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10/21/2014 Tuesday @ Marian Shrine, KY 10:32 am

My daughter I am here for you it is I Mother Mary, be at peace. Go now child today with your heart filled with
peace knowing that Gods Will will be done. Be not afraid to accept this cross, it will be hard at times, but God
wills it and He will allow you grace to carry it. I am here for you, pray to Me often for grace. Now child listen to
My words and write them for My children.

Children for this day I come to you full of grace, asking My children to come back to the Lord He is waiting for
you. Please heed My words; I am giving grace to all those who ask and seek Me their Mother, to be brought to
Jesus My Son. Please listen to My words and place yourself at the foot of the cross in repentance of your sins
and come back to the Lord. There children at the cross I am waiting for you, to embrace you and bring you to
Jesus My crucified Son. I love Him as I love you. You are all My children. Believe these words My little ones
and come back.

Now children you see what is happening in the world and you know that these things are not of God, they are
evil. This evil is rampant and only through prayer, sacrifice and true repentance of sin can this change. You
must repent and turn back to the Lord before it is too late. My Sons hand of Mercy is almost gone and now
justice comes.

peace to love and serve the Lord.

Your Mother of Mercy

10-09-14 Thursday @3:15pm at the Adoration Chapel in Medjugorje

My children, it is I Jesus, I am here amongst you. Be at Peace.

Please children listen to My call for I call your heart to Me, be ready and prompt as I ask the question:

I am here calling you to come back to Me and to be made new. Please heed My call. Children the days of Noah
will now repeat itself, you will not know where to turn when the time comes. I am calling each one of you to be
My children in Christ. You have been called, now open your heart and listen to My call. I ask that you give
yourself to Me. My Mother is here amongst you as well, She came here to Medjugorje to start a new beginning
for Her children in peace, love and mercy.

My call is simple, turn to Her and She will lead you. Each one is unique, formed in their mothers womb and
called forth by God to be a child of God; loving and adoring the Eucharist, to be transformed by My grace as a
child of God. I ask that you call on My Mother. She will take you by the hand and lead you to salvation. The
cross is a gift to you, cherish it and embrace it; this will bring suffering, but with suffering you will obtain salvation
not only for you but for others as well. Listen now to My Mother.

Mother Mary: My child I am here please write My words.

My little children, come, come close to Me your Mother, I am here in the Blessed Sacrament. You will be fed
here and nourished spiritual food from heaven. Please embrace one another with love. Leading up to the
days in which My Son speaks of, you will be mentors and a guide to those whom you meet. For My children
need Me as a Mother and I ask you to embrace them with love and teach them the faith all this children is for
salvation and for the greater Glory of God. I your Mother will lead them to you. Be the apostles that I ask you to
be, ask and you shall receive. Be little in everything you do so God can fill you with everything He wishes to give
you My children, an abundance of grace.

You have traveled afar to Medjugorje to receive, now ask and you shall receive. I am your Mother, the Mother of
God. I will bring all grace to you children. I am the Mother of Grace.
Go in Peace.

09/05/2014 1st Friday @ Marian Shrine, KY 10:45 am

My child it is I Jesus, listen to My words and hear My voice. I am with you, be at peace. Write My words for My

Sons and Daughters of the Lamb it is time now to place all of your TRUST IN GOD. Put away the things of the
world, cast aside all distractions and trivial things and look to Me your God for all things, for the time is here, the
stop-watch is set and you will be watching the world go by, one minute after the next, not knowing what is
coming next. Please children; the days that I have asked you to prepare for are here, YOU NEED NOT FEAR

Be aware that the enemy wants to destroy this mission this apostolate of mercy, he wants it destroyed and he
cannot bear to see Me the Lord your God succeed. So I say cling to Me Jesus give yourself daily to My
Mother Mary and all will be given. You must discern everything, for he will try to slither in and deceive you,
causing you to be one against the other. So be aware of what is taking place.


I love you children, be at peace.

Jesus your Crucified King

08/19/2014 Tuesday, 3:10 pm

My child it is I Jesus please write My words. I am here for you today in the Blessed Sacrament. How I love you
daughter of My heart be with Me as I bring forth My Spirit upon you. You will go forth to many of My people in
these last days and speak My words. Be not afraid to express yourself for the kingdom of God. I wish for you to
instill in others as I have instilled in you about My coming. The beginning of the chastisements has already
begun now, all that has been prophesized. My kingdom come will be given to you and My faithful people. Be
not afraid to accept this mission of Mercy, please believe that it is in My best interest that all My children be
called to this act of Mercy. You will teach them about the coming reign of My kingdom- IN THE DIVINE WILL.
Please believe that you were chosen for this mission of mercy, all for the coming reign of God the Father, the
Son and Holy Spirit within the Immaculate Heart of My Mother the Mother of the Trinity.

Purification has to take place first before My reign here on earth. You will see this take place in your lifetime, all
within a matter of months leading up to years-shortly this will come about. The 3 year reign of purification and
tribulation period is here now, but will soon be over as it reaches a climax of events leading up to the 3rd World
War and the annihilation of countries on earth. Only My hand of protection will be given to those faithful to Me,
whom I choose as My beloved children of the New Era of Peace will survive. Many will be taken, but so few will
enter into the kingdom of heaven. That is why I have called forth this Apostolate of Mercy. Souls willing to suffer
and give up their pleasures of the world to pray and suffer for the lost souls who will die and enter into the fires of
hell, and these souls are in need of redemption. By your prayers and sacrifices they can be saved. Many of My
faithful children will also be taken in death, but shall live with Me in heaven for all eternity because of their
sacrifice of martyrdom and great devotion as prayer warriors on earth, for these are My Mothers Army of
spiritual warriors, these children will become instant saints, all for the Glory of God.

You see daughter suffering can be used to help man receive salvation. Now child remember My words, JESUS I
children would repent and listen to their hearts where they will hear My voice, for I wish to tell them all things
according to My will in their lives. I love you all children. Go in peace.
Jesus Your Crucified King

08/15/2014 Friday @ Marian Shrine, KY 12:10 pm

Feast of the Assumption of Mary the Mother of God
Child I am with you it is I Jesus, I will speak to you please write. You have been a faithful servant daughter and I
thank you. Now all will be given according to My will. You will be blessed in abundance, remember I am with
you child, do not fear. There is no one that can take My place, I am here for you, be at peace. Now child write
My words for My people.

Luke 1:45 Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.

Mother Mary: Listen with your heart little one for it is I Mary the Mother of God, I am with you today in a very
special way, as I am for all My children who acknowledge Me as their Mother and Queen Mother of the Trinity.
How blessed are you My children that you have received a great grace today from the Father, Son and the Holy
children to receive this grace from heaven, just as My Son Jesus has said, Blessed are you who believed that
what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.

The perfect child is the child that believes I am truly their Mother. No mother would ever leave her child without
providing for and I say to you children I your Mother have provided a great grace to you from the Father, Son
and Holy Spirit. This grace is from My heart and given to all of you. Please children listen to My words today for
they are true, for they are united to My Son with His words and We are united as One. My Son Jesus was given
to the world as a sacrifice of Love, and so too I as a Mother sacrificed Myself out of Love for all of you by offering
My Son Jesus in complete Divine Will of the Father, to be a Mother of sacrificial Love, all for Love. God also has
Love for each one of you. In this act of suffering Love comes forth to unite Our hearts for all of you My
children. This passion and suffering was offered to the Father for the salvation of mankind.

Today I bring to you great joy knowing that I your Mother have provided for you this great grace. I will send
down from heaven an abundance of grace to all those who call upon Me as their Mother and acknowledge Me
as Mother of the Trinity. You My faithful little ones continue your sufferings and out of obedience to God offer up
your sufferings; and all My spiritual grace will enter into your hearts to prepare you to meet My Son Jesus in a
special Way. Call on Me My children for the days ahead will be very dark and you will not be able to handle the
stresses of daily life without Me. Call on Me your Mother to secure your salvation with God. How I love all of
you. Go in peace to Love and serve the Lord. My children I come soon to bring My Son to you in the Trinity of
Love. I am your Mother the Mother of the Trinity.

06/30/2014 Monday @ 8:35 am, Feast of 1st Martyrs of the Holy Roman Catholic Church
My daughter of My heart it is I Jesus, please write:

IT HAS BEGUN; I SAY TO YOU CHILDREN ALL HAS BEGUN. The words I speak are true. March onward
Christian soldiers of the faith THE CATHOLIC FAITH. Just as the 1st martyrs were slaughtered and offered as
sacrifice for the faith, so shall it be for My children who are ready for battle a spiritual battle for souls. Some will
be taken first and others later.


My words are harsh, but if you are ready for battle you will have your spiritual armor on by putting on the

Ephesians 6:10-18 Finally, draw your strength from the Lord and from his mighty power. Put on the armor of
God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the devil. For our struggle is not with flesh and
blood but with the principalities, with the powers, with the world rulers of this present darkness, with the evil
spirits in the heavens. Therefore, put on the armor of God that you may be able to resist on the evil day and,
having done everything, to hold your ground. So stand fast with your loins girded in truth, clothed with
righteousness as a breastplate, and your feet shod in readiness for the gospel of peace. In all circumstances,
hold faith as a shield, to quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation and the
sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Constant prayer. With all prayer and supplication, pray at every
opportunity in the Spirit.

The rosary will be your weapon, as will be the sacraments of the faith. You will not know whom to trust if you do
not have Me as your Lord and Savior Christ. God is in your midst so be at peace and know that I will lead My
children to victory with My Mother leading the way. Her children will not go without. Prepare to face the times as
was with Noah and as was with the judgment of Israel in the past. For those who survive will be the cause of
Gods hand of mercy upon His remnant.

I love you, go in peace to love and prepare to serve, as I have served. I love you My children of the cross.
Jesus your Crucified King

Jesus has asked me to post the definition of the word slaughtered: verb to kill a large number of people

06/27/2014 Friday @ 9:35 am, Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

My daughter of My heart it is I Jesus, please write:

My daughter My words are harsh for My people. Look into your hearts children and what do you see?

My children, My love for you is given by My grace, but your hearts refuse Me, so they are empty. The emptiness
that you feel children is not My love, there is nothing but self-love and darkness. I will give you the fullness and
overflowing of My love if you ask Me into your hearts. Children the world has become an evil place and Gods
children created by the Father have allowed their hearts to become empty. Now children you must receive Me
into your hearts so I may fill you with My love, a love that will never leave you.

You children will be tested greatly for your love and devotion to Me. I am ready to send My tribulation upon the
earth, as in the times that I have spoken through the prophets of old and My loving Mother who has pleaded with
My children to repent and to turn your hearts back to God, but so few have. Now children I am saddened and
heart-felt with sorrow that you have been given this judgment for your country America just as others have
allowed evil to reign. Your country was founded on God and has now given its land to the evils of satan. BE

Jesus your Crucified King

06/20/2014 Friday @ Marian Shrine, KY 10:50 am

My daughter it is I Mary the Mother of God, I am with you today in Spirit, believe. Now child listen to My voice
and write My words.

I say to you children I am with each and every one of you. You say to Me that you want to serve Me and pray
with Me to the Father, but I see not you caring for your neighbor. Where are your acts in charity and love? This
is very important children, this is a must. One must act accordingly, YES according to how Christ acted when He
walked the earth, FULL OF LOVE. YOU MUST EXEMPLIFY HIS WAYS BE CHRIST-LIKE. Children this is
what I am asking of you, to put aside all of your cares about yourself and allow My Spirit the Holy Spirit to enter
in so you will manifest Christ. Be a true child of God not just in your prayers or words, but in your actions as
well. Prepare yourself children for things are about to get much worse and in order for you to be doing the will of
God you must be bound to Jesus My Son in all His ways and allow Him to be able to instruct you and help you
overcome what is to take place in this world and that is the result of evil from sin. You must master His ways in
prayer, sacrifice, penance, fasting and dying to self in order to live for Christ. His way of life in you are the
smallest of ways to be made full for the Fathers glory, all for God.

We here in heaven want what is best for you Gods children and that is living the life of Christ, living in His will
the life of the Divine Will. We in heaven love you all and are praying for you; call on us always for help, so as to
aid you in your trials. Suffering is not meant to punish, but is allowed when one falls into sin, but through the
suffering a soul can obtain great grace and be given the opportunity to be united to Christ. My Son allows this
suffering to help the soul obtain salvation and there are also souls who offer their sufferings for others that are in
need of redemption to obtain salvation for humanity. In a sense your sufferings are the result of sins, but this
suffering will help all of you obtain grace to be able to have salvation with God, if you allow Christ to be the
center of your life.


I am your Mother - the Mother of the Trinity

06/09/2014 Monday @ 6:01 pm

Please relay this message for My children, it is I Jesus.

Good Day My children!! How are all of you? For I am here for all of you My children, it is I Jesus.

Children I am here always in the Blessed Sacrament, but a time is coming when the Eucharist will be gone, no
more Blessed Sacrament only a wafer of bread. This will be when the anti-christ takes over and that is soon.
Please prepare and allow Me to feed and nourish you with My body and blood now while you can still receive it.

The mass is so important for it brings together all those who are in need of redemption, to amend for the sins
against God the Father, a sacrifice made to appease Him. MY CHILDREN BELIEVE THAT I AM THE TRUE
SON, JESUS. The mass is sacred and no other sacrifice can make up for the mass.

You My children will be reading about the Divine Will now and please concentrate on all that is taught through
her teachings on the Divine Will, for it is dictated thru My servant Luisa. She will guide each one of you, so listen
to her and she will bring you peace as you enter into My Divine Will.

Remember that I am with you always until the end of time.

Jesus Your Crucified King

06/07/2014 1st Saturday @ Marian Shrine, KY 3:33 pm

My daughter, I am Jesus; I am here for you in the tabernacle as I am exposed to you in the Blessed Sacrament.
Be at peace and listen with your heart.

I am ready to give My Spirit upon those who are ready and willing to hear Me and follow My will. No other
church on earth the Catholic Church is the most powerful with My gifts of the Holy Spirit, because I instituted
the sacraments. Yes these are the KEYS TO THE KINGDOM. Living the life of a Christian is important, but
becoming Catholic is the role to be taken in order to be open to the Kingdom of God.

The Divine Will was given to My little daughter of the Divine Will Luisa, to preach and prepare for My coming in
the Divine Will. Now I have given you this grace as well, to bring it all together, the communities, the church; it is
the beginning of the completion to the Divine Will. All barriers must come down in order for the Divine Will to be
instituted in the way of the Divine Will in the kingdom. My kingdom here on earth united to the Divine Kingdom
of Heaven. New beginnings; for I will use many of My children in these last days to prepare for My reign as King
in the Kingdom of the Divine Will. More instructions for My children will be given in the comings days.

Jesus your Crucified King

(In the above message Jesus is referring to Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta from Corato, Bari, Italy 1865
to 1947. She is known as the Little Daughter of the Divine Will and cause for Beatification in 1994. By
the end of 2005, the process of inquiry and documentation within the Diocese of Trani-BarlettaBisceglie-Nazareth was complete. Her cause was then passed on to the Congregation for the Causes of
Saints of the Vatican, which opened its examination March 7, 2006. Piccarreta was thereby enrolled as a
"Servant of God". The Congregation for the Causes of Saints appointed a Roman lawyer, Silvia Monica
Correale, as the postulator of Piccarreta's Cause for Canonization.)
05/29/2014 Thursday @ 7:45 am
Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ
I Am Your Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I Am with you. Believe.
Come children; come to My Divine Will so I may free you of your own will. I am Jesus, the King of Kings and the
Lord or Lords. I love you all My children. Be at peace with yourselves by offering to Me your will. I wish to take
from you and give to you MY OWN WILL, the will of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, it is the will of the Trinity, the
most perfect and Divine Will. I shall enter into all those who wish to give Me their will and replace it with Mine.
Today children, hear the words of the Lord your God, for living in My Will is perfection, for no other will is
accomplished as Mine. It is the will of the Father that I give to you and has been given to Me as I am united to
Him, with the Holy Spirit this will is perfected. I will unite all My children to My Will this day to be joined to the
Most Holy Trinity in perfect union with My Mother whose heart bears the Trinity. She is the Mother of the Trinity.
Come children to My Mother so She will bring you to the Divine Will of the Trinity. She is unique in Her way of
love and teaches My children the love of My Divine Will. So children enter into Her will with My will, as We are
One. The Trinity is waiting for all Our children to be united with Our Will, thru the Mother of the Trinity. Come
children rest in Our Divine Will, by resting within the heart of My Mother.
Jesus Your Crucified King
05/24/2014 Saturday @ 9:00 am
My daughter of My heart it is I Jesus I am here in the Blessed Sacrament. Please be still and listen to your
heart. I wish to show you something, now be still.
(With my eyes closed and silence in the chapel the Lord showed me the altar here in the chapel. There were
many angels around adoring Jesus in the Tabernacle kneeling in reverence and singing praises. Then an angel
stood up with head down opened the doors to the tabernacle and my eyes were transfixed upon Our Lord Jesus
sitting on a golden throne, with beautiful garments on and a golden crown. As I kept my eyes focused on Jesus
I felt his great royalty and yet humility. Then suddenly a burst of white doves many, many that I could not even
count came fluttering out of the tabernacle filling the room and then departing through the windows and walls, as
if the walls and windows were transparent. Then I heard the words.) Let the Holy Spirit be upon My people and
fill them with My love the Love given to Me by My Father.
The Holy Spirit is upon you and will be upon the whole world. Each dove represents the Holy Spirit that shall
descend from Heaven upon each soul. I shall pour out My spirit upon all in these last days to prepare for My
coming. I am here now YES, but My Spirit will be poured out upon the earth like never before with a shaking
and rattling and an awakening of the soul to be united with Me before My return. MY REMNANT WILL BE
READY AND ALL SHALL SEE THE COMING OF THE LORD. Your sons and daughters shall witness My love in
the most purist form, because they shall stem from My remnant filled with My Spirit. I will pour out My Spirit
upon the earth one last time before My return to awaken My sleeping children. Prepare for the coming of the
Lord and all who are awakened and follow Me will be true followers of Christ to prepare for My coming. The
Jews will come to know their true Messiah and I as their King will lead them to victory into the New Jerusalem. I
love all My children.
Be at peace for the coming of the Lord is here. Be Ready! For I say do not go unaware of what is coming in
your midst. As I have sent My prophets to warn My children of impending disaster, so do I send My prophets
with the good news and this is MY COMING, FOR I COME SOON.
Jesus Your Crucified King
Mother Mary: My child I am here please write. You saw the vision of the Holy Spirit descending upon the earth,
now see the result I am showing you the effects of sin and then the conversion of souls with My Sons Mercy,
how beautiful it is. For out of the ash will arise great beauty for the soul who accepts Christ.

MY SON COMES FOR HIS CHILDREN, NOW IS THE TIME and He awaits the day of His return. For many shall
die at the hands of evil men, but those who open their hearts to My Son will be filled with the Holy Spirit and shall
shine in this hour of darkness. For out of the darkness comes a beacon of light all for the Fathers Glory. I am
with you daughter. Please believe My Son is with all of you and BE NOT AFRAID. I speak My words to you out
of love for My children. I am always with you. Speak to My children about this great gift of My Sons Holy Spirit
and share the good news.
Your Mother of Love
05/13/2014 Tuesday @ Marian Shrine KY 4:35 pm
Feast of Our Lady of Fatima
My daughter of My heart it is I Jesus, please write:
Thank you My child for coming today in honor of My Mother on Her special day. I love you child, you are
precious to Me. Now begin to write for the group.
My children it is I Jesus, I am here for you in the Blessed Sacrament within the tabernacle. My children do you
hear Me calling you? I am asking for your help to save souls. So many souls are being lost daily; the souls that
are being lost are those in countries of war and those whom are all around you, so many, many of My children,
please pray for them. You will witness this in your country as well, for I say this will be a reality for all of you
soon. Do not doubt the work I have given you to save souls, for this is truly the work of God, please believe. I
need My children to help those who will be lost to the fires of hell. My Mother is present and will speak on this.
You must understand your time to repent is almost gone. You have remained in sin and now a repercussion will
occur from this. God the Father has allowed the chastisements to be awakened and the angels are dispensing
the cups of wrath upon the world. Your work is for souls, pray for your families, the children that have forgotten
Me and those who have refused Me. Remember I am a loving and Merciful God, but I bring justice to those who
refuse Me and have chosen the ways of the world.
Your current president (USA) represents evil, he is the epitome of evil and yes your country has chosen him by
your acts of sin as a result; this has brought about your take over as a nation steep in sin. Nowhere to run
children, only beg for mercy. Prepare yourself for THE BALL OF REDEMPTION HAS DROPPED. Now you
shall see this country become what it has created by its sin and that is evil, so shall it be. Presume nothing, for
God knows all and He will dictate your fate, not man. Prepare. The warning was set in motion and the
consequence of your sins will now be revealed by the actions in the heart of man from evil. Please believe if you
repent to Me with true remorse I shall save My children, but only till then.
Jesus Your Crucified King
Mother Mary: My child, it is I, Mother Mary. I am here. Please believe that My Son loves all, but the evil must
be eradicated and stopped, all for souls to be saved or all mankind will destroy itself.
A house of refuge for the Daughters of the Lamb has been taken care of and will be revealed very soon. You
must understand the time frame for this and the things that will be taking place is so very short. No time for fun.
You will be moving soon and I will place within your possession the finances for this work and it will come very
quickly. You do not need to worry, all is in My hands.
Now, daughter, you began this mission with a yes. Now you must finish this mission with a yes. Are you
willing to accept all responsibility for the care of Gods children that He sends to you in transit? Im depending on
you for this work at this time. It will be hard and you must stay focused because of the importance of this
matter. Now place yourself within My care and all will begin.
Im sending you grace for spiritual matters and provision for the physical. You will have plenty to give to others.
Believe the prophecies that have been given by God and you will know the truth. The prophecy given to the
Daughters of the Lamb that I your Mother am the Mother of the Trinity is true. You will believe because I was
given the grace from the Father to be His instrument to bring Jesus, the Son of God, into the world, as was He
brought to fruition as one body, soul, and divinity, God three-in-one.
So, children, I ask you all to believe. You must understand that I am the mediatrix and co-redemptrix of all.
Children, the prophecy has been fulfilled, now just believe.

I am the Mother of the Trinity. Go in peace.

05/03/2014 1st Saturday @ 9:20 am
The daughter of My heart I thank you for all you do for Me and for all you do for souls. Please continue this work.
I love you.
My sons and daughters of the Lamb it is I Jesus, I am here for all of you My children, believe. There is a time
that is coming that will shake your country America off of its foundation and many souls will be lost to the fires of
hell. Please pray for them. Please believe that your country is about to be taken over by evil. This evil is now
about to take over all things in your country, including your rights. You will not have the luxuries or conveniences
that you have now. Your everyday thoughts and actions will now be controlled by evil men. The time that is upon
you was warned by My Mother at Fatima and you still refused to listen; now the world will truly know pure evil. I
say to you, you have asked for mercy and prayed many rosaries, but this was not enough. Many of My children
believe that My love would not bring disaster. But I say to you I bring justice, but the sins of man are many and
My Father has shown love and mercy by allowing this world to continue their evil acts long enough. Now His
Hand has fallen and you will see His act of Mercy by allowing a purification of His church and the world.
My children did you not get in trouble as a child by acting in a bad manner and then having to deal with the
consequences of your parents. Well children there are consequences of sin and the Father is dealing with it His
way. You must understand you were all brought into the world to honor God the Father and give Him glory and
praise, to worship Him with acts of love..(a moment of silence by Jesus).
Continue children by setting the example for My children that are lost. Pray for them, embrace them and care for
them ALL WITH LOVE, so when they encounter you they will encounter Me. I love you children. Prepare for the
world is about to be turned upside down and you will need Me to survive the evil that has been unleashed.
Jesus Your Crucified King
Mother Mary: My daughter the words of My Son are true. Now child please believe all that is about to take place
will be a great distraction for this work; put this aside and allow My grace to penetrate your heart so you will feel
My presence and know that I am with you, leading you in this work of salvation. All will be accomplished and
Gods will, will be done. The Fathers hand of mercy will be upon you and this work. Be not afraid to accept this
cross for the salvation of souls.
Major reports will be coming out of various countries regarding the war and strife on what is happening there, but
focus on the work, SALVATION FOR MY CHILDREN. Do not give up, continue your prayers and remember all
Gods children deserve a chance at salvation; love them and pray for them.
Your family the daughters of the Lamb will be able to withstand many hardships, for My grace will sustain all of
you. I am sending provision for this group and I will be sending food as well and this will come together.
Remember share all that you have and God will pour out His blessings upon you. I love you all.
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. Mother Mary
05/01/2014 Thursday @ 9:45 am
Feast of St. Joseph the Worker
Daughter of My heart it is I Jesus, please write: My daughter this day is significant it is the feast day of My
earthly father St. Joseph the worker, recognized not only for those who work physical labor, but also those who
work spiritually for Me. My child these words come to you from My heavy heart. Please believe and know I wish
not to offend or hurt anyone of My children, I love them all, but they must listen and obey. You daughter have
been given the authority and direction from heaven to lead My children in this Apostolate of Mercy. Now I ask
you to please be brave and ask those to hear My words clearly and openly listen with their hearts, so they can
hear My truth.
Come Holy Spirit be with me as I pray, I call upon You to ignite the fire within me, so I may be one with my
Savior Jesus. Come Holy Spirit bless me with an infinite Love and Faith to overcome all trials and help me to be
one with Christ.


Children you have been directed by Me your God through this Apostolate of Mercy with My daughter leading you
and she has willingly sacrificed much for this work, so shall you children if you are called to this work and say
YES to Me. I am here for all My children whom I love with an infinite love, not one do I love more than the other
all are equal. Children you must understand that I am here as your Father that disciplines His children when they
become disobedient and act according to your own will. You My children must remember that you represent ME
CHRIST-LIKE. Today My children you must take these words into your heart and allow Me to transform you into
TRUE CHILDREN OF GOD. Your deeds become your actions, your smile becomes your joy and your heart if
Christ-like will become LOVE. I come to you My children from My heart FULL OF LOVE. All these things must be
in your daily routine. The mass is very important so please go to daily mass if able, also adoration and
confession. I ask that each one of you re-read the 9 Directives from heaven given to you by My Mother and
follow them.
I love you all.
Jesus your Crucified King
(Mother Mary's 05/01/14 message below***)


Directives from Heaven by Mary the Mother of God (on June 10, 2013)
All souls devoted to Me and who wish to propagate or follow this apostolate - will consecrate themselves

to Me daily by reciting the Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

They will wear My holy scapular that is to be dedicated and consecrated to this apostolate of mercy - a
special scapular in honor of My Immaculate Conception and for the salvation of souls.
Daily mass if able - if one cannot then they are to designate a specific day during the week for mass, in

offering for the work of saving souls, for the Daughters of the Lamb.
Adoration weekly for one hour to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and to recite the divine praises.
Confession weekly - keeping oneself in a state of grace.
The Holy Rosary to be prayed every day, along with the Seven Sorrows of My Heart and the Divine

Mercy Chaplet. These 3 devotions are a necessity in keeping oneself protected, devoted to Me and in a state of
receiving graces and will help souls obtain Heaven.
Being a good and holy steward to each other and to prepare yourselves to accept all things no matter
what the consequences bring - loving your neighbor in charity.
Being able to do God's will - total abandonment of oneself to God, so He may direct you.
Totally dependent on God and Me your Mother, so we may form you into TRUE children of God.
Draw this up, all who wish to follow these directives may sign a statement in covenant with God and all will be
written in Heaven within My Heart and My Son's Divine Heart. I love you. Go and prepare this work. I love you.
your Mother Mary.

***Mother Mary: You daughter have been an example of this work, but much more is expected of you. Now the
group has many problems and I wish to stop the dissension and bring peace. My children you were all chosen
for this mission, this mission of mercy is a stepping stone for each ones work, without this you would be lost.
Now children all those who receive the messages and are taking part in this apostolate by following the
directives should be attending a 1st Saturday prayer group (if you have one in your area) and all should be ready
to serve at all times. My children the work you are doing now has all stemmed from the Daughters of the Lamb
and many are in different areas where I have placed you for this apostolate. You are all still part of the Daughters
of the Lamb, YES A FAMILY and you all must stay together as a family and pray together and for each other. ALL


I ask all My children from this day forward to look into your heart and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you your
faults and then ask God to forgive you and seek repentance first, then seek forgiveness from those whom you
have offended. Remember, those who come to Me with a humble and contrite heart, full of love for their neighbor
and giving Me their all will receive the grace of My direction and will be able to hear My voice.
YOU CANNOT SERVE 2 MASTERS ONLY GOD, if you want to continue this work of salvation for souls.
Go in peace and remember to serve others as you would serve God.
Mother Mary
03/28/2014 Friday @ 8:45 am
My daughter of My heart it is I Jesus. I wish to speak to you today about your task the mission of saving souls.
So many of My children will be taken in this great tragedy that no one will be able to count the fatalities, there will
be much death and destruction. So I am asking you to please tell My children that extra rosaries are to be done,
more fasting and acts of reparation for these souls, so they will have a chance at salvation. You must understand
that these souls to be taken are My children too, even though many have refused Me and are deep in sin. They
need many prayers and sacrifices for graces to be given. I say to you My children of the faith; please help those
who do not know Me, so they may have a chance at salvation. Please, place yourself in their situation and for a
moment think of where you would be going when your time has been called to Me for judgment, heaven or hell.
Wouldnt you want someone to help you? So I say please pray and ask for redemption so My mercy will be
given. The thoughts and prayers of many have been heard, but still MUCH MORE IS NEEDED.
Pray for the souls that will be taken in this great tragedy. You need not know when or where this will happen, but
remember it could happen to you or your loved ones, so be merciful and pray for others. I love you My children.
Go in Peace.
Jesus your Crucified King
Mother Mary: My daughter very soon this great disaster will take place and My Son is asking for His children to
pray. So please listen and pray for these souls. The magnitude of this destruction is great. I am heart-felt with
sorrow, but because of the many sins this is what is to come. To prepare My children was asked of you and now
that preparation time has ended. You will see exactly what is to be given by God and through the prophecies of
the many visionaries, prophets and the many great saints throughout the ages that God has revealed to and now
all these things in your lifetime will be a reality. I am saying this not to scare you, but to warn you and to say I
love you and I am here for you. So please heed My Sons words and do all that He asks of you. PLEASE PLACE
I give you all My love children. Be little and cling to your Mother in Heaven.
03/25/2014 Tuesday @ Marian Shrine, KY 4:14 pm
Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord
My daughter of My heart I wish for you to write My words for My people, so they will be open to My call, the call
of faith. I am with you.
I say to you children all will soon pass way, all of the material things will be gone, even for some will be their
family members that will been taken. You see the time is here and now I will be coming for My remnant children,
those left to survive that terrible day, the day when the antichrist will take over the world. Those who are in a
state of grace will be ready when that terrible day comes. Yes, you children have brought this day upon you by
your sins, you have refused to repent, pray and turn back to Me, which has caused this to take place. Now
children My ways as a Father to punish and reprimand My children is here.


The days of old when Noah was asked to build an Ark given to him by Me the Lord God; he was instructed to
build this Ark to carry his family and animals, to be a vessel to carry those within the Ark to safety. So will it be for
those children who are given to Mother Mary, they will be placed in Her heart and carried to safety at My
refuges. She is the New Ark, which holds all My remnant children within Her heart. Pray to Her and ask Her to
place you within Her heart and She will. But with this My children comes a purifying and cleansing of your soul to
be able to have Her mold you into a true child of God. Yes, much sacrifice is to be made by the child who gives
him or herself to Her. So I say children She is waiting for all to come to Her, but remember it will not be easy.
Giving of oneself to Her is the first step and then She will take you by the hand and do all the rest if you let Her.
Prepare children for the time of tribulation as in the book of Revelation is here. Prepare yourself for the
beginning of transformation in the world by the purifying hand of God. All is well when one gives themselves to
God thru the Mother of God. Love you all children.
God the Father of Heaven
03/24/2014 Monday @ 6:15 am
Daughter of My heart it is I Jesus, please write these words. I ask that you recite this prayer before you begin
your prayers.
Father in heaven, I adore you.
Father in heaven, I love you.
Father in heaven, I praise you.
Thank you Father for all that you have done for me a sinner,
I am all yours today, to be made new and be freed from My sins.
I love you Father.
I am here for all My children, they have sinned, but I shall forgive them if they repent and come back to Me. Just
as the Prodigal Son in the writings of Luke, so shall I be their father that welcomes back His children who have
squandered their graces and sinned against God. As the son comes back to the father with a contrite heart and
eager to repent, so shall I welcome My children back as they repent. I love all My children. REMEMBER MY
MERCY IS ENDLESS AND MY LOVE WILL LAST FOREVER. All those in need of Mercy must come to the
fountain of Mercy the source of My Mercy where it is overflowing. I love you My children and I wait for each
one of you to bring Me your sins so My Mercy can be given and fill your souls. I AM THE FATHER OF MERCY.
Jesus your Crucified King of Mercy
03/13/2014 Wednesday @ Marian Shrine in KY 10:05 am
My daughter of My heart it is I Jesus, I speak to you today through the Holy Spirit. I am with you now and
forever, believe. Listen to My words and write them for My people, I have much to say.
Believe these words for I am the Lord your God. I shall bring forth My judgment upon My people. You will see
this come upon your nation very soon. I say to you My children prepare for the days of Noah will NOW repeat
itself. You will be condemned if you choose the world. The only hope you have is for you to repent and turn to
Me your God. The choice you have made will now be given an ultimatum, for I say turn from your wicked ways
and begin a journey with Me your God, for repentance is given to those who seek it and Mercy is given to those
who repent. My hand of Mercy will be given only to those who repent and turn from their evil ways. Man has
destroyed what was given as a gift by the grace of God. Your land the United States of America was founded on
God and has been turned over to satan, by your laws in which man controls, not God. This is the final warning
that I am giving you as a country, which holds no accountability for their actions. You have sinned against God
and now judgment comes, for the chastisements will begin as they are given from heaven. The Father is
allowing this to take place, because His children have turned to sin and now judgment will begin. Families have
been dictated by materialism and wealth, not by love and mercy. Only those who truly Love Me with their heart
will receive a just share of grace and My mercy will be upon them. I come to you soon children to save you from
your suffering. Please begin your acts of repentance, so you will be ready when My judgment comes.
Jesus your Crucified King
Mother Mary: Daughter of My Immaculate Heart, I know it is hard for you to comprehend what is to come, but it
is to come. Believe. Prepare yourself as well, so you will be able to lead My children who I am sending to you.
Prepare yourself as well, do acts of penance, more prayers, and offer up sacrifices so souls may be able to


listen and respond to Gods will. Your son who is in the military pray for him and the many other soldiers who
have dedicated their lives for this country in protecting it. Pray for them, that they will be able to handle what is
coming to your country.
Now daughter I wish to speak of the matter of DENIAL. So many of My children are in denial, denial of their sins.
They cannot see the truth that their souls are in mortal sin. Perhaps the world is in denial, but when a soul gives
him or herself to sin they become darkened by the sin and yes the more they sin the more the soul become
entrapped by satan. He then begins to control that soul and only allows the soul to see what he wants them to
see. He hides or masks the sins, so the soul will only see the exterior and not the interior of oneself, the sin will
then be hidden and only when a soul humbles him or herself before God and cries out for help by repenting of its
sins will that soul be able to receive help and only till then.
My children you are living in an age where sin is acceptable and only God can help you not man. Change your
PLEASE MY CHILDREN. I am your Mother and I will help you just ask and I will come to your aid. Please begin
to convert your lives and change your ways from sin. I love you My little ones. Remember I am your Mother,
please believe and call on Me, for I will not abandon My children.
Your Mother Forever
03/01/2014 1st Saturday @ Marian Shrine, KY 9:45 am
My daughter of My heart it is I Jesus. I wish for you to write this message for the world. My people will need to
hear My words and prepare themselves for what is about to take place.
Ezekiel 6:10 Then they shall know that it was not in vain that I the Lord threatened to inflict this calamity.
I am the Lord your God and you are My children united to Me through the Eucharist. I have created you for the
sole purpose of love, to adore God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Through this you are considered My people
and I am your God. The Father created the world out of love for mankind to adapt to it without sin. But when sin
entered the world, My children Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Love (Eden), a place where peace
and love dwelt all with the Father. For mans sin condemned the world, not God. When sin was committed the
covenant between God and man was broken. God the Father allowed man to live, but not in the Garden of Love
(Eden), for Adam and Eve were cast out into the world to dwell alone without the presence of God and God
allowed this as an act of Mercy. For Adam and Eve endured many hardships in the world without the presence of
God in their lives.
Now My children you have been given this great gift of My presence in the Eucharist. When I came into the
world I became God in the flesh. Yes, you now receive the true body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus. This gift
was given to you as I was brought into the world by My Father, through My Mother Mary. The Eucharist will
sustain you, for God dwells within you when you receive the Eucharist. The body and blood was initiated by Me
at the last supper for all My children of the Catholic faith the TRUE FAITH. You will endure much suffering for
the true faith.
My Children I will be going away soon and you will not be able to consume Me, just as Adam and Eve were cast
out from the presence of God, so shall you My children. For very soon many of My churches will be closing and
My real presence of body and blood will be scarce. You shall be given to the world to endure many hardships
and great suffering without My presence in your lives. This My children is because of your many, many sins that
have been committed against the Lord your God.
The church has undergone a great change from what it was before; My laws have been changed to suit man.
For I say that My laws will be upheld by My remnant children, for they will abide My laws and My remnant will be
taken care of. The Lord your God has prepared My refuges all over the world for My children and this shall
suffice for the coming tribulation against My people. Those whom have followed Me truly shall be spared. I ask
that you look upon your neighbor with compassion and love, always acting with mercy. Pray for the sinners who
have shut their hearts to Me; those who have allowed false teachings to enter into their hearts and the church
leaders who are against what I taught My true church. All this My children must be cleansed and prophesy must
be fulfilled. You will see the truth and feel the truth of My Spirit in your hearts if you ask.
I say to you so very soon the world will completely consume you and you will not have My presence, for only
those who truly honor Me as their God will be able to receive Me. They shall have Me and the light of the world
shall shine forth, My Spirit shall dwell in those who truly seek Me the light of the world.


Jesus Your Crucified King

Mother Mary: My daughter it is I Mary the Mother of God. I am here, please write.
Beware of those who say they come in the name of the Lord and who wish to take you and turn you over to the
enemy. I am warning My children to prepare yourselves, be very cautious and ask for discernment with whom
you associate with. The days of persecution are upon you. You will be given over to those who will try you and
imprison you, all for your faith. There comes a time as I have said before at Fatima that you would be persecuted
and the error of Communism would take over if you did not change your ways of sin and repent to God. TURN
TO GOD AND PRAY THE ROSARY!!! That time I spoke of is here, believe. You will be given many graces to
endure these persecutions and trials, but remember all of this suffering is because of sin. You are to pray, fast,
do acts of penance and GO TO MY SON IN ADORATION MAKING ACTS OF REPARATION. This will help
lessen the suffering, but will not take it away.
The laws of God must be obeyed and My children must turn away from sin. Honor God with your hearts, not with
your lips. He will soon send your country punishments for their sins and they will be one after another, with no inbetweens of relief, one right after another. I warned you children for the time in now. The preparation time you
were given has now ended. Pray for those who are not prepared and will suffer much. The physical sufferings
will be great for the sins of the flesh. PREPARE YOURSELVES TO BE GIVEN THE PUNISHMENTS SENT
FORTH BY GOD. I love you children and remember I will be with you in your suffering. Your Mother Forever
02/24/2014 Monday @ 3:10 pm
My daughter it is I Mary your Mother, be with Me daughter at peace. I love you, listen with your heart and you will
hear My voice. Please begin.
Daughter the days ahead for America will be long and hard. Your future country is in the hands of God, but it
depends on its repentance and gift of mercy. The children of this country have fallen far away from God. Your
trust in God is now Trust in your money, for money has become your God. No other country has had the financial
blessings as this one and what has your country done, they have placed money before God. Your freedom rests
upon Gods intervention. Turn back to God and see this country spared and brought back to life as it was
founded on IN GOD WE TRUST.
You shall see the coming chastisements upon this country for their sins of abortion, euthanasia, sacrilegious
acts, desecration of Gods holy places and abominations in the sight of God as same sex marriages, which has
now become legal in many state of this country. FOR EACH ACT OF SIN THERE WILL BE A CHASTISEMENT.
Please children, March will bring much deception, for many politicians will be misinformed of the truth that will
come out of your presidential party. They wish to destroy you and all whom have faith in God. No man will be
able to make it alone they need God. Place yourselves within My heart so I may bring you to My Son Jesus. His
place is with God the Father. I ask that you give of yourself to Him by way of your Mother. I am waiting for My
Please believe that you entering into a time like never before where your lives are in jeopardy and in danger of
hell. This is a great warning for all My children, COME BACK TO ME SO I MAY BRING YOU TO MY SON
JESUS. You have until only now to be part of this work of mercy, for later will be too late. Watch and see the
destruction of this country as man chooses only the world to survive and not God.
Your Loving Mother always
02/23/2014 Sunday @ 12:10 pm
John 15:6 If you do not stay joined to Me you will be thrown away. You will be like dry branches that are
gathered up and burned in a fire.
My daughter it is I Jesus please write these words. I love you.
You see My children the time has come; you must follow Me your Jesus. The days ahead will be hard and
unbearable, but with My grace I will sustain you. The time has come, Yes, as I have told you before the hour of


your testing is here. This is the hour that will determine your faithfulness to Me your God and great will be your
trial, for this tribulation will be like no other. I come to you My children out of love and I have told you time after
time through My prophets to COME BACK TO ME AND REPENT, but you have refused. Now the cleansing
begins. This will be a time of purification for My church and for those who still wish to ignore My plea. I have
chosen this apostolate to bring My Mercy to My people; through dedication, prayer, sacrifice and many acts of
mercy this will be done and My Mother will be leading the way.
Please children prepare yourselves for many will lose everything, but those faithful to Me will be granted mercy
by provision and protection from what is about to take place. The mercy I will give to those faithful to Me have
earned this by their dedication and commitment to Me with great service to My Mother and they will be taken
care of. My children you must decide whether you are deserving of this act, meaning to look into your hearts and
ask for the truth to be shown to you so you may see your sins and ask Me to direct you in obtaining mercy. My
mercy is given even to the hardest sinner, not just to those obedient to My call and it is for all My children, but
through free will it is given.
You will see the rise of the anti-christ and horrific will be the destruction planned for My people that he will inflict
upon those who worship Me. You will have to choose Me your God or the anti-christ. Your dedication and faith
will help you in this great tribulation and it is through My Mother that My grace will come forth for My children.
Remember what I have said to you today, YOU WILL BE TESTED GREATLY BY YOUR FAITH IN ME.
Jesus your Crucified King
Mother Mary: The children I have selected to run My refuges have been given this task with gifts of the Holy
Spirit and these children are ready to serve. Many may not fully understand the role they play in this work of
salvation for souls, but know that you are chosen. The comfort I shall give you in this tribulation will be as no
other, it will be a peaceful grace of faith and a calmness of ones soul. No stress children is needed when
conformed to My will, because I will unite you to Jesus and My heart for this great work of mercy.
The chair of Peter is sacred and holy; it is given to one who is of God. This position is for the anointed one of
God. For the successor of Peter comes as a servant of God. I ask My children to pray for the pope and allow
your thoughts and prayers to be given to Me at this time of tribulation so I may place the grace where it is
I am the Mother of God and I bring to you My love, the love of the Trinity, for the Trinity is part of Me, it dwells
within Me. God has placed Me in His total control for the Glory of God and has given Me the title the Mother of
the TRINITY. At the time of My conception I was without sin. Yes pure in the eyes of God the Most High. God has
allowed Me this great privilege and precious gift, and I accepted. The moment Jesus was conceived in My womb
by the Holy Spirit I became the Mother of the Trinity, united to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; chosen to bring
Gods grace to humanity Jesus true flesh and blood. I am She the Mother of all grace, the MOTHER OF THE
TRINITY. Be at peace and believe for God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son.
I am the Mother of the Trinity. Go in Peace.
02/20/2014 Thursday @ 8:50 am
My Daughter of My heart it is I Jesus. I am here, be still little one and listen with your heart for there I have
placed the Grace of the Trinity. Believe. I say to you children I have called all of you to return to Me your God.
Your sins children are many, so many, you cannot even count. I hope you understand children you must repent.
The time is near, so very near, for My return. Be at peace to know that I come for the sinner and My mercy is
endless. And for those of whom I have given, much, much, will be expected. You are all servants and you shall
be obedient to Me.
I say, you shall witness My second coming but before I return, you will suffer much for the world must be purified.
Yes, you have chosen the world over Me and have allowed sin to enter into your lives and this has affected
those around you. You will witness your sins before you for the Warning of God comes. The Warning will bring
enlightenment to your souls of your sins. Yes, the sins you carry in your hearts. I will allow this great act of mercy
before My return. This act of mercy is being given to you by the Father. He is allowing you to see the sins you
have committed and will ask you to repent. You will choose either God the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit or
satan. Only through your yes to Me can you receive salvation. If you choose satan then you receive eternal
damnation with no hope of salvation.


This message is imperative. I ask all My children to pray for the truth. Please seek Me above all things so I may
take you into Heaven one day. My love for you is endless. Be at peace with yourself by saying yes to Me.
Jesus your Crucified King
Mother Mary: My daughter, I am here, it is I Mary the Mother of God. The Illumination of Conscience is just
what it means, to enlighten something within oneself. Children you are being enlightened by God to see your
souls and in knowing of your sins. As Jesus says, be at peace. Just remember you will be at peace by giving My
Son your life. Always trust in His ways. He is God. I am His Mother and through Me I will lead you to My son. Be
at peace. Go forth and proclaim the coming of Christ Jesus to all you encounter. The time is now, so short for the
world and for each one of you.
My children, prepare yourselves for the great act of mercy. Now is the time. REPENT. The Kingdom of God is at
hand and I will help you be prepared for when you are to meet My Son. I love you all My children. Go in
02/20/2014 Thursday, 9:50 pm
I ask My daughter that you please relay this message to the group and to the world. Please begin. Today,
children, is the beginning of a journey with Me, your Mother, in an Act of Consecration to My heart. I will help all
those who wish to give themselves to Me as I am your loving Mother. Please children, I ask that each one of you
be Consecrated to Me. These 33 days will be a journey of your faith and will allow Me to transform you into
children of God. Your Loving Mother, Mary
Additional Consecration Instructions
Mother Mary has requested that we, her children, Consecrate ourselves to Her. She asks that from Friday,
February 21st, 2014, to Tuesday, March 25th, 2014, the Feast of the Annunciation, for 33 days be given to Her.
Those who are not Consecrated, She asks that they partake in the 33 day booklet retreat done by the very
saints with acts of penance, a fast, and a daily rosary.
For those who are already Consecrated to Her. She asks that they renew their Consecration. They are to daily
recite the Act of Consecration Prayer, fasting, penance, and 4 sets of rosaries a day, if able to do, for a total of
33 days.
Remember, Our Lady has said, If we do nothing, we receive nothing. Let us do all we can do for Our Lady, who
not only helps us to get into Heaven, but even those who have no chance. For through our obedience, sacrifice,
and prayer, many can be saved. God bless.
02/07/2014 Friday @ Marian Shrine, KY 1:45 pm
Daughter of My heart it is I Jesus, I wish for you to write this message for the group and the world.
Mark 7:6-7 Jesus responded, well did Isaiah prophesy about you hypocrites, as it is written. This people honors
me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. In vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines human
Reason with no one, only with the Lord your God.
I am here children, I am waiting for you. Are you ready to meet Me? I say to you children I come soon. You do
not know the day nor the hour, but I will come for each one of you. BE READY!
Tomorrow is another day, but will it be the day I come? Can you say that you have prepared to meet Me? Have
you spent time in prayer with Me or have you taken time out to observe My presence around you? I am here, I
am all around you and I will dwell within you if you allow Me to. Please children I am waiting, I am suffering
because you refuse Me and your sins are toppling over. My Fathers hand of Mercy has been lowered and I say
to you judgment comes. If you are not spending the time with Me, then you are living in a world that has
consumed you and has allowed My presence to be taken from you. You will not know where to turn when that
dreadful day comes and My presence is gone. So I say, are you able to understand that you need Me for your
survival. You will not be able to handle what is about to strike the earth.


I am holding the hand of My Father and it has now been lowered with My hand being placed aside and the
Father says:
You see I am pleading now and asking those who believe to offer more sacrifices and prayers before this
judgment befalls man, so that more of My children will have salvation and not cast into the fires of hell. Please
children listen to My plea. I love you all, for it is out of love that I died on the cross FOR EACH ONE OF YOU.
Jesus your Crucified King
Mother Mary: I am here daughter begin to write please.
As you have heard children My Son has a very heavy heart with His pleading for souls to turn to Him before
judgment comes. I am here telling you as well please listen to My Son and do as He asks. For it is written in the
book of Revelations about the coming chastisement and the return of My Son Jesus for this is bible prophecy.
Believe these words they are written by My daughter a servant of Christ, she writes His word, the word of God.
Children you will need to be in a state of grace to be received into the kingdom of heaven and yes purgation for
those who are not in a state of grace. But remember there are many of My children who live in sin. Do they not
deserve a chance at salvation, just as My Son has given to each one of you? So please PRAY, FAST, DO
I want each child who hears these words today to evangelize and spread this apostolate of mercy, so souls can
have a chance at salvation to enter into the kingdom of heaven. IF YOU DO NOTHING THEN YOU RECEIVE
NOTHING. Do what Christ did when He walked the earth; He went out to preach about the kingdom of heaven.
Before judgment comes know in your heart that you did all you could possibly do to save souls. I am with you
always, even when you feel alone I am always there. I will take each child by the hand and lead them if they will
let Me.
I am your Mother always loving My children and guiding them home. Be at peace.
01/25/2014 Saturday at Marian Shrine, KY @ 10.02 am Feast of St. Paul's Conversion
Jesus: Recite the Creed.
My daughter I am here it is I Jesus, I am here in the form of the EUCHARIST - THE BREAD OF LIFE. I was
transformed into this bread by My Father's grace and He allowed this to take place for His Children. You see,
many receive Me and do not even know that I am truly present; their souls are unclean and contain much sin. If
they only knew what they were receiving they could change the world. I say to you daughter the time has come,
for man will turn against man in rage for their own needs to be met. They will see to it that they will have what
they want and the innocent will be given nothing in return. They shall kill for what they want and many shall die
by the hands of evil.
The Daughters of the Lamb will prosper as men will cease to comply with their share of food, clothing and
shelter. I will see to it that every soul partaking in this apostolate will be protected and given all that is needed for
their care. My Mother's mantle is upon them. You see many will come seeking refuge and the Daughters of the
Lamb will be there to take My children in and answer their needs. You shall all help by taking part in this mission
of Mercy. By prayer you can receive an abundance of grace, and yes acts of charity with mercy and fasting also,
but through prayer there is a communication of the soul with God to obtain grace; this is of great importance. You
may not fully understand now, but I will allow you an understanding in My time.
Jesus your Savior
Mother Mary: Daughter it is I Mother Mary. Please prepare yourself by taking time to fast, pray and acts of
penance. I will see to it that you are given help with this mission.


Today daughter is the 2nd anniversary of the Daughters of the Lamb of the Immaculate Conception Apostolate of
Mercy, for much will be discussed and given to help them have a deeper understanding of their role in this
Now the work. All of the Daughters of the Lamb should now be praying My Seven Sorrows of My heart, the
Divine Mercy chaplet and My Holy Rosary every day. I am asking all of you to pray more than one rosary a day if
possible; this will help lessen the suffering of souls. Also all should be reciting the Act of Consecration to My
Immaculate Heart daily, and all My children are required to wear a scapular; this is a must for protection and any
type will suffice for now until all is completed for the Daughters of the Lamb scapular, very soon. Finally, the
directives from heaven that were given are important, follow them.
I will be sending you out in groups to tend to My children who do not know Me. I will play an important role in the
salvation of My children, so please listen. You will be directed when the time comes to help those in need and
particularly of going out to evangelize for Jesus in this apostolate of Mercy. More will be given when the time
comes. You have all been given a specific role in this work of Mercy; all has been given and will be manifested in
each one of you very soon. You will see the importance of your role as a Daughter of the Lamb. I Myself will
guide each one of you and help you along the way. Be patient all is in place. DO NOT BE AFRAID to speak to
those that need to hear the truth. Believe you are of Christ and know that you are in My heart. All protection will
be given, I promise you. Now go and prepare yourself to be true apostles in these last days as you await Jesus'
I love you all, your Mother forever
01/12/2014 Sunday @ Marian Shrine KY 1:15 pm Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
Daughter of My heart it is I Jesus, begin writing this message for the group and the world. Be at peace children
for I am with you all; know that My presence is made known to you in the Eucharist. This is a special gift given to
you at the time of My reign on earth in human form; for at the last supper I gave you the true body, blood, soul
and divinity of Jesus, I have given you Myself as an offering for your sins. My children please remember this for I
am truly present in the Eucharist; it is not just a symbol, but truly Jesus in the flesh. So I ask that you respond
with great love and adoration.
Please children the time has come when My church will undergo great change YOU WILL SEE THE
ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION OF THE EUCHARIST take place, and only by My grace and the true
teachings that are instilled in My children will allow you to see this and you will know the truth. Begin by praying
for the truth to be revealed to you and that My hand of mercy will be upon you and your loved ones, so they may
see the truth as well. Believe children I come soon for all those who are seeking the Lord.
My children much deception has taken place in the church, as I have said before a great apostasy will rise up
within the church and many will be scattered because of their following of the untrue - false doctrine. My remnant
those who remain close to Me and My Mother will be led to safety and will overcome the schism in the church.
You My children will be persecuted for the faith, for the TRUE FAITH. Remember many will come in My name
and so few will be of Me. Pray for the way of truth, embrace My cross and look to My Mother for She will guide
I say very soon you will be leaving the churches that have fallen away from the truth. By placing yourselves in
total abandonment to Me your God I will lead you to My real presence in the sacrifice of the true mass at the
many places of refuge that I have given grace to so My children will have a place of worship to the Trinity and
protection from My enemies.
I love you children please heed My words today on the feast of My baptism. I ask that you renew your
consecration of baptism to Me So I may bless you with many graces from heaven today. I bless you in the name
of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit all for the Glory of God.
Your loving Jesus
Jan 4, 2014, The 1st Saturday, the Marian shrine, Kentucky, 10:33 am
My daughter, it is I Mary Mother of God. I am with you, be not afraid to hear My voice for these words are for
you, My daughter. Come to Me My little one and lay your head upon My shoulder and rest. I wish for you to
relay this message to the group and the many children who are anxious to hear My words. I love you all.


Ephesians 6: 10 Finally draw your strength from the Lord and from His mighty power.
Prepare My children I come soon to you as the MOTHER OF THE TRINITY. I will appear to you soon, be
ready. Many are anxious with the wait and are wondering what will transpire with the world and Gods
judgment. So many things have transpired in the last few months that your government has done in the ways
that are not of God. So many lies, deceits, and cover-ups of their own mistakes that they have concealed from
you the people of this country and the many other agencies and government officials of other countries, and
what this administration has been founded on has now turned to pure evil. So much sorrow will come to this
country because of this administrations evil acts and from the sin of mankind.
You My children, My remnant, will feel the brunt of this collapse and result of their evil ways. Your sons and
daughters need to come back to the Lord, Jesus Christ, and change their evil ways so this next generation of
Gods children will allow God in their lives and not satan and hell. So much sorrow in the world and great will be
the suffering of those who do not turn back to God. You see, My daughter, My Sons hand of mercy is being
given now upon the people. They must turn and embrace this mercy before judgment comes. Be not afraid to
speak the truth to My children who need to hear it. So much darkness, so much despair, and so much sin, the
world needs cleansing.
Pray for My priests that they will have the courage to speak the truth and turn away from their evil masonic
groups that have infiltrated My Sons church. I will be with My priest sons and I will lead them back to My Son at
the cross. This is where their true calling is. Some priests cannot accept this, but this is where they will find
their true peace and true redemption.
My children cry out, for with the laity I will raise up My sons spirit and bring forth the true meaning of Gods
worship, back to the founding fathers and their true teachings of the Catholic faith. Nothing has been changed in
over 2000 years for God has not changed the true teachings of the church, but through man, yes through man,
much has been tampered with and changed to suit themselves. This is the work of satan. I WILL COME TO
His children, no one more or less than the other. But one must repent and open them self up to God so He may
enter in and transform the soul into a true child of God. Many come in the name of Jesus but so few are truly of
I love you, My children and remember to prepare for I come soon as your Mother of The Trinity. Peace to all this
Christmas season.
My daughter, I ask that you to go to the back of the chapel and open up Fr. Gobbis book, The Marian Movement
of Priests, and read #498. This message is to be given to the group and have them listen with their hearts for
this message pertains to all the Daughters of the Lamb of the Immaculate Conception. Go in peace.
Love, your Mother forever.

October through December, 2013 Messages

12/09/2013 Monday @ Marian Shrine, KY 5:20 pm
Immaculate Conception - according to the Catholic calendar for this year 2013.
My daughter it is I Mary the Mother of God. I wish for you to relay this message to the Daughters of the Lamb,
please write:
I am with you daughters for you are all My children; please believe that the hour of My Son's return is very close.
He has given you many signs and you must believe. Be not afraid to accept the truth, My grace will sustain you
just ask Me for this grace. Believe. I say to you My children the time has come for all will take place very soon.
You have entered into the last 3!/2 years of the tribulation. This will mark the beginning of the reign of the antichrist and false prophet. They will try to seize your souls, so please stay in a state of grace and allow Me to take
care of you by your YES TO ME. Remember I need FROM YOU YOUR TOTAL CONCESCRATION AND
GIVE THEMSELVES TO ME. Prepare children the days of Noah will be repeated with judgment from God.
Your loving Mother forever yours. I am here for all My children who wish to receive Me into their Hearts
Jesus; 5:30 pm
My daughter I am here for you today. Thank you for your yes. Believe these words and write them for the group.


The children I have chosen will be persecuted for their faith and the truth. You are My children that I have chosen
and whom I call DAUGHTERS AND SONS OF THE LAMB. Yes all My children are called to this work and all will
come forth out of true love for Me and love of My Mother, they shall win this great battle for souls. The work I
have for you My children is great, many; many will speak My words and perform a multitude of miracles with My
grace given to all of you thru My Mother. I will grant GREAT GRACE THRU HER to those truly faithful to me,
believe. The days are now speeding up and you will start to notice a change in your weather patterns, because
of the chastisement that will make itself know to you very soon. BE NOT AFRAID, My children will be taken care
of and I will see to it that all those faithful to Me will be protected, until it is their time to come home to Me. I will
always send My prophets to warn My children. I love you all; please keep your souls clean in confession and
your hearts open to My call. I will be with you always.
Jesus your Crucified King
12/05/2013 Thursday @ Marian Shrine, KY 12:25 pm
I am here My daughter and all My children. I am here; believe for the Lord your God is here for all of you. Begin
saying your Chaplet of Mercy every morning, followed by My Mother's rosary of sorrows, along with Her rosary
throughout the day, this will help you prepare and other prayers will be given in order to sustain you for what is to
come. My Mother speaks to all of Her children in their hearts, even to those who say they do not hear Her voice,
again I say to all Her children believe and ask Her to fill you with Her grace, so you will have a deeper
understanding of Her in your hearts. She hears all your prayers and loves that you are devoted to Her. She will
begin speaking to all Her children devoted to Her and those willing to sacrifice much. She speaks to the hearts
Now the group and those who wish to begin their own rosary cenacle or house of prayer must follow the
directives from heaven. They are to pray to My Mother for direction and discernment of this act. The houses are
many. but some are not ready to procure a house of prayer, some need spiritual guidance and more time
dedicating themselves to Me and My Mother. They are to pray and will receive their answer.
I say this to all My children who are acting according to My will in regards to this apostolate of Mercy. The
carriage is ready; the horses are drawn and now is the time when your journey has begun. Yes, you have all
been on this journey for you all started at one point and have achieved your destination to another place or level.
You are growing in your faith and knowledge in God with this mission of Mercy and I am well-pleased. Your final
destination on this journey will be heaven, so continue your journey with Me and My Mother leading you. I will
provide all that is needed for your travels and all that is needed as you rest or stop over in your journey and
those who you encounter along the way please tell them about Me and lead them to My Mother so She will
direct them to their final destination which is to Me Your God in heaven. I love you all - go now prepare for My
coming and embrace My Mother for She will lead you to the Trinity and guide you home to heaven.
Jesus your Crucified King
11/30/2013 Saturday @ Marian Shrine, KY 10:30 am
Daughter of My heart it is I Jesus, I am with you today, believe. Be at Peace and rest within My Spirit. Daughters
of My Heart I wish to tell you all how pleased I am with the men and women who have submitted to My will thru
this apostolate, so many souls will be saved and even more to come, for this will burst forth into the world like a
flood, this group will produce a flood of grace from heaven thru their prayers and acts of Mercy. Prepare, I come
for My children very soon. I am with you always. Care for those in need, pray for those in need of spiritual grace
and help your neighbor by acting as a Christian and allowing My own image to be placed within yours, as you
act Christ-like to all you encounter.
Jesus your Crucified King
11/25/13 Monday @ Chapel, 4:40 pm
Daughter I am Christ The King Crucified for you and the world, know that I am with you to the end. I will be there
for you and all My children, they are with Me in their suffering.


Believe children, this is the day that I have set forth into motion and have allowed My will to be done according
with you and the world. CHANGE is about to take place and no part of the world will be safe, unless you have
given your life to Me. Those following My laws and submitting to My Will will be protected and your families will
have My hand of protection upon them by your dedication and faithfulness to Me.
Prepare the Warning has been given, now the war has begun and great is your spiritual warfare and tragic is the
happening of the real war that will destroy your country and its people. I said to you before THE HAND OF GOD
been sent and ready as they pour out upon you My judgment. Do not try to hide for I will find you and you will
face My wrath, I say to you those who refuse Me be ready for judgment is upon you and your nation.
Come to Me like little children ready to embrace their Father and I will pour out My Spirit upon you and fill you
with My grace. You children faithful to Me will be protected in My shadow of grace. I love you little ones who
embrace Me and My cross. Continue your work for the salvation of souls and it shall be given. I love you all.
Jesus your Crucified King
Mother Mary, 4:59 pm
It is I Mary your Mother, My daughter please write:
I am here at the cross waiting for souls to repent to My Son of their sins with acts of mercy. So few come, day
after day I wait, but few do I embrace and so few will be able to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven for they have
forgotten that their God demands repentance and still so few come.
New Orleans and its great destruction will be minute compared to what is about to befall your country (United
States). Pray children that I may sustain you in the days ahead, for I love all My children. Please pray for the
salvation of souls.
Your Mother of Salvation
11/20/2013 Wednesday @ Marian Shrine, KY 9:10 am
My Daughter it is I Jesus, I am with you today. I want to tell you I love you and how pleased I am that you have
submitted to My will, the task has been hard, but well worth it. You will be blessed in abundance for being
obedient. I am here for you always, just ask and I will answer you, for you are truly a daughter of Christ.
My children it is I Jesus, I call you today the Daughters of the Lamb; be still and listen to My voice and I will
speak to your hearts. The time has come for now very soon all will take place. You will be asked to open your
homes to those in need; Yes, to My children who are in need of food, and clothing, spiritual nurturing and giving
of oneself to Me in self-sacrifice, so I may be within you at all times. I WANT YOU MY CHILDREN TO BE
Current events are happening with many disasters, people killing one another and My church has taken a step in
I will provide all that is needed for My faithful children, they shall not lack anything, for thru Me your God all will
be given to feed, to clothe and to shelter My children in need, and Yes many miracles will be performed at the


Mother Mary: 9:45 am, 11/20/13

I see children that you have prepared wisely as was instructed, but now you must be prepared spiritually, more
rosaries, more sacrifices, more prayers and more dedication and dependence on your Mother so I may give you
the graces needed for the walk to Calvary. All souls dedicated and consecrated to Me will be given special
graces in their walk with Christ. I will lead you, take you by the hand and instruct you step by step, and will allow
My grace to penetrate your hearts in all of your trials and persecutions. You will be nurtured by me your Mother
and all that will be given thru My heart will be given to all those you encounter. REMEMBER I AM THE GRACE
The signs of the end times are all around you, you see much destruction from nature and war. All is here and
I say children I love you all and I wish I could give you more time, but there is not. So please pray, pray, pray, be
at peace, love your neighbor as yourself and be ready to receive My Son in an act of repentance. Listen with
10/17/2013 Thursday @ 8:50 am
I am here for you daughter it is I Jesus. My daughter listen to My words and write them for the group.
Daughters of My heart, I am here for all of you today, believe the words I speak for they are true it is the Lord
your God. Your Mother My children is My Mother, She is with you also, pray to Her and She will answer you.
Remember I control all things. My Heart children is open to all, pray for those who do not know Me they need Me
for what is to come and it will be unbearable, for only thru Me and My Mother will all of you be able to handle
what is coming. So I say pray for the souls who do not know Me and when you encounter a soul take them into
your heart and there I will speak to you about them and I will lead you in the direction of how you are to help that
soul, whether it be in conversation or in prayer. BE NOT AFRAID TO LISTEN TO YOUR HEART, I WILL SEND
YOU GRACE TO BE GIVEN TO OTHERS IN NEED. Come always to Me and My Mother and We will help. Now
daughters the group is expanding and becoming more powerful in prayer, for as you unite in size you will unite in
strength in spirit with prayer and more graces, more miracles and more souls will be saved. Continue your efforts
of promoting this apostolate of Mercy. I love you all.
10/13/2013 Sunday @ Marian Shrine KY 2:46 pm
Anniversary of Fatima the Miracle of the Sun
My daughter it is I Jesus, I am here for you today. I come to you with all hope that My children will heed My
words and become united to Me thru My Mother Mary. I love Her; She is so precious to Me, for She is My Mother
and the Mother of us all. She is the Co-Redemptrix, the dispenser of grace for My children and all will come forth
thru Her. She will distribute this grace from heaven; call upon Her often so She may fill you with My grace. I will
send forth an abundance of grace to all those who call upon Her for aid; She is always there for Her children.
The work I have begun in this apostolate shall not perish it shall be sustained by My grace and brought forth to
the world thru My Mother. She will help all those in need of this grace and it shall be given to many in these last
days leading up to My return. My Mother is there to hear your prayers, send Her your love and devotion by
praying Her rosary. I will diminish the power of the evil one by the rosary and it will conquer all things and
destroy evil; use this as your weapon. The angels cease at My Mother's command and are at Her disposal at all
times, for She directs them where they are needed and She is the Queen of Angels.
Prayer and petition are important, but are heard and answered when prayed from the heart, so take your prayers
and petitions and place them in your heart, then present then to Me thru My Mother. I will answer all who seek
Me with a contrite heart.


The Marian Movement of Priests was started for a reason to prepare My children for the coming of My return.
She is the past, present and future of all humanity, She is My Mother and I will send Her to you very soon, be
ready to receive special graces from heaven in preparation of My return. Her role is the new beginning in My
church and She will be honored as the Mother of the church and the world, the Ark of the Covenant, a place of
refuge, My Holy Sanctuary, this is My Mother. She will herald in My coming with Her Immaculate Heart where the
Trinity dwells. I love you all. Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
10/13/13 Mother Mary 3:00pm
My daughter it is I Mary Mother of God, I am with you in spirit. Out of love for God I come to warn My children of
the great chastisement that will befall mankind. IT IS HERE, THE TIME THAT WAS FORETOLD to the three
children at Fatima and today is the anniversary of My sending of the great sign to the world revealing that God
exists and I am the Mother of the world. The Father's Son Jesus has brought forth many miracles and one of
them is Fatima. How beautiful it is that God hears and answers His children. Remember this sign was given to
the world to prove that I the Mother God and Jesus exist. God the Father allowed this to be and what a beautiful
grace that was given. During the apparitions of Fatima man was warned to turn back to God and honor His
commandments, but not enough of My children listened, so now just as I spoke and gave the messages to the
children of Fatima, I now relay them to all of you. This time it is a confirmation that all the prophecies will now
come to pass. The world has not heeded My words, they have turned their back on God and have ignored His
commandments and have placed themselves above God. You children have to understand that obedience is
what God is asking. He expects all his children to respect and love Him, but the world has become an evil place.
pray, for the days ahead bring much death and destruction. You cannot hide from God, only repent and place
yourself at His mercy.
God's chosen children the faith filled and obedient will lead His people to safety. Pray children that God's mercy
is upon you and that you are given the grace to accept all things. Your Mother always, you are in My heart with
love and mercy.
10/05/2013 1st Saturday @ 9:30 am Feast day of St. Faustina
Daughter it is I Mary your Mother, I am with you in spirit today, be not afraid to hear My voice. I love you
daughter. Begin by writing this message for the group and those who wish to hear My words.
I am with you today My children, I love you all. You are special to Me, you are all My precious children, not one
do I love less than the other you are equal. Mary your Mother am I and I wish to tell you that I am well-pleased
and I want My children to experience My grace. This grace that I give to you is from heaven, ASK AND YOU
SHALL RECEIVE. I send down graces to each one today and to your family members, they are all in My hands.
You see children you need grace to survive; you will not survive without grace. I AM THE DISPENSER OF THIS
GRACE, CO-REDEMPTRIX AND MEDIATRIX OF GRACE. I have been given this title by God the Father to
dispense grace to My children so they may be nourished in their spiritual life in order to be given all that is
needed to prepare all of you for what is to come. Your sons, daughters and children (your families) will be taken
care of.
Many of you ask what do I need to be prepared spiritually for the coming events. All you need is Christ Jesus,
but you will need Me to bring you to My Son, for I was brought forth by God the Father to bring His Son into the
world. Now My Son will bring souls to the Father thru Me your Mother. I say to you daughters believe in your
hearts that Jesus will Triumph in His mission of granting salvation to mankind and He will use Me as His
instrument to bring souls to Him in a most perfect way.
Follow Me children and you will be brought to Jesus My Son in a most gracious and loving way, full of Mercy and
love. Go My children and prepare yourselves for Christ's coming and remember God is in control of all things.
Your Loving Mother forever.
10/04/2013 1st Friday @ Marian Shrine, KY 9:50 am


Daughter of My heart it is I Jesus, I am here for you today. I wish for you to speak to My children to prepare them
for what is to come and that is war. I am sorry My daughter, but I must speak on this subject so they will be
aware of the consequences of war in your country.
The world is ready to achieve their plan of total control of My people; they will start this war by their own hands of
deception, greed and in total disrespect of God the Father. They have turned their backs on God and now wish
to partake in their own plan for complete takeover of the world. This plan has been implemented by evil men who
run your country (America) and rule other nations. I will standby as they annihilate their own people, but I say to
you a price will be paid for their sin. You see many have turned themselves into Gods and I will no longer allow
the innocent to be slaughtered, for My children need Me and I will come for them soon.
You will see a great apostasy rise up from within My church; you will need to discern in order to see the truth.
Pray for the gift of discernment so you will not be deceived. I say to you children much suffering is in store for
those who have turned their back on Me and I will punish those who do not turn to Me for Mercy and those who
refuse to serve Me.
You children must pray for these souls that will be taken so I may provide this grace of Mercy at their death and
that the Father may be merciful to His children who refuse Him. Please pray for these souls that will be taken. I
am sending you angels to dispense grace from My Mother, who will be with you always. She reigns in the hearts
of those who have given their heart to Her, all for My glory. I love you My children. Be at peace and know that My
grace is upon you.

July through September, 2013 Messages

09/24/2013 Tuesday Marian Shrine, KY @ 4:35 pm
I am the Lord your God, Jesus your Crucified King. Bring all your cares to Me My children and I will fulfill every
one. I am with you today daughter; know that I am here for all My Children. I love them all.
I wish to bestow upon My children a grace, an anointing with My Spirit to prepare you for what is to come. Some
may not understand that this grace is needed to sustain you in the days ahead. Pray to Me and ask for your
needs to be fulfilled and they will be. Prepare yourselves spiritually by staying in a state of grace and praying
extra rosaries to My Mother for grace, this will help reduce the suffering of souls. Pray My daughters and listen
with your hearts and I will speak to you. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO HEAR MY VOICE, I will tell you what to do and
where you are to go when it is needed to leave for safety.
So many in My church will be caught off guard, because they do not believe, but I say this is a warning for you
and this is something that I have established thru My Spirit for My children to hear My voice and to be warned on
what will befall them. TRUST IN ME I will provide physical and spiritual. You will be taken care of.
The months ahead will be closely watched, this is a sign unto you. Remember October is an important month,
not only for its dates honoring My Mother, but it is significant to the Jewish people (their Jewish calendar). Yes, I
say to you children to prepare for you will be given an ultimatum that will be either Me your God or the world. I
say to you children choose wisely, because you will not have another chance once you have chosen the world.
Things will begin to happen quickly, one after the other. They will topple over one another, not knowing what has
happened and what will take place next. PREPARE THYSELF FOR IT IS HERE JUDGMENT IS UPON YOU, for
the Lord your God has spoken.
Mother Mary: My daughter I am sorry that My Son's words have upset you, but they are true. You will see much
destruction in the days to come. Pray for the reprieve of souls, so they may be given Mercy.
I am sending angels to the refuges for certain things to come. Each one will make themself known to the
individual in charge and will accept all responsibility that will be given by God. This person or persons in charge
of the refuge will be given a title, a merit or badge, something of significance for God and with God. I will explain
this to each one that is given this title. People from all over will come to these refuges to seek assistance in their
trials. I will provide all that is needed for each soul who seeks Me and they will be brought to My Son for Mercy.
The presence of the Holy Spirit will also be known in each refuge. Please children keep repeating the prayer I
have given that is to be recited before each Our Father (*see below), for the Trinity to be known thru Me and the
Trinity is to be given a High Glorious place of Honor in each refuge.


