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Prescribing Exercise for Frail Elders

John M. Heath, MD, and Marian R. Stuart, PhD

Background: Frail elders often have chronic illnesses, such as osteoarthritis, hypertension, diabetes,
and peripheral vascular disease, for which exercise is a proven means of achieving nonpharmacologic
benefits, even at advanced age. Exercise has been shown to enhance the quality of life for these elders.
Methods: A literature search of exercise literature applied to older adults and lifestyle modifications
was conducted, summarized, and then reviewed with practicing colleagues.
Results and Conclusions: Exercise continues to be an underused therapeutic intervention for frail
elders as a result of barriers created by patients themselves, their caregivers, and their health care pro-
viders. Family physicians can overcome these barriers by prescribing appropriate exercises and by tai-
loring the exercise to the functional needs and preferences of their patients. An exercise prescription
for frail elders is based on a pragmatic strategy that makes therapeutic exercise both sustainable and
safe. Such a strategy incorporates motivational elements and knowledge of achievable benefits. (J Am
Board Fam Pract 2002;15:218 –28.)

This article reviews why exercise should be consid- bility and safety, which are critical to functional
ered for frail elders both as a general lifestyle en- independence.4
hancement and as a targeted disease state interven- In addition to its potential for improving general
tion and suggests strategies for family physicians to measures of health, exercise can be a specific ther-
increase the exercise activities of their patients. apeutic intervention for the many accumulated
Inactivity increases with aging. Although about chronic illness of frail elders. These diseases in-
one half of the overall population reports doing clude osteoarthritis, diabetes, peripheral vascular
some routine exercise activities, only 30% of those diseases, coronary heart disease and congestive
aged 65 and older report any regular exercise.1 This heart failure, obesity, and depression.4 Targeted
inactivity is in stark contrast to current recommen- exercise interventions for such conditions are com-
dations of 30 minutes of activity on most days of monly recommended for the affected younger pa-
the week.2 Exercise encouragement was an impor- tient populations and should also be considered for
tant element of Healthy People 2000,3 which sought frail elderly patients.
to enhance public health awareness. A target goal of Although there has been a shift from viewing
the initiative was that 50% of primary care provid- exercise as the purview of fit athletes and those
ers counsel all their patients on exercise. This issue participating in organized sports toward its use in
is not only important for young elders, it also ap- achieving improved health and well-being for ev-
plies to frail elders for whom dramatic changes in eryone, family physicians will encounter several
outcome measures have resulted from exercise in- barriers to motivating frail elders to exercise. These
terventions even at advanced age. These benefits patients’ overall level of functioning has decreased
include the direct measures of enhanced muscle as the result of one or more chronic conditions, and
mass, cardiovascular endurance, and bone density exercise is seldom considered either by the older
changes, and such indirect measures as greater mo- adults themselves or by their health care providers.5
Barriers to exercise for this patient population in-
clude a lack of knowledge about the documented
benefits of exercise in older patient populations,
Submitted, revised 26 July 2001.
From the Department of Family Medicine (JMH, MRS), attitudes about the appropriateness of physical ex-
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, University of Med- ercise for older adults, and environmental factors
icine and Dentistry of New Jersey, New Brunswick. Address
reprint requests to John M. Heath, MD, One RWJ Place,
that do not encourage exercise.6 Understanding
Box 19, New Brunswick, NJ 08903-0019. and responding to overcome those barriers are key

218 JABFP May–June 2002 Vol. 15 No. 3

to mobilizing these elderly patients.7 Family phy- whom stair climbing was considered well beyond
sicians then have to assess their patients’ capabili- their functional capacity, a structured strength-
ties for exercise and help develop corresponding training program using resistance exercise of upper
exercise regimens that their patients will be moti- extremities dramatically improved spontaneous ac-
vated to undertake. tivity.15

