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The Analogy Key

If I said to you that the Bible is like a Tree of Knowledge, being it is made from Paper which
comes from Trees and inside the Book we find the Law revealing the Knowledge of Evil and
Grace revealing the Good. Then I have simply used an Analogy to paint a mental picture to
you. If I said to you that book is full of Light, then you know I mean understanding and
knowledge, not a literal light.
An Analogy, is what Paul in His day called Allegories or as often referred to as Types and
Shadows. The Sun is a Type of God and the Moon is a type of The Church.
We use analogies in every day life, such as, Apple of my eye, or Go back to your roots, we
know the person they are speaking of, is not an Apple and that they have no literal roots. Only
plants and trees and such have roots in general. We see analogies drawn in many forms of
art, such as the Garden of Eden, we see them paint Adam and Eve standing next to an Apple
Tree with a serpent wrapped around the tree or branch and Eve reaching for the Apple. We
hear a common analogy when someone says, He is a chip off the old block.
The Bible is a book that is full of the most incredible and amazing analogies ever written.
From the Tree of Knowledge in Genesis, to the Great Light at Revelations end.
The Bible is full of Analogies! It is known that not just everyday people use analogies, but that
secret societies use analogies to relay in secret who they are and to give messages and
meaning to other members. It is said the Masons use analogies and that the dollar bill is full of
hidden meanings and analogies that hide a secret.
The purpose of analogies, is used in everyday life as conversation and to quickly give
meaning and purpose to what is being said, without going into so much detail, in other words,
get to the point. We want to convey a message in the quickest way possible yet retain the full
impact of our meaning and intent. So instead of saying, you know lil Johnny over there looks
just like his daddy, his hair is blonde and he has his ears and his nose and he even sounds
like Him when he talks...... yeah he is a chip off the old block. Really all they had to say was
that. The message got over real good.
It is said that early Christians used the Fish Symbol so as to let other Christians know that
they were Christians. It was a way to save and protect their lives. We use stars for our Military
Generals to show their understanding and leadership has far excelled the average Joe, even
as we say, into the heavens. We use a Seal for the President, to show as something
absolute, and a purpose and is an authority.

God Himself used and uses Analogies, or Allegories, types and shadows. The purpose of
this is to train your mind, not to just see a neat sounding analogy, but that the very analogy He
is using, in itself, IS A KEY. God has no purpose to use analogies unless He is trying to
convey to ones mind, What that analogy represents! He is using it to convey a spiritual
understanding to the hearer or reader. Why would God need to do that? Because God is
invisible and He is wanting to tell you something and to tell you the something, He has to use
a sign language or an analogy. The Bible tells us that God is everywhere and that He inhabits
eternity and fills all in all. Now that we know and believe this, then the only conclusion we can
draw from this is this. God whom is Invisible, yet everywhere and in all things, has had to
clothe Himself, like throwing a sheet over the invisible ghost, so one can see Him. He has
hidden Himself in Analogies! In the Allegories and the Types and Shadows, God has hidden
Himself, or clothed Himself in such a way that if we will take the time to do so, we can, by
seeing analogies, in time, begin to unveil, the Invisible God.
The Analogy is The Key. It is the Key to first unlocking the Mystery of God. So for a quick
example, we say 3 men are standing talking, two of them have known one another for years
and live in the same town, one of them is from China and is new to the country. One man says
to the other, that kid over there s a chip off the old block. Well the friend knew exactly what
he was referring to, which was the kid off in the distance, but the China man, would not
understand, because He is not used to Analogies for instance. See 3 men and One spoke
something, one understood, and one did not. So we see our minds have to be trained in such
a way, through seeing analogies, before we can begin to comprehend spiritual things.
Remember the Analogy is hiding or veiling a hidden secret or truth, the point of the analogy is
not to focus on the chip or the block but the person in whom it is referring to. The china man
may go away wondering what did the chip and block mean, while the other man knew it had
nothing to do with the chip or block, but was referring to lil Johnny. I am trying to keep this as
simple as possible so anyone can use this as a guide of sorts to begin seeing another world
that exist all around them.
Now we do tend to drag things out at times with what seems to be an overkill or too much
details, but the purpose of the details, is to nail the board on really good, so the wind will not
blow it off. Details further establish in more trust and in a more absolute way, that which we
seek to nail down. So details are important. We must chew the food up good for the babies to
eat. We are all babies to God and he feeds us daily. So be patient and be slow to understand,
let the convictions of truths settle and absorb deep within your heart. it makes for stronger
Now lets see some analogies from the Bible.