I will be with you in all your trials and in each tear that you shed. I love you all. Go in peace. I am with you always
your Mother forever.
*O Most Blessed Trinity please come to us thru the heart of Thy Mother Mary, where all is now and
09/15/2013 Our Lady of Sorrows Feast Day - Marian Shrine, KY @ 1:15 pm
Daughter it is I your Mother as Our Lady of Sorrows. I am with you in your suffering. So much suffering in the
world My daughter, believe for you are not the only one.
I come today to speak My words of peace to the group the Daughters of the Lamb and the world. Much death
and destruction has taken place over the years in regard with war, so much so that man has become evil in the
eyes of God. They have called themselves Christians, but do not act according to God's will. Man has destroyed
man and evil has taken over your White House and many of the churches throughout the world. God sees all
things and man will be punished for their actions -sin has controlled man and now God the Father has allowed
this chastisement to befall My children.
Be at peace with your work and know that I am with you all. You have been faithful servants. I am sending you
amongst many to proclaim My son's word and His messages in these last days. I come to you daughters and
say thank you for your brave hearts, for you know the great persecution and suffering that awaits you, but be at
peace. I say to you daughters believe all the promises that My son has made to you for they will be fulfilled. I
love you all. Do not be afraid to speak My words even to the learned - those who are deep in the knowledge of
the faith. Pray for them that they may HUMBLE THEMSELVES and be allowed God's grace with this apostolate.
I will send grace to those who seek it with a HUMBLE AND CONTRITE HEART, ALWAYS CHILDLIKE.
Go now and prepare yourselves and ask the Lord to prepare you for the days ahead. Your journey has begun
and many shall be saved thru this apostolate of mercy. Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
09/07/2013 Saturday - Marian Shrine, KY 10:15am
Daughters of the Lamb it is I Jesus, I wish to speak to you today on this special day dedicated and consecrated
to My Mother Mary. She is with you all. She sees your needs and presents them daily to Me.
I am sending each one an angel for protection, guidance and spiritual knowledge to help you in your trials and in
your daily tasks as a daughter and son in Christ. Be not weary with the wait, I will give you the grace you need
for the days ahead. Continue to ask My Mother for Her grace to flow from the heavens and I will allow this to
come to you.
Prepare yourself, your family and those around you for the coming war, which will bring great destruction, famine
and death to your country. Those whom I have asked to prepare their homes as a refuge with food; clothing and
necessities will be provision for you and your families. I will send provision where it is needed, TRUST IN THE
LORD YOUR GOD AND BE NOT AFRAID. The war will breakout soon and you shall know that the Lord your
God has said these things to you as a warning and you will know this in your heart for there is where I dwell. I
say to you My daughters begin praying for peace and do acts of reparation for the sins of your country, so I may
lessen your sufferings and help those in need by allowing My grace to come forth for souls. Many of My children
will be taken. Those who are taken by this act of war and martyred for the faith will become instant saints, but
those who are not in a state of grace will need purgation and some will be cast into the fires of hell.
Pray children, Pray for the souls that will be taken and that your country may turn back to the Lord your God. I
love you all. Go in peace.
Mother Mary: My daughter I am here for you. I wish I could say that the words that My son speaks are not true,
but they are. You will witness this great apostasy and war within your country and the world. The sins of man
have toppled over and heaven cries out. I say to you My daughter My Son's anger has turned to sorrow as the
world will witness great genocide as in Rwanda, Eastern Europe and of all the wars combined, this will be of
mass destruction.
Today's messages come to you on a more sorrowful note and I am sorry My daughter. Be at peace and know
that God loves you and has great plans for this work, which includes salvation to mankind. I am using you to


begin this act of Mercy for all mankind to turn to My Son and I will bring them back to Him. Out of Love for this
world My Son was offered by the Father to save mankind. He loves all of His children, but free-will has given
man his own right to sin. God has called forth His prophets and many seers to reveal to man that God is
unhappy and displeased with what man has done to the world, they have become a paganistic society placing
themselves above God. Through these prophets and seers I was sent and revealed to many that soon My Son
would return to judge mankind and now you shall witness this.
I am placing you and all those who have been consecrated to Me into My Heart. Follow Me and call on Me and I
will always answer you. Be at peace with yourself and stay in a state of grace. I love you My little ones. Your
Mother is with you.
08/30/2013 Friday Marian Shrine KY 9:55 am
My Daughter it is I Jesus, please write My words for I am with you daughter and I will speak with you now.
You know daughter the closeness of My heart with yours, be ready to serve for all is in place and many shall
come to you in their hour of need. Prepare thyself and fast, so I may fill you with My wisdom and My gifts of the
Spirit so you will be able to do My will. Compulsiveness is not of Me. I am patient and loving, always obedient to
the Father. You will do the same, so I ask you to fast in preparedness of the mission.
10:05 am
My daughter I am with you. Some may think that I have forgotten them, but I have not. I AM WITH YOU ALL IN
YOUR SUFFERING. I LOVE YOU ALL not one less than the other. Your trials are per each one's life and have
been predestined according to what your God has allowed. Things in your life may seem important to you and in
your suffering you feel as if you are the only one, but you are not. You must understand that the only thing
important in this life is your soul and the souls of those around you. Total abandonment to Me would allow you to
understand this. Therefore if you do not understand the situation of why you are suffering then you have not
totally abandoned yourself to Me. I love you My daughters.
The prayers that I have asked you to be praying thru My Mother have not been done and followed thru by some
in the group. PLEASE dear children I ask for this to be done so My Mother can prepare you for what is to come
and allow My grace to be given to each of you. You need to be vigilant and ready to serve and that includes
being obedient children of God. Now place yourselves dear children within My heart and My Mother's heart
asking for guidance and total abandonment, so my request will be fulfilled. I love you all. Go in peace.
I am all yours Jesus now and forever.
08/30/2013 Friday 4:40 am
URGENT request from Jesus Pray for My country Israel they will endure great sorrow as the world prepares
for war. When you honor Israel you honor ME. PRAY FOR PEACE. I love you.
08/28/2013 Wednesday Marian Shrine KY 9:50 am
My daughter it is Mary your Mother. I am here with you, with My Son in the Eucharist.
You: see daughter all things are possible with God, but man does not always allow God to enter into his life, only
the world. If man would allow God into his life all would be a changed place, a better place to live with God in
charge and man as a true servant. God waits for man daily to turn to Him, but time has almost run out. You will
witness very soon when God's judgment comes against man. Be prepared for the world has been pre-warned by
My visits to My children, with My messages that were given to the world. I say this will happen in your lifetime,
you will see this come to pass. Your move will take place soon and many shall come to this place seeking Me
and My Son for grace and messages to be given. I say to you be diligent and do not give up on prayers,
continue and I will answer you. You know I love you and your prayers bring sweet sounds to My ears. I love
08/16/2013 Friday @ Marian Shrine KY 12:30 pm
My daughter I am here it is I Jesus your crucified King, I am present with you here in the Eucharist. Be not afraid
to listen to My words and write them. Be still and listen with your heart for there I dwell.


You daughter know the truth and you must speak it, believe these words. I am with you, listen to the words and
write them for the group. The day has been chosen My daughters for when My Mother will appear to you as Our
Lady of the Blessed Trinity. You will not know the day until My Mother reveals it to you. But I ask all My
Daughters of the Lamb to be vigilant in prayer and fast. Offer up your sufferings and make sacrifices for souls, so
salvation can be given. You will be held accountable for your sins, so I ask you to please make a good
confession, attend mass regularly, not just on Sundays. Make reparation for your sins and for those who are also
in need of Mercy (your sons and daughters - children in the family need many prayers). You will save many souls
by offering up sufferings and making sacrifices for sins. Pray for them. Many of My children need spiritual
cleansing, pray that all may return to Me thru My Mother.
The day has come when all will be forced to deny Me or face the consequences that the world will bring upon
you. I say you will be asked to choose me or the world. You will be tested by the faith you bear. Prepare
yourselves for MARTYDOM for all will be given the grace to bear it. Pray to Me that thru My Mother all grace will
be given to sustain you in your trials ahead. Pray for strength to bear witness to God. I am a loving Father to all,
please listen and do as I ask for the time is upon you when all will take place very soon. I love you all.
8/04/2013 Sunday @ Marian Shrine in KY 12:05 pm
It is I Jesus and I wish for you to write this message for My people.
I am He the Lord your God, all who worship Me will be protected in these last days before My return. You have
been faithful in the House of the Lord. I am your God the one called before all creation, the God Most High. I
command the waters and seas to obey Me and the land I have nurtured, but from sin the land has been tainted
and all must be purified. I say to you My children please return to Me and I will give you rest. Those whom I have
favored shall find their rest and peace in the House of the Lord. The earth will vomit out all defiled things that no
man can stop. The land shall be covered by the seas and washed clean, but those faithful to Me shall be
protected. I say to you daughters and sons beware for the evil one wishes to devour you so your soul can be his.
Turn from your ways of sin and come back to Me, for I say that the time as of Noah will soon be repeated. The
ark that shall be your guide and secure place of refuge will be the ark of the Mother of God - TRUST IN HER so
she may bring you to Me. I am always with you, pray for the answer that you seek and you shall find it. I love
Mother Mary: The Daughters of the Lamb are being protected by My grace, man cannot enter in to destroy this
unless My grace of protection is lifted, they are sealed in My Heart. Today My daughter you witnessed the truth,
live it, it is what I am asking of you. Child who is willing to give their life to Me in total consecration? This is what I
am asking each Daughter of the Lamb to do and how to stay within My heart. Prepare the days grow darker. Go
in peace.
08/03/2013 Saturday @ Marian Shrine, KY 9:55 am
Daughter of My heart it is I Jesus, I wish to speak to you today about the world and how this generation will
experience great change, it will be transformed by man and I will allow this to be because of sin. The nature and
global effects will be great and no man will be able to survive without God. I say to you this generation with be
tested to a great degree of their faith and life a; you know it. Man needs to repent and begin a life of total
abandonment to God, without this act of abandonment of oneself to God they will not survive this life or the life
after. Hell is waiting for souls who do not repent and turn to God. I say again Hell is waiting for souls whose sin
abounds and the flesh is their way of life. Pray for them. Mercy is given to those who seek it.
Now I wish to tell souls about My Mother and the chaplet of Mercy. This chaplet of Divine Mercy is very important
to all souls, for it will grant them mercy. I will give them eternal life through this chaplet and My Mother shall lead
them, for through her they are assured salvation.
Mother Mary: My daughter it is I Mother Mary. I wish to speak to you today in regards to this work of Mercy.
Presentation of oneself is important, when one brings themselves to Christ, presenting themselves as a child of
God. This child-like act of obeying and listening to God is important, so one must present themselves to God as
a child, totally dependent on their Father and Me their Mother. This act of self love that man presents to God is
not of God - no man shall present themselves in a manner of being prideful or full of self. HUMILITY is what God
is asking, CHILD-LIKE and ready to serve where God calls His children to be. Prepare, for man shall be judged
and pray that humility will bring man to God in a child-like manner.


07/31/2013 Wednesday 11:50 am

I am with you daughter it is I Jesus. I wish to speak with you today about the group, the Daughters of the Lamb
of My Mother's Immaculate Conception. She is with you leading them to eternal salvation.
All those who wish to follow this group must act according to Her directives from heaven, that means praying
and acting according to Her request. I am telling you this so you will instill this work into their hearts, so they may
be one with Me and united with My Mother. I love them all, but I wish for them to work together and not apart, all
barriers must come down and unite themselves to Me and My Mother for this work to be done. I will provide
everything you are in need of and more. I will send provision for this work. Take care and heed My words, stand
strong and remember you are in charge, direct them according to My will. I love you all.
Those who attend mass on the 1st Saturday of August with Fr. Rookey and attend the 1st Saturday prayer
meeting will receive a special grace from the Blessed Trinity through My Mother. I wish to bestow this grace
through Her. I love all My children, but they must be obedient to the call, all those who attend will receive a
special grace. This grace is the beginning of their work as Daughters of the Lamb and a significant amount will
be given according to each ones heart. They must understand that all are different, but each one is special to
Me, so I will determine the grace to be given.
Mother Mary: I ask you to relay this message to the group, pray for them. I am sending you to another group to
speak to them soon, be ready I will be with you in this mission.
Now the prayer that I would like the Daughters of the Lamb and all God's children to recite. They must begin by
offering themselves to Me their Mother and pray this prayer before each Our Father said in their rosary. O Most
Blessed Trinity please come to us through the heart of Thy Mother Mary, where all is and all will be now
and forever. This prayer will help souls understand the significance of the Trinity through Me. I will bring forth
this grace to all who recite this prayer. Your Mother Mary
07/28/2013 Sunday 10:50 pm
Daughter it is I Jesus, My Mother wishes to speak to you today.
My daughter I am here with you Mary your Mother, believe these words for the Lord Your God has sent Me to
you. Your family (Daughters of the Lamb) will serve Me greatly, they are all over the world and in time you will
unite. The price you pay for following Christ is heavy and the many things that you will suffer are great, but all will
be well worth it for Jesus will reward you. All of you are My children called by God to serve him in preparation of
His return.
07/20/2013 Saturday @ 10:10 am at the Marian Shrine in Kentucky
My daughter it is I Mary the Mother of God. I wish to convey this message of hope to you, the group and the
world. My heart daughter is of great significance in this mission of Mercy, I will pour out My spirit upon you and
all who ask for this grace of God. Those who seek Me and M) heart will receive an abundance of grace from the
Most Blessed Trinity within My heart - the Trinity dwells within Me -I AM THE GRACE OF THE TRINITY. I will
come to you and all who seek Me as OUR LADY OF THE MOST BLESSED TRINITY - we are one in the same.
God the Father created Me for the sole purpose of bringing His Son Jesus into the world and bringing the world humanity to His Son, for salvation. I am She the woman written in the book of Revelation.
Revelation 12:1-6 And a great sign appeared in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her
feet and on her head a crown of twelve stars. And being with child, she cried travailing in birth and was in pain to
be delivered. And there was seen another sign in heaven: and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads
and ten horns: and on his heads seven diadems: And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and cast
them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to be delivered; that, when she
should be delivered he might devour her son. And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with
an iron rod: and her son was taken up to God and to his throne.
I stand at the cross of My Son and wait for souls to come to Him in His suffering and to bring Him Love and
adoration, but few come. I say to you daughter My Son is about to return to the world and all who wish to receive
His Mercy must come to Me. I wait for souls with open arms at the foot of the cross ready to embrace them as
they come to embrace My Son for Mercy. The day has come My daughter when all will be given to those who


seek My Son and ask for repentance and they shall receive Mercy. They must turn from their wicked ways and
humble themselves to receive their cross to be united with My Son and He will forgive them.
Now is the time, for all will take place very soon. March onward as soldiers ready for battle, the time has come
when all must embrace their cross and be ready to fight. The rosary will be your weapon against the evil one and
his force, be on guard at all times and remember you will be shielded from the enemy according to your faith and
hope in Christ. I love you. Go in peace. Your Mother Mary.
07/20/2013 Saturday @ 10:10 am at the Marian Shrine in Kentucky
My daughter believe these words I speak for it is I the Lord your God, Jesus.
The Father in heaven wishes Me to give to you the words I speak for the salvation of souls. Mary My Mother is
with you always, in this mission she will TRIUMPH. I am her son the Divine Child of God brought forth by My
Father in heaven and it is through My Mother that I wish to bring all humanity to M1 Mercy, for they shall receive
Mercy if they come to Me daughter and I will send them to the Father. My Mother will lead her children home to
the Father. I am with her united and our hearts are as one. We wish to save all souls daughter and We are
asking all of God's children to come together to establish the kingdom of God on earth, a new beginning where
all souls can be at peace and worship the Lord God Almighty Creator of heaven and earth. The Father weeps for
His children that He has created in the womb. All God's children must return to Him now before it is too late, for
the time of My return is very soon. I say to you the laws of God have been destroyed by man and their lifestyle is
pure evil, inacceptable in the eyes of God and heaven cries out. Vengeance is what man seeks but I say justice
is what heaven seeks. You must understand that sin destroys man and its surroundings, and purification can
heal souls and their land. Mercy is given to all those who seek it. Pray for the souls who will be taken that I will
allow justice and Mercy to be given. Pray for them.


Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family and St. Michael to protect Gods words to His son, 7:00 pm Adoration,
My most beloved son and children, this is your Jesus of Love and Mercy. I came to give you much love and
graces for the times we are in now. Graces are falling from Heaven like rain drops to saturate you with all the
graces you need to get to Heaven. Do not be afraid to walk out into the rain to receive all the graces I have for
all My children. Ask your God and My God for all the graces that He has for you and use them to save your soul
and the souls of the world. God told you the other day to not pay attention to satan and the deceiver of
everything. Come straight to your God and your Jesus and Mary of Love and Mercy and give all the sins of your
life to them and then repent before it is too late. My children the hour is late and the time of many peoples lives
is getting very short so be ready to face your God and it is there that you repent and ask forgiveness for your
sins before this terrible day. It will be much easier for you.

I ask all people who are reading these messages and others to go back a month and read a month of messages
at one time so you can see more of the picture of what is happening in the world and see more of the full
picture. A lot of the picture of the world has been given in the last year through these messages. Instead of
wanting more new messages start reading the old ones because all messages will stop in the near future. I
have told you this long ago everything stops after a period of time and the messages are no different.
Everything has been said that you need to know so please reread the old messages. I your God really do not
have much more to say now, except please read what you have been taught and start practicing it for it will be
good to have it fresh in your mind before everything falls in different parts of your country.

Many people will lose everything and all My remnant children will have to take those people and help them to
survive and take care of them like little children at first because when you lose everything you are lost for a time,
spiritually and physically. You all are used to doing certain things every day and when everything is taken away
it is like a death to you and you will be confused and will need help like when you get lost someone will have to

help you, spiritually and physically, to get you back on the right track because you will not even know where to
start. Just die of self and be open to Gods word to the people He sends you.

Do not listen to the federal FEMA regulations because they will take you to concentration camps and put chips in
you and control you and make slaves out of you who are strong and healthy and get rid of the weak and fragile.
This is already happening out west with the people fleeing from South America. They are being used and
abused by the one world people. This is all for now, Love your Jesus of Love and Mercy. Amen

Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael and a legion of angels to protect Gods son with His
words for His children, 10/23/14
My most beloved son and My most beloved children. This is God the Father of Heaven and earth. I come to
confirm to all My children to be ready for anything now because your lives are starting to be turned upside down.


Pray and get your souls in a state of grace.


Have plenty of water in your house because when the electric grid is turned off all My children in most
cities will not be able to get water.


Have plenty of food ahead of time because when the electric goes out you will not be able to buy
anything because everything is on computers and has to have electric to work.


Keep your gas tanks on your cars full and have extra stored in containers so you can get out of your
cities ahead of time before the one world people shut down all the major highways.


Listen to your guardian angels and get out of your home and start to go the refuges as soon as your
guardian angel tells you. Just like Joseph, Mary, and Baby Jesus did when they were about to kill the babies to
get rid of Baby Jesus.

My children, I am telling you this so you are ready as possible. I will not tell you any exact date but you can read
the signs of the times all over the world and know that it cannot go much longer without total destruction in a lot
of places. Just be ready and alert to what is going on in your world. Make sure you stay off the main interstates
because they will be blocked and you will have no way to get off without walking. Just listen to your God and the
angels and do not panic because your God is in control. Do not let the authorities take you to camps or tell you
they will take care of you. Stay in small groups and I will lead you to safety. This is all for now, your loving
Father of Heaven and earth. Amen.

Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family and St. Michael to protect and guard the Word of God the Father to His
son, 10/19/14
My most beloved son and children especially the ones that are most closely working with My son and helping
him physically and spiritually. I give a special blessing to all of them and also to all My children who are reading
these messages and helping them spread the truth from God the Father and getting these messages to the rest
of the world. I do want these messages to go all over the world to save souls and teach them the truth of My
one holy Catholic Apostolic Church. To all My children that are not Catholic the same graces go to you also
because you are where I want you now, but to find the whole truth it is in the Catholic church that I started at the

last supper and fulfilled it on the Cross when I gave up My life with Mary, My Mother, for all the sins of the world
from the beginning to the end of times in the world.

The Ten Commandments were given to guide all Christians to the truth so they could live in a state of grace in
their life and the seven Sacraments were given for all Catholics so they could live in the fullness of grace. If you
are Catholic you need to live within the Ten Commandments and the seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church
and go to Confession when in sin, and if the sin is mortal, you have to go to Confession before receiving
Communion at Mass or it is another mortal sin. You cannot receive Holy Communion in the state of mortal sin.
Look in the Catechism of the Catholic Church approved by Pope John Paul II if you do not know what is a mortal
sin or what is a venial sin. People do not think that venial sins hurt them, but if you never go to Confession and
keep committing them you will be lead into mortal sin. It is also a mortal sin not to go to Confession once a
year. You have to help yourself to be educated of the truth of the Catholic Church if Catholic and study the Bible,
and go to Mass on Sundays except for a grave reason not just because you partied the night before and are
tired. This is not a good reason.

My children I your God am giving you all the graces needed to save your souls at this time and then many more
if you ask me for them and then use them. I can only make graces open from Heaven for you but you have to
make the effort to ask Me your God to forgive your sins and accept them just like if a friend gives you a present
that you want badly. You need to ask and want graces badly to save your soul. The reason I am making every
effort possible to every soul on the face of the earth is because the Warning and the chip that satan is going to
try and put in your body so he can control you is very, very, very close. If you let them put the chip in your body
with your own free will satan will then have total control of your mind. With the chip in your body it will be like a
microphone that they can speak or put any noise in for you to hear to drive you crazy. Do not take the chip or
the flu shot in your body because the chip controls your mind and soul and the flu shot weakens your immune
system and puts mercury in your body at a seriously high rate that causes you to pick up all electrical noises and
sickens your body and gives cancer and many other kinds of sickness. Science has proven that living next to
main power plants and high voltage power lines causes cancer and many other sicknesses. Your body is made
up of electrical pulses and high electrical contact causes electrical shorts in your body to stop it from functioning
correctly. Most people will not understand this but it is important to know.

There is very little time left for My children to live in this world in a normal way that you are used to and I, God
the Father, with Mary and St. Michael are trying to get all My children ready for the New Era of Peace or for
Heaven whatever comes first for you. I want to make sure to see you in Heaven or in the New Era of Peace
after the three days of darkness or the comet of chastisement when all evil will be cast back into hell and locked
there and Heaven and earth will join together and form the New Jerusalem for the thousand years of peace and
the Our Father will be fulfilled and Jesus and Marys mission with Jesus death on the cross will be fulfilled.
This is what the second coming is, the fulfillment of the first coming of Jesus. Amen. So be it. Mary, My Mother
will now speak.

My love My beautiful one and all My most beautiful children. This is your loving Mother with love and joy for all
this day. Many, many good things are happening in the world from the graces of My Son. The news media very
seldom covers them because they are controlled by the one world government. But many of Our children are
waking from their sleep and seeing that the world has to change from evil to good or it will destroy itself. Many
people are becoming aware of this and are starting to drop their sinful ways and get on the winning path of
Jesus Christ and get their souls and bodies back in shape to face the final run for Jesus and get ready for the
Warning and turn their life to God Our Savior.

These messages are from God the Father to save all the souls of the earth at the last second in Gods time
because God does not have any time. It is all just the present minute and you should live the present minute as
if it is your last for it could be and will be some day. Your loving Mother, Mary and all of heaven.

Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, & St. Michael and all of Heaven to protect Gods son with His true words,
Thursday, 10/16/14, 2:30 am
This is God the Father who is all loving and all just. My beloved remnant children, I am sorry you have to listen
to all the blasphemy of your God. I have come to overthrow the money tables once again and throw it on the
ground and run all the evil people out of My temples and churches. The evil people are at their evilest in the
history of the world. I told you to bless yourself with exorcism holy water before you write this because it is
necessary. My children are pushing same sex relationships on My good children and trying to act like it is a
marriage. This is satan at his worst. They are now living way below animal level. It would be less of an evil to
want to marry an animal than to think that two people of the same sex could marry each other. Marriage is one
of My most beautiful sacraments and people are trying to act like it is a sacrament. Woe to anyone who would
call this a marriage because they will be in hell for all eternity if they do not repent soon before the Warning so
they will have a chance to ask forgiveness during the Warning. This is one of My most sacred sacraments for
the creation of My beloved children that I your God brings into the world. My most beloved Pope John Paul II
wrote the Theology of the Body and the Beauty of Marriage in the Marriage Act and Christopher West put it into
language that My children could understand.

Your leaders have now gone into the lowest level they can go without falling into the pit of hell for all eternity.
Your last chance to be saved for the wicked is the Warning which is just around the corner. I am a loving God
but you have tested My patience to the limit for I will not let the wicked people test My holy remnant any longer.
Your country, America, will now fall hard just like the old Roman Empire and the majority will die so be ready to
repent or fall into the fires of hell forever. This IS your God in a very serious message. How can My beautiful
children live much worse than animals live; they listen to their instincts but My children listen to nothing but satan
and fallen angels. The fallen angels bring all this evil to My children. My beautiful children could never have
come up with all this evil without listening to satan himself and the fallen angels. Now, start listening to your God
and repent and ask forgiveness. I will show you what real peace and love is from the God who made you. I love
each of My children dearly and will do anything I can to save My children, but you have to repent and give Me
your permission and free will to help you. My children I am not joking.

The next move of satan is to destroy all your Masses by the one world government and all the religions on the
face of the earth. I will not let this happen but the real Mass will have to go underground and back into the home
because most churches will be abandoned to the antichrist and new age. There will be a few churches that
stand up for their God and become refuges and be protected from land, sea, and sky with a circle of angels
around them to protect them. My children I have said all I can say so be ready to see things that you never
thought you would see in America. This has been planned by satan for many years and do not fall into his
traps. But, the good news is I, your God, am here on earth to bail you out and take you into the New Era of
Peace. So, come to Me and My Mother and all of Heaven and take Our hands for satan is nothing next to God
and Heaven. He is only a speck of sand next to a whole ocean compared to your God of love and mercy and
satan is all hell and suffering. I your God is all love and mercy and just. Do not worry, just come to Me and I and
My Mother will hold and protect you like a good mother holds and feeds her little baby. This is the kind of love
We have for each of Our children. This is enough for now. Love and peace of God is about to wipe out all of
satans evil in the world. Come take Our hands and our hearts and give your God your hand and heart and all
will be peaceful even in the turmoil of this world. Love, love and more love from all of Heaven. Ended at 3:02

Message continued at 5:30 am: Do not fear the enemy satan and his demons. God made them. God is the
maker of all. God is in control of all those who give their life to Him. Do not fear, My children, of anything except
for the life of your soul. Do not worry about money or material things for they will be gone soon. Just pray, pray,
and pray and give your soul to God who made you and loves you. He is the only one who can give you peace
even in turmoil. Trust Me, My children and come to Me for I am all love and grace for those who love Me.
Satan is all hell for all those who turn away from Me and the truth. I always was and always will be and always
remains the same. Satan twists and turns and changes all the time just like a snake to keep you confused and

tormented. Stop listening to him and come to your God and Savior who made you. Listen to the truth and do
not believe or pay attention to all the lies of satan and your world. The church is even twisting the truth now
because it has been entered and is being controlled by satan himself. Listen only to the old holy Roman
Catholic Apostolic Church, the old bibles, and the Catechism of St. John Paul II and the messages that are being
given to My remnant children. This is the truth that will set you free. Do not pay any attention to anything that is
coming out in the news today because it is all twisted and not truth. Your loving God who cannot stand listening
to the filth of the world any longer. Come to Me now, please. I love all of you and would not be speaking to so
many of My prophets of today but some are true and some are false. Please discern and listen to common
sense and small people not the great leaders or any government. God the Father. Amen. Amen.

Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, & St. Michael as guard over Gods words to His son with all of Heaven,
Thursday, 10/16/14, 5:30 pm
My love, My most beautiful son and all My most beautiful children, this is Mary the Mother of God and all the
children that have ever been on earth. My son, I am crying tears of sorrow and blood for all My children that are
about to die. But I am crying tears of joy for all the graces that are being given by My Son to save souls. It is not
over until it is over. Many souls will be saved through the many disasters as they come throughout the whole
world. The Warning will be given, as you know, when many of My children are on their knees begging God to
take their nightmares away. When they see the truth and the state of their souls and feel the pain of hell and
lower purgatory most will beg Gods forgiveness. It looks now like the majority will be lost but with the Warning
and the grace that God has saved for this generation, the majority will be saved. Only the hardest of hearts will
not be saved unless they ask forgiveness from God from their heart. It looks bad and feels bad now and for a
time but Heaven has not spent all their bank credit up like satan. Satan spends all his credit as soon as people
give him some of their life by sinning. God saves all His graces for just the right time to save souls. He will take
a soul at the best time in their life to get to Heaven. My children all is not lost, it just looks that way to you and it
will look even more so when the government takes all your money and belongings. But this is what you will
seek, your God, when you have nothing earthly and nothing to hold onto.

I am telling My children this so they do not despair. Your soul is the only thing that matters. So seek God and
drop to your knees when you lose everything and My God and yours will pick you up and save your soul but
there will be suffering like you have never seen before. But you will sense My peace. As I have told My son
writing many, many times, feelings and emotions do not mean anything. Being obedient to Gods Ten
Commandments is all that really matters. When you are feeling down offer it up to God for your soul and the
souls of your brothers and sisters. And, when you are feeling good, thank God the Father for all the graces. Do
not go running for another high. This is Mother Mary to all Her children. Love, Mother.

Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family and St. Michael with your protection of Gods Word, 10/14/14, 6:00 am
My most beloved son, this is your God of Heaven and earth. I come with a very sad and heavy heart. The last
move that your evil government made on same sex marriage was the straw that broke the camels back. There
is no return for your country back to a normal way of life. It is all over for your country. The natural disasters will
continue to get worse each day. You have now reached the majority of states that voted for same sex marriage
and all will fall. As I have told you when over half your people would go straight to hell if they died today, I will
pick your country and leader up and smack them on the butt. The time is long overdue for the most sick
generation in the history of the world.


My grace and mercy have been given like never before to your country and you just spit in My face and did what
you wanted. As I have told you, your country will start to lose everything and a lot of your crops will rot in the
fields because of the sin of your people.

The grace and protection have been withdrawn from all of your country except for the ones living as My remnant
children. Your country is about to fall into the hands of the one world people and there will be much bloodshed
on the streets and your weather will be very severe. I have told you to prepare food and water to last for the
great famine which is here now. Food will become harder to get each day and money will crash and be worth
nothing. So, get the things you need today for tomorrow could be too late. Get your souls in a state of grace
and grab hold of the hand of Heaven for you will now be on a wild roller coaster ride until the New Era of Peace.
Read Revelations 13 because you are now in it.

I have now come to save and start harvesting My souls of the faithful and change the souls of the wicked with
chastisements and the Warning in which you will feel Heaven, purgatory, or hell and know your eternal destiny if
you died today and I will give you your last chance to save your soul from hell. This is what your country chose
because of your sins, not what your God wanted. It was the peoples choice for such an evil leader who was
raised in Communism to lead a once holy country where your Statue of Liberty which represents Mary holding
the chalice in Her hands to satan holding your country in bondage. You have made the choice and I have given
you free will to do what you wanted and you will now pay the consequence. I am still waiting with open hands
and heart for all of you to return back to your God and ask forgiveness of your sins from your heart and I will
forgive you but you will suffer much because of your choices. The good will suffer with the wicked to help save
the wicked because this is the wickeds only chance to get to Heaven through the sufferings of the good people
just like My Son suffered on the cross.

Woe to the people who are living in same sex marriage because abortion and same sex marriage is what took
your country the rest of the way down. As I said before, each Commandment that you took out of your country
took your country down 10%. Now all the Commandments have been removed from your country and now you
are at ground level ready to fall into the pit of hell. Hold on tight to the hand of your Father of Heaven and earth
so you do not fall into satans pit and woe to the women who think they can become priests for their soul is ready
to fall into the pit of hell. Repent before it is too late. Grab hold of the holy rosary from the Mother of God and
pray it each day whether you are Catholic or Christian for it will save your soul. Mary is the Mother and heart of
all mankind and Jesus is the Father chosen from God to represent the Father as Head of all mankind. Do not
twist truth because man is the head and woman is the heart and it will not work any other way.

My children are standing in water up to their nose and ready to drown in their sins. My hand is reaching for you.
Grab hold and do not let loose. Your loving Father to a very sinful and stubborn generation. Your loving Father.
Please repent and be saved. Your last chance is the Warning. Amen.

Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael and all of Heaven to protect Gods words, 10/11/14
My most beloved son, this is your Jesus of love and mercy. As you and your friends know the handwriting is on
the wall for all that is about to take place. God the Father told you the other day that it is happening now. You
are beginning to see more attacks from satan each day. Many things are happening in your country that the
news does not tell you. They tell you just the lies that the one world government tells them to say. The leader of
your country is the most evil leader that your country has ever had. Pray for him and your Pope much so they
can start to lead your country and church in the right direction.


Anything that is said that comes out of the talks of the bishops and Pope* that are not 100% in line with the Ten
Commandments is not from your God and do not believe it or go along with it. It has to be the truth, the whole
truth, and nothing but the truth. It has to be in plain black and white with no gray areas to confuse you. It has to
go with the Catechism that Pope John Paul II approved. If it does not follow the old doctrines of the Church, the
Bible and the Catechism it is new age and the new one world church. Leave all the parishes that start teaching
any of the new age and start taking anything out of the Mass and replacing it with new age. New age means
twisting the truth and making it a gray area instead of black and white which means it is not said in a way that
people can understand it. Anything that seems wrong to your conscience, if living a good holy life and going to
Mass and Confession every week, is most likely to be twisted and wrong.

Pray and discern everything now and stay with people you know and trust because there are many groups and
people in the Catholic Church that believe in abortion, same sex marriage and many other things that are new
age and are not of God. My remnant children have to stand up and teach the truth of the real Catholic Church.
Many priests and bishops and cardinals are not on track with Gods teaching. Many went their own way after
Vatican II and did what they wanted to do and not what God asked them to teach. This is enough for now. Love,
Jesus. Be careful My children.

*Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the Family, October 5-19, 2014

Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael with all of Heaven to guard the words from God to His
son, 9/30/14
My most beloved son, this is your God of love and mercy sitting beside you with My hand on your shoulder. I
come to speak to you about some of the hard times that all My children will be going through any day now in My
time and yours. I want to tell My children to make sure they have much water stored and much food. Get very
simple food like beans and rice, just something that will put something in your stomach. That is why water is so
important. You will not be working as hard so you will not need a lot of food. Have your prayer book and bible
with you, and your personal needs ready for going to the refuge. Just think of the things that are most important
to just survive not any extra junk that you can get along without. Warm clothing will be a must because you will
not be in a place that has a lot of heat, if any, things to wash and clean your body for at first there will be little of
anything until you get to the refuge and get better and more buildings built. Buildings will have to be built to be
multiplied by the people there with the help of their guardian angels. Look back about 2 or 3 generations before
they had electric and plan to live in that era of time about 75-80 years ago. There will be very few places to get
anything when the electric goes out and transportation is stopped or slowed down. It will be all waiting and
praying to get some kind of help. I am just giving you a few ideas how to plan for the future.

Do not plan to have anything you just want, just get things that you need to survive. Think more like the Indians
and the first settlers that came to your countrythe way they lived; tents, shovels, cans to carry water, saws,
cooking pots for wood fires. If you are a camper you can teach others how you live, what is necessary. You will
all help the others with what little you all have. It will be shared as if everyone owns it together. It will be
multiplied if it is something needed to raise food or get water or anything that is necessary for survival. You will
all be healed at the refuge when you look at the luminous cross in the sky if you believe and trust in your God.
This will make it much easier for you to live when in good health, but it will take awhile for a lot of this to take
place because everyone will be coming to the refuges at different times depending on how far they live and
depending on if they listened as soon as they were told to leave. Some will not want to leave their homes and
then decide to leave later when they are about to be run out by the one world government. They will suffer much
more than the ones obedient when called to leave when there is still some time left. My children this will make


little sense to some who have not been listening and some will understand it completely. Keep teaching My
children who do not want to listen for they will need to learn whether they want to or not. Just be patient with
each other and do not push and demand, just pray for them and set the example. This is all My son, My Mother
will speak.

My beloved children please pray and listen closely because this is already happening in many places in the
world and also in your country. The news media does not carry anything that is important to the people. They
just carry things that will carry out satans plans and a scare tactic to take over Gods children and get rid of
them. Pay little attention to anyone from the state or federal government, just listen to people you know and
trust and some on local levels. Listen to your guardian angel and all of Heaven because they will guarding
everyone that will listen. Love, Mother.

Severe Message from All of Heaven to All of Earth

Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael with your guarding of Gods words to His son, 9/26/14
My most beloved children this is your God the Father of love and mercy. It is now 3 am. My son was not ready
to write but I kept talking to him to be obedient and get up and write. This is the new beginning, your God the
Father has opened His heart to all His children so they may drink of the river of life. I am on the earth at this
time with a flood like in the time of Noah and the ark. I told My children that I would never destroy the earth with
water again, but I will saturate it with My divine love and mercy and graces. This is the time and this is God the
Fathers time to flood all the hearts of My children with a river of graces from My heart to your heart to flood your
heart with graces so powerful as a flood in Noahs time that destroyed the whole earth and renewed it. I am
flooding the hearts of all My children this time before the New Era of Peace to get rid of the old wineskins and
replace them with the new wineskins to renew each and every heart on the face of the earth. This will be the
last of the old and the beginning of the new just like in Noahs time.

I have chosen the month of October to be the month to do this. It is the month of the Rosary. I have told all My
children that the Rosary was the weapon to destroy satan that all can pray. It is the most powerful prayer next to
the sacrifice of the most holy Mass and My Sons death on the cross and the sacraments. I wish for all My
children to pray the Rosary every day this month because this is the month of the harvest of the crops and it is
past time for your God to harvest any souls. Please pray, pray, and pray for all the souls that will be harvested
soon by their God the Father of all of earth and Heaven for many are about to meet their maker of Heaven and
earth for the time is here and past time for all My children to change. The Warning is about to change the whole
earth and all the people in it before satan destroys much of the earth because of the sins of mankind. I will
protect all who listen to My words of warning. I AM is in control of everything but because My children will not
listen to My begging and all of Heavens begging in all the extra days that your God has given to His children out
of love, I will now permit satan to chastise My children to wake them up from their sins so they can be saved. It
is very sad for a loving Father when He has to direct His children with tough love when there is no other option
left. This is the final warning from God the Father before preparing the new book of life for all My children.

The new book of life and the new wineskins will begin because the old wineskins and the old way of life will end.
Choose Heaven and the New Era of Peace now or choose hell and satan and suffering for all eternity. This is
your Father of Heaven and earth with a message of love and very tough love for a very sick generation. I have
given you all the answers that you need to be saved so pray and fast this month for the harvest of crops and
souls is beginning. Let this be a great harvest this fall for souls of My beloved children. My Mother will speak.

My son, this is Mother Mary and My heart is bleeding and My Sons heart is bleeding because We have to give
this message to save Our children from hell, but it has to be done. Pray the Rosary every day because it


contains all the life of Jesus and Mary who are your Spiritual Father and Mother from Heaven with God the
Father from Heaven in prayers in the Rosary: the Our Father, the Hail Mary, and the Glory Be, it also contains
all the mysteries of Our lives; the Joyful Mysteries, the Sorrowful Mysteries, the Glorious Mysteries, and the
Luminous Mysteries. This is the fulfillment of Our life and life of all Our children on earth. We lived then to show
our spiritual children the way to Heaven through the obedience to the Ten Commandments and the sacraments
of the Catholic Church so all Our children on earth will understand all these mysteries after the Warning so they
will know the real truth and not all the lies of satan so they can get their life back in order and save their souls
before they die. This is a very severe message from all of Heaven to all of earth. Love God the Father with His
Mother. Time: 3:45 am, hour of mercy.

Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael to protect Gods words to His son, Wednesday, 3:00 pm,
My beloved son, this is God the Father of Heaven and earth. Thanks for getting more of the books on The
Father Speaks to His children. The times you are in are like no other time in history of mankind. As I have told
you the evil is worse than ever before from the time of Adam and Eve to the present day. My children have to
know that because evil is so bad, they have to depend on their God more than ever. I, God the Father, have
come down to earth just like I sent My Son two thousand years ago to help My children get through these days
of time and repent of their sins and get back in a state of grace so they can be with Me in Heaven or the New
Era of Peace.

As I told you before and I am telling you again, I your Father will give you all the graces you ask for to save your
soul and the souls of all My children on earth. Do not be shy talking to the God who made you because I made
you to love Me and serve Me and be happy with Me in Heaven. Do not be afraid to talk with Me the same way
you talk to your best friend because I am your best friend and I want you to be My best friend. You can talk to
Me about all the sorrow and all the joys in your life because I knew them before you ever committed any good or
bad deeds. Talk to Me about people you love and people you dislike for I can help you with ANYTHING. Come
sit by My side and talk to Me and I will talk to you and forgive all the things that you have done that you are
ashamed of. Come to Me and tell Me and then, if Catholic, I will give you the grace to go to one of My priests
and receive absolution and be in a state of grace so you can then start helping to save other children of mine
that are in mortal or deadly sin.

My children, as gentle as I am speaking to My son writing this, I will speak to each and every one of My children
if they just come to Me, their God, and ask forgiveness from their heart, and want to change and be better in
their life. Just say, Father, please bless me, your (son or daughter) and I will bless you and cover you with My
graces of love if you just open up your heart and let Me in. I made your heart for Me. I want your blood to flow
with My blood and your heart to beat with My heart and your love to be My love for all your brothers and sisters
in the world. This is the only way that the world will become peaceful. There is plenty on the earth for everyone
to live and be happy if everyone shares and uses just what they need and do things according to Gods will and
not mans will. Everything on earth is contaminated because man thought he was smarter than God and
changed all the food and medicines and each time he changed things from the natural to the unnatural My
children got sicker and sicker, and now all My children are sick and full of cancer and sin. All this is caused
because of not following the Ten Commandments. Each time you take a commandment out of your life or out of
the life of your country or out of the life of your world, ten percent of everything falls to a sicker position. It is like
standing on top of a ten story building and each time you take a commandment out of your life or out of the world
you fall one story and all the earth suffers the effect of it. My children of America you have taken all Ten
Commandments from the laws of your land and there is nothing left but to crash to the bottom and start over with
nothing and your only choice is God and live for eternity or satan and fall even deeper into the pit of hell for all

This is why I, God the Father, came down to earth at this time in history because I knew this time would be the
most evil since man was put on earth. I sent My Son last time with Mother Mary and this time I came to put an

end to satan for a thousand years and cast him back in the pit of hell and anyone who will not change. The
earth will be peaceful during the next era of time. Satan had his time because of free will and now it will be God
the Fathers time that I and My Son, and the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Family, and all the angels and saints will
guard the earth and talk to everyone like Adam and Eve talked to Me at the beginning of man and woman. You
will now see how beautiful I created each man and woman with all the gifts I give to them to make one picture
and One Body of Christ for all the world to see and to see it the way I planned it with all the love and joy that was
given to Adam and Eve before they sinned. This is the era coming that Jesus, the new Adam, and Mary, the new
Eve, were sent to earth for and I God the Father came at the end of this era to earth to help My Son and Heaven
to fulfill it. Do not doubt any of this message because it is God of all Heaven and earth speaking to My son. He
and many others of My remnant children are suffering a white martyrdom to fulfill My final will for the world.
Amen. So be it. End of book. Be ready for the door is about to open to the New Era of Peace. God the Father
from Heaven.


Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael as guard and protector of Gods word to His son, 9/18/14
My love, My beautiful one and all of My most beloved children, this is Mary your Spiritual Mother and the Mother
of all Gods children. My son, the message yesterday from My Son, Jesus, had a lot of information in it about
the signs of the times. He told you that you are now moving from Revelations Chapter 12 to Chapter 13. I wish
all My children to read Chapter 12, where We are at now, and Chapter 13, where We are about to go, in the
history of the world as it is now in your time on earth. The beast is about to try and take your world down even
further. My children do not fear for your God is in control if you stay in a state of grace and come to My Son and
I for the graces are all available for these times in your life. Please ask for the graces and use them for yourself
and family and for the world.
Yes, We are in very serious times in the history of the world but We are also in very special times in the history of
the world. We are moving in an era of time that started two thousand years ago when my Son and I were put on
earth by God the Father as the new Adam and the new Eve to take the world back for God the Father to fulfill the
Our Fatherthy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. St. Michael cleansed Heaven out when the angels
rebelled against God the Father and this era of time will be the final fulfillment of Jesus and My (Mary) , job to
end this two thousand year era of time that God the Father set up to cast satan back into hell and lock him up for
a thousand year reign of peace. We explained more about this the other day in the messages. Please turn your
heart and will over to God the Father now while it is still easy because all is about to crash in your worldly world
and all is about to be made new in your spiritual world in the New Era of Peace.
My Son and I and all of Heaven will rule and love each of you in the New Jerusalem like you could never
imagine in your wildest dreams. It will be all you could ever ask for and even much more. This is the time that
My Father and Son have been waiting for since the beginning of time. Please give your heart to God now in
order to be more able to understand all of these messages you have to read them like the Bible. You need to go
back at least ten messages at a time and read the whole chapter, so to speak, to grasp what We are saying.
You cannot pick up a book and read one page and know what it is saying. It is the same with the messages, you
need to read the whole book. These messages are straight from God the Father through one of His saints from
Heaven to His children on earth in a language of your time in the world that you can understand. Please now
read chapter 13 in the Bible and you will know where the world is at at this time in your life and in Gods time.
Love, Mother Mary. Be ready spiritually so you can handle the last of the cross for your time. Amen
Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael and all of Heaven to protect Gods word to His son,
My dearly beloved son, this is your Jesus of Love and Mercy. I tell you it is here and it is now as My Father and
your Father has told you. It is all happening in the midst of My people and they do not recognize that their God
is with them to save their souls. They are too caught up in the worlds affairs. This is satans number one trick,
to get people doing so many things that they cannot even see their God standing right in front of them. It has
been this way at the end of every era of time in the history of the world. It is no different this time. My children
will sit and watch everything go by and not even notice except for a few who live and quiet themselves to hear
God speak to them.
My children you are a lot further in Revelations than most of My children realize. You are over half the way
through now. We are passing through the 12th chapter and moving into the 13th chapter and no one even is


noticing except the remnant children who are preparing spiritually for the Era of Peace and the final part of the
chastisement. Can you not see My children that the chastisement is going on and getting much worse each
day? Are you going to keep running from here to there trying to find some peace or are you going to come to
your God and get ready for the final end and the decision that you will have to make whether you choose God
and Heaven or satan and hell.
As My Father told you, He is taking more away from you each day. Can you not see? Please open your eyes
and look what the world was like when you were young. Is it better or worse now? If it is better, you have done
a good job with your life. If it is worse, you have done a bad job with your life. Is your spiritual life better or
worse? Are you closer to God now than yesterday or last year? Or, are you closer to satan than yesterday or
last year? Look at your life and if you are closer to God now than last year you are moving closer toward
Heaven. If you are further from God than last year you are moving closer to hell. If you are going downhill
please turn around and get your life in order. God the Father has told you that the time as you know it is about
to be turned upside down Heaven is about to do battle with the evil of earth and all of earth who want to stay in
evil will be no more. They will be locked in hell with satan for all eternity. The choice is yours, My beloved
children, this is Jesus and Mother wants to speak.
My beloved children this is your Mother crying and praying with a broken heart because of all the sin of My
children. My Son feels some of the pain of My heart as he writes. All of My children feel some of the pain of
their Mothers and Fathers hearts. My children especially who are married, you know that when your children
are sick or suffering or killed in an accident how bad you feel. This is how your Spiritual Mother feels now or
when one of your children has cancer and you watch them get a little worse each day and then you beg God and
all of Heaven to save them from this at such a young age. We in Heaven are begging all of you on earth the
same way but for your soul to be healed. The physical body does not really mean that much next to the soul
because everyone will die in their body if their soul is not in a state of grace so they can go to Heaven some
day. It is very hard to watch one of your children die of body, but it is much harder to watch them die with a very
sick soul and wonder if they made it to purgatory so they can be in Heaven some day. I your Mother who sees
all and knows all like My Son sees many of Our children who die with a sick soul and many just make it to the
lowest levels of purgatory because of Our remnant childrens prayer and many cannot be saved because of their
deepness of sin and the hardness of heart. Our hearts are broken each day because of this. Please pray and
ask forgiveness for your Mothers sake if not for your own. Love, Mother

THE CROSS: Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, St. Michael and all of Heaven with Your Protection over
Gods Word to His son, 9/14/14
My most beloved son and children, this is your God of Love and Mercy. Things are starting to get worse in your
world as I have been telling you. This is a special day for you, The Exaltation of the Holy Cross. There will be
much grace given for those who will believe in the Cross. Suffering is everyones salvation if used for the good
of God and not to blame their God for it. My children all want to feel good all the time and this is not possible
while living on the earth as it is now. That will begin when all My children are living in the Era of Peace and all
living in My Divine Will because of their love for their God and satan will be chained in hell. For now, you must
pray and suffer to save your soul and the souls of all Our children and your brothers and sisters because We are
all One Body in Christ, and each of Us is one piece of the puzzle that forms the whole picture. Everyone has just
as much importance as the other if they are doing the job that I your God made just for you to do in this life to
save your soul and be happy with Me in Heaven for all eternity. The grace is available for all just for the asking
and this is a special day from Heaven to ask.
My children things are just starting to get worse each day. Get extra things ready for the winter because you will
need extra things to heat your house and buildings in many areas this winter. Be obedient and get anything you
can to help heat if the electric goes out or bad weather hits. Have much water on hand and enough food, if you
can get any, for at least a month is possible. You have no idea what you might see in the next year. I your God
am telling you now that America will be seeing the same things that are happening in the Middle East very soon.
It is always better to be prepared and not use it than not have anything to eat or drink when things get bad. In
past years, when My son writing was born, you did not buy hardly anything during the year. You raised all your
food and canned it and had fruit cellars for your fruits. You had smoke houses for your meat and salted it down
to keep it from spoiling.
My children of today think they are getting smarter than those 100 years ago, but the truth is if you experience a
winter like he saw when he was a boy, very few people would even survive. The people of America have been
dumbed down from the people of the past and think that they could not survive anything that took all their little
joys and pleasures away. I am warning you America that most countries are living like you are about to live.


You will have to learn fast and quick so be ready, spiritually first , and physically second. If you are not listening
to God you will not survive what is coming. Instead of buying all the junk that you use one day for pleasure and
throw it away the next, start getting some extra cans of food, extra clothes, extra shoes, candles for lighting,
flashlights and batteries, water purifiers, gas grills for cooking food or to boil water to purify it and extra propane
tanks if the electric goes out. Turn your electric off for one day and see how long you will survive. Get the things
you need that will work without electricity. Your one world leaders who control your government and the majority
of the U.S. are about to take everything away. Your electricity will be first. I your God will multiple everything for
the people who go to the refuges and do not take the chip in the body and follow satan. Do not say I your God
did not warn you like a good Father warns His children for I have warned you, but most of My children are
becoming so stubborn and greedy that they will have to learn by hardship and suffering to change. This is
enough for now My son, Love Father.
Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael with all of Heaven as guards and protectors of Thy
words, 9/11/14
My most beloved son, this is God the Father of all Heaven and earth. Father, was it You speaking for the last
Yes, My beloved son it was I, your God. Please write. My son and My children, the time has come for all My
remnant children who have been living in the Divine Will to throw away the old wineskins and receive all new
wineskins for the future will only be contained in the new wineskins. Get rid of your old bodies that were
conceived in the spirit and flesh coming from the time of Adam and Eve who sinned in the Garden of Paradise
and lost all of earth to satans pain and total work and sin. This is what brought all sin into the world with all the
sorrow and pain that came with it.
My children who have been listening are ready to throw away the old wineskins and receive the new wineskins
to prepare for the fulfillment of the coming of Jesus and Mary to open Heaven back up to prepare for the New
Era of Peace when they died on the Cross 2000 years ago. Jesus died a physical death and Mary died a
spiritual death. Their hearts and sufferings are one with all the Trinity. My children it is time now for all My
children to be born again through the womb of Mary their Heavenly Mother who broke the chain of the old
generation and become the new and pure Eve of the new generation with Jesus which is about to be totally
fulfilled in the New Era of Peace and scripture will be fulfilled. Jesus death on the Cross was what I, God the
Father who is speaking, gave My Son to the old to become the new Adam to replace the old Adam and Mary to
the world to replace the old Eve who both gave Paradise away to satan to sin. My new Adam and Eve were
given the earth and the whole world back to take and prepare for the new Paradise and the New Era of Peace
and Joy for a thousand years before the last fight with satan and the end of time and the Final Judgment.
The new wineskins will be obtained when you give the old wineskins to God and ask God the Father to help you
die of self and live in Gods Divine Will and ask Him to take you into the womb of the new Eve, Mary, and
conceive you through the power of the Holy Spirit which is the love between the Father and the Son. This will be
the fulfillment of the Era for you from the beginning of time. Then you can start living in the New Jerusalem now
coming on earth and start telling your brothers and sisters the New Paradise that you are about to enter. You will
be completely purified in the refuges so your souls will be ready to enter the New Jerusalem in the New Era of
Peace when God causes the 3 days of darkness and casts all evil back into hell and locks the gates of hell for a
thousand years before the final battle and the last judgment when eternity will last forever for the ones that
chose God and Heaven or satan and hell.
It will be each persons choice where they will spend eternity forever. Please ask Mother Mary, your new
spiritual Mother, to ask God the Father to spiritually let you be conceived in the New Eve, Mary, through the
Power of the Holy Spirit which is the love between God the Father and Son and start living in the New Paradise
now that began 2000 years ago and is being fulfilled at this very moment with Jesus and Mary present on earth
now. Jesus second coming is just the fulfillment of His first coming when he was given back to the earth through
His death and Resurrection on the Cross. This is enough now for My faithful children to digest and work to save
the rest. Your loving Father through a loving Son, Love from Heaven.
Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael and all of Heaven to Protect these words from Heaven,
9/10/14, 5:30 am
Good morning My son this is your Mother. I have been waiting to talk to you all night. My love, My most
beautiful son, I love you and all My children dearly. My heart and the hearts of all of My children are very heavy
and most of them do not even know why. It is the weight of their sins. It is weighing all the world down, the
children who are listening and their Mother and the ones who keep going on with their lives like nothing is


My children it is all about to explode in your face because of all of the sins. It will be worse than Noah and the
flood and My Sons Crucifixion when all My children lost their faith. The Father is chastising His children to try to
save as many as possible. It is all happening all over the world at this time. Can you not see My blind and
stubborn children? What more do you want to happen before you change and give your life to God, your
Savior. God is love. God is just. God is our Savior. Must God take everything from His stubborn children to get
their attention? It seems that no one will change unless our God totally permits satan to make your country and
the world look like a total disaster zone.
(Jesus now speaking) The refuges will be all that will be standing. Disease, earthquakes, storms, rain, cold,
heat, nuclear disasters, and radiation are going to kill many. Do you not read in the Bible where it says that
blood will flow for two hundred miles as deep as a horses back? Do you think I, your God, said this for nothing?
It also says that 2/3 of the people will be killed. My Mother is praying and praying with all of Heaven for all your
souls and very few of My children are listening. I am not going to let My Mother suffer much longer. My children
do not get to Confession to My priest sons, and when they go, they say I have little to say and they are killing
their babies, living in adultery, using My name in vain, destroying their brothers and sisters, and breaking about
all the Ten Commandments. My Catholic children who should know the most are sinning the most. They are
living with another man or woman (husband or wife) and are going to Communion which is a mortal sin without
going to Confession first. Not going to Confession at all is a mortal sin. Watching all filth on TV and on Internet
is a mortal sin. My children, I your God, am not going to lose you to satan even though the majority of you, if you
died this minute, would go to hell I am going to save you through the suffering of My remnant children who are
living a white martyrdom on earth for your souls and you will be chastised until you fall down on your face and
beg your Fathers and Mothers grace and mercy and beg your God for His mercy and love. Then, I your God
will take you through the Warning and show you all your sins and sinfulness and let all of you feel Heaven,
purgatory, or hell, wherever you would go at that minute and pour grace and love upon you so deep that you will
want to fall into My loving arms and repent and cry for all your sins and the sins of your brothers and sisters. I
promise you God will pour grace and love upon this world the same amount that satan poured evil upon this
world the last 100 years and all will be saved except the most hardened of hearts.
This is the true word of your Father and Mother from Heaven who are all down here working with you at this very
moment to give you love, and hope, and salvation. This is your God to the most stubborn generation that ever
walked the face of the earth, but with more love and grace than was ever given on the face of the earth from
your God in such a short time. Do not doubt or be discouraged just open your heart and soul to your God who is
all love and all just. Love, your Father and Mother from Heaven. The New Era of Peace is at your door ready to
be opened and all those who will repent will enter with all the joy, love, and peace from their God. Amen.

Come Holy Trinity and Holy Family and St. Michael to Protect Gods Word to His Son, 9-4-14
My most beloved child and son. I know you are tired and weary from all the attacks and confusion from satan
and all his demons, but your God is here to speak to you and all My children. I love all of you dearly. Your
government is setting up all these places of protection when disasters hit at different places in your country.
These places are just places to control all My children and brainwash them and put chips in their bodies so they
will be slaves to satan and the one world people who control and run your government totally. The reason your
government cannot do anything anymore, is because if you get good people in they will threaten them or their
families or get rid of them by some kind of death and tell the public it was a suicide or an accident or a heart
attack that they created and made happen. As I told you the other day, do not believe anything that the news
media or your government tells you anymore because it is all controlled and twisted by satan and his demons
and followers which are many. They have been fueled by satan himself and his evil people. I have told you
before to believe just the opposite that any major company or organization tells you.
The whole world is now under the top leadership of satan. All the top leadership in all the churches is under
satan. Some of your good bishops and priests are still fighting against satan but the majority of everything is
controlled by satan himself. Even all your Catholic schools have much new age teaching in them except for just
a few small ones who are fighting against it. You as a citizen of the USA have sold all your rights to satan
because of all the deep sin that most all of My children commit. Most of My children will not believe the
messages because they will not believe in the sins they commit. They will fight with all the life they have in them
just to prove they are not sinning, but they will not admit that they do not believe in the Ten Commandments but
most of the world are sinning against the Ten Commandments every day and for some every minute in some
way in which they live.
My beloved children, I challenge each of you to read the Ten commandments and look at your life and the way
you live and tell your God face-to-face that you are not sinning. Please do this now because soon I your God


and Maker will take each of you out of your body as if you died and look at your with love and you will have to
admit that you are a sinner to Me face-to-face and repent and ask forgiveness or end up in hell for all eternity.
Even if all the world is praying for you and all of Heaven is praying for you if you do not ask for forgiveness you
cannot be saved. But, if you look at your God and ask forgiveness from your heart you can be saved instantly,
but you will still have to suffer temporal punishment in purgatory to be purified before entering Heaven.
My children you all know that you are all sinners but it is just the pride that satan put in you that keeps you from
repenting. Quit listening to satan and start listening to your God so I your God can take you to Heaven for what I
made you for. A message from God the Father to all His loving and stubborn children. Love, Father. I do not
want to lose any one of you. I made all of you just to share Heaven and all My glory and love with you. Amen

Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael as Guard and Protector of Gods words to His son, 9/3/14
My most beloved son, this is your God the Father of Heaven and earth. I am with you and all My beloved
children in a special way in this time in the history of the world. Many of My children talk and do not believe in
anything that is being written. Do not pay any attention to the unbelievers for they are like St. Thomas, he did
not believe until after the Resurrection. Many will not believe until later but they may be in purgatory or hell
already because they did not listen to their God and Savior. Many did not believe in Me and they were the ones
to put Me on the cross. But I still love them the same. Many will not believe again this time and they will do the
same to many of My followers and put them on the cross again. Continue to love all My children even if they
persecute you and kill you. Your death and resurrection will be their salvation because much grace is given to
people who are martyred to be given back to the ones who took their lives. Martyrs are instant saints and saints
will pray for the conversion of the people who took their lives. That is why many good people are taken young,
as I told you the other day. They can help get the others on track by prayer from Heaven when they get there.
This also gives the people who are not ready to meet their God more time to change. I, your God, work every
angle to save all My childrens souls.
My son be obedient to your calling and all will be well. As you told Me this morning you would not do this job for
a million dollars a day but you would only do it for your God to save your soul and the souls of many others. I
thank you My son for being obedient to your calling. I ask that others hang on the cross with Me to save yet
more souls. As I have told you before let I your God nail you to the cross with Jesus spiritually and you will
never get away from Jesus. You will be with all of Heaven for all of eternity. My children do not be afraid of the
14 Stations of the Cross because everyone has to live them to get to Heaven. Many of My remnant children are
now at the 14th Station of the Cross with their God waiting for the Resurrection. My children please live what
God gives you here on earth because you have to go through the life I lived on earth to get to Heaven. It is a lot
easier to earn Heaven while living on earth instead of sitting in purgatory waiting and suffering for others to pray
for you and get you the rest of the way to Heaven. Please offer all your sufferings and joys here on earth to Me
your God and you will not be far from Heaven when you die. Pray for all the poor souls in purgatory and then
they will pray for you when you are there and they will be in Heaven. This is all My son, a lesson from God the
Father. Love from all of Heaven. Amen.


Come Holy Trinity and Holy Family and St. Michael to Guard over all of Gods Words to His son, 9/2/14
My most beloved son and all My beloved children, I love you dearly. Your Father loves all of you with a love that
you will not be able to understand on this earth.
The time is very close when many of My children on earth will meet their God face-to-face. Be as ready as
possible, spiritually and also physically. Be prepared to move from your home at a minutes notice when your
Guardian Angel directs you. Joseph got up at a minutes notice and moved Mary and Jesus to safety and then
went back to get just a few provisions. It will be the same when you are told to move to the refuges for safety.
Once a nuclear bomb is dropped all will change in one second. Your life will be on rush in what you will have to
do. Prepare now physically and spiritually for everything. When this all takes place, there will not be any time to
plan, you will just have to act on what you have already learned. Have everything ready to move and leave as
soon as your angels tell you. One second can make a big difference of life or death. If you are crossing a
railroad track and a train is coming, one second is the difference between life and death. Prepare, prepare,
I have told you in the last messages that there will be natural disasters, then the Warning. I have told that there
could be millions killed at one time. There have been many disasters set up in your country that could kill


millions in a short time. Many are man-made and some are being permitted by your God for all the sins of
America. Be ready and listen to what is going on in your country. The truth is not coming from your news
media. Believe just the opposite of what the news media tells you for it is run by satan. Satan teaches just the
opposite of what is true. Keep this in your mind when the news tries to force you to do something just go the
opposite way. When disasters happen get away from all government groups as fast as possible for their aim is
to put you in confinement and kill you. Go straight to the refuges with your Guardian Angel. This is the only way
you will be safe and protected. God and His angels are the only ones who will protect you. All government
agencies are out to put the chip in your body and to control you to do what they want you to do or take you to the
death centers and get rid of you. Do not believe anyone you do not know except the Holy Spirit, the holy angels,
and the saints who will be talking to each of you and leading you to safety if you listen. My children this is God
the Father begging you to listen to My prophets of today and all the heavenly angels. I your God have a might
army that will protect all of you from all the evil ones if you just listen and be obedient to your God. This is a
serious message for today, just listen and pray and be obedient to your God. Love, God the Father of All. Amen

A prayer from God the Father, 9/1/14

(Say this prayer 3 times for protection against satan or when praying over others)
In the Name of Jesus, by the Power of Jesus, and through the Blood of Jesus we ask God the Father to
command satan and all his demons to the feet of Jesus. And we ask God the Father to dispose of them
according to His Holy and Divine Will.
Saying the prayer 3 times will Honor the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Come Holy Trinity and Holy Family and St. Michael as Guard and Protector of all the words from God
Adoration Chapel, 8/29/14
My most beloved son and child of God the Father maker of all children on earth. Tell your friend she will be fine.
This is God the Father speaking. My son, all My children on earth are suffering dearly now especially those who
are suffering for all My lost souls, especially My victim souls who are trying to live in My Divine Will.
My son, the time of freedom in America is running out very quickly now. People are starting to see that the world
is about to fall in to the hands of satan and all the evil elite people. Tell My children that satan will have his very
short time to persecute some of My remnant children and all My lost children who do not believe in the refuges
and the mark of the beast. Satan wants to control everyone and he tries to make people think that he is all
powerful, but as I have told you before, satan is nothing next to God. I can use any saint in Heaven to destroy
satan and all the evil in the world with just one word from Me to satan and all his evil. But My children on earth
have to always learn the hard way and not follow the simple Ten Commandments that I, their God, gave them.
They keep questioning My wisdom and think that they know more than I, their God and Maker. It is like all My
families on earth who do not want to listen to their Mother and Father. Free will gives all My children who live
long enough to reach the age of reason on earth to make their choices. Some make wise choices and some
make poor choices, but I love them all the same. I stand by them all their life waiting for them to make the
choices I desire for them. Some learn early in life and some learn late in life, but their God desires that they at
least learn before they die. All the problems and graces are passed on from generation to generation. Some
children learn from the past generation to live a good holy life and some learn to live a very sinful life. But I, your
God and Father, stand by and watch all your life just to see the best time to pass extra graces to save your soul.
I also send many spiritual people into your lives to help you find your God. I will continue to do this for all My
children until they die and it will then be the choices they made in life and the people who prayed with them that
will affect whether they choose Heaven, purgatory, or hell. I will do anything in My power through free will to get
all My children to Heaven. That is why I permit death and accidents of many good people so that My children
not following Me might wake up and see that life is not forever on earth and everyone will die physically. I take
My children at the best time of their life to go to Heaven. People ask why do some good people die so young.
When young people die it has more of an effect on the rest of My children to get their lives in order and to see
that you should be thankful for every day because tomorrow could be your day to die and be judged for Heaven,
purgatory, or hell.
My children please wake up now, this day, because many of My children are dying every day now and it is going
to get much worse. You will in your lifetime in America start to see hundreds and thousands and even millions of
people die in one disaster. The technology you have could wipe out the majority of the world in one day. That is
why I am warning you over and over to get your life in order because I do not want to lose any one of you. The
messages have been strong for many days now and they will continue to be strong until the Era of Peace
begins. There will be some major disasters in the United States before the Warning so the people can see how

bad it can really get. Then the Warning will come to show you where you would have gone if you would have
died in the disasters and also it will show you where you will go if you do not repent before you dieto Heaven,
purgatory, or hell. My children just be ready to face your God and get ready now while it is still so easy. Your
Loving Father of All. I bless each one of you, just reach up toward Heaven and receive the blessing and thank
Me for it. Amen.
Come Holy Trinity and Holy Family and St. Michael as guard over all Gods words, 8/28/14
My most beloved son, this is God the Father of Heaven and earth. I want to talk to you about some of the things
I told you yesterday. My son, do you remember when I had you build the God the Father Baby Memorial for all
My children on earth? The baby memorial is not only for My children on earth now but it represents all My
children that ever were or ever will be on the face of the earth from the beginning to the end of time. I also ask
all My remnant faithful to have spiritual baptisms for all My aborted and miscarried babies. I also ask all who
read this to spiritually baptize their babies who they lost and name them so they will have a closure on their life.
All My children need a spiritual closure on their life so they can get to Heaven. I have had many of My spiritual
remnant children putting holy water North, East, South, and West and asking them to baptize their babies so
they can go to Heaven. All of My Holy Innocents are crying out for justice and this is one way you can help.
I am also asking My remnant children to have a Bishop to do a spiritual Confirmation for all the Holy Innocents
so they can become soldiers of Christ and help you more on earth and reach a higher place in Heaven. I your
God have told you that you must be baptized to be saved. My little babies also need to be baptized to be
saved. Any Christian can do a spiritual baptism on an aborted or miscarried baby, but it has to come from earth
before My child can reach the fullness of Heaven. When My little babies die they do not reach the fullness of
Heaven because they were never given free will on earth. So some of My remnant children who I speak with
from Heaven have to make the choice for them because they are in a good place, but not like Heaven.
The church taught about limbo when you were born My son, but they do not talk about it anymore and if it were
not for My special children that I speak to all through the centuries, these children would not have been able to
move up to Heaven as time goes on. Heaven is just like earth and the longer you are there, the higher you can
move to different levels. It is just like moving from grade school to high school to college to your vocation and on
and on.
This is from the God the Father from Heaven and earth. Please come to your loving Father and Mother
because We want to talk to all Our children personally and give them all that they need to be happy. Love,
Father. Please speak to Me often. I miss all My children who do not talk to Me just like your physical dad. I am
just like My Son because I made him in My image and likeness.
And please read the book, The Father Speaks to His Children, given to one of My beloved children.
(Copies free of charge may be obtained from the International or National Centers, 816-942-9783)

Come Holy Trinity and Holy Family and St. Michael to protect Gods words to be written according to
Gods Holy Will, 8/26/14
(Things that will happen that will warn you to get ready to go to the refuge)
My beloved son this is your Jesus of Love and Mercy. As you know the time is here and satan has all his plans
ready to take the USA and much of the world down and kill as many of My children as possible. He will
accomplish some things, but many I will block but he will be given permission to turn the USA upside down. This
is not the will of God, but the will of the people of the United States for all their sins. The people in the majority
have now sold their souls to satan and that gives permission to satan from God to chastise My children. His
purpose is to kill them when in a state of mortal sin and take them to hell for all eternity. Your Gods purpose is
to let them be chastised and feel the suffering and how good they have had it next to the world as a whole.
Then they can see how good their God has been to them and I will send extra grace for them to come back to
their real homethe love of their Mother and Father from Heaven.
I have told My children many times that when more people would be lost than saved, I your God would act. That
time has come and passed. That is why you will see major disasters and then the Warning to show you where
you stand in Gods eyes. Then you will have a short time to get to Confession and repent of your sins if
Catholic. If Christian come to Me with your heart, mind, and soul and repent and ask forgiveness. Then there
will be a short time before the antichrist starts killing all Christians and marking them with the mark of the beast
and putting the chip in their body. The chip will brainwash you to do anything satan says. Do not take the chip
for any reason. They will promise you anything you want to take the chip, but then he will make a slave out of
you and force you to do slave labor or kill you if are not good enough to do anything that he wants you to do. Do


not disbelieve any of these words because they are straight from God the Father through Me, Jesus, His Son.
My son, this is enough for now. This is all My children can digest at one time. Love, Jesus, to all His children.
Love from all of Heaven. Amen.


Come Holy Trinity and Holy Family and St. Michael to guide each word from God the Father, 8/22/14,
Adoration Chapel
My most beloved son this is God the Father of Heaven and earth. The times are here and the Warning is in your
midst. The wars are at your doorsteps and the weather is out of control because of the HAARP machine. You
are about to taste some of My justice. Yes, America, you are about to be tested to the limit as the Roman
Empire was. America you are about to fall. You will fall physically because you did not win the spiritual battle
against satan, which is first. If you do not fight against satan and all the demons and let your country do
anything it wants in any way it wants you will lose the spiritual battle and then go into the physical battle so be
ready and get your souls in order. This is a command from your General for the great war is about to begin on
your land this time. You have given up the rights of your country because of laziness, sex, homosexuality, living
together like animals, but much worse, greed, power, money, and living to please yourself, and not caring for
your neighbor, not following the Ten Commandments but following satans ten commandments of filth and living
in a dump within yourself.
This message is for all My children who are not listening. Those who will go through the Warning with ease are
few compared to the majority of My people. Most of your leaders in every field are corrupt and working directly
for satan or self. I have been giving extra graces to some for years just so there would be a remnant left to help
salvage the rest. My remnant is tired and worn out from all the work and sacrifice for years and most are getting
near to the end of their life. It must happen now to save the most of My children. If everyone died today, more
than half of My children would go straight to hell if I judged them for the way they lived. But because of My
remnant who have suffered, and prayed, and begged for souls many of them would go to the bottom of
purgatory until the end of time but be saved. My beloved babies who have been aborted are crying for justice in
the world because these are the ones who would have saved many souls from hell. They are praying for their
parents but they must ask forgiveness and repent of their sins to be saved.
The Warning is about to hit every soul on the face of the earth and this will be the biggest blessing and graces
that have ever been given to a generation of people since the world began. This will be the last hope for many
to save their souls. I will show you your soul and where you would go the moment you died, Heaven, purgatory,
or hell and you will feel the pains or joys of where you would go. You must turn your life around and repent of
your sins and ask your God to save you and repent of your sins from your heart and start living the Ten
Commandments of God, not satan and with the help of My remnant children you will be saved but the choice is
yours because I am a God who gives free will to every person to say yes or no to Heaven.
The people writing and getting these messages out, I have been training for many years. This spiritual job is the
hardest job in the world. You must listen to your God only because you are facing an enemy that is invisible and
the most dangerous and most evil fallen angels in the universe. They will do anything possible to take your soul
to hell. Your only blessing is that your God is in control and more powerful than all of them together. I protect all
My children and I try to save their souls as long as they do not sell their souls directly to satan. If they do, they
cannot gain grace any longer except through one of My remnant children who keeps praying for their souls to
get them back out of satans pit on earth. If they do not respond to the prayers and graces from others and from
God they will lose their soul in hell for all eternity. I am a God of total love and so I have to be a God of total
justice. I want every soul in Heaven with Me and I will do anything I can to save souls but you have the free will
to say yes or no to Me. Do not ever think you are too evil for Me to save no matter what you have done
because I can forgive the greatest of sinners for just a yes to Me from their heart. I died on the cross for the
sinner and not the saint. I would do it over and over again for just one more soul. Do not ever think that life is
just a game to play to see who wins. It is a matter of life or death to the soul for all eternity for every soul.
I your God give life to everyone who reads this hard message. Please choose life in Heaven and not death to
the soul in hell. I had twelve apostles on earth and I even lost one of them to hell and all he would have had to
say to his God was forgive me and he would be with Me in Heaven today. I had two thieves on the cross next
to Me, one of the right and one on the left. The one on the right asked forgiveness, the one on the left was too
full of pride to say Forgive me, Jesus. and he is in hell today. I am all love and I am all justice, but the choice is
yours. Remember this when you are in the Warning. Love, the Father of All. Amen.