Exercise Benefits Noninstitutionalized Frail Elders

Although some of the same outcomes for institu-
A detailed literature search of multiple databases
tionalized frail elders have been found in studies of
was conducted using key words such as “exercise
exercise in community-based frail elders—notably
benefits,” “exercise motivation,” “lifestyle modifi-
improved sleep derived from a modest aerobic ex-
cation,” and “frail elderly.” The results were sum-
ercise routine16—many more exercise studies re-
marized, and then reviewed for clinical relevancy
porting effectiveness have centered on disease
and practical implementation with a group of prac-
states. Osteoarthritis is a major morbidity factor for
ticing clinicians caring for frail older adults in mul-
frail elders for which exercise is a specific therapeu-
tiple settings.
tic intervention.17 Exercise intervention trials for
knee osteoarthritis have shown significant reduc-
Benefits of Exercise for Frail Elders tions in disability using resistance training that fo-
Many studies have examined the benefits of exer- cused on increasing muscle strength and modest
cise in frail elders living in skilled nursing facilities, aerobic exercise that centered on motion.18,19 The
where it is convenient to conduct and assess the positive effects of either exercise modality speaks to
effect of group-centered interventions.8 –11 These the positive effects that any form of exercise can
institutionalized populations, who often have vary- have if sustained even for a relatively short time.
ing degrees of cognitive impairment, can be chal- Specifically, for underlying conditions such as os-
lenging both when trying to establish motivation teoarthritis, increased mobilization of the affected
for exercise and when creating opportunities for joints, when done in a safe manner, has resulted in
group reinforcement and participation. Study vari- the same pain reduction and enhanced mobility as
ables on which exercise interventions have had an has physical hydrotherapy.20
impact include those directly related to the exercise The FAST study—Fitness and Seniors Trial—
itself— changes in mobility or strength. More indi- was a landmark study examining the effects of three
rect but perhaps more functionally relevant benefits forms of exercise intervention compared with a
also accrue from exercise, such as improved sleep, sedentary intervention for four groups of older
physical function, and overall well-being of the adults with osteoarthritis.21 An important feature of
participants.12 this study, which examined pain and disability as
One major intervention study used daytime arm well as radiographic changes, was its 18 months’
and leg exercises, conducted in a supervised group duration. No form of exercise was clearly superior,
setting, as a means to improve the sleep of nursing but when compared with the sedentary group, all
home residents. The investigators found that par- exercise groups did show strong improvements to
ticipants’ quality and quantity of sleep improved by their well-being and in their arthritis outcome
about 40% during subsequent nighttime observa- markers. An important message from this study was
tions.13 Another institutionally based study exam- that any form of exercise— general aerobic activi-
ined the effect of weight-training on strength and ties, muscle strengthening using resistance training,
stair climbing in a selected group of very old (mean range-of-motion activities focused across an af-
age 87 years) nursing home residents.14 Partici- fected arthritic joint— can produce important ther-
pants assigned to the intervention group had en- apeutic benefits in an elderly population. The par-
hanced overall mobility compared with the control ticular form of exercise in arthritis patients appears
group, for whom only a socialization intervention less important than that exercise has occurred.
was provided. This study provides the best evidence
that exercise can produce short-term, highly rele- Preventing Falls and Their Sequelae
vant improvements for even the oldest frail elder. Exercise is highly relevant to prevention of falls
In another group of nursing home patients for among frail community-dwelling elders. A collab-

