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NOTE: The extensive end notes are not merely to reference sources but also contain much
supplemental and elaborative material. Please stop and read the end notes as they are referenced in
the main text.

Sections: Freedom brings Happiness ~ History is the Story of the Rise and Fall of Freedom ~ There are Two Forces at Work in
the World ~ What is Sovereignty? ~ Nationalism versus Supranationalism ~ A Brief History of Civil and Common Law ~ Common
Law versus Corpus Juris ~ History of the EU ~ The Powers Behind the Scenes ~ The Grand Design of the EU ~ A Resurrection of
the Holy Roman Empire? ~ A Brief Review of Treaties and Legislation ~ Structure of the European Union ~ Separation of Powers
~ The EU, Common Law and Natural Rights (Above the Law, Power of Arrest, The Right to Own and Control Property, The Right
to Free Speech (and to criticise the EU), The Right to be Left Alone, The Right of Self-Defence, The Right of Free Association, The
Right to Trial by Jury) ~ Economic Independence - A Pillar of National Sovereignty ~ Economic benefits of the EU - Fact or
Fantasy? ~ The Shadow of Communism ~ Military Independence - A Pillar of National Sovereignty ~ Common Law, Constitutions
and Governments: Is the EU Legal in Britain? ~ The EU Constitution ~ Treason at Westminster ~ Conclusion and a Plea ~ End
Notes ~ Suggestions for Further Study ~ About the Author ~ Essay Version ~ Feedback Form.

"Show me a patriot and I will show you a true lover of humanity. Show me a man who says he
loves all equally and I will show you a man who lacks discernment and loves none but himself."

~ Fletcher of Saltoun, Scot Patriot, 1653-1716.

Freedom brings Happiness

All people desire freedom. We can only grow and learn to the degree that we are free. We
can only know true fulfilment to the degree that we are free. It is only through being free that
mankind can reach his potential. In short, we can only be happy to the degree that we are
free, for those things which bring us true joy can only be obtained through the use of those
faculties which freedom vouchsafes to us; and through experience we know that being
forced or coerced is anathema to both the human spirit and human enterprise - loss of liberty
brings only misery.

History is the Story of the Rise and Fall of Freedom

And yet freedom is something we can easily take for granted - and just as easily lose.
History's repeated cycles are evidence enough of this. Countless civilisations have come
and gone, many of them destroyed because they surrendered their freedom little by little
until it was too late. For a nation to lose its freedom there need be no military attack. It can
be lost because the citizens of that nation have allowed themselves to be deceived through
apathy, distractions, fear, ignorance and ebbing morals.

Britain is not immune.

There are Two Forces At Work in the World

Throughout history there have been two competing philosophies of government. One holds
to the idea that sovereignty lies in the people and that people have inherent and
inalienable natural rights[1] that precede the formation of, or exist prior to, the
establishment of government.[2] This philosophy is called Common Law.

The other philosophy teaches that sovereignty lies in an absolute ruler or body of rulers and
that rights exist only inasmuch as such rulers grant them. In effect there are no rights, only
privileges. This philosophy has a number of names but most popularly is called Civil Law.

Common Law and Civil Law are two opposites. They cannot be reconciled.

J. Reuben Clark, one of the foremost U.S. Constitutional lawyers and statesmen of the
Twentieth Century, Under Secretary of State during President Calvin Coolidge's presidency,
and author of the masterful Memorandum on the Monroe Doctrine, had this to say about
these opposing philosophies of government:

"During the centuries, these two systems have had an almost deadly rivalry for
the control of society, the Civil Law, and its fundamental concepts, being the
instrument through which ambitious men of genius and selfishness have set up
and maintained despotisms; the Common Law, with its basic principles, being
the instrument through which men of equal genius, but with love of mankind
burning in their souls, have established and preserved liberty and free

What is Sovereignty?

In order to fully grasp the gulf between these two ideologies we will need to understand the
meaning and importance of sovereignty.

In terms of a nation, sovereignty is the exclusive right to make and enforce its own laws, and
to judge disputes of the law. Under Common Law the government can only act because the
people (the creator of government) have authorised it. Hence the people are sovereign.[4]
The government derives its just powers from the governed. Such a government, based on
Common Law, cannot justly possess powers that do not first exist in the individual. In other
words, the people cannot authorise government to do something that they in the first place
have no right to do, and neither can government take to itself those powers the people have
not specifically delegated to it.

Sovereignty can be thought of as existing on many levels but in reality this is only
representative as it ultimately resides in (and is never taken from) the people as individuals.
It is the people who are the masters, government the servant.

The three cornerstones of national sovereignty are political, military and economic

Nationalism versus Supranationalism

Though nationalism was once very similar in definition to patriotism and independence, it is
now often used to refer to a negative rather than a positive concept. Supranationalism, given
much more popular publicity than the latter, is the concept that the nation state no longer
matters, that interdependence is better than independence, and that it is necessary to form
regions of countries into centrally-controlled blocs with the probability of merging those blocs
later on to form a world government. Thus supranationalism is merely the process of political

Let us now define nationalism. Perhaps one of the finest explanations came from Herbert
Hoover who said:

"We must realise the vitality of the great spiritual force which we call
nationalism. The fuzzy-minded intellectuals have sought to brand nationalism
as a sin against mankind. They seem to think that infamy is attached to the
word 'nationalist'. But that force cannot be obscured by denunciation of it as
greed or selfishness – as it sometimes is. The spirit of nationalism springs from
the deepest of human emotions. It rises from the yearning of men to be free of
foreign domination, to govern themselves. It springs from a thousand rills of
race, of history, of sacrifice and pride in national achievement."[5]

Nationalism, then, is an awareness of, and a willingness to defend and promote, the
character and sovereignty of our country (patriotism); it is based upon the same feeling we
have to grow as individuals, to be self-reliant and to otherwise enrich our character and
defend our right to self-determination.

Ezra Taft Benson, Secretary of Agriculture under Eisenhower, conveyed the attitude a nation
should consider regarding its own national sovereignty:

"There is one and only one legitimate goal of...foreign policy. It is a narrow
goal, a nationalistic goal: the preservation of our national independence."[6]

Today the foreign departments of the major governments of the world seem to be much at
odds with Benson’s belief - Indeed, the very opposite. In a time when, history's lessons
forgotten, there is again a centralist movement towards the few governing the many, we
must ask ourselves if this is wise. What does history teach us? How does it measure up to
tried and true principles? Does it make sense in light of self-evident truths and plain old
common sense?

One of the reasons why some support the spirit of "supranationalism" (whether it be
globalisation or regionalisation) is because of a Utopian or (what they suppose to be) a
religious ideal. Ezra Taft Benson put straight those with such ideas in no uncertain language:

"We must put off our rose-colored glasses, quit repeating those soothing words
but entirely false statements about world unity and brotherhood, and look at the
world as it is, not as we would like it to become…We would be committing
national suicide to surrender any of our independence, and chain ourselves to
other nations in such a sick and turbulent world."[7]

To those who think that changes in the world somehow change the rules of human nature
and the principles of government, Benson further adds:
"The world is smaller, you say? True, it is, but if one finds himself locked in a
house with maniacs, thieves and murderers – even a small house – he does
not increase his chances of survival by entering into alliances with his potential
attackers and becoming dependent upon them for protection to the point where
he is unable to defend himself. Perhaps the analogy between nations and
maniacs is a little strong for some to accept. But if we put aside our
squeamishness over strong language, and look hard at the real world in which
we live, the analogy is quite sound in all but the rarest exceptions."[8]

In conclusion to this section here are, I submit, the problems with supranationalism:

• Centralising power from the hands of many into the hands of a few goes against the
most basic tenets of wisdom and all the lessons of history; for it only makes it easier
for evil men to gain control of more people; and such centralism itself provides only a
stronger attraction for ambitious and greedy individuals
• Political agreements do not change the nature of people (and thus nations). Nations
become more united (and less given to war) only through free, mutual and natural
relationships. In other words, political agreements play no part except as a danger to
stirring up contention by employing coercion rather than influence
• Our first love and responsibility should be toward our own nation, as with our family
above other families. To not love our own country first will not engender a genuine
love for all other countries. To think otherwise is to be under the delusion of a false
Utopian hope based on neither principle or an understanding of human nature
• Centralising power will diminish individual liberty; the powers of a just and free
government should reside with the people mainly, with a few powers delegated to
local governments, and even fewer to the central government
• The Prime Minister (or anyone else) is not authorised under law to act within a foreign
political organisation or to yield sovereignty (this is treason). He is the Prime Minister
of his country, elected to that responsibility and paid by the taxpayers of his country.

A Brief History of Civil and Common Law

As far as modern times are concerned, Civil Law originated chiefly from the Roman
Empire.[9] For this reason it is sometimes called Roman Law. This philosophy spread over
continental Europe[10] and, in the Eighteenth Century, the Civil Law ravaged France in what
became known as the Reign of Terror. Today, born of its past and present geographical
sway, Civil Law is also known as European Law.

Common Law has its roots in antiquity. Some believe it to have originated from the divine
law of statutes and judgements given to the Israelites by Moses. Whatever its origins, it was
brought across Europe and to Britain by the Anglo-Saxons. It was a law common to all those
peoples and hence became known as Anglo-Saxon Common Law.[11] In Europe Civil Law
was the legacy of the later Roman Empire, but England remained free of this influence and
thus the Anglo-Saxon Common Law eventually came to be called English Common Law.

English Common Law was seriously compromised during the Norman Conquest which
brought over the European Civil Law and imposed that system on Britain under the name of
Feudalism. However, after long and bloody centuries, rights and freedoms were gradually
won back and restored. Perhaps the primary and most notable date of this period is AD 1215
when the Magna Carta was signed - a document that is still held to be binding today as an
important part of the British Constitution.[12]

The Framers of the Constitution of the United States drew heavily upon Common Law when
drawing up that remarkable freedom document. William E. Gladstone (1809-98), the British
Prime Minister, was so impressed with the US Constitution that he said it was "the most
wonderful work ever struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man". American
freedom drew many of its constituent parts from English Common Law.[13] Ireland, Malta,
Australia, Canada and New Zealand also adopted (to some degree) the English Common
Law in the founding of their own governments. The same cannot be said for Europe.