Come Holy Trinity and Holy Family and St. Michael with your protection from all evil in any of Gods
words to His son, 8/21/14
My most beloved son and daughter, happy 49th wedding anniversary. We are very happy with your years
together and We wish and pray for you for many more years. Thanks for all that all of your family are doing for
Heaven. God the Father wishes to speak.
My beloved son thanks for all the suffering that you and your friends are doing for Heaven. There will be many
rewards for you and all your family and friends. I take care of all My children but many more rewards are given
to the ones who love and obey Me. This is not because I love any one any more or less than the other but
because your heart is more open to receive My graces. I will give all the graces to anyone who asks me for
them with an open heart and also a heart that is not open just for the asking. I come to help every soul on earth
and I sent My beloved Son to earth to open all hearts and to open Heaven back up because I want each and
every soul with Us in Heaven some day. I thank all My children that are suffering for My sake and the sake of
My lost children and for offering up their suffering to Me. I ask each of you to offer up the suffering for all of My
children to Me who do not know how because My children all over the world are suffering very much at this time
in history.
The message from My Son and Mother yesterday was from Me, God the Father of All. I am so sad in My heart
because so many of Our children do not want to listen. I am asking all My Catholic children to get to Confession
before there are not enough priests available to even get to Confession after the Warning. After My children see
their souls in the Warning and feel the fires of purgatory and many the fires of hell, there will be lines for days to
get to a priest for confession. Please go now and get your life in order so it is not so hard during the Warning.
To all My children who are not Catholic, come to your God with your heart, mind, and soul and ask Me for
forgiveness so I can forgive you and help you get your life back on track. This is all for now My son, have a
happy day with your wife. Love God of All with all of Heaven by His side. Thanks My Love and Mary Your Most
Beloved. Amen.


Come Holy Trinity through the Blood of Jesus Crucified on the Cross, and the Holy Family,
and Mary Your Mother and St. Michael as Guard over what I am to write, 8/20/14
My son this is Your Jesus of Love and Mercy. What I told you yesterday and again today, and My Mother
confirmed, is true. I have told you that I would let you know ahead of time when things would happen. I do not
give dates or exact times but I do give signs of the time that you can read just by what is happening in your
world. It was I Jesus that told you yesterday that the Warning would happen this year and you asked Me if this is
Jesus and I told you that it IS your Jesus of Love and Mercy. Today I just told you that the Warning would
happen this year and then I told you that My Mother would speak.
Mary told you that it WAS Jesus and the Warning would happen this year. You asked Her if it was the Warning
before the Warning that all My children listening are going through now and She told you No, it is the real
Warning for every soul on the face of the earth. She then told you that it has to happen now because
everything is getting so bad.
Is there anything else, Lord?
St. Michael has his hand on your shoulder as you write with a legion of angels above you.
Do you want this message out now or should I get more confirmations first?
My son, IT IS I, but you always have the choice to get a confirmation if you wish, but you need to trust more and
go out on a limb, so to speak, for your God. If it does not happen when you say, there is always a reason. My
prophets are to wake up My people not always to be wrong about it or right about it as the world sees it. It is the
way their God sees it that is important and being obedient to your God of All. Your Loving Jesus and Mary with
St. Michael by your side. Love, love, and more love from all of Heaven.
Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael as Guard and Protector as I write, 8/15/14,The
Assumption of Mary into Heaven
My love, My most beautiful one and all My most beautiful children. My children you are all most beautiful to your
Mother, because I am your Mother of each of you and My Father is your Father so you are all most beautiful to
Us. Please use your gifts and your beauty to follow your Spiritual Mother and Father. All men on earth were

corrupt after the fall of Adam and Eve. Baptism and Confirmation made all of you pure again as soldiers and
warriors of Jesus Christ. Confession makes you pure again after you have sinned and Mass and Communion
keep you pure when attended often with reverence and love for God and the Eucharist. I came down to earth
many times in My life when needed and especially when the earth is in great turmoil. My children do not realize
that there is always a spiritual war going on above them at all times between the demons and the flesh to steal
souls from God.
The world is made up of many fleshly people but they each have a Guardian Angel to protect them. But, God
gives us all free will to be protected from all the demons but we have to be obedient to the advice of the angels
and not the demons. This is mans downfall, We all want what we want no matter what the consequences of
getting it. This is why we suffer so much in this world. We will do anything that gives us a good feeling for a few
minutes and then suffer sometimes for days for getting that good feeling. Some even suffer a lifetime for one
good feeling when it comes to abortion. This is all the work of satan and the fallen angels. Your God makes it
so easy for you to have a good life by listening to Him and being obedient to Him. Yes, you will have suffering
and pain, but it will be much less than if you follow satan and if you follow satan and do not repent you could end
up in hell forever or a long time in purgatory. The choice is always yours My children but please think before you
make a quick decision on anything that is important concerning your spiritual and physical life that will determine
where you will spend all eternity. And if you do make a bad decision, remember that Our God is all just and all
forgiving. He will forgive anyone asking forgiveness from their heart with love and repentance, anytime they ask
and even through any of their loved ones who ask for them and pray for them and for their souls. You have to
wish to go to hell to go to hell. God is always there with all His angels and saints and remnant people on earth
praying for you to change. You are all His children and He wants you to know Him, to Love Him and to serve
Him on earth so you all will be with Him in Heaven so He can give you all you ever wished for on earth. This is
Mary, your Mother and the Mother of Jesus and the Daughter of God the Father and the Spouse and Bride of the
Holy Spirit which gives the love between the Father and Son. Happy feast day to all Our children from Heaven.
A special blessing will be given this day to all those who read this and say an Our Father, a Hail Mary, and a
Glory Be with Me their Spiritual Mother or when you read this. Love, Mom.
Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael as Guard and Protector as I write, 8/13/14
My most beloved son this is your Beloved Mother Mary, Queen of Heaven and earth. I love all of you dearly. My
Son has been giving many serious messages to Our children. Please pray that Our children are listening and
repenting of their sins. The time has run out as you have been told by Jesus, for many of the natural disasters
and wars to be changed anymore. Sin has determined what has to take place now. The only thing that can now
change is the soul and the life of My children. This is never determined until the very last second of ones life.
Please My children listen to My Beloved Son and I, your Mother. You know in the Bible where it talks about
when in need of something go to your friends house and keep knocking on the door even at night and if you
keep bothering a person they will finally get up out of bed even if they do not want to and finally help the person
knocking even if they do not want to help with their needs. This is how I and My Son are with your soul to be
saved. We are not going to quit knocking at your heart to save your soul until the last second of your life is over.
Because your soul is the most important part of your life, you can be taken to Heaven without your body, but
your soul cannot be lost to mortal or deadly sin. Your body can die but your soul has to live on forever either in
Heaven for all eternity or in hell for all eternity. People who think that it is all over when their body dies are in for
a big surprise. You cannot get out of your soul by killing your body. Your soul will live on forever and for all
eternity. Some do not think that all you have to do is deny and you will be okay. The only way you will be okay
is if you are in a state of grace and living for God and living within the Ten Commandments. Then have My God
to govern the lives of the people on earth. Children please read this and think what it says. Many people in the
world do not believe in the afterlife. They just believe in this life here on earth and that when they die it is all
over. My remnant children please teach My children the truth about life and the reason God made you. God
made you to love and serve Him in this life and be happy with Him in the next life. These are My Sons words
and My words to you. Treat God and all your brothers and sisters on the face of the earth with love so you can
be with them for all eternity in Heaven. Do not doubt and end up in hell forever with satan because of your
stubbornness. What is being written by the prophets of this time is words from God and His saints in Heaven
and I your Mother Mary. Love, your Mother from Heaven. Heaven is real and so is hell. Amen.
Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael with Your Protection As Guard Against All Evil Spirits,
My beloved son this is your Jesus of love and mercy and justice. My son I have told you before that I am the
God of all. When you are all love and mercy, you are also the God of justice. My beloved children please repent
now before the time is no more for all My children to repent. Please repent now while it is so easy with all the
grace being sent down from Heaven. Look at all the people in the East at this very moment that are being killed
and martyred. They are not all ready to die because their souls are not in a state of Sanctifying Grace. Where


would you go at this very moment if you were to dieHeaven, purgatory, or hell. Look up to Heaven as you
read this and say to your God:
I ask you to forgive me of all my past sins and I repent of all the bad I have done in my life to myself, my family,
and every soul on the face of this earth, and I ask and beg you, Jesus, and all my brothers and sisters in the
world to forgive me and I forgive you for all the sins that you committed to hurt me and all your brothers and
sisters. I ask my God and your God to send spiritual blessings from Heaven to each and every one of you on
the face of the earth so we can all be in Heaven some day and not in the fires of hell for all eternity with satan
and all the demons. Thank you, Jesus, for all your blessings and love. Love (say your name here).
My beloved son, this is all My children have to do from their heart with a deep sorrow and they can avoid hell
and at least go to purgatory for a time to be totally purified so they can be with Me in Heaven some time. My
children, My children, I your God would not be putting this burden on My children to write all these messages to
all My children if the time of the end of the era was not close. The end of this era is about to close and a new
era is about to begin and it will be in My sons lifetime and he is 70 years old this year. This should tell you it is
time for all My children to get in a state of grace and stop all their stubborn sinful lives and get right with their
God. A good father puts up with their stubborn children for a time and then has to pick them up and smack them
on the behind to correct them. This is what the chastisement is all about. This is to wake up all My children from
their sleep and hope they will see with their eyes and hear with their ears that the world is not right and they are
not living right. My children I can send all the love and grace in the world to you but if you let it fall on deaf ears
and blind eyes it will only fall to the ground and not bear any good fruit. My only hope and prayer for each one of
you now is that the natural disasters will open your eyes and ears so you can see your God and repent and get
back in the state of grace before you die and lose the most precious gift in the world, your beloved soul. My son,
this is enough for now. A lesson from your God and lover. Love all of Heaven, Love Jesus.
Come Holy Trinity and Holy Family and St. Michael as Our Protector and Guard, 8/8/14
My most beloved child, I am your God, Savior, Protector, Lover, and Friend, good morning. Tell My children and
all My beloved friends that I love and protect them from ANY and EVERYTHING if they live in My Divine Will and
listen to their God. Stay in My Mothers & Jesus heart at all times now for the forces of evil are getting more
vicious each day. Their time of evil is ending and the Our Father is coming closer to earth each day. The
fulfillment of My coming to earth as the new Adam and Mary as the new Eve is coming to a climax. The second
coming, as people call it, is just a fulfillment of the first coming when I came to earth as the new Adam to take the
earth back from satan when I died on the Cross. The earth was then given back to Me, Jesus, by God the
Father and the final movement of the earth began. The earth was then Mine again because I was the new Adam
that took the place of the old Adam that sinned and lost the earth to satan. I have been coming to earth many,
many thousands of times since My Resurrection. The times you are in now are the fulfillment of the first
coming. The second coming, as people call it, is just a fulfillment of the first coming when God the Father gave
the world back to Me, Jesus, to take it back from satan and fulfill the Our Father with His: Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
The new Heaven and the New Era of Peace is about to arrive upon the earth as the New Jerusalem and the new
Era of Peace in your midst. Satans power is about to be taken away by your God and his warring angels from
Heaven will unite with His remnant children of earth to fulfill this mission that I your Jesus was assigned from the
Cross when I was brought down from Heaven as God and Man through the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
My Mother will speak.
My beloved son, this is Mother Mary, your Mother and the Mother of all the human race that was ordained by
God the Father before all time. I was chosen to be the Mother of Jesus and the Mother of the Trinity and of all
the human race when Jesus gave Me to John from the Cross. I then became the new Eve with My Son as the
new Adam to take Gods earth back from satan that was lost through the sins of Adam and Eve in the Garden of
Eden. The fulfillment of this 2000 years of battle is in your midst and will be fulfilled in this generation with the
new and old prophets and saints and angels from Heaven when satan and his fallen angels will be no more and
the New Era of Peace will begin in your lifetime, My son, which will last 1000 years in Gods time which is not
lived in your time because in Gods time there is no time like on earth. Satan will be locked up in hell and earth
will be like Heaven on earth as My Son promised in the Our Father. The earth will be purified like in the Garden
of Eden that God talks about in the Bible.
The time is here My children for the final battle between Heaven and all His warriors and all His remnant warriors
on earth to take satan off of earth with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit coming on the white horse with all
His armies together from Heaven and earth to put an end to satan for a period of time and lock him in hell. Then
all people who give their lives and souls to God by asking forgiveness from their heart and repenting of all their
sins so they can be in Heaven and in the New Era of Peace.


My son, this is a long message from Heaven, but My God and your God want the whole truth out through the
Holy Spirit so people will know His exact words not the words of man who has been twisting the Bible in many
ways that was their thinking, not Gods thinking. The Mother of God from Heaven and earth with words from
God the Father to all His children and My children given to Me, your real Mother, from the Cross. Ask My Son to
tie you to the Cross so you cannot get away from Jesus and Me, your Mother, so you will be with us in Heaven
for all eternity. Love, love, and more love from Heaven, united in One with the Holy Trinity. Thanks for writing,
My love.

Come Holy Trinity and The Holy Family with St. Michael as your Guard and Protector, 8/6/14
My most beloved son, this is your Jesus of Love and Mercy. All of Heaven is saying thanks to all Our children
who are trying to listen to the messages in this time of trial and tribulation. Some of My beloved children are
going through the Warning at this time and have been for a few years now. This is called the Warning Before the
Warning for all My children who are listening. This will be part of My remnant children who will help the rest of
My children when things get real rough. They will have already been purified and they will be at peace with all of
My children in the world. They will be at peace when all My children in the world will see their souls in the state
that I, their God, see them. They will be taken out of their body like a death experience and see whether they
would go to Heaven, purgatory, or hell and then I, their God, will give them time to change from being and living
in mortal and deadly sin to get back in a state of grace so they will not lose their souls to satan and hell.
The grace being given from Heaven is in a way that every soul on earth can change their life at this time and
during the coming Warning, that is very very close, to get their life back together and within the will of God. This
grace has been saved just for this generation because I knew that this generation would be the most evil
generation that ever lived on the face of the earth. This has happened because each generations sins, from the
time of Adam and Eve, keep getting worse. Some families have been blessed with the grace and knowledge to
be able to block and stop generational curses that have been passed from one generation to another by listening
and being exposed to priests and different people with extra grace from Heaven to get their families back on
track with God. This is because they have listened to their God and used the extra grace that was sent from
Heaven. This will be a special grace and blessing that everyone will be able to after the Warning. This grace
and understanding will be infused into everyones minds and every soul on earth at this Warning when they will
see their God face-to-face and He will make them aware of everything in their life that they must change to get
out of mortal sin and get back into the grace and love of God so their soul can go to Heaven. This will be the
last chance that this generation will have to change from going to hell for all eternity and receive all the grace
needed to live in Heaven with their God for all eternity in total love, peace, and joy that they could never dream
of in their wildest dreams. My children, I beg and beg and beg that all My beloved children will make use of this
grace that has never been given before and will never be given again to such an extreme because I your God
does not want to lose any one of you to the fires of hell and satan. My beloved son thanks for writing this
message to all My beloved children. This will be the Warning given to purify children before the thousand year
Era of Peace. This is your Jesus of Love and Mercy within the Holy Trinity and the Holy Family and all the saints
and angels in Heaven. Love from all of Heaven. Amen.
Come Holy Trinity and Holy Family With St. Michael as guard, 8/3/14
My dearly beloved son, this is your Father in Heaven speaking. What the missionary priest said to you (during
Mass this morning) about all the deaths he witnessed in his life as a missionary is about to happen all over the
USA. The people in half the world are starving and America is the most wasteful country in the world. The
chastisements are going to be great in the United States. The waste of life of My unborn, the waste of food, the
waste of natural resourcesthe United States have become the most evil and stubborn people of the world
compared to all they have been given. They want everything and do not want to give according to what I have
given them. America is the sickest nation in the world right now because of their leadership. Their government
is totally satanic. Their government is dead in the spirit and they are taking the people into this deadness and
darkness of satan. Some people are standing up which I am happy with, but not near enough. Many are just
getting greedier and more sinful and about half of the people are just going on welfare because they cannot
make a living any other way.
As I have told you in the last two messages, the men have to stand up and be counted. The sickness of the
spirit has lead to the sickness of the body. Any country that becomes sinful becomes sick in body, mind, and
spirit. A sick mind and a sick spirit causes a sick body. The reason is because you eat all sick foods. When you
do not have any discipline, you do not do what God wants you to do in your life and you make all bad choices. I
have told you, My son, that feeling and emotion do not mean anything; that when you are feeling good enjoy it
because eventually you will feel bad again. When you are feeling bad, just offer it up because eventually you

will feel good again. Obedience to your God is what is the only important thing in your life to keep you in
balance to keep you from going from a high that you get on drugs, sex, power, or greed. When you get over the
high you will hit bottom again and then just try to find another way to get the high and it will be satan leading you
into deeper sin each time until you reach a point so low after the high that you will not want to live. This is how
satan controls people in their lives until he gets them in mortal sin and then he lets them get to the bottom and
tries to get rid of them while at the bottom.
Jesus works the opposite way, He picks you up when you are at the bottom and blesses you and helps you build
a foundation for your life and one brick at a time, little by little, until you get a beautiful house in His and Marys
hearts where you are peaceful even in the storms of life. Then when the storm comes, you know right where the
shelter is to go to. It is right to Jesus and to Marys Immaculate Heart. They will take care of you and keep you
in a balance in the times of great storms and tribulations or in times of joy and peace. Come to My Son and
taste of His Body and Blood in the Eucharist and Adoration. Come to Him in Confession to get rid of all of your
past sins and baggage that you have been carrying all your life. Get rid of the things you do not need. It is just
extra weight on your body pulling you down. Come to your Jesus and receive His Body and Blood with a good
Confession and to Mary like a little child being held and nourished by their mother whom they trust their life to. If
you cannot trust your life to your physical mother, come to Mary your Spiritual Mother and she will treat you like
Her own baby and child with all love. And, if you cannot come to your physical father, come to your Heavenly
Father who will treat you with a love you have never experienced before and He will give you His heart and His
Mother Marys heart. This is the answer to all your problems from God the Father of all and My Mother Mary the
real Mother of all. Love, love, and more love from all of Heaven.


Come Holy Trinity and The Holy Family With Your Words Only and St. Michael as guard, 7/31/14
My beloved son, this is your Jesus of love and mercy. Tell all My remnant children that are listening that I am
with them at all times. Do not pay any attention to the evil one when you are doing My will and the will of the
Father. Do not think that things will be harder when you do My will. The truth is, that the Father is in control of
everything when My children are doing My will, less bad things will happen. Satan only gets the power from the
people who live in mortal sin and work for him. When My children work for their God, satans power is taken
away. I wish that more of My children would work for their God and satan would lose all of his power. The time
will come when satan will lose all of his power, but it could come sooner if more people would turn their lives
over to their God. Please just listen to God and do what He asks of you and do not worry about the other side.
When you are doing Gods will, satan will aggravate you because you lessening his power by helping your
brothers and sisters. I, your Jesus, am in control of everything on earth and in Heaven through My Fathers
hand. I permit satan to do some things to the good and the bad just to teach them patience and to know that
satan is real and is out to steal your soul by doing anything and everything possible, but your God is in control.
When you live in mortal sin and do not let your God help you, then you can be taken down by satan because you
are telling your God, Get away, I do not want your help. A good example is when you are doing a job that is
heavy for you to lift, and a friend comes by and sees you and says, Do you need another hand to help? And
you say, No, I will do it myself, I do not need another hand. You try to do it yourself and get hurt and then you
blame God for letting you get hurt. I did not let you get hurt, you let yourself get hurt by not accepting help when
I sent it. This is how your God works. He always sends help in some way, but sometimes you are too stubborn
to accept help and then blame it on somebody else. A lesson from Jesus to His good and His stubborn children.
Love, Jesus.
7/30/14 (God the Father continuing the message given 2 days ago)
This is how it should be if all men and women are living within the Divine Will. This is the only way that your
world will get any better, Love the Father in Heaven. I am not joking. No man is perfect either, but this is the
only way that the world can ever change. I do want this message sent out. Men are not leading and the women
think they have to take over. I want all good Christian men to lead their families the way St. Joseph led Me and
Mary. This is Gods Divine Will. Love, the Father.
Come Holy Trinity and the Blessed Holy Family, 7/28/14
My dearly beloved son, this is Mother Mary. You are forgiven and the things you said that hurt anyone, just
correct with love and if you know they do not listen, correct with hard love. That is the trouble with the world, the
women are controlling the men by threat of divorce or sex. They try to do satans work out in the world and then
expect someone to babysit their kids at no expense. This is from satan at his strongest. The women just blow
the money on junk and ruin their children. They are teaching their husband and children the same life they are
leading. It is time for the men to stand up and take over the family. The man will do anything for the woman if
the woman does her role and listens, but if she controls everything there is no peace in the family. This is what


you were told last night. This was not you, it was your God giving you the grace to stand up and be a man the
way you should be if the world is to ever change. God the Father will speak.
My beloved son, you are suffering dearly because you are doing Gods will. The world is so sick that no one will
do what I am telling them to do. The words you said to your friend and to your spouse were from Heaven. You
have done what your God, the Father of all, is about to do to all the earth. Your God is fed up with all the
mothers not taking care of their children whom I gave them. The men are acting like women and the women are
acting like men. I have told you before that the children will never know the truth and always be in the gray area
if the man is not the head and the woman the heart. This is why the world has to be stopped and restarted
again. The woman has to be the heart and the man the head. The man the head and the woman the advisor,
not the leader. They have to be obedient to their divine order that I, your God, has set up. This is your Father in
Heaven, sick and tired of all of this. Sick and tired of all of the sins of the world and it will stop now, but still full of
love and grace for all who will repent. Love, Father.
Come Holy Trinity and Holy Family With Your Words Only, 7/24/14
My dearly beloved children. It is I your Jesus of love and mercy. Thank you, Jesus, for the beautiful rain
yesterday for all the crops and the beautiful weather today.
My son, I your God and Father in Heaven is very happy with some of my children who are starting to live in
Divine Will. Our hearts in Heaven are so happy that some of our children souls are starting to change. Please
ask for all the grace that is available each day for yourself and for every soul on the face of the earth. The great
renewal of the world is at hand. It all started when I died on the cross for all My children so that one day it would
lead to Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven and the last of the Hail Mary, Holy
Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death, Amen. This is the time, our time
from Heaven when all is about to be fulfilled. Do not fear all the evil that is roaming the earth at this time, it is
just fulfilling the end of the prophecy of the birth and death of Jesus when He was brought into the world through
Mary, the Mother of all the children of the world. This is My Mothers final mission for mankind on earth for She
will step on the head of satan and he will be no more. This is My Mothers time in the history of the world. My
Most Beloved Bride and Mother of all, the most beautiful woman that ever walked the face of the earth or ever
was seen in Heaven. Your God is proclaiming this time for the Mother and lover for all mankind. This is Her
time, Her generation, to crush all evil on earth and all that will not repent of their sins to Her God and your God,
with all the love and grace that is being poured out on all the earth before it will be no more. All the fallen angels
and demons that have denied God love for everyone will be cast back into the fires of hell and any people on
earth that will not accept Gods love and mercy will be no more. The final move is here for all My children,
through all of Gods love and mercy, to ask repentance of all their sins and get off the fence and start living for
their God or fall into the fires of hell for all eternity.
The Children of the Renewal are all the children that will be asked repentance and forgiveness from their heart
and I their God will forgive them for anything they have done in their lifeor, keep living in the sins of satan and
end up in hell forever. I do not want to lose any one of My children. God sent Me, Jesus, to earth through
Mother Mary as man so all people could not say at the final judgment that God did not know how hard it is to live
on earth with all the temptations. I, your Jesus, who lived on earth will be the final judge to take you to your final
destination of Heaven or hell by the choices and decisions you made on earth. Please ask forgiveness now
before it is no more. Your loving Jesus who has begged as a beggar for two thousand years to save every soul.
Love, Jesus.
Come Holy Trinity & The Holy Family, With Your Words Only, 7/23/14
My son, this is your beloved Father in Heaven. What you just read is very true. You have been wanting to hear
me in a stronger voice from within. I have told you I do not come in a loud voice or a shout. I do not come in the
wind or the earthquake, I come in the whisper in your heart. To hear your God louder and clearer, you must
move to another level of quietness within your heart. To hear plainer and better you must move to the next level
of holiness. When you get to the level of holiness that I want you to get to you will hear everything easy. It is not
about noise but about being quieter within your heart. You and your God together in one heart. You know how
when you are looking at a person speaking and you know what they are going to say before they even speak?
This is kind of how it is with God. If your heart and your spirit is in tune with God you are a soul mate with each
other and with God. Everyone on earth should be soul mates with each other and what that means is to be One
Body With Christ. When all My children get in tune with God, their spirits are on the same wave length and they
can communicate just be looking at each other. That is how it will be with your God and other people when you
are in Heaven. There is only one thing to focus on and it is love, love of God and love of each other. Everyone
in Heaven is all love and speaks from their heart. They know what the other person wants and needs just be
being next to them. It is something like a couple married for fifty years, you do not need to talk any, you just


know. You remember how you and your brother that you partnered with and worked with, you both knew your
job and said very little. You just looked at each other and knew what was needed to be done next and the next
step you should take. It will be similar but much different in the profoundness of it. That is all for tonight, for your
secretary is very busy. Tell her I love her dearly and thanks for being the hands for you and many of My
children. Love, Father.
Come Holy Trinity With Your Words and Truth, 7/18/14
This is your Jesus of love and mercy to My beloved son. My Father gave you a strong message yesterday and it
is all true, My son. Please do not doubt that it is from Heaven. Satan and the one world people are using
everything to their advantage to take your country down. Please tell all your friends that the time is here and
now and that the tribulation is going on. They want everything to happen faster than it is but many, many more
would be killed and many more souls would be lost. My children please pray, instead that major disasters will
not happen all at one time. I assure you that when one of the major disasters happens, you will wish that it
never happened. The disaster in Texas is a major disaster in itself. People dying from drugs every day is a
major disaster. People killing each other every day is a major disaster. Everything going on in your country is a
major disaster in Gods eyes. Your whole country is a major disaster. It is falling fast. If I let it fall any faster
there would be no one left. Satan would have it destroyed in one day if I, your God, let him. Thank your God for
all the extra time that He has given your country to make it easier on His children. You will be in poverty before
you know it and you will wish you never got there. You will be begging your God to get you out of this mess that
your sins got you into. Pray, pray, pray that it does not get any worse any sooner than it has to. My Mother
wants to speak.
My love and My most beautiful children, My God and your God is speaking much wisdom in this message. It is a
lot worse than you think. The evil works of satan are all done and the spiritual work of Jesus is coming to an
end. You should be praying for more time to save souls and stop all satans evil because when you are in total
chaos you will wish it never happened. My children you cannot imagine the seriousness of these times. That is
why I, your Mother, have been appearing on earth so many years. If you could see what Heaven sees, you
would change now before you ever get to the total destruction and millions upon millions lying dead in your
streets. My children it is about to happen to a greater degree each day. Do not try to wish it, just thank your
Father for the extra time He is granting His children to lessen the suffering. Your Loving Mother Mary. Thanks,
Come Holy Trinity and Holy Family With Your Words Only and Your Protection Always, 7/17/14
My son, this is your Father in Heaven speaking. It is good to speak to you again. Thanks for all the warnings
you are getting to our children from Heaven. The one world people are doing anything and everything they can
to destroy your country and all the people so they can take over and control all of America. They have
everything in place as I have told you and they have about all the leaders in the offices at the federal and state
level under their control by threatening them or telling them they will not get any aid if they do not comply with
their orders. A few of My people at the local level are trying to fight against the system but they are doing their
best to take everyone down. My children I, your God, am still in control of everything but the sins of the flesh are
permitting satan more control every day. The blood of the martyrs and of the holy aborted babies are taking your
country down. Your church and government are about to be no more. Your real church and Mass will have to go
underground very soon.
The chip is being put in many people now and they are controlling all those people to help them control and take
America down. All the people that are being brought into Texas are being chipped and controlled and then put
out around your country so they can use them as terrorists when they want. It is all here and it is all happening
at this very moment that you write.
The earthquakes are all about to happen and getting bigger and bigger one after the other and will stop all the
supplies coming across America. Your power will start to be cut off place after place and cause more confusion
to your country.
Your food supplies will continue to be mixed with more and more disease to make people sick. All your older
doctors are retiring because of all the new regulations. About 50% of your people are trying to pay for 100% of
the healthcare. This will collapse all the insurance companies. The plan of your government is to do away with
all the insurance and medical care to kill off more of your people. Everything the government tells you is just the
opposite of what is true because it is satanic, the opposite of the truth of God. Pray, pray, pray and I your God
will protect and take care of all your needs. Your Father in Heaven watching over all of Our children. Repent
and confess and beg pardon for your sins for they are taking you down through satans sickness. Keep your
eyes on God and Heaven and I will help you. Love, Father.


Come Holy Trinity & Holy Family with Gods Divine Will with all of Heaven to Protect us, 7/10/14
My dearly beloved son, this is your Jesus of love and mercy. As you know many diseases are coming out from
all over the world. The new stomach virus is coming out all over the world. It was made by man and then put
into your meat chain and now your livestock have this disease and it is being spread from your livestock to
humans. It is just like e. coli that was spread from the hogs to humans a few years ago when you were farming.
This is another kind of disease that causes the stomach to either get blocked or to get diarrhea from it. As your
doctor told you it is called colaform. Also, the new GMO corn is causing many people to get sick because it eats
small pin holes in the lining of your intestines. This causes more viruses to enter into your body. All the
genetically changed crops that are killing all of the bugs in the crops and all the diseases in them are also killing
My beloved children and making them sick. That is why Russia and China are refusing to buy any of these new
crops because they are waiting ten years to see what they do to people of America first. My children wake up.
Wake up and admit that the food that your country is growing is very dangerous to the health of My children.
The naturally grown food is a lot better for your body and health. What people eat and do is what controls their
health. People are eating food that has no food value in it anymore because farmers do not rotate their crops
and have depleted all the natural minerals and nutrients from the soil and replaced them with all chemical
fertilizers. And now even changed the genetics of the crops that are not natural to your body.
Your society has also thrown out the Ten Commandments and live in lust worse than any animals live, and there
is no way for most people to be healthy or happy. This is why the people of America are so overweight because
the food they are eating is just something to put in their stomachs and it has no food value. They eat more and
more but nothing will satisfy them. This is also the same with their way of life. They do all things with satan to
get a high and feel good and then feel worse after because it is not of God. Children start to wake up and live
the Ten Commandments and pray often to your God before America is no more. Everything on earth was
perfect when Adam and Eve were on earth before they sinned. Then by their sins they gave their world to satan
and he helps people to mess up all the food a little at a time to make it the way it is now. Then I had to bring the
great flood in Noahs time to re-purify the earth and the people who sinned and the earth from all the
contamination. Then Jesus came to earth and set you free again as the new Adam and Mary as the new Eve
and opened up Heaven so you can go to Heaven when you die and get things back on track again.
Here we are 2000 years later and messed up again because of your free will and not living in Gods will. And the
earth is ready to self destruct again. God is ready to re-purify the earth again in His second coming and cast all
evil back into the fires of hell and all the good people will end up in Heaven or purgatory or be taken into the New
Era of Peace to repopulate the earth for a period of time or a thousand year reign as the Bible speaks. To doubt
any of these words is to doubt God. He has told you in the last two weeks that you are in Revelation 10, 11, and
part of 12. You are living the Warning as My son is writing and it is getting worse each day. Be prepared to
move the refuges and go through the Warning. Your Jesus of love and mercy is not joking. Your Jesus of all of
Heaven. Love, Jesus.

Come Holy Trinity, Mother Mary, St Anne, and St. Joseph With Your Words Only, 7/6/14
My most beloved son as you feel in your heart today , you and your beloved sister, received many graces
yesterday from My Grandmother St. Anne, and My Mother Mary, and Your Jesus of Love and Mercy who is
speaking to you. Tell all My children that the same graces are available for every one of My children. My
children need to learn to trust Me, their Jesus of Love and Mercy. Your world is now in Revelation 10 and 11. I
have told one of My daughters this and now I am telling you, My son in a message to confirm her.
The times you are in now are times that are changing from love and mercy to My justice for the sins of the
world. Many people think that justice is not from God and that their God would not permit bad things to happen,
but your God is all just and all merciful. If you are all just, you are also all merciful. My children, any good father
that raises good children warns them of the future dangers in their lives. Then it is their choice and their free will
when they become of age to go on their own when they have to start making their own decisions in life. Their
father or mother is always there to help them and still correct them when they see they are in danger of making a
bad decision, but the choice is still up to them.
My children of this generation has not listened to their parents and their parents from Heaven, Jesus and Mary.
When all of our children begin to make all bad decisions with the help of satan, they become lost in the world or
in a gray area where they do not know right from wrong or black from white. Most of My children are now in this
position in their lives. I sent My Mother to earth for many years to teach them and I have made many new

prophets in the world that My Mother and I are teaching the whole truth to. My messengers are people who I
have raised from birth and taught personally and My Mother and the saints have taught personally to re-teach
the real truths back to the people. These are leaders sent and inspired by the Holy Spirit. I am sending many
gifts to many of My children who will believe in them and they will help My children come through the days ahead
of them. When My Holy Mother or a saint comes to a faithful prophet of Mine it is a miraculous gift from Me to
them. For it is My Holy and Divine Will to help them. They must have the faith and the wisdom to know this is
real and they are being blessed by these gifts. My child, I need My prophets that I have blessed with different
gifts to be strong in their faith and to believe in everything I have said to them for I am coming soon and I will be
able to tell them, You have been a good and faithful servant and believed what others have not and that is why
you and all I have chosen are receiving more and more gifts.
More and more events will happen that will contradict scientific laws because they will be miraculous events sent
by My hands and sometimes I bless you with different gifts to test your faith. I do not want My dear ones to
doubt or become dependent. I want them to have My gifts of the Holy Spirit and to give them and to share them
with others and then you will receive more gifts and responsibilities. This is enough for now. A teaching from
Jesus. Love, Jesus.
Come Holy Trinity and Blessed Mother With Your Words Only, 7/1/14
My love, My beautiful one, this is Mother Mary, your Mother, and the Mother of all Gods children. My beloved
son, thanks for all you and your beloved friends are doing. I thank your friends from out west that brought so
many graces to your area from their pilgrimage around the country. Thanks for being kind and gentle to them. I
wish all My children to show love and kindness to each other. They need to be of one heart and one soul to their
God and to each other. I bless all of you with a special blessing from your God through the hands and the heart
of your Mother Mary, Queen of Heaven and earth and Mother of the Trinity and all Their children on earth. Love,
Mom. My Son will speak.
Son, this is your beloved Jesus of love and mercy. As you know, and see, and feel all hell is loose on earth at
this time. Do not be disturbed because all of Heaven is at your side and at the side of every soul that will call on
them for grace and mercy. Your God is way ahead of satan. You just have to give your will to God and I will
protect and bless every one of My children.
These are the times when your heart has to be united with the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart
of Mary. All hell is breaking loose all over the earth and you will see many manmade natural disasters and they
will be permitted by your God because of all the sins of My children. As I have told you before the Ten
Commandments have been thrown out of the world and they have taken all of of satans evil into their hearts and
are trying to play that they are God. False gods are like playing with fire and it can burn you and explode in your
face. This is what will happen with all the sinful and lustful people that are trying to play with fire, it will blow up
in their face, and injure them, and kill them. You cannot play around with satan and his sin and his way of life
because his only purpose is to get you into the state of mortal sin, and then destroy your life, and kill your body
and soul, and then take you straight to hell with him for all eternity.
My children it is time to wake up and repent now before the next major disaster that will happen in the US and it
will be any day now. Your soul is at stake and I mean it is ready to be taken down to the pit of hell if you do not
repent and say yes to your God who made you. I have repeated hundreds of times through My messengers in
the world that there would be all kinds of natural disasters in the world in the last few years and most of My
children do not want to believe or think about it but you will be stopped in your tracks very soon now and there
will be nowhere to turn or go because everything around you will be no more. It will be destroyed. What will you
do then? I hope you will put your hands up toward Heaven and fall on your knees and face and beg Gods
mercy and forgiveness on your soul and repent of your sins and beg My forgiveness so you can still go to
Heaven before it is too late and you lose your soul to satan. My justice has begun and the chastisements are
getting worse each day. The more you have to suffer the more you should beg My mercy and grace before you
die. Your loving Jesus to a lost and stubborn generation. Love and mercy and justice, your loving Jesus.


Come Holy Trinity and the Holy Family, 6/27/14
My love My beautiful one, I love you with all My heart as you love Me. I love the children of the world with all My
heart, and I wish they would love Me with all of their hearts. My Son loves every soul on earth with all His heart
and He wishes that every soul on earth would love Him back with all their hearts. My son, this is the feast day of
the Most Sacred Heart of My Son who shed all His blood and suffered a cruel death to save all souls. He
opened Heaven back up for all to enter. I thank and love My beloved Son dearly for choosing Me and My
husband, Joseph. Joseph and I suffered our whole lives because of the great blessing to us and to all of

mankind. This is a special day in the history of the world to Me, Jesus Mother. The times that I lived and the
time that you are living in are about the same type of time that the world was in then. My life and Jesus life was
lived just about the same for the people then as it is for the people now. The people then were looking for a
Savior for the world and now the people are now looking and waiting for His second coming.
The time that I had to wait then is about the same amount of time when I waited until His death as you have
been waiting for the second coming. Your life was totally changed in 1983 when you hit bottom because of the
drought that destroyed about all your crops and you hit the low point of your life. Now your life is coming to a
point that you can see and hear from Heaven that the greatest tribulation ever on the face of the earth is here
and you know that Jesus second coming is not far off. I have told you that We from Heaven will give you whats
going to happen before it happens so that the remnant people will be ready to help all the ones who are not
preparing for the second coming. I told you yesterday what the next big steps would be and how to prepare for
them. Do not doubt Our real God for He is all truth and He does not deceive Our children like satan. I told you
that I and My Son would send you help and money to do whatever we want of you. And for the last 31 years We
have protected you from satan and all the evil demons and protected your family and have sent you everything
you needed, financially and physically, which was many beautiful and holy people that represented the Holy
Family. Do not think for one minute that it will not remain the same for you and all My children who are listening
to help save the ones who are not listening. Your Loving Mother on the Feast Day of My Beloved God and Son,
Jesus. Love, Mother Mary. Happy Feast Day of My Son.
Come Holy Trinity and all of Heaven, We need all of you to help us here on earth, 3:00 pm 6/26/14
My most beloved son, this is Jesus of love and mercy, with Mary by My side. Your message to Our children was
very strong. Heaven hopes that someone will listen. My son I know how hard it is getting for all of My children,
those that are lost and those that are listening and praying and writing messages. You try and tell all of My lost
children what to do. My son you know and your God knows that there is no way out of this mess that the world
is in without total collapse of the world and to start over again. This will happen any day now. I have told you, all
My messengers and prophets, that it would happen in their lifetime and most of My prophets and messengers
are in their senior years. That is why I have been telling everyone to change now because the time clock is in
the last second in My time. A few years ago I told you it was past the eleven oclock hour. Now the time has run
out except for the extra time that was given to save more lost souls because of the begging and praying of My
remnant children who were praying for their lost children.
The hour glass has run dry and you are in the tribulation as I told you a year ago in July. The disasters in your
country will increase greatly in the next few weeks. Please pray very hard and try to fast some for the sake of
those who will die. People think that America is immune to war but it is ready to hit America. I have told you
many things that will happen, many natural disasters will happen, but what they will cause is the hard part. They
will cause your electric to go out in many areas of the country. They will cause your banks to collapse and your
water supplies and food supplies will be very hard to find. Medicine and health care will be a thing of the past as
you know it now. The one world government will control everything you buy. You will have to take a chip in your
body to buy anything and with this chip they can control you to do anything they wish and kill you at any time
they want.
These are just a few of the things that will happen. If you do not believe Me, look at the countries in the East.
Your God is not joking. The only places that will be safe are the refuges. The people who intend to get to the
refuges should be helping the people who have the refuges and praying for them all of the time and helping
them financially build as much as they can. These people are putting their hearts, their minds, their souls, and
their bodies on the line for their God and for all their brothers and sisters. Try to help them as much as you can
for one day you will be rewarded greatly for helping. Your Jesus of love and mercy with all of Heaven by your
side as you write and have been for years with the help of just a few generous souls. Your God thanks you for
all your help in whatever way you are helping.

Come Holy Trinity and Blessed Mother, St. Joseph, St. Anne, and St. Joachim With Your Words Only,
My love, My beautiful one, I love you and all My children dearly. My mother, St. Anne, and many, many other
saints are here with you as you write. We love all of you, My son, from all of the saints here with you. Tell all of
your friends and all of My children that Heaven is not coming down to earth for no reason. This is a special
grace and blessing to all of Our children.
Jesus is pouring out graces to this generation like never before in the history of the world. This generation is the
most wretched of any generation in the history of the world. My Son and Father are giving graces and mercy to

everyone who will ask and to just take them to change their lives from sickness and sin to health and peace.
Please come, My children, to the hearts of Jesus and Mary and receive the grace and mercy that is being given
like never before. My heart and Jesus heart is a river of living water at this time of grace and mercy. The time
for this grace and mercy is about to end and you will then see Our justice begin.
My children, We have been trying to get you to change your lives the easy way, but very few are listening and
coming to the party of love and grace. The next step will be when the hand of justice of God comes down. The
earth will begin to shake even more than now. The river of life will start to be the river of justice and will overflow
and many will die. The oceans will overflow and kill many of Our children. Fire from the sky will come and My
children will be baptized in the fire to change their soul instead of the baptism of water. Children, My love and
My Gods loves is out of this world, but Our God is all loving so He has to be all just in the same way. Never
doubt that God will never strike the earth again like in the time of Noah and the flood. He said He would not
destroy totally the earth with water again, but there will be such suffering from water again. Water can be the
river of life, but it can also be the river of death.
If Our children do not listen, the Warning is going to happen in this generation and all the people on the face of
the earth will experience it except a few who will die very soon and they will experience it when they die. This
Warning will be the same as a death experience. You will see the same thing as a person sees when they die.
This time is a special blessing from My God and Father that He will give everyone a chance to change their lives
before their real death. This grace has been given to very few people, even in the life of the world except when
a few people had a near death experience, and died, and saw their lives, and were brought back to life. Any
story you read about people who had this kind of experience, most always change their life around after they
had the experience. Once you experience Heaven, hell, or purgatory, and know how real it is, you do not even
want to think of being in hell for all eternity. This is all for now, My son. My Father will speak.
My most beloved son, this is a strong warning from the Mother of the Trinity, but it has to be said again and
again. Our children have to change now, right before the Warning because it will be many times harder when
the Warning hits and everyone will be in total turmoil. Please change now, for your sake and mine because your
suffering makes Heaven suffer with you while you suffer. Your loving Father. Please, please, please listen now
for the Warning is about to strike the earth. Love, Father.
While reading The Two Witnesses written by Vassula Ryden this messenger received the following request:
This is your Jesus of Love and Mercy. I wish for you to publish this prayer for the protection of your country. Ask
all to who read this prayer to please consecrate themselves, their families, and your country to the Immaculate
Heart of Mary and to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Consecration to the Two Hearts
September 21, 1993
Designated in the prophecies of
Your Word, O Lord, we know,
we trust and we believe that
the Triumph of Your Sacred Heart,
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary
is in the near future;
therefore, we humbly come to
consecrate ourselves, our families
and our country to Your
Two Sacred Hearts;
we believe that in consecrating
our country to You, nation will
not lift sword against nation and
there will be no more training for war;
we believe that in consecrating our
country to Your Two Loving Hearts,
all human pride and arrogance,
all godlessness and hardening
of the heart be effaced, and


that every evil will be replaced

with love and good things;
we believe that Your Two Holy Hearts
will not resist our sighs now
and our needs, but in their
Loving Flame will hear us and
come to us to heal our deep wounds
and bring us peace;
O Sacred Heart of Jesus and
Immaculate Heart of Mary,
blow on us a spark from Your
Two Hearts to flare up our heart,
make out of our nation the perfect
Dwelling-Place of Your Holiness;
abide in us and we in You so that
through the Love of Your Two Hearts,
we may find Peace, Unity and Conversion;

Come Holy Trinity and Blessed Mother With Your Words Only, 6/23/14
My most beloved son, this is your Most Beloved Mother, Mary. I came to you, and I love you. I know how most
of My children are suffering for fighting against satans warriors, but all of Gods warriors are at your side. I will
never leave My own. Keep your spirit light even when you feel like the battle is overwhelming to you. I felt this
way also, when Jesus was on the cross, but My Father never left Me and He will never leave you or any soul
that does not deny Him.
As We told you yesterday, Gods power is so much stronger than satans. You never have to worry about losing
the major battles in the end. It is only because of free will that satan ever wins a battle. If satan played fair, like
your God does, he would never win any battles, but he is a liar and a cheater and never tells the truth about
anything unless it is to make you lie.
I love all of My children dearly and I and Jesus will stand up until till death for all of you. My Son died a physical
death on the cross for you while I died a spiritual death with My Son. It was just like a mother or father who
loses a son or daughter on earth now. Their heart dies with them and their love for them goes with them when
they die. This is how My Son and I do with every one of Our children who die on earth. Our heart dies for their
soul to go to Heaven and if their soul is lost to hell, We die in total sadness for each one of Our children. And if
the soul is headed toward Heaven, We die in total joy for Our son or daughter. My children, this is why Jesus
and I are so sad now because so many of our children are going to hell because they will not repent. This is
why Jesus is bringing so many disasters onto the earth because of all of the sins of His children. This is the only
way that they will repent with Gods love.
Americans especially, do not even really know what real suffering is except for a very few souls. They think they
have life so hard but they have never been taught what real work or suffering is all about. The people of the
Depression era knew what real suffering was about and the families of the wars with children in them know real
suffering. But, the younger generation do not know what love or suffering is all about because they are living in
the wrong generation because there is no truth left on earth.
The problems are no one persons fault, but the times and history that we live in. It is a time that the earth is in
and the grace is now available so you can change before we go into the New Era of Peace and Love and Joy.
Just give yourself to My Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and Blessed Mother and you will soon live in the New
Jerusalem. I know this will sound complicated to many but the Holy Spirit will enlighten you. Your Loving Mother
at the 3 oclock hour.

Come Holy Trinity and Mother Mary With Your Words Only, 6/22/14
My most beloved son, this if your Mother Mary. Thanks for loving Me so dearly. I am sending you rain for your
dry crops. Ask everyone to thank God for everything they receive from their God. He loves to give and to give
to His children, but He also expects to be thanked and loved by His children.


My son and I are very sad in these days because of all the suffering that has to be sent to earth for Our children
to be woken from their long sleep and start to see what the world is all about. The world is all about sin, sin, and
more sin. God has been taken out of the world and satan has taken over all the earth and contaminated it with
all his filth, his lust, his greed, and his power until he destroyed all the beautiful earth with poisoning of
everything. He has made all Our beautiful children sick in body and in spirit.
It is now time that My son will show His power and might upon the earth and above the earth. You will see
storms, and earthquakes, and volcanoes, and hail, and lightening like never before. People will hide from all
their sins as the chastisements of My Son grow more severe every day. My children and Gods children will
wake up quickly to the truth of God and the lies of satan. They will see that God is the only God that can help
them and Satan and man have no power whatsoever in the face of the real God who made them. Man is trying
to play god and especially all the leaders who think they are so great and powerful like God. He will show them
that they are just a speck of sand next to the sea when He exerts just a speck of His power. Satan and his
followers at their strongest are as powerful as their God is at His weakest. God can destroy all the earth and
everything He made in the beginning with one breath from His mouth or one word spoken from Him and yet the
world thinks they are powerful. They will learn quickly, very soon, that they are nothing next to their God.
God permits only so much evil until it is ready to destroy the human race and then He puts his foot down and
changes everything back to the way He made it. It was just the same before Noah and the flood when everyone
became totally evil except for just a few people. It is even more evil today. God is about to reap the harvest of
the good and evil again and cast all the wicked into hell who will not change and beg His forgiveness with all the
grace He is about to send through the Warning. Then He is going to renew the earth again with the souls that
are pure and bring in the New Jerusalem and the New Era of Peace for a thousand year reign, in Gods timing,
and all evil will be locked in hell where they cannot torment the souls of the New Era of Peace and we will live in
the new Garden of Eden with Jesus and Mary who were chosen to be the new Adam and Eve to save the world
and to reopen the gates of Heaven so the good souls could enter Heaven again. This is enough for now.
Mother Mary and the New Eve.
Come Holy Trinity With Your Words Only, 6/19/14
My dearest son, this is your Jesus of Love and Mercy. I come to tell you that some people are trying very hard
to change their lives because they can see that the world as they know it is crumbling down. Most do not
understand what is causing it yet, but that is the job of the people I have been working with for years to educate
them to the truth of God and not the lies of satan and the world and ten percent of the new leadership.
Very few people can see what you see before it happens. They are so caught up in their own problems and sin
it will take a lot of grace from Heaven and a lot of destruction on earth to help them to look up toward Heaven
and beg their God to show them what is wrong. Your top leadership in the world and also in most of the
churches are just doing what the people want because they know they cannot change anything anyway. Most of
the leadership is threatened by the top leadership that if they do not do what they are told they will be fired and
in some cases be killed if they do not follow orders. Many are being threatened that their families will be hurt.
With all the things together it is very hard for even the honest and holy people to stand up for what they know to
be true. Your government is totally controlled and threatens the life and the jobs of the leaders who are
controlled by the world leaders. Your country is so full of greed, power, and money that they will take away
anyones life that gets in their way.
Satan thinks he has total control and is trying to convince the people to do what he wants. The truth is, that
your God is totally in control and when I make My move, satan will be crushed by My Mothers foot and be
locked back in hell for the thousand year Era of Peace. The Warning is about to hit the world and turn every soul
upside down and then they will see the real truth and have to make their final choice for Heaven or hell for all
eternity. Whether to live in the burning flames of hell or the glorious love, peace, and joy of Heaven for all
eternity. My children wake up for your time on earth, if you do not change, is very, very, very short if you are not
taken to the New Jerusalem or to Heaven. If you are not taken to the New Era of Peace and die and do not go
to Heaven or to purgatory, you will end up in the burning flames of hell. Repent now, your Jesus of Love and
Come Holy Trinity With Your Words Only, 6/13/14
My most beloved son this is your Sweet Jesus of Love and Mercy. Thanks for going to Mass and Confession
this morning. Mass and Confession is the same for your soul as food is for your body. You cannot live without


food for your soul or food for your body. Eating bad food for your body or using drugs is the same affect on your
body as not uniting with your God every day is for your soul.
My children this is why most of My children are so sick all the time. The elite people are trying to get rid of
anyone who stands in their way. Satan has taken all spiritual food out of the world and the big elite people and
all the ones who run the medical businesses are taking all of the healing medicines out of the market and
replacing them with drugs to make billions of dollars and keep all the people sick. Your major seed and chemical
companies are using new seed that hurts your body and make the people and animals sick to try to eliminate a
major part of your population and also cause all of your livestock to not breed right and become sick often to
cause a major famine in your country.
They also use a billion watt HAARP machine to change your jet stream to cause flooding in one area and
drought in another. Most of the earthquakes are set off also by the HAARP machine by causing a shaking in the
earth that shakes the rocks apart and causes a major earthquake. Certain vibrations will shatter anything and
science knows how to do this with the HAARP machine. Also your government is firing all military leaders who
do not carry out orders to destroy your country. The one world government has control of everything now. Your
churches also have been taken over by the new world order and most of your top church leaders have been
controlled or blackmailed into doing what they want them to do. Please My children get your souls in order for
the clock of this era of time is about to run out. This is your Jesus of Love and Mercy giving My children the truth
and nothing but the truth from all of Heaven. My Mother wants to speak.
My dear children, all My Son has said is all true. It is all caused because of the sins of abortion and mostly
sexual sins. It all starts with sin of doing your free will for pleasure and highs. Then it goes to greed, power,
money, and control. Then satan and a few people want everything and try to get rid of anyone who stands in the
way. That is why America is totally falling as a nation. No nation stands long after they take their God out of
their government. Be ready, the time is now. Love all of Heaven. Pray, pray, pray for souls to change now.
Love Jesus and Mary.
Come Holy Trinity With Your Words Only, 6/12/14
My dearly beloved son, this is your Jesus of Love and Mercy. I have mercy on all My children and ask for you to
ask for My mercy and pray to receive My grace before My justice and Warning that is about to strike the whole
world with a blow that it will never recover from in this era that we are in now. It will be such a shock to many
people that they will die from the sorrow for their sins when they see their Jesus and feel the fires of purgatory
and hell at its greatest level. Everyone will go to Heaven, purgatory, or hell at the level of their sinfulness so that
they will know and see the justice of their true God for not repenting. That is why I keep telling you over and
over about the same type of messages so they will get to all the different types of people.
I am your loving Father and I am giving you all the graces that you need to get your soul back in the state of
grace so you will not end up in hell or deep purgatory. I, your God, will do anything I can do to save your soul
but you My children have to listen and ask Me from your heart for forgiveness. I have told you time after time
that My arms are open wide for you to come and fall into them and repent to Me for your sins.
My beloved children if you could see what I see and have been telling you all of My children would come running
to me. Think about it this way, if you were in your house at night and someone screamed out loud at the top of
their voice, Your house is on fire! what would you do? You would grab all your children and run to the nearest
opening. My children, I am the opening of your physical house, your body and soul, that you have to run to to
get out of the feeling like you are totally trapped by satan in your sins.
Never let satan tell you that you cannot get out of your sins. It is never too late to turn to your God and save
your soul. As long as you ask for help and forgiveness from any sin you ever committed here on earth and ask
with your heart, mind, and soul, and are sorry, I will take you back even up to the very last second of your life.
Never let satan convince you that you belong to him and you are his. Your God made you and Your God made
satan as a great angel, but satan would not obey God and was cast out of heaven with all the other evil angels
and is now trying to trick all Gods children into being in hell for all eternity and living in the fires of hell with him.
Satan does everything the opposite of God who is love and peace, all pure and holy. Satan is a liar, a robber, a
thief, a cheater, a stealer and he does everything evil to destroy Gods children. Satan never sleeps but is on
the prowl to destroy everything and everyone in our world. Never trust satan for anything because his only
purpose is to destroy your life on earth and take your soul into the everlasting fires of hell for all eternity. This is
forever. Never listen to satan or his lies, only listen to God and his everlasting love, peace, and joy for all


eternity. This is your Jesus of Love and Mercy. Please change now before the Warning and then My justice to
cleanse all the world of all evil before the Era of Peace. All of Heaven is by your side if you ask them. Thanks
for writing, Jesus.
Come Holy Trinity With Your Words Only, 6/11/14
I am with you My son, your Jesus of Love and Mercy. I do want you to speak, do not doubt that this is from God,
for it is your God.
My beloved children, please start to save water and food because soon the shelves in your grocery stores and
many others stores will be empty or not have the things you need. There are many things that the one world
people are trying to make happen as soon as possible. One is taking food away from American and another is
to get the war started in the east and get America involved and move most of their army out of the USA. My
Mother will speak.
My beloved son, this is your Mother from Heaven. Please do as My Son has been telling you. The people who
have been preparing will have something to eat when you see your power go out in many places all at the same
time. They have the ability now to shut down the power anywhere at any time in your country. Your country is
totally under the control of the one world people through your president. He has sold out everything that he
could without Congress or the Senates permission. He will continue to do the same.
Be ready for anything in the world at this time. Have your things to go to the refuge ready because it will be just
a few minutes notice before you will have to leave when the angel tells you. The one world people are ready to
move at any minutes notice. They have been for a long time. I, your God, have been holding things back by
revealing things to My messengers that have been messing up their plans so far. But that is about to stop
because of all of the sins in your country. A few of Our children are getting better but a lot of Our children are not
listening and some even getting deeper into sin. The time is to pray, pray, pray. Your Loving Mother. Be
prepared like the wise virgins and St. Joseph the way he protected Jesus and I. Love, Mother.
Come Holy Trinity With Your Words Only, 6/10/14
My most beloved son this is your Jesus of Love and Mercy. My son, I know you do not like writing, but My
children need to read the truth often these days. You know how you had to correct some of your children, over
and over, day after day after day. This is how your Father in Heaven feels. Many, or most of Our children need
to be corrected day after day. We do not want to lose any of Our children. You are a father just like us and you
do not want to lose any of your children. That is why you still correct them and pray for them all of the time.
That is what a good father does for his children. A good father helps them physically when they need help. That
is the way it is supposed to be.
I have told you many times that the father is the head and the mother is the heart of a family. The father needs
to be the one who corrects and disciplines his children and the mother needs to be the one to give most of the
love to her children. This is the way it is ordained to be by God. There is no one parent that has the ability to do
both of these jobs. When one or the other of my parents do not do these jobs or exchange their jobs for the
other it takes the children into a grey area where the children do not really know the real truth. The man has to
be the correcting one and the woman must do most of the loving. This gives the children everything in black and
white and keeps the children in a stable state of mind to live and know the truth. Today with all of the divorces,
most of the children do not have any idea how they should react to different things. I have told you before that
the father does not have to be perfect and the mother does not have to be perfect. But with the father the head
and the mother the heart, most children will turn out to be okay. With two men or two women raising children,
like a homosexual couple, their children have very little chance of survival unless some of their grandparents or
someone else steps up with help from Heaven to get the children on the right path.
All of these problems are generational problems from the past that have to be healed for My children to be able
to live in peace. Your God is not blaming anyone for all these problems in the world, He is just teaching you
what the problems are and what Our children need to know to be happy and save their souls. I know many
people will scream about this message of the truth, but My children are so lost.
As I told you, the grace from Heaven is being poured out like never before on the earth, and My children can
take and use this grace just for the asking. I knew that this generation would be in such a mess that I have been
saving many graces for this generation just for the asking. Each generation continues to get worse because of
past sins that keep building up from one generation to the next. The only way this can stop is if you give Me,
your God, your free will to use for you and then I can help you more.


I give everyone free will to do as they wish, but if you do not use it wisely you can end up in hell. If you let Me
help you control your life and give Me your free will and try to live in My Divine Will, everything will work out
much easier for you. I want to be your Father, and Mary wants to be your Mother but you have to let your Father
correct and discipline you and My Mother to love you with all My love for your life to change. It is not that I do
not love you as much as My Mother, but it is the fathers job to discipline His children and always look like the
bad guy until the children get older and then they understand and thank him because they see that he was doing
the hardest job of the two by correcting and disciplining them. This is all for now, a lesson that most of My
children do not understand. Love Jesus, and My Father.
Come Holy Trinity and Blessed Mother, 6/4/14
My love, My most beautiful one. This is your Loving Mother and Mother of all My most beloved children. I am
happy today for all of My children who are starting to turn to their God and Father. Some of the graces that are
being offered continuously are starting to help some of Our children to start changing. Please continually grab
hold of them and use them to help save your soul by going to Confession and asking Gods forgiveness for all of
your sins. If you are not Catholic, just follow the Ten Commandments because these are all of Gods laws from
Heaven and cannot and will not lead you astray. My Father will speak.
My beloved children. I am still waiting for more of My children to change their lifestyle and get out of all the sins
of the flesh and start living My Ten Commandments. Sin is what causes natural disasters to come down upon
the earth. Good brings good down upon the earth. The reason your weather and world are so messed up is
because the sin of satan brings all kinds of evil down on the earth and releases more demons from hell to
torment you and your brothers and sisters.
I ask all of My children to start wearing moral clothes in this hot weather that will not tempt your brothers and
sisters which leads to more sin of the flesh. Also use pure words and not dirty words made up by satan, to talk
to your brothers and sisters. Use holy body language and not sinful body language in the way you use your
body that just asks for sinful sexual harassment and then you wonder why there are so many women raped.
The way they are showing their bodies, they are giving men hope and invitation. And the way men dress and act
is the same.
My children start presenting your body in the way you would want a married partner to act. You will never have
holy marriages unless you start with a holy relationship. If you run around on your spouse-to-be before you get
married, chances are, you will do the same after marriage and the honeymoon period is over.
Wake up, My children and start living in the Ten Commandments. This is your Father from Heaven in which very
few of My children I am well pleased with, but I love each of you dearly and the same. The grace is available
just the same for the biggest sinner and the saint. Just use it for your salvation. Be a wise virgin and take the oil
for your lamp with you so you do not have to run back for it when it is too late. Love, love, and more love, Your
Come Holy Trinity With Your Words Only, 6/3/14
My most beloved son, this is your Sweet Jesus of Love and Mercy. I love you and all My children. As I have told
you before, the time is here and now to start saving all My childrens souls. The graces are flooding every one of
Our children. Look at it like you have just had a major storm and everything around you is under water. That is
how it is now in the times you are in. There is grace and evil everywhere you look. You can feel all evil around
you and see all evil around you, but you can take My hand and Our Mothers hand and see all the grace around
you and feel all the grace around you. The choice is yours to accept all the grace and live in grace or accept all
evil and live in evil.
There is much suffering to accept the hand of God and live in My grace, but the rewards are above anything that
you will ever experience in this world and the joy in the next world is beyond anything you can imagine. Or, you
can take the hand of satan and feel a lot of highs that last a short time in this world and reach a low in this world
that is beyond anything in this world that you can imagine.
If you take Jesus hand you will end up in Heaven and be in total joy for all eternity with the love and peace you
have never experienced in your life. If you take satans hand you will experience a pain and sorrow in this world
also and pain in sorrow in hell that is like one that you cannot reach on earth and will last for all eternity.


Please make the wise choice for God and live with me and all the saints and angels, and My Mother, and God
the Father who made everything and knows everything. Satans wisdom came from God the Father and satan
just turned it backwards from what Jesus taught him. Jesus taught light. Satan teaches darkness and he does
everything dirty mostly in darkness. Jesus taught light and love and he teaches everything in light and truth.
Satan hides the truth in darkness unless things look good. But once you do his thing, he then uses it against
you to make you feel guilty. This is all for now, a lesson for My children. Your Sweet Jesus.


Come Holy Trinity With Your Words Only, 5/31/14
My love, My beautiful one, this is your last day of May, the month of your Beloved Mother Mary. Thanks for all
the messages you have written for your God and Father and all of Us in Heaven. We are all praying for you and
for all the children on earth to get back on the road to Heaven.
Thanks for all the hard work on Our buildings for the remnant children who will repopulate the New Era of Peace
where all of Heaven will rule and satan will be locked up in hell for a thousand years before the final reign of
satan and the last judgment will take place. All of us in Heaven are praying for this Era of Peace. My beloved
children, the graces are here just for the asking and forgiveness of sin from your heart. There has never been a
time in the world when graces were given as easy as now. Please take them My son, and My heart, and use
them to save your brothers and sisters who are in mortal and deadly sin. Make every attempt you can to reach
out to souls. My God will speak.
This is your Beloved Jesus of love and mercy. Make use of all of the graces as My Mother just said for a time
will come soon when it will be a lot harder to change and get to a priest because My Father is ready to let satan
go into the next plan of the world elite which is to split up the Catholic Church as you know it now. All Masses
will have to be said in private with a risk of death if caught by the one world government.
If My people would just change, you would not have to suffer as much. But, My children of the world do not want
to give up their sinful and worldly ways. So as I have told you before, My hands are tied by the sins of the world,
and the flesh, and free will. Please turn to My Divine Will before it is too late for many. The last minute of the 24
hour time clock is ticking and it is near to the last second. Expect danger because it is about to hit not just all the
other countries, but the USA who have sold their souls to satan for the pleasures of the world. Your Loving
Jesus with a heavy and sad heart.
Come Holy Trinity With Your Words Only, 5/27/14
My most beloved son, this is God the Father of Heaven and earth. What you think of your church leaders is
true. This is God the Father telling you this. Please pray very hard for all the church leaders because the
majority of the church leaders are living in the sin of satan. Many do not even believe that they are in mortal sin.
Tell everyone to pray for all My beloved priests for it makes Me very sad.
Your God wants all My priest sons back where they need to bewith their God, so they can shepherd all My
beloved children. Many are suffering dearly because they cannot understand what the real truth is anymore.
You know, and I your God knows, that they are satans number one target, the family is number two. This has to
be changed by the people of God with more prayers from everyone, not just a few. The load on My priests and
parents is very heavy and many just give up and do not try. But, satans time is up now and all the graces that
your God has have been saved while satan has squandered all his power.
The Gift of the Holy Spirit, that the twelve apostles received with My Mother Mary in the upper room when they
were so weak, is about to be released to many of My children throughout the world and you will see the biggest
turn around that the world has ever seen. It will all happen within a few minutes through the Warning when
every person will receive the graces to change their lives just by saying yes to their God and asking for the
extra graces that will change the world and lead anyone who wishes to give up their lives as a martyr and go
straight to Heaven or go to the New Era of Peace which is the New Jerusalem which is just like the Garden of
Eden before Adam and Eve sinned.
Satan is about to lose all of his power and be locked in hell for a thousand years of peace. My children, I your
God and Father want all of you at this celebration. You will either say yes to the God who made you and live in
My Divine Will or end up in hell for all eternity. There is no joking around anymore. The time is here to say yes
or end up in hell for all eternity. Your God, the Father, the Lover of all of Heaven with My Most Beloved Mother.
Mother will speak.


Son, this is your Mother Mary and Mother of the Trinity and all children on earth. God the Father has given Me
this title from His Son on the cross. He chose Me to Mother Jesus on earth and He chose St. Joseph to father
Jesus on earth. Your God and Mine can choose anyone to do anything He wants done, but you have to say
yes back to Him for Him to use you. He is the God of all. He made everything, even the lost angels who
betrayed Him because He gives everyone a free will to choose where they want to spend eternityin Heaven or
hell. Your Loving Mother to all of Heaven and earth from the God who made Me and then chose Me to be the
Mother of the Trinity. And, He wants everyone to call Me the Mother of all Creation and to call Him the Father of
all Creation. God the Father is ALL. He made all, and He has the love of a father and a mother. He chose Me
to represent the mothers side for Him. This is enough for now. Love, the chosen Mother of Heaven and earth
by the Father of all Heaven and earth and all the universe. Amen. So be it. Mother Mary with the Trinity and St.
Joseph by My side and yours.
Come Holy Trinity With Your Words Only, 5/24/14
My most beloved son, this is your Loving Jesus. Thanks for working on the buildings for your Loving God. I will
send someone to help pay for the rest, thanks for doing the foundation. I know it will take all of your summers
money, but you have survived before with little money to run on. I am giving you and your family many spiritual
blessings. I also have always taken care of your money needs. Please stop worrying about the money to put
the building on the foundation. It will be available when the people have time to build it. My Father wants to
My most beloved son, I know you are worrying over your health also, but you will be fine. Start saying the St.
Josephs Thanksgiving Prayer now in thanksgiving for helping you to feel better.
All of My children are suffering much now for their God. The suffering is needed now for the salvation of My
childrens souls. As I told you in the last two messages, I am done with giving you many warnings anymore. It
will be just as I have said. My children do not want to listen so the natural disasters and collapse of your money
will continue until America will be a poor country without any extra necessities that they are used to. Continue to
expect to have less money and food because of your sins. I have let satan have the power for a time to try and
make America see that they have betrayed their God and sold their souls to pride, power, and money, and every
kind of evil.
I will take care of My children that are living within the Ten Commandments in the refuges very soon. You will be
seeing the Warning very soon. Be ready as I told you in the last message, to move fast when My angel comes
to warn you. It will be just like when Joseph had to flee in a moments notice when My son Jesus was going to
be killed as a baby. They had to flee without any provisions except what they could grab in their hands and flee.
Amen. God the Father and all of Heaven.
Come Holy Trinity & Mother Mary With Your Words Only, 5/15/14
My most beloved son and children, I am very pleased with the love and prayers of My son and a lot of My
remnant children. But, I am very displeased with the majority of Our children. Many, many more of Our children
have to start begging God for more graces and start accepting them from your Mothers hands as they are
This is your Father in Heaven. My beloved son, My children have to start to pray more for favors from Heaven
for the crops to feed My people, because if there is not a lot of prayer and a lot less sin, this year, you will see
one of the worst years in centuries. You will have many storms and many adverse weather conditions that will
lead to very poor crops this year and much rationing. The chastisement is going to get much worse as the days
go by and Im going to stop talking as much and start chastising more until I get the attention of My lost children.
There is no other way, for My children are not listening to any of the warnings so far.
It will start to intensify with many people dying from major disasters especially a major earthquake and
volcanoes and very unusual weather. Be ready My children with your souls in a state of grace and much food
and water stored and your backpacks and cars ready to move to the refuges as soon as the order comes from
My angels.
The one world people are ready to move now and start taking over everything because they know their time is
about to run out. They are far behind on the time schedule that they are allowed and they will move soon. Be
ready for the hardest thing most of you have ever done in your life. Pray, pray, pray so you can live through it.
Love from all of Heaven, God the Father.


Come Holy Trinity With Your Words Only, 5/13/14

My most beloved son and children, it is I your Father in Heaven. I come again to warn you of the dangers
ahead. The time is short to get your lives in order. I told My son awhile back in a message that your world, as
you know it, would be destroyed before his next birthday. That time is in December. If many children do not
repent, this will become true.
I give all My messengers the warning as to what will happen if My children do not change, just as My prophets in
the past. If My people change and start doing Gods will and start living in Gods will, the storms will pass
without as much damage. But if all My children keep living in mortal and deadly sin, the storms will be a dead hit
on your country. That is why mortal sins are deadly sins, because you give your life to satan. Satan brings in a
culture of death to get rid of all My children while in mortal sin. Satan would kill all of My children while in mortal
sin if he could, so he could take them to hell. But satan is not in control. Your God is in control of everything.
But there comes a time in everyones life when your days that I have given you are up and you will die. So, do
not think that you will live in your body forever. Your body will eventually die and your spirit will live on forever.
So, get out of mortal or deadly sin now while you can or tomorrow could be the last day of your earthly life when
you can still ask your God for forgiveness. Many people think they will wait and wait to ask forgiveness and end
up dying is some kind of natural disaster or accident and lose their soul and up in hell or the lower parts of
purgatory and suffer for years for not changing in time or when they had an easy chance to change.
Children, please change now for My heart aches for you and the heart of My son who is writing is aching with
Mine as he writes because he feels My feelings and suffers with His God as he writes. Please change now for
Heavens sake and for the sake of the children of the earth who are suffering with all of Heaven to help save
their brothers and sisters. Love, God the Father who made all of you and everything good that you have.

Come Holy Trinity With Your Words Only, 5/9/14

My most beloved son, I come to you with an open heart. Come into My heart for all the graces you
need. Tell all My children that My heart is open for ever soul on the face of the earth. Come now
while there is still time for the mercy which is ending and turning into My justice. Tell the people to
come to Me the way they run to a super bowl or a sale that they run to and think that they will find
a big bargain for little or no money. Your God has a whole heart full of gifts to give just for asking
forgiveness for your sins from your heart and running to your Gods bleeding heart that is
overflowing with gifts of graces to save your soul.
My children you are running with the world and you will receive nothing in the end except total
suffering and even hell. If you do not repent, all the money, and fame, and power of the world will
not buy happiness, only the Love of the Lord will bring peace into your heart, mind, and soul.
I, your God, am asking you again to come to Me or your priest for forgiveness before you have to
beg My mercy because of all the natural disasters and wars that are about to happen. The whole
world is standing on the edge of a cliff ready to fall off. Many will die when they fall off, and many
will suffer dearly. Please come now so that it will not be so hard for you and Me. Ask forgiveness
now, please, please, please, the Most Holy Trinity and all of Heaven. My Mother will speak.
My love, and all My beloved children, My heart is bleeding from all of the sorrow of all My children.
Please listen to all of Heaven who are calling and praying for all of you to please get your souls in
a state of grace before all of hell breaks out on earth as satan continues his last run to totally
destroy the earth. My son is in charge, and satan will cause many souls to suffer greatly, but Gods
will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. But, many, many will suffer because of all of their sins and
stubbornness to change and ask forgiveness. Your Loving Mother to all Her children. Love, Mom.
Come Holy Trinity, 4/28/14


My dearly beloved son, the disasters are happening in your midst. Continue to expect the chastisements to
worsen as the days go on. You will see disasters happening all over the world in every shape and form. My
children who are leading the world, and your country especially, are living in satans pit. They think they are god
and believe that with the technology they have, they do not need any god. I, your God, will continue to show
them what they know and can do amounts to nothing compared to what the real God can do and knows. I have
permitted them to learn a lot of new things to be used for the good of My people, but they have used it just for
their own power and pride, for satan, for money, and fame.
Your country will continue to suffer many disasters this year and it will continue until people wake up and pray.
The majority of people in the US live their sex life worse than the animals. They think they can live with whoever
they want, whenever they want, and do anything they want. This kind of lifestyle will destroy any country in time.
Your country is more guilty than any other country because it was founded in and for God to help the world be a
better place to live.
I asked the Catholic Church to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of
Jesus to stop communism from spreading all over the world, but it was not done in time to stop it from spreading.
Now you have paganism, godless people running your whole world. They have entered the Catholic Church and
many of your churches are infiltrated by many masons and controlling a lot of your leadership in your country.
About all of your school books are infiltrated with a lot of new age teaching. New age means that the truth has
been twisted and changed so that it looks a lot like the truth, but is far from the real truth and confuses many
people so they dont know what to really believe.
Many of your bishops and cardinals are masons living in the Catholic Church and acting like Catholics and
changing My truths of the one, holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. Be careful because they are changing your
Masses in some of the liberal areas and especially the big cities. It will continue to spread unless My people, and
especially My remnant army, pray very much and many more Christians begin to follow the Ten Commandments
set down in stone by your God. I ask all Catholics to study the Ten Commandments and the true teachings of the
Catholic Church and not just take anyones word for what the real truth is. Very few Catholics and Christians
know their faith and the real truths of Gods laws. Part of it is the peoples fault but most of it is the leaders who
turned their lives over to satan to help destroy the Church. My Mother wants to speak.
This is your Beloved Mother Mary. My children, I want to thank all of Gods children who took part in Divine
Mercy Sunday. Many of My children gained great graces. My Beloved Pope John Paul II was a big part of this
decision and he was consecrated as a saint on Divine Mercy Sunday. There were graces given in great numbers
for any Christian who wished to ask for them yesterday. Continue to pray to Pope John Paul II to help the
Church turn back in the direction that God wants it. Continue to pray for all the lost souls and those who do not
have the grace to change because of the deepness of sin that satan has taken them into. This is your Loving
Mother, Love, Mom.
Come Holy Trinity With Your Words Only, 4/25/14
This is your Sweet Jesus. I love you and all the children of the earth dearly. Please continue to warn all My
children over and over. The doomsday warning is here and near. Many people will die. I your Jesus cannot warn
you anymore in a small way. I told you the other day the warnings are over but the graces and blessings have
increased a hundred-fold to any of My children on earth that ask. There is no time left to save souls without My
special divine mercy.
I am your Jesus of love and mercy. I am here for each of you with all the grace and mercy that you want and
need to save your soul just for the asking with an open heart and asking your God to forgive you for all your sins
with your heart, mind, and soul. My Catholic children have to go to one of My priests and confess to him and
receive absolution and make a sincere Act of Contrition and do the penance that the priest asks.
My children your God is doing everything possible to get your attention to get back in the state of grace. If you
get back in the state of grace and then sin again, come back to your God as many times as necessary until you
receive enough grace to stop that sin and then work on some of your lesser sins that are not so bad. Please ask,
and ask, and ask for My grace and mercy. I will help you any way that I can. All of Heaven is at your side just for
the asking to give you grace and love to help you become the person that you were made to be. My children it is
a lot easier to live in Gods grace than in satans turmoil. It is just the choices you make that make the difference.
Pray to My Mother and she will be your spiritual Mother and treat you like Her only child. She will love you and
kiss you to pieces and give you the love your heart is longing for. Just pray to Her and say the Rosary every day
for grace and strength.


