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The term metaphor comes from the Greek word Metaphora "transfer". As with
such abstractions usual, he refers to the process initially, but then also its
result. Metaphor is the use of a sign with a new Significatum that has
semantic similarity with the Ausgangssignificatum. B1 illustrates what is meant.
B1. Erwin is a brilliant speaker.
Here is a positive quality of the predicator speakers are called. What is meant is
something like "someone who speaks very good". The adjective glossy shine is
actually the present participle of the verb and has its "literal meaning" in
expressions like a glossy surface. This meaning is not meant in terms of
how brilliant speaker. It is an expression whose real meaning (later to become
the basic meaning ) B is used in a context where it has the meaning B j. In the
transfer of the expression of the original to the new context and the associated
acquisition of new meaning B B is the metaphor -. So for example the
importance of "very good" of the expression glossy - also called metaphorical
meaning. If you should specify as the lemma of the dictionary for the
meanings shiny, so you could write:

glossy (adj.) 1) That Glitters 2) very good.

B2. Foot of the mountain, pointed remark to curb
In exactly the same metaphors can be based on a literal meaning in B2. For
example, a pointed remark is sharp only in a figurative sense, as pointed in the
literal sense is a perceptible by touch, physical property.
The base of the metaphor, as I said, the semantic similarity, ie about the
similarity between "foot of a mountain" and "foot of a living being." It should be
noted again that it comes to a similarity between Significata, not by
denotata. The foot of a mountain and a living being qua objects of the extralinguistic world probably do not have a greater similarity than a snail and a
typewriter. The Significata but are similar, and this can be brought by a semantic
analysis of the expression. Relevant to this metaphor seems to be the meaning
for the relation of similarity can therefore be made linguistically explicitly as a
set of semantic features (later to become the overall meaning ), the output of
importance (later to become the basic meaning) and the target are important in
common. At the same time looks from the metaphor of a different subset of
semantic characteristics of the original meaning. In the given example, this
includes about the feature PART OF THE BODY OF A LIVING BEING. That these features
are not lost, but even more pressing in the novel use into consciousness, based
the poetic effect of metaphor.
You Germanized the term 'metaphor' occasionally 'transfer of meaning' and
identifies a metaphorical significance 'figurative meaning'. But as the example

statement just shown, this is a misleading Germanization. It will not be broadcast

on a given meaning of an expression to another, but on the contrary a given
expression from its original in a different context.

Generalization of selectional restrictions

When selection restriction of a relational expression is regularly violated in some
way, they will eventually be expanded or dropped. For example, the verb had
originally probablymake (perhaps in the Proto-Germanic) a selection restriction,
after which its direct object had to be concrete, so as to make a paper boat. This
will make injured in combinations like a good idea / bankruptcy / love. At the
beginning of such combinations were metaphors; The good impression etc. is
compared to a prepared concrete object. This metaphor is however long dead,
and make the verb has not this selection restriction. In today's German, you can
almost everything "make" fun, mischief, the exam etc. Such combinations are so
in today's German not metaphorical.
The lexicalization of a metaphor can be thought of as a three-stage process,

innovative / creative
metaphor metaphors pregnant vision of a lifted philosophers (Finke


conventional / usuelle metaphor pointed remark


lexicalized / dead metaphor be fun

The first use of a metaphor is an innovation. If this is accepted by a sufficient

portion of the speech community as the metaphor usuell and as such may also
be listed in a dictionary. Finally, the source and target meaning simply be
subsumed under a general specification without their own importance, so that
the metaphor is not diagnosed as such and thus dead.

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