Common Law versus Corpus Juris

Common Law is a body of concepts and laws in harmony with natural rights and justice.
Corpus Juris (Latin for "body of laws") is a system of judicial laws or tenets rooted in Civil
Law and thus based on privilege and the whims of rulers. The following table contrasts the
practises (in theory) of the two systems. I have added explanatory notes in the first column in
an attempt to highlight the importance of each point and its relationship to and/or effect upon
natural rights.

Table 1.0 Common Law versus Corpus Juris

COMMON LAW (UK/US system)* CORPUS JURIS (European system)

No arrest without evidence – thus Can be arrested without evidence

the citizen is free from harassment by
the police and other government

No holding of suspects for more Can be held indefinitely

than a fixed and very limited time
unless charges presented in open
court – this prevents governments
from violating the liberty of citizens by
unduly detaining them or holding them
for reasons other than criminal.
Habeas Corpus (Latin for "having the
body") is the right (formally
recognised in the Magna Carta) to
have the prime evidence against any
suspect considered publicly by a court
of law within a very short period of
arrest (usually 24 hours).

Right to face your accuser and see Accuser may be anonymous; no

evidence – anonymity of accusers right for accused to see evidence
would mean the government could
fabricate testimonies; accusers (or
witnesses) should be known so that
they can be held accountable; the
accused has no come back where this
is not so. Evidence must be known to
the accused or else government again
could fabricate the same and give the
accused no way to prove it false

Lay Magistrates Tried by professional judges

Right to trial by jury of one’s peers No right to trial by jury

'Adversarial' model ‘Inquisitorial’ model

– under Common Law the really

important matters are reserved to the
people. It is the people of the country
(represented by a jury) who act to
provide a final legal check on the
government by refusing to find a
person guilty if they feel the law itself
is either unjust or unjustly applied[14],
and by limiting sentencing of criminals
so that excessive punishments cannot
be imposed. The people (peers) are
sovereign and must make the final
decision. To deprive a country of trial
by jury is to deprive its people the last
legal means of countering the
government, leaving only the right of
revolution as an option

Right to an open court – a Closed court

defendant must have the right to
public witnesses in a trial or else
government can act illegally in secret
as well as bribe those who it knows
will attend. Public and free access to
a trial thus helps defend the
defendant against miscarriages of

Presumption of innocence Held to be guilty until proven

(innocent until proven guilty) – innocent
Common Law always gives the
benefit of doubt in favour of freedom.
Unlike Corpus Juris it does not treat
everyone like a potential criminal. This
is perhaps the most important tenet,
for with such an attitude of non-
judgement many Corpus Juris laws
would not have come into existence in
the first place

Protection against double jeopardy Can be subjected to repeated trials

(cannot be tried more than once for on the same charges until found
the same criminal offence) – Clearly guilty
this right protects the defendant from
being repeatedly tried until he is found
guilty and thus affirms his right to the
presumption of innocence

Burden of proof on prosecutor (it is Burden of proof on defendant (you

up to the prosecutor to prove you are presumed guilty and must prove
are guilty) – This is an integral part of your innocence)
the right to presumption of innocence
(see above). A part of the right to free
speech is to remain silent. Under
Common Law there is no requirement
or force used on the defendant to
testify against himself. In a very real
sense it is the charges themselves
that are primarily on trial and the
integrity of those who have brought
them. If the burden was on the
defendant to prove himself innocent
many accusations made by enemies
(knowing the burden would not be on
them) could be brought to bear, and
the defendant would be continually
oppressed with the task of defending
himself with eventually no recourse to
the resources necessary to clear his
* Sadly even these have diminished (both in the US and UK) as governments have departed from the tradition of Common Law.

It is hoped from the explanations above, and self-evident truth, that the reader will see that Common Law is founded in the liberty of the individual
and Corpus Juris on the destruction of the same.

History of the EU
The idea for a single European state did not end with the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire around the turn of the Nineteenth Century. Many
individuals set out plans or notions for a united Europe including Leon Trotsky who wrote in 1917:

"The Federated Republic of Europe – the United States of Europe – that is what must be. National autonomy no longer
suffices. Economic evolution demands the abolition of national frontiers...Only a Federated Republic of Europe can give peace
to the world."[15]

Many European, especially Italian, socialists and communists were taken with the idea of European federalism. This was spear-headed by
communist writer and political activist, Altiero Spinelli, who was the chief writer behind the Manifesto for a Free and United Europe written not long
after the start of the Second World War - and after the War that paper became the basic document of the European Federalist Movement. Spinelli
was a powerful shaper of what today has become the EU, being the major force most recently (until his death in 1984) of the move to make the EU a
state in and of itself to which Mrs. Thatcher, then Prime Minister of Britain, said "No! No! No!". Spinelli was able to push forward his centralist ideas
by promoting "subsidiarity" which turned out to be a meaningless concept and deception.[16]
Jean Monnet, a Frenchman and a senior figure in the League of Nations, was a proponent of the supranational state. He was disappointed, for
instance, that the member nations of the League of Nations could exercise a national veto. In 1931 he published The United States of Europe, a
collections of papers which addressed the idea of building a Federal Europe within the framework of the League of Nations. Monnet was supported
by another senior member of the League of Nations, Arthur Salter. He was British and every bit as much a supranationalist as Monnet.[17]

Paul-Henri Spaak was one of the "founding fathers" of the EU. He openly described himself as a national socialist (Nazi) and considered Hitler's
achievements "magnificent". Hermann Goering in 1940 made the first reference to a "European Economic Community" and Kaiser Wilhelm in this
same year spoke of a "United States of Europe".[18]

In fact the blueprint for the EU's Treaty of Rome is believed by some to have been developed by Hitler's European "architect", Reinhard Heydrich,
who called it "The Reich Plan for the Domination of Europe" (this was widely published in 1942 but copies mysteriously disappeared later so that few
now exist).[19]

The following list (tabulated below) can be found in the work cited in the table title. It shows that the EU architects and the Nazis did share concepts
and terminology.

Indeed the authors of this work, Rodney Atkinson and Norris McWhirter, went as far as to write:

"To say that the European Union was based on the Nazi version of Europe or that there are parallels would be an
understatement. The entire 'European' enterprise since the founding of the European Coal and Steel Community in 1951 (and
given an enormous boost by the Maastricht Treaty on European Union) is an exact replica of the Nazi's ideas for Europe..."[20]

However, it should be noted that the idea of a single Europe pre-dates Hitler's Nazism,[21] though this is not to say that the same hidden
interests[22] were not supportive of both Nazism and the European movement, perhaps supporting the former to facilitate the latter. But it was
Monnet, at least visibly, who was to found and develop the structural beginnings of the EU and to be accredited as "the Father of Europe".

Table 2.0 Comparison of Nazi ideas for Europe with modern policies of the EU. Taken from pages 124-125 of "Treason at Maastricht" (see
"Suggestions for Further Study" at the end of this article).


"Europäische Wirtschaftgemeinschaft" (European European Economic

Economic Community) Community

Lebensraum (living space) European Space

Common energy, fishing and

Collective "access" to basic commodities
agricultural policies

European Exchange Rate

European Currency System

European Central Bank

Europabank (Berlin)

European Regional Principle Committee of the Regions

Common Labour Policy Social Chapter

Economic and Trading Agreements Single Market

European Industrial Economy Common Industrial Policy

"The transformation of the laws of supply and

Resistance to GATT

"Replacing capital with organised labour" European Works Councils

The Powers Behind the Scenes
There are two contending schools of thought on history. The first, and by far the most popular, is "The Accidental View of History" which holds that
history is largely a series of unrelated events or events which are related only by accident or simple cause and effect; the second school of thought
is "The Conspiratorial View of History" which holds that superintending forces have directed many of the important events of history.[23]

Is there evidence to suggest that there are "powers behind the scenes" which have supported and financed the organizations and individuals that
have promoted the move toward modern European union? This question can undoubtedly be answered in the affirmative.

In September 2000, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, EU reporter for The Telegraph, wrote a story reporting on recently declassified US government
documents showing "that the US intelligence community ran a campaign in the Fifties and Sixties to build momentum for a united Europe. It funded
and directed the European federalist movement."

Mr. Evans-Pritchard wrote:

"Washington’s main tool for shaping the European agenda was the American Committee for a United Europe [ACUE], created
in 1948. The chairman was [William] Donovan [head of the American wartime "Office of Strategic Services", which was later to
become the CIA], ostensibly a private lawyer by then.

The vice-chairman was Allen Dulles, the CIA director in the Fifties. The board included Walter Bedell Smith, the CIA’s first
director, and a roster of ex-OSS figures and officials who moved in and out of the CIA. The documents show that ACUE
financed the European Movement, the most important federalist organisation in the post-war years. In 1958, for example, it
provided 53.5 per cent of the movement’s funds.

The European Youth Campaign, an arm of the European Movement, was wholly funded and controlled by Washington..."[24]

Donovan, Smith, and Dulles were all members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a group that along with its British sister-organization, the
Royal Institute of International Affairs, and the Bilderbergers, has strongly but secretively supported and financed globalist movements - including
National Socialism (Nazism), and International Socialism/Communism - with a view to establishing a "New World Order".[25]

Joseph Retinger, another of the founding fathers of the EU, was a polish socialist who, though having no visible means of support, travelled between
the US, Mexico and Europe during the 1920s and 30s. It was he who recruited the ex-SS Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands to establish the
secretive Bilderberg Group. In his diary Retinger wrote:

"In November 1946, I had a very long talk with Mr. Averell Harriman, American Ambassador in London.... Averell Harriman was
my sponsor and arranged my visit [to the U.S.].... At the time (the end of 1946) I found in America a unanimous approval for
our ideas among financiers, businessmen and politicians. Mr. Leffingwell, senior partner in J.P. Morgan’s, Nelson and David
Rockefeller, Alfred Sloan, Chairman of the Dodge Motor Company … George Franklin, and especially my old friend, Adolf
Berle Jr., were all in favor, and Berle agreed to lead the American Section. John Foster Dulles also agreed to help us.... Later
on, whenever we needed any assistance for the European Movement, Dulles was among those in America who helped us

All of those men mentioned in this entry were members of the CFR.