Exercise for Frail Elders 219

orative intervention study, Frailty and Injuries: Co- need to address environmental and psychological
operative Studies of Intervention Techniques or factors that, when combined with physical health,
FICSIT,22 was developed in an attempt to assess determine disability.31
the impact of exercise in reducing falls. Many of the
eight clinical FICSIT trials assessed the efficacy Psychological Benefits from Exercise
and feasibility of exercise intervention strategies, Regular exercise has been shown to provide such
including exercise and balance training, for nonin- psychological benefits as preserving cognitive func-
stitutionalized elders through either home-based or tion, alleviating depression, and improving a sense
group-supervised exercise. Collectively the FICSIT of personal control and self-efficacy.32 Studies in
trials were successful in achieving significant reduc- older adults have found psychological benefits from
tions in the incidence of falls.23 Incorporating spe- exercise at a variety of intensity levels and set-
cific balance training into fall-prevention exercises tings.33 Both high-intensity and moderate-intensity
was believed to be important. Tai chi, a popular strength training have been shown to improve
Asian mode of exercise that emphasizes balance as mood significantly and reduce symptoms of anxi-
well as psychological and spiritual factors, has been ety.34 Whereas exercise improves functional fitness
studied as a particularly successful strategy for fall (flexibility, coordination, agility, strength and en-
prevention. In addition to reducing the frequency durance, and cardiorespiratory endurance) and
of falling, participants in tai chi programs enhanced overall psychological well-being, in a randomized
their lower extremity strength, increased their controlled trial of 124 community-living post-
overall physical activities, and had positive cardio- menopausal women, exercise was shown specifically
vascular responses.24,25 Greater daily mobility to lower the intensity of back pain.35
could be critical for the prevention of future falls, In a randomized controlled study of major de-
and increasing activities requiring some degree of pression in 156 older patients, 16 weeks of exercise
mobility is an important lifestyle modification to treatment was as effective in relieving symptoms as
enhance the health and well-being of frail elders.26 was treatment with antidepressants.36 In a careful
Strengthening the quadriceps might also be im- follow-up study, patients who were exercising had a
portant in reducing the number of falls.27 Even in relapse rate that was significantly less than for pa-
90-year-old participants, resistance training leads tients receiving medication with the exercise inter-
to enhanced muscle mass, doubling of strength, and vention.37 The implication from this study, which
greater independence in activities of daily living. It advocates the integrative treatment of geriatric
has been suggested that the benefits of exercise in depression, is that symptomatic improvement in
fall prevention might be related in part to enhanced depression can be enhanced through exercise.
proprioception in the lower extremities, which has Exercise-enhanced improvement in quality of life
been found to occur after an exercise regimen.28 also occurs in normal states of psychological health
The previous discussion has focused on the in which exercise and leisure activity are predictive
physical benefits of exercise that are directly rele- of perceived better health and greater life satisfac-
vant for older frail patients. The many physiologic tion.38
advantages of preventing cardiovascular disease, re-
ducing insulin resistance, reducing blood pressure, Therapeutic Benefits from Low-Intensity Exercise
and improving hyperlipidemia in the general pop- A common misconception is that exercise must be
ulation can also benefit frail elders.29,30 Most med- performed at high intensity for therapeutic bene-
ical conditions, however, are treated with pharma- fit.32 Although a substantial body of literature has
cotherapy for maximal improvement. Interventions been written on the intensity of aerobic activity and
directed toward improving functional capabilities, the corresponding degree of fitness, this approach
such as avoiding falls or increasing upper extremity to exercise does not apply to outcomes of greatest
range of motion (which enhances dressing and relevance to frail elders. A sedentary older person
bathing), would have a more direct impact on the need not achieve an arbitrary degree of oxygen
daily well-being of frail elders. Studies showing that consumption to improve standing ability from a
exercise reduces disability in this target population lower leg-strengthening exercise. The resting heart
are limited, in part because of the short duration of rate does not need to be elevated for a bed-bound
most intervention trials, and in part because of the frail nursing home patient to improve dressing and