You need to come to Us now. The time is about to end for millions upon millions of Our children through natural
and man-made disasters. Come, please come, for My Mother and I and all of Heaven are waiting for all of you.
Love, love, and more love. All of Heaven is speaking and crying for all of your souls. Thanks, Heaven. Jesus with
a very heavy heart.
Come Holy Trinity, 4/23/14
My dearly beloved son, this is your Sweet Jesus. The time is here for major things to happen in your country.
There will be major disasters happen, some in very serious ways. Tell all My children thanks for the ones that
went to Confession during the Lenten season. There are still many more who need to get their soul in order.
My children are still not listening, except a very small percent. They are going to have to suffer much before they
will change, and then many will be saved only because of the prayers of the remnant children who are offering
up their sufferings for the sake of all My children. Many of these souls will have to suffer in the lower parts of
purgatory. Please pray much for you will see major things happening all summer. There will be many different
kinds of suffering from storms, to earthquakes, to droughts and flooding, terrorism, and chances of a major war
if not just small wars. Pray, pray, pray. Jesus. My Mother will speak.
My most beloved son and children. There is much suffering in the world now and much more to come. Tell My
children to take their Mothers hand and ask Me for help to get their lives in order. There is no way to do it by
yourself without the help from Heaven and ask My Son for soul mates from Heaven that have been purified and
are in Heaven. The saints are just waiting to help all of you have a better life. Pray to the saints and angels often
and call on your guardian angel oftenevery day. They are there to help you, just for the asking. My Son and I
are here just for the asking. Please ask and pray and repent now. Divine Mercy Sunday is just a few days away.
Please make use of it. Love, Mother, to all of Her children. Love, love, and more love, Mother.
Come Holy Trinity With Your Words Only, 4-14-14
My most beloved son, this is your Mother Mary. I love you and all My children dearly. Times are getting worse all
over the world. Much, much prayer is now needed to stop a major nuclear war. Satan has all the countries and
people stirred up ready to do anything they can to try and prove that they are the biggest and the strongest
nation. Prayer is the only thing left to save the majority of mankind. If a nuclear war starts there will be many
millions upon millions of people killed instantly, and many will suffer a slow miserable death. The choice is yours
My children. Keep acting like you are god or turn your will over to your real God, or pay the consequences. My
Son will speak. This is your Sweet Jesus. I have told you many times that you are in the great tribulation. The
warnings for My people are over. It must be prayer and action by My children to keep lessening the suffering. All
the countries and their people will suffer like never before. Much grace is available and My heart is overflowing
with love, but My children do not want to ask for forgiveness, and keep living in sin. You will suffer much if you do
not ask forgiveness now during the Lenten season. This is the season of unbelievable graces. Please act now.
Your Loving Jesus to a very stubborn people. My remnant prayer warriors are the only thing holding My justice
back this long. Love, Jesus.
Come Holy Trinity, With Your Words Only, 4/8/14
My most beloved son, I love you dearly and all My children. This is your Sweet Jesus of Love and Mercy. My
son, pray that all My children start listening and receive My love and mercy. I have love and mercy for every one
of My children, they just have to ask for forgiveness and be sincere with a pure heart and I will give them all the
mercy they need.
My children are afraid to ask Me for help because of their sins. I am an ALL LOVING God. I do not judge anyone.
You, all My children judge yourselves by the way you live and act. I will forgive you a million times over for ANY
sins if you come to Me with a sincere and open heart as many times as you sin. Please make this Lent the best
Lent of your life and give yourselves back to Me, your God, if you are living in mortal or deadly sin. If Catholic,
please get on your knees and look up towards Heaven and ask My forgiveness with an open heart. And then go
to one of My priests and confess your sins the best you can, make an Act of Contrition, and then say the
penance the priest gives you. If not Catholic, go to your preacher or come straight to Me, your God, and ask
forgiveness and make an Act of Contrition or sorrow and do some kind of penance and good deed for someone.
My children, I want you back NOW before the Warning comes so it will be much easier for all of you to repent for
your sins. All of My children are sinners but you have to admit that you are a sinner before I can forgive your


sins. You all know in your heart that you are sinners but you do not want to give up your sins and start living for
God and your brothers and sisters.
Please just do one thing for Me, your God, if you cannot do anything else, just say Jesus I love you. Please help
me to become a better person so I can be with You in Heaven some day. This is all. My Mother will speak.
This is Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and the Mother of all Gods children. I come to all My children with a Mothers
love, and ask you to love your Mother, and I will take your hand and take you to My son and help you to get to
know Jesus better. I love all My children that Jesus gave me on the cross and I will do anything possible to get
them to Heaven with Us for all eternity. Please come to Me, Jesus Mother, if you cant go straight to Jesus. I will
help you. I love, I love you, I love you, your Spiritual Mother from Heaven. Love, Mom.
Come Holy Trinity, 4/4/14
This is your Beloved Mother Mary. I have been listening to your pleas for My children and yourself. Please keep
praying that My children will start listening more. There is no turning back the time clock anymore. The
chastisement is going on as you write. It will keep getting worse as the spring and summer go on. Very few of My
children have listened to all the pleas from Heaven. My Father is very angry with His children. There is nothing
more that Heaven can do until the chastisements start to change Our children after they suffer more. The grace
is available but people do not want to give up their sins and ask forgiveness to receive more grace and help
change the world. Be ready to see many people die through natural disasters this summer. That is all for now.
Father will speak.
My beloved son this is the Father of all mankind. My children have tested their God to the limit. I must continue
to send major chastisements to My children hoping that they will be ready to change, when they see their soul
and where it would go when I reveal the Warning to them, and that they will ask forgiveness for the sins that they
have committed against their God.
You know and your God knows that there is not much more to be said that My children will listen to without much
suffering. This is all. Please pray, pray, and pray for lost souls for there are many. This is the Father of all with
much anger in My heart, but always ready to forgive if you My children will ask forgiveness for your sins. Love,
Father. Change now before it is too late for many.


Come Holy Trinity, 3/26/14
This is Mary the Mother of The Trinity and the Most Holy Family. Rejoice and be glad for the Lord is with you and
all My children in a stronger way than He was with the apostles until the Last Supper when they could eat His
body and drink His blood. He is spiritually in you each time you receive Holy Communion in a state of grace.
My son, I know you and many of My friends have been suffering greatly. We are listening to your prayers and
petitions. My children, your physical world is just like your spiritual world when you are doing a big job for your
God. Sometimes you have to wait until the job is done until you receive any rest. It is just like in a war.
Sometimes you have to fight day and night until the battle is over and won before you can rest. The battle you
have been going through has been this kind of battle with satan because of all the conflict in Russia.
We can give extra graces and send more angels to help, but you have to endure the suffering like Jesus did on
the cross in an extreme way as I was watching Him. You and your friends have to do the same. Just keep
praying and begging for grace and we will give you rest when we can. You cannot take an army out of the battle
in the middle of a battle or you would never win a war. The wars with satan are very vicious now, both physically
and spiritually. Most of My children do not understand that there is a spiritual world war that goes on between
countries before a physical war breaks out. If you win the spiritual war, it stops the physical war from happening
or makes it less serious.
My children please keep praying the rosary and get to Mass and Confession as often as possible because you
are in a major spiritual world war as I speak to My son. Prayers are the only thing that will stop it from turning
into a physical world war that will cause millions to die. This is Mother Mary with serious words from The Trinity
and all of Heaven by My side. Love Mother.
Come Holy Trinity, 3/16/14


My love My beautiful one, this is your Most Holy Mother, Mary. We love all of you dearly. Do not expect too many
breaks from the weather or any this summer. Heaven and My God and yours is going to keep sending many
chastisements this summer because of the sins of America and the world. We were hoping that the people of
America would change and your country would become more prayerful. The few people who are who are
praying and being faithful are doing more praying, but the people who never pray are becoming more sinful in
wanting more and more just to keep them from going crazy from being the slave of satan for years. My children,
if the people in American dont start praying more and start treating their neighbor better, you will be under
communist control before year-end. This is all for now, My Father will speak.
My most beloved son and children, the Most Holy Trinity and My Mother and many of My saints and angels have
been speaking to the world for years in a strong way, but you as a whole Body in Christ are not repenting. No
one would believe Noah when he built the ark and so it seems that very few of the whole body is listening now.
Satan has taken the majority of the people as his slave by their permission and you are ready to witness what
the people of Noahs time went through. They experienced the rain to start and then the water kept getting
higher and higher until all lost their lives in the flood except for Noah and his family and the animals.
This time it will be different in the way it happens because I promised I would not destroy the earth by water
again. This time it will be water, power, famine, money, collapse, and wars like no country has ever experienced.
You think your winter was so bad and hard, but if the people do not change quickly you have seen nothing yet in
America. Many other countries have experienced many of the chastisements that are about to hit America and
the people of America as a whole have experienced nothing yet compared to other countries. Be ready for they
are going to get worse each day until you are on your knees looking up to Heaven begging your God to help
you. Be prepared to have food, water, and clothing for any type of conditions.
The chip will be ordered in your body so you cant buy and sell but it will be through the power of the one world
government which will control your minds as a slave or take your life if you do not follow orders. Read what
happened in the concentration camps in Russia. It will be no different. You will work as a slave or die, but your
Father in Heaven gives you a way out through the refuges that are being set up all over the world for a place of
safety if you still wish to follow your God and ask forgiveness from your heart for all of your sins.
There will also be a Warning to every soul on the face of the earth and I will take you out of your body in spirit
and show you where you would go if you died that minute and it could be Heaven, purgatory, or hell, and let you
feel what suffering or joy you would feel in the place you would go because of the choices in your lives from the
decisions you made for God, for self, or for satan. Then I will put you back in your physical body to give you
another chance to repent and live for your God or continue to live in mortal or deadly sin following satan and end
up in hell for all eternity. This is all for now, My children. Please change now for Gods will to be done. Message
from God the Father to My son, one of My messengers. Love Father.
Come Holy Trinity, 3/13/14
This is Mary your Beloved Mother. I love you My son and all Our children. Your country is now sitting on a scale
balancing back and forth. It could fall any way at any time, My son. The elite one world people are trying their
best to make it fall now. Tell everyone that only prayer can stop this total collapse.
My children still refuse to give up their worldly pleasures and stop sinning and giving satan more power. Very few
people are trying to stop sinning in a big way and tying to get more away from the ways of the world and start
following Jesus. We in Heaven are doing all that is possible to save your country, America, from total collapse.
But the people have to stop sinning and pray more. My Father wants to speak.
My son, this is your Father in Heaven who made you and all children on earth. I come to tell you, if it was not for
you and all the remnant children who are praying so hard, your country would be in the hands of the one world
people this very day, but all the suffering My friends are doing for their God is holding satan back from
accomplishing his goal in his time that he was hoping for.
Please tell all your friends to keep praying for a stop to abortion and all the sins of the flesh. Your country is
gaining a small bit from very few people. My hand are still ready to crush a lot of the evil places in the country, so
keep praying that not all is lost. Your loving Father to a lot of sick children in America.
Please pray that no more states pass laws for same sex marriage because with passage of this law in more
states it will lead to more severe chastisements for your country. Abortion is enough to let your God let you be


taken over by your enemy. But adding more sins on top of that by letting your leaders at the state level pass
these laws just adds extra chastisement to your country.
Pray that your state leaders do not all follow the federal government. If they do, it will be a total collapse for your
country except for the refuges. Your Father with a very sad heart. I love you and all My children so much. Please
pray for all your leaders not to listen to their leader who is controlled totally by satan and the antichrist. Love,
Come Holy Trinity, 3-7-14
My most beloved son and children, I am your God and the God of all the children on the face of the earth. The
time of the earth as you know it is running out. You are ready to see suffering and destruction like the world has
ever seen. My people say there is no God. My children you are about to witness things that no one would ever
believe. My son writing this is writing because of an experience he had over 30 years ago that changed his life
for God for the rest of his life. My children when you go into such turmoil that you cannot cope or understand
what is going on, there is just one place to scream, and that is to your God who made you.
Keep My name on your lips in a good way and scream to Me when your life is upside down, for I am the only
one who can help you. I can save your soul from the pits of hell and take you to the paradise of Heaven just by
your asking Me, your God, to forgive you all the sins you have committed against Me, your God, with a forgiving
heart. If Catholic, it has to be to one of My priest sons.
There are millions of Catholics who do not go to confession and they can lose their soul by not following the
sacraments that were given to save their souls. Do not take lightly the sacraments of the Catholic Church if you
are a Catholic. You cannot call yourself a Catholic and not believe in the sacraments and the graces they bring
to you. I ask every Catholic to get to confession this Lent. If it has been 50 years or 1 year, your Catholic duty is
to go to confession at least one time a year or anytime you commit a mortal sin.
Anyone Catholic needs confession every month to keep in a state of grace and not risk the fires of hell. My son
is tired of pleading for his God, and his God is tired of telling His people all the time to ask for Gods forgiveness.
The truth is, over half of the Catholics in the world have not been to confession in years, and if your life should
end this very day, you would go to hell unless you have many friends praying and suffering for your sins. Then
you would go to a deep purgatory where the suffering is like hell for years. My children, We in Heaven are
getting tired of begging for the time is short and you must change now. There is no standing on the fence
anymore. It is time to beg God from Heaven or go to Hell by your own free will. This is all We can say. Please
read the Bible and save your soul. Please read a good religious book as My son is doing. Your Loving Father.
**The book that he just finished was: Revival Or Judgment, Which Will You Choose For Our Country? by Bob
Come Holy Trinity, This is your Jesus, 3/5/14

My son I have confirmed to you in the last few days what you and your friends next step isto
start preparing for your next project. I have given to you and confirmed it in writing from your
friends. I am giving part of your area a short blessing of weather before more comes, just for the
sake of the prayer warriors and those who are listening. They are totally worn out from spiritual
warfare and the long winter. I am giving them the next step in the spiritual battle in the tribulation
so they can start to prepare for it. I give all My children that are listening, step by step information
before it happens so they can be ready to take care of and to help the ones who are not listening
to cope with the next step.
The next step will make your winter look like it was very easy. Things are going to continue to
worsen all over the world so please prepare to be without food, water, and electricity at times, in
many places, because the evil people are going to take America down as soon as I your God will
give them the permission, because of all of the sin of the world and especially of America, because
America was given many extra blessings to start as a Christian country.
So the time is now for more destruction to start after a brief break of time. No country will be
blessed who kills their babies and passes laws to do so. The womb is the most sacred ground in

your country next to the Tabernacle in which I am truly present. Each time a state passes another
law on same sex marriage, there will be many consequences for that state. My children start
speaking up loud and clear against these laws in your states and refuse to obey any of
Obamacare that is against the Ten Commandments. All Christians know what the truth is because
it is etched in their heart by God. Stop doing your will and start living Gods will.
Free will was given because your God will not hold you as a slave like satan does. But, your free
will will take you to hell if you give your free will all to satan. Most of My children live in either Gods
will, satans will, and their will or all three. My children you must start living in Gods will and your
will and then start to try to live in just Gods will.
To enter Heaven, you must be purified in purgatory until all of your will and satans will have been
purified from your soul and you have done all the suffering for past sins before going to Heaven.
Other people still on earth can get you out of purgatory much faster if they have Masses said for
you, and prayers, or offer suffering up for you or for all the poor souls. Plenary indulgences can
help get you out quicker and also saying the rosary. These are just a few of the ways mentioned.
There are many that will help. This is all for today, My children. This is the first day of Lent, Ash
Wednesday. Try to give up some sins for Lent. Your Loving Jesus. I love you all.
Come Holy Trinity, 2/27/14
My dearly beloved son this is your Sweet Jesus. I love all of you dearly. My son I am with you in a special way
when you write. I wish to be with all My children in this special way so they can hear me when I talk to them. But
they have to sit down and listen to hear Me and be in a state of sanctifying grace. I ask all My children to get to
Confession at least once a month and if they get in a state of mortal sin to go more often if necessary so they will
not be in a state of mortal sin if they happen to die.
It is very important for My children to start to live in the Will of God in the serious time that the world is in now.
The time of your country and your world is very serious now. The technology is so advanced that thousands
even millions of people could die at one time. Not only from the technology, but from the main fault lines in your
country that are under much pressure and could shift at any time and cause a major earthquake which could
cause a major tsunami. Also the earth is under much pressure in the areas where the volcanoes could erupt and
kill many people. In Revelations it tells about how the earth will be in such upheaval in the end times, which we
are in now. Everyone should try to stay in a state of grace at all times for the sake of your soul. Your Loving
Jesus. Your Mother wants to talk.
My son, this is your Sweet Mother of Love and Mercy that the Trinity is passing all of their graces through in
these end days. The Trinity chose Me, Jesus Mother, to bring Jesus into this world and Jesus gave me to all
children of the earth from the Cross to be their Mother. The Most Holy Trinity chooses to pass all graces that go
out into the world through Mother Mary. The Trinity also chooses all prayers that are said on earth to come back
to their Mother before they go to the Trinity to add more blessings to the prayers of My children so I can give the
Trinity more love through My childrens prayers.
People do not want to believe that the children of the earth are Jesus Mothers children, but He chose to give
them to His Mother. God can do anything He chooses to do because He is God. Please do not put My son and
the Most Holy Trinity in a box and think that they think like you or I think because there is no time frame in Gods
time. He can do whatever He wants, whenever He wants for the sake of the salvation of His children. Yes, they
are His children and My children (Mother Mary) and also your children in Gods way of thinking because We are
all One Body in Christ.
When you sin do not think you are just hurting yourself. You are hurting all of Our children. When you do
something good, you are helping all Gods children. We are all responsible for each other in this life. So, please
start helping one another instead of putting each other down. When you put someone else down for any reason
you really put yourself down more than the one you condemn in the eyes of Heaven. If you are not walking in
someone elses shoes, you do not know what you would do if you were in their shoes. It is proper to correct
others for their sins, but tell them in a good way but do not do it behind their backs, and keep loving them for the
person they are. You must love the sinner but hate the sin they commit and pray for them. This is all for now. My
Son and your Loving Mother.


Come Holy Trinity, 2/23/14

My most beloved son, I love you and all My children. Tell My children they need to start to trust more on their
God than on the ways of the world. The way of the world has taken you to the depths of sin that has never been
expressed on earth since the beginning of time. Sin is at its greatest since the beginning of the world. I have
talked about this era that we are in for 2000 years and it is spoken about in Revelations.
My children you are now living Revelation. It is talked about all through the Bible from all the old time prophets.
Please start reading the Bible more because this will explain what is happening on earth now at this time. All the
messages being given from Heaven, if the messenger is of God, will just confirm the Bible and the teaching on
the Catholic Church and the Sacraments. God started the Sacraments at the Last Supper and His death on the
Cross to give the Church and His people the graces necessary to live the Ten Commandments and stay in a
state of grace here on earth so they can be happy in Heaven some day.
The Sacrament of Confession was given to let people who commit sin to purify their soul again and to get back
in sanctifying grace so they are able to receive the fullness of His sacrament again. My children you must go to
Confession if Catholic after committing a mortal sin or a deadly sin before you go to Communion again and
commit another mortal sin. If Catholic or Christian, you should know what a mortal sin is. A mortal sin is any sin
against the Ten Commandments with the knowledge that the sin you commit. You know it is a mortal sin, you
decide to do it anyway knowing it is mortal, and you do it anyway with your own free will without the force of any
other person forcing you to do it without your consent. It has to be done by you without anyone forcing you
through drugs, or their strength, or any means that you have no control over. And if it is a mortal sin, you need to
kneel down if Christian or Catholic and ask Gods forgiveness as soon as possible. And if Catholic, you need to
go to Confession to a Catholic priest and confess it to the best of your ability and receive absolution. Do your
penance with sorrow from your heart, then you can go back to receive Communion again because your soul is
clean and pure. It is just like washing a dirty floor. It gets dirtier and dirtier until you scrub and wash the dirt away.
Water and soap washes the dirt away from your body. Confession washes the dirt of sin off your soul. My
children this message of today is a message of life or death for all My children. This will help you understand
what the truth of the Ten Commandments really is. Your Father in Heaven through My Beloved Son, Jesus.
Love, Father.
Come Holy Trinity, 2/22/14
This is your Most Beloved Mother. I love you and all My children dearly. Thanks for all you are doing for your
Mother and continue to pray and fast much for souls. Tell everyone to pray and fast much because the one world
people are about to make a major move that will destroy your country as you know it now. They are in control of
most of your world leaders. Be ready for anything, it is very close. Your Loving Mother
My most beloved son, this is your Sweet Jesus. My children are not listening to all the warnings, especially
My children who are living in the sins of the flesh, especially premarital sex and homosexuality. They will not
change until they feel the pains of hell during the Warning. They want to have sex with whoever they want
whenever they want and they kill the baby if they conceive and they think nothing of it.
These people run all the time and keep so busy doing the work of satan that they do not have time to think.
Satan has many of My children running after so many things that they have no idea of what they are even doing.
They act like animals without a brain. Satan tries to keep them in this state so they do not have any time to even
think about their life. If they get bored, he just sends them on another round of sin that gets them in deeper in the
sins of hell. Then he gets them on drugs so they cannot think at all. Then down, down they go until they are in
the pit of hell and not able to even help themselves anymore. This is when My beloved children who are listening
have to help their brothers and sisters get back on the right track after satan has taken them all the way to the
bottom feeding them his false peace and lies that would take them to hell if they did not start listening to My
beloved children who are walking on the path of Jesus and Mary.
My children youve got to change to be saved. Please change before satan takes you to the bottom where you
have to be pulled out by My beloved children of God. That is why I say to you change now instead of later
because the longer you go on this path, the harder your lives will be and the harder to change. It is a lot easier to
climb a mountain when you start at the middle then when you let satan take you all the way to the bottom and
then have to change. It will be next to impossible for some without a lot of grace and prayers from your brothers
and sisters through your God who made you.
Satan is like a parasite that feeds off all of Gods children. He has no power except what he convinces My
children to give him through sin. You, My children are giving him your power which is Heavens power that you


gave to satan instead of to God and it makes all My childrens lives harder because We are all One Body In
Christ. You only pull your brothers and sisters down when you feed off of satans lies.
The Ten Commandments are the truth and nothing but the truth. If you are not following the Ten Commandments
you are feeding satans lies to your brothers and sisters. It is as simple as this. If you follow the Ten
Commandments you will get to see the path of God that leads to Heaven, then you will be led to many other holy
things that come from the grace of God to His children and everyone will become happy and healthy in this life
as well as the next in Heaven. This is your loving Jesus. Amen.
Come Holy Trinity, 2/20/14
This is Mary the Mother of God. My most beloved children and son. I come today to give thanks to God the
Father and all My children living on earth who are helping Us in Heaven. I especially give thanks and a special
blessing to all who are helping My son in the mission I and Jesus have given to My son which is a very big
All of the most beautiful and generous children that are doing a lot of his work for and with him I give a very
special blessing to all of you today. The blessings of Medjugorje are very special blessings from God the Father
through His Mother Mary to all the children that go to Medjugorje. I give the same special blessing to the refuge
of the Holy Family this day. Thanks for all My children that have helped Me build this refuge. There have been
many physical and spiritual gifts that given to Heavenly Hill to help this refuge to be successful. It took many
rosaries and Masses from hundreds of people to make this into a refuge for the end times. I and The Trinity
thank and bless all the people who have helped there. This blessing is a special blessing for all who have been
there and helped and it will continue to be given to every person that steps foot on the property until the Era of
Peace begins.
Thank you My children, you have helped Heaven save thousands of souls from going to hell but your main work
is just beginning for there are millions more who need to be saved. Continue to pray and help financially if
possible for there are many spiritual and physical things that still need to be done. This goes for all of our
refuges from Heaven. Do not think that your job is ever done because it continues on every day until the Era of
Peace. These refuges have to be kept up and maintained and very few of My refuge owners have any extra
finances to do this. This all has to come from the love of My childrens hearts. This is your loving Mother from all
of Heaven. We are doing Our part, please My children do yours. Love, Mom.
Come Holy Trinity, 2/19/14
My most beloved son, this is Mother Mary. I come to tell you I love you and all My children dearly. My son gave
your country a serious message yesterday. I came to confirm it was from My Son, Jesus. He loves all our
children so dearly that He died on the Cross for all of you. I and My son, Jesus, suffered the same suffering at
the Crucifixion. He suffered the physical and spiritual suffering and I also suffered the spiritual and physical
suffering in My heart and soul as He went through His suffering.
My beloved children the world has no idea how much We suffered to make sure your would not go to hell, but to
Heaven. My children please think of just one of your children, if you thought they would go to hell for all eternity.
You would do everything possible for them to try to save them and save their soul. My Son gave all His children
on the earth that ever was or ever will be to His Mother from the Cross. I ache for every one of your souls to be
saved. Please, My children for My Sons and My sake, ask forgiveness for your sins and turn around and live for
Christ. If you could look down into hell like we from Heaven can do, and see all the terrible suffering, you would
change. This is going to happen My children soon in a grace that has never been given to the world before or
ever again, where you will be taken out of your physical body and put into your spiritual body and see just where
you would go if you died at that moment. You will see all your sins and good deeds that you have done all your
life and be shown and feel the pain that you would feel for all eternity if you died at that minute if in mortal sin.
You will also see the pain if you were going to purgatory at that minute and then be purified in purgatory until you
were ready to go to Heaven.
My beloved children you have to be purified before you can go to Heaven. There is no sin in Heaven. Everything
is pure and holy and beautiful. We suffer in our hearts in Heaven for the ones that are living in mortal sin to help
change you, and we pray for all on earth from Heaven to give you the extra grace to get to Heaven with us. My
son did not have to suffer on the Cross for all of you, but he did it for all His love for every one of you. My
beloved children we are going to pray and beg for you until you take your last breath so you will have the grace
to say yes to Jesus. I want to be with you and all the saints and angels in Heaven. Your loving Mother with a
sorrowful heart for all My children that are living in mortal sin. Mortal means deadly, deadly sin that will take you
to hell or deep purgatory. Your Loving Mother and all of Heaven. Thanks, Mom.


Come Holy Trinity, with Your words only, 2/18/14 12:00 Noon
Your JesusMy dearly beloved son, I love you and all Our children from Heaven dearly. Please continue to keep
doing what you and your friends are doing. I know all of you are worn out after this winter. It is not the winter that
is wearing you out, but the attacks of satan for all you are doing to save souls. This was a good winter for saving
souls because when people are hurting and have more time to think, they begin to look at their lives and wonder
what they are doing. They begin to see that what they are doing is only worldly and they have nothing to fall
back on when the going gets tough. It will continue to be this way until My children start to pray and give thanks
for all they have been given. My children keep wanting more and more each day and they think it will make them
happy. But, it only becomes more baggage that they have to carry. Children start giving away all the worldly
baggage that you do not need and start helping the poor. Then confess all the spiritual baggage to your God and
start living in the spirit. The only reason you keep running from one high to another in worldly things, or satan
things to be more correct, is because you get tired of one thing and then go to something more sinful. Do you
really think that abortion or same sex marriage is something to make you free? It only takes you deeper into
slavery. Then you see what else you can get into that is more sinful. There is no peace in going against the Ten
Commandments or the Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church. It only brings you more pain in your lives. The
only reason you do this and try to take others with you, is because you know in your heart that you are going the
wrong way and you will do anything to keep from admitting what you know in your heart is wrong. Stop now and
turn around and ask Gods forgiveness and do not look back. The Warning that is talked about in Revelations is
about to strike the whole world and there will be only one way out, and that will be to admit what you already
know in your heart. The Warning will show the whole truth, and nothing but the truth of God, which is the Ten
Commandments and the Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church which you already know in your heart
because your God put them in you before you were born and still within Gods heart. We all were made at the
beginning of time when God made everything and God chose a job for each of us and put us on the earth at the
time that we were needed there, in the mothers womb that He chose for us, with the talents we needed to make
the world a better place to live. Any of this that you are denying is from satan and it is a lie from satan to steal
you from Heaven and take you to hell for all eternity. Please listen now and change because when the Warning
comes you will have to make a choice for God in Heaven or satan or hell. My children it will be much easier to
change now than later for the longer you go, the harder it will be to change. You must get off of the fence now
and get off on the right side of the fence as I your God beg you, or fall off on the left side with satan. The good
thief on my right on the cross looked at Me and asked forgiveness and said he was a sinner and is now in
Heaven with me. The other thief would not admit he was a s sinner and I could not forgive him because of his
free will and he is now in hell. The choice is yours, My children, but I will not hold you slaves. It has to be your
choice. You choose where you go, not I your God. I want all of you to go to Heaven but you have to say yes to
Jesus. I want you, not satan or hell. Your loving Jesus from heaven with all your friends. Please choose Heaven.
Love from all of Heaven, your Jesus. Come Holy Trinity,
2/18/14, 4:00 pm
My beloved son, I want you to continue the message, this is your Sweet Jesus. My dear children satan has
convinced you that if you can get a lot of other people on your side, you can do anything you want to do and it is
okay. Your Jesus was also tempted on earth as satan tried to convince Me that he would give Me the whole
kingdom if I would jump off the mountain even though I was God. And I said be gone satan, and he left. Satan
has taken so many of My beloved children into such deep sin that they do not even think they are sinning. The
next step he will lead you to the highest mountain and he will tell you to follow him and he will walk off the side of
the mountain. Are you going to say that everyones doing it? So you let him walk you straight to the pit of hell
right off the mountain. This is how sick many of My children are in this age. It is just like before Noah and the
flood. They think they are god with all the technology they have. They think they can do anything they want and
still be saved. My children there is a hell, there is a purgatory, and there is a Heaven. Please make the right
choice for it is for all eternity, not just a few years as you live here on earth. Love, love, and more love, Jesus.
Come Holy Trinity, 2/11/14
My most beloved son, this is your Sweet JesusJesus, who you love so much, with My Mother, Mary. We are
giving you a day of rest. Thank you, Jesus, I needed it. My son the suffering was needed for all the sins and
turmoil going on in your world. Satan has been having a field day trying to destroy your relationship with Russia
through the most sinful news media. This should be a time for your countries to make peace, and your media is
trying to tear apart all that should be accomplished during these times.
Your news media is controlled by satan himself, through just a few people. All that comes from your news is
controlled or twisted from the truth of America or Russia. There job is to stir things up between the two
countries. If the people working in it do not say just the right thing the way they are told, they are fired. It is just
the same in all of your military. They all are being controlled by your president and the one world people.
Thanks to good leaders in your military, your country is still standing and not at war. Many good men have lost


their jobs and all their jobs savings for the good of your country . Please pray for them very much for many of
them have already been killed in mysterious ways and many more are at risk yet who are speaking up and
telling the truth. You have many good men giving up their lives in your country for telling the truth, and the whole
truth about what your government has done to the people the last several years. Your people have not been told
the truth about anything except through ways that only a few would understand. Satan has told lie after lie after
lie to cover up the truth in your country. Now people are starting to stand up for the truth even knowing they will
be killed. The truth is coming out and satan will become more vicious until he will try to destroy your whole
country. But remember, I am God, and I AM in control. I, God, may let you lose some battles for the sake of
your souls, but the final battle is Mine, your Gods. You know what the final outcome will be. Stay with your God
and end up in Heaven, or follow the easy way now and end up in hell forever. Your Loving Trinity.
Come Holy Trinity, 2/10/14
My most beloved son, this is your Sweet Jesus. Thanks for all of your suffering, it is helping Heaven save souls.
Please continue to suffer it up for the salvation of souls. We love you all from Heaven. Love, Jesus.
Come Holy Trinity, 2/9/14
My love My beautiful one, I love all My children dearly. Thank them for all the extra prayers that My children
who are listening are saying. It is saving more souls. Love, Jesus.
Come Holy Trinity, 2/8/14

My most beloved son, I love you dearly. Tell all My children thanks for praying and begging My
Mercy more. Heaven has received more prayers lately. This is good for your country. I love all of
you dearly. Love, Jesus.
Come Holy Trinity, 2/5/14
My beloved son this is your Jesus of Love and Mercy. I am with you. Tell all My children I love them dearly. The
weather is part of the chastisement for the sins of the world. This is just a start. The weather will continue and
also you will see a major earthquake in the world caused by the HAARP machine. Then you will see the church
start to split. Then the wars in the Middle East will escalate and lead to a world war.
My children these are just a few of the things that will happen soon. People are getting worse every day. The
states are pushing for gay marriage rites and anything they can do to mock their Jesus. As I have told My
children, time has run out for all the blessings for those who are not praying and working for the One True God.
Satan wants to destroy the whole world and all the people in it and take as many to hell as possible. Children
you are not listening to your God and all these things I just mentioned are here and happening one at a time,
and they will begin to happen so often you will not be able to get things back in order before another one will
happen. These are being caused by all the sins of the world through satan. The only way they can be slowed
down is through much prayer from all the people who know how to pray from their hearts. There are so few
people who really take time to pray that they cannot hold back the chastisement any longer. Satan will be able
to continue to destroy things in the world one thing after another until I give you the Warning when your world is
in shambles. Your Loving God to a very, very, very sick world. You are now teaching another generation of
young kids these same sins of the great past generations and at a very young age when they should not even
be aware of such sickness. This is another final warning from Heaven. Love from Heaven, but the earth and its
people will suffer dearly especially all the top elite leaders who have sold their souls to satan. Love, Jesus.
Sorry, it is here.
Come Holy Trinity, 2/4/14
My most beloved children, this is Mother Mary. Thanks for all your prayers this weekend. They saved a lot of
people from dying. Many of My children were inconvenienced because of all the plane delays but thanks to all
the prayers, satan did not get his way with the attacks. My children, I have told you that prayer would stop wars,
and this weekend your prayers did stop a war from happening. Many people were delayed and mad, but their
lives were saved because of all the prayer. This gives them another chance to save their souls. This is all. My
Son will speak.
My love, my beautiful son and children. Thanks to all My children on earth and all of Heaven, another battle was
won. It will still be suffering and pain for many of My children through the weather and inconveniences, but
much less pain than it could have been if My faithful would not have prayed and sacrificed for the sins of their
brothers and sisters.
Keep expecting bad weather and some natural disasters but keep praying so they can be lessened a little. But
they will still be very trying to most people, especially those who are not listening. This is all for now. Keep

listening and tell all your brothers and sisters to keep listening. Not what is coming from the world of television,
but from the world through My messages, and some radio talk shows, and some Tea Party people who are still
tuned to God.
God the Father gives a special blessing to all the people in the world. In the name of the Father, the Son, and
the Holy Spirit. God bless all of you (make the sign of the cross as you read this blessing from God the Father).
Come Holy Trinity with Heavens words through the Power of the Holy Spirit, 2/2/14
My most beloved son and children, this is your Jesus of love and mercy. My children it is the hour of mercy in
My time. Please use this mercy to get your souls back in a state of grace. For many their god is sports. This
will only take you as far as hell. Look at all the people who follow the gods of sports, especially on super bowl
Sunday. Sunday is the day for God and look how many people will do anything possible to see this game. They
will miss Mass and do anything to get to the game and not even think about their religious duties to Me their
Your sins have taken a toll on your country. The weather will continue to get worse until it will destroy your
economy. The evil one is having a field day, not only in the football game today, but all over your country
because so many of My children have sold their souls to satan through abortion, homosexuality, greed, power,
lust, lies and the lack of truth which is causing all, all of them. People of today think that if they show love to their
neighbors they can commit any and all the sins they want and it does not hurt anyone, and all of the Ten
Commandments that are broken not only hurts your neighbor but kills their souls because We are all One Body
in Christ. If one sins in a big way it pulls all the others down and they have to carry a bigger load. Do not even
think what you do is right if it is not grounded through the Ten Commandments of God. The Ten
Commandments are the laws that God set up for the laws of the land and the laws for every person on the face
of the earth. If you not living within the Ten Commandments you are living in serious sin and must go to
confession if Catholic, or straight to God in Heaven if not, and beg His mercy. If you do not do this you will end
up in hell or in a deep level of purgatory.
Anyone who believes in Heaven has to believe in hell and purgatory. There cannot be a Heaven if there is not a
hell. And there has to be a purgatory if there is a Heaven and hell. You cannot get to Heaven until every sin is
made up for in the purification of your body and soul because God is perfect and you must be purged and
purified in purgatory to be able to meet God face to face. Love Jesus. My Mother wants to speak.
My most beloved children, please listen to the Mother of your Jesus. We are begging and trying to teach you
why your world is in such a mess and everyone feels this mess. More than the majority of your world is now
living in deep sin and God will now take everything that is not good for your body and soul away. Can you not
see this is why all the natural disasters and crimes of your world are happening? This is from the sins of the
world, not from God. He is just permitting it because of your sins. God does not go against free will. The world
has brought all of this upon themselves and tied up Jesus hands like on the Cross because they did not want to
do the will of the Father. God will not go against your free will because He will not hold you as a slave. Once
you sell your soul to satan you are his slave until you go to confession and ask Gods forgiveness and repent
before God can then take you back and give you the graces to live back within Gods will. This is enough for
now. Love from Mother Mary and all of Heaven.
Come Holy Trinity, 2/1/14
My most beloved son, this is Mary your Most Beloved Mother. All of us in Heaven are with a very heavy heart
this day. What My Beloved Son just told you is true (extremely serious private message given earlier this
Pray, pray, and pray to save souls for many are at stake if this happens, and it could very easily if My Father in
Heaven gives satan the permission to let it happen. But, prayer can stop anything from happening as you have
seen in the past few months, for things as big as this have been planned many times in the past. Just keep
praying for Gods will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Love, Mom.


Come Holy Trinity, 1/28/14
My most beloved son this is your Sweet Jesus. My Father in Heaven has given you a harsh warning and My
Mother has given you much love to ask for. I am giving you My Body and Blood. What more can you want?
Listen to all of Us through the Power of the Holy Spirit and you will hear from My Mother to pray the rosary and


from My Father to be obedient to the Father, love Him with all your heart, mind, and soul and yes fear him as you
would a good father.
I am your Jesus of love and mercy, please repeat My name over and over when sick or you cannot sleep, in
pain, in joy and in any trouble that you or the world might be facing. This is the answer to all things. It is too
simple for the educated to believe. They think that knowledge is the answer, but I Jesus say unto you, the wise
and the rich, to become as little children if you wish to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Pray to the Most Holy
Trinity Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to remove the scales from your eyes and the rock from your heart and
become as a little child that depends on its mother and start depending on your Father in Heaven. No
government or money or fame in the world will get your world back on track because they have mostly sold their
souls to satan. Come to Me and the Most Holy Trinity and Mother Mary and ask all the angels and saints and
poor souls in purgatory to help you. You can do nothing on your own to win this battle against the devil without
total trust in God who made you and Me, the Father in Heaven who always was, always will be and always
remains the same. Your Loving Jesus to a very sick world and people.
If it was not for the remnant souls praying now, your world would have already been destroyed as satan would
like. But My Father and your Father loves you too much to let satan have his way. Change now for My Father
and your Father or sin more and suffer more. But in the end, God the Father is the only one that will win with the
souls that chose to call Him Father and be in the new era of peace to repopulate the earth with Him. This is your
Loving Jesus in a heart with all of Heaven around Me telling the people on earth the whole truth and nothing but
the truth, so help Me God, My Father and yours. Thanks, Jesus.
Come Holy Trinity, 1/24/14
My most beloved son and children, this is God the Father speaking this message today. My children in America
are complaining about the weather and the harsh winter. My Mother and all the saints and angels from Heaven
have been protecting and warning your country for years. As I have told you in the past messages that your God
from Heaven and Earth who controls everything is sick of the sins of your country. I told you that the graces to
America would be withdrawn if the people did not stop abortion and stop living in the sins of the flesh. Who in
their right mind could believe that it is right to kill a baby in the womb, the most sacred place on earth next to the
Tabernacle? Who could possibly believe that it could be right to want to marry another person of the same sex?
You people of America who believe this way have sold your souls to satan and will burn in the fires of hell forever
if you do not repent and ask God for forgiveness for your sins before you die. I have given you free will and you
have sold your free will to satan to be his slave. All you would have had to do was give your will to your God and
you would have been happy with me on earth and in Heaven. The Bible tells you that you cannot have relations
with any other person except after the Sacrament of Marriage to someone of the opposite sex. Catholics, read
about the Sacraments of the Catholic Church and the Ten Commandmentsyes I am repeating past messages
because people of American are falling away more every day. The Catholic Church teaches that to be Catholic
you must go to Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation. It is a mortal sin when you know it is a sin and
choose to do it anyway. A mortal sin can take you straight to hell and it stops you from receiving the graces from
Heaven from God. My children, hell is forever for all eternity. Please stop and think what this means. Please
come to Me in confession if Catholic, or get on your knees and look up to Heaven if Christian and beg My
forgiveness as I, your God, am begging you because I love you so much and do not want to lose your souls.
Everything satan teaches is just the opposite of the law of God and the laws of the land in every country. Satan
starts you out with all the thrills and sins that make you feel high. Then you go from one thrill to another to get a
new high until you are in the most dirty things you can get into. This is why satan starts you out on an upside
down triangle. Gods triangle starts you out with a triangle with a large base of stone for the foundation and then
it works its way up to the point that represents Heaven at the top. Satans triangle starts you out at the high
point and then it gets heavier and heavier until all the weight is on the top and then you crumble over into the pit
of hell or if you are wise and listen when you crumble and fall and ask and beg Gods forgiveness God will then
take you in His loving arms and kiss you and forgive you and heal you and forgive all your sins and take you to
Heaven. Please listen My children, for the time is here and is now. We are in the last seconds of the time clock
set by Me, God the Father. Over half of the people of America and of the world are living in the pit of hell with
satan at this time. I have given you extra time, but that time has ended. This is why the weather and everything
else in your world is falling apart. Look around you, cant you see My children? That is all My son. Love and
kisses to all the children of the world. You choose Heaven or hell by your decisions on earth. Choose Heaven
God the Father asks that this Act of Contrition be printed and said from the heart for the souls of those do not
know one.


Oh My God, I am heartily sorry for all my sins. Because of them, I deserve the eternal pains of
hell; but most of all because I have offended Thee, my God, who are all good and deserving of
all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and
avoid the approximate occasion of sin and never to sin anymore. Amen.
Please say this from your heart. Love, Father.
Come Holy Trinity, 1/23/14
My most beloved son, this is Mother Mary and all the Holy Trinity. Tell My beloved daughter (she just returned
from Medjugorje) that I love her dearly. You two, and many others, are a fighting team for your Jesus. I have
setup more teams against satan just like in the army. For some battles I just use one team to protect my
territory. But for major battles, I use many teams together plus many of My angels and saints to get the job
finished. As you told her you are all carriers for your Sweet Jesus. You all take supplies and graces to a certain
place and bring graces and supplies back for the people who need them. My spiritual battles work just like the
physical battles on earth. The only difference is the spiritual battles for Heaven are for good of My childrens
souls. The battles of satan both spiritually and physically are for the destruction of all Gods children, souls and
bodies. Satan does not want anything saved that God has made. He wants to destroy all the earth and take
every soul to hell. I, your God, want to purify the earth and make every soul beautiful and happy and take them
into the new era of peace I talk about in the Our FatherGods will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Those
living on earth who are living in Gods will will see this new era of peace if I, your God, chooses you to live
through the great chastisements. If you are living in Gods grace and trying to do Gods will and asking
forgiveness for your sins you will end up in Heaven or live in the new era of peace very soon so I your God am
begging you to get in a state of grace, ask forgiveness for your sins, and go to confession if Catholic. Then you
will know that you will be taken during the tribulation to Heaven or Purgatory or end up in the refuge and live in
the new era of peace. This is all for now. Love all the Holy Trinity and Mother Mary.
Come Holy Trinity, 1/22/14
My most beloved son, I love you dearly. This is your Sweet Jesus. I know you and all your friends are suffering
for the sins of the world and for the sake of saving souls. We from Heaven will give you the grace to continue to
go on even though you are all tired and weary. Things are going in Gods time and Gods plan as you know.
Satan is not getting everything done that he intended to. Heaven is gaining some ground for the sake of souls
and to stop abortion. Many are in Washington today to protest and this makes Us happy in Heaven.
We are with all of you in this battle for souls. It will continue to get worse for satan is losing ground and
becoming most vicious. He will sacrifice everything to try to win as a major battle, but he knows down deep he
will never win against God. He knows he will take some of his demons with him, but he will never be able to
take Gods children who said yes to God. God will protect all who ask Him for forgiveness and grace. Please do
not be one of those who do not ask forgiveness. Satan will never forgive, but your God will always forgive you.
Love from Heaven. Thanks.
Come Holy Trinity, 1/19/14
My most beloved son, it is I Mary your Mother from Heaven, and for all My children on earth. I want to thank
you for writing the hard message yesterday. My Son wishes to speak today.
My beloved son. What you received yesterday is from your Father in Heaven. Things are about to happen that
will shake the foundation of your earth and also the foundation of your soul if not grounded deep within the rock
of your God. No more will lukewarm Christians or Catholics that think they will just follow the world will be able
to survive the shock from the earth or the shock that their soul will feel when your God presents the Warning and
the Illumination of Conscience to all His children. I tell all My children again that you MUST get your soul in a
state of grace. For Catholics it means going to confession and confessing to a priest the sins you remember.
And for Christians, look up to God with deep sorrow in your heart and tell God your sins and ask forgiveness and
try not to do them again. And confess them each time you sin against God with sorrow in your heart. For all
those who do not know how to ask, I ask others to ask forgiveness for every soul on the face of the earth and
they will be given the graces to say yes to God during the Warning through the prayers and the graces from their
brothers and sisters. Father wishes to speak.


My beloved son, I love all My children dearly but they MUST make a strong repentance from their heart to be
saved. Others can help them by their prayers and graces but it still has to come from their heart as they say,
Jesus please forgive me for all the sins and wrong things I have sinned against you and I love you dearly and do
not want to go to hell. I am giving you these words so they have an idea how to talk to their Father in Heaven
and ask forgiveness. This is all My son. Thanks for listening. Tell them to read the 10 Commandments and the
sacraments. This will help the ones that can get these books to read. And also tell the ones who can get a bible
to read it and that will help you get to where you need. Thanks, Father.
Come Holy Trinity, 1/18/14
My most beloved son and children this is Mother Mary through the Heart of the Most Holy Trinity. As you know,
My son, the prayers of My remnant faithful has held off many attacks on America that would have crippled it by
now if it would not have been for the prayers. Please keep encouraging My children to keep praying as much as
they can to lessen the major attacks from satan on your country. Your country is going to fall but pray hard that
it is not in winter for it will be much harder for My children to survive. Satan knows that we are now on his time
that he has been allotted and he is very desperate to get your country in martial law so he can torment them for
a larger time before satan and all the elect and evil people fall.
My son We are praying from Heaven for all of you more than ever before. Please encourage all of Our children
to ask and beg for these prayers from Heaven and use them for the salvation of all of Our children. The flu
viruses and the diseases are being put in the air and the flu shots are being given as you write. The plan to take
out your electric to much of your country is being planned again by the one world people for their first plan has
been stopped by the prayers of the faithful and by the angels from Heaven stopping them before they could get
it done.
The chip is being pushed by your leaders and president to get through and take over all your country. The
leaders of America, Canada, and Mexico are about to meet and decide when they will turn over their countries to
the one world government. Things are moving fast but not nearly as fast as the evil side wants it. You are being
blessed with more time before the takeover and less time for the evil to rein. Pray and beg all your brothers and
sisters to pray so the time of evil is lessened even more. Thanks for listening My son. This is your Mother Mary
through the heart of the Most Beloved Trinity. Love, Mary.
Come Holy Trinity, 1/14/14
This is Mary, your beloved Mother. My most beloved children, I love all of you dearly and all things dearly that
God made except for the sins of the world and the sins of satan and the fallen angels. My Son wants to talk.
My most beloved son and all My beloved children, I love all of you dearly. Please pray more for the world and
for your brothers and sisters. I love all of them dearly. The time is here and now. Please do not doubt, My son.
I keep confirming you through other people. It is very good to listen to everyone who you trust and get
discernment from others you trust, if in doubt. As long as you listen and discern, I will protect you and your
writings. I will not let satan have his way with you as long as you listen. It is when you think you know it better
than God I will let you stumble and fall to teach you to be more cautious. You have been listening, My son and I
and all of Heaven will help you keep from falling and letting others fall. I love all My children dearly. Love
Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. I needed these words.
A number of people have asked that the prayer before meals be sent out again.
A prayer from Jesus to protect from all contamination.
Before Meal Blessing
O Divine and Eternal Father, through the Most Precious Blood of Your Divine Son Jesus, we ask You to remove
anything that is not from You in our food, our water, the air, in the medicine in this household, and in our bodies
and souls and replace it with the pureness that was in the Garden of Eden before Adam and Eve sinned. Thank
you, Amen.
After Meal Prayer
We give thee thanks for this pure food from Thy bounty through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Come Holy Trinity, 1/13/14


My most beloved son, I love you dearly and all My beloved children. My children need to hear from Me your
Mother Mary often now. You are all suffering much for the sake of souls. The children praying are not the only
ones suffering now. It has now moved to everyone suffering. The children not living Gods messages or His
Will will begin to suffer more each day. Things of earth will not satisfy them. The things of earth will satisfy them
less each day. They will try to find something on earth to help them feel better, but the only thing that will help
them feel better is to get their soul back in the state of sanctifying grace and to start helping their brothers and
I told you yesterday that it is just the grace from Heaven that will help you now. Everything from earth will just
take you down deeper into the pit of hell with more suffering. Please stop where you are and do a turnabout as
you were taught in the army and start going the other way which is uphill toward heaven and not downhill toward
hell. My children We love all of you dearly and We do not want to lose any of you to satan. We will keep
begging you until the last breath of your life so you do not have to live in the terrible tortures of hell for all
eternity. This is all for now, Mother Mary, your real Mother from Heaven and from the Foot of the Cross where
My beloved Son died for all your sins wishing you would say yes to be saved. Love, love, and more love,
An hour later, God the Father continued.
My son, this is God the Father, the One who made all of Heaven and earth and all that was or ever will be from
the beginning to the end of time. I tell all My children that America was founded on the Ten Commandments and
as you remove the Ten Commandments from your laws, your foundation, your earth will fall. The Ten
Commandments were etched on stone and your country stands on stone. As you remove each one of the
Commandments, 10% of your foundation will crumble. Once you remove all of the Commandments from
America, America will be no more. This is your Father and Maker telling America, people of America stand up
now or you will be no more. God of All.
Come Holy Trinity, 1/11/14
My love My beautiful one, I love you and all My children dearly. Thanks for writing the last two messages when
you did not feel like it. My Son told you years ago that feelings and emotions do not mean anything. Obedience
is what matters. I am telling you for the sake of all who are reading these messages. In these times we are in,
do not expect to feel good or have a lot of good emotions at all times. In the days ahead there will be a lot of
suffering and a lot of temptations and harassment from satan. Focus your mind on things from above and on
being obedient to the will of My Father in Heaven. This is the only way you will be able to cope with a lot of the
things that are about to happen in America. Call out to Me your Mother or to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
You will not find strength in anything of earth except what comes straight from Heaven. Keep your mind focused
on Heaven and the truths of Heaven. Live the 10 Commandments and receive the sacraments as often as
possible. Try to get to confession as much as often as possible and to Mass on Sunday and any other day you
can. Your strength will come from the sacraments instituted by God. And call on your guardian angels at all
times. Also, unite with St. Michael and all the angels and saints in Heaven. Call on all of them to help you when
you need help. It will be all of Heaven that gets you through the great tribulation. This is a job you have to unite
with Heaven to come out of this. Heaven is your strength not evil from earth. Stay united with good holy people
you can trust and pray for all those who are living in deep sin. We want to save everyone on earth but everyone
has to ask for help and admit their sinfulness so we in Heaven can pass graces to them. Please read Psalm 46
and Psalm 51 with outstretched hands open to God's blessing. This is all for now. Love Mother Mary through
the heart of the Most Holy Trinity. This is another message to help all our children. Love from all of Heaven.
Come Holy Trinity, 1/10/14
This is you Most Beloved Mother, Mary. My son, I love you dearly. I know you are tired of all the waiting, but it
has to be this way to save more souls. I am with you at all times, My son and all My children that want Me to be
with them. Keep doing what you are doing just rest this winter as much as you can, and keep teaching Gods
children the truth and finish repairing the little things that come along that need done yet. Your loving Mother
Mary. My Son wants to speak.
My son I know you are feeling worn down like all My children who are trying to listen. Just call on your God for
extra grace when you feel down. Satan is very vicious now, because he knows he is losing everything he has.
He will become even more vicious but My grace is sufficient. Love Jesus.
Come Holy Trinity, 1/8/14
My love My beautiful one, this is Mother Mary, I love you dearly. Tell all My children Im watching over them
always. The time is here and now. Expect major things to happen now when many people will die. The time is
here and now. Love, Mom. My Son will speak.


My most beloved son, I know you are tired and weary, but I want to tell you thanks for all you are doing. Do not
put yourself down so much with the help of satan. I love you dearly and I am happy with your work. Keep up the
good work. Your loving Jesus. Father says Hi, He loves you dearly. Thanks from all of Heaven.
Come Holy Trinity, 1/5/14
Your Beloved Mother Mary
My love My beautiful one. I love all My children dearly. Please, all My beloved children, I ask you to please
listen closely this year. There will be many things happening that will test all to the limit this year. Without the
grace of God, it will be very hard for many to survive. Please repent now and get your soul in a state of grace.
Then start to get your physical world in order and start to get closer to God and away from the ways of the
My children need to get in the state of Gods grace and get out of a lot of the things of the world so they can start
to be happy even in natural disasters. Gods grace and peace is enough to get you through anything that
happens in this world. People nowadays put all their trust in the world and in things of the world. I, Mary, and
Jesus tell you to put all your trust in the spiritual God and all the help from the angels and saints that come
before you. Start reading the Bible and good Christian books and start throwing all of the books of the world
away. Worldly things get you just as far as the world and death. Heavenly things get you beyond the world and
let you see why you were put on the earth in the first place. God has a job and a plan for every one of his
children. You were put on the earth at this time because you were each one given special graces and blessings
for the times we are living in.
We are now in the last 3 years of the earth as you see it now. It will be changing every day till you will not
think it is a world and a land that anyone wants to live in. Satan will be permitted to continue to destroy the earth
and its people because they are not doing the will of the Father. God had a plan to keep the world safe and at
peace for everyone that is on the earth and everyone that has been aborted. Satan was given permission from
many people to follow his will not Jesus will, and as a result your earth will be destroyed.
You are now living in the era of time just like it was before Noah and the ark and the flood that cleansed the
earth so it would be purified again. We are now in that time again. The revelation and the 3 years are being
lived as Our son and your brother is writing. All of Heaven says again, to be ready for anything and get your soul
in order and prepare food, water, and necessary things to move to the selected refuges that God has prepared
to save some of His children to repopulate the earth again in the New Era of Peace that the Bible talks about.
This time is nearing and the New Era of Peace is just around the corner. Many will die just like in the time of
Noah and the arc and the great flood so please prepare your soul in 2014 so you will either be in Heaven or
purgatory or in the New Era of Peace. This is your Mother Mary speaking through My son to all My children on
earth. Love from all of Heaven, Mother of all Gods children. Amen.


Come Holy Trinity. Mary, the Blessed Mother, 12/17/13

My love My beautiful one, I love everyone dearly. You are all Our beloved children. Time will keep getting a lot
harder for all of My children We are starting to take things away from all of Our children the way We have told
you. This is the only way to start saving Our stubborn children. Many small things will begin to disappear in
America and then you will be stripped of everything that most of the people think they need to live. Then My
children will start to see how little they need to live in a world that has become so godless to the real God. My
people need to learn that they must work to eat if they are able. Government should have nothing to do with My
peoples living. It should come from good neighbors who share their love and goods with each other. My
children of America have become so lazy that they cannot see anything from God except a very few10% at
most. They have quit trusting God and do not follow the Commandments anymore. It will all be dealt with now.
Your God is very angry with America. The time has come as I have told many of My prophets in the last several
years. My Son has said, it is here and it now, and IT IS HERE & NOW. My Son wants to speak.


Children I have told you that you were all conceived in My Father in Heaven from the beginning of time when all
was designed. You were put in the womb of the mother I chose for you at the time that I wanted you on earth.
You were given the gifts and talents that were needed at the time that you were put on earth to make a
difference in the world to help the earth become a better place to live. But many of My children were aborted
because satan convinced My children that it was the right thing to do. My children, please come back to the
Father now while there is still some time left to repent before thousands will die in America. Please confess your
sins to Me, the God who made you, and I will forgive you with all My heart and all My love before Christmas, and
repent for your sins. I am a loving God, but I am also a just God. The more love you have for your children, the
more hate you have for sin. The justice of your God is just as extreme as your love. So please repent this very
day and ask My forgiveness, and I your God will forgive you instantly because My love is so great and I do not
want to lose even one of My children to the sins of the world.

Love, the Trinity and the Holy Family.

Come Holy Trinity, Your Beloved Mother Mary, the Mother of Jesus, 12/14/13
My most beloved son, I love you dearly. Tell all of Gods children that We love all of Our children dearly with all
of Our hearts. We send each of you a special blessing for Christmas. Christmas is all about Christ. Please
welcome everyone with Jesus name for Christmas. Everyone in the top places is trying to throw Jesus name
out of Christmas and do away with His name. This makes Us so sad in Heaven. Christs birth is what Christmas
is all about not all the shopping and running that so many of My children are doing. Please just stop and forget
about buying everything this Christmas and say a rosary for the ones you want to give something to and send
them a card and say that I said a rosary for you. Or, have a Mass said for them. They will be much happier with
this than any present you give them and 90% of all the presents that are given at Christmas nowadays is just
some more junk that no one will use or needs. This is your loving Mother asking you to do something special for
Heaven and all of your beloved friends for Christmas.

Love, love, and more love from all of Heaven. Thanks, son.

Come Holy Trinity,12/5/13

My beloved son, My children need to learn the Ten Commandments and the 7 Sacraments of the Catholic
Church if true Catholics. Tell them to read the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Ten Commandments, page

I am the Lord your God, you shall not have strange gods before Me


You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain


Remember to keep holy the Lords Day


Honor your father and your mother


You shall not kill


You shall not commit adultery



You shall not steal


You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor


You shall not covet your neighbors wife

10. You shall not covet your neighbors goods

These are the laws that were given from Heaven for all Christians to live by. This the law from Heaven that all
laws in your country, state, or local levels MUST live by if they want God, the Maker of All, to protect them and
keep their country in His Grace and protection of all the angels and saints. No ifs, ands & buts about it. This is
the law of the land. Follow it and your country will survive or condemn them and your country will fall as America
is about to do. No same-sex marriage... No abortion... No cloning of humans.... and many other things that I do
not have time to say right now. But this is the start of the truth, My beloved children. For all Catholics, I want
you to read page 311, #210 & #212 and it continues on until you get through the Sacraments. This is your
Father in Heaven, giving my son this information to give to all My children who want to call themselves
Catholics. If you do not believe the things that I just gave you, do not call yourselves true Catholics. You are just
Catholics by name and desire, but not by true faith and truth in what the Catholic Church teaches. My church is
called the One Holy Catholic & Apostolic Church. Do not go by just any name because it makes Us sad in
Heaven. Love your Real Father from Heaven who gave you life in the womb of your mother, just like I gave
Jesus life in the womb of Mary. This is all for now. This is enough to keep you busy for a long time.

Love, Love and more Love, Father with all of Heaven by My side.

The Holy Trinity, 12/5/13

My dear children, I wish for you who do not believe that things are getting worse and think the messages are all
the same, to read the messages below to just one of my sons and say that everything is the same.

Love, Father.

Come Holy Trinity, 12/4/13

My love, My most beautiful one, I love you and all your friends and all My children dearly. Tell all the Daughters
of the Lamb I love all of them for all they are doing. Son, I have told you that We want you to teach all of our
children . We will give you special messages from Heaven. Tell Our children that they must start loving each
other the way Heaven loves them. Go out of your way to do something good for your neighbor this Christmas.
Start putting friends and family before yourself and you will be much happier. You will also gain grace for all your
good works. Love, Mom. Father will speak.

Son, thanks for writing the hard message yesterday. It was needed to wake up My children. These messages
need to reach as many souls as possible. Tell everyone to ask prayer for every soul on the face of the earth
each day and send a blessing from Heaven from their Father to them. Our children have to learn Heavens
ways now not the earths ways. If all Our children died now very few would go to Heaven. Most of My children


of today would go to the lower parts of purgatory and some to hell. If it was not for the remnant souls praying so
much for the lost souls on earth many would go to hell if they died this very day.

My children do not go to Sunday Mass or to confession once a year. If Catholic, it is a mortal sin not to go to
Mass on Sunday or to confession once a year. If you are in mortal sin you could go straight to hell without the
prayers of the remnant few praying for your soul. My children, the messages are now to teach you to get your
life in order before you die. Please My beloved children go to confession if Catholic before the year ends. If not
Catholic, come to Me your God and make a good act of contrition to your God and be sorry for your sins. I am
begging with all My heart because a lot of people die every day of the year and there will be many major
disasters that could take thousands of souls to Heaven or purgatory or hell before the year end.
I am giving you the warning that we are now in the last 3 years of the great, great tribulation. Please for
Heavens sake get your soul in a state of grace. Come to Me and say, Father, I ask forgiveness for all my sins
from the moment I was conceived in the womb of my mother until this present moment. and do it from your
heart with all of your love. It can make the difference of being in hell for all eternity or being in Heaven in the
Fathers and the Mothers love forever. I am not kidding.

Love, Father

Come Holy Trinity, 12/3/13

My beloved child, this is your Sweet Jesus. I have been giving you some very harsh messages. Now I will
address the Daughters of the Lamb and all My children. The answer to all your problems, ask each of My
children who read these messages, to say each time they are troubled, in the Name of Jesus, and by the Power
of Jesus, through the Blood of Jesus, that Jesus cast out all evil and cast it to the Foot of the Cross with Jesus
and Mary, and ask them to dispose of them according to Gods Holy Will. This is the answer to the problems of
the world... prayer, prayer, and more prayer. It does not matter how many good things you are doing, works and
deeds, without prayer before them. They are sterile without prayer. We have told you My children time after
time to pray without stopping. Now I hope you will stop running from here to there constantly and really not
doing anything but fulfilling your own will. You must listen to the Divine Will of God, start praying and praying,
and listening to what God wants you to do.
Prayer is the name of the game now. You should be praying morning, noon, and night. Then your work will
begin to be fruitful because it will be fertilized through God. Man thinks man and woman create everything but
they create nothing good if they do not put the sign of the cross (+) which represents Jesus on the Cross,
through His Crucifixion, to His Resurrection. Man must put Jesus between man and woman, which puts man as
the head and woman as the heart as his sweet adviser, as Mary was to Joseph, and you will see the world turn
around. The head and the heart are both one and one is not more important than the other. But in Gods Divine
Order, they have to be in the right order for the man has been given the gift to be the head and the woman the
heart. This way the children will have the discipline that they need and the love of the mothers heart they need.
My children, I your God am telling you this is the only way that your country will come out of this disaster you are
in. Love, Jesus.

My Love, this is Mary, your Queen. What My Son just said is the only way the world will ever change. This is
the way it will be in the thousand years of peace. The man is no better or worse than the woman and the
woman is no better or worse than the man. But this is Gods order, man + woman = man, Jesus, and woman.


This is the way of the Trinity and the Holy Family. Love, love, and more love, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and
Holy Family. My Father will speak.

My son, the church has taken a lot of the truth out of My church just to please the ones who do not want to live
the truth. The people run the church the way they want it, not the way God wants it. They will change anything
for an extra dollar. It is all about money, not truth. The government is controlled by the elite or the one world
people. It is the most evil government your country has ever had. The 10 Commandments have been taken out
and satan rules all. Your hospitals have been brainwashed by the pharmaceutical companies and they are
giving shots to destroy the health of all My children and all the old people. The chemical companies are
destroying all the food with all the genetically modified seeds they are putting out, and it goes on and on and on.
The people wonder why God is not helping. Children, remember you were given free will so you were not slaves
to Me. But you sold your free will to satan and became his slaves. My hands are tied and I am sick of it and
very angry with My children. Jesus and Mary have given you the answers but you will not listen. The Father is
giving you the last warning. Change now and the chastisements will be lessened a little or keep doing what you
are and it will be even worse.

Your Loving Father to lots of sick children.

Come Holy Trinity, 12/1/13

My love My beautiful one, happy birthday from all of heaven. My son, you will not see another birthday without
your country being destroyed. Time has run out for your country. It will not be the way it is much longer.
Abortion has condemned your country to be destroyed. My sweet Mother and all of Heaven have warned you
for years with people getting more evil than better. We will now start taking drastic actions against your country
to help save souls for the sake of your souls. Many will die very soon. Love, Mom. My Son will speak.

My child , this is a hard message to give at the month of My birth. I was brought into the world to save souls and
save the world, but My children do not want to listen to what Heaven has to say. The world has become the
most sinful since the beginning of time. It is more evil now than at the time of Noah and the arc. Be ready for
cleansing for it is about to hit the whole world. We have tried to clean it up with everything We can use and let
you still have your free will. Now your free will be tested in many disasters to see if you still want to follow satan
to hell or kneel before your God and earn the right to everlasting glory to be with your God who made you. This
is all I want to say from Heaven. This is all that can be done. The world made the choice to follow satan. We
still love all of you and beg you to change before all the earth is destroyed. Love all of Heaven. My Mother gave
you the first warning, I your Jesus give you the second warning.

Love Heaven.


Come Holy Trinity
My dearly beloved children, We love all of you dearly. This is Mom and Dad. We want to wish each one of you
personally, who are helping to get out these messages, We love all of you from the bottom of our hearts, to help
Us save more souls. We also send the same love and blessing to those who are reading the messages and
using them to save souls by sending them to others or talking to others about them or changing yourself
because of the messages. Children, you do not realize how little it takes from each one to make a big


difference. If each one of you put a dollars worth into the spiritual basket what great value it is to the heavens.
Each one that hears the messages adds one more piece of the puzzle. And your piece might be the very piece
that puts the puzzle together for one more person. Then that person does the same thing, and another, and
another. Never think your part of the puzzle is any less than the others. If you have a rope across the river and
take one inch out of the middle, what will happen.... all will fall. When you think that your job is not important
think about this. You are loved and needed by Heaven just as much as the ones receiving the messages. You
are the carriers of the word and the love of God. Keep doing your job and We will come out of this together in
Love, love, and more love, the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit and the Holy Family and all the poor souls and all
the angels and saints in Heaven say Happy Thanksgiving for all you are doing for Us. Love, love, and more
love, the graces are falling from Heaven right now like in a big rain storm. Please grab hold of them and use
them while you can with ease because it will get harder to change every day.
Love, love, and more love from all of Heaven to all of earth.
Come Holy Trinity
My love, My beautiful one, this is Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth. Tell all My children that the only thing left
in the world to hold onto is the Most Holy Trinity and the Holy Family that will get you through the times ahead.
Our children must wake up. We say, our children must wake up or you will end up in a very dangerous place
the fire of hell or deep purgatory. We are using every means available from Heaven to help you save your soul
but the children of the world have to make some effort of their own to be saved.
There are many remnant souls suffering for the conversion of My children but they have to start to move away
from the deep sin that they are in. Please try My children to get out of the sin by going to confession or begging
all of Heaven for help to get you back to a state of grace. All of Heaven does not want to lose any more souls.
Please just listen and call out to us for help and change. We are here for all of you. Please come, please come
to Our open arms while they are still open and you are still alive on earth. Once you die, your lives will tell you
whether you go to Heaven, purgatory, or hell. You judge yourself, where you go, from your decisions you make
on earth . We in Heaven can only do so much to help you. The rest is up to you. Please, please, please.
Love, love, and more love from all the Holy Trinity and the Holy Family.
Sunday, 11/23/13, The Feast of Christ The King
Come Holy Trinity
My love, My beautiful one, I am with you always. This is Jesus Christ The King. Tell all My children this is a day
to remember before all hell breaks out in the world. You will see many people die now. The 3 years of extra
grace have endedthe end of the church year. The great chastisement will become greater. It will start getting
more intense each day. Some days it will be more spiritual and some days it will be felt more physical. Prepare
and pray like your life depends on it, for it does spiritually and physically.
Be kind to yourself and give your heart to Mother Mary to give to Us the Trinity and we will give you graces to
help you save your soul and the souls of others. God bless each one of you.
Love, Christ The King, the only real king the world has ever had.
Love, love, and more love. Thanks, Jesus. Amen.
Come Holy Trinity,
My dearly beloved son, I love you dearly. The time is here as you know. Many will die soon. Please pray for
them and ask all of your friends to pray for them. Your Loving Jesus. My Mother wants to speak.
This is Mom. Please pray very much and join with Heaven to save the many souls that are about to die. Many
will be in your country. A major disaster is about to come upon your country like you have never seen before.
There will be much hardship and suffering like you have never seen before. Be as ready as you can, spiritually
and physically. I told you I would warn you before things happen. I am giving you the warning.
Love, Mom.