The Grand Design of the EU

Paul-Henri Spaak encourage his fellow EU founders that "the most effective way to disguise their project's political purpose was to conceal it behind
a pretense that it was concerned only with economic cooperation, based on dismantling trade barriers: a 'common market'" (emphasis added) and
Jean Monnet supported this dishonest approach.[27]

In the closing words of his memoirs, Monnet wrote:

"The sovereign nations of the past can no longer solve the problems of the present: they cannot ensure their own progress or
control their own future. And the Community itself is only a stage on the way to the organised world of tomorrow."
(emphasis added).
And in a communiqué of 22 August 1962 this same man spelled out the grand design of Europe when he wrote:
"It is impossible to solve problems between European States who preserve full sovereignty. We are convinced that our times must see the creation
of vast units like the United States and the USSR, and to establish a [world-wide] organisation to ensure co-operation between all those vast units. It
is this organization which will create the new world order." (emphasis added)

It seems beyond doubt now that regionalisation, despite initial promises to the contrary, was and is about the elimination of national sovereignty -
and is itself a pre-planned stage toward globalisation (the joining together of regionalised blocs into a world government). The true story behind
Europe can be ignored no longer.[28]

A Resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire?

Rome (the Pope) has sought to supplant English Protestantism with Roman Catholicism for many centuries. The power of Rome, founded upon the
philosophy of the old Roman Empire, espouses Civil Law and Corpus Juris (Civil Law is also called Roman Canon Law). The Vatican therefore is
most supportive of the EU, seeing it as a means of establishing the largest Holy Roman Empire the world has ever seen.[29] Our forebears, being
quite aware of this through direct experience, wrote into the British Constitution the "Coronation Oath", part of which states that the British monarch
should "maintain the Protestant Reformed religion established by law." Some have also expressed concern at the "spiritual" meaning of the symbols
used by the EU.[30]

A Brief Review of Treaties and Legislation

Treaty of Rome, 1957 - This treaty's purpose was...
"to lay the foundations of an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe...the constant improvement of the living and working conditions of the
people, the reduction of differences in wealth between regions..."
That is to say, it espoused both socialism and the concept of an ever-increasing union among the nations of Europe. In fact this document was
actually a constitution disguised as a treaty because, unlike a treaty, it did not leave the several parties' national sovereignties intact.

Common Market, 1973 - Section 2 of the European Communities Act (the enabling legislation to enter into the Common Market) set down the
principle that British Law would always from then on be subordinate to European Law; that, when the two conflicted, it would be the European and
not the British Law that would prevail. Thus the supremacy of Parliament was overthrown.

Single European Act, 1986 - this provided the means by which Britain entered the Single Market of 1992. It eroded Britain's already-diminished
decision-making powers by extending QMV (Qualified Majority Voting) to more areas.[31]

Maastricht Treaty, 1992 - This was the treaty that established the idea of European citizenship and the Euro currency. It also surrendered the
Queen's power in Parliament to an unelected body in Europe.[32]

Amsterdam Treaty, 1998 - the European Union gained a "legal personality" giving it such powers as the ability to sign treaties that bind all its
member states; it also gave greater scope to the European Court of Justice, and the Council of Ministers was given powers to punish any member
state that persistently breached the treaty.

The Schengen Agreement, 1990 - signatories gave up their right to police their own borders. Borders are an integral part of liberty, both nationally
and locally.[33]

Treaty of Nice, 2000 - Further centralised Europe. Britain here gave up its veto in thirty more areas of policy setting.

Structure of the European Union

Presidency – this is largely symbolic in nature

European Commission – Unelected body that meets in secret. Consists of 1-2 commissioners from each nation. This is an extremely powerful
body that makes EU law. The Treaty of Rome forbids commissioners to represent the interests of their own nation; they must put the Union first.

European Council – Extremely powerful. Meets in total secrecy. Its deliberations are seldom published and when they are it is only after they have
been implemented. Comprises the leaders of the member states and their foreign secretaries.

Council of Ministers – This has the role of developing the EU. It consists of ministers from the member states, which minister attends depends upon
the subject being discussed. Due to Qualified Majority Voting it is very difficult for Britain to stop anything it disagrees with. It is not answerable to
any elected institution and meets behind closed doors.[34]

European Parliament – this is a part of the EU Government which serves the purpose of creating an appearance of democracy. In reality the EP has
very little influence. It does not pass laws, only resolutions and the manner in which it does so is far from just. Its members are called MEPs
(Ministers of the European Parliament). It acts more like a discussion group though the Commission has no obligation to follow its
recommendations. Although it ratifies the Commission's laws, in reality it is quite powerless to ultimately prevent such laws being passed: MEPs
are often confused and misled, laws can be grouped and voted on by block, and such votes go through before they have time to be discussed (in
fact each MEP gets just 90 seconds (at best) per week to speak - their microphone is cut off after their allotted minute and a half), and all MEPs not
in attendance are considered to be voting for the law by default![35]

European Court of Justice - Not an independent judiciary or check on the legislative or executive, but a political court to enforce the several
treaties/EU Constitution (i.e. to enforce the Union and its aims).

European Central Bank - The ECB is not accountable to any elected institution and meets in secret. Those states within the single currency
effectively lose all control over the amount of money and credit in circulation and the ability to fix interest rates. All these and other powers are
centralised into the powerful ECB.[36]

Separation of Powers
One of the most important principles of a free and just government is what is known as "separation of powers" and the concomitant "checks and
balances" - this structures governmental powers in such a way as to make it as difficult as possible for any individual or faction to gain overall control
of the three powers of government (i.e. having the power to make law, enforce law and adjudicate disputes of the law).[37]

However, with the EU we find that the executive is not elected and holds all the power, and the legislature is elected but has no power![38] The
judiciary is under the control of the executive and thus cannot do anything but enforce the whims of the executive. It has been said that the
concentration of powers is the very definition of tyranny.[39]

The EU, Common Law and Natural Rights

The EU is based on Civil Law and a Corpus Juris judicial system.[40] It is in every instance listed in table 1.0 above an exact opposite of the
traditional US and British system of Common Law. The European system is simply not acceptable to anyone who loves freedom under law.

Listed below are some of those areas in EU law and policy where natural rights, upon which Common Law is based, are infringed...

Above the Law

Agents of the EU government cannot be prosecuted. All those who work for the EU have a life time's immunity from prosecution. The buildings,
records and files of the EU cannot be searched. They are above the law.[41]

Power of Arrest

A portion of the principle of the separation of powers can be seen in the concept of a warrant for arrest. When the police (a part of the executive
branch of government) want to arrest someone they must go to a judge (a part of the judicial branch of government) and receive a warrant to do so.
This means they need to convince the judge that they have a reasonable cause to make an arrest. The judge, hopefully independent of the
executive as a member of the independent judicial branch of government, will have to agree before the arrest warrant is issued.

The EU has effectively dismantled this important check on government tyranny and at a European level to boot. New extradition procedures
empower the EU with the "European Arrest Warrant"[42] which strips the British Government of doing anything to stop European officers from
coming into the country and taking whomsoever they want away for incarceration. They do not even need to possess the warrant. There does not
even need to be a warrant! The British Government will be powerless to stop them (as eventually with all EU laws).

The Right to Own and Control Property

In his classic and (in the opinion of this writer) inspired book, The Law, Frédéric Bastiat, the French economist (1801-1850), states:

"Life, faculties, production – in other words, individuality, liberty, property – this is man. And in spite of the cunning of artful
political leaders, these three gifts from God precede all human legislation, and are superior to it…"

Under Common Law depriving people of their property can only be justified as a punishment for a criminal offence wherein the offender has been
found guilty of seeking to illegally deprive, or actually depriving, another of his property, life (person) or liberty.

Indeed, governments are set up to protect property rights in the first place and it is the right to own and control property that facilitates every other
freedom (see end note [2]). The right to own and control property precedes and is superior to government. Governments that unjustly violate
property rights are ignoring one of the prime purposes for their existence in the first place.

So what is the EU’s take on the right to own and control property? From the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union we read that:

"no one may be deprived of his or her possessions, except in the public interest..."[43]

And the Charter of Fundamental Rights (Article 52) allows the EU to limit rights "where necessary" in the "general interest" of the EU. It is the
European Court that will decide what is both "necessary" and what exactly constitutes the "general interest".

There is no such person as a "public interest"; what this means is that the EU Government will deprive people of possessions when they so choose
– for they will decide what the public interest is.

The Right to Free Speech (and to criticise the EU)

The European Court of Justice has ruled that it may lawfully suppress political criticism of its institutions and leading figures; that dissent can be
restricted to "protect the rights of others" and punish those who "damaged the institution’s image and reputation".[44]

The Advocate-General of the ECJ gave a legal opinion (ref. case C-274/99) that criticism of the EU was akin to blasphemy. Punishing someone for
allegedly criticising the EU, whether such allegations were proven or not, were (said he) not an infringement of free speech.[45]

Another example of the EU's attitude toward freedom of speech is their Weights and Measures (Metrication Amendments) Regulations 2001 which
will make it a criminal offence to even so much as mention imperial measurements at work or in any official capacity.[46]
The EU is also creating "new crimes" whereby it can make illegal expressions it deems to be "xenophobic" or "racist". Terms it will define of course.

The Right to be Left Alone

The right to be left alone, emanating from if not synonymous with the right to liberty, is one of the most crucial freedoms in a free society. Again, the
EU has little respect for this right and the privacy of its citizens.

Europol, the new European Police force, is not accountable to an elected body. It answers to a committee formed by the Council of Ministers. It has
a much wider function than fighting crime, being possessed of the ability to store information on a central database (provisions for which were made
under the Maastricht Treaty) on anyone (criminal or not), including a record of an individual’s political and religious affiliations.

Historical precedence has shown that ID cards and other ways of recording personal information have always been abused – if not by the
government that established it, then by a successor. Anonymity is an important part of the right to be left alone. Contrary to popular belief
information-storing and ID cards do not decrease crime, they serve only to control and impede law-abiding people in their rights and liberty.[47]

Worrying powers have already been exercised when in 2002 the Council of Ministers instructed police to place on their database suspected political
"troublemakers" with a view to preventing them from leaving their home countries and attending protests directed at EU summits.[48]

Common Law presupposes that everything is permitted that is not expressly forbidden by law whereas the Civil Law of Europe takes the view that
everything is illegal unless expressly permitted by law. Under Common Law all men are presumed innocent and given the benefit of the doubt,
under Civil Law all people are seen as potential criminals, presumed guilty and given no benefit of doubt. Hence the right to be left alone, the right
to anonymity, is in total harmony with Common Law but in diametric opposition to Civil Law.