220 JABFP May–June 2002 Vol. 15 No. 3

bathing abilities from a range-of-motion and have shown dismal results; physicians tend to un-
stretching routine. Even for the noninstitutional- derestimate their patients’ sense of self-worth and
ized, ambulatory elder who wishes to begin an preserved life meaning.46,47
aerobic exercise program to improve cardiovascular Another important, often-cited barrier is the
conditioning, the intensity of the exercise program limited success health care providers anticipate
should focus on long-term sustainability and enjoy- when promoting lifestyle changes such as exercise.
ment to achieve an optimal overall outcome.39 This expectation is partly because health promo-
tion activities have a delayed impact in the elderly.
A Finnish study examining exercise motivations for
Appropriateness of Exercise for Frail Elders community-dwelling seniors found that health pro-
Health concerns were the most common barrier to motion was the single, most often cited reason for
regular exercise in studies examining the reasons continuing participation in physical exercise 8 years
older adults do not engage in more physical activ- later.48 Even in the shorter term, physicians can
ities.40,41 This finding underscores the importance effect positive change in their patient’s level of
of family physicians’ promoting appropriate exer- physical activity. In a controlled trial, 225 sedentary
cise as beneficial rather than as potentially harmful. adults from 17 physicians’ office practices re-
This personal interaction between physician and sponded to a brief (3- to 5-minute) physician-
patient is distinct from public health concerns for delivered exercise intervention, combined with a
greater overall exercise participation of the popu- follow-up telephone call reinforcing the exercise
lation. message, by significantly increasing their rates of
The older frail population is predominately fe- walking.49 Attitudinal research among elders out-
male. For older frail female patients, another bar- side health care settings has found that older adults
rier about exercise is the attitude that women do see physical fitness as a way of achieving their
not exercise.42 Expectations for physical exertion desired functional independence.50
for women were in transition during the mid 20th Physicians can support patients who are starting
century, and the considerable gap between orga- exercise efforts, and they can apply the stages of
nized sports available to men compared with change model described below to counsel other
women is only now being narrowed. Widespread patients who are not yet considering exercise. Such
growth in individual fitness activities for women, a strategy might be especially effective in overcom-
such as organized aerobic classes, occurred during ing attitudinal barriers when personalized exercise
the late 1960s and early 1970s.43 As studies have advocated by health professionals is supported by
shown, muscle strength in women is related to and consistent with the broader public health mes-
physical activity in earlier life, and the greater levels sages promoting exercise. Even the increased mo-
of physical fitness and routine exercise enjoyed cur- bility achieved by institutionalized frail elders who
rently by aging cohorts of women will be helpful in have received simple exercise interventions can en-
the future.44 hance their quality of life.51
An ageist attitude that frail elders either cannot
be trained or would not want to exercise is not
justified. The documented gains in both strength Exercise Environments for Frail Elders
and endurance during short-term intervention tri- Limited equipment and exercise space are often-
als have repeatedly proved that those who are in cited reasons for not exercising by some patients,
their 70s and 80s can achieve benefits from physical both old and young. Other common barriers in-
training. In a controlled study of home-based clude competing time demands from other activi-
strengthening exercises, positive outcome measures ties (which frequently can involve caring for an-
included both the expected enhanced muscular other, frailer adult), lack of a safe place to exercise,
strength and increased confidence in movement.45 self-consciousness about physical appearance, fear
Establishing a positive attitude toward physical ac- of injury, and the lack of a partner. Many issues
tivity for older frail elders might help then derive cited by older adults were classified as external
ultimate benefit from exercise. Most studies exam- factors in a British study examining lifestyle
ining how accurately health care providers predict changes.52 Participants at the start of the study
their frail elders’ values and attitudes toward health were asked to list perceived barriers that prevented