Come Holy Trinity,
My beloved son, I love you dearly. This is your Mother, Mary. I love all my children dearly. The time is here and
now. Things are happening all over the world. I have a job for you and your sisters, The Daughters of the Lamb,
to do. You will be working together in a big way for the Trinity. I cannot tell you anymore right now. Love,
Mom. My Son wants to speak.
This is Jesus. I love you dearly. Son, your job will be working for the Trinity, teaching all My children about God
through the heart of My mother, Mary. All the people in the world have about lost all their faith in the truth about
God, the Trinity, Son, and Holy Spirit. The church has watered down a lot of the teachings that used to be used
to teach the truth about the way God wishes His children to live. The Ten Commandments have been taken out
of almost all of the schools and people do not know the truth or how to live the truth. The refuges will be used
just to teach people about God again and do the work necessary to live. Prayer will be the name of the game,
not sports, which is the worlds god now. I will use the people who I have been teaching straight from my heart
and the heart of My most beloved Mother, Mary. People in the refuges will worship all the Trinity and glorify My
Mother with all the saints and good angels. We will teach you all from Heaven through all the saints and good
angels and through the remnant children who have been listening to us. Tell the Daughters of the Lamb thanks
for helping. We love all of them dearly. Love, Jesus and Mary.
Come Holy Trinity.
My love, My beautiful one. We love you always and dearly. Tell all of My children that I am with them whether
they want Me or not. I want every one of My children and My Son, Jesus, wants every one of Our children. My
son, please keep praying for them so We can save their souls. I know you are tired and We are tired of this
battle with all of Our stubborn children. What do you do with children that you gave everything to and they love
you less? You have to keep praying for them and warning them of the dangers ahead as shown in the paintings
We have given you. Then We have to start taking things away from them. We take a little at a time at first, and
then if they do not change, We finally let them be stripped of all of their belongings. Then they will have to come
back to their God who made them or they will be taken over by satan and many evil people and start suffering
for all their sins on earth in a terrible way. Children, please change before you have to face My just judgment.
(Mary) My son and I have warned you for Our Father but people are still sick and most all of the main leaders
are so full of pride and power that they are not able to give up anything so they will lose everything, even the
most precious thing in all the world, their precious souls. We are tired of talking and disasters are coming one
after another until all evil is washed from the face of the earth. This is My justice coming because people will not
listen to love and peace. My faithful will be protected in the refuges but the ones who will not change will end up
in hell forever. A strong message from God, the Father, through Mary and Jesus. Sorry We have done all that
Heaven can do without more help from Earth. Thanks, Father. I am sorry.
November 11, 2013
Come Holy Trinity.
My most beloved son, I love you dearly. Tell all My children I love all of them the same, it is they that do not love
Me back so I can show them how much I really love them. When I give these messages, they are for everyone
unless it just a personal message to confirm to someone something I want them to do. I love talking to all of My
children because I love them so much. But you have to stay in a state of grace and not be in mortal sin on your
soul. When you have mortal sin on your soul, it tells all of Heaven to stay away because of the free will that you
have been given. To hear us from Heaven you need to go to confession or ask mercy and forgiveness for your
sins if not Catholic.
All of you who have been reading these messages know it is very serious in the world. You have just seen a
whole island under water and many died. How many of them were ready to die and in a state of grace? This is
why I am telling you that it is here and it is now. It is here and it is now for all My children because you could be
the next ones to die. There will be people that will die by the thousands at one time in a world that is in the
shape of your country and in the whole world. There could be hundreds of thousands die with one major
earthquake or volcano. We begged before the Philippines storm and how few people really listened. Many lost
their souls and many are in the lower portions of Purgatory next to hell. Please wake up before something much
bigger happens. If Catholics look up toward Heaven and beg Me to forgive them this very minute and then go
to confession as soon as possible, if you are sorry for your sins and ask forgiveness from the heart and intend to


go to confession as soon as possible and die before you get there, I will forgive your sins. Please look up now
and ask Me, the Father of all Mankind, to forgive you and make a good Act of Contrition and get to confession as
soon as possible. Why do I tell you this now? Because many people will see all their sins very soon and not be
able to get to a priest for a long time because of so few priests and so many people wanting to get to confession,
that many will die before you have time to get to a priest. Please wake up and give your sins to me in
confession now while it is still very easy.
Love, the Father of all Mankind.
November 8, 2013,
Come Holy Trinity.
This is your most beloved Mother. Tell all your friends I love them dearly. Tell all of them thanks for helping
Heaven save souls. We are with you at all times. Love, Mother. Father wants to speak.
I know that you and all your friends are suffering for souls. It will all be well worth your suffering when you and
all your friends see how much your suffering has earned Heaven to help Us save many souls. The suffering you
and all My children have been going through will gain great merit for yourselves and all of Our children. The
time is here and is now as We have been telling you. You are in the great tribulation that Revelation talks about.
Satans time is being used up whether some want to believe it or not. Some day all My people, all My prayer
warriors, will see and know 100% that it was I talking to them in the language they understood best not always
the words that the others could understand unless they were living under the power of the Holy Spirit.
Keep doing what you are doing and your friends are doing and you will all be with all of Us in Heaven soon.
Love and kisses, Mother and Father, for every soul that ever stood on the face of the earth and every angel that
ever was whether they wanted to follow Heaven or hell. I, the Father, still beg all of My children to change now
whether you want to or not before you lose your soul.
Love, Love, and more Love, all of Heaven
November 7, 2013,
Come Holy Trinity.
My love, My beautiful one, I love you dearly. Tell all My children that We in Heaven love all of them dearly. The
time has come when you must pray always to save your soul and the souls of your brothers and sisters. The
Trinity and I are coming over and over to beg you, Our children, to save your souls. The God of all of Heaven
and earth is here to beg you all to help save your souls so you do not have to live in hell for all eternity.
Children, please listen because you have no idea how bad hell is. Please listen, please listen, please listen.
This is from Mary your Mother, from all the Trinity, the Father the one who made the Son, the one who died for
you to open Heaven back up for all the children, and the Holy Spirit who conceived Jesus in the womb of Mary
through the power of the Holy Spirit. We love you dearly. How can you still refuse to listen to Us when the other
side, satan, will lie, cheat, and lead you all to hell where there will never be any peace or love only torture for all
eternity. Children, please wake up. Time is about to end. If you do not listen to the final plea that is the
Warning, and not say yes to Us, you will lose your soul to satan. We all are begging and crying from Heaven
because We look down on hell and see suffering that has never been on earth even when you suffer the most
terrible suffering on earth. It compares to nothing next to hell and hell is for all eternity. That is forever, My
children. You will never get out once you give your permission to satan to go there and deny all the grace I am
offering you. Satan will offer you nothing to take you to hell forever and I and Heaven are offering you everything
to take you to Heaven for all eternity with total joy and peace. I say again, go to confession if Catholic and ask
and beg My everlasting mercy if not. I will give you forgiveness for all your sins if you just ask and beg My mercy
and grace from your heart with true honesty. My son is getting tired of writing.
Love from all of Heaven, Love Jesus.
October 30, 2013
Come Holy Trinity.
This is your Mother and Father.
My love, My beautiful one. I love you dearly. I love all My children dearly. The time has come when all of My
children have to make a choice for God or satan. Most of My children want to stay on the fence and play a
game with God and with satan so they can do their will not Gods will. The time has ended My beloved children


to get off the fence or fall off on the wrong side with satan. Go to confession or plead Gods mercy if not Catholic
because if you do not get in the state of grace now it will be very hard to get in the state of grace later. The state
of grace and mercy is now, not tomorrow. For tomorrow will never come for many children in the world and they
have to make the choice today or they could end up in hell or in the lower part of purgatory.
Read the reading for today for Mass (see reading below) and see that I am serious about what I and My Mother
have been telling you. Be one of the wise virgins and save your soul so you do not have to be begging when it
could be too late for you or many of My children. This is the 11th hour at the 59th minute or the 23rd hour at the
59th minute (military time). I have given you all many chances to be ready spiritually and physically because My
Mother and the Holy Trinity do want to lose any of you but We have done all We can do and all of Heaven is
crying out in sorrow because of all the people in mortal sin. We have talked and We have begged until the time
has run out. We are telling you from all of Heaven to get your act together or suffer the consequences. Your
Mother is with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in a circle of the three hearts around her telling you this. Please
do not disappoint us.
Love, the spiritual Mother of all the children on earth and her Beloved Son, Jesus. Love Mom with tears of
sorrow and love.
October 30, 2013: Gospel Lk 13:22-30
Jesus passed through towns and villages,
teaching as he went and making his way to Jerusalem.
Someone asked him,
Lord, will only a few people be saved?
He answered them,
Strive to enter through the narrow gate,
for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter
but will not be strong enough.
After the master of the house has arisen and locked the door,
then will you stand outside knocking and saying,
Lord, open the door for us.
He will say to you in reply,
I do not know where you are from.
And you will say,
We ate and drank in your company and you taught in our streets.
Then he will say to you,
I do not know where you are from.
Depart from me, all you evildoers!
And there will be wailing and grinding of teeth
when you see Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
and all the prophets in the Kingdom of God
and you yourselves cast out.
And people will come from the east and the west
and from the north and the south
and will recline at table in the Kingdom of God.
For behold, some are last who will be first,
and some are first who will be last.
October 26, 2013
Come Holy Trinity.
My most beloved son, I love you dearly. The time is here and now. Please pray for every soul on the face of the
earth, especially those who will die shortly from natural disasters. There will be many people who will die. Keep
them in your prayers and ask others to keep them in their prayers. Love, Mom. My Son wants to talk to you.
This is your Sweet Jesus. What My Mother just said is correct. Many are about to die. Many will die from
natural disasters caused by the HAARP machine and many will die from people rioting for food and things they
need. Time is very short. Pray, pray, and pray more. Ask for grace for all those who do not know how to ask.
Pray, pray and pray because the chosen ones are the only ones who can help heaven to save more souls.
Thanks for writing,
Your Loving Jesus.


Come Holy Trinity.
This is Mary, the Mother of Jesus. My Son and I love you dearly. Keep up the good work you are doing and
keep praying and keep asking for prayers for every soul on the face of the earth. This is Mother. Father wants
to speak.
My beloved son, I love you dearly. The warning will be within a short time. Keep telling everyone to get
prepared. Tell them to get their souls in a state of grace before it is too late. The time is here and now to
change. There may not be time tomorrow.
Love the Father of Heaven and Earth.

Message given on 9/24/13 to another messenger which confirms the one given to the Indiana Prayer Warrior
My daughters I am with you it is I your Crucified King. I am here for you My children. I love you. Be still and
listen to the voice within your heart for there I dwell. This is where you will hear Me speak to each one of you
from the heart, not the ears, but from the heart. If I dwell there you know that I will speak to you.
You have done well My children by being obedient and abandoning your life to Me. Yes, it is time, yes it is time.
Listen to the words that my son speaks (regarding the above message) for they are true. He will be given many
signs so that he knows that it is truly the Lord Your God that speaks to him.. Now My children you know what to
do. Do not idle yourself with the world. Get going and do what you need to do for time is short. You know not
the hour or the day. My time is different from your time but you have heard the words of the Lord Your God. I
have spoken them to you now, not only now, but through my son. You must do what you are told. Be obedient
children. Follow Me to Calvary for there is your reward. I go now My children.
I love you. Jesus.
The feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, 2013. Time is short and eternity is long.
Wednesday 9/25/13, 11:30 a.m.
My love My beautiful one, I love you dearly. The time is here and now. Tell your friends that it is time to start
coming for there is little time left to get things ready. I say again that you have very little time left to prepare. I
say again that you have very little time left to prepare.
Love, Mom (the BVM)
August 8, 2013
Come Holy Spirit!
My love, my beautiful one, I love you dearly and all My children. I want you to start getting ready to do the work I
have been training you for. I love all My children so much. I do not want anyone lost. They mean so much to us
to be lost. Bless everyone you pass with the blessing in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Your Mother Mary
Picture to be drawn: River from heaven to hell
Two young people are falling in love. They are like 2 people floating on water in a river. They are just floating
and not going anywhere.
They are just in love, and numb to the world. They are floating and still in love on their honeymoon time. Then
they become parents and things seem a little less romantic but still the child brings them great joy. As years go
on and more children come, times seem to get harder than they want to handle. They want to just keep floating
where they are. Some grab ahold of God and start swimming upstream but many keep floating and going
downstream. As they are going downstream satan brings new people into their lives to take them down faster.
God brings new people into their lives to teach them to start swimming upstream. The choice is theirs with their
free will to choose God or follow satan.


Many follow God in this century and many follow satan. Those who follow God start seeing the light of God and
start swimming upstream. The light leads to God and heaven. Others choose to be lazy and follow the path of
fun and pleasure and do not want to grow up. These people finally find themselves floating towards the pit of
hell. They finally look up and see that they are ready to float over the dam into satans pit. If they wake up and
change course, God will help them swim back up river. If they refuse to change, they will end up in satans pit.
Then, they will have to beg God for His mercy and the prayers of the faithful to get them out while they are still
here on earth. Gods mercy will answer anyone who calls for help. Even to the very last second of ones life.
Please wake up now so you do not have to beg at the very last second of your life. Gods mercy is always
there. You just have to ask for it with love from your heart and keep trying to changegoing to confession if
Catholic or begging to God for His everlasting mercy if not Catholic.
Your Loving Jesus to every child on earth: No matter where you are now, in the pit at the bottom of the waterfall
or on the river close to heaven. I beg you all with all My heart, Please come now.
August 6, 2013
This is Mary, your beloved mother. I love you dearly. Time is short. Be ready and tell everyone to be ready.
Tell, my son and his family and all your friends the last message.
This is Mary, your beloved mother.
August 4, 2013, Message from Our Lady
My love, My beautiful one, I love you. Time is here as My Son told you. Your job is about done in one area.
Begin to get ready for people for it will just be days not months or years. This is Mary, the Mother of Jesus, the
Spouse of the Holy Spirit and the daughter of the Father. I love you dearly.
Your beloved Mother
August 1, 2013
My dearly beloved son, I am with you at all times. Thank you for helping My children. I love you dearly. The
messages are all from Me, your Jesus and friend. Keep warning My people of the dangers ahead. The waterfall
and the fall of your country is closeclose in your time as well as Mine. I love you dearly.
Your Jesus of Love and Mercy
July 24, 2013
Come Holy Spirit. My dear son, I love you dearly. Time is here. It all begins today. The great chastisement is
here and now. Trust in me completely. Teach others honestly from your heart and treat all your family the
same. This is for every person, the ones that listen and the ones that do not listen. They are all My children of
love and mercy. I want to save them all.
Your Loving Jesus
--after this message was given, Jesus added: The warning will be before the warning for all those listening so
that they will be ready.
July 18, 2013
Come Holy Spirit. My dear son of love and mercy, I love you dearly. Time is short and eternity is forever.
Things are ready to start to get so bad that people will wonder what is happening. It will be up to the people that
are listening to help them through. They will be scared to death of what is happening in the world and in their
soul. They will think there is no God to let this happen. You will have to convince them that it is not their God
causing this but satan through all the sins of the world.
Your Loving Jesus


Wednesday afternoon, April 9, 2014, Rosary with visiting prayer warriors


I am with you daughter. Where two or more are gathered in My name, there also am I.
My children, how happy you make Me with your gathering here at My place of refuge. Your love, devotion, and
prayers touch My heart. Do you realize how powerful your prayers are? Many souls will be saved from the fires
of hell because of your thoughts, words, and deeds.
Little ones, I call on each and every one of you to unite your crosses with mine and join Me on My walk to
Calvary. Join your prayers and petitions with Mine as I pray to The Father for the salvation of all of My children,
most especially those who are deepest in darkness. This is My hearts deepest desire.
The chastisements have been set in motion and will continue to increase. While they cannot be stopped, many
can yet be saved through your prayers and those of all My loyal prayer warriors. Do not lose your faith and hope
in Me, children, for when these days are over We will walk hand in hand into the New Era of Peace, Life Eternal.
I am your Loving Savior, Jesus Christ.
Tuesday morning, 12:15 am, April 1st, Adoration Chapel
I am here child. Your soul trembles and you know not why. You feel as though the very air around you is so thick
that it is hard for you to catch your breath. Many of My little ones are feeling this same way. This is because the
chastisements are quickly advancing and evil is being turned loose. Your sufferings My child and that of My
many other children, My true warriors, will be felt deeply and continuously until My final return.
I ask of you My children to unite your sufferings with Mine on the cross. Offer them for the salvation of many
souls that are still lost within the darkness as this battle between good and evil moves forward it will require
much more prayer, penance, and sacrifice. Without the help of My loyal and dedicated prayer warriors My
children who dwell in darkness will have no chance of eternal salvation. I do not want to leave even one in the
clutches of the evil one. My greatest desire is to bring ALL of My children into the new Heaven and earth, eternal
My children, you have been given many warnings and messages. I and My Mother have pleaded with you for
many, many years, begged even, to have you to turn your back on the ways of the world and to run back into
Our arms into eternal life. Why, then do you not remove the blinders from your eyes? The pleasures of this world
are fleeting. To follow the ways and pleasures of this world will always leave you wanting and will always lead
you further away from Me, your Father and Creator of all that is.
Do you see how quickly your days are passing now? When you listen to your news do you hear about the
increase in crimes, disasters around the world, inflation, and seemingly one tragedy after another? Have I not
been telling you that these things would all happen and continue to increase before I am to come in My great
mercy? Do you not see how all the words of the many visionaries, messengers, prophets, and locutionists from
days of old till this very day are unfolding? Why then do you continue to live your lives as though tomorrow will
never come? As though none of these things could ever happen within your lifetime? I tell you again My children,
you know not the day nor the hour of My return. But know this, the day is close. Many of you will be caught by
surprise and unprepared as the chastisements continue to unfold. You know not how this grieves Me so I will
keep on calling My faithful to increase their penances and prayers. Pray most especially for the souls of My
children who are deepest in darkness, even those within your own families. Pray for perseverance because the
times ahead will try even the strongest and the most devout amongst you. Go to confession often. Keep your
souls in the state of My grace. Review your actions at the end of every day and write them down so that when
you do go to My priest son in confession, you do not neglect anything. I say to you to make a habit of calling on
the angels and saints many times a day and they will be there to help you and to give you spiritual strength.
My children do not become lax in your daily prayers and your commitment to Me, for in these days and at this
time your spiritual strengths, prayers, and devotions are truly more important than all of your yesterdays
combined. I love you My little ones, unconditionally. I am Your Jesus of Love and Mercy.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014, 12:10 am, Adoration Chapel
Yes, child I am with you. Do not have doubts about My words given to your heart. Now , more than ever, you
need to come to Me several times throughout your day. You will need My guidance child, and there is still much
to learn. You must remain focused on Me and My teachings.


Tell My son, that I am well pleased with his desire to come ever closer to Me. I am also pleased with your prayer
time as a couple. Do you realize how strong your prayers are when they are united? Many souls will benefit from
your offerings and sacrifices. Thank you My little ones.
My precious little ones, many of you have listened to My words and have now become great prayer warriors. For
this, your Heavenly Father thanks you. But I must ask you to not become complacent. Many more prayers are
needed now and going forward from this day and time. I have warned you about the chaos that lies ahead and
for those who have not only their physical eyes open but the eyes of their souls can see that it has already
There have been several earthquakes around California, somewhat small, but this is just the beginning. There
are tensions with Russia, China, Iran, all of which in the blink of an eye could be the start of a great world war.
The mud slide in Washington was the cause of several unprepared souls to lose their lives, just as the loss of the
Malaysian airline also took the lives of many of My children who were unprepared. (Please read the above
passage carefully. The Lord did not tell this messenger that the Malaysian airline crashedonly that lives of
unprepared children were taken.)
Most recently you have seen young children, all races and ages, overdosing on drugs, shooting each other in
gang fights, hurting others in the so-called knock out game. Now they are gathering in mobs to hurt others and
commit robberies. This chaos will only worsen and most of this is due to this entire nation turning their backs on
God. Not only are you not allowed to speak My name in schools and most public places, but seldom is My name
heard in the homes of My children.
Parents have become so busy working and seeking after worldly pleasures that too many have forgotten to
teach Me to their children. They know not who I am, where I was born, why I died, and what kind of a death I
suffered for them. They know nothing of My Fathers Commandments. This once strong moral and spiritual
nation has turned into a nation of pagans and idolaters. Money and power are more important than coming
home to Me. Parents will be held responsible for the teachings of their children, or lack of it.
My children, what I have been telling you is that each and every one of you has been called to love, honor, and
glorify your Heavenly Father, God Creator of all that is. My Commandments tell you, do not worship false gods.
Yet money, power, sports, and things of this world have become more important to you than I am. These things
are what you now worship. This is why the chastisements are being allowed, and without you, My faithful few,
My true prayer warriors, the severity would be much worse. Come to me often little ones. Pray as you have
never prayed before. I am your Jesus of Mercy.
Thursday, March 20, 2014, Adoration Chapel
I am here Daughter, do you not feel My peace? You have much on your mind little one. Place it all in My hands,
for this is how it should be. Together, we will deal with these concerns one at a time.
My children, I have warned you of the chastisements that you are facing many, many times. I come to you again
this day to remind you that you MUST prepare yourselves daily. Begin each morning upon arising in prayer and
conversation with Me. Call on the angels and saints to surround, safeguard, and protect you. Receive Me in
Communion as often as possible with confession at least monthly, but weekly would be better.
Events will begin to happen in such quick succession that you will believe that life as you know it will be spinning
out of control. If you do not put on your spiritual armor daily, you take the chance of being deceived by the evil
one who is very cunning. Your strongest weapons against evil are My Mothers Most Holy Rosary, My Divine
Mercy Chaplet, reading My words in My most holy Bible, and sharing with Me My passion during Mass.
I created each and every one of you. I know the number of hairs on your head. My love for you is without end.
How My heart breaks with the thought of losing even one of My precious little ones. Do not close the door of
your heart. Do not become caught up in the false pleasures of this world. The only lasting pleasure you will
receive is in the new Heaven and earth, which I have promised to My faithful ones. No more pain, no more
disease, no more loss, no more sorrow, only love.
My children, this time is coming quickly now. Do not lose hope and do not lose your faith in Me. The trials will be
severe, but your reward will be beyond your imagination. I am your Loving Savior, Jesus Christ.
Monday, March 17, 2014, Adoration Chapel


I am with you daughter, always. Never be afraid to come to Me. Even though at times My words are hard to hear,
they are said with love from My heart. Have I not always from the beginning of time sent messages of love, help,
and warning to My children? Why would it be any different now in this time and in these days? Do you not expect
warnings and reprimands from your earthly parents when they see their children going down the wrong path or
heading into danger? Is that not done with a loving heart for their little ones? It is the same for Me. I love each
and every one of My children, My very creation, without condition. This is why I send to My children My words of
warning and direction with such urgency and sternness. I wish to have all of My children to live with me in the
new Heaven and earth, life eternal.
My children, do you not see the seriousness of the times all around you? There have been drastic climate
changes everywhere and this will not improve. Your country is in imminent danger of war, and not only with
Russia. Your economy has weakened and is flailing and will continue to do so until there is a total collapse. No
longer is the United States looked at as being the number one world power. Your government leaders are
leading you down very treacherous roads.
While no one seemed to be looking there has been an almost complete removal of God, your Heavenly Father,
in every aspect of your laws and your lives. It is as if the evil one has placed blinders on the nation as a whole. It
began with taking prayer out of your schools. Then it went to allowing women the right to choose. Then, taking
the Ten Commandments out of the courthouses and on from there to include any public buildings. Now in this
day and time of political correctness there has been widespread acceptance of same sex marriage and not only
abortion, but also euthanasia of the very sick and the old, this being portrayed as an act of mercy. My children,
do you not see how wrong this is? It is NOT mercy, it IS murder. Not only murder of My young and old, but the
murder of your very souls.
When you start to believe that darkness is light and that all sins can be explained away and seen as really not
that bad, when you start to believe that there must be total acceptance of all lifestyles, no matter how extreme,
then the evil has truly gotten a firm grasp on you. You must dig deep into your conscience and your soul and
bring to the surface the light of God that was placed within each of you from the moment of your creation. When
you sense that feeling of guilt or of hesitation when faced with different situations, you must know that that is My
Holy Spirit presented to each of you at your baptism trying to lead you toward eternal salvation, not eternal
So many of you, My precious little ones, continue to move forward into the darkness of worldly pleasures . The
realm of the evil one in My heart breaks. This is why, although I did not create the chastisements, that are and
will continue to fall upon this once great nation, I allow them with the eternal hope in My heart that this will wake
you up to what is truly most important for your life and your souls.
I am reaching out to you, My faithful few, with the heart of a loving Father that is wracked with pain. Please,
please, please, pray as you never have before. Pray as though your life and the very life of this nation depends
upon it, for truly this is. Prayer is your only lifeline. Prayer, and much of it, is needed to ease the severity of the
chastisements that are and will befall this nation. Many prayers are needed for the salvation of souls of the many
who will lose their life. Much prayer is also needed to strengthen your faith, trust, and belief in Me. For without
this, surely you would perish. I AM your Father, God and Creator, of all that is.
Monday, March 10, 2014
You know that I am here. I am never far from you. I am calling you, My little one, and all of My children to spend
as much time with Me in prayer as you possibly can. Many, many prayers are needed for the salvation of souls
and to fortify you for the days ahead. The faith of many of you will be pushed to the very brink. Not only is
America on the edge of a great war, which will take many lives, but you will also be facing one disaster after
There will be droughts which will lead to crop failures which will lead to higher prices which could also hurt your
already weak economy. There will be fires, tornadoes, and earthquakes. All of these things will happen in such
quick succession, that you will start to wonder if God, your Heavenly Father, has forgotten about this land
altogether. He has not, but know this, all of these things will be allowed by Our Father as this once strong nation
continues to turn its back on Us. We have begged, and yes, the Lord your God has pleaded with you, His
children and His creation, to come back home to Him and to put Him, God, back into your daily lives and into
your laws.
What has He received as an answer? You have taken prayer and the very name of God out of your schools and
government buildings. You have continued to accept and to endorse abortion, the killing of Our little ones. There


is now widespread acceptance and a sort of glorification of same sex unions even though the Lord your God
created marriage to be between one man and one woman, all for the continued creation of life.
Man now believes that he truly has no need of Us in their life. Your arrogance has led you to believe that you
have the right to create and to end life all on your own. Not only do you take the smallest of My children, but now
euthanasia is being used among the sick and the elderly. No one has the right to decide who lives or dies except
for God, your Heavenly Father. My commands and My words and My most holy Bible are thrown to the side and
considered old fashioned out of date by Most of Our children. Gods words do not change. My words stand just
as true for today as they did when they were given. They are My Commandments, not suggestions. They are My
very words, not just stories.
This nation has been given much and to whom much is given, much is expected. Yes, children, disasters and
more will befall this nation and it will be allowed in hopes that maybe then, My children will open the eyes of their
hearts and souls and decide to return home to Me before their souls are truly lost for all of eternity. Prayer, and
much of it, is needed to ease the chastisements that are coming and for the salvation of the souls of all those will
lose their lives. This day, I give to you the blessing of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Your Jesus.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014, Adoration Chapel
I am with you little one. Be still and let My presence fill you and surround you. Prepare, prepare, prepare for the
Glory of My Great Day is at hand. I continue to call you My children to prepare your hearts, your minds, and
most importantly your souls. Come to Me often, call out My name, trust that I am always there for you. I do not
give you all that you want, but I do give to you all that you need.
My children this world is on the brink of many changes. Life as you know it will soon be unrecognizable. Even
during the chaos that is about to be unleashed, I will not abandon My children who call out to Me and remain
faithful to My commands and to the teachings of your Heavenly Father that have been handed down since the
beginning of time. The battles will be fierce, you must prepare your spiritual armor. Carry the true light of Christ
before you always and you will witness the victory of God. Your loving Savior, Jesus Christ.
Monday, January 13, 2014, Adoration Chapel, 12:30 pm
I am with you daughter. Be still and know that I am God. I see and feel your pains, your doubts, and your
sadness. Give it all to Me. Know and trust that I always look after My own. My children, in the days ahead you
will face many disasters and much turmoil, most especially from within My church here on earth. The
chastisements have begun and all evil will be exposed. No longer will they stay in hiding for they know their
days are numbered. You must turn to Me in every instance in order to remain strong to not be swept up in their
These punishments, these chastisements are beginning to boil over and can no longer be withheld. We have
begged and pleaded. We have sent message after message asking for true repentance, asking for you to turn
your lives around and to rededicate yourselves to Us, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Few have heard us and
fewer still have listened. But for the few true prayer warriors of Christ Jesus, these chastisements would have
spilled out long ago.
These events are being unleashed now so that man can truly see what life without the protection of their God
and Creator is truly like. This is also the last chance for Our children to see the light and return home to Us.
Many will lose their lives in the state of unpreparedness even though you have been warned many, many times.
Please children, take heed before it is too late for you know not the hour nor the day. Remain true and steadfast
to Me. Follow My Commands . Keep your souls in a state of My grace and great will be your reward. As the
days ahead prove to be more and more trying, persevere in your love, trust, and belief in Me. Do not turn to the
ways of the world for solace for there you will find only emptiness and confusion. Turn to Me, stay with Me, trust
in Me, and life eternal shall be yours. I am God, your Heavenly Father, Creator of all that is.


October 19, 2014, Adoration Chapel
Hello, Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament. I love, adore and praise You, King of Kings and Lord of
Lords. Thank You that we are able to be with You today, Jesus. Thank You for (name withheld) who came to
stay with (name withheld) so my husband and I could come, pray and adore. Lord, please help my daughter
with her situation at work. I know You are aware of everything that goes on in our lives and so You know she
was made to work today. She is really suffering over this, Lord. Please help her, guide her and direct her
decisions. She is unsure how to handle this, now Lord. I pray for the owners who have discounted their
agreement with her and who are treating her unfairly. Lord, she is working more now than those who have been


complaining. She continues to smile, be kind and accept this suffering, Lord but it is a very heavy cross. At
what point are we, Your children supposed to walk away, Lord? Please guide her in what to do, Jesus. She
loves the people with whom she works and also the customers. It is most difficult to face being ostracized and
talked about in the workplace. Protect her, Lord from those who want to do harm to her. Thank You that You
walk with us, standing by our side during times of strife. Jesus, we trust in You. Lord, what would You say to
this, Jesus?
My daughter, the days of observing My laws, especially that of the Sabbath are long gone in your country.
There was a time when there were no businesses open on Sunday and the majority of people worshipped Me,
prayed, read scripture and honored Me. There was much more peace in the world and most especially there
was peace in Christian nations. Then, one would have raised their eyebrows and wondered about one who
worked on Sunday, the day of the Lord. Now, the opposite is true. Those who seek holiness and walk with Me,
Jesus, are the ones mocked and scoffed at, persecuted. Know this, I Your God see all; I hear all. I know of
those persecuting My little ones. Woe to those who persecute My children, and to those who cause My little
ones to sin. Turn your hearts back to Me now, before it is too late; far better it would be to never have been born
than to lead My holy, little ones astray. You who have no fear of the Lord your God, who worship money, power,
prestige and mock those who are seeking the Kingdom of God, humble yourselves, for the day of the Lord will
come like a thief in the night and beware, be on watch or else your soul will be at risk of the eternal fire.
Jesus, I havent heard You sound like this in a very long time. Lord, Your wrath is terrible and powerful. I know
You are a just God for You are holy and perfect. Your heart is also merciful, My sweet Savior. Please have
mercy on my brothers and sisters who are blind. They do not understand what they are doing Lord for they
have been affected by this society that has been off track for a very long time. Lord, there is still some goodness
in their hearts. Lord, forgive them, for they know not what they do, Jesus. Lord, (name withheld) wanted me to
tell You thank You for Your words to him last week. He said it was very encouraging and helped him so much. I
am paraphrasing, but he was most grateful, Lord. Thank You for Your love and Your mercy, Jesus.
He is most welcome, My daughter. I am with him and I will continue to be with him during the difficult days
Thank You, Lord. You are all good and deserving of all our love. Jesus have You anything more to say today?
Or shall I sit there in this oasis of peace and quietly adore You, my Lord and my God, my beloved?
My daughter, there is much to say; much to discuss. My child, Your Jesus is angry with My children, especially
those who know Me, pray to Me when they need something, but who quickly forget Me when it is convenient to
do so. My children who are devoted to Me only when a loved one is ill or they are worried about one of their
children, push Me out of their minds and out of their lives as soon as their loved ones recover or their children
are safe. They go on with their lives with the knowledge that I am God, but that I am at their beck and call. They
forget how they felt when they needed me and I drew them close to My heart. I poured out My love and mercy
on them and gave them the sweet taste of the graces of love of God, the consolations from Heaven. I stayed
near them while they were sleeping and took special care of their loved ones, sent additional angels to minister
to them and gave them a glimpse of what it is to be in union with Heaven. I do this, My child, knowing full well
they will abandon me as soon as their own needs are met, but still, I love all of My children. I long for them to
return to me and to invite Me into their hearts once and for all. I show mercy to each child of mine no matter the
state of their souls when they cry out to Me. Once My children experience graces from Me and from Heaven,
and they turn back to their wicked ways, it is worse for their souls. This is a condition worse than before, My
daughter, for after having prayed to Me, after having My graces of love and mercy flood their souls, they have
the knowledge of My love. They have graces for love. To then walk away from Me presumes much. To
abandon Me, yet again is worse than not knowing Me and living a life of selfishness. Do you see, My little one,
why I, Your Jesus am angry? Do you begin to see why I, your God warn those who break My Commandments,
when they know better, will incur My wrath if they choose not to repent? It is one thing to do so in ignorance and
quite another to do so out of disregard for Me, out of indifference toward Me.
Yes, Jesus, this makes sense, and Lord I am sorry for us, Your ungrateful children. We do not appreciate Your
love, Your benevolence, Your mercy and we do not deserve You, dearest Lord. Please forgive us. Help us to
see, Lord. Give us eyes to see and ears to hear, and hearts full of love and remorse for having offended You.
Jesus, please forgive me for the times I have not loved You as You deserve, for the times I have shown
disregard for You, or have failed to show love to my brothers and sisters. Please accept my apology, Lord God
of all. You are worthy of our complete love and trust. You are so beautiful, loving, powerful, merciful, kind,
tender, and all knowing. You, Lord are truth. You, Lord are love. Jesus please forgive us, poor creatures for not
recognizing, for not adoring and loving our Creator, our Father, our Lord and our Redeemer. What can we do,


Jesus to console You? There is no way to make it up to You, Lord, for You are God. I can never give You
enough, Lord for I have nothing worthy of You, my God. Still, all I have and all I am is Yours, Lord. I give You my
life, Jesus I give You all that You have given me, for it isnt mine anyway. I ask You to do with me as You will.
Jesus, I trust in You.
My child, this is all I have ever wanted, to walk with you, to belong to you and you to Me. I thirst for the love of
My children. Each child of Mine is precious to Me. My heart burns for love of My children. All I desire is to be
your friend, to be your Savior, to love and be loved. In this way, loving Me, all of My children will then love one
another, as well. Love, unity with Me, unity with one another; this is what I, Your Jesus desire. My children of
this current age have either forgotten or have never learned the meaning of love. Love is to put the other first, to
think of the one who is the object of love, first. You see, My children, I put you first. You have the first place in
My heart. Such is My love, that I died for you. I would rather die, than lose you. What, poor lost children, do
you love? For whom would you die? Reflect on this. Be honest with yourself. The answer will tell you the state
of your soul. Choose Me, My children. If you do not choose Me, than you are choosing eternal darkness. You
know not the day, nor the hour when your lives will be required. Do not put off the most important choice of your
entire life, for you may not have tomorrow. When your decision is sealed in hell, there will be no escape. Do not
wait to turn your life over to Me, for I am a merciful God. I am forgiving. I am a loving God. I have a beautiful
place, My Kingdom waiting for you. How can you possibly live in My Kingdom when you despise Me, the King?
You cannot, My children. You are lost and wandering in the desert, parched, starving, and following a guide who
leads you deeper and deeper into the desert. He leads you away from the oasis where pure water is waiting for
you. He lies and tricks you into believing that just around the next dune, there is water. In the meantime, the
heat is oppressive, the flies bite and sting you and you continue to believe the deceitful guide. Turn your eyes
toward Heaven, My poor lost children, before it is too late. I am the water of life. I will quench your thirst and
bring you under the shade of My Mothers mantle. I will give you cool, fresh water to drink and console your
wounded heart with words of truth and light and love. Have no fear, My children. Your Savior is here for you. I
am here, but waiting for your yes. I await your repentant heart to say, Jesus, I am sorry I have been so far from
You. I want to return to You Jesus, but I do not know how to come back. Show me the way back to Your heart,
Jesus! That is all, My darlings who are so lost, so blind, so far from Me. It is this simple. I will embrace you and
lead you on the path you must follow for forgiveness and a fresh start. Come, My children. Do not delay. The
evil one sets traps for you, he discourages you and lies to you, saying you have all the time in the world. Do
not listen to one who wants you dead. Listen to the one who brings you life. I, dear children am the only one
you should listen to, for I showed My love with My very life. Come back to Me, My little lost children. Return to
your rightful place and receive your inheritance. I love you.
Thank You, Lord that You love us, even when we are disobedient and spoiled. Help us to be holy, Lord. Help us
to see the dark marks on our hearts and bring them to You for healing. Thank You for the Sacraments, Lord so
we can encounter You, receive grace, and be healed. Forgive us, Lord. Forgive me, Jesus.
My daughter, do not be sad, your Jesus is pleased with you and all My children who follow Me. There now,
smile. Your Jesus loves you. I am directing these words to those who are walking away from me for fear they
will need to change their self-centered lives. Their souls are at stake, My daughter and I plead with them for I
know the terror that awaits them if they remain unrepentant.
Yes, Jesus. I see, Lord. Still, I am a sinner, also. I am unworthy and do not deserve Your love, Your mercy,
Your forgiveness. Still, You give it freely even though I do not deserve it. Thank You, my Lord and my God.
My daughter, My love and mercy is available to each and every child of Mine. They have only to ask and to
receive. If they knock, the door to My heart will open.
Yes, Lord. Jesus, there is much fear in our country due to the Ebola virus, and also due to ISIS. There is so
much evil around us, which I think others see. There are unlawful unions which are now becoming lawful.
Things are in such disarray, Lord. St. Pauls words are comforting, Where sin abounds, grace abounds all the
more. Or words such as this. This world is really hurting, Jesus and it is ever more difficult to dwell here. What
would You say to this, Jesus?
My little lamb, it is precisely as you say. Temptations are all around you and all of My children of light. Satan
and his minions roam about the world and their influence, along with the predisposition to sin, is great. This age
of disobedience will continue until it reaches its peak. I will then intervene, and all will know that I am the Lord,
God of all. Pray for your brothers and sisters, that their hearts will be open and that they choose Me, God. Fast
for them and offer your crosses for them. Be love to others and in this way their hearts will be more open to


Yes, Jesus. Lord, I pray for our leaders, the bishops, to be strong in the face of the many persecutions. Help
them, to lead Your church, Lord, in the way You want them to. Lord, what can we think of all that is going on
around us now, with the Ebola virus, etc. The HHS focuses on the flu vaccination which does more harm than
good, and ignores what is needed to prevent the spread of Ebola.
Yes, My daughter. I am aware of this and all that goes on in the world. You are beginning to see firsthand what
occurs when I am removed from the culture and the lives of My people. It was the same as when My people
Israel began worshipping false gods and they became enslaved to the Egyptians. Read scripture, My children.
See the signs of the times. It is all there for you and ever so clear for those who live with their eyes open. Pray,
My children of light and offer your crosses for those who walk in darkness. Fast for them. It is not too late for
some to be converted.
Jesus, have You anything more to say?
Yes, My child. You are weary and weighed down by the burdens others have created due to their bad
behavior. You suffer, as do many of My children of light for you long for peace, unity and love. You long for
Heaven. I encourage you now to continue on in the journey and the course I have laid out before you. Bring
every burden, and concern to Me, your Jesus. Each time you fall, stand up and begin again. Bring your sins to
Me in confession and frequent the Sacraments where I can give you many graces for renewal. Fortify
yourselves with My sacraments, dear children of My heart, for we are entering the most difficult part of the battle
now and it is not the time to surrender. I, your Jesus remind you that we will be victorious, because I, your Lord
and your God am victory, life, truth, mercy and love. I already know the outcome, dear children. Take My
Mothers hand and she will lead you, My children. Do not be afraid, for united to My Mothers Immaculate Heart
and to My Sacred Heart nothing can harm you. We are entering the final leg of the race, so take heart. Pray,
fast, frequent the Sacraments. Meditate on My Word and My Passion, death and resurrection. Pray the rosary
and the Divine Mercy Chaplet for souls are at stake. The time prophesied in sacred scripture is at the door of
this moment in history. All is about to erupt. You will see death and destruction, but also much grace, sacrifice,
love and many miracles. Do not be afraid, for I am on the front lines with you, My children. My Mothers
Immaculate Heart will triumph. Choose Me, My children for I am on the side of life and victory. Now is not the
time to be discouraged, though I understand and am acquainted with such. Trust is what is needed now. Trust
in your God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I, the Lord your God will never abandon you, but you must
not abandon Me, your God.
Lord, this is the most I have experienced of Your power, Your sense of urgency. Jesus, please remove every
obstacle for Your Mothers Community so that we can proceed with building a way of life that You and She
desire. Lord, the hour certainly appears to be late, and darkness is upon us. Please do not delay in bringing
everything in order for Your (name withheld) Community. What do we need to do, Lord to show our willingness,
to prepare our hearts? What more is needed on our end, Lord? You said hearts need to change and You want
others to experience the light of Your grace in this process. Jesus, You have the power and the authority to bring
about these changes, these graces anytime You say the word, for You are the Word. Jesus, what is it that is
blocking this? Is there anything we are doing or not doing, Lord that is preventing You from taking action, from
intervening? We are small, Jesus and I realize we are lacking in trust. I know Your will and timing is perfect,
Lord, but we are so far from perfection. What is it, Lord and why are we so far from where we need to be, to
begin building the life You desire for us and have invited us to begin?
My daughter, I see the longing in your heart to begin My mission for your family. You ask what is needed?
More prayers are needed. More trust is needed. More love is needed. You are not causing a delay, however
for all is going according to My plans. I encourage you and all of My children of the community to wake up to the
noise and the distractions of the world around you. Satan and his minions create such noise and distraction.
They create confusion and unrest around each one of My children, especially those who are answering My call
to community. Therefore, do not allow yourselves to be consumed with the issues in your workplace, in your
extended families, in the wider world. Arm yourselves with My Mothers weapon, the rosary. Pray, fast, act and
leave Me to do the rest. The order of this is purposeful. Never act, without first praying and fasting, My children
for to do so is to take matters into your own hands. This is acting outside of My Divine Will. Pray and fast first
so as to hear My direction, then act upon My guidance. This is what is needed, My children. Do not allow
yourselves to follow the Pied Piper like the children of the world do. Follow My Holy and Pure Mother. Follow
Me. Ask the saints to pray for you. Ask your angel guardians to direct your path and to pull you back on course
when you make a misstep. Follow My guidance, frequent the Sacraments, remain in prayer and it will go well.
My children of the (name withheld) community, now that the journey seems difficult and you do not see the end
of the road, you have begun to lose heart. This is the time to have heart, My children, My warriors. You are


experiencing these doubts, this disillusionment for your formation, for your good and the good of others.
Continue to pray and stay the course, for the path which you are unable to see clearly is directly in front of you.
A little while longer, My children. My Mother is guiding you, of that I assure you. Love, unity and trust are what
is needed, and this will be the case, both now and in the future. All is a lesson. Reflect and pray. That is all, My
children. Trust is what is needed and your Lord is worthy of your trust.
Thank You, Jesus for these words of love and for the lessons You teach us. Your patience and mercy are
endless, Jesus. Thank You for the love and care You show us, Your poor children. I love You, so much Jesus.
Help me to love You more. Help me to trust You more. Forgive me for the times I have not loved, have not
trusted. You are everything to me, Jesus and I dont know why I am so weak and so slow to learn, but carry me,
Jesus. Lift me, Jesus when I cannot see. Lift me above the fog, the clouds so that I can see more clearly in the
light of Your love. I am small, Jesus but Your love carries me to heights impossible to be reached on my own.
Lift me higher, Jesus, in the arms of Your love and mercy for without You to carry me I cannot be what You ask of
me. I love You, Lord. St. Padre Pio, please pray for me to be the child, the daughter God desires me to be. Ask
Jesus to give me the graces I so need to be faithful, loving, trusting and pure. Help me, Saint Pio to have a
heart full of love, for I am so lacking in love.
(St. Padre Pio speaks) My spiritual child, I pray for you and I intercede before Our Lord for you and your family.
All will be well. Do as Jesus says and I will help you. He wants so much for you and your family and what our
Lord wants, He never fails to attain as long as the souls of His desire give Him their yes. Consequently, you
may rest assured, all will be accomplished in accordance with His will. God is powerful and you were witness to
a small glimpse of this today, My child. It is indeed amazing to behold, and can strike fear in the strongest of
saints, so rest assured it is understandable that you tremble with His words today. Remember, He carries you
and He will only allow what you and He can handle together. When you are overwhelmed, remember you are
carrying too much on your own, which is not good for you. You must remember to ask Jesus to help you. Invite
Him to be with you in every situation to guide each and every conversation. In doing so, you will be protected
and the greatest possible outcome will ensue. My child, continue on in your walk with our precious Jesus. All
will be well, My child. All will be well.
Thank you, my loving St. Padre Pio. Thank you for your guidance, your prayers and your love.
Jesus, my Jesus, thank You for lending St. Pio to me. He is such a good spiritual father and he helps me more
than words can say. You are so merciful, Jesus. Thank You for the communion of saints. All of the heavenlies,
thank you for your prayers. Please pray for our community, for growth in holiness and for an increase in love
and trust. Thank You, Jesus for Your involvement in our lives. We love You and we serve only You!
Thank you, My children, My son, My daughter for your time with Me today. I pour graces out from My heart on
you and all those who worthily receive Me in the Eucharist and adore My presence. I love you and I bless you in
My Fathers name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go out into the world and be My apostles of
love and mercy. You are an extension of Me, dearest children of the light. Be My ambassadors, bringing love
and mercy to all you meet. Go in peace now, My child for I am with you.
Thank You, my Jesus, my Lord.
October 12, 2014, Adoration Chapel
Hello, Jesus present in the most Blessed Sacrament. It is so good to be here with You, Lord. I love and adore
You, Lord God of all. Thank You that we are with You today.
Hello, My daughter. Thank you for your presence here.
Thank You for the Holy Mass this morning and for the beautiful music of the childrens choir. They sang with
such exuberance and joy, Lord. It was very uplifting and inspiring. I couldnt help but think how much my mother
and grandmother would have enjoyed their singing and the playing of (name withheld). He is very talented,
Lord. Thank You for the gift of music, Jesus. The readings were so beautiful, also about the banquet and it lifted
my heart and my mind to Heaven where we will live in Your Kingdom one day, Lord. I love You and praise You
that You prepare a banquet for us each and every time Mass is celebrated. Thank You for Your sacrifice, Jesus.
Thank You that You gave us Your body, blood, soul and divinity when You instituted the Holy Eucharist. What a
great gift to the world. Thank you, Jesus!
Jesus, last week was grueling in so many ways. Please help me this week, and also my daughter. Send us
Your peace, Lord. I dont want to ask You to lift this burden from me, Lord since You said the purpose is to save
souls, but would You help carry this with me? If You dont, I doubt I can make it through another week like the


last two. I am glad to do what I can, though Lord, but I am weak and not so good at enduring persecution. I
recognize I need to improve in this area of my life, but the only way to improve upon something is to practice.
That isnt something I care to do in this case, Lord. Be that as it may, it is nothing compared with what others go
through. Please help me, Jesus and if it is Your will, allow this time of suffering to pass soon. If not, give me
additional graces to carry this cross. Jesus have You anything to say to me today?
Yes, My child. I have much to say and much for us to discuss. You have suffered, My little one. I am aware of
each trial and each cross you carry. I am with you. I see that this period of suffering weighs heavily upon you,
and that you are unable to find refuge or a resting place to put down this burden, even for a few minutes. This
can be exhausting, My little one.
Jesus, I have found a place of respite, though if only for a few seconds; in prayer and in contemplation. Mass is
also very helpful and I find solace there.
Yes, My child but even at Mass there are many distractions for you, is that not true?
Yes, Lord. There are some, I agree. It may be that I am unable to quiet my thoughts as well as I usually do,
because of the stress.
My child, recall the moment you closed your eyes just before exiting your car in the parking lot and you saw an
image of My Father holding you. Do you recall how you felt at this moment?
Oh, yes, Lord. I do. There was a deep sense of peace and abandonment to God the Father. I asked Him to
carry me everywhere I needed to go that day and I think I said something like; if You dont, Father I will be
unable to take a single step. I wont be able to get out of this car, Lord if you dont agree to carry me. I cannot
do this, without You, Father.
What did He say about that, My little lamb?
That He would carry me each and every step of the way. He would not only carry me, but also provide for and
protect me. Peace flooded my soul, Lord and I felt that I had enough energy to get out of the car and walk into
the building. I couldnt allow myself to consider the entire day and the very heavy work load, deadlines and
issues, but it was looming ahead. Instead, to survive, I could only think about walking through the parking lot
into the building. Somehow, I knew I could get through the day with God the Father carrying me in His arms.
Yes, My child. This is how you are to approach each and every day of life. Ask My Father, your Father, to carry
you. Bring every burden, anxiety and concern to Me and lay it at the foot of My Holy Cross. I am here for you
and I accept this most difficult time of suffering from you, My child for the good of other souls. I, Your Jesus
thank you for agreeing to bear this a little while longer. Remember, My little lamb, I do not ask you to do this
alone. I have sent other souls to pray for you and to offer works of kindness.
Yes, You have, Lord. I am very grateful for my brothers and sisters that have given me words of
encouragement, offered prayers for me, shown me kindness, given their hugs to me. I am so very blessed by
You, Lord. Thank You for Your love and mercy. Now, I see how important it is to give others encouragement and
to offer a smile or some other act of kindness. It means so much when I am suffering, Lord. Thank You for
showing me this.
My child, I am pleased you have realized this important lesson. You, My daughter have been given the gift of
being encouraging to others. You offer smiles and a listening ear on a regular basis. Do not be hesitant, My
daughter in writing these words for I want all of My children to understand the importance of being present to
others. My little lamb, just now as you were patiently listening to My daughter (name withheld) as she shared
her concerns and burdens with you, you helped lighten her load. She suffers much due to her loss of
independence. This is a heavy cross for one who has been very independent her entire adult life. You see, My
daughter, your patience, your kindness, your empathy has given her the blessing of knowing there is someone
who cares, someone who sees her as a person, one who shares in her humanity. My child, there are many,
many people who suffer from loneliness, discouragement and isolation. Even those you least expect are in such
isolation they feel there is nothing much to live for, and though they put up a good front to others, deep down
have a sense of hopelessness. Suicide is increasing in the world and this is a very grave problem. Be light, love
and mercy to others. My child, the gifts of awareness, sensitivity, encouragement, hospitality are very important
and needed in the world during this period of time. This is a most desperate time in history, for many, many
souls are walking in darkness. I have allowed you to feel this darkness, My child. I have only permitted this


state within your soul for your own growth, My little one. I have never left you. In fact, I am closer to you now
than ever, though it feels as though I am far from you. Your trust in Me has not wavered and I assure you this
period of suffering will be ending soon. Remain in this state for awhile, My darling and soon Your Jesus will lift
the dark clouds you feel surround you. Will you do this for your Jesus, My daughter? I will remain with you,
holding your hand, walking at your pace, My daughter. You have nothing to fear with me as your side.
I give you my yes, Jesus. I will do this for you, but I count on You to be with me at every single moment. Lord,
please keep the dreams Ive been having at night away from me. I do not have any peace even during my
sleep, Lord. Please allow me the peaceful sleep I am accustomed to, Lord, even if the days do not change. It
will be tolerable, Lord if I could just get some sleep.
Yes, My child. I will protect you from the tempters while you sleep at night. That I will do. Thank you, My little
one for being courageous for Me. I am grateful to you and to all of My children of the renewal who carry their
crosses willingly. There are many souls benefitting from your sacrifices and those of My children of light. I
assure you, My little lamb, the communities are benefitting and receiving graces from the many sacrifices and
crosses being offered.
Thank You, Lord that our suffering can have meaning and purpose. I love You, Lord. Thank You for measuring
and weighing each cross to ensure it is not too heavy for your children. Thank You, Jesus that You ease the
burdens of our crosses. Thank You for my husband and my family who pray for me. Please send people to
encourage and pray for my daughter, Lord as she endures so much difficulty within her workplace, also. Send
her graces, Lord to stand firm in her faith as she strives to serve You, Lord. She is so beautiful, Lord and I love
her very much.
Yes, My daughter. I am with her guiding and directing her steps. She is being closely guarded by angels of
light, also.
Thank You, Lord. Jesus, have You more You wish to say to me?
Yes, My little lamb. Continue to prepare your house. You are beginning to doubt the timing of the move. Do as
I encouraged you previously. It goes against you logic, I realize, but the timing is the same as we discussed.
Lord, will You allow us to wait until after the first of the year? It will be difficult to list it right after Christmas.
My daughter, it will be best to list it before the end of the year as I have suggested previously. However, if you
decide another week is needed, I will manage the timing of the outcome for you in the same way. But, do not
delay any longer. My plan is perfect; My timing is perfect. Still, I am asking much of you and your husband and I
am a merciful God.
Thank You, Lord. One week will make a difference in lessening the stress. Lord, please work everything out
from a timing perspective on the building of our houses so we dont have to move and lease another home in the
interim. That seems like a waste of resources, Jesus. Please intervene with the commission and reduce or cut
through all of the red tape, so we can initiate the building process. Lord, I know there is a lesson You are
imparting on us and that You are giving us this time to build our trust in You. If the time needs to be delayed,
then that is fine. Please allow us to remain where we are a little longer so we dont get caught with our house
being sold with nowhere to go. Jesus, I do trust in You and I know You can move mountains. I see You want us
to step out in faith with no ground under our feet ahead. I simply ask You to work all things to Your good and for
the good of our souls and also our future. Jesus, I trust in You.
My daughter, all will be well. Trusting in Me means that you will also trust in My timing. You, who encourage
others to trust in Me, will not be disappointed. I ask you to cease worrying about your house, for it is in My care,
as well as the projects and mission I am entrusting to you. All will be well.
Thank You for Your reassurances, Lord. It seems I need more encouragement now as I endure this cloudy
atmosphere. Things seem so distant to me, Lord when before things of Heaven were within reach. I am unable
to explain this disposition of my soul. There are no words to express what I am going through. You know what I
am experiencing, Lord, and the easiest way to describe it is suffering.
My daughter, your peace and the closeness you feel, the confidence you have in Me has been temporarily
removed from you. You are experiencing to a very small degree what it is like for others who do not trust in Me.


Lord, I do not understand this. I am still able to pray, though often distracted. I still hear Your voice in my heart
and can enter the quiet place in my soul where you dwell, though not in the same way as before. I do not feel
You have withdrawn Your presence from me. I dont know what You mean or what is happening only that I am
not at peace and I pray and peace does not come. I thought it was because of the turmoil around me. I do not
think of this as a darkness of the senses, which I recently learned I would go through later. Is this the same
thing, Lord? It doesnt seem like it is, but I really cant think very clearly right now.
My child, yes, this is what you are experiencing. There are different degrees of this disposition of the soul;
however and I am not allowing you to be completely immersed in this darkness. The term you used, cloudy is
an accurate description. Continue to trust in Me, My little lamb and I will see you safely through this time of
darkness in your soul. This is a valuable form of suffering in My Kingdom. When you are unable to pray, call out
to the saints and they will pray for you. All will be well, My child. All will be well.
Ok, Jesus. If You say so, I believe and I thank You for this trial, for loving me enough to send this time of
cloudiness to me for my purification. Lord, I pray for those who do not know You, do not love You, do not trust
You. How difficult their lives must be. How sad their poor souls must be as they cry out for the person to reach
out and seek God. Hear the cries of their dear souls, Lord for they long to be loved by You, but do not know how
to reach You. Have mercy on them, Lord. Show them the light of Your love, so they can see where You are,
Lord and can move closer to You. Open their hearts to the warmth of Your love. It is agony to be without You,
Jesus. Agony! I do not want them to be far from Your mercy and Your love. Jesus, enfold us all in Your Sacred
Merciful Heart. Keep Your children safe in the refuge of Your Sacred Heart. I so love Your heart Jesus and that
is where I wish to be. May each beat of my little, weak heart, beat in unison with yours, Lord. Lord, what can I
do for You this week? I am at Your service, Jesus and in the service of Your Kingdom.
My child, forgive those who persecute you. Ask for graces to love those who seek to harm you. Continue to
offer kindness and encouragement to others, even though your heart feels numb. Thank you, My daughter for
your kindness to (name withheld). This is what I ask of you this week, My daughter. It is especially difficult to
show kindness to others and to listen to them in love when you are suffering. Focus on doing so, regardless of
your suffering and many more souls will be saved. Bring My mercy to all you meet, My child. I will help you in
this difficult task. I ask much of you, I realize but I walk with you and I walk with each one of My children. Pick
up your cross, My daughter and reject the temptation to put it down, even when your cross is your brother or
sister who is persecuting you. Hang in there, as you say for I am with you.
Thank You, Jesus. I am so thankful for Your reassurances, Lord. Thank You that You never abandon us, Lord
especially during our time of distress. Lord, please help those who are restless and frustrated with the
commission meeting. It must be very difficult, Lord for those who left their homes to move close to the location
of Your community. Help them to trust, Jesus. Give them a renewed sense of commitment and trust in You and
Your timing. Help us to regain the unity we felt we once had, Lord. I pray, Jesus that we all endure this time of
waiting. This is probably small in comparison with what we will experience in the way of trials in the future. Help
us to pass through this time of unease and tension, Lord. Be with (name withheld) in each and every decision
he makes. Give him the graces he needs each and every day, Lord as he leads this fledgling community of Your
Mothers. Lord, we so want to do Your will. Help him as he seeks Your will for our community. I implore Your
assistance, Lord.
My daughter, I am with (name withheld) and I will guide him. He is being tested, also and I am forming him
during the process. There are many voices with much advice for those in leadership positions. Tell My son to
seek My direction in prayer. More prayer is needed so that My voice can be heard. Continue to pray for (name
withheld) and I ask that your husband and you continue to be of support to him. In your current place, it is easier
to see you have no hidden agendas. I ask you both to be of extra support to (name withheld) during this critical
time in the formation and planning of My Mothers and My community. My darlings, I, Your Jesus am very
pleased with the support you are providing to (name withheld) and the others. I know of your hard work to
remain neutral of all, to be in union with each community member, praying for them, encouraging them and
loving them. My son has a most difficult task and I will be ever present to him. He would do well to pray more
and more to be assured of My guidance and direction. Regardless of the time in prayer, I am guiding him. It is
easier to hear My voice when one is quiet and seeks time alone with me. My Mother walks with (name withheld)
in a very special way. (Name withheld), My faithful son, hear My voice and that of My Mothers. Bring every
burden, every decision to Me. Ask St. Joseph to guide you, just as He did the Holy Family. Follow the example
of St. Joseph who was in the position of protecting My Holy Mother and Me. You will need to be the shepherd
and protector of My Mothers community. This is imperative for the formation of Her community. Be a man of
prayer, My son, even more so than you are now. Through prayer, the most difficult and puzzling situations will
become clear. Just as I went up the mountain, apart from My disciples to pray, so you too must seek quiet and


solitude each day, if only for a few moments. Bring every decision to me, My son and I will guide you in the way
you should go. Second to your vocation of husband and father, is your role in leading this community. I walk
with you, My son. Trust in Me and My Holy Pure Mother. Turn to us often in prayer. We love you. We walk with
you and we will never leave you.
Thank You, Jesus for Your words for (name withheld). I continue to be moved to the core of my soul at Your
kindness and Your mercy. Thank You, Lord for Your intimate involvement in our lives. You are complete love,
my Savior. Thank You!
You are welcome My grateful daughter. I ask much of you and your husband and in turn I give much. Your God
cannot be outdone in kindness. I love you My son, My daughter. Thank you for giving Me your yes to
dramatically alter your lives in service of My kingdom. I have said before many will think you are running away.
However, you are actually going to the direct lines of battle. Have no fear, My children. I go with you and I will
go before you.
Jesus, may I ask a question about the meeting for our community that caused such frustration for some
Yes, My daughter.
What I told some about this being most likely, part of Your plan and that Our Lady was probably protecting us;
was this correct? Did this go according to Your plan, Lord, or am I incorrect? Either way, I trust in Your plan. I
am just wondering and want to know for myself.
You were correct in what you said, My child. You were inspired by the Holy Spirit and all that you said was from
Me. Each painful step in this process has been according to My plan. Only I know the hearts of men. Only I
know the consequence of each decision and the timing of each decision. I am asking for each one of My
children of the community to be an example of trust. In the future, even more trust will be required. All will
reflect on this period of waiting, and the painful process of preparing and planning for My Mothers community.
They will recall one day, how even though things appeared to be different, My will was done. Those who were
lacking in trust will learn to trust more the next time. Those who had trust in Me will grow even more in their
trust. My Mothers Community will come to fruition, My children. Do not spend this important time of formation,
filled with anxiety and fear. Do not allow My adversary and yours any room in your hearts and minds for this
creates confusion and impacts the peace and unity I so desire for you. Look upon this time of testing as a small
dip in the road of Our journey together. When dips in the road are sighted, adjust yourselves accordingly. Pray
more, offer sacrifices. See these dips in the road as small ones for your God is great and nothing is too big for
Me to handle. Even a huge roadblock to you is a small molehill to Me, a speck if you will. The issue at hand is
not the obstacle itself but the level of trust in Me when an obstacle is presented. I would like My children to put
each barrier and each issue in proper perspective. I do not invite My children to form a community under My
Mothers mantle and at Her request, in order to watch you fail. I never set My children up for failure. You must
give Me your yes once and for all and never look back. Have the faith of a little child for My Mother and I can
be trusted with everything and most especially with Our own plans. My children, I am not chastising you or
scolding you, but only inviting you to see from My perspective. My Holy Mother is most precious to Me. Her
communities have special favor in My eyes. I encourage you to trust, to pray, to love and to be at peace. Allow
Me to work things out in the proper timing. I remind you there are many others involved in allowing this
community and I love them also. I desire their conversion and the more exposure they have to My sons (names
withheld) the more graces they are receiving. These examples of faith, love, fortitude, integrity and all of the
values of My Gospel bring light to the souls of others. These are your brothers and sisters, My children and I
love them and desire their hearts to be transformed by the light of My love. Be the salt and the light of the world
My children of the community. Trust in Me. Trust in My most holy pure Mother Mary. She is wise, prudent and
loving. She will guide Her community just as She guides My church. All will be well. Decide for Me. Trust Me
and do not doubt your yes. I love you and I will not abandon My remnant. I remind you, souls are at stake.
Thank You, Lord for Your words of wisdom, Your lessons of love, Your insight. You provide clarity when things
are unclear. Thank You, My Lord and My God. I love You!
And, I love you My daughter. Rest assured all will be well. Continue to walk with confidence into the week you
face at work. I hear the prayers of My son, your husband and I see the goodness in his heart full of love for you
and for your daughter. His prayers awaken many saints in Heaven to your cause and consequently many in
Heaven are praying for you. Walk with this suffering awhile longer My daughter and all will be lifted soon. Your
community is benefitting greatly, though you are unable to see this. I love you and I thank you for your love and
your service.


I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of Holy Spirit. Go in My peace. Go in My
love. Be light to others. I walk with you and I also carry you as needed. (smile)
Thank You, My Jesus. I love You.
And I love you.
October 5, 2014, Adoration Chapel
Hello, my Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament. I adore, love and praise You. Thank You for giving us
the opportunity to be here with You today. Thank You for Holy Mass this morning, Lord, for Your sacrifice of love
on the cross for our salvation. I am grateful beyond words that You came to earth, ministered to Your people,
healed them, loved them, taught them, established Your church, took our sins upon You, and died for our
salvation. Thank You, Lord for the Church, the Sacraments, Your Holy Word, and for showing us the way. Help
me always to follow Your way which is everlasting life. I love You, My Jesus!
I love you, My daughter. I thank you and My son (spouse) for being here with Me. I look forward to Our time
together. Give Me your concerns, your burdens, My child. I am here for you and will give you My peace.
Thank You, my Lord and my God, that You care about our cares, our concerns, and our burdens. You are the
life giving water, Jesus. Thank You that You are trustworthy and merciful. Lord, last week was really difficult. I
know You already know everything, and so You know what a challenging week it was. Thank You for being with
me in this difficult phase and for walking this road with me. Thank You, Lord for Your reassurances this
morning. I realize there is nothing that can occur in my life without You knowing about and allowing. You are
only concerned with our welfare and that of our souls and even if the worst imaginable circumstances occur, that
it is Your will or they wouldnt. Lord, You could prevent things from occurring and in my life, whatever occurs I
entrust to You ahead of time. I realized this morning that if I lose my job, it doesnt matter. You have said Ill be
leaving this job in the springtime. If I hadnt known this (from You), I may have decided to leave earlier than You
planned. If I do lose my job, I know it will be Your will, Lord. Keep me always in Your holy will. Enfold me in
Your sacred, merciful heart.
My daughter, I am well aware of the difficulties you are facing. This is a suffering for you. I am with you and I
do walk this journey (with you). Do not fear the outcome. All will be well as we discussed and I reassure you,
dear child. This suffering is a purification and is needed from you at this time. I will not allow anyone to harm
you. Continue to lead My children assigned to you as you always have. Do not doubt yourself, for this is not a
reflection on you.
Jesus, it sure seems that it is to me. It has been similar to a character assassination, but not so much my
character as my abilities as a leader. This strikes at the core of me, Lord. Not that it really matters what people
think of me and my abilities, because Ive never felt valued in this particular organization, but it is as if everything
You brought me through and to was all for naught. I know that sounds extreme, but Jesus it is how I feel. I
guess I always thought of this as a calling even though I would have preferred to be a stay at home wife and
mother. Since I felt I had to work, at least this was something I thought You provided me to not only provide for
my family, but to be of service to others. Lord, You know I wanted to step down a long time ago, but I stayed
because You said it wasnt time for me to leave, yet. So many times I have been tempted to look for another job,
but have waited on You to give the word. Jesus, will You allow my reputation and credibility to be ruined here? If
so, then I must need this lesson in humility. You were treated so much worse, Lord. Jesus, if I am to go out in
disgrace, then so be it. Just be with me, Lord and give me graces to behave with love, forbearance, dignity, and
grace. Give me the gift of forgiveness, Lord especially for those who are persecuting me. Jesus, I also ask You
to give my daughter many graces as she suffers at her workplace and is insulted and shunned for her faith in
You. Lord, times are so desperate in this world, since we have lost our trust in You. Please allow (name
withheld) and me to be lights for You in this darkness. Help us, Lord to do Your holy and perfect will, no matter
the cost.
My little lamb, I know of your pain, your humiliations. I, too experience what you experience each time those
who are My hurting, wounded children, strike out at you, the one who is trying to help them. I know the sting of
betrayal. I not only felt this when Judas betrayed Me, but when those closest to Me, abandoned Me in My most
difficult time, the Crucifixion. At this time, I was most in need of their love, their support, but few there were to
stand in prayer with Me. I am acquainted with betrayal, not only was I then, but I have experienced this through
the ages, each time My children reject me. When you are rejected, My daughter, I am rejected. When any of
My children are rejected for being different, meaning a follower and friend of Mine, I experience betrayal. I am


with you and I am with your daughter. You feel you are not being persecuted for your faith, and so it isnt
suffering for Me, but My child I assure you this is precisely why you are being targeted. You do not see the
depth, but only what is on the surface, My daughter. There is much more going on that cannot be seen with
human eyes. You also suffer for your daughter and what she is going through. Is this not occurring at exactly
the same time, My child? Both of you, mother and daughter experiencing very similar paths of suffering at the
same time. Does this not give both of you even more sorrow, more pain, more suffering? My child, what of your
husband who watches both his loving wife and his faithful daughter suffering persecution at the same time? My
son suffers, too knowing he has recourse through prayer but through no other course of action. This is a certain
kind of suffering, as well. Consider the Holy Family and what St. Joseph suffered during the events of My early
life. He stood by as one who could pray and protect, but who could not take matters into his hands, either. This,
My beautiful lamb is another form of suffering, equally difficult.
Yes, Jesus. I see that it is and I am acquainted with this type of suffering, also. I can think of a time when I went
through what he is experiencing (role reversal) and also I have gone through this with my children. Lord, it really
is a suffering watching loved ones suffer. Please accept all that we are going through for the good of others.
Jesus, please use our suffering to give others graces, for conversion. We also need conversion, Lord. Please
forgive us our sins and help us to be Your instruments.
My child, you have just answered the question, which has gone unasked and that is; Why are we suffering in
this way? It is needed for the good of others for graces of conversion. Thank you for your offering, My child,
My little one. You are imitating Me when you suffer for the sake of others; when you are mistreated, though you
have done no wrong; when you are betrayed and ask Me to help you to forgive.
Jesus, I am not doing so well at this. I have complained and have at times felt sorry for myself. You make it
sound as if I have been saintly in my suffering, but we both know otherwise. Lord, Your kindness and mercy is a
sweet balm to my wounded heart. No one has suffered like You, Lord. Many of the saints have gone through
and have endured horrible suffering. This is nothing in comparison and still, for me it is most difficult. Help me,
Jesus to be love as You ask. Help me to be emptied of myself so that Your light shines within me, Your love
flows through me and Your mercy is distributed in some way through my life. I love, You, Lord and I fail You far
more often than I serve You. I am sorry that I am not more of what You desire me to be and I want to be closer
to You, Lord. I desire to have Your image sealed on my heart, so that when others look at me, You are all they
see. Jesus, these burdens cause me to focus on myself and that is what I like least about this situation. Help
me to focus only on You and on those around me, Lord. Please help me, Jesus to be the disciple You want me
to be. I am unable to be anything, Lord other than what Your graces provide. I am such a small person, but a
big sinner and yet with You, Lord all things are possible. I lift my eyes to You and to my family in Heaven and
beg Your assistance for (name withheld) and me, for my family! Lord, come to our assistance. Lord, make
haste to help us.
My daughter, this is a prayer that brings music to Heaven. I am and I will continue to assist you, My beloved
children. Be courageous for a little while longer and I assure you, these burdens will be lifted. If you were
unable to bear them, I would not allow them for you. Only a little longer, My child. Know that each day that
passes with these persecutions, souls are being snatched away from My adversary and yours. Yes, My child,
this statement gives you joy and hope. I love you and I accept the sufferings of your family also for the good and
the security of the cross to which you and your family climbed on the Feast Day of the Exultation of My Holy
Cross. You hesitate to write this, My little lamb, but it is true. My daughter, many of your fellow community
members suffer during these days. I, your Jesus hold each one close in My Sacred Heart, for they suffer for love
of Me, for love of My Pure Mother. These suffering days are a purification to prepare My (name withheld)
community. This path you are taking at the invitation of My Most Pure and Holy Mother is of such spiritual
proportions that the demons are shaking with rage, rage at My Mothers children, rage directed at you and My
little ones who follow Me and My Mother, for they cannot direct this rage at Us, for I am God, and Holy Mary is
My Mother. So they inspire others to persecute My Mothers children with focused attention on those discerning
and following Her plan for communities. Do you see My child? This is what your suffering is about, under the
guise of others dissatisfaction. They are unaware of who it is that is behind their disgruntled nature. They do
not see that they play directly into My adversarys hands. I have the final say, however and My adversary and
yours does not see how I use all of this for the good of souls. You see, My darlings how much your Jesus
loves? I use everything My poor children suffer and unite My childrens sufferings to Mine, the Messiah and
Savior. I continue to save My children from the snares of the enemy through My children of light who accept
and offer their sufferings to Me. All will be well, and one day in Heaven, you will all see the part you have played
in the redemption of specific souls. Do not doubt this, as incredible as it may seem. I, your Lord and Savior
want you and all of My children of light to pick up your crosses and follow me. Other souls are at stake and they


need your prayers and your sacrifices. I love you and I thank you for agreeing to carry this for a short while
Ok, Jesus. I will be glad to do this for You and for those who have not yet experienced Your love. Only, stay
with me and do not allow me to forget that I am Your daughter. Help me to suffer well and without complaint,
Jesus. I so want to be like You and I know I cannot be, without Your divine grace, and miraculous assistance.
Direct my heart, my thoughts, my attitude and my behavior, Lord so that I become what You desire me to be. I
love You, Lord and I am ready to be transformed into Your little servant, Your devoted and faithful friend who is
willing to do Your will, but who is too weak to do so. Carry me on Your shoulders, Jesus so that I go with You
everywhere You go and so that I am unable to lose sight of You and Your beautiful, sweet nature. I love You,
Lord. Forgive me for the times when I did not return Your love.
My child, My little lamb, I forgive you. I love you. I know your heart is full of desire to follow Me and to be like
My Mother. You are becoming the daughter of My heart though you are unable to see this. Take My hand and
We will get through this and many more adventures to come. We will not fail, because I am God and I am
unable to fail. When you hold My hand you go with Me and I with you. Recall the vision you had of being a very
small child, as we walked hand in hand near the ocean. Do you recall this My little one?
Yes, Lord. I do and I hope I never forget this. It was so beautiful.
My daughter, I gave you this vision as My gift to see you through the difficulties ahead. You recall this occurred
during another time filled with anxiety. This was the moment I gave this vision to you, but it was not for that
moment, alone. It was to be a reminder for you that I, your Jesus hold your hand at all times in your life. I walk
at your pace, focused intently on you. I listen, I hear, I consider what you say to Me. I respond with love and
gentility. You are important to me. One could say during this vision, you observed Me giving you My undivided
attention. Even though you were very small indeed, you were just as important to Me as an adult would be and I
listened to you while we walked, enjoying the beauty of the sand, the ocean, the blue sky, the sunshine, and all
that My Father has created. My little lamb, this is how We are to journey through your time on earth; in one
anothers company, focused on one another seemingly oblivious to the anxieties of the world. This can be reality
for you as you deepen your trust in Me, your Jesus. A child has complete trust in his parents and does not worry
where the next meal will come, or with paying the bills, or even with the weather. A child, in a loving home, goes
through their childhood, loving, growing and learning in joy with few, if any cares. This is how you are to walk
your journey. My beautiful children of light, holding your Masters hand, trusting in Me to steer the course. Yes,
as adults, you all know to some degree, the seriousness of the times, and it is true that decisions must be
made. The biggest and most important decision, My children is to decide whether or not you will follow Me and
My Mother. If, you decide for Me, there will be crosses to carry, but the difference is that I will be able to carry
them with you. When you refuse to follow Me and even refuse to listen to My Mother, you will still have crosses,
My poor children, but where will you look; in what direction for assistance? You see, My children alive in the
world will suffer crosses regardless. The difference is the source of assistance in carrying these crosses, and
the outcome of such. For My children of light, crosses assist your brothers and sisters. The cross is your road
to Heaven. There is purpose and value in the struggle and that makes all the difference.
Thank You, Jesus for Your words of life and Your lessons of love. Thank You for turning each moment into a
lesson of love, Lord.
You are welcome, My grateful daughter. How I love to teach you and all of My children as you journey on
pilgrimage to Me. Have no fear, your Jesus whom you seek, walks beside you just as I did with My disciples on
the road to Emmaus.
Thank You, Lord! Jesus, my husband (name withheld) asked me to pose a question to You for Your
consideration/insight about his job. Should he leave his work now or wait until later? He is concerned for the
amount of work to be done to prepare to move and also for more time with our family. Do You have anything to
say to him about this, Jesus?
Yes, My child. It is not yet time for this, but soon it will be. Tell My son to pray for direction and guidance.
Remind him to call on St. Joseph for direction, also. For My son, it will be sooner than for you, My child. The
time has not yet come, though. Prayer is what is needed. He will be directed by My Holy Spirit and when the
time comes, he will know through prayer and due to the signs around him. For now, continue on the course I
have laid out for you and prepare the house in the meantime. It is difficult, that I know, and that I see.
Remember, I have given you much assistance from the saints assigned to your family and from those you pray
to assist and intervene for you each night during your family prayer. Remember the legion of angels that


surround you night and day. They are assigned to protect you and also to direct your path Use your holy
angels, My children for their mission is to assist you during your earthly journey.
Thank You, Lord Jesus. Thank You for the multiple ways You provide for us. Thank you, holy saints in Heaven
for your prayers and petitions on our behalf. You are faithful friends and our brothers and sisters in the Blessed
Trinity. Dear Jesus, please bring vocations from our family. St Padre Pio, help us, pray for us. Thank you for all
you do for us each day, known and unknown to us. Jesus, is there anything more You wish to say to me?
Yes, My child. I desire My children to know of My love for them. I request their prayers and encourage them to
pray more. Through prayer, I provide encouragement and direction. Bring everything to Me, My children, no
matter how small the issue or concern may be. Nothing is too big or too small for Me, for I am the Lord God. Do
not hide your concerns from Me, for I see them anyway. Let us discuss them, and allow Me to shed My light on
them. You will then have clarity and will realize there is nothing too small or too large for your Jesus. Thank
you, My daughter and My son for being with My presence in the Blessed Sacrament. I flow graces to you for
you to carry to the world in which you live and move. Come, My children, come to adore Me in the Blessed
Sacrament. Do not wait or put it off until tomorrow. Come, just as the shepherds did, that cold night in
Bethlehem. They left their flocks to come adore Me. What will you need to leave to adore Me for one hour?
Will you have to leave your livelihood? Will you have to leave everything to adore Me for one hour? No, you will
only need to make arrangements. You will not be leaving your sheep as the shepherds did, which was their
livelihood and their means for feeding their families. They had nothing, but left their greatest possessions and
their flock, to follow Me. I ask little, but offer the greatest rewards. Go in peace now, My tired little ones. Go
with My gratitude for your visit, your service and your love. I bless you in My Fathers name, in My name, and in
My Holy Spirit.
Thank You, Jesus! I love You!
And I love you!