The Right of Self-Defence

Like Hitler, Mussolini and other tyrants, the EU wants all its citizens disarmed. The final right of people to remove their government by force of arms
is hardly possible when they have had their right to keep and bear arms removed from them. On this subject Henry St. George Tucker wrote:

"This may be considered as the true palladium of liberty . . . . The right of self defense is the first law of nature. . . . Wherever . .
. the right of the people to keep and bear arms is, under any colour or pretext whatsoever, prohibited, liberty, if not already
annihilated, is on the brink of destruction."[49]

The right to keep and bear arms is enshrined in the English Bill of Rights (1689) which, in part, reads: "The subjects...may have arms for their
defence suitable to their condition and as allowed by law." This is a declaration of a lawful right and is not subject to infringement by governments of
the day; its inclusion was and is for the very purpose of protecting from such infringement.[50]

The Right of Free Association

The EU is also looking to fund political parties with taxpayers' money, a proposal that is so clearly wrong it is a wonder anyone could support it.
Although the EU claims this will bring more democracy and transparency (which it will not) the real effect of state funding will be that the EU will
control which parties are legal and which are not.

One Polish MP, currently an observer Member of the European Parliament, gave this warning when he found out about the proposed EU statute on
European political parties: "This is exactly what the Communists did in Poland...They didn't ban elections: we had elections all the time...All they did
was to ban the opposition parties from contesting the elections. And do you know what their official excuse was? Exactly the same as this. They
said it was to stop fascist parties. Only pretty soon that came to apply to everyone except the Communists and their Agrarian allies." (emphasis
added) [51]

This voice of experience should be a wake-up call to us all regarding the true nature of the EU.

The Right to Trial by Jury

This is not the only reference in this essay to trial by jury, and deliberately so. It's a crucial freedom. In addition to what has already been written, let's
read what Churchill said on the matter:

"...the great principle of Habeas Corpus and Trial by Jury...are the supreme protection invented by the British people for
ordinary individuals against the state. The power of the executive to cast a man into prison without formulating any charge
known to the law, and particularly to deny him judgment by his peers for an indefinite period, is in the highest degree odious,
and is the foundation of all totalitarian governments." (emphasis added)[52]

Provisions exist in the Amsterdam Treaty[53] for the Corpus Juris legal system. This can be introduced by Qualified Majority Voting even if the
British Parliament is totally against it. The British Government has already been trying to abolish trial by jury for certain offences, no doubt as a
preparatory stage to accepting Corpus Juris.

The European Public Prosecutor (set up by Corpus Juris) will initially have powers over cases involving fraud against the budget of the EU but which
will later extend to all criminality (or what the EU deems criminal).[54]
The House of Lords, not to mention many lawyers and liberty groups, are opposed to the abolition of these rights protected in the Magna Carta,
which might explain at least one of the reasons why the Government is so keen to rid itself of that House and introduce judicial "reform".

Economic Independence - A Pillar of National Sovereignty

Joining the EURO means Britain's gold reserves go to Germany and into the vaults of the EU's Central Bank. All other tangible assets such as silver
will almost certainly be relinquished. This means that Britain will find itself incapable of regaining its own independence! Political agreements can
be torn up, but should we ask for our gold back one day would it be given? The answer is no - the terms state the transfer is irreversible.[55]

The EU has not had its own accounts signed off by auditors in eight years; the EU is rife with fraud and corruption.[56] Should we trust the EU to
make economic decisions for us?

Economic Benefits of the EU - Fact or Fantasy?

This is another area where what is stated by pro-Europeans, or what is commonly accepted, simply contradicts the facts...

Most of our trade is not with Europe. The value of exports and services to the EU is just 16% of UK Gross Domestic Product (GDP).[57]

We do not have the majority of our investments in Europe. The EU costs us a lot more money by being in than out; costs on food alone have
been reported as £940 more per family per year than they would be if we were outside the EU. Britain pays far more into the EU than it gets back.
Britain's involvement in the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) was economically disastrous (and unemployment increased by 1.2 million)
and it will be worse under full-blown Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) with the Euro as our currency.[58] Let's not forget that the burdensome
VAT is also a tax of European origin.

The majority of British businesses do not support a single currency. Both the Institute of Directors and the Federation of Small Businesses (by far
the largest business organisation in the UK with 185,000 members) oppose the Euro.[59] In fact the FSB recently held an Annual Conference where
the votes were 104,568 in favour of not signing the EU Constitution (5,292 voted were in favour).[60]

According to one survey the cost to firms would reach £51 billion to convert to the Euro.[61] The bottom line on why the Euro and economy cannot
work is because what is being done is chiefly political and not economic.[62]

One more myth to address here is that of unemployment. Leaving the EU will not cause mass unemployment. Distorted reports and false claims
that big companies would leave Britain if we came out of the EU have been spread by certain groups and interests who seem to care very little for
the truth. One such pro-EU group, called Britain in Europe, leaked a report from the National Institute of Economic and Social Research and claimed
it showed eight million jobs in Britain would be lost if Britain left the EU. The director of the Institute, Martin Weale, condemned Britain in Europe's
distortion of the research as...

"pure Goebbels. In many years of academic research I cannot recall such a wilfull distortion of the facts...Britain in Europe's
claims are absurd. Nobody could plausibly believe the figures. As the experience of the 1960s indicates, there is no
reason why being outside the EU should necessarily involve mass unemployment." (emphasis added)[63]

The Shadow of Communism

Some, and with considerable justification, have compared the EU to the Soviet Union.[64] Perhaps the most well-known statement came from
Mikhail Gorbachev (see quotation below).

Christopher Story of the London-based Soviet Analyst described Romano Prodi's manifesto of 2000, setting out the Commission’s agenda for the
subsequent five years, as:

"purely a Communist program, which is why Mikhail Gorbachev, when he visited London shortly thereafter, in March of that
year, was correct in describing the EU as 'the new European Soviet'. One does not need an advanced degree in Leninist
studies to see this."[65]

Dr. Uno Silberg, PhD and Chairman of the Estonian Movement NO to the European Union, has tabulated comparisons between the European Union
and the Soviet Union, and reports that "in the eyes of many Estonians the present EU is nothing less than a disguised Soviet Union."[66] And they
should know.

Staying in Estonia, we find Christopher Bollyn of the American Free Press reporting:

Former Estonian Prime Minister Edgar Savisaar, and others, has compared the EU with the Soviet Union. "The forced
propaganda of the European Union is reminiscent of the Soviet Union’s methods and brainwashing," Rolf Parve, wrote in
Kesknädal, the weekly paper of the Center Party.

"Moscow and Brussels differ only in one point," professor Igor Gräzin, one of the leading anti-EU voices in Estonia says: "The
Soviet Union theoretically allowed nations to leave the union. Brussels is creating organs, however, which would kill that idea
in the bud."[67]
Beyond direct comparisons there is also the evidence of communist influence in the EU itself (both now and in its founding). One only has to look to
EU leaders and officials to see ties to the KGB and a whole other assortment of dubious connections and damning evidence.[68]

Military Independence - A Pillar of National Sovereignty

Commitments to unified military action were made under Article 5 of the Amsterdam Treaty. The EU Constitution, as it presently stands, under
Article 15, would require total obedience to the EU:
"the Union's competence in matters of common foreign and security policy shall cover all areas and all questions relating to the Union's security.
Member states shall actively and unreservedly support the Union's common foreign and security policy in a spirit of loyalty and mutual solidarity and
shall comply in this area." (emphasis added)

Common Law, Constitutions and Governments: Is The EU Legal in Britain?

The rights affirmed in the Magna Carta will be null and void if Britain forms a political union with the EU. The Magna Carta ensures that these rights
(including presumption of innocence and the right to trial by jury) should be possessed "fully and completely, for themselves and their heirs from us
and our heirs, in all matters and in all places for ever." To enter the EU is to act in opposition to the British Constitution.

This document, the Magna Carta, is the foundation of our Constitution and it cannot be broken[69] by Parliament. It is a covenant between the
Constitutional Head (the Sovereign monarch) and the subjects. Common Law and this covenant pre-date Parliament and are therefore not subject
to abolition by that body. The purpose of Parliament is to give expression to Common Law, to strengthen that expression but never to weaken or
suppress it).

Let’s put this principle another way because it is vital we understand it if we are to avoid confusion and deceit by unscrupulous political rulers, bodies
and movements…

The Common Law represents the natural rights and sovereignty of citizens, these pre-date and are superior to both constitutions and governments.

Just constitutions are based on Common Law whereby they affirm by declaration the natural rights and freedoms of man. Constitutions also
establish a structure for government and a framework in which government may fulfil its responsibility and purpose (namely to protect the Common-
Law rights of the governed). Governments are therefore inferior to constitutions and Common Law, being born of and bound by them.

Though the people of Britain by revolution may change the Constitution, the Government may not. Parliament exists only to give expression to
those rights affirmed in a constitution. Its duty is thus to deal with procedural and not substantive law (i.e. it cannot abolish or create rights; it
cannot yield sovereignty).

Under the British Constitution it is understood that...

"Parliament...has...the right to make or unmake any law whatever; and, further, that no person or body is recognized by the law
of England as having a right to override or set aside the legislation of Parliament."[70]

The principle that no Parliament may bind its successors is clearly violated by signing agreements which claim to trump the supremacy of
Parliament and bind future generations to laws they cannot revisit. In this connection it should be noted that the EU itself acts under a doctrine called
acquis communautaire (the text of which has been reported as at least 80-100 thousand pages, some sources giving a figure of 320,000 type-written
pages as far back as 1998!) which holds that once a power, or area of legislative authority, is gained it never again gives it back. The EU cannot
become less centralist, only more centralist. It is in diametric conflict with the British Constitution and the authority and very nature of

Some have also argued that Parliament has shared sovereignty, or that it has been pooled. This is a contradiction in terms; sovereignty is an
exclusive attribute. You either have it or you do not.[71] Furthermore, sovereignty resides in the individual and, as such, Parliament represents that
sovereignty. It cannot yield it or give it away. It is not in their power to surrender it because it does not belong to them. To use an analogy, it would
be rather like an employee of a company going to a meeting with another company and selling off or merging his employer's company without any
authority or instruction to do so.

