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Expected outcomes in the forum (20 points):

How will the education system change by 2050?

I think that education in the year 2050 could be virtual. The people study
from their homes by means of electronic devices that facilitate even more
learning. The educational infrastructure passed into the background as not
necessary will leave home to learn.

What will a smart grid make in human beings by 2050?

The humans will create more intelligent devices that allow you to manage all
using a button. There are already devices that by means of orders control
lights, doors, cars. The business, shopping, work, fun, will be controlled by
intelligent devices that humans invented.

How will mass media be in future?

The Internet will continue to radically transform media, destroying the
traditional model of what a news organization. The most big companies
news will be changed by small alliances of people who from their homes will
be able to make reports.

Will global warming have any importance to have a better life in future?

I think that global warming if it would help to have a better life for the future,
because in the future people will know of the damage to the environment
and they will tried to repair the damage. The people will have civic culture,
the people will recycle and they will take care of the water, also, the human
will help the planet.

What will people know more about health?

We live a little more today, it is possible that we will be able to extend the
welfare and shorten the decline and disability for people as they age. The
therapies will be much more effective.

Final outcome


The country grows in steps of giant, economy, population, infrastructure are
a sign of progress and growth that our country suffers. Best routes, lower
unemployment rate and higher technology, advances in health mark the
future of Colombia and bring it to a development marked by opportunities.
So how now in the big cities there are intelligent buildings, theme parks that
teach children and adults a fun science. The schools have rooms of
computers that allow students to know the world without having to leave
their homes. There are intelligent roads that through cell phones show the
covering routes, accidents and the best way without traffic. In the 2050
Colombia will not have traffic, each child will have a pc, the buildings will not
be concrete, will have solar screens that produce energy.
In the 2050, Colombia will have highways where people can lead to 180
km/h without fear to crash or accident. The cars will be cheap and will not be
a luxury. Colombia will have large bridges that will reduce the distances; the
planes will be more secure and comfortable. Everyone can fly in jets.
Colombia will have great advances in medicine, which will allow people to
live many years. The scientists found the cure to many diseases. The food
will be organic; each family will have vegetable gardens and healthy food to
help with the good health of Colombians. The clinics will attend to all the
sick and will be free. The Colombians enjoyed welfare because we will not
live in a polluted country.
In conclusion, all Colombians will have a country which has dreamed about
our grandparents and our children will enjoy, free of war, disease, economic
crisis, tax. Colombia will remain a developing country but one of the best in
America Latina. We will be a nation of proud and overcoming.

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