Sunday, September 28, 2014, Adoration Chapel
Hello, dearest Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament. I am very glad to be here with you today. I love,
adore and praise you, my Lord and my God. Thank You for the beautiful sunshine, the wonderful Mass this
morning and that we were present at (name withheld) baptism. Thank You, Lord for another little soul in Your
kingdom. Praise be Jesus; now and forever!
Hello, My daughter. I am pleased that you and your husband are here, also. I greet you both with much love
from My Sacred Heart.
Thank You, my Lord and my God. Lord, please be with (relatives names withheld). He must be suffering
greatly, Lord due to his illness. Please help them both as they bear this heavy cross. They love You so very
much, Lord. I cant imagine the emotional stress they are enduring. Please give them many graces, Lord during
this most difficult time.
My daughter I am with them during this most difficult time of suffering. I walk with them on their journey. I will
send them many graces to enable them as they carry their crosses. Much will come from this time of Calvary,
and because of their faith and trust in Me, their suffering will bear fruit for the harvest.
Thank You, Lord that you are with them. They have always loved, served and followed You. They are bright,
shiny stars, Lord for You. I am very sad for what they are and will endure, Jesus. Please heal my relative. I
know that you can, Jesus if it is Your will, Jesus, I trust in You. Lord, please be with me this week as I face a
most difficult week. Lord, grant me whatever graces are needed for each day, for I know not what each day
holds, Lord but Tuesday will be particularly difficult. Give me Your peace, Lord, the peace that passes all
understanding. Touch the hearts of the people, Lord. May they be open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
My child, I am with you and I will never abandon you. You are being put to the test, and I will give you peace to
quiet the storm in your heart in such a way that others will take notice. Your witness through this trial is needed,
My dear one. Allow My light to shine through you by showing love and through forgiving those who try to harm

you. You will be protected My daughter. Not one hair of your head will be harmed. I will bring you through this
in due time as I have other difficult situations. Allow this to be a time of purification. Accept this cross to be
offered for other souls in need of conversion and healing. Many around you are wounded and they demonstrate
their woundedness by lashing out at others. This happened to Me to a greater degree and it will also happen to
My children. My child, you did nothing to cause this, though you have wondered about what you may have done
to contribute to others dissatisfaction. In this case, you are blameless. My child, do not listen to the tempter
who wants you to doubt yourself and your decisions. Have you not tried with every decision to be fair and just?
Lord, I have tried to be, but that doesnt mean Ive made the best decisions.
Of course not, My little lamb, but you have tried, have you not?
Yes, Lord.
That is all that I ask of you. My child, you are not God and therefore you are not perfect. You are applying the
policies and principles laid out for you while still being lenient whenever possible within reason. That is the
responsibility of leaders. My child, weather this storm under My Mothers mantle and after the storm passes, you
will see that there will be a renewed sense of calm in your soul. The atmosphere is always fresh and new after a
storm, is it not?
Yes, my Lord.
And so it will be in your heart. You will experience a renewed sense of peace, calm and strength. You will have
even more confidence in Your Jesus.
Thank You, my Lord and my God! I love You.
And I love you. Trust in Me.
Yes, Jesus. Lord, have You anything You wish to say to me?
Yes, My little lamb. I have much to say. You are wondering about the dream My servant and son had that you
heard about?[i]
Yes, Lord. I believe it was from You and that it was prophetic. I think it may be linked to what You have said to
me in past weeks.
My child this event dreamt about by My apostle was prophetic for your country. This sad event will come to
pass. Pray for those who will be victims. Pray for their souls and for those who will perpetrate such sinful and
violent atrocities. Those who will participate in these violent acts will be possessed by demons. Pray for them
now, for their hard hearts can still change. Once they commit these murderous acts it will be almost impossible
for them to change for they will have given over everything to the adversary.
Lord, You can stop all of this. Please, Lord. Prevent them from committing such horrendous acts of violence,
hatred and evil. You, Lord are the giver of every good gift. Grant them the graces for conversion. Protect Your
children who do not deserve to be victims of such violence. Please, Lord protect the children of these families.
They are the most pure and innocent ones, Jesus. Hide them even if they are in plain sight, or better yet, keep
them out of harms way. Jesus, I beg of You to protect the innocent victims; the families who are just trying to
live and raise their children, Jesus. They are not looking for trouble, Lord and neither are we, Your children.
Please convert the hearts of stone, Lord in those who seek to do violence. Miraculously remove the film which
clouds their eyes, causing spiritual blindness and darkness. Give them eyes of compassion, hearts of flesh and
love, and ears to hear Your good news, the news of life in You, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Jesus, I beg of
You. What is it that I can do, Jesus? I am nothing, Lord but still You love me anyway. I know You love each and
every child of Yours. Lord, Your love is the answer to all of our problems. Jesus, please I beg of You, do not
allow this evil to come to pass on the land that has been consecrated to Your Mother, the Queen of the
My little one, you are filled with longing and love for the future victims. This, I see, and this I know. My child I,
like you, long for this destruction and death to pass over these beautiful families. I remind you of the great gift of
free will My Father has given all of Our children.


Yes, Lord. I remember and still I beg of You. Can they not change their hearts due to Your amazing grace and
love? I know that You can change the hardest heart. I know that You, who parted the Red Sea and saved Your
people, Israel, can also make a way for these families to escape such wrath and injustice. Lord, if You do not
infringe on the free will of these evil perpetrators of violence, that I accept. You, Lord can still guide Your dear
children to safety. You can part the Red Sea for them and bring them safely to new land where they will be free
from the enemys plans. Jesus, You did not change Pharaohs heart, though You gave him many chances, but
You still brought Your people out of Egypt and kept them from Pharaohs armies. Please, Jesus, You can do
anything and everything for You are all powerful. Jesus, please guide these families to a place of refuge and
safety, even if their homes are destroyed. Please, My Merciful Lord and God.
My child, I hear your prayers. It is up to the poor, lost, evil children to change. However, due to your love and
pleading, which I am unable to resist, I will lead one family to safety.
Only one, Jesus? But, Lord I care for each family. Please, Lord?
My little lamb, I will call out to others, but only one family will listen and follow My directions which will lead them
safely out of harms way. Do not cry, My child. This event will come to pass due to the hearts of My children of
this nation who have turned against Me, your God.
But, Jesus. There are many, many who love and serve You, Lord. Is that not true?
Yes, My child. There are many who love and serve Me but few who do so completely. Few are the number
who keep My Commandments. Pray, My little one. Pray and fast for what is to come, so that souls who perish
will do so as they remain steadfast in their faith. Their martyrdom will bring fruit, but not until your nation
undergoes much. Trials, My child purify. Much purification is required for hearts to return to Me. My sweet one,
remember I, your Jesus have not and will not be the cause of such a calamity. It is not I. I Am is not to blame.
Yes, My Jesus. I know this and I believe You are love and mercy itself. You are good, gentle, merciful, kind and
just. I love You, Jesus. I know and I believe that You want peace, unity and love and nothing but goodness for
all Your children. What is coming is the opposite and satan is the author of this vicious war, this evil and this
slaughter of innocents. Still, Lord You have the power to protect them. I will continue to pray for Your mercy,
Lord on the innocent ones in the path of such diabolical fury. You are Lord of the universe and You are the Lord
of our nation, no matter what others say. They do not speak for the majority. Jesus, I understand we need a
wakeup call, Lord and that You have already given us several. Jesus, please convert our hearts. Wake us up
now, Lord before it is too late for so many. Keep us all under the mantle of Your holy Mother and protect us from
evil, Lord.
My child, do not think for one moment that My heart isnt breaking for these innocent children of Mine, for it is.
My Sacred Heart longs to put an invisible shield around each family and their home. I will not do this, though for
that is interfering with the free will of My children who have followed the path of darkness. I will, however give
these families warnings and will offer invitations for them to be away when this event comes to pass. My child,
those who pray will heed and will be away when the evil one strikes. If more of My children followed Me and
were praying on a continual basis, they would hear My voice and follow Me, just as the Holy Family left in haste
when the angel appeared to St. Joseph in his dream. I am sad that this will not be the case, however I will open
the ears of one family and their lives will be spared.
Jesus, will You open the ears of another family? Lord, a big family with children? Open their ears, also, Lord.
Allow the children of all of these families to hear Your voice and to follow You to safety. Please, God. You are
perfect. Your will is perfect. If it is not Your will to lead little innocent lambs to safety, then so be it. I do not
believe You will refuse these innocent little children, Lord who know nothing of evil, but only love.
My child, I will welcome all who love Me into My heavenly kingdom.
So be it, Jesus. Your will is perfect, though I do not understand such evil and violence, nor do I know how we
can bear this atrocity.
My daughter, you are to bear it just as My Holy Mother did; by standing in prayer at the foot of My holy cross.
Her heart was broken and pierced by the lance of hatred for Me and yet, in the face of such violence toward
God, She stood in love and willed Her heart to be united with Mine, in love for those who crucified Me. She
stood there, watching Me, unable to take Her beautiful, trusting eyes off Me, Her Son, Her Savior, Her God. For
she willed Herself to live through such horrific violence against the one sinless Man, the God of all, so that She


could participate in My crucifixion of love. She, the Mother of God and the Mother of the Church prayed and
loved. That is what I ask of you and of all of My children of light. Pray, offer sacrifices. Fast for conversion of
souls. Continue to live the life of the Gospel, regardless of what goes on around you. Do not, I repeat, do not,
My children take part in revenge and violence. Return hatred for love. Pray for your enemies and for those who
persecute you. This is how My children are to act. That does not mean you are not allowed to defend your
homes and your families. You are not only allowed to do so, I expect you to do so for you are responsible to
defend your families. What I am referring to is the proactive vengeance on those perceived to be your enemies.
Do not become like those who serve darkness for you My children, are children of light. You are Mine. Be like
Me. Be like My Mother and My holy father, St. Joseph. Sometimes protecting your families means to flee to a
place of safety. Be as gentle as doves and as wise as King Solomon. I will assist you. (Jesus said serpents,
but when I hesitated to write this, He lovingly changed His words to King Solomon. He knows how I detest
snakes and the word serpent sends chills up my spine for it calls to mind the adversary.)
Thank You, Lord for Your words of warning and for Your teaching. Help us, Lord to listen to Your still, small, quiet
voice in this world full of noise and distractions. Help us, Lord to turn back to You and to follow Your way of
love. Help us to be brave and have courage in the face of such violent evil, for You are the One who we
worship, and You are all powerful, all knowing and all love. Jesus, we trust in You. Jesus, we trust in You!
My child, my child, would that more of My children loved and trusted in Me, Your Jesus. Oh, how different your
world would be. I call My children back to the refuge of My sacred, merciful heart. Some hear My call, My
invitation and come to Me. Many, many refuse My invitation. I want My children to be happy and free from the
bondage of sin. Please, My children return to Me. Return now for the hour is late and darkness is fast
approaching. Come into the light. Come now while you can still see some light, though the darkness and
shadows descend. I am calling you to come into My holy and loving embrace where salvation and My Fathers
Kingdom await you. I love you. Come now, My children. There is no time to waste.
Jesus, I love You. Allow me to offer myself, Jesus for those who will refuse You. Take me, Lord. I want my
children and Your children to love You, for You are not only deserving of love, You are the essence of love. Allow
my life to be a living sacrifice for my brothers and sisters. Please, Jesus, I am small and nothing in the grand
scheme of this world, but what I am and what I have I willingly give to You.
Thank you, My precious little lamb. I accept your offering and I accepted it long ago. Your family will live for Me
and will continue to walk the path to salvation. The sacrifices you and your entire family make will bring other
souls to Heaven. This is also true for all My children who sacrifice their homes, and their way of life to follow My
Mothers invitation to live in Her communities. They will live the life of the cross and through the sacrificial love
and their willingness to follow Me wherever I lead, no matter the cost, many souls will be saved. This, My child
is the life of the rescue missioner who lays down his life for his brothers and sisters. Be an example, My children
of light, for in this way, I will bring about My Fathers plan for Renewal. My dear ones, the time of the harvest is
near. Be of good cheer. Pray for a spirit of peace and joy for My Fathers plan is unfolding. All will be well. A
great springtime comes after the autumn harvest, but not without winter, My children. You will see winter and it
will be long and hard. I speak metaphorically, of a spiritual winter, but I speak truth, for I am truth. Pray, dear
children. You are not praying enough and this is the battle cry. You are in a battle for souls. Take up your
weapons, that is the rosary and the holy Mass. Take up your weapons and pray, fast and seek God. Obey My
Commandments. Live holy lives. Stand tall for your confidence is in Me. My Little one, you struggle to write My
serious words, but your heart is strong. Have no fear for I and My Mother are with you and all of My children.
Jesus, I praise and thank You for Your messages of love. Your heart and Your words are so strong, Jesus. I feel
only the smallest bit of Your power and yet it causes me to feel overwhelmed. Still, Your love shines through and
Your mercy washes over me like a warm ray of light from the sun. Your presence brings peace, or I would not be
able to bear such intensity. Thank You for Your grace, Lord to do Your will. You will is perfect. Your will is holy. I
love Your will. I beg You to bend my will and to melt it with the fire of Your love. Pour it into Your heart, Jesus
where it will be molded in Your image and in Your will. Use us, Jesus. Use Your children of light. Bring us safely
into the renewal, Jesus. Spare us, oh Lord. Help us to be witnesses in this time of darkness. I love You, all
powerful, living God. I love You and I will serve You with all that I have. There is nothing else I can give You,
Lord, so I give You me, small as that is. It is all I have to give.
Thank you, My child. That is all I ask. I will enfold you in My Sacred Heart and in the Heart of My Immaculate
Mother. I hold you, your husband (My son) and your children in My heart. I love you and I fill you with grace to
love heroically. Be love, be light, be mine, Children of the Renewal. All will be well. Do not fear, for I am with


Thank You, Lord. Thank You for my family, Lord. I am very grateful for my husband, my daughters and my son.
Thank you for the beautiful friends you have given me to love. Thank you for my grandchildren and my entire
family (my husbands too). I love them, Lord and pray that no one will be lost. Keep them in the palm of Your
hand, dear Savior. I entrust them all, each and every one, to You and to Your holy Mother Mary. I love and I
trust You, Jesus.
Thank you, My child. Now go in peace. I bless you and your husband in My Fathers name, in My name, and in
the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in a spirit of peace and love. Fear none of the trials facing you for these will
make you stronger, wiser, and will show My love for you. You will be renewed afterwards. Stay in prayer to
remain at peace. I love you. All will be well. Ask others to pray for you. I love you. I walk with you and nothing
can separate you from Me.
Thank You for all the graces and blessings, Jesus. I owe You my life and my love. I say, yes to You again
Jesus, as I know my husband does, too.
Thank you, My children, go in My love.

[i] (Note: the dream referred to is given in the video posted on this
link: )

September 5, 2014, Adoration Chapel

Dearest Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament, thank You for this opportunity to adore You, my Lord and my
God. I love You, my sweet Jesus. Thank You for the many graces and blessings You give to our family. Lord,
thank You for the beautiful sunrise yesterday that You allowed us to witness on the beach. The cloud formation,
the amazing spectrum of colors was gorgeous. Thank You for the magnificent ocean, Father God, our Creator.
Praise You, my Lord and my God! Jesus have You anything to say to me?
Yes, My daughter. I love you and thank you for coming to Holy Mass and for visiting with Me in My presence in
the Eucharist. I thank you and all your family. I welcome you to My Mothers church, to My church on this
solemn occasion of My little Thereses feast day and on the day set aside to honor My Sacred Heart. I am
especially grateful that you have come on your vacation. It is always pleasing to Me when My children choose
Me over other choices, like sleeping in, or seeing to your own needs. Thank you, My children for coming to
console Me in the Blessed Sacrament. My child, you still struggle to write of My gratitude, but thank you for
doing so even though it does not feel comfortable. Give this to Me, My daughter, for I wish to make known My
gratitude, My love, My joy when My children come to Holy Mass, bringing all that they are and have and laying
this on the altar as a sacrificial offering to God. In this way, My children participate; truly participate in the Mass.
I, your God am consoled when My children, especially the littlest ones come to Mass with joyful hearts, hearts
full of gratitude to Me. I love you, My children. I hunger and thirst for your love. Do not deny the love in your
hearts, for I created you, came to earth and died for you so that we never need be separated again. I never
abandon you, My precious children. Why do you abandon Me? Please return to me, My children. I await your
return with open arms. Do not be concerned that your sins are too many or too horrible, for I am God. I know
everything there is to know about you and still I love you. I am the only one with the power, and the desire to
forgive you. Come, My children. If you do not believe I want to forgive you, ask Me for My forgiveness anyway.
Repent and open your heart to the hope and possibility for forgiveness and allow Me to flood your soul with the
light of grace. Then My dearest, poor, suffering little one, I will envelope you with My peace, My love, My mercy,
My joy. I, your Jesus desire to take up residence in your heart, but first, My poor, lost child, I must wipe every
mark from your heart. Yes, My lost children, sin leaves marks on your heart, on your soul. Allow Me to forgive
you and infuse My light into your soul. You will then feel a return of meaning and purpose in your life. Do not
despair, your Jesus loves you. Neither wait, though for you wait too long. You go too long without Me, the love.
Jesus, I sense Your deep sadness and the longing in Your Sacred Heart for your children who are wondering
about without You. Jesus, we love You. I am here for You, Jesus. Lord, please give graces through the Blessed
Mother to souls in darkness. Help them to see how much they need You, Lord. We all need You, Jesus and can
do nothing without You. Help us, Lord in this world of darkness and disobedience. Our world is in a desperate
state and our society has lost its way. It is so lost, Jesus that people do not even know how far we have
strayed. There is a certain blindness, a dullness of mind and heart. Show us the way back to Your Son, Jesus,


Blessed Mother for we are completely lost and wandering in the desert of secularism. Help us Blessed Mother,
our Star. Guide us to Your Son, Jesus.
My little lamb, this is a pleasing prayer. I hear and take this to My Heavenly Father.
Lord, I thank You that You listen to my prayers. I feel these are somehow (the words escape me) a lost cause. I
dont know why I think this after You just said You hear my prayer and take it to Your Father.
My child, this is because you know the state of the world, generally speaking. You are aware that it is too late
now for hearts to change in the magnitude needed for renewal without major intervention by God. This is true,
and yet each prayer for souls does benefit someone. You must continue to pray for hearts to be open to Gods
love. Even though you understand it will take Gods intervention to get people on their knees, it is still, or
perhaps I say, even more important to pray for the lost. Each child of Mine is precious to Me and the loss of
even one soul grieves My Sacred Heart and that of My Mothers heart. Her sorrow is deep and Her Immaculate,
pure, holy heart breaks for Her lost children. This is why you must pray and you must be love to My hurting and
lost children. My little lamb, thank you for offering your fall and subsequent pains to Me. I saw your fall and how
your family rushed to help you.
Jesus, it was nothing, very minor. Its very little to give You and yet You asked that we bring and give everything
to You no matter how small. I ask You to unite my little bumps and bruises to Your deep and painful wounds to
help some poor soul in need of graces. Or perhaps many (souls) since the little we have, You multiply, Jesus.
Thank You that You use our small offerings, multiply them by Your act of redemption and use these little offerings
to save lost souls. Your mercy is endless, Jesus and Your compassion and love never grows weary of us.
Thank You, Jesus, my Lord and my God, my All!
Thank you, My little one. this is what I ask all of My children to do. Offer your lives as a living sacrifice, just as
I, your Jesus did. I do not ask you to physically die on a cross, only that you take up your small daily crosses
and your blessings and offer them back to the source of all life, all love, all truth, Me, Jesus. For in this way, all is
united to Me on the cross at Calvary and all is a love offering to God the Father in Heaven. If My children of the
light would offer each cross, each concern, each pain, each joy to Me on a daily basis, My children of light, the
renewal would begin sooner. Spread this message, My children of light so that others will begin to know the
value of uniting their sufferings with Mine. This is a concept many of My Catholic children have either forgotten
or have not been taught. You would do well to restore this important teaching on the cross. Fewer children
would take their own lives if they knew and understood the value of suffering. Look at Me, My children. Gaze at
a crucifix and meditate on the value of My suffering. Then read the Gospels, My children. Understand what is
meant by Me when I said, Take up your cross and follow Me. This is a very noble act of love, My children, for
when you do this, you are imitating Me, the Redeemer of the World. Come, follow Me. I love you. I will help
you, as will all the saints in Heaven to whom you have recourse.
Jesus, are we to meet with our builder? He has not returned our call, Lord. I have not followed up yet, Jesus as
I think I am to do, partly because I do not want to travel there now that we are into the second week of our
vacation. That is selfish, I realize, Lord.
My child, call him again and do what you can to schedule. This visit is needed as the building cannot progress
without determining the elevation. Do your best and allow Me to do the rest.
Ok, Jesus. Thank You.
Lord, please be with my husbands aunt. Help her, Lord to draw always closer to You in her final days. I am
looking forward to visiting her tomorrow. Thank You for this opportunity.
You are welcome, My child. She is waiting for your visit and looking forward to being with all of you. Pray the
Divine Mercy Chaplet in her presence, even if silently. This will give her many graces from Me, as you pray in
faith and trust in Your Jesus.
Alright, Jesus. I will do so. Thank you. I love You, Jesus and I trust in You.
Thank you, My darling daughter. Trust in Me, My daughter. Keep trusting in Me when the coming calamities
occur and do not fear. Be assured, I your Jesus have everything under control, though the world will be in
seeming chaos.


Ok, Jesus, Lord. Have You anything else to say to me?

Yes, My little one. Anticipate the coming days when you will be in My Mothers presence. You and your family
will receive many graces which will further prepare you for your mission. (Name withheld) whose heart is most
open to Me and to My Mother will also receive and benefit from the graces poured out upon him. You will have
many temptations and trials leading up to this time; times of doubt, worries about one another. I urge you all to
see these for what they are; temptations to turn around. The tempter does not want you and My other children
to be in My Holy Mothers presence. He is very angry for these additional days of grace and he wants to block
the reception of graces.
What must we do, Jesus when we have these doubts, these difficulties?
Call out to Me and to My Mother. Just the mention of My name and My Mothers name makes the tempter and
his minions flee. Ask Me to restore your peace. Sing hymns of praise to God for this goodness; pray the rosary
and the Divine Mercy Chaplet and you will be protected. I will restore your peace. See these feelings of unrest
for what they are, temporary and passing. Do not give into them, My dears for great gifts await you. Remain at
peace, in unity with all around you for nothing can stop My children of the Renewal from being united to My Holy
Mother. Nothing that is, but your free will. I tell you this, so that you will be wise and recognize the true battle
being waged for souls. Praise God for any trial, for these are allowed to strengthen your resolve, your faith, your
trust and your reliance on Me. Call out to Me, just as St. Peter did when he was sinking. I will hold out My hand
to you to pull you from every danger.
Jesus, do not let go of our hands. Keep us in the safety of Your Sacred Heart where no-one or nothing can
separate us from You. We love and adore You, Jesus.
Thank you, My little lamb and I love you and your family. I sent My little son to tell you this very thing after
Mass. He has a heart for his Jesus and for his Mother Mary. Please tell (name withheld) I, his King, am very
pleased with the picture of My Mother, and that of My warrior St. Michael. All of Heaven smiles by his desire to
evangelize and distribute the prayers of the Most Holy Rosary. Graces flow from his little acts of charity and love
and the rays from his heart are beautiful and pure. Tell him of My gratitude, My daughter. He delights Me!
Ok, Jesus. I will tell him. Thank You for Your encouragement, Jesus and for seeing all that we do for You, Lord.
(name withheld) is amazing and so sweet. Thank You for creating him, Lord. The world so needs him. Thank
You, Lord.
You are most welcome, My dears for indeed he was placed in a special, faith filled family to nourish the seed of
faith in his heart. There will be many more in need of instruction and nourishment in the faith and I will entrust
many children who will be without parents to your family and to other children of light to raise and to love them
for the future of My world. (name withheld) will help other children, also and this is why I need My child to
continue to grow in wisdom and knowledge of Me and to always grow in love. I will instill My holy confidence in
him as he grows. Continue to love one another and to become like the Holy Family. St. Joseph and My Mother
will guide you in this as only they can do. My children, I give your family St. Pio. Ask him for graces and
assistance to grow in holiness. He watches over you, your husband and your family, and yes, (names
withheld). Entrust all to me, My children. Entrust all of your family and all of your friends. Trust in your Jesus.
That is all, and that is everything.
Thank You, good and merciful Savior! I am grateful, though my words seem so inadequate.
I know your heart, My sweet one. I love you and I thank you for your gratitude. Go in peace. Go in love. Go in
My grace. I bless you in the name of My Father, and in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Thank you
again little darlings for this most special visit.
Thank you, Lord for allowing us this time and for our daughter to discover this beautiful church named for Our
Lady, Star of the Sea!
She is smiling and pleased that you accepted Her invitation to come here.
Thank You so much, Lord God of All. We love You, Jesus.
And I, you.



Messages and prayers from Jesus to His children

Sunday, August 24, 2014, Adoration Chapel
Hello, Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament. I love You, adore You, and praise You. Thank You that You
wait so lovingly for us to visit with You, sweet Jesus. You are my Lord, my God, and my all. Thank You, Jesus
for granting us safe travels, Lord and for protecting our home while we were away. Bless those who could not
be on retreat and were unable to meet with us. Thank You, Lord for the graces You poured out on us during our
retreat. You are so very good to us, Lord. I love You. Thank You for Your mercy, Jesus!
My daughter, I am pleased to see you and your husband. Your God is grateful for your visits and for each and
every prayer prayed for your brothers and sisters. I await all of My childrens visits to adore Me in the Holy
Eucharist. Would that more of My children visited Me.
Jesus, I sense that you are very solemn. Are you, Jesus? Are you sad, My Lord and Savior?
Yes, My child. It is as you say. I am sad on this holy of days, for many, many of My children preferred sleeping
in very late, over attending Holy Mass. My children chose their late nights of socializing and entertainment,
followed by a day of laziness or leisure to what I have asked, that this day be honored as the day of the Lord. I
desire this day of the week to be a day of prayer, worship and a day of rest. Instead, after a late night of
carousing and lewd conduct, My poor children nurse hangovers, sleeping late, and arise to watch their favorite
sporting channel on television or attend their favorite sport. This, My child causes great sadness in Your Jesus
Sacred Heart for My children follow a pagan life style rather than following Me. Paganism leads one on the path
to eternal death, whereas following Me, the Christ, leads one on a path to eternal life. My little lamb if you only
knew the number of souls who have stopped going to church on Sunday, and the number who have never gone
to church, you would be appalled. This number of souls is too numerous for you to comprehend, My little child.
Far fewer are the souls who faithfully attend Mass or church services. Even fewer are the souls who truly follow
My law of the Sabbath which is now observed on Sunday. My child, the Commandments of My Father hold just
as much importance now as they did when the Father gave them to Moses for all His people. These are rules
to live by, My little one. To know of them, and to disregard them is to choose death. My children, I beg you, I
plead with you to choose life, given to you as a precious gift from God the Father, the Creator. Do not choose
death. You were created for life, so choose life. Choose Me! I love you, My children. Come be part of the
family of God. Be children of light. Do not be children of darkness and death. Be My sweet, children of light
and life and have peace. The peace you seek can only be fulfilled by following Me. For the world cannot give
you peace. Peace comes from the very heart of God and therefore can only be given by God. My foolish
children whom I love very dearly, you are destroying yourselves and your families by your continual bad
choices. Turn away from these temptations that jeopardize your souls and choose Me, Your Jesus. Do not think
that by choosing Me, your life will become dull and boring for that is a lie of My adversary and yours. Following
Me, is an adventure of a lifetime. Come, My children. Try this life of holiness and peace which brings great and
lasting joy. Come now; What do you have to lose?
Thank You, Jesus that you continue to invite us to share in Your life and in Your love. You are most merciful,
Jesus. I love You.
And I love you, My daughter. I walk with each child created by the Father and I await an opening to penetrate
their soul with My Holy Spirit. I love all of My children.
Thank You, Jesus. Lord, have you anything else to say to me?
Yes, My child. The time that I have told you about is nearing and is approaching soon. Children, you must
change while there is still some time, for if you do not, it will be too late.
Jesus, You have said soon in many other messages. Is this soon in Your time or soon in our time (our frame of
This is soon in My time and in yours, My child. There is no time left to waste. Your Jesus has spoken to you on
several occasions regarding the evil that abounds; have I not?
Yes, Lord. You have.


My daughter, souls must repent and return to Me, their Savior before it is too late, for conversion is critical
during this time in history. That is why My Father has been sending My Mother to the world like no other time in
the history of the world. Still, very small are the numbers of My children who listen to and heed Her words.
Come children, and repent while there is still time. The day is growing shorter and darkness is all around you.
Come, while there is still some light.
Yes, Jesus. Thank You. Lord, I am very tired from the events and work of last week. We never seem to get
caught up on sleep these days, Jesus. I feel this is just going to be the way it is for the time being. I offer this
fatigue to You, Lord and ask that You use it as You will. Thank You, Lord that You bring purpose and meaning to
the small crosses in our lives. Thank You for the opportunity to suffer, Lord.
I accept your offering, My little one. I, Your Jesus am grateful when you offer your crosses to Me. There would
not be so many crosses if more of My children would accept their own. Many graces go unused as a result.
Thank you My Children of the Renewal who offer your daily crosses to Me, Jesus. Thank you, My generous
children. I am a grateful God when My children try to please Me.
Jesus, please forgive me for the times I have sinned this week, have been grouchy or irritable and defensive. I
am sorry for the times I acted out of impatience instead of out of love. Please forgive me, Jesus and restore
Your love and peace in my heart. I want to love in union with Your Sacred Heart and Your Holy Mothers
Immaculate Heart. Please give me a heart of love, Lord.
My little lamb, all is forgiven and forgotten. I forgive you, My child. Come, do not be discouraged for the path to
holiness is narrow and at times, My children stumble and trip. This is understandable for in life there are many
tempters who work to bring frustrations to the surface. Do not be unsettled when this occurs. Recognize that
you are experiencing a time of unease and ask Me, Your Jesus to grant you peace. Tell Me your feelings and
what it is that is bothering you. Do this before you lash out at someone or appear displeased with them. In this
way, I can assist you before you fall. In this way, your growth in holiness will proceed at a more rapid pace, for
you will be given insight into the things, people, comments, etc., that cause frustration or trigger past memories,
and open old wounds, as they say. I will provide graces for healing, understanding and love, My child. Bring
everything to Jesus and together we will examine each and every struggle you face. I have the answers you
seek My daughter. I and only I see into the depth of your wounds. I know each and every one of your wounds,
what caused them, and what is needed for healing. I am also the greatest physician of all, and I know the
prescribed remedy. I apply specific graces, needed to heal every wound and in this way, bringing each issue,
concern, temptation to Me, I can heal you and together We continue on your path to eternal salvation, My
Kingdom. Seek and do My Fathers Will, My children and you will enter into My heavenly kingdom when your
earthly work is done. Come, My children. Bring everything to Me, Your Jesus. I love you and I will never
abandon you. I will love you no matter how great your sin, only bring it to Me, My children, for how else can I
help you? Do not fear. I will not reject a repentant soul.
Thank You, merciful Jesus. Thank You, loving Redeemer. I love You. I praise You. I adore You.
My little lamb, you received many graces at the meeting you and your family attended. My Mother and I were
present with you and we were pleased to be in your company (all who attended). My faithful children who
struggle to do My Will and to answer My invitation to follow Me, to change the direction of your life and to hold
fast to the hem of My Mothers mantle, fear not! For I am with you. My Mother is with you, also and will keep
you safely under Her mantle of protection. Do not fear these changes I ask of you, for they are for your
protection, for your families protection and for those I will send you. If it were not so, I would not ask such
radical change in the lives of My little remnant. I desire your well being and I desire My children dwell in the
safety of holy communities. I ask much of you My children, I realize and yet, you will be filled with many graces
to do what it is I ask of you. I will give you deep joy, as well as peace. Be assured, I Your Jesus will never
abandon you, My children. Even if you do not choose to follow the path My Mother and I have laid before you.
Even if you do not accept the plan for community. For those I have personally invited to new life in community,
should you say no, I respect your decision. I desire the best for My children, however, I have also given you the
gift of free will and you are free to choose. I urge you, however to follow My plan, and that of My Mother for this
is what will be best for you and for your families. Still, I love you, no matter what you decide. My daughter, you
are hesitant about this act of acceptance from Your Jesus. You struggle even as you write, but I am pleased that
you convey this message from Me to My children.
Jesus, I know how You have taught about the gift of free will and it is such a beautiful gift, which also comes with
great responsibility. I am a little surprised to hear You making it sound ok to go against Your will. I mean this
only in context of the urgency of the times and also because Your will is truly what is best for us.


Yes, My daughter. It is as you say. However, there will be some who have been called, invited and are needed
in specific communities, who will deny My Mothers invitation. This is the sad reality, My little one. I want to
assure these children of My love, even if they do not accept My invitation to build a future with hope. There is
still an open invitation to follow Me and they are able, just as those who came before, to enter into My Kingdom.
Of course, you know this but I state it in such a way as to make it obvious to you, My little lamb. Entering
community does nothing to guarantee ones salvation, but it will certainly be more attainable. It is also the way
and a means of physical protection, for My Mother and I will protect Our holy communities established under the
mantle of My Mother. This is the future for My world, My daughter. Each child of Mine has a special role and
mission and I desire this be fulfilled in their lives. My children have the freedom to choose, however. I love you,
My children and that will never change.
Thank you, Jesus for Your love and for Your mercy.
My child, you are concerned for those who will not desire to live in community?
Yes, Jesus I am.
And rightfully so, little one. Rightfully so. Pray, My child. Pray for My Mothers fledgling communities. Pray for
those leading each community and pray for those who refuse to live in community. Pray for those who do not
have and do not know about living in community, but will flee their homes to live in refuges. My Father provides
many avenues of protection and that is why there are new communities forming in various parts of the world, as
well as refuges being established. Many refuges have already been established for quite some time, and every
day another refuge is added for the protection of those who are Mine. Pray for those who will flee their homes in
search of refuge. Pray, My child, pray. Many lives will be taken during the flight into Egypt. Many, many lives
will be lost. I repeat, pray, pray, pray My children of light. Souls are at stake. It is not My will that such death
and destruction prevail, My little ones. Your Jesus does everything to hold back this great battle and yet it is up
to you, My children to give Me your yes. In this way, My Fathers plans will be fully realized and you will be
protected. I do not guarantee the outcome for those who live outside My Will, for evil prowls throughout the
world seeking the ruin of souls. To live outside of My Divine Will is to leave the mantle of protection. I love you.
Love Me, dearest children of My heart. Return the love of Your Jesus.
Jesus, I feel as if Your heart is pleading with us. Your love is very intense. Your heart is large enough for all and
reaches out to us with such mercy and kindness. Oh, if everyone knew how gentle You are, Jesus they would
run to Your embrace and do all You ask. And yet, how frequently I disappoint You Jesus, and say things before
asking what You would have me say. I still have not learned to speak and act completely in Your will, so I
understand that others may not, yet either. Jesus, please change us and do so quickly, Lord, since time is
growing so short and the hour of darkness is upon us. This also means the hour of mercy is also upon us. In
Your mercy, Lord hear and answer My prayer. We, Your children desire holiness, dear Savior and this is
impossible without Divine intervention.
My child, this is a pleasing request. I could fill you with grace for complete transformation in a moment if I so
desired. There will be some, I will do this very thing, for their lives will be required in an act of martyrdom. For
others, I desire the joy in the journey. For most, the path to holiness is filled with briars and brambles and these
must be cleared in ones soul just as brush must be cleared in the wild to build communities. Yes, My child, I
could infuse you with such grace that you would be instantly holy. However, there is not as much merit in a case
such as this, for the struggle of a soul is absent when I do it all for you. You understand this, My child when
taken in this context?
Yes, My Jesus. I understand. It would be like a parent or parents handing everything to their children without
them having to do anything to earn these gifts and privileges. Instead of learning the value of work and the
subsequent satisfaction in a job well done, they receive the fruits of their parents labor with little or no
appreciation. Is this what you mean, Jesus?
Yes, My daughter, this is a good analogy. I am offering My children the cross and the way of the cross. I will
assist you to carry your crosses in life, but the way to salvation is the cross. In the case of holy martyrs, they are
accepting the very heavy cross of martyrdom. In order to do so, in the face of great fear and utter confusion in
many cases, I infuse these souls with graces to make the choice in alignment with the course of their lives. Holy
souls need a vast supply of grace to choose Me in these final moments of their lives, since to do so (choose Me)


will be the end of their earthly lives. As I have said before and often repeated, I do not abandon My children
especially at the hour of their death.
Thank You, My Lord and My God. You are all good and deserving of all of our love! Jesus, thank You that the
work needed to build Your community is proceeding according to Your plans. Help us all to be patient and to
trust in You and Your Holy Mother. Thank You that my sister bought a new house. Thank you for the location
and for providing more land and food sources for their family. I praise You and I thank You, Jesus!
My daughter, you may go in peace now, as you are very tired and have just returned from an important time of
prayer and meetings. Again, you are unaware of the graces you and your family received on this recent trip.
One day, you will know and you will all marvel at the gifts your generous Lord continues to bestow upon you. I
granted very special graces to little (name withheld) who bore much suffering for souls during this difficult time.
Through his suffering, the suffering of a little child, many souls benefitted including your souls and his. He
received graces he needs for the future and for his specific calling in life. He has suffered much as a result of
your familys mission and he bears the anger from the tempter, for you needed to concentrate on the meeting.
You will be very grateful to this little one for what he has taken so that you three can proceed on the path I have
put before you.
Jesus, I had no idea he was taking our suffering. That doesnt seem fair for such a little one. We would all
prefer to suffer rather than have him do so. He is so young and pure and he had no choice in the matter (going
to the meeting).
My child, My little one did have a choice. He chose to allow this and carried it for you, to the best of his
understanding. He is My fiery one indeed and St. Michael protects him. My little one wants to do his part for
your familys mission. He wanted a job in addition to supervising the door and he allowed his Jesus to give him
a small cross, which felt very big to him. He regretted it only a few times, but still did not relinquish it to me.
(name withheld) is a holy, little warrior of mine. Tell him, His Jesus is very pleased and that I love him and bless
him. Now, go in peace for I, Your Jesus have all under control and in My perfect plan. I love you and I bless you
in My name, in My Fathers name, and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace. Be love.
Thank you, Jesus. Amen!
Sunday, August 17, 2014, Adoration Chapel
Hello, Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament. I love, adore, and praise you, Jesus my King. Please set
up residence in my heart, my King. Reign in my soul, Lord. Purify my entire being with the fire of Your love so
that there is not one area of darkness left within me, for without Your love, Your all consuming flame of love, my
heart would be void of light and of love. Consume me with the fire of Your love, so completely, Lord that
everything within me is of You, Lord. I am unable to love, Jesus unless You love through me. Blessed Mother,
just as you said to Jesus at the Wedding of Cana, Son, they have no wine. Say to Jesus of my heart, Son she
has no love. Then ask Jesus to take my heart, so lacking in love, and fill it with new love, His love. He must
completely restore/remake my little stony heart, Blessed Mother for He said that one does not put new wine into
old wineskins for the wineskins will stretch and tear. That must mean His love, which is so complete, so full, so
expansive, must be contained in a new heart; one that can expand because it is soft and tender, flexible, and
supple, such that it can expand with the enormous content that is Jesus love. Blessed Mother, if you ask this of
Jesus and if it will be good for me, Jesus will do as You ask. Blessed Mother, it must be good for all of Your
children to love in this way, the way of Jesus, for we are to become like Him in every way. If we are to become
like Him in every way, then it must mean we are to love like Jesus loves, for if we do not love the way He loves
then we can do nothing else like Jesus for it all begins with love; not just any weak, flawed, human love but His
divine Love. Therefore if you ask Him for this on my behalf Blessed Mother, I believe I know Jesus will do so for
He will do anything You ask. You must see, dearest Mother how lacking in love I am. You surely know my every
deficit for You are the perfect Mother and every good mother knows her childrens strengths and weaknesses. Is
this not true, my beautiful Mother, the Mother of my Lord? If it is not true of all earthly mothers, and I think it is, it
is surely true of You, our Heavenly Mother. Please Blessed mother, I beg of you to ask Jesus to give me a heart
of love, but not just any heart a new heart. It must be new, Blessed Mother so it can be pure and can hold at
least some, if not all (no one would be able to live, I think) of Jesus love. Dear Mother of my life, will you please
ask Jesus for this? I come as a little child who is a beggar for love of Jesus.
My little one, do not cry and do not be sad. I know you desire to love like Jesus and I also know that you need
this love. I will ask Him, My precious little daughter who tries so hard and with much intensity to do what Jesus
asks of you. I also see that you are unable to do and be everything He wants of you without these special


graces of love. Quiet your heart and be at peace, for I have already asked this of Him. Yes, my child, you see,
Jesus wants this for you and for all of His children. I want this, also for I want everything that God desires for I
am in His perfect will. You are at peace now, My little one. That is good. I feel your desire to please Jesus and
also your frustration with yourself when you fall short of his love. This is as it should be My daughter for it means
you desire to live the life of the love, that is the life of the Blessed Trinity. This is Gods will for all of His
children. This will be a gradual process, and one which you are learning. I, as your Mother see the progress
you are making, which you do not see. You focus on the times you were not as loving as you want to be and
yes, I see these also. But, My child I see how much more you try. I see that your guardian angel takes your
hands and picks you up. I see all of heaven cheering you on, as they do all of the children of light. All in Heaven
pray for our children on earth. The angel guardians re close by walking with their charges and they lift you when
you fall. Always, always get up My children of light, so that the light, My Jesus can remain within you. You must
take these failed attempts to Jesus in Confession so that He may grant you complete and total forgiveness.
When a soul has Jesus remove their sins and the space or void this creates, even if it is a small space/gap,
there is then room to receive His graces, those that come from the Sacraments. You see, My child each sin
committed from the small to the large offenses, creates a gap in your soul. This gap or empty space then, is
devoid of light and love. When one continues to sin, these are more empty spaces. These are like a gray color
and are gaps in your hearts, where before there was light. When ones soul has many, many sins and there is
little light, the soul becomes more and more gray/shadows fill it, and it is dark. This is why, My children even
when there are small offenses you must go, and I repeat, you must go to Confession. Allow My holy priest sons
to hear your Confession. Then My Son Jesus will absolve your sins, through Our priest sons and the voids in
your souls will once again be filled with Gods light. This light eradicates all sin and darkness. Go often My
children, so that your souls remain in a constant state of grace and remain filled with light and Gods love. This
Divine remedy will prevent you from ever falling too far, for it is very difficult, if not impossible for a soul filled with
Gods light, with Gods grace to commit a mortal sin. I say it is impossible for when one frequents the Sacrament
of Reconciliation; one is completely reconciled with God and therefore also with all of Heaven such is the unity
with God for those in Heaven. When ones soul is in the state of grace, one is living and breathing God, as it
were. It is only when a soul does not take their smaller offenses to Confession, for absolution and healing, that
souls continue heaping smaller offenses over already gray areas of their soul. In this way, lots of smaller
offenses numb a persons awareness of and sensitivity to God. Therefore, the offenses begin to be rationalized
by the person who does not frequent the Sacrament of Confession and before that person realizes it, there are
larger temptations to sin. It is very easy for souls to fall into mortal sin when they are not caring for their soul and
seeking frequent checkups in a manner of speaking. There is much focus in this age of disobedience, on
preventive health and that is good. However, We would be very remiss if We in Heaven did not reiterate the
importance of preventive health in the spiritual life. My children, your souls will live for eternity. It is important to
care for the body that the Father in Heaven gave you, yes, but how much more important is it to care for your
souls, which you will have forever. Do not be in a position of regret when you stand before Jesus in your
judgment, that you did not spend as much time, if not more time caring for your spiritual health as you did for
your physical health. Go to Confession regularly, My children, for your soul needs this to remain healthy, full of
God giving life, love, mercy, and truth. I recommend that My children go to Confession at the least once every
month and I encourage you to go even more frequently. It would be very good to go weekly, but if that is not
possible for you, I recommend every two weeks. Some of My children would be making a very big improvement
to go monthly. Some of My children, who are seeking to grow in holiness will be aware of a need to go more
frequently. I realize many of My children rarely set foot in the Sacrament of Confession. Yes, My daughter, there
are many who consider themselves to be good Catholics who think they are doing well to go to Confession once
or twice a year. Many more of My children who consider themselves to be good Catholics go to Confession
even more seldom. It is this group of My Catholic children who are at great risk of becoming fallen away
Catholics. My daughter, I know of your passion to reach your brothers and sisters who have stopped going to
Mass. I tell you now, ask My holy priest sons to preach on the wonderful spiritual fruits of going to Confession
on a regular basis and to expand the hours they are available for Confession, for the souls of our little children
are starving for graces they do not seek via the Sacrament of Reconciliation. For souls who are unaware, there
are literally thousands and thousands (if graces could be counted, which is not possible for humans) of graces
going unused due to the numerous children who do not seek and ask for them by going to Confession. My
children, how do you think you can survive the temptations of the current age, that are like no other age, when
you do not remain in a state of grace. Please, My children, listen to your Mother. I know what is best for you.
You must return to the beautiful treasure in My sons church, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, for complete
forgiveness of your sins. In this way, by regular Confession and My Sons absolution, you will hunger and thirst
for My Son in the Eucharist. Remain united to the living water, for everything flows from the heart of Jesus.
When one goes to Confession frequently and by this I mean at a minimum once every month, and goes to holy
Mass with a heart full of love, receives My Son in the Eucharist, nourishes this unity through the week in prayer,
there is almost nothing one cannot accomplish for Jesus, such is the unity with God and all of Heaven. Please
dear children of My heart, do these things which are fundamental to the life of a Christian, so that My Son, Our


Lord will be present in a powerful way, in your hearts. A heart full of grace and love, My daughter can literally
change one corner of the world. We need many, many children living this life of grace to change hearts, My dear
one. You cannot begin to imagine the beauty of one soul, filled with the light of grace which is the love of My
Son. Graces from holy souls are like beams of light, with many particles of color, coming up from the earth to
Heaven. More graces travel down these beams of light like a passageway back to the soul from Heaven and
then these graces go with the soul wherever God takes each soul during their earthly journey. This beautiful
bouquet of light, unseen by human eyes, but seen by the angels of light and all in Heaven, travels in and through
each soul of My children of light and permeates each place and every person they meet. Do you see, My little
one, how beautiful it is to be filled with My Sons light and love? Do you see how much it is possible for holy
souls to impact this world, especially this age of disobedience where so much darkness prevails? Picture this
image, My children. Imagine you are standing in a very dark cave. Perhaps there are many of you on tour in
some of the splendid caves created by God through His act of nature. Imagine that it is so dark, that you cannot
see your hand when you hold it up to your face. You can see nothing at all. When the lights go out everyone
stands completely still. There is no movement for fear of running into one another and creating chaos and
panic. Your guide encourages all to be very still, at ease so as to avoid a panic. The guide assures you that
very soon, the electricity will be restored, and to wait patiently. Soon after the complete silence, people begin to
whisper to one another and then in very hushed tones, to maintain a sense of calm. Someone asks you if you or
anyone with you has a flashlight. No one does, but someone says, I have a book of matches. It is so dark
though they cannot see to look in the purse where the matches are someplace at the bottom. The person who
says this is encouraged by the others to look for the matches. People move carefully away, ever so slightly, from
the person giving them room to search, by feeling inside the purse. What seems like a long time passes and the
person finds the book of matches in her purse. She lights one. Everyone is very relieved for just one match
produces much light in this cave full of darkness and void of all light. People begin to check on their loved ones
and see, really see where each one is standing and draws their family members close. Soon, though the small
match goes out. Not to worry, the lady assures everyone, I have more and she lights another. This time, people
take the opportunity to look around and assess where they are standing in the cave relative to where they all
need to move to get to the mouth of the cave. They assess which people are in the front of the group, who
would need to move first to start toward the direction of the exit. The guide knows the way and just when they
begin to formulate a plan, the match is extinguished. The group says to the lady; Dont light another until we
talk. Lets save the matches for the exit process. We can talk in the dark and when we are ready, light another
so we can begin to move while there is light from the match. How many do you have? someone says. I dont
know, for I didnt count them. There were several, though I just dont know how many. Oh, that is ok; but just
ration them so we have as many as possible in case the electricity does not come back and we can at least
make our way toward the exit and leave.
My children, do you see how important it is to have this light, which in your souls is the light of Gods love? In
this story, only one person was equipped with matches. Even one person made such a difference. With the light
from only two matches, there was a sense of calm. After being in total darkness, the light from one match
enabled parents to locate their children and draw their families close. For the first time, people really looked at
one another and valued their presence, their state of being alright during the darkness. With the lights from the
second match, all were able to assess the state of the cave and where they were in proximity to the route
needed to travel to safety, to exit the cave and be in the presence of the sunshine, Gods source for earthly light
and life. You see, My children, how one soul makes a difference? Imagine now that 6 people had matches.
How much more quickly and efficiently could the group move about in the cave and formulate an exit strategy.
How much easier would it be for others to rescue them if they could walk much closer to the path near the
entrance? You see, My children, the more darkness that exists in your current situation, the brighter the light,
even from one match. The contrast is so great that people even remarked at the brightness of the light in the
cave just from one small match. My children, be light for this dark world in which you are living. Be love. Give
your yes to Jesus to live in the light of His love. In this way, more and more of our children, your brothers and
sisters will be illuminated by the light of Christ. A soul in darkness, who longs for Gods love is attracted to the
light in the soul of another. Do you see, My children how light for those in the story of the cave experience,
provided truth and clarity to them? They were able to see, for the first time for some, how much they valued one
another, needed one another, and how much they valued the gift of life given to them by God the Father. In this
story, the children in darkness decided for a plan to exit the darkness so they would live; for if they remained in
the darkened cave, with no return of electricity, they would surely die. Oh, some may have lived and exited by
groping around and by Gods grace being led by the guide to the exit, providing the guide could determine the
way. It is doubtful the guide would have done so, though for darkness causes confusion and a loss of the sense
of direction. Such is also the effects of a darkened soul. One with such darkness has a loss of direction and
purpose in their life. A soul such as this gropes about in the darkness trying one route after another with so
many failed attempts at exiting the darkness that one begins to give up and lose hope. Souls in this example, in
darkness begin then to be angry with the fact that they are in darkness and then begin to pull other souls into


their dark space. They do so out of anger and sometimes out of loneliness. If I cant escape this lot in my life,
these souls think, at least I can have company in my misery. All along, the exit was just ahead, but they were in
such darkness, they could no longer recognize the small ray of light. Their eyes had grown so accustomed to
darkness; it is almost as if they had grown blind to the light. My children of light, what would you do in this
example, if your brothers and sisters were lost in a cave, with no matches and no hope of electricity? My
children, you would take your flashlights, extra batteries, some rope, some water, and some food, and set out in
search of your brothers and sisters who were lost in the cave. Yes, My dears, I know you and I know this is what
you would do. You would also seek the assistance of a guide, an expert in spelunking and enlist their services.
You would quickly devise a rescue plan and embark on a rescue mission. This is what I, your Mother am asking
of you. You must frequent the Sacraments to give you the additional graces in your souls that are especially
needed during these dark times. Look at this as having a flashlight with many additional batteries to keep the
light burning brightly for a long period of time. You would bring life giving water and some food for your brothers
and sisters who, by the time you reach them, may be parched from thirst, and starving of nutrition. This is what
you must bring with you, the love of Christ for you must be prepared to give and give of your love, the love Jesus
has filled you with from His Sacred Heart, for it takes much love to heal souls who have lived in darkness for a
very long time. Light from the flashlight is very important but once you find the group who is lost, if they are
dying of thirst they will be unable to follow you out of the dark cave. You must bring them the basic sustenance
of life, which is water and then some light food. One cannot eat much after having been without food for a long
time. One must drink and then have light food. This means in the spiritual life, you just love your starving
neighbor; do not give them an entire catechesis on spiritual doctrine. They will not be able to digest this My
children. They must first receive life giving water. This My children is Gods love. Give them love My children.
Listen to them. Hear their fears, their concerns; you do not need to know what to say. You do not need to be
equipped with all of the answers and have an elaborate detailed map of the cave with an explanation of where
they are, how they got to the location, why the electricity went out, and a lecture of why they mustnt leave home
without a flashlight or at least some matches when they go on a tour of caves. No, My children, for those who
are dying of thirst will simply lay their heads down and pray for death. This is not helpful. One first administers
what is needed. In this case, one opens a canteen, lifts the head of their brother dying of thirst and assists them
to drink. Only a little, you say. There is plenty more, but allow your body to absorb this for a few moments
before drinking too much or your body will reject this life giving water. You clear the area, asking others to give
the victim space so they can breathe. You then give them a few more sips. You sit with them as they regain
some energy, some life. You talk to them in quiet tones, encouraging them, telling them how happy you are to
have found them. How brave they have been, to have lived through so much darkness, to have been lost for so
long and to have not given up hope. You are sweet and kind which is balm of love to their weary, sad soul and
they begin to feel strong enough to take a little bit of the food you have brought. Just a little, you say, until your
stomach is used to the food and then we have more for you. They have begun to trust you now, for you had
more water for them just as you said you did and therefore they believe that you will also have more food for
them. And you do and you give them a little more. When they feel a bit stronger and are now sitting upright, you
help them to their feet. The group is now ready to move, but only for a few yards. They must then sit down and
rest some more for their muscles have atrophied while they were waiting to be rescued. You then give them
more water and food and wait while they rest, until once again they are able to continue. This time, they can
walk further. My children, this repeats itself, nourishment, walking, then resting, more nourishment, more rest,
more walking until you are all safely to the mouth of the cave. Then, you must patiently wait for their eyes to
adjust to the fullness, the brightness of the light, for their vision has dimmed and their eyes are unaccustomed to
the bright light from the sun. They have been assisted though by seeing the light from your flashlights and by
this time, as they have neared the mouth of the cave, there has been some light causing the tunnels in the cave
to be less dark. You see, My beautiful children of the Renewal with what patience and love you must rescue
your brothers and sisters in darkness. There will be time to discuss what happened and how to prevent this in
the future, but that is not important when their lives were at stake. It was only important to provide the
necessities to restore and sustain their lives to exit the darkness. This is how one must approach a brother and
sister in darkness, give them kindness, mercy, and love. Be gentle with the fragile nature in which you find a
soul in darkness. Be a gentle light, not a bright, blinding, judgmental beam. Be love. Be mercy and
forgiveness. Be all love. But Mother you say, We do not know what a soul needs who has been in darkness.
We do not know how to act. To which I say, read the Gospels, My children of light. See with what great mercy,
My Son treated repentant sinners. He did not cast them aside to deal only with those deemed important at the
time. No, He did not. He stopped and looked at each soul in need. Oh, with what love My Son gazed into the
heart of a soul in desperate need of love. His gaze would melt their heart, and at the same time renew their
strength and hope. His loving gaze could heal the most desperate sinner, for He is all love and He accepted
each person, forgave them, gave them the dignity each soul created by God desires and deserves. He did not
overlook their sins but called them with love, to come toward Him who is the source of light, the origin and
source of love. This My child, My children, is what you must emulate. Read My Sons Gospel and you will know
what you are being called to do and to be. Read the Acts of My Sons Apostles and you will understand that you


are also being called to be His apostles for apostles are bearers of good news, the news of Christ, the news that
God is love and He loves all. This is what you, My children of light, My Children of the Renewal are called to be
for your Jesus, for My Son. Be His light, bring His love to the nations. This is all, My children and this is
Thank you dearest Mother of My Lord. Thank you for this beautiful teaching. Thank You that You show us how
to be children of light and how we are to bring the love of Jesus to our dear brothers and sisters living without the
light of Jesus, for they have lost their way. Help us dear Mother, to be those children who decided for Jesus to
bring light, water and food and most of all love to those lost and living in darkness. Thank You, Blessed Mother
that You love Your children and that You long for us to be all that God asks us to be. Help us to give our yes
dearest Mother as you so easily and generously gave Your yes to bring Jesus into the world so that we could all
benefit from His saving, redeeming act on Calvary. Oh, what love, what generosity, what mercy lives in Your
Immaculate Heart, dearest Mother of God. Help us dear Mary to be like You, a perfect disciple of Jesus in every
way. Teach us dear Lady, our Star and guide us through this perilous but blessed journey of life so that we
follow You to Jesus, our Treasure, our God. Thank You, dearest Mother that You do not give up on us and for
Your continual prayers for us and Your lessons of love. I love You, Blessed Mother and I thank You. Thank You,
Jesus for sharing Your Holy Mother with all mankind. What a beautiful gift You give us, Your poor lost children.
Surely we will exit this darkness, Lord when You give us a bright, sinless, perfect Mother to guide us. Thank
You, My Lord and My God.
You are welcome, My little lamb, My daughter. Your gratitude delights Me and I am grateful in return that you
recognize and accept this gift from Me. This perfect gift of My Mother and her love should never be rejected, so
great a gift it is that I give Her to My children. Follow My beautiful Mother Mary and all of Her words, Her
messages of love and direction, for She alone perfectly followed Me, Her Son and lived a sinless holy, perfect
life of love at every moment. Who better to teach My children of light how to be a holy person, than My Mother.
If not Her, no one.
Yes, Lord. Thank you, Jesus!
Jesus, have You anything more You wish to say to me?
Yes, My child. Read, contemplate, and study the parable My Mother told you about rescuing those in
darkness. This cave parable is rich with spiritual truths, and though simple on the surface, has many, many
layers of meaning. Explore these truths. Dig deeply to uncover the layers. For example, the guide She
mentions, the expert one would seek to lead such a rescue mission to seek those lost in the cave story, are My
holy priest sons. There are many guides, My daughter, and these guides are very skilled and adept at finding
lost souls and leading them out of darkness. Those who perfect this mission of mercy are My holy priest sons
who follow My Mother as She is the Mother of My Church. Those who love and follow My Mother, the first
disciple, the Ark of the Covenant in the age above all ages, My incarnation and subsequent birth among men,
have the surest way to Me and to My Father. She is the new Eve. She is the trailblazer, the guide among
guides, the Star. You see, My daughter, just as the wise men saw the Star of Bethlehem and followed it until
they came to their destination, Me, so it is for you and for all of My children. The brightest woman, the brightest
creature of all mankind, the One full of grace and therefore completely full of My love, of Me, of God, is Mary, the
Woman clothed with the Sun with a crown of 12 stars. She, My beautiful Mother Mary, leads Her children in the
most direct, straight path to Me, Jesus. You see, My children of light, it is My Mother and yours, Mary, who
knows the way of salvation for She prepared it for you; She walked it with me. She stood with Me during every
single moment of My life up through and including the final moments of My earthly life and death on the cross,
the final moment that ended the era of the time period of life before redemption. She was the bridge from the
Old Testament time, the Children of Israel, to the New Testament time, the time of Christ and the children of light,
the children of the Gospel. She brought me, into the world by the perfect yes and one that She gave day after
day, each and every moment of Her days - Her beautiful, perfect, humble, yes. Her yes reversed the no of
Adam and Eve in the Garden. Her yes to the angel, My messenger was the word that caused Her initiation of
the greatest event ever known in the history of creation, God became Man. I, by Gods will became incarnate in
the precious vessel of the only perfectly holy woman God created who, by Her yes brought about the saving act
of Me, the Redeemer, the Messiah, so long awaited, so long prayed for by My people. Yes, My holy Mother
Marys yes brought about and fulfilled Gods will for Me to save the entire human race. She deserves so much
gratitude, so much love and so much honor by the entire human race, but instead many children of God reject
the very person whose yes brought about My salvific act of love. Children, do not reject your Mother, My
Mother, for without Her perfect humility, Her perfect charity, Her perfect will within the Trinitys perfect will, you
would not have the benefit of My death and resurrection, My Holy Church on earth and the Sacraments of life.
You would not be here, My children. For without My coming, just at the right moment in history, the world would


have destroyed itself and therefore you would not have been born into the world, for there would not have been
a world, the earth in which to be born. Yes, My daughter you must begin to see the importance of My Mothers
role in each and every life on earth, for without Her yes not only would the act of redemption not have occurred
in the moment planned from all time by My Father, the earth would have been destroyed by evil men who follow
My adversary and yours. However, because of My Mothers yes My Fathers will was done and all the rest, as
you say, is history. So, you see My children, My Mother will never lead you astray and not only will She never
lead you astray, but She is the perfect guide to lead you to Me. For those of you who think you do not need My
Mother, think again. For you who say this are putting yourselves above Me, your Lord and Savior, for even I
needed My Mother. But, Jesus, you say, You are God. Surely You did not need Mary. To which I say, Yes, I
am God, and I am also incarnate man, for I took on humanity, true humanity and in My humanity and in My
Divinity as the Son of the Father I needed a Mother, and not just any mother would do. For the Son of God and
the Son of man, the Father desired a perfect Mother, perfect in every way. Would I choose something less? Of
course not, for She is the Holy of Holies, the Ark of the Covenant, the One who would carry Me in Her
Immaculate womb, nourish Me in utero, and on Her milk as an infant, the One who would love so perfectly and
completely to love, nurture, and care for Gods Son in the only way acceptable to Godperfectly. Your Mother
and My Mother is the only completely human soul who is perfect in every way, and by that I mean every way. Is
She perfect of Her own accord and by Her own accord? No, of course not. She says emphatically, no! She is
made so by God the Father with the specific purpose and mission as Mother of God, Mother of the human race
reversing what Eve did by her no and by Marys yes leading My children back to Me, back to My Fathers
kingdom, back into the fullness of the Fathers family. My children, follow My beautiful Mother Mary to Me, Your
Jesus and all will go well for you. Study Her cave parable for insight into your specific and most particular
situation, for My children of light, you are living in a world that has decided for darkness. You are living in an age
of disobedience, and consequently confusion, darkness, loss of purpose of life, loss of direction and the resulting
consequencesthe culture of death. Children of the Renewal, yours is a rescue mission. Bring My love, My
light, My mercy to all you meet. Be My love to others. There is a time to teach. There is a time to correct, of
course, but this is also a time when souls are at stake, for they are dying for love, dying for mercy, and you are
the ones My Father has planned from all time to live in this time of darkness to be His light to the world. I am the
light of the world, and you must live in Me and I in you to be My torchbearers. Always come to the source of light
and life, truth and life, Me. You will find Me in the Eucharist, the very life, source and summit of the church.
Unite your lives to Me in the Holy Eucharist, the source of all life, the source of the water of life and take Me to
the dark world. Children of light, goseek out the lost, love your brothers and sisters, pray for them, carry their
burdens. Only, ask Me to help you or you will not be able to do so. Follow the words of My Mother. Be
examples of what it is to walk in the light. Be holy, be living examples. Live in simplicity, live in love, unity and
Thank You, Lord. Help us to do as You say, Lord. We can do nothing without You, Jesus, Lord. My friend has
asked that I speak with you and seek Your direction in this difficult event that has transpired. Jesus, if it is Your
will, please tell my friend what it is you would have him to do. He wants only to do Your will. Do You have
anything You wish to say to Me, Jesus about this? If not, I understand for I believe You will guide him as will
Your Holy Mother. I am asking because he asked me to, Jesus.
My child, tell My son that I will direct every decision in his life. He asked that I bring his family along and I have,
and I will continue to do so. (name omitted), My precious, faithful son, do not fear and do not allow any anxiety
access to your precious heart. I, Your Jesus, have never abandoned you and I will never do so, nor will I leave
you now in this difficult circumstance. My son, just as I give the gift of free will to My creatures, I also ask that
My children respect this free will in others, even in their children. I know this is a great cross at times. It is one
which I bear with you, My son. I allow you to experience to a very small degree what I experience on a continual
basis and that is watching My children make choices outside of the Divine Will. I say this (name omitted) to
remind you of something you already know but that is the familiarity of the suffering of Your Savior. I also remind
you that with the cross comes the resurrection and surely without the cross there can be no resurrection. My
son, I do not say this to insult your intelligence for Your Jesus knows full well that you understand the principle of
the cross. I say this, only to remind you that you told me long ago that you will to be united to Me on the cross,
for you there is no other way, just as there was no other place My Mother willed to be, but with me in My
Crucifixion. My son, you must have a renewed sense of trust in Me and in My plan. With some, we must let
them go, free in their choices. In this way, trusting in Me and in the Blessed Mother, when those you love return,
they will do so also with freedom. Their love will be much stronger for they will have experienced your love
which you freely give, and your mercy. I know this is not what you had planned though you saw it coming, it is
not what you desire. The end that you desire My son will come to fruition, but will need time to germinate, time
to be nourished in the soil, time to take root and time to sprout. In some cases there is a need to pull up the
plants that have become infested with a growth, till the soil, allow the soil to rest, rotate the seeds and begin
again. Now is this time, My son whom I love most dearly. Now is the time. In your wisdom, acquired through


much suffering and prayer, you know this time has come. I ask you to bear this suffering and this knowledge
with the graces My Mother freely and generously gives you. Be like My Mother, who allows Her children the
space to reject Her, forgives them, constantly prays for them and intercedes before the Father and lovingly takes
them back when they see they have made bad choices. She rejoices at their return, and celebrates their unity
with me, never once chastising Her prodigal children. Only acceptance, love and mercy greets Her children and
Mine when they return. Do likewise, My son. All will be well. Do not worry about the house for it has always
belonged to you no matter who lives there, and it always will. Regardless of what you decide, I am with you. I
love you and I trust you to follow Me and My Mother wherever We lead you. That is all and that is everything.
My dearest son, I love you with a passion known only to Me, for My love is all consuming and yet life-giving. I
walk with you and you walk with Me.
Thank you, Sweet Jesus for your direction and life-giving words for my friend. Thank You, Jesus!
You are welcome, My daughter. I love you and all of My children of light and all of My children of darkness, too
who were all meant to be My children of light. My little lamb, you cannot comprehend the utter sadness I have in
My Sacred Heart for My lost children. Do all that you can to bring My love to them, My daughter. Do everything
and anything you can within your state in life. My mission for you is a rescue mission and this is why you must
contemplate your life and your choices. Consider why it is you were called into the service of others as a
(profession omitted). You were called to minister to your brothers and sisters specifically to their hearts. My
child, this calling was no coincidence, for though the treatment prescribed by physicians is physical in nature,
you were aware even at a young age that the care delivered needed to be delivered with patience, love, and
mercy. You learned valuable skills and lessons of love when you delivered care. You later learned leadership
skills when I put you in leadership positions so that you could teach others your way, which is My way of
leadership in service to those you are leading. You cull out the gifts and talents others have and call them to
contribute for the whole of the team. This gives others the insight and knowledge of their own dignity and worth
as children of God. My daughter do not become frustrated with Your Lord for leaving you in this field of thorns
and briars, for I give you the path that is difficult for your good, so you will learn to walk the way of My Passion. I
love you and I ask much of you. My precious son, your husband, has walked a similar leadership path, unique
to his calling, filled with mines and obstacles. I prepared him for much, and for his mission and yours beginning
with his time in the dessert when he felt alone, lost and abandoned by his parents. (name withheld), My
beautiful, precious son, I never abandoned you. My dearest son, I was with you during all of your childhood. I
went to camp with you. I laid in bed with you as you tossed and turned at night, tears streaming down your face
in the dark when no one could see. I saw, My dear son. Your tears were My tears. Believe Me when I tell you, I
was more sad than you and yet I allowed this time, My son so that one day, when the little children I send to you
and your wife feel completely lost and abandoned, you will have a small idea how they feel. Who better to
comfort one without parents than one who longed for his parents to love him and to desire his presence among
them? You lost your beautiful Mother, long before the diagnosis of Alzheimers, My son. Yes, I know how you
lost many years. Your Mother, who loved you so dearly and wanted to give you everything she knew to make
you into a leader among men, for she saw your great potential, through illness could not possibly give you the
love you so deserved and that she desired for you. She is giving this beautiful, motherly love in the best way,
now from My Heavenly Kingdom. She prayed for Me to give you a loving wife, who knew how to give you
affection and unconditional love and also how to give you the space and freedom to be the man that you are.
You can thank your Mother and your Blessed Mother for bringing (name withheld) into your life. She also prayed
you would have daughters as she knew you did not have your own to love and this would give you the insight
and lessons needed for your future mission. Even the experience you had in the military was provided by Me,
My son. Contemplate all of your life experiences in light of your future mission, that which you know, and begin
to understand that My hand has been upon you from the very beginning. My son, even the separation you
experienced when your Dad was serving in WWII, to the time of deep and sincere grief having to leave your
father figure, your Grandfather, was preparation for the mercy and compassion for (name withheld) and the other
children I will send you. Be patient, be merciful, be compassionate, My brave son. You have born many wounds
from lack of love, from separation, and even from living apart from Me. See how I gently guided you, loved you,
gave you your space, your free will and planted seeds of longing and love in your heart. I sent people into your
life to give you glimpses of me and My Church until one day, you returned in full force with the conviction,
passion, and the decisiveness which I placed in your temperament. I love you, My son and I have never
abandoned you. You are a true man of God now, not perfect I know, but growing in the way of holiness.
Continue to pray and to lead your family, My son, for this leadership, this virtue, this sword of righteousness
tempered with a heart full of love and mercy are the tools you need and that I am asking, counting on you to
cultivate and use will be exactly what is needed for your mission, which was given to you by My Father in
Heaven. Take courage, My son for you will do all I ask and you will follow Me, loving your wife and all I entrust to
you, until you take your last breath and enter into My heavenly kingdom. Yes, the mission I give you is a
challenging one, but you would settle for nothing less than one in which you are stretched and challenged. Hold


fast to St. Josephs hand and to My Mothers mantle. Be that mantle of protection for My holy priest sons and for
your family and the children I send you who will become your family. I give you My Father, St. Joseph to guide
you in every way, and My Mother to show you how to love all of My children in the way only She knows. She is
also teaching your wife to love and for this, you may count on her to reinforce. Together, you must learn to love
like the Holy Family, for this type of unity and love is a necessary requirement and even a pre-requisite to
embracing those I will send you. My son, pray for guidance for the meeting in (place withheld) which is vital for
your community. View each man as your brother, for they truly are. They will be closer to you than any other
and you and My daughter will understand this more deeply over time. I give you (names withheld) your
neighbors to love and cherish in a special way. They will be closer to you than anyone else on earth. My Mother
has orchestrated every event leading up to this community, and every event afterwards to bring about the
fulfillment of Her plans and My plans. (private message omitted) My son, I have good days in store for you,
though difficult, they will be blessed days. Be at peace, giving every decision over to Me and to St. Joseph for
we will guide you. Be of good cheer and have a light heart. You were also blessed with a sweet, gentle sense of
humor. Use this to bring joy to others during these difficult but grace filled days. I love you both My darlings. Go
in peace, now to love and serve Me and to love and serve one another. Be love to one another and to everyone
you meet. Bring joy to your meeting. This is a new adventure and your listening, compassion, sensitivity and
wisdom, both of you bring, along with your daughters pure love and joy, will be a welcome and needed addition
to the meeting and to the community. All will be well. Go forward with anticipation of the many graces and gifts I
have for My faithful children who answered the invitation to form Her community. I implore you to be open and
accepting of all for many are seemingly confident, but are afraid deep down and they will benefit from your
friendship, your confidence, your humility and most of all from your acceptance and love. I give you the graces
of hospitality which are sorely lacking in this age. I love you. I bless you in My Fathers name, in My name, and
in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace, in joy and in My love.
Thank you, Jesus, My Lord and My God!
Sunday, August 10, 2014, Adoration Chapel
Hello My Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament. I love you and am grateful to be with you today, Lord.
Thank You for the many blessings You give all of us, Lord. I am grateful for the rain and the warm weather.
Please bless the men who are on retreat this weekend. Change our hearts, Jesus so that we are able to love in
the way You would have us love. Jesus, please be with (names withheld) as they discern where You would like
them to move, and what it is You are calling them to do. I know she is disappointed the other property fell
through, but knows it wasnt in Your will or it would have. Please direct their footsteps so that every decision
made is made in alignment with Your will. I trust in Your plan for them, Lord.
My daughter, I am grateful to you for visiting Me in Adoration of My presence in the Blessed Sacrament. Once
again, you are weary My child. Rest in Me and I will renew you.
Thank you, Lord.
I encourage My children who are following Me and carrying heavy burdens for those who are not yet following
Me to get more rest at night when possible. There is much to do for Me during the day and I need My children of
light to get more sleep at night. This is necessary to remain at peace during the day, and to give My peace to
others. It is also important so that My children can remain alert to My promptings.
Jesus, I am sorry I have not been getting more sleep. I should, and I know You have asked me to do so. It
seems there is not enough time to do everything while I am in this job that is consuming and stressful, and yet in
my heart I know I just need to trust You more and give everything over to You. I obviously have not learned to do
this yet, Lord. There are so many issues at work that come up all day, every day and so many deadlines that we
struggle to meet with too few people. Please help things to go more smoothly, and help us to trust You more and
not become so tense. I really need Your help and graces, Lord to accomplish this habit of giving all to You,
especially each issue. It seems so distracting at work, Lord and very busy with meetings and frequent
interruptions, that focusing on the next task or the next person takes so much effort. Lord, I am not at all what
you want me to be and Im very sorry that I am such a slow learner. I used to be more encouraging to others
and more understanding and patient. I feel the demands of this job are taking such a toll on my heart and my
soul. Please help me to be more at peace during the work day, Jesus. How do I become the person you want
me to be, Lord, in the midst of such chaos?
My daughter, bring every situation as it presents itself to Me. I made My children in such a way as to focus on
one thing at a time. You can only do something in the present moment and focusing on everything that needs to