Many other points could be raised here too, such as the fact that the Maastricht Treaty was only valid in Europe if ratified by all countries involved. It
was not.[72] Another point, in addition to those already discussed, is our own Act of Union which again has been violated by the Maastricht Treaty
and invalidated both the union of Scotland and the rest of the UK as well as Parliament's own authority.[73]

It is evident from the material above that those seeking to bring Britain into political union with Europe, unwittingly or not, may well be committing
acts which are both illegal and treasonable[74] in addition to being unlawful.

The EU Constitution
"The European constitution...shall have primacy over the law of the Member States." (Article 10.1, proposed EU Constitution)
Romano Prodi, President of the EU Commission, in an address to members of the European Parliament said:
"Europe must assume responsibility for peace and development in the world...With a single voice we can wield real influence. Only united can we
put our own humanist stamp on globalisation and infuse it with Europe's social values...I am convinced that we need a constitution to mark the
birth of Europe as a political entity...[The Union] is not an alliance between States or a federation. It is an advanced supranational democracy that
needs to be strengthened." (emphasis added) [75]
Ashley Mote - MEP, author, broadcaster and constitutional historian - says of the proposed Constitution for Europe: "Essentially, it is not a
constitution at all. It is little more than an elaborate attempt to legitimise the seizure of power by a ruling elite," (emphasis added) and he goes
on to list six of the fundamental defects in the document:

"It is vague, grandiose, imprecise, deliberately complex, confusing and extremely long.

It is proscriptive rather than enabling. It makes law, instead of creating a framework for law-making.

It offers no effective checks and balances to control future law-makers.

It consolidates power for a system of government by a self-perpetuating bureaucracy.

It puts that elite group above the law to be imposed on everyone else.

It turns the member states from theoretical masters of the house of Brussels into its servants."[76]

The Constitution also designates the Euro as the currency of the Union, which means Britain's opt-out of the Euro becomes meaningless if it signs
up for the Constitution.[77]

Article 58 of the Constitution reaffirms previous provisions when it provides for a member state to be reduced to colony status, with no voting rights
but all obligations to the EU still in force, when she is considered by others to have violated "human rights" and "the rule of law". Of course, these
latter terms are undefined and will be interpreted as the EU's arbitrary will decides.[78]

The so-called "exit clause" for member states to withdraw from the EU includes a two-year forced waiting period during which the member state
loses all decision-making powers in the EU and during which the Union can exercise such powers as it sees fit upon the rebel state.[79]

Any MP who votes to accept the EU Constitution, with its irreversibility (or "pretence" thereof), will be in breach of their Oath of Allegiance which is to
defend the Queen as sovereign - and she can remain sovereign only if she is the head of a sovereign state (i.e. an independent, self-determining
state which is subordinate to no other).[80]

Treason at Westminster
"Few men have been desperate enough to attack openly, and barefaced, the Liberties of a free People. Such avowed
Conspirators can rarely succeed: The Attempt would destroy itself. Even when the Enterprize is begun and visible, the End
must be hid, or denied. It is the Business and Policy of Traytors, so to disguise their Treason with plausible Names, and so to
recommend it with popular and bewitching Colours, that they themselves shall be adored, while their Work is detested, and yet
carried on by those that detest it.

"Thus one Nation has been surrendered to another under the fair Name of mutual Alliance: The Fortresses of a Nation have
been given up, or attempted to be given up, under the frugal Notion of saving Charges to a Nation; and Commonwealths have
been trepanned into Slavery, by Troops raised or increased to defend them from Slavery..."[81]

The above was originally written in 1720. Little has changed since then. Through the complicity of prominent and influential figures and factions in
the Conservative and Labour Party, both employing deceitful and wholly corrupt means,[82] the UK has not only joined but become further
entrenched in the EU.

Perhaps we will draw to an end with the now infamous words of Prime Minister Edward Heath. As Prime Minister, in the House of Commons on 25th
February, 1970, in the build up to EEC entrance, Heath said: "There will not be a blueprint for a federal Europe."

Yet in 1991 he was asked: "the single currency; a United States of Europe; was that in your mind when you took Britain in?". Edward Heath replied,
"Of course, yes." (emphasis added)[83]

And in a White Paper published in July 1971 concerning Britain's entrance into the supposedly for-trade-only Common Market:

"There is no question of any erosion of essential national sovereignty...There are some in this country who fear that in
going into Europe, we shall in some way sacrifice independence and sovereignty. These fears I need hardly say are
completely unjustified." (emphasis added)

Time has shown this to be false. What is more, documents released later showed this statement to have been an outright lie.[84]

Have Ministers been deceiving the British public? As early as 1962 Ministers were formally instructed regarding Common-Market membership:

"Ministers should in public speeches avoid accepting specific commitments or giving explanations of the Government's general
commitments which might prove embarrassing when the final terms (of membership) become known in detail."[85]
And what about those who want to reform the EU from within? It is simply not possible. The way the EU is structured, our increasing minority status,
and a host of other factors spelled out in this essay, stop this from being in any way achievable. The Hansard Society has said:

"Any attempts by any government to try to amend Community legislation to its own wishes are doomed to failure...Parliament
has little, if any, input upon the process of European law-making..." (emphasis added)[86]

Conclusion and a Plea

The opening quotation of this article is from Andrew Fletcher of Saltoun. He spoke great wisdom in those words. Truly, unless we first love our own,
we can never truly love another; unless we put first our own kin and country in the dispensing of our charity and duty, we will never truly develop the
character and feelings necessary to "love [and treat] all equally". This is a natural truth founded upon free will (itself the reason for sovereignty's
existence) and cannot be forced by political means.

Britain, in stark contrast to Europe, has had a long tradition of liberty of the individual. Today, despite our own domestic problems, our oversea
investments are far larger than any European nation; two thirds of all "European" investment into the USA come from Britain; Britain is second to
only the United States in terms of investing overseas; over half of all commercially viable inventions discovered in the last sixty years have come out
of Britain; British firms were the purchasers of nearly half of international acquisitions and mergers in the first part of 1999 alone. We are the fourth
largest economy in the world. This is a triumph of a good system. Yes, it could be improved. Yes, there are problems. But there will be many more
problems if we join the EU and, what is more, we will not possess the power to put them right.

Everything Common Law stands for, everything patriots have ever fought for, and everything freemen have ever loved and dreamed of, is now under
threat of extinction. Will Britain remain a free nation? That is what hangs in the balance. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise.