Exercise for Frail Elders 221

them from adopting an exercise routine. These confidence and for improving cardiovascular pa-
barriers were then classified as either internal fac- rameters. Noncardiac limitations to starting phys-
tors, issues relating to their own feelings or atti- ical exercise include the immediate hypoxic period
tudes, or external barriers such as those cited above. after a pulmonary emboli, retinal detachment, and
In the follow-up survey, the older adults who made unstable cervical spinal conditions.55
the greatest changes in incorporating routine exer-
cise into their lives were those who had reported Minimizing Risk
external factors as barriers. The implication from The more common concerns for family physicians
this and other studies is that it is easier for older when recommending exercise arise from the need
adults to overcome environmental barriers than to to assess cardiovascular risks induced by exertion.
overcome will power barriers to exercise.53 Graded exercise stress testing is the standard ap-
When responding to environmental barriers proach to younger patients who have cardiovascu-
raised by patients, it is important that physicians lar risk factors, such as diabetes or hypertension.56
advocate adapting the exercise to the setting and Recent guidelines suggest that for patients plan-
the time of day the older adult wants to exercise. ning low-intensity exercise— heart rates remain be-
There will be frail elders who have the requisite low 60% of the predicted maximal rate (220 beats
mobility, financial resources, and motivation to go per minute minus the patient’s age)—the physician
to an exercise facility, and gyms and athletic clubs can use clinical judgment to recommend an exer-
are required by law to accommodate the physical cise stress test.4 When a patient starts exercising,
limitations of their membership. For most frail which for most frail elders will focus on strength-
elders, however, exercise needs to take place in the ening or range-of-motion stretching, monitoring
home, senior center, place of worship, or institu- for early adverse symptoms can serve as a stress test.
tional living setting. The latter includes both tra- The level of exertion observed by both patient and
ditional skilled nursing homes and assisted living or caregivers might be the best way to assess initial
other congregate housing. Many assisted and com- exercise intensity during this period. It is especially
munal living facilities have dedicated common important to avoid exhaustion, which is a negative
spaces for exercise activities and have made great reinforcement to exercise.
efforts to integrate exercise into their residents’ After an exercise regimen has been incorporated
daily routine. Physician advocacy can support these into the patient’s routine, heart rate monitoring can
efforts and promote accommodation of a variety of provide the patient and involved caregivers feed-
exercises. A key element of organized exercise back about exercise intensity. In the absence of
classes is the opportunity for socialization, which is cardiac or respiratory symptoms, a maximum heart
considered to be important for older patients to rate of 60% to 75% of the predicted maximum
sustain exercise participation.54 heart rate should be set as a ceiling. Any exercise
intensity that increases the baseline resting heart
rate is desirable. For older patients who want more
Exercise Participation Assessment sustained aerobic forms of exercise and who can
There are few absolute contraindications for exer- monitor their pulse rate, formal stress testing might
cise by frail elders. Chief among these contraindi- be appropriate after an exercise routine has been
cations is severe heart disease, such as unstable established and increased intensity has been pro-
coronary artery disease or recent myocardial infarc- posed.54
tion, congestive heart failure that has progressed to Table 1 lists safety concerns associated with
dyspnea at rest, tachyarrhythmias induced by activ- other diseases and conditions commonly encoun-
ity, and critical aortic stenosis.55 Any condition that tered in the frail elderly population for whom ex-
becomes symptomatic with minimal activity be- ercise should be considered.
yond the routine activities of daily living would
preclude meaningful exercise. It is important, how- Cognitive Impairment and Exercise
ever, to recognize that with less advanced disease, For many frail elders living in institutional settings,
exercise can provide dramatic benefits for most cognitive impairment, such as Alzheimer disease, is
patients with heart disease. In fact, exercise can be a major factor contributing to their frailty. Al-
beneficial both for increasing self-assurance and though the impaired memory, judgment, and in-

222 JABFP May–June 2002 Vol. 15 No. 3

Table 1. Common Medical Limitations for Exercise by Frail Elders.
Limitation Recommended Management

Heart disease Electronic heart rate monitoring (by self or supervisor)

Clearly established initial goals (eg, mobility over fitness)
Availability of nitrates
Chronic respiratory condition Oximetry monitoring
Adequate oxygen tubing length, comfortable mask or cannula
Cognitive impairment Supervision of mobility
Limited concurrent sensory input during exercise
Diabetes Consistent use of insulin injection sites
Pre- and post-exercise home glucose monitoring
Availability of hypoglycemic corrective measures
Osteoarthritis Strength training along functional planes of motion, (avoiding rotational stresses)
Reduce weight-bearing loads
Pre- and post-exercise hot or cold packs to affected joints
Sensory impairment Consistent use of adaptive devices before start of exercise
Center movement around a fixed reference or support point
Low-frequency musical impulses for rhythmic exercise