get done by a certain time frame is focusing on future work. Of course, one needs to know what deadlines are
approaching and plan as best as humanly possible the tasks to be accomplished to meet ones goals, however I
am specifically speaking about the situation where one worries about what is needed, versus planning what is
needed. I need My children to be focused and to be well directed with purpose, and most importantly to be at
peace during the storms of life. When you are being interrupted constantly, due to others poor planning you
must ask Me what I would have you to do or to say. If you need to control your environment in order to get work
done, do so, whether you close your door or go to a conference room. Having more structure in your day will
help. Set aside 2 hours per day to work on contracts, 2 hours for meetings, 2 hours for your associates, and 2
hours to respond to emails. In this way, (as an example) you will have more structure and will not feel as though
you are being blown about in the wind. On another day you can spend 2 hours planning, perhaps on Mondays
and Fridays. In this way, you will be more efficient and make better use of the increments of time. I realize there
are days filled with meetings, but on days that dont have as many follow this guide and I will help you. When 8
hours has passed, review what is needed for the next day, make a schedule to follow and then go home. I will
help you to be more productive, and also some things will just not get done. That is alright, My daughter for
there is too much work for one person. It is My will that you work hard, stay focused, remain at peace, and have
time in the evening for your family and the things I need you to do to prepare for your move. The move will
come regardless of your ability to accomplish it all and regardless of your weariness or lack of peace. I tell you
these things to assist you so it will go well for you.
Thank you, Lord for giving me such a simple, specific plan to follow. I will put this to use and I pray it works well.
I believe You will need to intervene for this to work as there really are constant fires to put out and the best laid
plans seldom come to pass when it comes to my schedule. I feel it is not my own and that is fine if its Yours
but it often feels as though something and someone is working against me.
My child, it is as you say. This is why you must give everything to Me for I am stronger and cannot be derailed
from My plans, as mere humans are. I am God, and nothing can prevent Me from success in carrying out My
plans for My children with the exception of your free will. However, when one gives Me each and every task,
problem, issue, choice, and decision, it becomes Ours. We work together and when I have something given to
Me by My children to do, I do it well. Practice this plan I have laid out for you and all will go smoothly. You will
see My child, it will go better for you and you will have a new and fresh perspective.
Thank You, Jesus. I am very hopeful now and most grateful.
My child this is an important spiritual lesson and practice for you to develop until it becomes commonplace for
you. I want you to bring every single issue, choice, decision, project, task to Me no matter how small. Give it to
Me and ask My direction and guidance. Say, Jesus, what would you have me to do about this? What would
you like me to say about this, Jesus? Wait for My guidance and direction. Wait patiently until you hear My
direction. It is very noisy in the current age. Practice going within your heart frequently throughout the day.
When the time of great distress is upon you, this spiritual practice will be most important so that you are open to
My direction and can be at peace in what will seem to others as chaos. Your peaceful attitude, your composure,
your ability to think with clarity and respond to My direction will be critical to the lives of those around you. It is
for this reason I leave you where you are My little one so that you learn to employ this important spiritual practice
in each and every situation. My little lamb, the situations in which you will be placed in the future, as part of the
mission My Father and I entrust to you will be unsuccessfully carried out (on your part) if you do not learn to hear
My voice and train your heart and mind to seek My counsel in every moment of your day. I ask much of you, I
know My daughter and yet you are capable of learning this. If it were not so, I would not ask this of you. My
Mother will help you. She carried out each and every day of Her life in this prayerful manner. Her disposition
was one of prayer and unity to My will. It is not that I, Your Jesus think you cannot make your own decisions,
use the good judgment I gave you, for of course you can. This is not the issue, it is that when the times of great
trials-at their climax are upon you and your community, no human being would be able to cope, and at the same
time minister to My children injured, frightened and in need of so much physical and spiritual assistance.
Without Me, all would flee and go into hiding from their brothers and sisters, so great will be the needs in front of
you. However, I will be with you, guiding and directing your every action. In order to receive this direction, My
daughter, you will need to have cultivated an open heart, an open will so that your will is fused with mine. We
must be in lockstep prior to this mission to carry it out the way in which My Father wants it to be. We will be so
united, you and I that We will be like two dance partners who are familiar with the others steps and movements
and direction so that We move together fluidly, at peace and with such unity, such purpose and such grace that
We are inseparable and no question would even emerge about you and I being partners. Do you see, My
child? This is the way I would like all of My children of light to be. In this way, many souls will be touched, many
lives transformed, and all service carried out with great love, peace, and joy. My little lamb, this dance, this
carrying out of ones duties in lockstep with Me is being in the Divine Will. I intended all of My children to live in


this way, in My Divine Will, in My Sacred Heart, in the Heart of the Blessed Trinity from the beginning of time.
Come to Me, My children. Give Me everything. I will make all things new. We will work, live and love together, I
in you and you in Me. In this way, We will restore the unity and mutual lives intended by God the Father. This
will be a way of life during the Era of Peace, but I am asking My children, those who know Me and follow Me to
practice and perfect living this way now, for you will be the examples for My other children when they repent and
return to My embrace. You must learn this way now, My children for We will rebuild the world the way My Father
intended it to be. Peace must reign in your hearts now, so that My children hear My voice, My direction and
follow Me. I say follow Me not in a general sense but in a very real and tangible way in each moment of your
day. For to follow Me generally, to Heaven means to follow Me in every decision, in every choice, in every
problem presented to you. For it takes many small steps to walk one mile, many more to walk 5 miles and many
more to walk miles, does it not My child?
Yes, Lord. It certainly does.
But, My little lamb, if one does not take the first step and the second, and the third step, if one sits down after a
few steps, too tired or too despairing to go further, the first mile is not completed. So, you see, such it is in the
spiritual life. Each step with Your Jesus is important and serves to carry Me toward the completion of your
missions on earth. But one must begin. Even if you are taking small steps, there is advancement, is this not
It is true, of course, Lord.
So you see, even small steps are positive. If you fail to give Me every problem, every concern, every decision,
but say, you give Me 10 out of 30, and the next day 15 out of 30, and so over time, My child you will grow
accustomed to doing so in all things. It will become second nature, as you say, and to do otherwise would seem
strange. What I am saying is, begin. If you decide, Jesus this is just too hard. I cant do it. You would be
correct if you were trying to do so on your own. However, if you ask Me to help you and you begin, every time
you remember to call on Me, to give this decision, that problem, that choice to Me, is a step in the right direction.
(The right direction being My will, of course) Once one begins this process of giving everything over to Me, the
real learning begins. We will work on lessons of trust, faith, hope, love, charity towards ones neighbor, true
charity, for your actions will be done within My will for you and for the others. Oh, My children, what new
horizons of faith I will open to those who begin truly walking with Me, arm and arm throughout each moment of
the day. Such growth in holiness will be the result, because your soul, your heart, your will, your beautiful minds
will be united with Your God, the Creator and Lord of all. The way to holiness can only be accomplished by this
union, for I am all holiness. There is no holiness apart from Me. The more united to My holiness you become,
the more I flow through you. Do you see, My child how important this work of uniting to My will is? One could
say it is the most important work of all for everything else flows from this unity. This is why I gave you Myself in
the Holy Eucharist, to be united with you. You must open your heart to Me in every moment to nourish this unity
with Me. It must be an every moment of every day occurrence to become completely united to My Divine Will.
My children, think of your world with many, many multitudes living united to My Divine Will. Do you think it will be
a world destined for destruction if My children lived in this way? Of course you know the answer to this
question. It would not be. It would not be an age of disobedience, but an age of obedience. Obedience to Your
God, to My statutes, to My law, to My love. It would be a completely different reality than the one you are living
now. So, begin My Children of the Renewal. Begin this new way of living out each and every day by bringing
everything as it occurs to Me. Ask for My direction. Ask for My peace. Ask Me for clarity of thought. Ask Me
what My Sacred Heart wills in each situation. Then, carry out the task, the decision, the choice, following My
direction, the way of love and begin the renewal in your heart first. Little by little you will be renewed and in this
way My Holy Spirit can renew the face of the earth. My children, even if others do not begin living in this way,
even if the world self-destructs (which would occur if I allowed it, which I will not!) What would you lose by being
in unity with My Divine Will? Thats right, nothing to lose but everything to gain. Therefore, begin at once and do
not put off until tomorrow what can begin today for every step forward in the spiritual life is progress Just begin,
My children and I will see to the rest.
Jesus, my sister is discouraged about the property. Do you have anything to say to her, Jesus?
Yes, My little one. I know of my daughters disappointment and I feel her sadness over this. I ask that she
continue to hope. Hope in Me and trust in Me and My plan, for it is perfect. I say this meaning that My plan for
her family is perfect and I can be trusted to provide the best location that will provide for all of their needs. Tell
her to ask Me, her Jesus for the gift of the right property for her family. When I give My children gifts, and I am
longing to do so, I give perfectly. I know exactly what their family needs both now and in the future. My children
do not know what they will need specifically in the future, for only I know the future and what it holds specifically


for each and every person. I want what is best for each one of My children. (name withheld), My child, know
that I Your Jesus care for each and every need you have now and will ever have in the future. I know exactly
where you are to move and I have what is best for you and for your husband. I ask you to continue to pray.
Pray for My will to be done and for your husband to be open to My will and to lead your family accordingly. I am
directing the events in your life. I am directing your husband. I ask you to give Me your complete and total trust,
so that all can be accomplished with haste. I await your trust in Me. I await your peace about all that is
occurring around you. You have only to ask Me for My peace, the trust you need and to ask that your will be
formed around and in union with My will. I have every good thing in My heart and in My will for you. Be patient
with Your Jesus and give Me your yes, My daughter. I love you and I want to lavish My graces and My gifts
upon you. I wait only for your yes and for your trust, My sweet one. I love you and I hold you in the palm of My
hand. Lift your head, now. Lift your eyes to Heaven. Focus on Your Jesus. All will be well. I kiss you. I
embrace you. I steady you. You are My darling daughter and I love you. Trust in Me as I trust in you. You are
precious in My sight.
Thank You, Jesus. Oh how much You love us, Jesus. Thank You for these beautiful words of encouragement
for my sister.
You are welcome, My daughter. I love you and I love your entire family. Your family is one of faith and love and
has been for generations. Your family is precious to me and to My Father. There are many saints in your family.
Ask them to intercede for you for they are waiting at your beck and call, so to speak to go to work sending
graces from Heaven and interceding at the foot of My Fathers throne for all of your needs.
Thank You, Jesus for the many gifts and the support You provide for us as we go about Your work on earth. You
are so very good to us and consider our every need. Thank You, Lord. I love You. I adore You. I praise You.
My child, you are wondering about the request (name withheld) made of you, are you not?
Yes, Lord, I am.
Do not be concerned, for I have My reasons for her to ask you this. When you speak with her this evening, it
will become more clear. Give this to Me and I will guide you. I am asking that you connect her with (name
withheld). She does not know that he doesnt live at (place withheld), only that there is a connection with (place
withheld) and that he is from there. Ask her what it was that I said to her and you will understand. I use My
children to help one another versus giving them every single answer. In this way, I allow My children to help one
another in the missions I give them. It is My will for all to participate with assistance that each is able to provide
within their sphere of life.
Ok, Jesus. Thank You for Your direction. Lord, (name withheld) just informed me of his wifes surgery on
Friday. Please be with her, heal her and help her to return to her home soon. God, bless them for their loving
witness of 65 years of marriage. How beautiful.
Yes, My child. Their witness of love has made and continues to make a big impact in the world.
Lord, please protect us as we travel in a couple of weeks. Help (name withheld) to enjoy and not fear the plane
ride. Please bless the community as we spend this important time together. Help us to learn, share, and grow in
love and unity under Our Ladys mantle. Please give us a spirit of humility, openness, love, and harmony with
You, one another, and with Your will. Lord, bring out every important lesson and direction You want us to have
for this time. Help us always to remain in Your Divine Will. Please bring every plan of Yours to fruition and keep
us from being an obstacle to Your plan and to Your will for our lives. Thank You, Jesus for providing this
opportunity to pray, learn, and share with our newly formed community. Give us Your wisdom, Jesus, Your
peace, Your love, Your trust, so that we are moving in lockstep with You, Lord. Praise You for allowing us to be
members of Your Mothers community. We are grateful for such an immense blessing and though we do not
fully comprehend the importance, we trust that this is important and we humbly thank You that You invite us to
participate in whatever way You will in this mission, Lord. Thank You, Jesus.
My daughter, I am grateful to you and your husband for your yes especially when it involves so much sacrifice
on your part and that of your family. Because of your yes you may rest assured that I, Your Jesus will take
special care of those you leave behind in (places withheld). I will care for them with special attention and Divine
Protection. Trust in Me, for I am worthy of your trust and will not disappoint.


Yes, Jesus, my Lord, and my God. My all! I trust You and I love You Lord. Is there anything more You wish to
say to Me?
Yes, My child. There is much work to do, but all work is fruitless without prayer. Thank you for your family
prayer time. I invite you to continue this time together with Me and with My Mother and St. Joseph. You see, My
child, though you are unaware, We are physically present with you each evening as you pray. I encourage and
invite you to add another decade of the rosary prayed with (name withheld) present. He is ready for this now.
Do not become impatient with him when he does not want to pray in the way an adult would, for many graces
are available just by the fact that one so young is there. Use this as a time for him to rest in the safety and
security of his family. If he is lying on the couch with his head on your lap while you pray, that is enough. All of
Heaven is delighted when parents and or grandparents pray with their little ones. And you see, My daughter
even though it may appear he isnt praying with you, I see his little, pure heart and know otherwise. His mind is
lifted to Me when he doesnt say the words, and this is prayer. I am at work in his soul and My Mother takes
delight in showering graces upon all of you and especially upon her little one. Even if he is playing at your feet
while you are both praying, he is saying in his own way, I am here for My Jesus and for the Blessed Mother.
Playing in such a way is also a form of prayer. Do not put your expectations, though well intentioned, upon the
heart and mind of a child, for they are far too young to behave as an adult and I am in no hurry for them to be
adults. In due time, as he grows, he will begin to focus more and more on the prayers and will learn the
meditations on the mysteries. What is most important is that he witnesses both of you praying, that he sees your
love of prayer, that you pray even when you are too tired to pray and that this is a time of acceptance and love. I
am not saying it is okay to be disruptive. If he needs correction, do so lovingly, but firmly. What I am saying is
that you continue to pray and be open to what he needs to do in the meantime when he is still very young and
his formation is vital. Do all things in love, do all things with patience and sincerity for his good. Do not be
concerned with distractions from children or think that I cannot overlook them, for I not only do not mind, but the
so called distractions of a child at play, in the midst of beautiful family prayer, delights My Mother, St. Joseph,
and all of Heaven. One day, he will be a grown man and you will remember with fondness the times he played
or sat with you as a child while you and your husband prayed. It is to be commended for his mere presence. Do
not discourage him in this or cause him to feel ashamed or he will lose his longing for prayer. This is a lesson for
all future children I send you. Also for each person is very fragile, especially as a child and I need you and your
husband to learn to foster a love for prayer in My little ones hearts, not to be disciplinarians in this. There are
other important times for which children need to be disciplined or instructed about their misbehavior or unkind
acts, but not praying like an adult, is not one of them. Many of My adult children do not know how to pray nor do
they care to do so, for their parents did not set an example in prayer. I invite you and your husband to be an
example of loving, family, prayer, and in this way your prayers will change many hearts. I love you and I am
telling you this to teach you not to correct or criticize you, for your prayer is beautiful and I enable many graces
through your faithfulness to prayer. Continue to pray the rosary and the divine Mercy Chaplet each evening for
the sake of lost souls and for My will to be done in the world. I love you, and I am counting on you to bring My
love to all you meet, beginning with your family. I am very grateful for your prayers for your yes to Me.
Ok. Thank You, Jesus. We will be more patient and try not to be so demanding with (name withheld) during
prayer time now that we understand how You see things, Jesus. Your perspective is so much more loving than
ours, Jesus. I love You and I thank You. Lord, have You anything more to say to us?
My daughter, thank My son for the work he has accomplished thus far in preparing your house for sale.
Oh, Jesus I am sorry I failed to thank You today for the roof. Thank You, Jesus for providing this for us.
You are welcome, My child. You asked Me to make this possible and I did. I am pleased by your gratitude. You
thanked Me last week for this and I am happy to have assisted. Ask me for anything needed and I will provide.
It is time for you to convert more of your savings to My Mothers medals. Time is of the essence in this regard.
Use some of your savings to pay off what you owe and put most of what remains toward My Mothers medals.
There is not much more time and you will do well to heed My guidance.
Yes, Lord. Ok.
My daughter, do not become anxious when the catastrophic event occurs that is drawing nigh. All will work
according to My plan. Trust in Me regardless of how the events and circumstances appear. I will assist you in
the sale of your home when the time comes. I know each event that will transpire and I am in control. (Private
message omitted) All will come to fruition, only trust in Me and I will provide. I love you. Go in My peace, be
love, be peace, be charity to all you meet. I bless you in My name, in My Fathers name, and in the name of My
Holy Spirit.


Thank you, Jesus for Your words of life and your lessons of love!
You are most welcome, My daughter, My little one. Rest in My Sacred Heart, where all is safe and all is
secure. I love you. Go in My peace.
Thanks be to God!
unday, August 3, 2014, Adoration Chapel
Hello, Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament and in my heart. I love You, praise You, and adore You
hidden in the Holy Eucharist. Thank You that we are able to be with you today, Lord. Thank You for holy Mass
this morning. Thank You for the many blessings You give us and for giving us holy priests, Lord. Thank You for
this sunshine and beautiful weather. I love You, Lord.
Thank you for being here with Me today My little one. I know you wanted to stay home and enjoy the warmth of
the sun and yet you heard My quiet invitation to come visit Me in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament where I
am present to all of My children. I love you, My child.
I love You, Jesus. Thank You that You wait for us here . Thank You for Your presence in the tabernacles all over
the world. You are most merciful and generous with Your love and presence, Jesus.
My child, I love you and all of My children in the world. I desire all be saved and for none to perish. My children
must turn their lives around and come back to Me before it is too late. Time is growing short and I have said
through many of My messengers, mankind must repent or perish. Each person will stand before Me for their
individual judgment and this has been the case ever since the gates of Heaven were opened by Me. What I am
saying now, though, pertains to these times which are like no other. Do not allow evil to rule in your hearts, My
lost children. While you are living in these days of grace, return to your Jesus. I will forgive everything and take
you into My Sacred Heart. All will be made clean and you can begin anew to walk with Me, Your Jesus, Your
Savior. Do not wait for you do not know the hour that will be your last. Turn your heart toward Your God so that
you can share in your inheritance, which is My heavenly kingdom. My little ones, you live as if this world was
what is the most important thing in your lives. You live as if there was no tomorrow. This is a lie. Do not allow
yourselves to be deceived. One day, your life will end and what will you say to your God when you are standing
face to face with complete truth? What will you say when you have to give an account of your life? Will you say
you lived your whole life for yourself and for every pleasure you could extract from worldly pursuits? Will you say
you lived for your career, for promotions, money, power, and a life of being entertained? Will you say you lived
to cheat on your spouse to use them for your own gratification, only to toss them aside when a younger more
attractive person came along, and then another, and another with no concern for the little children I gave you
until they, longing and desperate for your attention got caught up in a life of misery and drugs looking for
anything that they could find to soothe their lonely confused hearts? Is this what you want to say when you are
standing in My presence? Keep in mind, My lost little wayward ones, you will not be able to lie to your God
when you are standing before Me. For in the presence of the essence of truth, one is unable to lie. Every heart
and every soul will be laid bare before the Lord God at judgment time. Walk with me now, My children. I have
mercy and compassion for My prodigal ones who are washed clean by their tears of repentance and the blood
which I shed on Calvary. Take heart. It is not too late if you only ask Me for forgiveness now while you are still
living. All can be and will be forgiven if you only desire to change and have true contrition for your sins. Arent
you tired of living a lie, My children? It is a lie for you to live as if there is no tomorrow, for there is a future to be
lived in Heaven or a future to be lived in hell, the eternal fire that is an eternity of suffering, hate, and misery.
Choose life, My children. Come out of the darkness and into the light, My children. This is what was intended
for you. You were meant for Heaven and before you reach Heaven, you were meant to walk your earthly journey
with Me, your Jesus of mercy. I am love, compassion, mercy, joy, hope, and I am your friend. Come now, do not
turn your back on the best friend you could ever have because of your pride. No, My children, do not do this, for
to reject your Jesus is to reject all love, all life, and to reject your inheritance, which is Heaven. Your rejection of
Me, your rebellion, your selfishness, and greed grieves My Sacred Heart and My Mothers Immaculate Heart.
She sheds many tears for you and prays you will return to Me. Oh, if you could only hear how My Mother, who is
beautiful, holy, pure, and so warm and loving cries for you it would melt your heart of stone. You have only to
return to the safety of your heavenly family by asking Me for forgiveness and then clothing yourself in humility
and virtuous living. In this way you can live as one of My true disciples and take My good news to others. You
will then be part of My mission to save souls, dearest little one, for there is much work to do and so many in a
serious state, themselves. I need you, little wayward soul to help Me rescue your brothers and sisters from
perdition. There are not enough warriors for Christ. Decide for Me today, for tomorrow may not come. Do not
waste another moment, but hasten to return to me. The hour is short and darkness is upon you. My adversary
gives you power but only the kind that destroys you. The power I give will renew your heart and soul and spill


out on the world for others. My graces are for love and life and in the process of bringing your darkened soul
back to the light, others will be saved as well. My power seeks out the lost and brings him back to the fold. My
power brings restoration to families, brings those who were once dead back to life. My power does not destroy,
it restores, renews, refreshes your important work for God on earth. I bring you to Heaven to rejoice for all
eternity in My Fathers kingdom. Choose life, My children. Come, join your brothers and sisters of the light.
They will welcome you with open arms. You will be accepted as part of My Fathers family if you only repent and
walk the road of conversion. You will not walk it alone, so do not fear. I will walk with you and I will send others
to keep you company and provide you with support on your journey. I love you, My children and I am sad
without your love. Console your Jesus by returning to Me. I love you. All of Heaven awaits your return to Me,
your Jesus of Mercy.
Thank you, Jesus, for Your mercy, for Your love, and for Your pleas for all to return to the safety of Your Sacred
Heart. Lord, You are our only refuge and hope. Jesus, I am sorry for the times I have disappointed You, for the
times I have not had the sense of urgency to pray for those who have not experienced the love of God, or who
have turned their backs on You. Your pleas reignite My understanding of the urgency of the times and the need
for continual conversion. Help me to do all that You ask. Help Me never to forget my brothers and sisters in
need of prayer. I love You dearest Savior of the world. Thank You for Your love.
My little lamb, all is forgiven. I plead with My children of light to pray for their brothers and sisters, to offer
sacrifices and fast for their return to me, their God. Pray the rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet. Have Masses
said for the conversion of the lost little ones. Be kind to those you meet. Pray for those who persecute or offend
you, for in this way you return unkindness for love and My grace is poured out through you. Do not
underestimate the value of one act of kindness, or even one smile. Your prayers go before you and prepare the
way, just like rose petals strewn upon the aisle in preparation for a bride who will join her groom to be married on
their wedding day. Your prayers, and those of all My children of light, prepare the path on which acts of kindness
and mercy from My children will travel to My lost, wayward children in desperate need of love, of My love.
Prayer, sacrifices, kindness, and mercy will open hardened hearts even by just a crack and then My graces can
be poured into hearts, soothing and refreshing and shining the light of faith. Children of the Renewal, you must
work in the vineyards for Me, your Jesus. Your nightly prayers, especially the family rosary is a weapon in the
Lords army. The holy Mass, the most powerful weapon is saving souls every time a Mass is said in the world.
This is why My adversary and yours wants to stop the Mass. Yes, My children of light, satan wants to close
every church on earth and stop the dispensing of graces to My children in need. This is why I have said, and
continue to remind you that the gates of hell will not prevail against My church. Dearest children of My heart,
wake up and see the meaning of this statement. Reflect on it. When I say the gates of hell will not prevail
against My church, do you see that I am also saying satan will rage against you? My adversary wages war
against My church as he attempts to do his evil deeds to bring death and destruction to the world and to every
soul created in My image and likeness. The gates of hell will not prevail against My church, but this also means
the gates of hell will try to prevail against My church. For this, you must pray, fast, offer sacrifices, and offer
masses for My church, and for all living outside of My one, true, Apostolic church. My children, those who love
and follow Me do not become complacent just when times are the most urgent Do not become too weary to fight
the great battle for souls, for it is now that your Jesus is in most need of your assistance. Come, My children of
light; pray, pray, pray. You do not see how very effective your prayers are and those of your children , but
Heaven knows and sees and urges you on. You are nearing the time when there will be nothing more you can
do and God will step in and purify the earth. You will not want to make it safely through this time, knowing you
could have done much more to help those who will wail and gnash their teeth. When you come to Heaven, you
will be glad you did all that you could within your state in life to help your Jesus. I have said all will be well and it
will, however I am counting on My children, My remnant to take up your cross and follow Me, Jesus. In this way,
you share in My Passion, but you also share in My Resurrection. Continue on now My children while there is still
time for the lost to be found. I am counting on My holy remnant to be light to souls in darkness. This darkness
covers the earth like never before. It is difficult for My children of this generation to understand the perilous state
of the world for they have little with which to compare. My holy souls of previous generations shudder to think
that you are exposed to so much evil of which you are gravely unaware. I call you now to attention and to
engage anew in prayer and a life of faith. Make the church, the sacraments, especially the Eucharist your life.
Begin anew a life of prayer. Renew your fasting. Read the scripture and begin family prayer. But, Jesus, you
say, we do not have enough time to do all that You ask. Then, I say, you are too busy with nonessentials. You
must examine your daily life and see what can be eliminated in order to make space for living for Me, Jesus.
Your souls and those of your children and your brothers and sisters are at stake. Time is growing short. Your
many activities, sports, entertainment and your social life will not save you or the souls of your children. I am
calling you to examine every activity of your family and of your life with Me. I will show you what is important and
what needs to be eliminated. Come, My children, if you do not live holy lives, lives with meaning and purpose,
lives of simplicity, how will your lost brothers and sisters know how to do so, or even where to look for holy


examples? Children, take your rightful place in Gods family and return to a holy example of My domestic
church. You, My children of light are to shine for others to see. You are not to blend in to the culture of death
and run yourselves and your families ragged aspiring worldly accolades, that glitter now, but fade and tarnish
with your earthly lives. No. You are called. You are chosen. You are to be set apart. You are in the world but
not of the world. Examine your lives with Me. I will give you clarity to see where changes are needed. This is a
war for souls, My dearest children of the light and I need you prepared for battle. You must first change your
way of life, removing the noisy distractions, and begin to pray. Simplify your lives so you have room for prayer.
Anything else is of no use. I am begging My children to follow Me on the narrow path. This path is narrow for
your own protection, so you do not stray from your Jesus. Keep your eyes on Me, dearest children of My Sacred
Heart. My Mother will help you if you ask Her. She modeled a perfect life of holiness and virtue and she is a
perfect teacher. She is your Mother and Mine. I share Her with you, as you all need a Mother who will lead you
to Me. What better person in the world to lead you to Me than My own Mother who knows Me more intimately
than anyone. She is in perfect unity with the Most Holy Trinity. If you are unsure of the way, ask Her to take your
hand and guide you to Me. She will not refuse one request for guidance from Her children and Mine. She waits
for you with an open heart, Her Immaculate Heart, and open arms. Come, children. Do not waste another
precious moment. Time is of the essence in this battle for souls. My child, this is a most difficult message for
you for you feel My pleading, My longing, My sense of urgency. Continue to write My words, for there are many
souls in desperate need of prayers. Many will die this very night with no one praying for them if My children fail
to pray. Do not underestimate the value of your prayers, My child. All of My childrens prayers have much power
to save souls, for I will it. This is the hour of grace. When these days end, and I tell you they will for the Age of
Disobedience is coming to an end, there will be no more time for the souls who choose darkness. The time of
the greatest trials and the following purification are upon you. Walk toward Me while there is still time.
Jesus it seems there is so little time and yet You have asked us to begin communities and for those preparing
refuges You have asked them to do so quickly. Lord, in my human mind, which cannot see time as You do, I do
not see how we can begin a new community and have all in place in time for the time of great trials and the
purification. Please, intervene with Your power, Lord, and set things in motion from Heaven so the approvals
and permits are obtained. Lord, you said the delay would work in our favor to keep us hidden a bit longer and
then all would proceed quickly and I believe You, Lord. Due to Your sense of urgency and that there is so much
work to do (that hasnt even begun) we need You to intervene, Lord. Go before us, Jesus like You did for the
Israelites when You lead them out of Egypt. Go before us with your fiery light and power of the Holy Spirit and
secure all that is needed to proceed with haste. Lord, we Your children are trying to follow You and Your Blessed
Mother to form communities. Many people labor to jump through every worldly hoop to do Your will and yet we
feel as though we are spinning our wheels. Lord, if this is Your will, so be it. If it is Your will that we form
communities, then please remove the obstacles so we can do all You are asking us to do. We love You, Jesus
and want to do Your will. If time is of the essence as I believe it is, then make haste to help us to do our small
part to form communities under the Blessed Mothers mantle. If You are only testing us, and making us stronger
in our faith and trust, so be it. Do what You will with us Lord, for our lives, and those of all You say You will send
us are in Your hands. If You do want us to form communities, and You must for Your Mother and You have said
so, then please intervene in human affairs with Your Divine grace and power to remove every single obstacle to
the accomplishment of Your will. We are mere humans, Lord and there is only so much we can do. You, Lord
can do all things. We need You for everything, Lord. We are even unable to do Your will unless You help us to
do so. We are weak, but You are all powerful. We are simple minded, but You are omniscient. We are finite
and only able to make small steps on the road of progress. You, Lord are infinite and brought the entire world
into being by willing it, Lord, there is nothing You cant do and I ask You, as my Lord, my King, and my God to
build Your community that Our Lady desires. Help us to see if we are missing something obvious. Remove
every barrier, Jesus and bring Your plans to fruition, Lord for You say the hour is short and darkness is upon us.
Then, You must help us and help us now to build the communities You so desire, for we are helpless without
You, Lord, but we are trying to follow You. Help us, Jesus. There is nothing we can do on our own, but with You
everything is possible. Regardless, Jesus, Your will be done. I accept and trust in Your holy, precious will.
My child, your prayers can melt the very heart of God for your love and sincerity to please Me and to follow My
will for your life. You long to begin the mission I have entrusted to You and My son and to the entire community.
This fledgling community, that will be a unified family and will bring many souls into the Era of Peace is My will
and is a special plan in the heart of My Mother, who also waits patiently for Her Son to remove all obstacles so
that her little flock can begin to build this community so special in Her sight. My little lamb, I am working, though
you cannot see this. To you it appears little progress is being made and yet I am laying a firm foundation. In
your work, you often tell people the planning phase of any project is the longest phase of the entire plan.
However, with proper planning and the right attention to detail, the rest of the project phases progress smoothly
and efficiently. Risks are mitigated and reduced with proper planning and you assure others that this lengthy
planning time will be well worth the outcome. My little one, I assure you in the same way. If it takes one to two


years to implement a large project, how much time does it take to plan for, build, and establish an entire
community. I assure you, it doesnt take your God anytime at all, however, I must first work in the hearts of
stubborn community leaders, who have small vision and do not understand the ways of God working through His
people, let alone the signs of the times. This takes time and your God is a patient God for I pursue the best
possible outcome for all involved, including My children who are leaders of this community. Take heart and know
that your Jesus is at work. Soon after your meeting, you will see much progress and this is why I stress the
importance of preparing your house to sell. Trust in Me, your Jesus, to bring My plans to fruition in time for you
to prepare for and accept My priest sons and the little children in need of a home and loving parents. My child,
My longing for souls is one that you share and this is why you are anxious to begin and yet I know the many
tasks you have to do to prepare your family. I love you and I remain involved with your life and that of your
family. Many things, that you cannot see, are beginning to fall into place. My child, I am working out the details
in the lives of all of My children of the Renewal to prepare them for the missions that I and My Father in Heaven
have for you. Take heart, pray, trust, receive the Sacraments, remain in a state of grace, be love to others, and
trust in your Jesus. I love and protect you. I provide for you. All will be well and all is progressing according to
My plans. Continue to do all I have asked of you so that you are ready at a moments notice. I ask this of all of
My children. Be ready, so that you can move to the next area of holiness, the next physical area of your family
or your personal mission to bring about My Fathers kingdom. Again, I say for those of you who are unsure what
this is, you have only to ask Me and I will tell you. This is a great time of grace. Does this sound like Jesus
contradicts Himself? You know that I do not. I will explain. This time is like no other one in history. The evil that
has prevailed in this century has been like no other time in the history of the world. Therefore, I your Jesus
bestow graces like no other time in history. Yes, My children of the Renewal, believe Me when I say, I bestow
graces like no other time in history. You must ask for these graces for when one gives a gift there must be
willingness on the part of the recipient to receive and open the gift. You must ask for these graces, but they are
there for the asking. So few of My children ask and so there are many graces going unused. Ask Me. Ask My
Mother. Ask the saints in Heaven for they are also involved with dispensing My graces for the world. You will
need these graces, My children to live through the coming time of great trials and to help your brothers and
sisters who do not know as much as you for they have been too preoccupied with worldly affairs. Many will
repent and convert back to a holy way of life, but will not have taken the time to prepare for what is to come.
Therefore, My children of the light who listen and follow Me, you will need to help them. In order to do so, you
must be spiritually and physically prepared (in this order). If you can do nothing else, prepare spiritually for I will
take care of the rest. You will be led to My children who have prepared. They are the ones who filled their
lamps with oil as they waited, watched, and followed Me. I love all of My children and will not abandon you but
prepare now so it will go well for you and your family. In this way, not only can you help your family but others I
send you who are less prepared or who have been less fortunate in the material things in life. I do not refer to
money, My children when I say material things, for money will do you no good in the times to come. I refer to
their preparations for food, water, housing, and a new way of life. These are the material goods to which I refer.
I have also asked several of My children, who obey My every request to prepare for the spiritual needs of My
church, for the structures, the buildings. The openness with which you worship now, will change. There are
many children who prepare for this, so that My church and the Sacraments are still available though hidden. I
also ask many of My children to prepare for those who will be hungry, by tilling the soil, planting and growing
food so you do not starve, though many of My poor children will, but not all. I prepare through some of My
children, for those who will be wounded in certain parts of the world, for there will be physical atrocities aimed at
killing all the people of the earth. This will not occur, though for I will not allow My children to become extinct in
this world, though My adversary and yours will try. Many will die and be taken to Heaven and many will be lost.
Many will be wounded and for these I have asked some of My children to prepare. My children of light, I tell you
this to assure you that My plans are for your good. The evil one plans to destroy you. I plan to provide safety
and security amidst the evil. I promise you that I will not abandon you, My children, My remnant. Yes, you must
be prepared so that you can assist your brothers and sisters, some of whom will convert at a very late hour.
They will be baby Christians new to the faith, and will also be caught unprepared. The more My children of the
light prepare now, the more I can help through you. You are all very important to My plan and that of My Father.
Do not take My trust in you lightly. You see My children of the Renewal, your Jesus is counting on you. Your
Jesus trusts in you and so I ask you, do you trust in Me? Will you help your Jesus? Will you do your part to help
your families and those I send you? I ask you for your yes. You are very important to My Fathers plan and He
created you in this time of great duress to fulfill an important mission for His kingdom. I tell you, My little
remnant, you will not regret one prayer prayed, one drop of water given, one embrace for a little child of mine in
need of love, when you are in Heaven, so great will be My gratitude to what you have done for the least of your
brothers and sisters. If you do not hasten to prepare yourselves, instead of being of assistance, you will be in
need of assistance. Those of your brothers and sisters who work tirelessly for Me, their Jesus, will be less
burdened and more able to care for the multitudes if you do your part. Come, there is much work to do, but we
work together. I love you, I thank you, and I walk with you. Go out into the world carrying My love and My light
to others. I bless you in My Fathers name, in My name, and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go, children. Serve


those in need. Pray, pray, pray and I will guide you. All will be well. Be love, be peace, be mercy, be light, be
joy. Bring your Jesus to the lonely, the hurting, the lost, and My light will begin to shine more brightly for others
to see. In this way, My renewal can begin. I love you. I bless you. I go before you. All will be well, but begin
now to serve your Jesus.
Thank you, Lord, for Your words of life and Your lessons of love. You are all good and deserving of all of our
love. Teach us to love, Jesus. Teach us to forgive. Enlarge my heart, Jesus, so that I am filled with more of
Your love. Thank You, Jesus that You include us in Your plan to bring about Your kingdom. Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Amen, Jesus. Amen!
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
(After praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet for the family who experienced a horrible tragedy)
Lord Jesus, ever present in the Blessed Sacrament and in my heart, I love and adore You. You are my God and
my All, the Alpha and Omega, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Jesus, my Savior, I am most concerned for the
two little boys who witnessed the horrific tragedy that took the lives of their mother, and then their father. Please,
Jesus, protect these innocent children who are now orphans. Thank you, Jesus that they have their
grandparents, but I am concerned for them, also and what they witnessed. Jesus, we also learned our friend
has bone cancer and then today, one of our friends fell and broke her wrist. I know that You know all involved
when the tragic events occurred and when our friend fell and the other learned of his diagnosis. Be with them
and all who are suffering tonight. Jesus, have You anything to say to me?
Yes, my daughter. I love you tenderly and I know of these events and problems in every persons life who is
suffering tonight. I, Your Jesus am with each one, loving and consoling them. I am with the two boys in a
special way, as they are in such misery. I, Your Jesus suffer with them for the lives of their parents, taken before
it was My will. I grieve with them and with their grandparents whose hearts are broken from grief. Thank you for
your love, concern and for praying for them. The [1]Chaplet of Divine Mercy is a powerful prayer, as this prayer
recalls My passion and death and calls on God to have Mercy on all mankind for My sake. The power of My
death and resurrection is incomparable to anything on this earth, with the exception of Holy Mass. [2]One might
say, they are one in the same, in a manner of speaking, since the Mass is a re-presentation of My sacrifice on
Calvary to God the Father. My daughter, have Masses said for (name withheld) children. This will be the most
efficacious prayer and will serve to facilitate their healing and that of their grandparents.
Yes, Lord. Thank You. Lord, it feels as if there is so much more evil occurring lately, and of such a violent
nature. Jesus, what is happening that seemingly good people resort to such extreme violence? What causes
such evil to prevail in the hearts of men, Jesus?
The adversary, My child. It is plain and simple. You do not wish to write this, My daughter and yet in your heart
you know already.
Jesus, my friend mentioned that there are chips in people already that have been implanted and that through
these chips, peoples minds can be controlled. Is this already happening, Lord?
Sadly, yes My daughter. There are some people implanting chips especially in elderly. There are also some
being implanted in the military under the mis-information that it will help the military to locate lost or missing
soldiers. This is true, but that is not the only reason. (to locate lost soldiers) I have asked many, many times,
through My messengers and through Scripture for My children to refuse such a thing, but many are they who will
not listen.
Im sorry, Jesus. We should listen to You. I am sorry for the times I listened and then promptly forgot what You
asked me to do.
My little one, forgetting some of the many things I say, the details, is one thing. Forgetting that I said not to take
the Mark of the Beast; not to take the chip is quite another.
Yes, Lord. I see that this is very different. Lord, I know we are called to pray. What else should we do?
You are to love and be love to others. Show others My love. Show your concern as you did today when you
made the phone calls to those who were and are hurting. Ask others you know to pray. It is not necessary that
you know the details, simply ask for prayer.


Ok, Lord. Thank You. Jesus, please help (name withheld) to get through this time of suffering.
Yes, My little one. I will help to console little (name withheld) and My Mother will also.
Thank You, Jesus. Lord, I thank You that the work due this week, earlier than planned, was finished on time. It
was most difficult, and yet with You, we managed to complete the work within the newly imposed timeframes.
Lord, it felt like agony and yet You were there to help me and for that I am very grateful.
You are welcome. Are you feeling more at peace now?
Yes, Jesus. I am and I am also feeling very drowsy. Jesus, I also pray for the Christians in the Middle East who
are undergoing persecution, and who are being slaughtered and made to flee their homes. There is so much
evil, Jesus and yet there is also good since Your holy feet touched the earth, and You sanctified it by Your holy
presence and that of the Blessed Mother and Saint Joseph. Lord I am sorry for my weariness. I wasnt feeling
tired earlier and now feel overcome with exhaustion. Help me to remain awake with You if You so will me to.
Lord is there anything more You wish to say to me?
My daughter, you are weary and though it is early in the week, you have put in many hours and much effort to
complete your assignments. My children know weariness if you are living a holy life and serving Me. I love you
and I kiss your sweet forehead.
Thank You, Jesus for Your tenderness, and Your sweet love.
You are most welcome, My little lamb.
Jesus what would you say to me about the state of this sorry mess we are in? I long for Your world to return to
the way it was intended by You, filled with lives of simplicity and holiness. I long for this way of living myself. I
want to get off the roller coaster culture we live in and simplify our family life. I know it will be difficult work, but
work that we can do together as You intended for families like in the days of old. It will be most difficult, but You
will be evident in everything, Lord. May the entire world one day walk with You.
This is a worthy and fitting prayer, My child; A prayer that seeks and longs for unity with God, Your Creator.
Would that more of My children longed for this, and yet many do, but do not know how to express it. My
daughter, do not allow evil to discourage you, for I am truth, I am hope, I am life. Remain focused on Me, and
not on the evil. Yes, this is difficult in the face of such a tragedy, and yet this is the only way through such a
thing. Ask Me each day, what it is I would like you to do to serve Me and bring My light to others. Keep your
eyes on Me and ask what it is I want you to do for those who have witnessed such horrible atrocities. I will direct
You, and in this way new light can be shed in the darkness. Those who are desperate and most in need will see
merciful deeds done in love, and it will be like water being poured out in the midst of a parched, drought stricken
land, for such is a land without the love and mercy of God. Such are the fragile, innocent hearts, grief stricken
almost to the point of utter despair. I love you and all of My children. I have come to bring life and life to the
fullest. Bring My light, My love, My mercy to those most in need. Small, simple acts of kindness are like a spring
rain that cleanses refreshes and slowly brings flowers out of the hard, cold, winters ground. This is what My
love and kind acts of mercy can do for hardened and grief stricken souls. This is what My children of light are to
be to the world. Be salt, be light, be leaven, be love, My children. Come now, My little lamb. You will see more
evil like that which was perpetrated against My little (name withheld) and her boys. I do not will this; I am only
speaking to prepare you. You must remain steadfast and seek Me, My words of guidance, for I am with you and
My children of the renewal.
Lord, it just dawned on me that You are calling us to renewal because we are living in the opposite of renewal,
the dying process. If something is old and diminishing or dying, it needs to be renewed to be brought back to
life. You want us to come back to life to You which is renewal, and that (renewal as an event) is some time in
the future. It is yet to come. You are calling us out of a culture of death and dying so that we might live until You
bring about the time of the renewal. Lord, it certainly appears to be the time of the tribulation and yet You speak
about the time of great trials as if it has not yet come. What do you say to this, Jesus?
My little lamb, you are correct and on the edge of seeing this truth with clarity. I call you Children of the
Renewal, because you are indeed. You are being called what you will be. I am outside of all time and so while
this event has not yet occurred, I already see it as it is present to Me in one continuum of time. You are not yet
living in the Renewal, and yet you will be. This current age is coming to a close and will be no more. In a way,
one might say that this Age of Disobedience that is coming to a close is dying, albeit a seemingly slow death in


your perspective. In the meantime, my children of the renewal resist this age of disobedience and fight back in
the battle for souls. This requires much energy, suffering, wounds from the battle, and casualties, as in the
events of recent days. You are to pick up the lantern and continue to forge ahead on the path I have laid out for
you and each one of My children. Care for those innocents who are wounded in battle. This is a foreshadowing
of the type of casualties you and My son, your husband will care for and I allow you to know about this through
My (name withheld) so you can be somewhat prepared, though nothing will completely prepare you for this, My
little lamb. You see in the picture your friend gave you, that I am carrying My little lamb on My shoulders. I carry
you in this way, also and if it were not so, you would not be able to follow Me, since at times the path is too
difficult that you cannot make it of your own strength. Allow Me to carry you, My child. You must trust Me and
learn to trust Me more so that you will be more prepared when the darkest hours are upon you. My child, I
remind you that you will not be abandoned, for I your Jesus am with you. Remember what it is I told you before,
that you are to tell the children in your care who will also be orphaned and will have witnessed horrible
atrocities? These children will feel guilty that they lived when their parents did not.
Please remind me, Jesus of what You would have us say to them.
You are to love them, allowing space and time for them to grieve. When they are grieving, you are to hold them
when they need to be held, sit quietly with them when they want to be silent, and give them space when they
need it, but never for very long, for too much isolation only feeds their feelings of being deserted and this breeds
depression. You must quiet your soul and your heart from its own grief in order to sense and pick up on the
queues their grieving souls give you, to know when your actions of embracing, or quiet presence, or space and
time to be alone are needed. Pray and seek My guidance and My Holy Spirit will direct you and enlighten the
situation for I know exactly what each soul needs. When they are ready to speak and question things you may
remind them that Jesus did not want their parents to die either and that Jesus is also very sad. He did not want
their parents to be harmed in this way, or for His little ones to be robbed of their parents. He does not take back
the gifts He gives to His people, though and free will is a great gift He has given to every human being. Some
people abuse this great gift and hurt Jesus children and His grown-up children. He does not like this behavior
and He asks each person abusing His great gift of free will to beg Jesus for Mercy. For some, it is too late to
change, as they have perhaps ended their journey on earth. For the little ones left without parents, He provides
others, either in their family, or good people He personally chooses to provide a home and love and care for His
beautiful children. God draws the line in some cases with regard to mans free will by protecting others from
their path and from their sight. In this way, He neither violates mans free will, nor imposes Himself on him but
hides others from sight, so they do not think about harming these little ones for they did not or could not see
them to desire to hurt them. Jesus does this with most of His children and has prevented many tirades from
inflicting death on others. You do not see the many times I have created a barrier to ones line of sight so to
speak, or caused a distraction so that evil loses focus on its intent. In this example, an act of kindness was
enabled for the mercy of those left behind. You see, My children, even in the case of grave injustices, I am
there providing mercy, love and kindness in ways only I can do and still respect the gift of free will I have given.
My children still wonder why I dont intervene all together and prevent the victim from dying and I tell you if they,
the innocent victim was not prepared to come to heaven, I would not allow their death. Instead I focus on
preparing their beautiful soul to come to heaven, though it wasnt My will, or the right time for them to do so.
Instead, because of My preparation, often times with great infusions of grace, these souls come straight to
heaven, and I carry them there Myself. I have very special and significant missions for the children of these
souls, and I and My Mother watch over them with the utmost of care. Given the right space and patience for
healing of their emotional wounds, I pour out graces for compassion and understanding and they in turn become
sources of healing and light for other souls who will go through similar trials and suffering. Someone who has
walked a specific path of intense pain and suffering is often the only one who can provide hope and comfort to
My little suffering souls. My children of light and of my renewal, Your Jesus has all under control even when
things appear to be the opposite. Trust in Your Jesus who heals all wounds, shelters the widows and orphans,
frees the prisoners, heals the sick, makes the lame to walk, and forgives sinners with My Divine Mercy. I am
Your Jesus of Mercy and I will make all things new. Trust in Me, even when times are dark, for My Sacred Heart
illuminates the way for you and I stand like a beacon of light to show you the way of love. I remind you, My child,
Who it is you serve. Go now and rest. Wake up with a renewed sense of purpose for Your Jesus, for there is
much work to do, in such little time, and so many in need of My love and Mercy. Give Me your sadness, My
children. Immerse it in My Sacred, Merciful Heart. For in My heart there is an ocean of Mercy where your
sadness becomes lighter and more bearable. In this way, you may be freer to receive My graces for joy. Ask Me
for these graces, My children, for they are desperately needed by others. Take My peace, My joy, My mercy to
this lonely, love deprived world. I love you. I love you. I love you.
Thank You, My Jesus for giving me Your words of life and Your lessons of love to share with my brothers and
sisters. I love You also, My Jesus. Teach me to love You more. Amen, dear Jesus. Amen!


[1] The Chaplet is a prayer using rosary beads in which one prays; Eternal Father, I offer You the Body, Blood,
Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, our Lord Jesus, Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the
whole world. This prayer is then repeated 10 times; For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us
and on the whole world. Followed by ; Eternal Father, I offer You the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, or Your
dearly beloved Son.
[2] Jesus is not saying that the Divine Mercy Chaplet is as powerful as Holy Mass, but that they are closely
linked since the Mass is a re-presentation of Jesus suffering and death for our redemption. The Chaplet is a
plea to God the Father to show mercy on the world as a result of Jesus Passion and death for us. )
unday, July 27, 2014, Adoration Chapel
Hello Jesus, ever-present in the Blessed Sacrament. I adore You and I praise You, My Lord and My God.
Praise You Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life. Thank You for the many blessings You bestow on us, Lord.
Thank You for loving me, Jesus, and for the love You so freely give to all Your children in the world. Jesus,
please send graces to open the hearts of Your children who do not know You, who do not love You. Send
graces upon their hardened hearts, Lord, and make their hearts soft and malleable, open to Your Holy Spirit.
Lord, we need You. You died for our sins though we must accept the gift of Your salvation, Lord, and I fear for
those who have not yet accepted Your role in their lives as Savior. Please save all of our loved ones who have
either grown cold or have fallen prey to the lies of the academic intelligentsia who teach that religion is for those
who are in need of a crutch. Please come to them in their hearts so that they see You in Your light of faith and
reason for You are truth, Lord Jesus, my Sweet Savior. Lord, I pray for all of Your children especially those
outside of Your family because of their own decisions, or because of lack of knowledge of You. Bring all back to
Your family, Jesus. This is my prayer today, Lord.
My daughter, I love you and I thank you that you and your husband, My son, visits with Me. I send graces
through you and My children who visit Me in Adoration. This, My presence in the Eucharist, is the great gift from
My Fathers heart to the world. Through this great miracle, My presence remains with you and all of the world
through the ages since the first Mass I celebrated on Holy Thursday. I promised to remain with My children and I
have. Satan wants to destroy and oppress Adoration, for he does not want these graces, My graces, available
to souls on earth. Take advantage of this blessed time for it will not be so available later during the time of great
trials. These times are on the precipice, My daughter. The time of great trials is on your doorstep, My dear
children and there is no time to waste. Your precious souls must be brought in line with your Lord and Savior.
Come back to Me, My precious little ones, before it is too late. Your Jesus loves you and will forgive you. You
will be embraced by Me and all of Heaven, only return now. Do not waste one moment of time for the hour
grows late and you do not know when I will call your spirit to stand before Me. By waiting you risk losing your
soul. You also waste precious time that We could be walking together in great joy on the earth before your time
is finished. There is much work that has been ordained, specifically for you. Yes, My child reading this
message, I am referring to you. There are a certain number of souls you are meant to touch, to influence, to
love for your God, and if you refuse Me, others will also be in jeopardy, for you are not walking in the light. Each
soul I created has a specific mission in life. The first part of your mission is to know and love Me beyond all
others. This love instilled in your heart before you were born is to be nurtured and fed with My words, My
graces, My sacraments, and My love. Next, this love becomes so strong and pure in your precious heart that it
spills over and touches other souls who are desperate to love. Not just any souls, but specific souls. These
souls do not benefit from the grace in your heart when you refuse Me and reject My love. So many of My poor
children are refusing My love that there is a great void on the earth. Graces flow to others but their hardened
hearts cannot receive them. This is because they do not choose to receive them. You see, My child, even the
most hardened sinner can receive graces I give if they will only be open to receiving them. However, sadly, most
are not and therefore My graces fall upon rocky ground with no chance for penetrating their hard hearts and
therefore no chance for growth. Seeds that lie on rocky soil are not planted in the ground and therefore lie
dormant and eventually die. A soul is similar in that if a soul is not open to love it lies in a dormant or stagnant
state. If it does not receive love and rejects it, it will eventually die. Then, no amount of sunshine or water will
bring it back. Just like a plant or a tree that is dead. One can fertilize and water it, put it in the sunshine, care
and nurture it, but all is to no avail if it is already dead. Do not give up on any soul alive for I, your Jesus, am the
God of the Resurrection. I can bring any soul, even the most darkened soul to life if that soul recognizes its sin,
repents, and asks for forgiveness. A soul in this example is open to My graces and can receive complete
conversion. However, do not presume upon this happening and therefore put off your conversion to the end of
your life for then your soul may be so steeped in sin that you cannot accept the graces for conversion, nor would
you even want them. Do not be frivolous with My love and My grace for you know not the day nor the hour that
your Lord will call you to Me. My Mother will speak now.


(Blessed Mother speaking) Dearest children of the Creator. Listen to My Son who loves you and wants only
what is best for you. What is best is truly what is best. Think of this word, what I am saying is more than what is
good, more than what is better. It is what is best. My Son always did everything while living on the earth with
excellence, no matter how small or menial the task. My Son did each and every task superbly. This, My children
is Gods nature, for God is perfection. One might say the definition of the word perfection is God, for God is
perfect in every way. All that Jesus does, all that He says is perfect. For you see, My children, when I say He
wants what is best for you, I truly mean He wants Himself for you. He is the best for your souls. He is complete
and total love, forgiveness, mercy, acceptance, joy, and peace. Souls on earth, even those walking in His light
cannot begin to imagine or picture what I mean by the best I realize. Please trust in your Mothers words, for I
love you tenderly. I want you to be with My Son in Heaven for all eternity. I love you and I also want what is best
for you which is My Son. Yes, My children, My Son is what is best for you. Follow Him and you will not regret
this decision, not for one moment I assure you. You truly must follow Him, My children, for your own safety.
Your soul is not safe if you are living outside of My Sons will for you. Come, take My hand. I will lead you to
Jesus, for I am a kind and gentle Mother. I am tender. If you are afraid of My Sons justice, you need not fear. I
will take you to Him and He will not refuse us. I will tell Him how sorry you are for choosing darkness, and He
will listen to Me. I stood with My precious Son, Jesus, while evil wanted to prevail and yet My Son prevailed for
He willingly laid down his life for you. Yes, My poor precious child, He gave His life so that you would live.
Come now, do not be afraid to take your Mothers hand even if you were at times afraid of your earthly mother,
you have nothing to fear from Me. Even if you hid out of fear from your earthly mother, and I know some of My
sweet children did, for fear of abuse. I was with you, though, My child. I was hiding with you and I put My cloak
over you to protect you. There were times I could not protect you physically, but I protected you spiritually. I was
the one whispering to your sweet heart that you had worth and dignity because you are a child of God. I stood
by sad and ashamed for you and took some of the blows meant for you for I love you. You are My daughter, My
son and I love you. You did not deserve abuse, My precious little ones No one does. My Son is very unhappy
with parents entrusted to love their blessings, their children, but who misuse their parental role. Yes, My Son
forgives them when they repent. He wants this type of treatment to stop! For when parents abuse their children,
it not only hurts them physically, but causes deep emotional wounds and can block hearts from being open to
the healing graces and love of God. My child, if you are one who has experienced this type of mistreatment from
a parent or an adult in your family, you must bring this to your Jesus, immediately. Lay these memories, these
burdens, that have created shadows over anything else in your life that is good, at the foot of His cross. He will
take these from you just as He bore the scourging at the pillar. He will replace this horrible mistreatment, that
you did not deserve, with His light, His love, His healing. My children, He will renew you. The past is the past
and cannot be changed now in human terms, but My Son will bring forgiveness, healing, and a renewed sense
of purpose in your life. Trust Him, My children. He said to Me once when He was battered, bruised, and
bleeding, Mother, behold I make all things new. You see, My poor loved wounded ones, your Jesus knows
what it is to be abused, for He was abused by many. He bore the insults - verbal abuse. He bore the malice,
those who spat on Him, and pulled His beard. He bore the physical abuse, the crowning of thorns in His
precious head that penetrated His spectacular, brilliant mind. He bore the scourging which was a horrible
atrocity. He then endured carrying the heavy cross beam when He had already endured such physical torture
that He as God had to will Himself to survive, or He would have died before the crucifixion. Yes, My child, your
Savior, your Jesus, then endured the stripping of His garments which was terribly painful. The words He said to
Me and which I knew, trusted, and believed, Behold, Mother I make all things new, were such a contradiction to
those who heard. They were not a contradiction to Me, My child, for I was infused with grace and faith and
though I suffered severely for My beautiful precious holy Son, I knew him to be Our Redeemer. I understood His
mission and that of Our Father in Heaven. My Son came for this. He understands brutality on a level most
people cannot or should not comprehend. So you see, He knows what you have gone through, and He wants to
provide you the refuge of His Sacred Heart. Please dearest children of My Immaculate Heart, trust in your
Jesus. He can, and will make all things new, and I remind you that He is the only One who can. Listen to Him.
Follow Him to the safety and security of Heaven.
Thank You, most holy and beautiful Mother. Your heart is so beautiful and pure. You love so tenderly. Please
help us, dear Mother. We need Your motherly presence in this world like never before, especially in a world
where even the most vulnerable, little innocents are unsafe in the one place meant to protect them, their
mothers womb. Dearest Mother, cover all mankind with Your holy mantle and protect us from the enemy. Many
people have not experienced what good motherly love is, Blessed Mother. I have, and for that I am most
grateful. I had to say goodbye to my mother when she was not even an old woman, and yet I had a great gift by
having a holy loving earthly mother. Many have not experienced this unconditional love and so they feel
unloved, unwanted, and do not know their true worth. Teach us, Blessed Mother. Fill us with graces to love so
that the love of Your Son is lived out, shared, poured out through His Children of the Renewal to our dear
brothers and sisters who have not experienced true love. Help us to be children of light, dearest Mother. You
are our Star. You guide us to our destination, Jesus. Please do not give up on us, dear Mother. Thank you for


your pure motherly love. Please kiss my mother in Heaven and tell her of my gratitude, my joy, and of my love.
She was such a beautiful model of love, forgiveness, holiness, and a life lived in service for others. Pray for me,
Mama It is difficult here, and though we are grateful for our Lords presence and guidance, we are also more
fully aware of the pervasive darkness and of the late hour. Pray for us, Mama. I ask for the Blessed Mother to
give you my greetings and my love.
(The Blessed Mother speaks) My daughter, I will give your greetings, your kisses, and your love to your Mother.
She prays for you, for your Dad and your brothers and sisters and for her grandchildren. She intercedes
tirelessly for all her family and all of her friends. Your Mama, Our (name withheld), is truly the song of joy, as her
name says. She is filled with songs of joy for her Savior and for all He has done for her and for her family. Take
comfort knowing your Mother is with Us in Heaven, growing, loving, and learning all she desires to learn. You
will see her one day as My Son has told you, I assure you. Take heart. Yes, the hour is late and darkness
prevails, but only for a time. God will be victorious and His light will eradicate all darkness on the earth. Trust in
Him. Trust in His plan which is perfect. All will be well. Hold His hand and walk in His light. Thank You
dearest Mother Mary, I love You. And I love you, My sweet daughter. Jesus, do you have you anything more
to say to Me?
Yes, My little lamb, I assure you of My love and My forgiveness. I thank you for meeting Me in the Sacrament of
Confession when I forgave you through My priest son. Your soul was cleansed from the impurities and all
forgiven. Now, walk in this confidence, for it is not a matter of feeling forgiven but of accepting My forgiveness.
Walk in My light with confidence, joy, peace, and love for you have been faithful in My request that you and My
children go to the sacrament of healing and forgiveness with a penitent heart. That is all it takes for your sins to
be forgiven. I love you and all of Heaven rejoices when a soul goes to confession and makes a worthy
confession. Yes, My dear, you heard Me correctly, all of Heaven rejoices when a soul, even one of My children
serving Me goes to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Keep your soul in a state of grace by frequenting
this sacrament. I have many graces for holiness to give you and keeping your soul in a ready state will put it in
the optimal state to receive My graces for holiness and love. It is My desire that all of My children seek
forgiveness and healing in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Children reconcile your hearts to God. I beg you to
return so that I can shower you with My gifts of love. In this way, you can give My love and peace to others and
they will begin to soften and be open to Me. One soul filled with holiness can make a very big impact on the
world. It is true, because I can use just one soul who loves Me to change many souls. That is why, My dear
children, I need you to become all that I know you can be for love of your Jesus. For in this way, souls who have
never heard about Me from their parents, and I tell you there are many, can learn about My love through My
children of light. If enough of My children return to a life of holiness and love many, many souls destined for hell
because of their choices will be touched and transformed. They will be saved, dear children, by the love I give
you and which you pass on to them. Do not worry that the love and peace that I give you and which you give
away to others will be depleted, for I have an endless supply. The more you give away, the more I will
replenish. Return often to Me in the Sacrament of the Eucharist and in the Sacrament of Reconciliation so that I
can refill you. Prayer also replenishes you. Prayer is like water falling on good soil with seed. The light from the
sacraments, water from prayer causes growth in holiness. Praying the rosary, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, and
Adoration is best, but even if one cannot go to Adoration, and I invite you to do so, but even if one cant, ask your
angel guardian to fly your spirit to the Tabernacle in reverence and awe and return graces that only I can give.
This is not a substitute to the sacraments and to Adoration, My children, but a supplement. I love you tenderly,
My children, and I dispense graces in many ways because the love of My heart spills over on the whole world. It
is up to My children whether or not to receive these graces. Still they are freely given and there for all of My
children. Please dearest children, whom I loved even before you were created, return My love. Accept it, and
revel it and love Me in return. There are many beautiful gifts prepared for you on your road to conversion that I
desire to give you. You must open your arms and receive these gifts. Simply say, Jesus, I do not know if You
are who You say You are but I am willing to go out on a limb and hope that You are. Help me to know you,
Jesus. I want to know You as a loving God who forgives. Please forgive Me, Jesus, and teach me Your ways. I
am a sinner in need of forgiveness. Make my heart new, Lord. Forgive me, heal me, love me. My child, I will
flood your soul with forgiveness, healing, mercy, and love. You will know the joy and the peace of forgiveness.
Then, if you are one of My children who is Catholic, I invite you to seek out the nearest Catholic parish, call the
church, and find out when Confession is or ask to make an appointment with the priest. You cannot do this
quickly enoughrun if you mustbut go there right away to receive absolution from Me through one of My
priest sons. Do not listen to the lies of My adversary who will try to dissuade you, for he wants your soul in hell.
He will tell you all sorts of lies and make you feel too ashamed. Simply ask your guardian angel to protect you
from the snares of the enemy and guide you to Confession. I will sit with you and listen to every word you say
from your heart. I will absolve you through My priest son and your sins will be washed away leaving your soul as
clean as the day of your baptism. For My non-Catholic children, pray in the words I gave you or in those similar.
Pray from your heart with true contrition for the sins of your entire life. You may also contact a priest, only tell


him that you are not Catholic but still want to meet with him. I will fill him with the light of My Spirit and I will
speak words through him. You will not receive absolution, but I will forgive your sins. I will for you to be part of
My One, Holy, and Apostolic faith, and for you to receive My graces in the Sacraments. You may pursue those
for your life and I invite you to do so. However, do not wait to repent, but run to My open arms. I am waiting
patiently for you. I long to give you the balm of My forgiveness, My children. I long for you to live anew. The
whole universe is at the disposal of My Children of the Renewal. Decide for Me, your Jesus, and be a child of
Mine, a child of the light. I love you and it is just this simple to be forgiven. This is true because I say so. My
words are truth and light.
Thank You, Jesus, I am very grateful that in a world of dishonesty and half-truths we can always hear and know
truth by knowing and loving You. Thank You, Jesus, my Savior, my Lord, and my God. I love You.
And I love you My daughter. Hold fast to My arm My daughter for I am your strength. I am might. No evil can
harm your precious little soul. Keep your eyes on your Jesus. Remain focused on Me and you will not even
have a misstep or feel fear. Always focus on Me. When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, when you hear
this one or that one is plotting evil, just say, My Jesus said it would be so. He also said I am to keep my eyes on
Him, keep my hand in His, and allow Him to lead me. My Jesus will show me the way and will guard my steps.
My Jesus will keep me safe in His Sacred Heart and that is what I want and I will. In this way, My child, My little
lamb, your Jesus will protect you and carry you safely to the other side where light, love, and peace prevail
against the darkness of the night. I will do this for all of My children until each one is either safely in Heaven or
safely in the Renewal. My Children of the Renewal you are weary. Your Jesus knows this. You are carrying a
heavy load for you help to carry the loads of your brothers and sisters. I urge you to persevere. The time is
growing short and darkness is upon this world, it is true. You are suffering from battle fatigue, and I say this with
all sincerity for the battle for souls is raging. Remember, though, who it is you serve, your Jesus Who is the
Returning King. I will renew your strength each time you pray to Me or to the saints in Heaven, and each time
you receive My holy sacraments. I will embrace you and give you renewed courage and passion for your Lord
and God. I will pour out graces of healing, love, and mercy and you will be refreshed and renewed. Return to
your Jesus often, for I have living water. My children, if you are weary, examine where you are spending your
time and energy. Come to Me in prayer and We will examine this together. Is it possible that you are spending
precious, valuable time and energy on forms of entertainment that could be spent with me in prayer? Come now
and let us examine this in the light of My love and I will show you where you can limit time wasted and exchange
it for time spent with Me, your Jesus. You may need additional rest My weary children. Come, rest with Me in
Adoration. I will love you and renew your heart and mind. Even if you lie down and pray, and fall asleep, you
will be sleeping in My arms and will awaken refreshed and ready to serve your Jesus. My children, the trumpet
is sounding and there is no time to waste. Make every moment in your life count, whether you are washing
dishes or washing your car, use this for love of your Jesus. When you are bathing your children, tell them about
the bath, the water, the soap working together to make them clean. Tell them their baptism made their souls
sparkling clean and that Jesus makes our hearts happy and clean when we ask Him to forgive us and we tell
Him we love Him. You see, My children, I am not asking for you to do anything difficult. I am asking you to live
your life with love and in service to Me, your Jesus. I am asking you to be a living, breathing, loving witness to
your God in all that you do and to teach your children and grandchildren the ways of God. You do not need a
degree in theology to teach children about love for they already know Me, and know in their hearts they are
loved. They do need the stories and concrete examples to learn about the saints and life of a Christian. Many
of My children who are considered adults on earth need to know the basics also. If you do not teach them, how
will they know? My Children of the Renewal, you are to prepare your brothers and sisters hearts for Me, Jesus,
by showing them love. This love from you will prepare their hearts to accept Me. Do you see how simple and
yet how very vital your role is in My plan. Do not overcomplicate your role but do not underemphasize it either.
This world is literally starving for My love, and My plan is to depend on My children of light to cooperate with me
to bring about My kingdom. You must help Me, My children, for I am counting on you. I love you, I trust you, and
I care for you. Please return My love and My trust by loving and trusting in Me. All will be well but it will be so
with your involvement, acceptance, and cooperation with My plan. If you do not know what it is I would like you
to do, ask Me. Ask Me in the quiet of your heart and I will tell you. My children, the ability for you to be quiet is
threatened by the constant noise of this world. You see, the television, the noise, the images cause your mind to
be filled with horrible thoughts and images. Even when you are no longer watching it, the images are replayed
over and over in your mind like film. It is most difficult to erase these images. Even when they are deemed to
be harmless by you or even good in some cases it is difficult to turn off long after the television is off. In this way,
you find it difficult to quiet your mind and your heart, not to mention, the countless other forms of media via the
Internet, texting, phone, and the constant barrage of information in this age of consumerism. I am not saying all
of this is evil, but what I am saying is it causes a great distraction for My children who are adults, parents, aunts,
uncles, and Godparents, whose duty it is to teach children about Me. Please, dear children, come away with Me
in silence. Silence this electronic age at least in your cars and in your homes so that My little ones will listen to


you, their parents. They will learn how to focus again so they can learn and their minds can be fruitful once
again and so you and they will be able to go into the silence of your hearts and hear My still, small, peaceful
voice. Until you learn to be quiet inside you, you cannot hear My gentle, loving voice. You see, My children, the
world distracts you. It is an insidious plan of My adversary and yours to be distracted, to be tempted not to pray.
Be vigilant My children for your souls and that of your children are at stake. If you think television is harmless,
turn it off for one month and later if you turn it on again, you will be appalled at the evil undertones, the insidious
encouragements to materialism, the undertones, even in commercials, for tolerance and acceptance to live a
carefree life without virtue. These are lies and deceptions of the evil one, My precious children. You do not even
have an awareness of how harsh and evil these messages are that you allow into your homes and into the
hearts of your children because you have become used to it. It has become mind-numbing and spirituallynumbing. This insidious form of entertainment is competition for a Spirit filled life. You see, My children, these
constant images, these pixels of light, form images in the brain and cause the brain to be stimulated almost like
a drug can do. Then your society wonders why there is such a high percentage of hyperactivity in children and
an inability to focus. How can one begin to use their God given imagination for contemplation, prayer, and
learning when a form of media does it for them? We must return to a simple, quiet, and loving life in the home,
dear children. You will see restoration in families by this one simple act of restoring peace and quiet in your
home, My domestic church. My Mother has told you in Her messages, Do not allow satan access to your
children, and in this way access has been granted, for he has taken over a large portion of the airwaves. It is
not necessary for your children to learn by watching television and having free access to the Internet, rather it is
impacting them negatively. It hampers learningreal learningbecause they do not learn to think for
themselves, rather they learn to disrespect their parents, to hold their peers in higher esteem than their parents
and their elders. They learn the opposite values of God. They learn that a person is only valuable when they
possess worldly beauty, popularity, and fame. They learn about drugs, pornography, violence, and every form of
sin by watching the television. It did not used to be so in the beginning of this invention but it has always been
the plan of the evil one, My adversary and yours, to use what My children invent to harm them. You have free
will, My children, use it for good, and if not for yourselves do so for My little innocent ones. It is difficult at first for
you are using the television and their computer games as a babysitter. It seems harmless you say. I say it is
harmful. Allow space for your children as they go through withdrawal from this insidious form of entertainment.
Listen well, My children. You will not regret turning this device off for good, and even removing it from the house
to prevent temptation. Once these little ones learn to read, to play quietly at home, to draw, paint, work puzzles,
etc., you will see order and peace return to your homes. Pray and ask Me to help you My children. But, Jesus,
my children say, my children only watch shows that are good for them. To which I say, My little children who
love Me and try to follow Me, stop fooling yourselves. Even shows which appear to be good have false
undertones undermining the family, a civil society, and your God. Listen to Me when I say it is insidious and
difficult for you to even know what is good and what is not good for you have been over exposed for so long.
Turn it off, My children of light, for you are allowing a tool of deception rule over your hearts and minds. I give
you free will and you are free to choose. I ask that you choose My wisdom over what the world has to offer.
Think of this, the world went without this invention for well over 1900 years from My birth. What has happened
since this invention entered homes? Has the world become more holy, more pure? Have families thrived since
this invention was made available? Do more people follow Me, the Savior, as a result? I leave you to decide.
As for Me, I your Jesus, speak words of truth and light. My children do not know the value of words of truth
anymore for they are bombarded with words, words, and more words, but these words and messages that
bombard you are of the world. This is why I have chosen many messengers throughout the world to bring My
words of truth to you. You have My scriptures, but not many people desire reading since it is much easier to
derive the news from the television. Not many of My children have the focus or patience to read since your
news must be presented in small bites as if My children do not have the intellectual capacity to read something
longer than five hundred words. This is such nonsense, My children. Do not allow your children to follow in this
nonsensical way of life. Return to a simple, less material way of living to protect your souls and those of your
children. I gave My children the capacity and intellect to invent things to help with healing, and technology to
help be more efficient and productive in feeding My children who are hungry. Instead My children have invented
things to fill up their lives of leisure and to give their children addictive toys. This is not My will, children of light. I
want productive, fruitful, holy children to use every gift I have given to them to their greatest potential. Instead,
you are giving your children toys to entertain, entertainment to fill their minds, and have encouraged laziness.
This, My children, opens up to every form of deception and false powers. This is not of God. Please examine
your life on a daily basis and see where improvements can be made. Substitute these forms of entertainment
with times of storytelling. Start with the parents, share stories of your life as a child, your parents, and
grandparents. Tell stories from the Bible. Ask your children to tell you their favorite story that they learned from
what you have shared. Begin family prayer. Start with one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and one Glory Be. Ask
them to lead part of the prayer once they have learned. Ask them for petitions for what do they want to pray, and
for whom? Perhaps there is a child at school or in the neighborhood who is ill. Pray for them. Pray for your
priests and religious. Pray for those who are sick. Gradually advance to a decade of the Rosary and when they