End Notes
1. "Rights are not gifts from one man to another, nor from one class of men to another; for who is he who could be the
first giver, or by what principle, or on what authority, could he possess the right of giving?…It is impossible to discover
any origin of rights otherwise than in the origin of man; it consequently follows that rights appertain to man in right
of his existence only, and must therefore be equal to every man." (Thomas Paine, Dissertations on First Principles
of Government; emphasis added). Hence Paine explains that the philosophy of Civil Law is unnatural, and that rights
are natural (they exist by virtue of nature or God, not because others have granted them to us); he also concludes that
they must therefore be equal to all.
2. "[I]n spite of the cunning of artful political leaders, these three gifts from God [the natural right to individuality (life),
liberty, and property] precede all human legislation, and are superior to it. Life, liberty, and property do not exist
because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that
caused men to make laws in the first place." (Frédéric Bastiat, The Law, pp. 2; emphasis added). To understand why
the right to own and control property is necessary in order to exercise any other right, and why no society can truly be
free, or rights secure, where there is no right to own and control property please read Clarence B. Carson's excellent
article The Property Basis of Rights available on-line at
3. Stand Fast By Our Constitution, Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company, pp. 139.
4. The word "sovereignty" has reference to that which is supreme or the highest. Sovereignty exists within the individual
because of his free will and so his natural right and power to make his own decisions and to act upon them. It is this
power in the individual that, when delegated to government, gives life and authority to the power of government to
make and enforce laws. "There are," said Thomas Paine, "but two divisions into which power can be arranged. First,
that of willing or decreeing the laws; secondly, that of executing or putting them in practise. The former corresponds to
the intellectual faculties of the human mind which reasons and determines what shall be done; the second, to the
mechanical powers of the human body that puts that determination into practise." (Thomas Paine, Dissertations on First
Principles of Government)
5. As quoted by Eugene W. Castle in Billions, Blunders and Baloney, p. 259 (as referenced by Ezra Taft Benson in his
address, United States Foreign Policy given at the Farm Bureau Banquet in Preston, Idaho, June 21st 1968 - see
"Suggestions for Further Study" below).
6. Ezra Taft Benson, United States Foreign Policy given at the Farm Bureau Banquet in Preston, Idaho, June 21st 1968
(see "Suggestions for Further Study" below).
7. Ibid.
8. Ibid.
9. In AD 438 the Roman Senate rubber-stamped the Theodosian Code. This code of laws was created by a group of jurists
appointed by both the Eastern Roman Emperor (Theodosius II) and the Western Roman Emperor (Valentinian III). J.
Reuben Clark said "[These laws] had provisions covering such so-called modern concepts…as price fixing, black
markets, excessive taxation, socialized medicine [a national health service], conscription of labor, anti-semitism,
inflation, corruption in government bureaus, the relationship between Church and State – all phrases familiar to our
ears. Under these laws the entire population was organized as in one vast army. All, including the highest officials, were
strictly classified, and even the least had a station. In substance this meant that everyone did what he was told, and did
not act without permission. There was a great body of secret police to report disobedience; there was a ‘special’ secret
police appointed to watch the ordinary secret police. These laws were framed to provide security. We of today have
heard the same kind of security talk. But, in fact, all this bred not security, but scarcity of grain, of materials, of men.
The mere making of laws, even in an absolute despotism, does not change the great laws of nature and economics –
neither then nor now, for there can be no permanent stability where men are not free. In fewer than forty years from
the issuance of the Theodosian Code the Empire of the West fell, notwithstanding the operation, under complete
autocratic powers, of economic devices enacted to promote the welfare of the people and to preserve the empire; some
of these devices were the same ones that we have been told will rebuild our economic structure and preserve our free
institutions. These devices failed with Rome; they will ultimately fail with us." (Stand Fast By Our Constitution, Salt Lake
City: Deseret Book Company, pp. 140-141).
10. Not many decades after the Fall of the Western Roman Empire the Byzantine (Eastern Roman Empire) under Emperor
Justinian established a new set of laws called the Justinian Code. This set of laws became law throughout all the Eastern
Empire in AD 529. When the Empire fell in AD 1453 the philosophy spread west across all Europe as the Byzantines fled
the Moslems. Thus the Justinian Code became the system of continental Europe. It is said that the laws of the Justinian
Code, a Corpus Juris system, were so many that they filled 2000 books (around 3 million verses). Whereas the absolute
power of the ruler was implicit in the Theodosian Code, it was boldly stated in the Justinian Code.
11. "Here are the principal points of People’s Law [Common Law] as practiced by the Anglo-Saxons (see Colin Rhys Lovell,
English Constitutional and Legal History [New York: Oxford University Press, 1962], pp. 3-50): 1. They considered
themselves a commonwealth of freemen. 2. All decisions and the selection of leaders had to be with the consent of the
people…3. The laws by which they were governed were considered natural laws given by divine dispensation…4. Power
was dispersed among the people and never allowed to concentrate in any one person or group. Even in time of war, the
authority granted to the leaders was temporary and the power of the people to remove them was direct and simple. 5.
Primary responsibility for resolving problems rested first with the individual, then the family, then the tribe or
community, then the region, and finally, the nation. 6. They were organized into small, manageable groups where every
adult had a voice and vote. They divided the people into units of ten families who elected a leader; then fifty families
who elected a leader; then a hundred families who elected a leader; and then a thousand families who elected a leader.
7. They believed the rights of the individual were considered unalienable and could not be violated without risking the
wrath of divine justice as well as civil retribution by the people’s judges. 8. The system of justice was structured on the
basis of severe punishment unless there was complete reparation to the person who had been wronged…treason… [was]
considered [a] capital offense… 9. They always attempted to solve problems on the level where the problem originated.
If this was impossible they went no higher than was absolutely necessary to get a remedy. Usually only the most
complex problems involving the welfare of the whole people, or a large segment of the whole people, ever went to the
leaders for solution." (The 5,000-Year Leap, Dr. W. Cleon Skousen [USA: National Center for Constitutional Studies,
1981], pp. 12-14).
12. "…men in our kingdom shall have and hold all the aforesaid liberties, rights and concessions well and peacefully, freely
and quietly, fully and completely, for themselves and their heirs from us and our heirs, in all matters and in all places
for ever." (Magna Carta, AD 1215). Those rights include the right to due process of law, the right to trial by jury, and
the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty.
13. "Jefferson’s great ambition at that time was to promote a renaissance of Anglo-Saxon primitive institutions on the new
continent. Thus presented, the American Revolution was nothing but the reclamation of the Anglo-Saxon birthright..."
(Gilbert Chinard, Thomas Jefferson: The Apostle of Americanism, 2nd ed. Rev. [Ann Arbor, Mich.: The University of
Michigan Press, 1975], pp. 86). It is interesting to note that the members of the committee set up to design the Seal of
the United States (Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin) originally intended one side of the seal to
show the Children of Israel in the wilderness and the other side to show Hengist and Horsa (according to tradition the
first Anglo-Saxons in England). These ideas proved too detailed for a small seal and a simpler design was agreed upon.
The Founders were well acquainted with Common Law and that both the Israelites and Anglo-Saxons were governed by
14. "For more than six hundred years - that is, since Magna Carta, in 1215 - there has been no clearer principle of English
or American constitutional law, than that, in criminal cases, it is not only the right and duty of juries to judge what are
the facts, what is the law, and what was the moral intent of the accused; but that it is also their right, and their primary
and paramount duty, to judge of the justice of the law, and to hold all laws invalid, that are, in their opinion, unjust or
oppressive, and all persons guiltless in violating, or resisting the execution of, such laws." (An Essay on the Trial by
Jury, 1852, Lysander Spooner; see Vigilance: A Defence of British Liberty, pp. 70-71; see also "Suggestions for Further
Study" below). The power of the jury is greater than that of government; without the jury's consent no person can
ever be punished, no unjust law ever applied, and no just law ever misapplied. To take away trial by jury
exposes every citizen to a government that acts as both judge and jury - it may do whatever it wants with none to
check it! For a brief article on the importance and powers of the jury, see Trial By Jury: An Essential Safeguard For a
Free Society available on-line at In Europe and under European
Law there is no genuine trial by jury anywhere.
15. Leon Trotsky, October 30th, 1917, at Smolny, Petrograd. As quoted in John Reed’s book, 10 Days That Shook the
16. Godfather of the European Union: Altiero Spinelli by Lindsay Jenkins available on-line at:
17. The Great Deception: The Secret History of the European Union by Christopher Booker and Richard North, p. 4-17 (see
"Suggestions for Further Study" below).
18. This information taken from Vigilance: A Defence of British Liberty by Ashley Mote (see "Suggestions for Further Study"
19. Some of the papers present at Heydrich's meeting at the University of Berlin in 1942 included such ominous titles as:
"The Economic Face of New Europe", "Development of the EEC", "European Agriculture", "European Transport", "A
European Currency", "European Trade and Economic Treaties", "Is Europe a Geographical Concept or a Political Fact?" -
words that are all familiar to us today of course. For more information on the EU, Nazi Germany and Reinhard Heydrich
read Phillip Day's excellent article, The German European Economic Community? available on-line at The original papers have recently been translated
into English and made freely available on-line at:
20. For more information on the authors' views on the subject of Nazi origins of the EU see their work Treason at
Maastricht, page 123 and also chapter 18. (see "Suggestions for Further Study" below)
21. See The Great Deception: The Secret History of the European Union by Christopher Booker and Richard North, p. 18-30,
Chapter 2, "The Nazi Cul-de-Sac: 1933-1945" (see "Suggestions for Further Study" below). See also the on-line article,
The Fascist Inheritance in the European and Blair Projects by Edward Spalton. (see "Suggestions for Further Study"
22. It seems well documented that certain figures and interests involved with building up the Nazis also financed and
supported the movement to build a united Europe. The connection between these conspiring parties and the EU is
addressed elsewhere in this essay. For their connections to Nazism readers may wish to study Wall Street and the Rise
of Hitler by Antony C. Sutton; the text of this book is freely available on-line at http://reformed-
23. For an introduction to the conspiratorial view of history the author recommends A. Ralph Epperson's The Unseen Hand
published by Publius Press. Once you've read this you will never view history the same way again. Available for
purchase from Amazon UK at
24. See Global Tyranny...Bloc by Bloc by William F. Jasper, "The New American" magazine, Vol. 17, No. 8, April 9th, 2001.
Available on YouTube at:

or in written form here:

