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Tumbuhan biduri (Calotropis gigantea) merupakan

tumbuhan semak yang mengandung protease.

Protease tumbuhan Biduri memiliki potensi sebagai
bahan pengempuk daging. Penggunaan protease
tumbuhan biduri diharapkan mampu mengempukan
tekstur daging itik petelur afkir yang alot dan keras,
sehingga semakin meningkatkan minat konsumen
terhadap daging itik petelur afkir sebagai sumber
protein hewani. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan aras getah biduri
yang berbeda terhadap kualitas fisik dan kimia
daging itik petelur afkir.
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret-Juli
2014 di Laboratorium Pusat MIPA sublab Biologi
Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Laboratorium
Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak Program Studi
Peternakan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sebelas
Maret Surakarta dan Laboratorium Che-Mix
Pratama, Bantul, D. I. Yogyakarta. Materi yang
digunakan adalah bagian paha kanan daging itik
petelur afkir yang berasal dari peternakan di daerah
Gatak, Sukoharjo dan getah biduri hasil penyadapan
di daerah Ngoresan, Jebres, Surakarta.
Parameter yang diuji meliputi keempukan (metode
Wartner-blazer), pH (pH meter), daya ikat air
(Hamm), susut masak, kadar protein terlarut
(Biuret), dan kadar lemak kasar (Soxhlet).
Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode eksperimental
menggunakan disain
rancangan acak lengkap
(RAL) pola searah yang terdiri atas 4 perlakuan aras
penggunaan getah biduri (0, 3, 6, dan 9% dari bobot
sampel) dengan 6 ulangan. Data hasil penelitian
dianalisis menggunakan analisis sidik ragam
(ANOVA), bila sidik ragam menunjukkan
perbedaan mean, dilanjutkan uji beda duncans new
multiple range test (DMRT).
Penggunaan getah biduri tidak berpengaruh
terhadap nilai susut masak, daya ikat air, dan kadar
lemak daging itik petelur afkir (P>0,05), namun
berpengaruh nyata terhadap kadar protein terlarut
(P<0,05), dan berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap
nilai pH dan keempukan (P<0,01). Penambahan
getah biduri pada aras 6% dapat meningkatkan
keempukan daging dan pada aras 9% dapat
meningkatkan kadar protein terlarut serta nilai pH
daging itik petelur afkir.
Kata kunci: daging itik petelur afkir, aras getah
biduri, kualitas fisik, kualitas kimia.

Biduri Plant (Calotropis gigantea) is a

shrub that contains proteases. Proteases Biduri
plants have potentiality as a meat tenderizer.
The aplication of protease Biduri can be
expected to tenderizing culled laying duck meat
which have tough and hard texture, so it can be
prefer consumer to consume culled laying duck
meat as a source of animal proteins.
This study aims to determine the effect of
using different level the sap of Biduri plant against
physical and chemical quality culled laying ducks
This research was conducted in MarchJuly 2014 at the Central Laboratory of MIPA sublab
Biology, UNS Surakarta, Laboratory of Nutrition
and animal Food, Studies Program Animal
Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, UNS Surakarta
and Laboratory Che-Mix Pratama, Bantul,D.I.
The material used is part of the right thigh meat
culled laying ducks from farms in the area Gatak,
Sukoharjo and the sap of Biduri plant from
wiretapping in Ngoresan, Jebres, Surakrata.
Parameters tested include tenderness (Wartnerblazer method), pH (pH meter), water holding
capacity (Hamm), cooking loss (Soeparno), soluble
protein (Biuret), and crude fat (Soxhlet). The
research was conducted by using the experimental
method and one factor completely randomized
design (CRD) with consisting of 4 treatment of
using sap Biduri (0, 3, 6, and 9% by the weight of
the sample) with 6 replications.
Data research result were analyzed using analysis
of variance (ANOVA), when variance showed
effect result in treatment means, it followed with
Duncan's new multiple range test (DMRT) .
The application of sap Biduri plant not effect the
value of cooking loss, water holding capacity, and
the fat crude content of culled laying duck meat
(P> 0.05), but significant effect on soluble protein
content (P <0.05), and a very significant effect on
the value pH and tenderness (P <0.01). The
aplication of sap Biduri plant at 6% can increase the
tenderness of meat and at the level of 9% can
increase the levels of soluble protein and pH value
of culled laying duck meat.
Keywords: culled laying ducks, sap of Biduri plant,
physical and chemical quality.