sight associated with such dementias complicate There are documented benefits from having the
patients’ participation in exercise programs, these mode of exercise incorporate movement for bal-
conditions should not be considered contraindica- ance and flexibility, both of which are major factors
tions for participation in supportive and supervised in fall prevention.23 Once aerobic movement is
exercise activities. Cognitively impaired persons established and becomes routine, increasing the
have been incorporated successfully into facility- intensity by adding various forms of resistance
based supervised movement and exercise programs training can increase the strength of the involved
with positive outcomes.4,57 muscle groups. Resistance training can include
elastic bands of various tensile strengths, as well as
Prescribing Exercise for Frail Elders the more typical metal dumbbells or plastic-formed
The traditional elements of an exercise prescription weights filled with sand or water. Using weights in
can be applied to frail elders: mode of exercise, the form of hand-held drinking bottles filled with
intensity of exercise, and frequency of exercise.15 A water can provide a motivation for continued hy-
fourth element—progression—is often included dration, which is important with outdoors exercise.
but is less important in those for whom the primary The initial frequency of an exercise routine for
goal is not aerobic fitness. Likewise, exercise inten- frail elders can be as short as 6 minutes, repeated
sity might focus on establishing an upper level of throughout day. Whereas younger and more mo-
endurance rather than a specific threshold. bile patients might consider exercise as a single
The variety of exercise modes appropriate for defined event, shorter and more frequent exercise
frail elders depends on preserved functional skills, periods might be more feasible for frail elders,
available resources, and perhaps most importantly, whose schedules often allow more flexibility. Daily,
those forms of exercise that offer the most enjoy- specific exercise periods promote optimum sustain-
ment and can be sustained. Pain-free range of mo- ability, although documented benefits in frail elders
tion is key to all three factors. If whole body move- have resulted from as little as 30 cumulative min-
ment is not possible initially, the patient should utes of exercise a week. Exercise as a group activity
start with isolated upper and lower extremity move- encourages both socialization and peer reinforce-
ments from a stationary position. There is no com- ment.58
pelling evidence that endurance exercises (eg, aer- When family physicians discuss the various
obic activities) are better than resistance training modes of exercise for their frail elderly patient, it is
(eg, weights) for elderly patients, so a combination important to address explicitly the pleasurable as-
of approaches can be appropriate. pects of an exercise to help make it sustainable.

Exercise for Frail Elders 223

Table 2. Linking Potential Exercise Modes with Relevant Functional Limitations for Frail Elders.
Functional Limitation Precautions and Exercise Modes

Basic activities of daily living

Mobility and transferring
Walker use Chair arms available for seated resistance training
Ensuring secure match between walker tips and floor surface for walking
Wheelchair use Truncal and upper body motion and resistance training

Dressing and bathing

Shoulder range of motion restricted Pre-exercise local heat and active stretching
Truncal motion limited Seated, non-weight-bearing rotational motion

Continence and toileting Prompted voiding before and after exercise

Bladder-strengthening exercise (eg, Kegel exercises)
Vaginal weights for enhanced pubococcygeal muscle tone
Feeding Prompted fluids during and after exercise session

Instrumental activities of daily living

Communication Proactive postexercise interview and assessment
Medication management Time dosing of selected agents (eg, diuretic medications)
Transportation In-home mobility and strengthening options
Shopping and housekeeping Simple footwear and loose clothing requirements

Pleasure can be derived from the environment in caregivers and other health care providers. Table 4
which the exercise will be conducted (eg, access to provides some guidance to support prescribing ex-
music, companionship, etc). Exercise can be inte- ercise.
grated into a daily routine by proactively eliminat-
ing barriers to activities of daily living (eg, having a
toilet available, creating a safe walking environ- Specific Conditions Requiring Special
ment). Further examples of exercise modes appear Consideration
in Table 2 and in the discussion of specific disease Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, such as
states and functional limitations. chronic bronchitis and emphysema, are common
Table 3 provides an outline of suggested exercise conditions for which exercising specific breathing
prescriptions adapted for a frail elderly population. musculature and general skeletal muscles can result
Although a written prescription of physician rec- in major improvements in disease status. The lim-
ommendations might reinforce adherence, it alone iting factor of breathlessness might require that
is unlikely to effect change without the accompa- oxygen desaturation be monitored during activity.
nying personal involvement of the patient’s own Pulse oximeters attached to the finger tip can

Table 3. Components of an Exercise Prescription for Frail Elders.

Exercise Component Examples

Intent: this exercise program will help my . . . . Circulation problems, heart condition, breathing condition,
diabetic glucose control, arthritis, etc
Exercise type (mode): I agree to start this type of exercise Strengthening arm and leg muscles
Balance practices
Stretching neck and back muscles, etc
Dose (endurance): I agree to try this amount of exercise 10 minutes each session, I breath comfortably from my
mouth, my heart rate reaches about beats per minute,
my oxygen saturation level is at
Frequency: I agree to try to do this exercise this often Every morning at breakfast, every time my aide comes, before
my nightly dessert, before my bath, during my favorite
radio or TV show, etc

224 JABFP May–June 2002 Vol. 15 No. 3

Table 4. Ways to Encourage and Reinforce Exercise for Frail Elderly Patients.
Recommendation Example