25. For more information on Bilderbergers and other groups try which has a huge list of articles
and links on the matter. Also, The Chronological History of the New World Order by D.L. Cuddy, Ph.D, gives a more
general listing of dates and quotations charting the globalist agenda from the beginning of the 20th century; viewable
on-line at: Inclusion of these links should not be taken to mean that
the author of the essay you are now reading agrees with everything written or linked to on these sites. Readers may
also be interested in the Portman Papers in this connection (see "Suggestions for Further Study" below).
26. For more information on Retinger and others behind the development of the EU, see Rogues’ Gallery of EU Founders by
William F. Jasper; availabe on-line at: looks at the way the same efforts are being made in America and Canada to establish an EU-style
superstate - under the guise of economic treaties, and supported by some of the same characters and organizations
that have been involved with the founding and growth of the EU.
27. "Europe's nations should be guided towards the superstate without their people understanding what is
happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps each disguised as having an economic purpose, but
which will eventually and irreversibly lead to federation." (Communiqué, 30 April 1952, by Jean Monnet, emphasis
added). For Paul-Henri Spaak reference see The "New European Soviet" by Vilius Brazenas quoting The Great
Deception: The Secret History of the European Union (see "Suggestions for Further Study" below for both sources).
28. For a full history of the European Union read The Great Deception: The Secret History of the European Union by
Christopher Booker and Richard North (see "Suggestions for Further Study" below). A free paper entitled The Bilderberg
Group and the project of European unification (by Mike Peters) is also available for download (in text format)at According to's story, "Guess who's at super-secret Bilderberg
meeting today: Italy hosts 50th-anniversary confab of mysterious society of world leaders" (Friday, June 4th) -
available on-line at - attendees from the EU included Frits
Bolkestein, Commissioner for the Internal Market in the European Commission; Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, Director,
European Central Bank; Rockwell A. Rockwell A. Schnabel, US Ambassador to the EU; Jean-Claude Trichet, President of
the European Central Bank; Antonio M. Vitorino, Justice and Home Affairs Commissioner of the European Union; and
Gijs M. de Vries, EU Counter Terrorism Co-ordinator.
29. "Pope John XXIII envisaged a European religio-political monster which he called 'the Greatest [Roman]
Catholic superstate the world has ever known'. (The Papal Nuncio in Brussels was later to describe the EU as 'a
[Roman] Catholic confederation of States'). United within the ancient boundaries of the Holy Roman Empire by the
common spiritual bond of religion, in a burgeoning and booming industrial economy, situated geographically in the
world's most productive industrial complex, it would march onto the scene of world history - so said Pope John XXIII -
as 'the greatest single human force ever seen by man.'" (Professor Arthur Noble, The Conspiracy Behind The European
Union: What Every Christian Should Know, delivered at the Annual Autumn Conference of the United Protestant Council
in London, Saturday, November 7, 1998; emphasis added. Complete address available online at As far back as 1975 Shirley Williams, a British Labour
minister and later the co-founder of the Social Democrats, commented: "We will be joined to a Europe in which the
Catholic religion will be the dominant faith, and in which the application of the Catholic Social Doctrine will be the major
factor in everyday political and economic life." For more information the reader is referred to The Principality and Power
of Europe: Britain and the Emerging Holy European Empire by Adrian Hilton (see "Suggestions for Further Study"
30. For example, see
31. Qualified Majority Voting is the practice whereby each member state is assigned a number of votes weighted
approximately by population. Britain has 29 votes (from May 2004) out of 345, and 258 votes are required to enact
legislation. QMV is extending to more and more areas of legislation as the EU grows - supposedly to prevent "total
paralysis" - and Britain has no chance of defending its interests when they differ from EU member states (which they
invariably will due to our differing system, traditions and values). We have much to lose. Some assurances have been
given that a veto (i.e. no QMV) will apply to important areas such as defence but the truth is there are many "back-
doors" through which QMV can impose any and every law upon us, not to mention the compromises the Government
seems to be all too willing to engage in (see "Britain yields to EU over criminal justice" by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard and
George Jones, The Telegraph, May 19th 2004, on-line at:
32. "When the Maastricht Treaty was before Parliament John Major forced it through by ruthless whipping and unacceptable
personal pressures. It surrendered sovereign powers of the Queen in Parliament to an unelected body in Europe without
a clear mandate from the electorate." (Sir Peter Smithers, former Secretary General of the Council of Europe, in a letter
to the Daily Telegraph, 4th January 2000).
33. Borders and Liberty by Andrew P. Moriss, "The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty", July 2004, and available on-line at: In connection with this article by Andrew Moriss, the
author of this essay strongly feels that a country should be established along federal and not national lines. In using
these terms the reader should not be blinded by modern usage (which is often wrong). In this essay the author has
used "national" to contrast with "supranational", and espouses nationalism in its non-political sense. The author,
however, remains committed to the idea of a union of distinct states or provinces within a country such as existed under
the original US Government which was a federal (but since has increasingly become a national) government. Such
divisions would no doubt be by county or regions of counties in the United Kingdom.
34. "One Conservative minister, writing about his first visit to an EU ministerial conference, remarked that on entering the
conference chamber he was given a copy of the final communiqué. When he pointed out that the subjects had not yet
been discussed he was told: 'Oh no, sir, the decisions have already been made. You are here only to sign the
communiqué.'" (see Vigilance: A Defence of British Liberty, pp. 12; see "Suggestions for Further Study" below)
35. "Individual MEPs are not an essential, nor even an important, part [of the EU]. We are interchangeable bit-part actors,
spear-carriers, participating in a mockery of the parliamentary process. Oratory plays no part. Reason plays no part.
Conviction plays no part. Our votes cannot change a directive. We are there merely to furnish an illusion of
democracy, providing a veneer to conceal what is a fundamentally undemocratic process." (Jeffrey Titford,
MEP, speaking of his experience of the European Parliament as quoted in Vigilance: A Defence of British Liberty, pp. 27;
emphasis added. See "Suggestions for Further Study" below)
36. For more information on the ECB please read A Sceptical Introduction to the European Union (see "Suggestions for
Further Study" below).
37. "In all tyrannical governments the supreme magistracy, or the right of both making and of enforcing laws, is vested in
one and the same man, or one and the same body of men; and whenever these powers are united together, there can
be no public liberty…But where the legislative and executive are in distinct hands, the former will take care not to
entrust the latter with so large a power, as may tend to the subversion of its own independence and therewith of the
liberty of the subject." (Sir William Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of England). Compare this with what
Montesqueieu said: "When the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person, or in the same body of
magistrates, there can be no liberty; because apprehensions may arise, lest the same monarch or senate [legislature]
should enact tyrannical laws, to execute them in a tyrannical manner…Again, there is no liberty, if the judiciary power
be not separated from the legislative and executive. Were it joined with the legislative, the life and liberty of the subject
would be exposed to arbitrary control, for the judge would then be the legislator. Were it joined to the executive power,
the judge might behave with violence and oppression."(Charles de Montesquieu, The Spirit of the Laws, Great Books of
the Western World, vol. 38 [Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 1952], p. 70)
38. Referring to the European Parliament, Ashley Mote writes "In the unlikely event that a resolution is voted down, under a
procedure known as 'conciliation', the vote is overturned and the original reinstated. The parliament itself has no
legislative powers." (Vigilance: A Defence of British Liberty, pp. 27; see "Suggestions for Further Study" below)
39. "The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or
many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny."
(James Madison, Federalist Papers, No. 47).
40. In the Corpus Juris document published by the EU it reads, in part, "…designed to ensure, in a largely unified European
legal area, a fairer, simpler, and more efficient system of repression." (page 40, paragraph 3). The document also
makes reference to professional judges (26), indefinite detention (20,iii), loss of double jeopardy and thus presumption
of innocence (27,ii), loss of the right of the accused to be informed of evidence against him (29,iii), secret trials (34),
extradition (21,I,b). This document alone exposes the real tyrannical nature of the EU.
41. "In the territory of each member State and whatever their nationality, officials and other servants of the Communities immune from legal proceedings in respect of acts performed by them in their official capacity, including their
words spoken or written. They shall continue to enjoy this immunity after they have ceased to hold office..." (Chapter V,
Article 12 of Protocol 36 on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Communities, Treaty on European Union; 8
April 1965). These privileges are also included in the EU Constitution under Article III-340 which states: "The Union
shall enjoy in the territories of the Member States such privileges and immunities as are necessary for the performance
of its tasks, under the conditions laid down in the Protocol of 8 April 1965 on the privileges and immunities of the
European Communities. The same shall apply to the European Investment Bank."
42. See "EU Arrest Warrant Comes Into Force", European Institute of Protestant Studies, taken from The British Church
Newspaper, January 9th 2004, available on-line at:
43. Chapter II, Art. 17; see also The Human Rights Act 1998, incorporated within British law, Protocol 1, Art. 1.
44. See "Watch What You Say" by John Hilliker, Philadelphia Trumpeter, July 2001, available on-line at:
45. "Now It's Blasphemy to Mock Europe" by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in The Spectator, 18th November, 2000. This article
can be read for free on-line but you will need to subscribe first:
46. S.I. 2001, No. 85. The exact areas where this infringement of free speech occurs is in public health, public safety,
administration and trade. Read the House of Lords debate of March 20th, 2001 at

47. One Government-supported "reason" for ID cards in the UK is to combat social security fraud. This is interesting as
Richard Thomas, the new Information Commissioner and Head of the UK Data Protection Office recently said: "A second
justification [for ID cards] is social security fraud. Well, the empirical evidence is that the vast bulk of social security
fraud is caused by fraud about people's circumstances, not about their identity..." ("ID Cards 'will be boon for forgers'"
by Alan Travis, home affairs editor, The Guardian, January 8, 2003); full article available on-line from Guardian
Unlimited at:,11026,870470,00.html. For an excellent argument against ID cards
see Sean Gabb’s pamphlet, Identity Cards: Some Brief Objections available online at; see also a short article by the author at http://www.freedom- which also references many resources for further research.
48. Government Paves Way for EU Identity Cards by Marc Glendening, Tribune, August 1st 2003; full article available on-
line at:
49. Henry St. George Tucker, in his edition of Blackstone’s Commentaries, Vol. 1, p. 300 (1803).
50. For more information please read All The Way Down The Slippery Slope: Gun Prohibition in England and Some Lessons
for Civil Liberties in Amercia by Joseph E. Olsen and David B. Kopel, on-line at:
51. "Why I am going to the European Court" by Daniel Hannan, MEP; from Freedom Today, May/June 2004, p. 25