Biduri Plant (Calotropis gigantea) is a shrub

that contains proteases. Proteases Biduri
plants have potentiality as a meat tenderizer.
Aplication of protease Biduri can be expected
to be tenderizer in culled laying duck meat
which have tough and hard texture, so it can
be increase the people interest to consume
culled laying duck meat as a source of
animal proteins. This study aims to
determine the effect of using different level
the sap of Biduri plant against physical and
chemical quality of meat culled laying
ducks . This research was conducted in
March-July 2014 at the Central Laboratory of
MIPA sublab Biology, UNS Surakarta,
Laboratory of Nutrition and animal Food,
Studies Program Animal Husbandry, Faculty
of Agriculture, UNS Surakarta and Laboratory
Che-Mix Pratama, Bantul,D.I. Yogyakarta. The
material used is part of the right thigh meat
culled laying ducks from farms in the area
Gatak, Sukoharjo and the sap of Biduri plant
from wiretapping in Ngoresan, Jebres,
Surakarta. Parameters tested include meat
tenderness (Wartner-blazer method), pH (pH
meter), water holding capacity (Hamm),
cooking loss (Soeparno), soluble protein
(Biuret), and crude fat (Soxhlet). The
research was conducted by using the
experimental method and use design of
simple completely randomized design (CRD)
with consisting of 4 treatment of using sap
Biduri (0, 3, 6, and 9% from the weight of the
sample) with 6 replications. Data research
result were analyzed using analysis of
variance (ANOVA), when variance showed
effect significant result from average data's
of treatment aftter that continued with
Duncan's new multiple range test (DMRT) .
The application of sap Biduri plant not effect
the value of cooking loss, water holding
capacity, and the fat crude content of culled
laying duck meat (P> 0.05), but significant
effect on soluble protein content (P <0.05),
and a very significant effect on the value pH
and tenderness (P <0.01). The aplication of
sap Biduri plant at 6% can increase the
tenderness of meat and at the level of 9%
can increase the levels of soluble protein and

pH value of culled laying duck meat.

Keywords: culled laying ducks, sap of Biduri
plant, physical and chemical quality.

Biduri Plant (Calotropis gigantea) is a shrub that

contains proteases. Proteases Biduri plants have
potentiality as a meat tenderizer.
Aplication of protease Biduri can be
expected to be tenderizer in culled laying duck meat
which have tough and hard texture, so it can be
increase the people interest to consume culled
laying duck meat as a source of animal proteins.
This study aims to determine the effect of
using different level the sap of Biduri plant against
physical and chemical quality of meat culled laying
ducks .
This research was conducted in March-July
2014 at the Central Laboratory of MIPA sublab
Biology, UNS Surakarta, Laboratory of Nutrition
and animal Food, Studies Program Animal
Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, UNS Surakarta
and Laboratory Che-Mix Pratama, Bantul,D.I.
The material used is part of the right thigh meat
culled laying ducks from farms in the area Gatak,
Sukoharjo and the sap of Biduri plant from
wiretapping in Ngoresan, Jebres, Surakrata.
Parameters tested include meat tenderness (Wartnerblazer method), pH (pH meter), water holding
capacity (Hamm), cooking loss (Soeparno), soluble
protein (Biuret), and crude fat (Soxhlet). The
research was conducted by using the experimental
method and use design of simple completely
randomized design (CRD) with consisting of 4
treatment of using sap Biduri (0, 3, 6, and 9% from
the weight of the sample) with 6 replications.
Data research result were analyzed using analysis
of variance (ANOVA), when variance showed
effect significant result from average data's of

treatment aftter that continued with Duncan's new

multiple range test (DMRT) .
The application of sap Biduri plant not effect the
value of cooking loss, water holding capacity, and
the fat crude content of culled laying duck meat
(P> 0.05), but significant effect on soluble protein
content (P <0.05), and a very significant effect on

the value pH and tenderness (P <0.01). The

aplication of sap Biduri plant at 6% can increase the
tenderness of meat and at the level of 9% can
increase the levels of soluble protein and pH value
of culled laying duck meat.
Keywords: culled laying ducks, sap of Biduri plant,
physical and chemical quality.

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