Jer. 17:8 - For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her
roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall
not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit.
Ezek. 19:10 - Thy mother is like a vine in thy blood, planted by the waters:she was
fruitful and full of branches by reason of many waters. And she had strong rods for the
sceptres of them that bare rule, and her stature was exalted among the thick branches, and
she appeared in her height with the multitude of her branches.
Prov. 3:18 - She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that
retaineth her. speaking of wisdom.
There are so many analogies in the Bible, it is full of them. Prophecies are full of them,
Visions are full of them, dreams are full of them! Ever had a dream and just knew it had a
meaning, and you would think on it for days as to what the meaning might be? We say all the
time about many things, I wonder what that could mean? See how you are seeing the
analogy or the veiled part, but asking to see it unveiled, or see it for what it truly means. The
analogy is just the cover, like the shell of the peanut, but what we desire and need is the
peanut within the shell. The shell is just the husk that was used to form the peanut, once we
have the peanut the shell is of no more use. In other words the analogy is just the veil that
covers the meaning. Like the chip and the block is just the analogy or shell that was hiding the
meaning and the meaning was the peanut or lil Johnny to whom was the Chip off the Block.
The Analogy is the shell to hide the truth or the peanut. Your Body hides your spirit. Jesus hid
God in Himself, or God hid Himself in Jesus. people see Jesus and lift Him up, but they never
go past the veil of his body to see within the True God. He was the Tabernacle that hid the
true Ark of The Covenant.
Now though we can see many of these analogies in the Bible, we do not have a key so to
speak to unlock the analogy. The Bible says the Word of God, or the Bible, is to be spiritually
discerned. Now this is a hard thing, because it also says, We are carnal sold under sin, and
again, The carnal mind is at enmity with God and is not subject to the Law of God, neither
indeed can be. So how is a carnal man, supposed to come to spiritual discernment? Paul the
Apostle gave us a Key. First we have to see we are surrounded by analogies and types and
shadows or allegories already, our world and daily lives is filled with them. That in these things
in every day life from the microscopic world to the largest objects in the known universe that,
God is in all of them and hidden in them all. God being Invisible and yet everywhere and is all
things, then the ONLY REASON, we have not or cannot see Him yet, is because we still see
only the object or the veil or the analogy, we do not see God in the analogy. We see we
must,Remove The Veil, to unlock Him.

So we must have a Key to unlocking the Mystery of God in All Things. Peter said He was
given the Key of Knowledge. We know the Key was the Key to Unlock the Door and that the
Door was that which opened the Kingdom of God. So let me say it like this. A knowledge is
given as a key, that unlocks a greater knowledge, as to the door, that leads to a greater
knowledge, or the Kingdom of God. Knowledge unlocks more knowledge. We use this every
day as well. We use addition to lead us to multiplication, then we use multiplication to lead us
to say Algebra and then on to Calculus and so on, see how knowledge leads to a greater
knowledge and thus mentally speaking we begin to excel, upward in our understanding. We
could say Peter was a Key, Paul was a Door and John on the isle of Patmos was the
Kingdom. Each of these men used their varied level of understanding to give us the step we
needed to reach the next level. Now of course the centerpiece of all of this is Jesus the Christ,
to whom they all point back unto, He is the Object that all analogies point unto, for in Him
dwelt the fullness of God in a Human Body, so He is the Key, the Door and the Kingdom, but
the Apostles were breaking these things down so we as humanity could come up to their level
and see from faith to faith and from one revelation to the next, a greater measure of the light
of understanding of Who and What Christ was and why we needed to see it!
Peter had a Key and look what that Key did. Peter said to the Man Jesus, Thou art the Christ,
the Son of the Living God! Peters Key opened the Door to who Jesus was. Jesus was the
Door so to speak and Peter got a revelation and was able to peek inside the veil of Jesus and
seen the Invisible Christ in Him. See Peters Mind was given a Key of Knowledge and what
was that Knowledge, but that Jesus was indeed the very Christ of God. So Peter opened the
Door of the Man Jesus and seen the Christ in Him. The veil was removed from Peters Mind,
we say Peter was given the ability to spiritually discern whom Jesus was.
Paul was given something greater than Peter was. Paul said He was chiefest among all of the
Apostles, and Peter said of Paul that, He says things that are hard to be understood or to
understand. Yet Peter also said concerning what Paul was given, gird up the loins of your
mind and hope to the end, at the grace that is to be brought to you at The Revelation of Jesus
Christ. Paul stated He had received The Revelation of Jesus Christ. Paul also said He
Knew a man more than 14 years ago that heard things unlawful for a man to speak and this
man was caught up to the 3rd heaven. So Paul is saying he knew a man who obtained to a
level of understanding so deep and so great that God at that time would not allow it to be
made known or revealed. A secret hidden knowledge that was so great and mighty that God
told the man he could not speak of it, that he could write it and put it in a book, but could not
reveal it as to the meanings but could only leave it hidden in the Analogies, types, shadows
or allegories. Of course we know this was St. John on the Island called Patmos whom was
indeed caught up to the Spirit or the 3rd Heaven, and did indeed hear things unlawful to
speak as God told Him in one part to seal up what was spoken and write it not.