. View article online at

52. Winston Churchill, minute to the Home Secretary, 21st November 1943.
53. Section II, Chapter 8, heading (d): "Measures for countering fraud against the financial interests of the Community."
The House of Lords interviewed two EU representatives who stated that Corpus Juris could be, and would be, introduced
under Article 280 of the Amsterdam Treaty (see pages 84-85 of the 9th Report, House of Lords, 1998).
54. EU Commission proposals (Directorate General XX) detail EU criminal code and procedure. Article 26.1 provides for
cases (with sentences up to seven years) to be heard by courts "consisting of professional judges, excluding simple
jurors and lay magistrates."
55. Protocol annexed to Maastricht Treaty of 1992. Article 30 requires Britain, on her entrance into the EMU, to transfer
£8000 million of gold and dollar reserves to the ECB in Frankfurt, Germany. This cannot be reversed once done. Article
42 of this same Protocol allows for all remaining reserves to be transferred if a majority of the other EMU countries ask
for it - Britain could not veto this.
56. In 1999 the entire European Commission was forced to resign due to corruption charges; but most who "resigned" just
carried on as normal. The House of Commons' Public Accounts Committee has the view that corruption is endemic and
unreformable in the EU (see PAC report issued 25th August 1999). For more on EU financial corruption see Ashley
Mote's site at:
57. The Pink Book 2003, United Kingdom Balance of Payments, HM Government, Central Statistics Office, 2004.
58. See EuroFAQs, The European Union faq, p. 7-9 available as html or pdf on-line at for
full explanations and official sources.
59. ICM survey of 1000 company chief executives, April 2004.
60. Sovereignty Journal, April 2004, letter from Donald Martin reporting on FSB Annual Branch Conference held in Blackpool
19th to 21st March 2004.
61. KPMG Consulting survey based on responses from 300 firms.
62. "For continental European politicians a single currency is above all a political not an economic issue ... In the 19th
century there were three failed attempts in parts of Europe to create monetary unions. The German monetary union
was fully fledged by the 1870s but it began some 40 years before, initially as a customs union. The Prussian Thaler - as
the currency was called - held sway while Bismarck dominated. The French attempt at a Latin Monetary Union started in
1865 and included Belgium, Italy, Greece and Switzerland, and at the time Walter Bagehot warned that if Britain did
nothing we would be left out in the cold. We wisely declined to join and never regretted it. In 1873, Sweden, Denmark
and Norway started a monetary union which was dissolved in 1924. This albeit limited history shows that monetary
unions fail..." (Lord Owen, in The Economist, 24th January 1998; emphasis added).
63. The Times, 19th February 2000.
64. Why the New EU is like the Old USSR by Vernon Coleman (quoting Vladimir Bukovsky) available on-line at
65. From Euro to Union by William F. Jasper, 28th January 2002, Vol. 18, No. 2 of The New American magazine, available
on-line at For more information (and also American issues) read
"Regional Mergers on the Road to the Global Total State" by the same author, published on-line at:
66. The article from which this extract comes no longer seems to be available on-line. There is something akin to it by the
same author entitled The Real Purpose of the EU's Enlargement at: I would
suggest contacting Uno Silberg if you want to find the original article (EU and Soviet Union - the same federal socialism
67. "Estonians Wary of European Union" by Christopher Bollyn, American Free Press, 20th August 2003; available on-line
68. "Avalanche of doubts leaves Prodi bruised" by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, 10th May 2003, The Telegraph, available on-
line at: See more related
information at:
69. Defence of the Realm, p. 5; see "Suggestions for Further Study" below.
70. The Doctrine of Parliamentary Sovereignty, as explained by Professor A.V. Dicey's accepted and classic definition given
in 1885. See The Law of the Constitution by the same author, 10th edition. (1959), p. 67-68.
71. "Sovereignty for a nation is hard to come by and even more difficult to retain. It cannot be shared, for then
sovereignty becomes something else, and, for want of a better word, when sovereignty is lessened the end-product is
internationalism. Sovereignty is neither more nor less than self-government." Ezra Taft Benson, United States Foreign
Policy given at the Farm Bureau Banquet in Preston, Idaho, June 21st 1968; emphasis added (see "Suggestions for
Further Study" below).
72. See Chapter 11, pp. 75-78, of Treason at Maastricht (see "Suggestions for Further Study" below).
73. In 1706 the people of Scotland effectively decided to share their King and Parliament with England and Wales. Thus was
created the United Kingdom. The new Parliament was to be in England, the Scottish Parliament was to no longer exist.
The statute which dealt with the terms of this union was called the Act of Union. This vital part of the British
Constitution guaranteed that Parliament would not encroach upon the rights of the Scots. If this happened, the Act of
Union would be null and void. This would mean the United Kingdom would cease to exist in its present form. It also
would mean that Parliament's authority would cease to exist because that authority originated in the Act. By
consenting to the Maastricht Treaty, and thus violating the rights of the Scots, Parliament has invalidated
its own authority.
74. For an explanation of the 8 counts of treason levelled at those involved with signing away British Sovereignty to Europe,
see Treason at Maastricht, chapter 4 (pp. 43-51) (see "Suggestions for Further Study" below). For more information on
the British Constitution and the EU Constitution's incompatibility with it, read John Bingley's excellent The EU
Constitution is Incompatible with Ours (see "Suggestions for Further Study" below).
75. Shaping Tomorrow’s EU, Brussels, 4 April 2002.
76. From The Proposed EU Constitution is a Weapon of Mass Destruction of all the Member states, an article by Ashley
Mote. No longer available on-line but a report of what may have been that speech can be found on-line at Ashley Mote can also be contacted at his site (see above).
77. The European Constitution against The British Constitution: A Short Critique by Torquil Dick-Erikson, M.A. (Oxon),
published by the UK Independence Party, April 2004; pp. 6
78. Ibid. pp. 15.
79. Ibid. pp. 15-18.
80. Ibid. pp. 6.
81. Number 17, Cato's Letters, Saturday, February 18, 1720; from The English Libertarian Tradition: From the Writings of
John Trenchard and Thomas Gordon in "The Independent Whig" and "Cato's Letters" [Fox & Wilkes, San Francisco,
1965], p. 52. Cicero's own words on the matter of treason are also poignant here, said he: "A nation can survive its
fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for
he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly
whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very hall of government itself. For the traitor appears not traitor -
he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments, and he appeals to the
baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation - he works secretly and unknown in the
night to undermine the pillars of a city - he infects the body politic so that is can no longer resist. A murderer is less to
be feared." (in a speech to the Roman Senate, 42 B.C.)
82. For details on the deception, vote-rigging and other underhanded schemes of British politicians see The Great
Deception: The Secret History of the European Union, chapter 8, "The Real Deceit of Edward Heath: 1970-1975" (see
"Suggestions for Further Study" below)
83. Question Time, BBC, speaking to Peter Sissons, 1st November 1991. Heath also said: "There is no danger of a single
currency." (EEC membership information leaflet, 1975).
84. These quotations on Europe, and many others (all referenced and checked) have been compiled on-line at:
85. Minutes of the Cabinet Meeting of 23rd October 1962 (released under 30 Year Rule, 1st January 1993).
86. The 1996 Inter-Governmental Conference: The Agenda, Democracy and Efficiency and the Role of National Parliaments,
House of Commons Select Committee on European Law, 1996.

Suggestions for Further Study


Vigilance: A Defence of British Liberty by Ashley Mote. This book is a must-read. The author presents the case
very well and in an easy-to-read manner. This book is the one book that, if everyone read, would truly wake up
the people of Britain and the free world to their own blessings and the very real threat of the draconian
European Union. or
NOTE: You may download and print out for free a text file with excerpts from this book at:

Defence of the Realm by Ashley Mote (booklet). Looks at the cogent argument that the EU treaties, et. al., are
actually illegal in Britain. The text of this booklet can also be found in the appendix of the above book.

Treason at Maastricht: The Destruction of the Nation State by Rodney Atkinson and Norris McWhirter. This
book is a testament to the patriotic and highly knowledgeable Norris McWhirter who sadly died of a heart attack
the same week that it was reported that the Prime Minister had agreed to hold a referendum on the EU
Constitution. Norris, together with Rodney Atkinson, brought charges of treason against certain individuals in
the British Government. This book looks at the eight treason charges, the British Constitution, the Nazi and
Bilderberger involvement in the EU, Winston Churchill's real vision of a future Europe, and the threat that exists
to British and American sovereignty today.

The Last Days of Britain: The Final Betrayal by Lindsay Jenkins (foreword by Norman Lamont)
Detailing the decades of dishonesty as both Labour and Conservative governments have betrayed Britain and
her people.

Britain Held Hostage by Lindsay Jenkins (foreword by Frederick Forsyth)

Reveals the truth about who really created the EU and why.
The Great Deception: The Secret History of the European Union by Christopher Booker and Richard North.
One of the most professional and detailed works on the history of European union from 1918 to the present.
Thoroughly recommended.

The Principality and Power of Europe: Britain and the Emerging Holy European Empire by Adrian Hilton.
Available from Amazon at:

The Law by Frédéric Bastiat. Classic work on the proper role of law in a just society (book). Held in high regard
by Britain and the US but ignored in his own country of France, no doubt because he was no friend to statist
continental philosophies.

On-line Articles & Essays

Historical Deceptions: European Union by Joel Skousen (on-line essay). Insightful and informed commentary
on the dangers of the EU and how it affects all of us. Taken from World Affairs Brief.

An Essay on the Trial By Jury by Lysander Spooner (on-line essay). Excellent essay on the real importance
and role of the jury. Once you've read this you'll never look at trial by jury the same again.

A Sceptical Introduction to the European Union by Richard Greaves (article). As the title suggests, an
introduction to the EU touching upon its major institutions, monetary and banking system, Europol, Corpus
Juris, and other prominent elements. From The Sovereignty Journal.

Corpus Juris and the Threat to British Common Law Rights (web article)

The "New European Soviet" by Vilius Brazenas (magazine article). Mr. Brazenas at ninety plus remembers
most of the major events of the last century. He claims the EU is rapidly descending into totalitarianism and
tells us exactly why it could be no different.

The Law is Above You: The Christian Roots of English Common Law by Michael A. Clark and others (web

Britain’s Unique Heritage of Law Threatened by an E.U. Police State: A Napoleonic System of Repression Now
Confirmed in Corpus Juris (web article)

Corpus Juris by Stealth. Long web page with updates on current British-EU topics and how they affect our
freedom. (web article)

The Fascist Inheritance in the European and Blair Projects by Edward Spalton. Available on-line at

United States Foreign Policy (speech) by Secretary of Agriculture, Ezra Taft Benson). An elaboration on
national sovereignty and the true meaning of nationalism; given at the Farm Bureau Banquet in Preston, Idaho,
June 21st 1968.

Europe's New Constitution: Philadelphia It Is Not by Patrick Basham and Marian L. Tupy (web article). A
comparison of the proposed EU Constitution and the US Constitution. This article was published by Scripps
Howard News Service, March 4, 2003.

The EU Constitution is Incompatible with Ours by John Bingley (speech). A plain and well-argued address
pointing out the illegitimate position of the EU Constitution within the context of the British Constitution.


Visit the UKIP shop for all the latest books and DVDs on the EU at


The June Press
Excellent source of political, economic and historical publications. Also publishes the fortnightly Eurofacts
newsletter available on-line at: Highly recommended.

Written and maintained by an independent group of journalists, businessmen, politicians and academics who
believe Britain's membership of the European Union has been a political and economic disaster. Very clear
and well-presented questions and answers about the EU and Britain. Highly recommended.

The Bruges Group

An all-party independent think tank seeking to stop the centralising of power to Brussels. Many good links and
articles. Rt. Hon. Baroness Thatcher is the Honorary President.

The Freedom Association (TFA)
Readers might also want to study the article Conservative MEPs and the European People's Party: Time for
Divorce, by Martin Ball and Jonathan Collet, available on-line at

News and Resource Portal for Freedom-loving People Everywhere…
International site listing only the most liberty-loving and reliable sources of information from around the world.

Periodicals & Other Publications

Portman Papers
Excellent professional quarterly focusing on the threat to British sovereignty and the Constitution from the EU
and other internationalist forces. Portman Papers is not afraid to go into detail about some of the less-accepted
truths other publications avoid. Highly recommended.

Other Resources

EuroFAQ's European Constitution Resource Page

Includes a summary of the powers of the EU Constitution, the Government and EU position, news and
information on the EU Constitution and referendum, and other links.

New Alliance Constitution and Documents Archive

The official site of the EU, like its legislation, is somewhat hard to navigate and find what you want. So here's
an excellent link resource from New Alliance where you will find all that you need including links to the various
EU treaties and a link to the latest translation of the reader-friendly draft EU Constitution published by EU ABC
(you may wish to review the PowerPoint presentation found via that particular link too): The official EU site is at

About the Author

D. Andrews is a writer and researcher who lives in England, loves his country and is deeply concerned about the decline of freedom in his own land
and the rest of the world. You can view his Video Primer page at

If you feel there is any misrepresentation, error or omission in this article then please contact the author through the feedback form provided below.

NB: As this article is continually being updated and expanded, please check for the latest version at http://www.freedom- if you are not currently reading it from that page. This Version: 17.09.04. Word count: c. 16,300

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