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Lesson Plan

The lesson plan, Chinatown was presented during the week of Chinese
New Year in February. It was the final day of study for Chinatown and full of
review to prepare the students for testing. To introduce this final lesson, I
gathered the students on the carpet and shared with them the gifts my
daughter had received the night before at a Chinese New Year celebration.
She has been dating a young man who is Chinese. I showed the students the
pink slender case my daughter received and had the students guess what
they thought was inside. Many students thought it was a pen. I opened the
case and showed them that it was a pair of chopsticks. I also shared with
them the traditional red envelopes she received from his family. One had a
$20 dollar bill inside and I had the students try to guess how much was in the
other red envelope. After several guesses, I told them there was $200.00
inside! They became so excited and were in awe. The class was so engaged
in this lesson that is was the perfect opening to begin the story of Chinatown.

Lesson Plan: Chinatown

Grade: 2nd
Kellie Thompson
NSC: Student Teaching
Nevada State College Spring 2015
Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Kimberly Heinemann

B. Summary of the Lesson Plan:

This literature lesson covers the story of Chinatown and focuses on the
suffixes, -er and est. This lesson plan also covers the prefixes un-, mis-, re-,
and pre-. There will also be a comprehension assessment on the story of
Chinatown, the suffixes and the prefixes.
C. Basic Information:

Grade Level: 2nd grade

Time to Complete this Lesson: 120 minutes, including test time

Groupings: Whole group readings and discussions, independent for

activity and assessment

D. Materials:
Previously made anchor chart of suffixes and prefixes. Trophies Chinatown
story found in 2nd Grade Edition Banner Days book, worksheet Suffix
Coloring, Chinatown test, Prefix Assessment, 25 copies each
Trophies book with the story, Chinatown
Pencils and papers
Assessment test on comprehension and suffix
E. Standards:
NV State English Literature and Language Arts Standards

CCSS Reading Literature (RL 2.1, RL 2.3, RL 2.10)

CCSS Reading Informational (RI 2.4, RI 2.10)

CCSS Reading Foundational Skills ( RF 2.3, RF 2.3d)

CCSS Language ( L 2.1, L 2.1f, L 2.2, L 2.4, L 2.4a)

F. Vocabulary

Celebrations- an important, happy event or occasion

Furious- angry or mad

Graceful moving in a smooth and attractive way

Grocery store a place where you buy food

Student a learner or someone attends school

Develop- grow or cause to become more advanced

G. Procedure:

Whole group activity

Discuss prior knowledge of the story, Chinatown.
Re-read the story Chinatown to the students.
Review characters, plot, and setting of the story
Review vocabulary words of celebrations, furious, develop,
grocery store, student, and graceful.
Review er and est spelling patterns/suffixes. Review word wall
chart. Have students complete any worksheets left unfinished.
Dismiss students back to their seats for assessment testing
individually. Early finishers should read quietly in their seats.
Once testing is complete, return to the carpet for whole group
instruction to review prefixes un-, mis-, re-, and pre-. Review word
wall charts.
Have students return to their seats and give prefix test assessment.
H. Assessment:

What will you use to measure student understanding?

I will measure students understanding of the story, Chinatown,

suffixes, and prefixes by their test results.

Explain how you will know students understand the concepts from
the lesson.

If a student scores below 75% they will need additional review.

I. Closure:

This lesson summarizes the story, Chinatown, prefixes, and suffixes

and assesses students on what they have learned. It also applies to
the common core learning targets listed in this lesson plan.

Chinese lanterns I made with the class as an extension of this


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