Make it fun Add music and movement to exercise environment

Link exercise to other pleasurable or positive events, eg, favorite radio or television show, pre-bath activity
Make it social Promote exercise in groups whenever possible; if not possible, create virtual groups using videotapes
Seek out an exercise partner for mutual support and encouragement
Make it sustainable Advocate for affordable exercise modes
Advocate for brief, dedicated time period(s) for exercise daily
Make it a priority Explicitly validate exercise as a prescribed health intervention
Enlist reinforcement from other health care providers and from family or caregivers

record heart rate as well as measure the level of weight-bearing load over the affected joint is re-
oxygen saturation. Having supplemental oxygen duced and when the range of motion is maintained
available where the patient will be exercising is also to avoid painful rotational joint stresses.60 Exercis-
recommended. ing in water provides the greatest reduction of
Patients who have ischemic heart disease also weight over the joint, although nonaquatic pro-
can benefit from breathlessness assessment by grams that support the joint against gravity also are
monitoring oxygen levels at the start of routine helpful. For example, knee resistance exercise
exercise activities. In addition, nitrates in either might be done while lying on one’s side on a pad-
spray form or sublingual tablets should be imme- ded surface, with the lower leg sliding along the
diately available. Finally, electronic pulse monitor- surface. For weight-bearing exercise, wedge insoles
ing, either by the patient or by a supervisor, can or other forms of unloading orthotic devices de-
ensure that the intensity of exercise does not result signed to alter the alignment of stresses on the joint
in excess tachycardia. might have a disease-modifying effect for those
Diabetic patients who require insulin need to be who have osteoarthritis of the knee.61 Splints that
aware of the potential for hypoglycemia during limit range of motion to specific planes and prevent
exercise training and during the hours after cessa- hyperflexion of an impaired joint can also be used
tion of exercise. Patients should not exercise if their with muscle-strengthening exercises.
blood glucose levels exceed 250 to 300 mg/dL, and
blood glucose levels should be monitored before
and after exercise. High-carbohydrate foods should Physician’s Role in Motivating Exercise
be available.59 These patients should wear an iden- Given that benefits are possible from exercise and
tification tag or other means to alert those around that barriers to exercise can be overcome, how can
them of their diabetic status should they become the family physician motivate their elderly patients
unresponsive after their exercise period. Diabetic to begin exercising? One commonly used technique
patients with peripheral neuropathy need to take is to assess their patient’s readiness to start exercis-
precautions with their footwear during weight- ing according to their stage of change. The trans-
bearing activities. Weight-bearing activities such as theoretical model of change postulates there are
treadmill or step exercise are relatively contraindi- five distinct cognitive stages that must be resolved
cated, whereas general aerobic activates without when contemplating a change in lifestyle or habit:
weight bearing (eg, rowing, chair-based strength- precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, ac-
ening) are recommended. Physicians should also tion, and maintenance. The first step is to deter-
consider the temperature of the environment in mine whether patients have thought about incor-
which diabetic frail elders (and other frail elderly porating some form of regular exercise into their
patients) will be exercising. Nursing homes in par- lives, ie, whether they have moved from the pre-
ticular might need to ensure that the room used for contemplative stage to the contemplative stage.62
exercise not be overly heated to the temperature Once the decision to exercise has been made, the
required for sedentary activities. preparation stage includes planning for the exercise
Osteoarthritis of knees or hips will benefit most routine, seeking companions, arranging the sched-
from both resistance and aerobic exercise when the ule, and setting a start date. The next stage is

Exercise for Frail Elders 225

action, in which the patient engages in the new entary lifestyles. The increased vitality, strength,
behavior. Finally the maintenance stage guards flexibility, balance, and general sense of well-being
against relapses and promotes continuation of the that can be achieved through this intervention will
activity until it becomes habitual. reward patient and physician alike.

The Patients’ View References

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be quite different from what the physician expects Prevention and Health Promotion. Pittsburgh: Pres-
the patient to gain from exercise. While a physician ident’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, 1996.
might advocate exercise to increase energy in a 2. Pate RR, Pratt M, Blair SN, et al. Physical activity
fatigued patient, expending energy to increase en- and public health. A recommendation from the Cen-
ters for Disease Control and Prevention and the
ergy might not make sense to the patient and there-
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