Listen to what Paul says here and see if you can grasp the Key from His hand and begin to
unlock the Mysteries of God.
Eph. 1:17 - That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the
spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: The eyes of your understanding
being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of
the glory of his inheritance in the saints, And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to
us- ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, Which he wrought in
Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly
places, Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is
named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come.
We are told to Pray for this Spirit of Revelation. We know that this is from God and that only
God knows the things of God so only God can reveal and unlock these things.
The Bible tells us the Holy Ghost will come and show us all things. It also tells us that we have
an unction a decree, an authority from God that we should know all things. Now of course
God knows all things so we should begin to comprehend God and thus when we do we will
begin to truly come to real wisdom and understanding.
Now see Paul shedding some light here, using the spirit of revelation He had received to
unlock a mystery. Hear him use and give an analogy and then give the revelation of it, He
shows you the shell of the peanut, then opens it up and gives you the peanut itself.
Gal. 4:22 - For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a
freewoman. But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the
freewoman was by promise. Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants;
the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar. For this Agar is
mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her
children. But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.
See how He speaks of Sarah and Hagar, then says to you and I that THEY are not just people
from ages gone by, but they themselves and their lives were and is an Allegory, an analogy,
a type or shadow! He was unveiling their lives right before your eyes and seeing the spiritual
purpose of their lives, he spiritually discerned their lives and them as a person. Who told
Him they were allegories of the two mountains and the two covenants and how one was
symbolic of bondage and the other one was symbolic of the free people? God did. God whom
is the Spirit of Revelation was in Paul and Paul knew the Old Testament like the back of His
Hand, so to speak and God just simply began unveiling it to Paul. Letting Paul look beyond
the veil, past the analogy, past the allegory, pass the flesh of Sara and Hagar, as Peter did
Jesus and see what God was doing in them, with them and for them, How he was using them

as analogies to convey a spiritual message of understanding to Paul as well as us today.

Remember using the analogy to bring them from one level of understanding to a higher level
of understanding. God is trying to Transformate our minds from carnal mortality unto spiritual
immortality, by means of analogies, allegories, types and shadows!
Now see here again Paul using this secret to relay things to us, using natural things as a way
to point us toward invisible spiritual things.
Col. 2:16 - Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or
of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the
body is of Christ.
Heb. 8:5 - Who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things, as Moses was
admonished of God when he was about to make the tabernacle:for, See, saith he, that thou
make all things according to the pattern shewed to thee in the mount.
We see God telling Moses to make something on Earth according to what He was shown
spiritually on the Mountain. Moses spiritually seen something God gave Him and He was
commanded to make it in an analogy form on the earth. So we see He made the Tabernacle
and the veils and the Ark of the Covenant and the Cherubims all after the pattern or the
Spiritual Things, He seen on the Mount with God. Paul is using this and mentioning this as
well as an example to us. Spiritual things have to be veiled first!
You cannot see invisible things unless you see them in the veil first. You cannot have the
peanut without the shell first, you cannot have the lil chick unless you have the shell first.
Does not all of creation tell us this as well? Sure it does. You have to shuck the corn to get the
grain, you have to have the womb, to get the child, you have to have the hull to get the peas.
Candy is hidden in wrappers, sauce is placed in jars, Gas has to have a gas pump and a gas
tank. On and on it goes, we see everything has to have a cover or a veil over it. God hid the
Ark behind a veil, God hid Himself behind the Veil of Jesus, Noah was hid in the Ark over the
flood, Moses was hid in an ark at river. The Sun is hidden at night for the moon to shine and
the moon is hidden in the day for the sun to shine. Oaks are hidden in the acorns, fish are
hidden in the water. We see that the veil is everywhere. All of creation testifies of the veil and
how it is everywhere and that we must remove the veil to get what is inside.
Now see again what this is saying.....
Heb. 10:1 - For the law having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image
of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually

make the comers thereunto perfect. For then would they not have ceased to be offered?
because that the worshippers once purged should have had no more conscience of sins. But
in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year. For it is not
possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins.
See how He says the Law was itself like an allegory or an analogy or a shadow of that which
was true. it was not the true, but it pointed unto the truth that was to come. It was a shadow of
good things that were coming, but it itself was not those things, but it was but a Veil that
covered the good things that were coming. Law we say was veling or hiding Grace. The Body
of Jesus was hiding the Christ, the Veil over the Holy of Holies was hiding the Ark of The
Covenant. The wrapper hides the candy bar, the mother hides the child in her womb, the seed
of the man is hidden in his body, the corn is hidden inside the shuck, the rain is hidden in the
cloud. Analogies and the veil and types and shadows and allegories are truly all around us!
God is in all of these things.
See what the scripture says:
Rom. 1:19 - Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath
shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are
clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and
Godhead; so that they are without excuse.
He is saying, The Invisible God and the Invisible things of God are all around us and that God
can be Seen, Understood, Unveiled, Revelated, By the things that we can see and are all
around us! The Skys, the Heavens, The Earth, The Seas, The Seasons, The Nations, The
People, The Order and System of things, History and Science and Physics and Math, The
Microscopic World to the farthest Galaxies all scream of God and they are all hiding God
within them! They all contain a hidden spiritual meaning and understanding and an
enlightenment of spiritual revelation, that all point us unto God!
God veiled in all of Creation!
See what God says of Himself:
Rom. 8:22 - For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until
In other words Creations is groaning itself, desiring that you would unveil it and see God
within it! But lets see also this incredible Word from God about Himself as well.....

Acts. 17:27 - That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him,
though he be not far from every one of us: For in him we live, and move, and have our
God is telling us He is not far from any of us, that He is in all things and all things are in Him.
He has veiled Himself in all things! He is the Sun, He is the Moon, He is the Stars, He is the
air we breathe, He is the Water we drink, He is the cool breeze, He is every rain drop and
every cloud and every tear. he is every hair of our head! However to see God in those things
we have to remove the veil, remove the object or the analogy and look beyond it and see God
in that analogy or that object. God veiled Himself in all of creation and in turn uses those
objects of creation as analogies, as types and shadows and allegories! Nothing exist outside
pf God, for all things that exist, exist within Him! Like a fish in the ocean depths, it is
surrounded by the water and in the water in moves and breathes and has its being, where can
it go to be out of the water so to speak.
We are the same as to God. He is the Invisible Spirit that is everywhere and we can not go
anywhere that He is not. David of old said, If I make even my bed in hell, even there you are
with me.
So now that we see God is truly not far from any of us, that He is around us and in us but yet
we say we cannot see Him, yet all of creation is screaming at us, God is screaming at us from
every single object and thing around us. Nothing is without significance! Because God is
everything in existence! Nothing is simply a coincidence, surely not, but every single event in
every life is shining brilliantly with the Light of God begging to be unveiled and revealed so
that God may be seen in that area of your life and in every area of you life does God desire to
be seen!
So lets pray for the Spirit of Revelation that God will give it to us, so the Eyes of our
Understanding, may become enlightened, that we may begin to See God with Spiritual
Eyes, that discern spiritual things, places, people and events.
Remember God is hiding in the analogies of every single thing, and that you can begin to see
Him, if you by faith will begin to seek Him, through faith and through the spirit of revelation as
Paul did and as Jesus did, even as Jesus did fully comprehend God.
May God Bless You and May this writing serve as a Key that opens the door that you may
begin to unveil the Eternal God who is all around you!
Patrick Henry Nichols I

May 9, 2015
Hilton Head Island

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