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Emotional Intelligence: EQ or IQ?

Why a person with an IQ of 140 works for a person with an IQ of 90?

This is the question I invite you to find an answere for, in my presentation.
In approximative ten minutes I will talk about emotional intelligence, more specific, about the
differences between emotional coefficient (known as EQ) and intelligence coefficient(or IQ). Which
is more desirable? Wich will help you more in life ?
Of course, this is a wide subject, wich can not be covered in just a few minutes. My objective is
to make you curios to know more about emotional intelligence.
Wath is EQ, What is IQ?
EQ can be define as the ability to accept and understand your oun emotions and to recognise
others etotions, as well as managing situations emotionally loaded.
IQ is the ability to solve problemes, measured on a sandardizate scale. It is also a proportion
between our mental age and our real age.
In our long experience as students we learned maths, geography, history, logic, religion,
philosophy and a lot of other things from wich we remember nothing or a few things, BUT, dont
you feel as if there are some things, in real live, that no one prepared you for?

No, I will tell you letter why do you feel that, wait just few a minutes
Yes, What did you feel it was missing? There was a lack of preparation for things that
happen in day by day life. We were thaught nothing about solving conflicts,nothing about
emotions or about what we should do with them.

Instead we are often told that emotions are bad, that emotions deform the information that it
gaves to the intellect.
In view of this facts, wich are the sources of this problem?

The education recived in chilehood

How often did you heard: Stop crying! You are not a baby anymore, Be strong, men are
stronger, It is not well to be angryand so on
I suggest you a small introspection exercice. Write down all the phases you remember your
parents or familiar saying. How many are about emotional control? How many referes to emotions

as something bad? You will see that we were thought that emotions are bad since our early
childhood. So, the first source of this attitude is the education we recived in childehood.

Our culture specific

Let just do not blame our parents for everything. All they want was the best for us! Wath our
society appraise is memorizing, solving problems, execute and put no questions. What does it sound
like? It sounds like IQ. Emotions are something neglected and treated as a bad thing.
In conclusion emotion are not bad but our attitude against them is.
Is IQ better than EQ?
I will tell you that both are important , that both are working together to assure youre success,
but I will bring you an incontastable argument for EQ: EQ can be changed, can be improved, IQ can
EQ is a source of personal development and success in social relationships and contacts, EQ
ensure you a suitable integration in society and, the most important EQ gave you confidence in
yourself and strength to bridge any difficulties.
IQ is an heritable characteristic, wich can not be inproved by external interventions.
In the end I propose you a small exercise. I suggest you to try, for the next week, to displace I
think with I feel. This will not impove your emotional coefficient , but it will make you more
aware of your emotions and feelings and this is the first step to improve your EQ.
I prepared for you a little questionnaire, this is Friedmann scale for emotional maturity. if I
made you courios to know more, it will gave you a starting perspective for your emotional
coefficient state

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