop unsatisfied.
 Lack of preparation before conducting the meeting/training or workshop, so the minute meeting, pre
and pos-test sheet, feedback from participants sometime missing or forgotten
 Un adequate time in submission of the report even the commitment has been made together, IP
always late and obey deadline
 List of participant invited in the meeting/training/workshop and no expedition in delivering invitation
letter made unexpected participant attended the activities and just coming as a good listeners.
 The authorization of financial report by IPs are good enough, valuable and can be proved on the truth.

Section 4: Trainings and workshops all components:

1. How many people were trained for each output? (if not available just write down NA)
Indicator Planned to be Actually trained
Output trained
Male Female Total
5 years contraceptive 1 0 1
forecasting developed Training in Jakarta (1
R101 in 21 districts person)

The number of men, 30 0 30

women and young
people attended
activities promoting
RH/FP especially
IERH and prevention
of GBV Training for PLKB,
R301 midwives (25 persons)
The number of men, 14 21 35
women and young
people attended training for PNPM,
activities promoting PLKB, midwives,
RH/FP especially religious and
IERH and prevention community leaders
of GBV (35 persons)
At least 25 religious Training workshop 19 11 30
leaders in each district Facilitator of religious
and all marriage leader on RH &
R105 counsellors at sub- Gender (islam &

district level received Christ) (30 persons)
training on how to
communicate RH, FP
and Gender related
issues to their
followers and/or
prospective couples

At Least 25 religious 18 7 25
leaders in each district
and all marriage
counsellors at sub-
district level received
training on how to
communicate RH, FP
and Gender related
issues to their Training on RH Issue
followers and/or for counsellors
prospective couples marriage
(25 persons)
At least 3 Puskesmas 1 5 6
in 9 selected districts
provide IERH services
for respective Training at province
puskesmas are for establishing VCT
identified service (6 persons)
At least 3 Puskesmas 0 6 6
in 9 selected districts
provide IERH services Refresher training for
for respective District Health
puskesmas are Facilitator in Province
identified (6 persons)

Sub-national 14 2 16
Statistical Year Book
(Province/District in
Figures/DDA) in each
district and province
disaggregated data on
reproductive health, Refreshing Training to
adolescent Improve The Quality
reproductive health, of Data on RH,
STIs including Population and
HIV/AIDS, gender, Gender based on
and poverty and is evaluation of data
available for planning sources (16 person)
P101 and program


Sub-national 13 4 17
Statistical Year Book
(Province/District in
Figures/DDA) in each
district and province
disaggregated data on
reproductive health,
reproductive health,
STIs including
HIV/AIDS, gender,
and poverty and is Training on data
available for planning utilization for planners
and program and policy makers
implementation. from related sectors
(25 persons)
The three (3) service 8 12 20
points (medical, law-
enforcement, In house training at 2
shelter/psycho-social POLSEK: how to
assistance) in 18 provide services with
priority sub districts (9 gender & victims
districts/municipal) perspective, code of
are functioning in conduct, service
deliver an integrated– mechanism, referral
minimum standard system and R&R
assistance to system (Polsek Skw
victims/survivors of Timur & Skw Selatan)
GBV (20 persons)
The three (3) service 12 28 40
points (medical, law-
enforcement, In house training at 2
shelter/psycho-social PUSKESMAS: how
assistance) in 18 to provide services
priority sub districts (9 with gender & victims
districts/municipal) perspective, code of
are functioning in conduct, service
deliver an integrated– mechanism, referral
minimum standard system and R&R
assistance to system (PKM Skw
victims/survivors of Timur, Selatan) (20x2
GBV = 40 persons)

The three (3) service Counsellor training 4 21 25

points (medical, law- for women

enforcement, organization (PKK)
shelter/psycho-social using the PKK
assistance) in 18 simulation module for
priority sub districts (9 domestic violence (2
districts/municipal) sub districts and
are functioning in district) (PKK
deliver an integrated– Singkawang, PKK
minimum standard Skw Timur, Selatan
assistance to )(25 persons)
victims/survivors of

2. How many workshops/trainings/meetings were held in 2009

Workshops Coordination Total
Trainings meetings
R101 3 1 8 12

R301 2 2 4 8

R105 0 2 5 7

R205 5 2 8 15

P101 1 2 4 7

G101 3 3 6 12
Programme Management (such as 1 4 5
quarterly coordination meeting with
Bappeda and PPMs 0

SECTION 4. Financial implementation

Output Budget Expenses Rate
R101 99,875,000 65,804,000 66%
R301 163,350,000 96,450,000 59%
R105 83,025,000 87,425,000 105%
R205 340,247,000 372,512,000 109%
P101 101,035,000 93,435,000 92%
G101 217,000,000 217,000,000 100%
Total 1,004,532,000 932,626,000 93%

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