are older, pray two or three until one day you are praying the entire Rosary. Please, dear children, return to the
simple life lived in peace and holiness. In this way your little children will grow in wisdom, compassion, and
virtue. Reclaim My world, children of the light, for through holy families, My graces will flow out into the world. In
this way you will practice what it will be like living in the Renewal and your children will help other children who
do not know how to pray, play, and learn in the way I designed for them. If you do not begin now, you
compromise your souls and those of your children. Is it worth your childrens souls, I ask you? Of course it isnt
and I know you understand this. I will help you, My children, I will not abandon you as you make these radical
changes for the health of your family. My little lamb, do not hesitate to make My difficult words known. Do not
fear rejection of My words, for rejection of My words will do no damage to Me in this world of glitter and glamour.
If just one family changes, holiness and graces will spread. Do not be concerned for your Jesus, My little lamb.
Your love, trust, and fidelity, and that of your husband consoles Me. I know of My sons suffering and how he is
struggling. Assure him of My love and My respect. Tell My son of My gratitude for the sufferings and offerings
he gives to Me saves souls and advances his own in holiness. My heart is full of love for My loyal friends. I call
My Children of the Renewal to be set apart from the culture. I call you and invite you with great love to follow Me
and do not count the costfor the cost cannot begin to compare with the profits and your inheritance. Therefore,
My children, follow Me. You must change your way of life so that your light will shine for all those in darkness. If
My children assimilate with the culture, how will anyone know it is beautiful and different to be a Christian? Set
yourself on a new path, My path. Come, My children, I will help you. Love and be love, and all will be well. That
is all, My little lamb. The hour grows late. Go in peace to love Me and to be love to others. I bless you both in
My Fathers name, in My name, and in the name of My Holy Spirit. My love goes with you. Be light to the world
by loving and following Me. Thank You, Jesus. You are My beloved, My Lord, and My God. Thank You that
You continue to call us to Yourself and to the safety of Your Sacred Heart. I love You, My Jesus. Thank You for
Your words of life, and Your lessons of love.
And, I love you, My children. You are welcome, My grateful child. Go in the peace and love of your God.
Thank you. Amen!
Sunday, July 20, 2014, Adoration Chapel
Hello, Jesus, ever-present in the Blessed Sacrament. Thank you that we are here with You today. We love You,
Lord God. Praise You and thank You for all that You do for us, Jesus. Praise You for who You are. You are
deserving of all my love, praise, and adoration. Thank You for Your love for souls, Jesus. Thank you for loving
me, Lord. I owe you far more than I could ever repay You, Jesus, and I do not deserve Your beautiful love, and
yet You love me anyway. Thank You for Your mercy and for caring about even the smallest detail in my life. I
love You, my Lord and my God.
I love you, My daughter. I am delighted that you and your husband are here with Me. I pour graces out upon
the world through My children who receive Me worthily in the Sacrament of the Eucharist and through those who
visit Me in Adoration. Please invite more of My children to visit Me in Adoration chapels. I invite all of My
children to come to Adoration chapels all over the world to visit with Me as I am truly present in the Eucharist.
Come, sit, rest, and unburden yourself. I, Your Lord and Your God, love you and wish to review your problems
with you. You will be provided clarity, truth, and guidance with all lifes problems, My children. Come, I am a
patient and loving God. Thank You, Jesus. I love You.
And, I love you, my daughter. I love all of My children very tenderly and long to walk beside them in life. Some
of My lost children do not wish for Me to walk beside them but push Me aside and turn their backs on Me.
Though this type of rejection of Me is nothing new, My loving heart feels the sting of rejection from each and
every child who wants nothing to do with Me. I do not become hard hearted like some of My lost children so
each rejection is just as painful as another. So dearly do I love My children that even when I am rejected I do not
leave them. I am not easily pushed away, you see, for so great is the love in My Sacred Heart for you that I will
not give up on the chance that you will respond to My love even when you do not want Me around. I stay close
by you and wait ever so patiently for a slight opening, a glance My way, or a forlorn wish that things could be
different in your soul and at the first opening I flood souls with My peace and My grace. When a soul does not
desire Me and even refuses to think or talk about Me I do not impose on their free will, so great is My respect for
the very gift I have given. Tell My children of My great love for them, My daughter. Oh, if they only realized how
much their Savior loves them, they would come running into My arms. Jesus, cant you just enlighten every
soul so that they know of Your love for them?
Yes, My child and I will do so during the Illumination of Conscience. During this event each one of My children
will see the state of his or her own soul the way I see their soul. They will also see Me in a perfect light. All will
see Me in My magnificent splendor as I am in Heaven. This will cause some souls great trepidation and fear for
they will see their soul as it is to Me as well as being able to see Me in the brilliant light. For souls in a state of


mortal sin this light will be blinding. It will be a cause for extreme terror for they will comprehend their future
which will leave some in a state of panic. For those who are in a state of grace, you will see your soul as I do in
a state of purity and beauty. You will see that your soul has marks on it from sins committed which were forgiven
but for which you experience consequences. All that is a barrier to Me will be instantly healed when viewed in
My brilliant light that will not blind My remnant but will purify these marks cleansing your souls from any marks or
debris left from sin and its consequences. My children who love and follow Me, though imperfect, will be at
peace and will rest in My love during the Illumination. You will be aware of My holiness and purity and I will
imbue your souls with such love and grace during this period of ecstasy. For those of My children who are
purified in this way I give a very big responsibility afterwards. I ask My holy children to love and to be love to
their brothers and sisters who desire repentance and conversion. Guide these souls of Mine who have been My
wayward ones but who after the Illumination desire unity with Me and with My church, with the utmost tender
loving care. Their souls will be most fragile immediately following the Illumination and this time will be crucial for
them. In some cases the difference between choosing utter despair and choosing healing and life will be
determined by the treatment they receive from My children of light. I tell you this now My children to forewarn
and to prepare you for the great opportunity to participate in the multitudes who will convert their hearts to God.
Numerous will be the souls who will come back to Me yet still numerous will be those who will be lost for all
time. Jesus how could it be possible for anyone to see You with clarity and all of Your beauty and majesty and
choose anything other than You?
My child it seems most impossible to you and yet I tell you some souls will be very ashamed of the state of their
soul, but instead of feeling sorrow for their sins will turn even more angry. Indeed, some will be filled with rage
blaming Me, their God, for their circumstances in life and for choices they made of their own free will. These
souls will not be converted for they will not repent. These are the souls following the evil one and the truth is not
in them. Therefore, they are unable to recognize the one who is truth standing directly in front of them. With
such love I will gaze into their souls and with such disdain will they return My look of love. It is for just such souls
that My Mother and I grieve the most. My children, if you knew the pains of hell that await them you would do
anything and everything to spare these brothers and sisters of their future. Pray, My children, pray. Pray for the
souls of your brothers and sisters who choose satans ways over the ways of God. Pray and make sacrifices for
them. Each soul is worth more than anyone can imagine and it is worth any and every sacrifice you can make.
You will never regret the penances, prayers, and Masses said for poor sinners. I will show you the value of
everything you have done during your time on earth for the poor children of Mine who make sinful choices, when
you are in Heaven with me. I assure you, My little children of light, Your Jesus will show you the deepest
gratitude when you are in Heaven for every single prayer uttered for My poor lost children. Thank You, Lord, for
Your generosity and for reminding me of just how important every prayer we pray for our dear brothers and
sisters is. I am very grateful, dear Lord, for Your great mercy and that You allow us, who are also Your children
who have sinned, to pray for our brothers and sisters who have not yet experienced Your great love. Thank You
that You allow us to play a part in dispensing Your love and Your mercy, Jesus. I am very, very grateful that You
allow us to assist You in bringing You our beautiful Savior to darkened hearts. Lord, please save many souls
during this time filled with urgency. Lord, You have said the hour is short and therefore, Jesus, You must pour
graces on the world in these days like no other time, Lord. It must be so since Your love and mercy are so deep
and so vast.
Yes, My little lamb, it is as you say. Your Jesus is pouring out graces, love, and mercy in ways that would take
your breath away, (as you say) if your earthly eyes could see. My child, unfortunately, these graces are falling
on such rocky soil that it most difficult for them to penetrate My childrens hardened hearts. This is why you must
pray and offer sacrifices. For with My childrens love, prayers and sacrifices and through the graces which come
through My Mothers Immaculate Heart, the hardness in My children can begin to soften ever so slightly. This is
often what occurs when a soul glances My way. It is often due to the prayers of My children, through their
fasting and sacrifices, that can make a difference. I tell you this My child so that you will not lose hope. For
even though it is too late to lessen the chastisements coming, it is not too late to help your brothers and sisters
to turn their hearts towards Me. Your actions, your love, are critical at this time more so than ever. Therefore do
not judge someone and think that just because they are living a life of sin, that it is too late for them. These are
the souls you should run toward to help. Perhaps not literally in all cases, My child, for one must be prudent and
safe. However, it will never put one in harms way to fast and to pray for a soul. There are times of course when
I also ask you to physically intervene and help them by a corporal work of mercy, but what I am saying is, to
never give up on a soul. My daughter, if someone stubbed their toe or is about to trip they might need some
assistance, but say a child is in danger of drowning what should the reaction be of an adult who can swim?
Lord, if a child is in danger of drowning, we should dive in immediately to rescue them. That is correct, My
child. Time is of the essence, is it not? Yes, Lord, You know it is. It is critical to resuscitate them immediately
and to prevent as many complications as is possible. Yes, My child, you have answered well. Lord, most


people know this, but I do see what you saying as it relates to sin. My child, yes. You see the correlation. I
want My children, those who know and follow Me, to treat their brothers and sisters who are drowning in sin with
no swimming skills to plunge in to save them. This is a rescue mission of the utmost importance. I cannot
stress enough the critical nature of the times you are living in and with what extremes you must go, to help My
children living in darkness. Some of you have direct contact with such darkened souls such as My daughter
whom you met yesterday at your friends. The mission of mercy I have entrusted to her is of a special kind. One
could say she is in the resuscitation business. Some of My children have different missions. One could say they
are in the recovery mission. Once a soul has been given the lifesaving resuscitation, some of My children are
there to care for them during their transition from repentance to true conversion, recovery. Other children of
Mine take over from there and teach My children, those who are nearing the end of their recovery phase, about
Me and the faith handed down by My Apostles. Others will offer the first aid along the way, mending wounds,
offering forgiveness and healing, and binding their wounds. These are My holy priest sons who offer My
Sacraments of healing and forgiveness, and anoint them with holy oil as the Deacon of Mine did yesterday. Do
you see My children how each one of My children of light have an important role to assume in bringing about My
kingdom? You were right, My child, when you said, We all have gifts given by God for Our missions and some
may be lying dormant until needed. Yes, My child, this is indeed true and yet I want My children to focus on what
it is they can do right now. Do not be concerned for what you perceive you dont have, for you all have exactly
what is needed, Me. You have My Mother as well and all of Heaven at your disposal like never before. You
have only to call on any or all of the saints in Heaven who are waiting to help you in the best way. My children
do not say, I do not have such and such gifts like so and so has and therefore I am not as important to Jesus,
for this is not true. You already know who the father of lies is so do not be deceived by such a false notion. God
created you and therefore you are needed by Me. If it were not so you would not be reading these words or
being enlightened in prayer for you would not have been created. Each and every soul created is made in My
image and endowed with gifts too numerous to count. Your soul is precious to Me. As precious as your soul is,
the souls of your brothers and sisters are also precious and must be loved, prayed for, and instructed in the
ways of the Lord. You are all partakers in the rescue mission for souls. I knew you would help Me in this way
and so I call upon you now for your Jesus needs you and is counting on you. Thank you for all you have done
thus far. Your Jesus is grateful. Please love your fallen brothers and sisters for they are desperately in need of
love. If you do not know what you can do, just ask Me. I will tell you, My beautiful Children of the Renewal, for
the battle cry is sounding and your Commander, your Savior, is calling you to arms. Take up My Mothers rosary,
My children. This is the greatest weapon to fight evil and to bring about My kingdom. Our Father has given you
the plans via the Word of God, His church, including all of the Sacraments to fortify you on your journey. You
have also been given the greatest gift I could possibly give second only to My passion, death, and resurrection,
which is My holy and pure Mother. She is coming to earth like never before in the history of the world and like
never again. Yes, My children, My Mother and yours is coming down from Heaven with messages, words from
God the Father, and from Me to proclaim Gods love, to show you the way, the way which even My children have
forgotten. Do not ignore My holy Mother who is a priceless gift to My lost little children and to My children of
light. Do follow Her advice and guidance. Do what She says for She is perfectly united to the Holy Trinity, to
Me, and you will not go astray if you hold fast to the hem of Her garment. Now, I can say do as She tells you,
just as She said about Me at the wedding feast. I love you, My children and all of Heaven prays for your souls.
Do not waste what little time is left, but spend as much time as possible in prayer. Teach your children to pray
also, and make your work and all that you do each day a prayer and a love offering to Me. You will not regret
this for one moment, though you will be sad for the time wasted on frivolous things. Please children you must
help bring about My kingdom. This is your mission, that of this generation, for these times are worse than the
times of Noah. Yes, My children, they are indeed.
Jesus, I feel Your sense of urgency, Your longing for the souls of us, Your children. We will pray, Jesus. We will
fast, and we will make sacrifices. Only use these small gestures of love as You did the loaves and fishes and
multiply them out of Your great generosity bringing about the feeding and satisfaction of the multitudes. We
need Your divine intervention, Lord, so the small acts we do are multiplied in such a way that there are five
baskets left over such is the generosity of our Jesus. Lord we do not know what else to do and fall at Your feet
begging for mercy on this love starved world. Jesus, I ask for Your forgiveness for the times I have been
ignorant of and ungrateful for Your many blessings. Please overlook my defects, Jesus, and help me to start
anew to love and to be love for others. Help me up when I become complacent, Lord. Better yet, give me that
shake when You see my soul drifting off to sleep so as to prevent me from ever becoming complacent again.
May I have the sense of urgency that Your holy saints have for us, Lord. Increase the size of my heart, Jesus,
so that there is greater capacity to love You, and therefore others. Jesus, I feel there is nothing I can do, so
small am I, and yet I believe You will take our smallness and multiply these scraps until they are overflowing the
baskets of our hearts. When there are tiny pieces of love, crumbs Lord, magnify them with the lens of Your
Sacred merciful heart so that others see the crumbs of our love as their loving Saviors ocean of love. Jesus, we


can do nothing but with You we can do anything for all good comes from You anyway, Sweet Jesus. I love You,
My Lord and I desire to love You more. Make my heart a flame of pure love for You, Jesus.
My little lamb, your desire is such a consolation to Me. When you console Me, My Mother is also consoled.
You see yourself as insignificant. Many of My children see themselves in this way, and that is as it should be for
I protect you with a cloak of humility. Yet, do not allow this perception to give you a false sense of unimportance,
for that would not be true. All of My little children of the light are extremely important and very significant. I
stress this again. All of My children from the youngest to the oldest alive are critical in My mission of salvation. I
love you, each and every one, more than you understand while you are serving on earth, but you will know of My
deep love in Heaven. I will show you and tell you. One might say We will have the entire time of your life in
Heaven, eternity, to revel in Our mutual love and that of your heavenly family. For now, you must accept this end
date for We have much work to do and so little time left to save poor souls in darkness. Everything My children
do matters. Nothing done in love will be wasted. Please dear children stop underestimating your value to the
kingdom and if you do not believe what I am saying, follow Me anyway, for through your prayers and your acts of
kindness and love others will see Me and want to follow Me also. I love you. I forgive you. I embrace you. Rest
in this embrace whenever you feel discouraged or afraid. I, your Jesus, am your Savior, your Friend, your Lord,
and your Protector. You are safe with me. Thank You Jesus for Your words are life. Thank You that You
choose to need us, Your little children. Thank You for Your love and mercy, Jesus.
You are most welcome, My grateful little lamb. I, Your Jesus, love you very tenderly and I thank you for writing
My words so that all who read them will feel My smile of love in their hearts. Jesus, I bring my friends husband
who is ill to You and ask for healing. Their family needs him to be well, Jesus, and he has been very sick.
Jesus, I need to ask a question on behalf of my dear friend. She is concerned for her son who does not know
where he is (his soul, his state) and she loves him and as a good mother is concerned for his soul. Is there
anything You would say to me, Jesus, that I may relay to her, Lord?
My daughter, you may tell your friend that My hand is upon her sons shoulder. I am very close to him indeed
though he is often unaware. His awareness of this is of little concern to Me for the fact remains that I am close
to him regardless of his awareness. My hand is on his life. Please tell my daughter of this. I hear her prayers
and I see the love she has beaming brightly from her hopeful heart. My dearest little (name withheld) you are a
good and faithful friend and servant of Your master. I do not forget how you tirelessly serve Me as you work to
disseminate My words of life to your brothers and sisters. You serve devotedly in this rescue mission for souls.
Do not think for one moment that I, your Lord and Savior, will overlook your children. For how could I, who love
you so deeply, have the slightest wish that your son would perish. You know that I want only what is good and
yet you are concerned that through his free will he will neglect the most important choice of his lifehis calling. I
assure you that I am a loyal and faithful friend and I look after the family members of My devoted friends with the
utmost care, concern, mercy, and love. My daughter, know that your Jesus loves your son even more than you,
and that is a lot, I realize! I entrusted him to you before he was born for he needed special parents, and
especially just the right mother. I therefore chose you. Rest in this knowledge that you have and will continue to
do your part and that I your Jesus will do Mine. There is one more thing I would like you to know. Your son must
follow the course for his life that is before him. It may not appear to be what you would want for him, but
remember, it is one forged just for him by Me, Jesus. All will be well. Be at peace and entrust both of your
children to My Mother and to Me. St Joseph is an important intercessor for your son. Go to him often to guide
your son with fatherly wisdom. He is underutilized in this world, even among My followers. Please go to him for
he will have a special role to play in your sons life. Dearest daughter, My little one, be at peace. All is in My
heart and has been before time as you knew it existed. I love you, My daughter. I thank you for your service in
furthering My kingdom. I give you a special grace now that you will use during the transition time, the time of
great trials. This grace, unknown to you now, will be one of great confidence and courage and will inspire others
to be at peace when all else, the chaos around, will be the opposite. Those in your charge will know great
peace, the peace of Christ. I ask you now to trust in your Jesus. I love you. I will not abandon you or anyone in
your family, My friend. Thank You, Jesus, I am grateful for Your beautiful reassurances to my friend. Thank
You, Lord, for Your deep love and Your generosity. Jesus is there anything more You wish to say to me?
Yes, My child. Thank you for going to your friends yesterday. I thank your husband also for his witness in
going and for the sacrifice of time. I want to assure you that the time My children took to be present with Me in
the Eucharistic procession was time well spent. Many graces were poured out on this refuge property and upon
My Children of the Renewal gathered there in prayer. I also gave graces to those who desired to attend but
could not for health reasons or other family duties. I do not withhold gifts from My children of light. Even their
desire to please Me, pleases Me. My son (of the refuge) has a very difficult mission ahead, and the blessing of
My presence will provide much needed safety, protection, and security for all who dwell there now, and who will
dwell there in the future. Furthermore, as I send many of My children out to other mission locations, the graces


they received yesterday will go with them and will flow through them to others. I thank you, My daughter, for
being present though you were very uncomfortable (due to a recent injury). I also thank you for taking My
precious little (name withheld) who is My small but very brave warrior for the kingdom. Your friend was correct,
your young man was excellent in his behavior and in his attitude. My Mother has special and most significant
plans for his life and She watches over him. He causes Her to smile with his many battles and with his acts of
bravery at play for She knows how true this is for his future role. How She loves him and all of Her little followers
who were there yesterday. I am grateful for the consolations, the little children, the smallest ones of the renewal,
bring to My loving Mothers heart. All of Heaven prayed with you, My children, when you joined hands. Such
unity delights all of Heaven. There was a great spirit of love, acceptance, and unity among My children
yesterday and I was most pleased. My Father commented that this should be done more often within every
community and every refuge. This display of faith, trust, hope, love, and unity gave God the Father the praise
and glory due to Him. All of Heaven rejoiced and prayed with you. Please thank My son (of the refuge) again,
for his faithfulness, his work, and his love. He is a faithful son of Mine and I love him dearly. Thank You, Jesus,
I will read Your words to him. Jesus, will you please provide whatever is needed for (name withheld) to believe
and to see with more clarity what he needs to do for his family? Please, Lord.
Yes, My child. Tell your husband, My son, I am well pleased with his discussion. I encourage him to talk with
(name withheld) more and more and to work with (name withheld) for further preparations. He would do well to
practice using the guns he purchased at My direction. (name withheld) has been given many gifts and talents to
be used during the time of great trials and in the Era of Peace. My son (name withheld) has much to offer and I
am working in his soul. Please assure My daughter (name withheld), My little flower, that I hear her prayers and
I see her suffering. Ask her to join her sufferings to those of My Mother. Assure her that all will be well. (name
withheld) My sweet beautiful daughter I know of your suffering and I see your loving acts of trust and faith. I
encourage you to follow your Holy Mother Mary and model your life after Hers, with a life of simple faith and
trust, and continue to serve as an ambassador to Me with all you meet. You, My child take My love and grace to
My little ones so desperately in need of understanding, compassion, and love. The children and families you
serve hang on your every word, for it is filled with love and acceptance. Thank you, My daughter for your tireless
efforts to bring about My kingdom and for your sacrifices for My holy unborn who are in dire need of courageous
people to save them. Your loyal service and your many prayers are noticed by all of Heaven. Your earthly
mother (deceased and now in Heaven) is very proud of you and pleads with Me for every need you express.
You are well loved. I need you, My (name withheld), to continue on and to have heart. Do not be discouraged
for I, your Jesus, walk with you arm in arm. If you could see the many times I protected you from harm, you
would be amazed. I love you, I listen to you, and I fill you with graces for love. Be assured that I am actively at
work in the souls of your children and your husband. Continue to pray and be at peace. Ask Me for guidance
and direction for every decision. Pray with My son, your husband. I ask you to begin family prayer each evening
just as your grandmother and granddaddy (names withheld) did. I ask your husband to lead your family in the
prayer of the rosary. If you begin with just one decade each evening, I will make this a joyful time. It will grow
over time and your childrens prayers and that of united spouses, will transform your family and will help to save
many souls. I love you and I bless you. All will be well. Put Me first and all will follow as needed. I love you.
Jesus, You are so good to respond to my intentions by giving (names withheld) beautiful messages. You answer
My requests far beyond what is needed, out of such goodness and love. Thank You, Lord.
My little one, I will answer every request of My children when it is in alignment with My will. Since I will the
salvation of each and every one of My children, I am unable to resist prayers such as this from loving hearts. I
encourage all of My children to pray for their loved ones, to trust in Me, and do not lose heart. Pray the rosary
and the Divine Mercy Chaplet every day for the salvation of souls. Go in peace, My son and daughter. I love
you, and I love that you care for your brothers and sisters. This is the love of God at work. Thank you, Jesus, I
love You.
And, I love you. My daughter, this week I remind you to rest and to offer your sufferings to Me to save souls. I
am with you and especially close to you when you suffer for you are close to Me in My passion. Offer even the
inconveniences to Me but also rest when you can and recuperate. Sometimes I must intervene in My childrens
lives when they are too busy. This is a time of grace, though it feels like the opposite to you. I love you and I am
using graces from suffering, for souls who are desperately in need of Me. Be patient in your suffering and I will
remove it in due time. Ask St. Pio to help you as he learned to perfect this time of suffering on earth. I love you
and I am with you.
Jesus, thank You for the grace You gave me this morning. I appreciate this gift and though I do not fully
comprehend it, I believe You that it is a prerequisite of the graces to love heroically that You ask my husband and
me to pray for during our family prayer. Thank You, Jesus, that You prepare us for our mission. Thank you to St.


Joseph for assisting my husband with his work last week. We are grateful for Your help, St. Joseph. Jesus,
thank You for not giving up on the world, at this most critical time. I love You.
My daughter and My son, I love you dearly. Assure your husband that I am with him. I speak to his heart, also,
though in a different way. I direct his path and he receives inspired ideas. My son, you are similar to St. Peter in
your zeal to please Me. I love this within you for I put this characteristic in your nature. Remember when you
have an idea to put it to prayer. Ask St. Joseph and St. Padre Pio to guide you. Use the Holy Spirit to discern
these ideas and when you are certain they are from Me ask for Heaven to guide you as you move forward. In
this way, you will use wisdom and right judgment in all your decisions. This is an important process of
discernment I lay before you, My son. One which will serve you very well now and during the times ahead. My
hand is upon you. Follow Me and all will be well. I put great trust in your leadership abilities as I did in holy St.
Peter. Learn from him that the discernment process is valuable when one has been gifted with the desire to do
great things for Me. This will temper any impetuous act you may be tempted to make. Your heart is good,
courageous, and strong. I simply remind you to use the guidance and wisdom of the saints assigned to you. I
love you and My daughter very much. I give you these words to sharpen your sword of righteousness. You are
My trusted son. My little daughter was correct in her assurances that your granddaddy (name withheld) is with
Me. His love for you has continued to grow in Heaven and he intercedes for you and your wife along with his
wife and your parents in Heaven. My son, have no fear. Be bold, patient, and the man of judgment and action I
created. You have a very important role as leader and father in My Era of Peace. Be patient with yourself for I
am patient with you. If you cannot find this within you, ask St. Joseph, for he is an excellent model of patience
and perseverance. I love you, My son. You are in My heart and I will never let you go. Thank You, Jesus, for
this day of messages for My loved ones. You are a generous and loving God and Your benevolence is as
abundant as Your love and mercy. Thank You, Jesus, my Lord and my God. You are welcome, My grateful little
lamb. Today is a day of love. Go now and be My love to others. I give you My grace of love as a gift and I ask
you to give this gift to others. Thank You, Lord. I bless you in My Fathers name, in My name, and in the name
of My Holy Spirit. Go in the peace and love of My Father and in My love and peace. Amen!
Sunday, July 13, 2014, Adoration Chapel
Hello, Jesus, ever-present in the Blessed Sacrament. I love, adore, and praise you, My Jesus. Thank you that I
am able to be with You today, My Lord and My God, who is all good and deserving of all my love. Lord, my
husband is unable to be here with You today, as You know. Please send extra graces to him for his sacrifice,
My daughter, I love you very tenderly. You are My child, My little one. You know My heart and the love one
finds there. Therefore, do not doubt My words or My love for you. It is just this love, My love, that solves all of
lifes problems and lifts one to the pinnacle of joy and holiness. It is this love you seek, and it is this love, My
love, you have, My dear. Thank you kind and generous Jesus. How I love You.And, oh how I love you. Your
Jesus is grateful for your presence here today and I bless your husband, My son, as you have requested. I am
giving him graces, specifically those he needs most. Thank you, Lord!
You are concerned for your daughter having to work today, My child. She has discussed this with Me also. This
is a great trial for her. I will help her carry this trial and also to see how important it is for Me, for others, and for
her own beautiful soul to stand strong for her Jesus. This is an important lesson for her to learn. Jesus, I
understand that it will be even more difficult for us to stand up to persecution if we havent learned to do so now
in smaller ways. It is not small, what is going on for her, but I mean that our lives are not at stake right now,
though her livelihood is. This is most disconcerting, Lord, especially in light of the fact that she had this
agreement, not working on Sundays, when she was offered the job. To make matters worse, Lord, her employer
is Catholic and should know or at least respect her commitment to honor the Lords day. It is very troubling,
Lord, but I am sure nothing new. Quite a dilemma, though. Please give her the graces she needs to stand
strong for You, Jesus.
My child, it will be so. It is necessary for her to get a sense of how it feels when one has been persecuted and
manipulated or coerced into giving in to temptation to break one of My Commandments. It is much difficult, but
so much more rewarding and even satisfying, to stand for ones values and convictions, especially those that
have been laid as a foundation for My people. Those who do not and choose not to follow My Commandments,
and those who never repent, will find that there is no one to stand between them and My Father on the day of
their individual judgment. Jesus, please forgive them and change their hearts. Please prick their consciences
so they realize they are offending You. If nothing else, help them to see that they are breaking their agreement
with my daughter, though that is minor compared with what they are doing to offend You. Give them the courage
and graces needed to close their business on Sunday, Lord, so that all can be a witness to You, of Your glory,
and that Your Commandments are to be taken seriously. So many would see the great witness this is, and their
lives and the lives of others would be blessed.


My daughter, if all of My children observed all of My Commandments, the world would not be in the state of evil
that it is in. My children have made compromise after compromise to follow the world when it was Our plan, that
of My Fathers and Mine, to have the world following My children. My children are to lift high My light so that all
can see. My children are not to cover My light under a basket. Yes, a basket is unable to hide all of the light, but
it grows very dim when covered by a basket. My children are to hold their lights high for all to see to illuminate
the darkness of the world and show the beauty of Gods will for His world. Instead My children, especially My
children of this age, have compromised and followed worldly standards of complacency, greed, lack of discipline,
and neglect of the things of Heaven to such a degree that satan has been allowed, and even emboldened, in this
age. My children are the cause for this age of disobedience. You find this difficult to write, My daughter, for this
sounds very stern to your tender heart; a heart that loves God very much. Do not be sad, My little one, for you
are aware of the power of prayer and the power of a loving witness, for you have seen this to a degree. Think of
some of the times you have seen how love can penetrate a darkened heart and realize the full potential in My
children of My kingdom. If all of My children lived holy lives filled with joyful service, every darkened area in your
world would be filled with light. I will each one of My children to choose Me over the worldly pursuits of power,
money, and entertainment. A simple life lived for Me and for others, a life of sacrificial love, is what I desire and
will for all of My children. Some would say to this, But Lord, I would have to make radical changes in my life to
live as You will. To which I say, Yes, you would because you, My children, are so far off the path I have chosen
for you. If you have strayed from My Fathers will to a very small degree, a slight correction would be all that
was needed. However, having strayed so far, does require radical change to come back to the path I have
forged for you. Yes, I forged each persons path. I cleared the brush and bramble of sin directly from each
persons path and provided the light of scripture and the sacraments to eliminate every individual childs path. I
have provided grace for each persons journey, specifically for what each individual soul needs, and yet My own
children who know and love Me have decided to take this detour and that detour, one small compromise after
another saying, I know where you are, Jesus, and I will come back after a little while. I can go to confession
when I am lazy and sleep in. I can go to confession when I have broken the law of the Sabbath and worked or
made others do so. I will make more money, Lord, and I will then give more to others so that all will be alright in
the end. To this I shout, ENOUGH, My lost little sheep. You compromise one value after another until you do
not know where your soul is any longer. You also lose sight of Me, your Jesus, who holds a very bright light to
illuminate your way. You look directly at My light, and your eyes are covered with such a filthy film that you can
no longer see the beauty of My warm life-giving light. You no longer desire to see it. You begin to see yourself
as a false light that you want others to see and find beauty in so you go back to My church as a social endeavor,
and you forget that you told your sweet beautiful soul that you would go to confession. You forget that you have
told Me, Your Jesus, that you would repent and come back. You come back in your physical body and leave
your beautiful heart in the filth of the greedy, socially accepting world. Come back, My lost little sheep before it is
too late. Your shepherd, Your Savior, is calling you. I am pleading with you to come back to Me. I am the only
safe haven for you in lifes storms which I assure you are strong and growing even stronger with each passing
hour. Yes, My little one, with every hour. You have heard correctly. I said with each day previously, and now I
say with each hour. Pray, My little daughter, pray hard for your brothers and sisters who are unaware of just how
far they have drifted from the safety of My Sacred Heart. Oh, how My Mother cries for Her children. How She
pleads with My Father to save them from themselves, with such grief and remorse for She is filled with the
complete knowledge of just what I went through on Calvary for My children and Her childrens salvation and yet
they trample on the great gift of My death on the Cross for them. I hear your little heart crying for them, dearest
little one, and I also hear your pleading with Me for they know not what they do. To which I answer, My children,
those who know Me and love Me, have only to pray and read My word to know how far they have strayed. Yes,
My child, of course I will forgive them immediately. The problem, My child, is that many want to continue living
the compromises they have made for they presume they will always have the time to repent. This is a great
deception and lie of the evil one. He wants My children to procrastinate and to think this so they will die never
having made the decision and taken the important action of repenting to heart. In this way, My poor deceived
worldly children will choose the evil one over Me. Yes, My child, when one knows better but lives with one foot in
the worldly evil and one toe in the living water, one begins to desire evil more and more. One begins to live in
blindness and cannot see or imagine the state of their souls. At the point their lives are over, they feel too
ashamed and too unworthy to call upon Me for forgiveness. This is the final lie of the evil one who is My
adversary and yours. The final lie that My children believe for they have listened and accepted far too many. Do
not be like this, My foolish little children. Do not make compromises that put your soul at risk. For when you do,
you give away your inheritance, selling it as one of My sons did for a bowl of soup. Do you see how little value
there is in a bowl of soup compared with everything awaiting you in My Fathers kingdom? There is nothing on
this earth or anywhere in the entire universe worth the value of your inheritance. Nothing. Do not trade, barter,
sell, or enter into any kind of deceptive agreement that will cost you your inheritance. My kingdom is a pearl of
great price and its value is priceless, truly. Come and follow Me, My dearest children so that you may one day
live in My and My Fathers kingdom. If you do not know whether you have strayed from the path that leads you


to paradise, pray and ask Me. I will send you My Holy Spirit to illuminate your conscience and shed light on the
state of your soul. If you only ask Me, I will give you this gift before it is planned for the world giving you time to
get to confession where all is erased and forgotten. Do this now, for you may not have time later. Please, My
children, do this for yourself, for your families. Do this for Your Jesus who loves you like no other. I am waiting
for you with open arms. The door to My heart is open and I patiently await your return. You will be met with joy,
mercy, and forgiveness. Come now and We will rejoice together. I will put My Fathers ring on your finger and
will bless your beautiful forehead and all will know that you belong to Me and I to you. Beauty, love, mercy, joy,
compassion, acceptance, and complete understanding are yours, only return to Me now before it is too late.
Your Jesus is begging you for I love you deeply, so completely that I cannot the bear the thought of being without
you eternally. I cannot bear this thought, My beautiful children, and this is what gave Me the courage to do My
Fathers will and accept the heavy cross of torture and death. I did this knowing you were worth it, such is My
love for you. Do not despair and do not think you are too sinful, for I can forgive all sins. I can forgive and do
forgive the hardest of hearts, even those who are on death row for heinous crimes, for I am God. I am capable
of forgiving all, only you must return to Me and ask for this great gift I am longing to give you, for even you know
it is impossible to give a gift to someone who refuses to take it. Do you see My little hardened children how
great is My love for you? If you do not see this now, that is alright. Only ask Me for My forgiveness and hope in
it. I will show you My love and you and I will rejoice together. My Fathers kingdom was created for Our
children. Hell was created for satan and his minions. Hell was never intended for Our children. Do not choose
hell over the perfect beauty, peace, and joy of My Fathers kingdom where everyone loves and accepts you. Do
not make a wrong choice and sell this kingdom for a bowl of soup that is here one moment and gone the next
leaving you feeling hungry, empty, and foolish. Choose Me, My children. Choose Me, for I am offering you
eternal life. Satan offers eternal death. Choose life. Choose Me. Jesus, this is most difficult. I am very sorry
for this neglect that causes souls to choose evil by their many compromises. Lord, forgive us all for our cheap
and lazy choices that lead us far from Your path which is narrow but beautiful and leads to Your heavenly
kingdom. How many times I have done this, my Lord, and yet You do forgive. You lift a sorrowful soul to new
heights. Not only do you forgive and put Your arm around us, Jesus, but You lift us higher to a new vantage
point where the view is clearer and even more beautiful. Your forgiveness is generous and Your acceptance so
gracious. You bestow many gifts on us when we repent and continue to choose You over the false glitter of the
world. Your beauty cannot be compared to anything I have ever beheld with my mortal eyes, Lord. Your beauty
is radiant. It sparkles like thousands of precious jewels. It sheds the brightest of lights that neither blinds nor is
too hot. It is warmth, love, beauty, compassion, and truth. Yes, Lord, that is it. Your light illuminates the
darkness and shines with the pureness of truth like a new refreshing crystal clear spring day. I love You, Lord. I
love truth which is You, My Jesus. May all of us find our way back when we stray, Lord. Blessed Mother, take
our hand and lead us to Jesus. We do not know the way, but You do, dearest Mother.
(The Blessed Mother speaks) My daughter, I your Mother will lead you and all of My children directly to My
Sons arms. If one of My children is ashamed to take My hand then hold fast to the hem of My mantle, My
garment, and I will lead you like a mother hen to My Son, Jesus. All will be well. All that is needed is the desire
for Jesus and He will provide the means necessary for each soul. All in Heaven prays for each and every soul
on earth. All of Heaven rejoices when one soul returns to My Son. Great rejoicing and great joy can be heard
when one soul, yes just one soul, returns to Our Family. It would break your heart from love and joy if you knew
how much one little soul is loved by God; so great and magnificent is His love. My dear children, follow My Son
who is worthy, majestic, and yet so very sweet and tender. Follow Him and do not take your eyes off Him.
Follow Him and do not count the cost nor look back on your old ways with longing. For to follow Him, will bring
the greatest of blessings and the most tremendous of joys. One cannot begin to explain something to someone
when they have never experienced what it is I am trying to tell you. You must believe Me that what I say about
your blessings and your joy is true. One day you will say, Dearest Mother Mary, I had no idea how perfectly
beautiful and joyful it is to dwell in Gods kingdom when I read these words. Now, I do. I am overcome with
gratitude and joy for all that My Lord did to get me here. Thank You sweet Jesus for giving Your life on the cross
for me. Thank You dear Mother for taking my hand and leading me to Your Son. This is what you will say, I
assure you. You will have joy such as you have never experienced for it is impossible for a soul to experience
this type of joy on earth. It is only possible for souls in Heaven to experience this joy for Our Father in Heaven
has reserved this only for souls who come to Heaven. You see, My children, My son Jesus is truth and all that
He says is truth, which is why you must listen to Him. Your lives are at stake and only by following Him will you
save your life for He is salvation and life. Trust Him for He is worthy of your trust. Thank You Blessed Mother
for your teaching us like the holy and perfect Mother that You are. Thank You that You never give up on us, Your
poor children so lacking in understanding and wisdom. Thank You for Your relentless pursuit of us, Your lost
children, and for such dedication to us that You come to the earth and appear to seers to teach us and show us
the way back to the path that Jesus has laid out for us. I am most grateful for Your love and for Your


(Blessed Mother speaks again) You are most welcome My child. You must pray more for your brothers and
sisters who are at risk of losing their precious souls. Pray for them, My daughter. I ask that you and your
husband and all of My children who are open to Jesus and follow Him begin another Divine Mercy Novena. This
novena is most powerful and was given to dear Faustina especially for these days, but Our children have
forgotten the love and mercy of My Son. Pray dear children, pray. Yes, dearest Mother we will pray for the
souls of our brothers and sisters so dangerously positioned away from Jesus. Pray with us, dear Mother, for so
holy and pure is Your heart that God is unable to refuse Your requests, with such love they are made.
(Blessed Mother speaks again) I pray with every one of My children when they recite their rosary and pray the
Chaplet of My Sons Mercy, and I will pray along with those who pray now as I have requested. Many souls will
be saved from the pit during this novena. Pray dear children for your prayers will rise up to Heaven to My Father
and your Father and He will listen. Thank you Blessed Mother for Your love and concern. You are welcome,
My child. I will give your greetings and the love in your heart to your Mother in Heaven. Thank You, dearest
Jesus, thank You for Your words and for Your Mothers perfect guidance and teaching. Praise you Lord for Your
goodness and for sharing everything with us including Your holy Mother. You hold nothing back from us, Jesus.
Thank You, Lord. Have You anything else You wish to say to me, Jesus? Yes, My daughter. Tell My children I
love them and I long for them. There is a space in My heart for each one of My children. When one of My
children refuses My love this space remains vacant for all eternity, never to be filled by anyone or anything for
this space is just for them. Every person created has a place in My heart. So you see, those that have already
passed their earthly life and died refusing My love have left empty spaces. My heart can contain the love of
each and every child but can scarcely contain My love, and so I spill out My love on the world through graces
and gifts. Gifts to help each one of My children find their way back to Me. My heart is so vast, so wide, and so
deep and there is enough space for all. Do not be concerned that there is a maximum capacity in Heaven and
that God cannot provide for all for that is the lie of the enemy of life. Gods kingdom is very large and vast and
when you come here dearest children of My heart, you will see that there is no maximum capacity for Our
children. There is and always has been plenty of room for all. One could walk or fly for days and days and
never see another soul in Heaven if one is craving solitude. I say this lightly, for there are no cravings in
Heaven. But one may choose to be alone with Me on a journey, and this is possible in Heaven. It is also
possible to be in the company of hundreds and thousands of souls if one desires or even just in the company of
one soul or ones entire family at any time one desires. All is possible in My Fathers kingdom. Make these
words known, My daughter for so little is known of My Fathers kingdom for My children have forgotten to pray.
Through prayer and contemplation My Fathers kingdom and His way of love are revealed to His children. My
children pursue this worlds forms of entertainment such that they become gluttons of earthly pleasure and they
have no appetite for the beauty of prayer. My Fathers kingdom cannot be compared to the cheap entertainment
offered by the world. My Fathers kingdom surpasses all beauty, all hope, all pleasure, and all that is deemed
good (falsely) by this world, so magnificent and beautiful is My Fathers kingdom. Make these words known My
child for I desire all My children to long for Heaven. I desire all My children to dwell in My Fathers Heavenly
kingdom when their lives are finished on earth. The earth is good, My child, but has been tarnished by evil. The
earth was created with a certain beauty to mirror, though dimly, the Heavenly kingdom so that Our children
would long for Heaven. Souls of ages past long, long ago would be inspired by the earths beauty to
contemplate Heaven. They would say, Just think, if the world is this beautiful, how very breathtaking and
amazing Heaven must be. I can hardly wait to see what Heaven looks like where God lives, if He created earth
where we live to be so beautiful. This is another reason satan likes to destroy the earth and render it ugly so
that My children are less able to see the love and care My Father has for them in the beauty of what He created.
Even My children assist and cooperate with satan in destroying nature. What they do not destroy, they garnish
and sanction people, and forbid My children access to, so they can deny Our children the joy of what God the
Father created. Through their greed and selfishness they deceive My children with the lie of protecting My land.
How preposterous they are to deny My children access to the beautiful land I created for them under the guise of
protecting nature from My children, as if what I created for My children needed to be protected. Yes, My
children, you must be good stewards of all of Gods blessings including nature that God the Father created. He
created this for your use, however, for your life, and for that of your children. It does not need to be gated,
secured, and sequestered from My own children. Do not allow yourselves to be so easily deceived and deprived
of the gifts bestowed upon you. Do you think My poor children who have chosen evil will care more for My
Fathers world than His own children? You can see how foolish this concept is and yet My children give away
the gifts from God that He willed for them. Do you not see that the nature He created sustains life? He provides
food, warmth, security, and peace for you with His gift of land and you allow evil people who have allegiance to
My adversary complete control over this land that gives life? Not just any land, but the choicest of land? Do not
be deceived, My little ones. Satan wants to destroy your earth and all life on the earth. He wants you and your
children in hell, dear children. Do not give away your inheritance or that of your children. Stand up now while


there is still some light left in the day. Yes, the chastisements are coming and these cannot be diminished but
this is so to call My children back to Me. Precious are the souls of My children and they are worth standing your
ground for and if you wont do so you will certainly learn how very much they are worth when you see what My
Father has in store for those who choose evil and lead My little innocent children astray. Do you think that God
who created the universe and each and every soul with such love and perfection will stand for the evil ways of
this world much longer? No, My poor children, He will not. Do not be deceived that He will allow evil to destroy
the earth and all of His children. He will not allow it. You see, My children, if We do nothing that is what will
happen. Work with us dear children to build a beautiful world as My Father and I intended. You must begin now
for it will not be easier later. My communities and refuges are the prototype for what is planned for the future,
not so distant, in the Era of Peace. Build My Fathers and My communities now dear children. We will help you.
My Mother will guide you in this new way of life. Begin now so that you are prepared to help the others I send to
you. You will know the way and can more easily assist them. I give you every grace needed My children and
some that are not needed but are My pleasure to give you. We give you every assistance needed during this
most urgent and dark time in history. Be light for your brothers and sisters. Be hope dear children. Be love, for
love is very scarce in the hearts of mankind. I am with you and I will never, not for one moment, abandon you. I
am sending you out now, dearest children of My heart as I sent the Apostles of My early church. You are to build
My kingdom. Begin to do so through prayer, fasting, love, and frequenting the sacraments. Through prayer I will
direct your every step if you so desire. I will guide your decisions. Bring all worries, burdens, decisions, and
joys to Me. We will examine them in My light and you will begin to see with great clarity what I am calling you to
do. Trust in Me like never before and you will be directed for your good and for the good of your families. Have
no fear for I am with you and I protect My faithful remnant. The only thing My children should fear is choosing
comfort, convenience, and ease over Me. The world even deceives you in this, My children, for the comforts
and conveniences of today will not be available tomorrow. These are not going to bring you life. I bring life.
Follow Me and do not worry about your future. It is completely safe with Me. I do not will death and destruction.
I will lead you safely away from what the adversary is planning. Trust in Me, dearest children of My heart. Trust
in Me. I love you and I desire all to live in My will and in the refuge of My Sacred Heart and My Mothers
Immaculate Heart. We love you. Thank you dear Jesus, I love you. Thank you, My little lamb, your love
consoles Me. The love of your family and the growth in holiness you are all pursuing delights Me and all of
Heaven. Take heart My little one, your Jesus is not angry, only pleading, for the love of My children. You
experienced this sense of urgency I have and I allowed more of the veil to be drawn for you to see. You are
ready for this My child though you do not feel you are. I assure you, I would not allow you to experience such
depth of longing for My heart were you not prepared specifically by Me, your Jesus, for to do so would cause
harm were you unprepared. Do not be sad nor discouraged for through the prayers of My children more souls
are being saved. You do not see this but I see as does all of Heaven. This is why My Mother and I talked about
the rejoicings in Heaven for you see, My little one, souls are returning My child. Not enough are, though, and
many more prayers are required. Pray now while there is still some time, though not much. Pray, pray, pray.
That is all, My daughter. I bless you in My Fathers name, in My name, and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in
peace to love and serve Me, your Jesus, who loves you and is most grateful for your love and your friendship. I
will be with you in a very special way this week. A week filled with activity for you and your family. Lift your mind
and heart to Me often each day this week and I will send graces of encouragement and peace to you and your
family. Be even more committed to your family prayer. Tell My son that I love him and am counting on him to
lead your family in prayer. Do not underestimate the great value of your family prayer time. This is a holy time
and I direct and guide My domestic church to the leadership of each husband in every home following Me. This
is critical now so please continue this important life giving time in prayer as a family. I need My sons to resume
their leadership role leading their families in following Me. I give extraordinary graces and blessings to husbands
during this urgent time in history. God has deemed the men to be the spiritual leaders in their homes and this
role must be reclaimed in a holy, gentle, but decisive way. I desire your family and the families of My
communities to be rooted in prayer. All else will be provided. Come, My son and daughter follow this request
and teach others to do the same. This long held sacred tradition in Catholic families has been forgotten and it is
My will that it be reinvigorated. Many, many inroads will be made through the reinstitution of family prayer. You
must continue to live this example. All will be well, My children. All will be well. I grant you My love, My peace,
and My courage. I love you. And I love You, My Jesus. Thank you.
Sunday, July 6, 2014, Adoration Chapel
Hello Lord Jesus, ever-present in the Blessed Sacrament. I adore and praise You, my Lord and my God. Thank
You that we are here with You today, Jesus. I pray for all those who are dying, Lord, and who will die when the
calamity occurs that You told me about last week. Please take many, many souls to Heaven. Lord, please help
others to reach out to and assist those who are injured and or survive this event. Thank You for Your presence
to each and every person, Lord. We need You and depend upon You for everything. Praise You, Jesus.


My daughter, you have had a difficult week. I have been and am with you in all of your needs. Thank You, my
Lord and my God. You are most welcome, My daughter. Thank you for persevering. I put many people in your
path this week to carry My graces, and you did well. You welcomed each person with warmth and love. I sent
one of My sons to encourage you, and you him. Thank you, Lord. You are thoughtful, gracious, and generous.
Jesus, have You anything You would like to say to me today? Yes, My daughter. Continue praying the Divine
Mercy Novena for souls, especially those who will perish in the coming calamity. Many will perish and will stand
before Me in their judgment on the day of the event. Many will continue to perish afterwards, also. Pray for
them, My daughter. Their souls are at stake. Many souls who survive will have lost loved ones. The survivors
need your prayers also. Pray that they do not become bitter and resentful for I desire that they draw near to Me.
Many blame Me, their God, when anything goes wrong but do not give Me thanks for the blessings I bestow on
them. I am not the cause of evil and yet there are those who are quick to blame Me for evil. It is a strange time
you live in, My little one. There is spiritual upheaval and tension all around. Remain at peace for you and My
other children are not of this world. I bring you My peace. Take My peace to others. The people of this time are
lacking in peace and unity. My Children of the Renewal are to give My peace, My love to others. Make eye
contact with and smile at all people you meet, even if only in passing, for this world is becoming less and less
humane, and when you greet someone with love it affirms and shows value for them as a child of God. I love all
My children most tenderly. I long for those who are distant from Me to come close to My Sacred Heart. My
child, pray for your brothers and sisters. Ask the saints in Heaven to send graces for conversion. I hear My
childrens prayers, each and every prayer. The prayers of My children are precious to Me. My daughter, you are
experiencing a great number of changes personally; within your workplace, your family, and your circle of
friends. Change of this degree in so many facets of your life causes stress and strain. Even good changes
impact a person. I am allowing this experience so that you feel the impact and are more empathetic when
others experience change. The more you rely on Me and learn to accept changes in the normal course of
events, the more you learn detachment and reliance upon Me, your Lord and Savior. This is an important lesson
for you to learn and experience is the best teacher. Know that your Jesus is preparing you for the transition to
the mission God the Father has for you and your husband. There you will go through much change and that will
continue the lesson bringing you to the time of greatest transition and changethe time of great trials. You will
be much more understanding and patient with those in your care as a result. These children and priests will be
experiencing tremendous upheaval in their lives and will need your patience and understanding as they sort
through their experiences, the many losses, and the difficulties caused by your government and that of the One
World Order. Yes, My child, you heard Me correctly. Your government is corrupt and is working with the One
World Order. This is evils tool to take over and eventually destroy the world God the Father created. He will not
allow it to go this far, though, My child. Thank you, Lord, that you do not allow evil full reign. Praise God!
My daughter, I realize you are not feeling well. Your Jesus knows all. You must rest and get well. Allow your
body time to heal and recover. I allowed this injury so that you will rely on Me. Do not be concerned if you need
to take time away from work. This is an opportunity to rest and pray. All will be well. You were unable to control
the circumstances in your life. It is impossible, for you are not God. You know that of course, but I tell you this to
allay any guilt feelings you may have about needing the time to take care of your physical body. You are only
human. Do not allow anyone to transfer their feelings of inadequacy on you for you can only do what Your Jesus
directs and what He allows for you. Each person would do well to focus on their own path to Me and the world
would be much more at peace. As it is, you are responsible for your work with Me, your family, your vocation,
and your work and that is to be done to the best of your ability within what you can control. There is very little
you can control, but for that which you can, your own actions, your words, your behavior, that is your area of
responsibility. Other than that, leave all with Me. I make it sound simple, and yet you would say it isnt easy. Am
I correct? Yes, Lord, as always. My daughter, it isnt easy unless, of course, it is done as I say. If one focuses
on the area within ones sphere of control, and all the rest is entrusted to Me, things become very simple. You
are learning this with each lesson I provide. Continue to trust in what I say and follow Me. All will be well. Trust
is critical, My daughter. Trust in Me, Your Jesus. I will work everything out for the good of your soul.
Thank you for offering your suffering to Me. I am pleased that you are taking this opportunity to save souls, My
child. The smallest act of suffering offered lovingly to Me will assist souls. Do this often for there are many in
need of such a gift. I desire all of My followers to offer every action, sacrifice, and suffering to Me for the benefit
of souls who are far from Me. Tell others that I, Your Jesus, request this at this crucial time in history. Yes, Lord,
thank You.
Many souls are at stake. My little lamb, once again I stress to you the devastating event that will occur in your
country. I understand that you do not need to be reminded of this. I tell you again, though, in order to stress the
importance of your sacrifices and prayers. I also tell you to prepare you, for the impact of this will be far and
wide. Pray dear children. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Lord, I am sorry for the many people who do not


know or love You, Jesus. You are worthy of love, praise, and adoration. We adore You Lord, and we praise
You. Thank You for all You have done and are doing for us, Your poor children. You are all good and deserving
of all our love. My child, I accept your praises and I receive them into My Sacred Heart. I thank you for your
love, My daughter. My little lamb, Your Jesus understands everything. I love you and I thank you for the gift of
your presence to Me. You are My little friend and I am yours. I know of each and every struggle you face. We
face them together. Thank you, Lord. It is when prayer and adoration is a struggle that it means so much
more for Me. You made an even greater sacrifice to be here with Me though you really wanted to lie down and
rest. Had you done so, I would have understood, since I know your pain and your suffering. You came in spite
of this and offered all to Me, Your Jesus. This is pleasing and benefits many souls, My child. Your Jesus thanks
you most sincerely. Jesus, I would not want to be anyplace else, I can rest later. Thank you that You give
suffering meaning and a purpose. Praise You for Your goodness, Lord. I praise You for Your mercy. I love You,
My daughter, you are facing many temptations now. Call upon St. Padre Pio to assist you. The evil one wants
to torment you. Do not believe him. Do not even listen to the thoughts and fears he places within you for he is
the author of lies. I am truth. I am love. I am peace. I am mercy. I love and care tenderly for My children and
for you, My little lamb. I will be with you and will be very close to you during this week. I urge you to rest as
much as possible. The following week will be filled with much activity and I would like you to be well rested this
week. Okay, Lord Help me to rest and make a way for me to do so in spite of my work and all that needs to be
done. There is no work for Me this week, little one, other than your daily prayers, family rosary, and Divine
Mercy Chaplet. I am giving you much needed rest and a break from the workload entrusted to you. Use this
time well to withdraw, to rest, and to pray. I give you My permission and even direct you to do so. This is
important and needed to prepare you for additional work to come. I love you and I direct your steps, My little
lamb. Trust in Me. I would like your spouse to rest also. There will be time to work on the house next week.
This is a week for rest, in as much as is possible. I, Your Jesus, will shelter you both and provide a way. Work
when you must at your jobs, care for your family and for your garden, etc., and then rest. Enjoy one anothers
company. Refocus your life this week on your family and withdraw from all other activity. This is a time that is
needed, and I allow it, and request it of you. I see your weariness and thank you for your hard work serving Me.
There is much more work needed which you cannot do, without this week of rest. I know this is difficult, but
trust in Me that I know what is good for you. Yes, Jesus. Thank you for caring about our health and our
physical needs. We love you. I love you, My daughter. I love My son, your husband also, and all of your
family. All will be well. Do not fear next week for I, Your Jesus, am with you. I am your barometer now, and I am
able to act as a gauge for your need to rest. You are serving Me well, My dears. You are human though, and
need time to rest as all humans do. I did also, when I walked your earth. You do not know your limits and I will
help you with this. Thank you, Jesus. I love You. Enjoy one another this week and focus on your little family.
This is time I am allowing and providing for you. Again, I thank You, Jesus.
My little lamb, this time of preparation has been difficult. It has taken its toll on you and yet this is only a small
foreshadowing of what it will be later. Rest now and renew your strength. Your body needs more than one
week, such is your sleep deprivation , but there is no time for more than one weeks break. You and your family
have much work to do so again, I stress to you to rest this week whenever possible. You need this as does your
husband. Spend time together at home in the shelter of My love and protection. Later you will remember these
quiet evenings in your home very fondly. You will long for these days, and they will be a happy memory. The
time of great trials will be soon upon you and the strength you draw from these days will assist all of you to get
through. Do not fear. Trust is all that is needed. I love you. I am counting on you. I need you and all of My
children. I am grateful for your love and service. Go now in My peace. This need not be a lengthy message,
My children. We have much work to do but for today, this is all. Go in My mercy and with My love. I bless you.
Thank you, My Jesus We are grateful to You for Your direction, Your love, and Your mercy.
Sunday, June 29, 2014, Adoration Chapel
My little one, a time of great upheaval is coming. It will be cause for anxiety for many. You and your husband
are to remain calm and encourage others to be in prayer when they begin to discuss their concerns. Focus your
attention on Me and advise others to do so also. When My children pray, they are open to My direction. Tell
others about Adoration and the great graces available here. I will give My children peace and all graces needed
for each individual in Adoration. Great graces await all of My children here. I desire all come, regardless of their
faith tradition. I will My children to be near Me and I draw all who are willing close to Me in My Sacred Heart. I
will provide direction and spiritual healing for the souls who come to pray in My Eucharistic Presence.
The upheaval coming will be in another area of your country, but it will be disturbing to all in your country, and
even for those in other countries. I use this to draw My children to their knees and back into relationship with
Me. Rather than focusing on the specific details of this, please listen to others and then counsel them to pray to


Me, their God and your God. This is the purpose and it is also the remedy. I am the answer to all lifes ills and I
welcome everyone who approaches Me the Font of Life. Many lives will be lost during this upheaval and a great
disturbance will occur as a result. Stay steadfast within the mission I have given you and your family. You may
be tempted to stay where you are because your home is where you feel safe and comfortable. It is also where
others feel you are needed. You will be of service to your Jesus wherever you are of course, however, I have
not changed the journey you are on nor your destination. Recognize these times, My little lamb, for what they
are; A precursor to the time of great trials. Yes, My child, these times are on the precipice and they are upon
your world and My Church. When these disruptions, this upheaval, occurs say to yourselves, My Jesus said it
would be so. We are to remain focused on Him and what He tells us as we prepare to move to our Mother and
our Lords community. All will proceed as I have planned.
Thank You for the community of saints and that they are so active in our lives. We so need them in this dire time
in history and You are very generous to make every help available to us. Praise You, Jesus. Thank You. You
are welcome, My little one. I also make My own Holy and Pure Mother available to every person on earth. Ask
for Her guidance and that of St. Joseph each and every day. Remember to ask for graces from My Mother also.
Many children do not ask for these graces and therefore many graces go unused and unrequested. My little
lamb, I know of your great love and admiration for St. Padre Pio. He sends you his greetings. Call on him each
day now as this time is becoming more dangerous for all of My children. Along with your Guardian Angel, St. Pio
has been assigned to protect you. He will counsel and advise you and accompany you when you travel and
when you are surrounded by others who would do you harm. I have sent additional angels to protect you and
each member of your family for this is needed, to keep you safe so that you can accomplish the mission of My
Father and your Father in Heaven. Ask St. Pio to stay with you whenever you feel afraid. Do not fear, but when
you begin to recognize the temptation to fear, call on your Guardian Angel and St. Padre Pio for protection, and
for graces, and trust and courage. He was most courageous in his zeal for love of Me. Ask him for these graces
and also for the gift of discernment. As a priest and a very holy saint, even while he was living on earth, I have
given him direct access to My Holy Mother and to My Holy Spirit. Rely on him for many needs at this important
time in history. You have asked to be spiritually adopted by him, not just once, but on several occasions, and
because of the most important mission given to you and your husband, St. Padre Pio responded immediately.
He has been gently guiding you ever since and he will continue to do so. He is perfectly united to My will as all
are in Heaven. So you have nothing to be concerned about in following his direction. All will be well as I have
assured you. I give you these souls to guide and protect you. I assure you My Holy priest son is very diligent
and protective of his spiritual children. No demon will dare to approach him, and therefore they will keep their
distance from you. You do not notice the way they attempt to torment and distract you because he has insured
your perimeter is guarded, well fortified, and protected. In this way, your peace is not disturbed and remains
intact. Remember this great gift, little one, and take every advantage of it. Yes, Lord, thank You.
My daughter, tell My children to prepare their hearts for this coming event. My children, pray the Rosary and
the Divine Mercy Chaplet for those who will die in the upheaval for many will be before Me in judgment on this
day of the upheaval and on several days and weeks to follow. Pray for their souls and their safety as well. Go to
confession and make atonement for your sins, My children. Pray, pray, pray for wisdom and an openness to My
will. Pray for your brothers and sisters, especially those in the area where this calamity will unfold. Pray also
that many will return to Me as a result of these events. Pray, dear children, pray.
Jesus, this sounds very grave indeed. Please protect all involved, Lord, for those who will lose their lives on
earth prepare their hearts, Jesus, so when they die they may be taken directly to Heaven. For those far from
you, give them graces for conversion, Lord. Open their hearts so that they will repent and ask for forgiveness.
Jesus, for all impacted and those who live through this, in Your Mercy, send lots of your children to assist them,
and all impacted by this calamity. Jesus, take care of the little children and provide refuge for their little innocent
souls. Help them have loving arms to hold them and grant them healing of any physical or emotional wounds.
Jesus, is this to be a natural disaster or one that is caused by evil?
My little lamb, this will be a natural disaster and yet it is also due to evil for the earth cries out to God in Heaven
for justice. God will not be the cause of this, but He and I are allowing it to bring My beloved children to
conversion. That is all you need to know for now, My child. Do not be overly anxious for I, your Jesus, have
everything under control. For your part, I ask for prayer and for you and your husband to begin praying the
Chaplet of Divine Mercy Novena that I requested last week. Please begin this after your family prayer. Begin
this tonight, My children. If you prefer to pray it before the Rosary, that is fine also. I am asking that you begin
this now, My child, for many prayers are needed for the souls who will experience this great devastation. Pray,
My children, pray. That is all for now, My child. You and your husband are weary. Remain with Me for a time
here in silence and console My Sacred Heart for it is very heavy with the love and longing for My children who
are lost and have no desire to draw near to Me. Your Jesus is very sad for those who refuse My love. My


Mother weeps for Her lost children, especially those who have rejected Me. If you could hear Her distress and
Her tears, your little imperfect heart would break. You console My Holy Mother and Me by your prayers and by
your acts of love, kindness, and mercy on your brothers and sisters. Remain in silence with Me now, My
daughter, and just be with Me. Your loving sad Savior. I love you, My children. Come back to Me, Your Lord
and Savior, NOW before it is too late. The hour is near and your yes is required. That is all.
After several minutes of silence resting with Jesus and consoling Him, He said the following: Many people in
the coming days will be filled with anxiety and deeply troubled. Be kind and loving with each person and in every
interaction. Each interaction from this day forward is to be considered critical to all you meet. Treat each person
with patience, kindness, and understanding. In this way, even those who are deeply troubled but do not express
it will be touched by your kindness and will open their hearts to receive more of My graces. Tell My children this
as it is very important that all of My children have a heightened awareness of others and be more sensitive and
kind in every, and I repeat, every interaction. Ask for My Holy Spirit to help you in this, My Little Children of the
Renewal. All is well. Be My love, and be My peace. Be My mercy. I love you. All will be well. Thank you,
Jesus. You are welcome, My little daughter, My beloved. Go in My peace and with the dignity of a Child of
God. I love you and I am with you.
We could not leave Adoration because we were alone with Jesus so we stayed, and we prayed, and we read
some scripture. Jesus led me to Revelation, chapters 10 and 11. Jesus, are we in Revelation 10 now?
Yes, My child, you are living in the time of Revelation. Much of this also applied to Jerusalem and the early
Church, but Revelation 10 begins the warnings and chastisements that initiate the end of this evil period in
history. My Mother has already been coming to you and My children in the desert these 33 years, (note: which is
Revelation 12) and she will continue to be with you for some time. Do not take this for granted for My Father
could withdraw His mercy and kindness and the visits of My Mother at any time. Praise Him for His mercy and
Thank you, My Lord and My God. Thank You, Father for Your mercy and kindness. Thank You for Your Holy
and Perfect love. Thank You for allowing the Blessed Virgin Mary to come to earth and to teach Your children
how to live as You want us to live. I love You.
And, I love you, My daughter.
Sunday, 6/15/2014, Adoration Chapel, Feast of the Blessed Trinity
My daughter, thank you for being here with Me today. I thank your husband also. Lord, have you anything you
wish to say to me today? Yes, My child, we have much work to do. The time is fast approaching. It would have
already arrived had I not held the evil ones at bay. My Father has held back time, but He will not do so much
longer. The evil ones plot and plan against My children. This still seems difficult for you to grasp My child, I
know. They plot in darkness and secrecy, therefore, most are unaware. When the time of great trials comes,
most will be caught off guard and unaware until it is too late. My Children of the Renewal who are in prayer will
be guided to safety.
Lord, what about spouses and children, especially those who do not believe, have been perhaps afraid to listen
to You or read the scriptures, or in denial or just disbelief? My daughter, they will be saved if they follow the
directions provided by Me to their family member who is praying. It is My will that all of My children receive
sanctuary in refuges I have established in many parts of the world. Sadly, some will not listen, and will even
mock My open children who will follow their angels to safety. My child, you are concerned for many, but even
those who do not go to the refuges where they will be safe will learn to live in a new way if they repent and ask
Me for forgiveness, even if they die during the time of great trials, they will be taken to Heaven. Do not be afraid
for your friends or loved ones, My little one. All is known to My Father in Heaven, and He knows what each child
will need. He is to be trusted and I reiterate what I have said before, many, many times. All will be well. Trust in
Me, Your Jesus. Yes, Lord. Thank you, My Jesus.
My child, you are weary today. Rest in My presence. I take your burdens, My little lamb, but you must give
them to Me. Thank you, Jesus. Lord......
(God the Father now speaks) Thank you, My child, for your precious greetings. I do love all of My children. I
created a beautiful world for My beloved children and I desire all to come to Me through My Son. Father, there
is a great stillness, silence, and seriousness about you. All of Heaven seems to be very serious. (additional
words omitted)


My child, you are correct in saying all is still. You feel there is a calm before the storm. Is that correct? Yes,
Father, I suppose that is what I was thinking because I do not know what else to compare the stillness to other
than the way the wind and the atmosphere seem to stand still right before a terrible storm. Yes, My child, so it is
on earth before a storm of a torrential nature. And, so it is before a spiritual storm. All is still due to the very
serious nature of the times. All in Heaven intercede for My children on earth in a special and very focused way
due to what is soon to come. My daughter, the saints in Heaven are in a constant state of attention to the needs
of souls on earth. They are ready and waiting to bestow needed graces on any soul who asks. They send
graces from My Son through His Mother to assist the Guardian Angels and to help those in need. This has
always been the case, My child, but even the souls in Heaven are in a heightened state of awareness and
attention. You see, My child, Heaven and earth are united and are very close. This is imperceptible to those on
earth, but you will see for yourself one day. We are united with earth and share the work and graces from
Heaven on your behalf. Ask the saints to intercede for you and to send needed graces that will fortify your soul
and prepare you for the great spiritual battle to come. You are in a battle now, My daughter, but I tell you, that
you have not seen anything like what is to come. I do not bring the spirit of fear, My little lamb. No, I do not, for I
bring only peace, love, and My protection. I tell you all so that you my use My words to prepare others. It is
from the depths of My mercy that I bring you this information, My little one. Thank you, kind and merciful
Father. Your ways are perfect, Lord and far above anything I can comprehend. Even so, my God - I trust in
My child, this is how it should be for all of My precious children. Follow My Son and His Mother. Do all they tell
you. Love one another. Pray for those who persecute you and My Sons church. Pray for their souls. That is all
My child, and simply trust in Me, though what I have said will come to pass including those loved ones you worry
about. Entrust them to My Sons Sacred Heart and all will be well. Father, I trust all my loved ones to Your
Sons Sacred Heart and to your Mothers Immaculate Heart......
Jesus, is there anything you wish to say to me? Yes, My child. There is much work to do. I thank you for the
additional supplies ordered. You are wondering about IV supplies and fluids. You asked St. Mary Magdalene for
assistance in ordering anything needed, did you not? Yes, Lord, I did. I told her that I do not know what people
will need because I only know there will be many wounded people. I asked for her guidance to order what will
be needed and I went online to order bandages. Lord, for some reason, I felt inspired to order IV supplies. Lord,
if you want me to order more silvadene, it must be that people will have burns. If they are burned, they will need
IV fluids. Lord, I stopped short of ordering the actual fluids because I thought it would attract attention from
anyone monitoring supplies being purchased, as well as, it was just taking me so long to place the order Lord, if I
have ordered supplies not needed, please forgive me. I wasnt really planning to place an order yesterday. I was
going to work in the yard, but after having asked St. Mary Magdalene the night before, I followed the urging I had
within my heart. I can always donate these supplies to the medical mission in Haiti if I ordered them incorrectly.
I await your further direction, my Jesus.
My little lamb, you were correctly following the promptings of My Holy Spirit. You are developing a trust for My
guidance to seek the assistance of the saint I have assigned to help you with specific needs. Did I not
encourage you to ask St. Mary Magdalene for assistance with medical supplies? Yes, Lord, you did. Then it is
good that you did and also that you followed the promptings of My Holy Spirit. My daughter, you are correct in
your realization that those burned will need IV fluids. Not all, of course, but there will be some who will require
these fluids to live. Lord, I am no doctor so I am not sure what will be needed. I will order the ones that are
used for you for general purposes. You will need to take care of the rest. Please protect us from our enemies,
Lord. As you say, My child. I will protect you! Order everything I have asked over the next two weeks. This
includes additional bandages, the containers , tape,silvadene, and the IV fluids. Afterwards, there will be no time
for you to order medical supplies. Have courage, My daughter, you will still be able to make small purchases at
stores, but no more large orders online. I assure you in this, My child, and I emphasize this for your protection
and that of your family. Do as I direct you, My little lamb, for it is for My childrens good and that of your family. I
am pleased with all you and your husband have done. I encourage the purchase of additional tarps. More are
needed and will be put to good use. Order or purchase as many tarps as possible as these will provide shelter
for My priest sons, My precious beloved priest sons. The tarps will not only provide shelter from the elements,
but also will help them to remain as healthy as possible to take My Sacraments out into the world. Please make
these requests a high priority, My daughter and son. I assure you this is for good reason, My children. There
will be a disruption in what can be purchased later for you will be without the infrastructure to do so. You are
correct in thinking you must have most everything needed for your household on hand now including the
additional bedding you purchased. It seems contrary to add to the number of items to pack and would be if the
times were different. My little children call on My Holy Spirit for guidance in all decisions. Do not worry or feel
you need to hoard things for I will provide. However, when you are prompted to purchase an item, pray and ask
for guidance and I will give it. I have many who will come to you for care and these items are important. I aim to


equip you for the mission entrusted to you and your family. Your Jesus asks much of you, I realize, and I provide
the graces needed to carry out the mission. I will not abandon you and this means now and forever. My
guidance and direction are given to you, My dears, to fulfill all that I ask of you. I am a Merciful God. I am your
Savior and your friend. Thank you, Jesus! We rely on You for everything, Lord.
My daughter, I hear your prayers. I am with you and with each of My children. I will be with you as you have
requested during your fast. I will give direction to My children who seek My will. Yes, you are correct in saying
My children will see many changes and I am calling for radical transformation in the way all are living now for I
aim to protect My children from the evil plans and desires of those who follow darkness. If My children were
living in My light, there would be no need for radical transformation. However, due to the distance My children
have strayed from My way it is now time for major change. This is required My little children to preserve My
remnant and My holy Church. Be of good cheer though , little lamb, for the earth will be renewed as My holy
ones have long prayed in their prayers to the Holy Spirit. My Father will renew the face of the earth and the
longed for Springtime, the Era of Peace will follow. This is the only way to dispel a tremendous amount of evil
that covers My once beautiful world in a canopy of darkness. Woe to those plotting destruction to My faithful
ones, My little ones, My world. Woe to them. It would be better for them not to have been born. You shudder at
this thought, My little lamb, and yet you understand My tone due to what I have already told and for that for
which you have been prepared. Yes, Lord, I shudder especially at something so severe and final coming from
my sweet, kind, loving Jesus. Lord, please change many hearts, especially those who are cold and indifferent.
Lord, many do not realize they have gone so far from You, so subtle and evil is the deception of the evil one in
our culture. Please open their hearts, enlighten their minds to the Gospel and bring them to repentance and
conversion before it is too late for them, Jesus.
My little lamb, I hear and see the desire of your heart, your little, loving heart. Your Jesus does not resist the
selfless prayers of His children for their brothers and sisters. I will honor your prayers and those of your holy
husband, and daughter. On this day, the Feast of My Most Holy Trinity, I your Savior will bring many souls to
Myself who otherwise would go the way of perdition. Tell others to pray as many more are in need. I love you
and I listen to the prayers and pleading of My children, especially when your prayers are sincere and are for the
good of others.
My daughter, My child, My little one, you are growing in the way of holiness. Your desire and acceptance of Me
is all that is required. I do the rest and I work in your little soul. Continue to pray, fast, and frequent the
Sacraments so that you are well disposed to receive all the graces I give to you. This will make of your soul
fertile ground and in this way your soul benefits as much as possible by the graces I give. When soil is hard and
infertile the graces I give souls are unable to be used. Still out of My goodness and generosity, I give and give.
Waiting for My poor childrens wills to soften towards Me. I will not violate the great gift given to mankind that is
free will. I make every attempt to create every opportunity for My poor children living far from Me, their God. I
encourage My children of light to pray for their brothers and sisters. Prayer is effective in opening hearts to Me.
You feel the desire of your Jesus heart and this makes you concerned for your Jesus and for others, My child,
this is so. I share this with you so that you will be urged to pray even more for My poor children. Your prayers
and your love console My Sacred Heart, My child. I love you, My child. Thank you for loving Me, even when to
love Me brings hardship.
My daughter, I desire all of My children to read My words. Do not be afraid of sharing My words now. There is
not much time left between now and the transition to come and that is close upon mankind. I desire My children
to come back to Me. I long for the love of My children. Do not be afraid to proclaim these words for I will bring
many to conversion and many to My communities and refuges. Time is of the essence and My children must
pray for guidance and act upon this guidance for their safety and that of their families. I want only what is good
for My children and my adversary wants death and destruction. I will protection of My children but they must
make the choice to follow My direction. Detach yourself, My little children, from the material things of this world
for they are passing. Your lives are much more valuable and precious to Me than anything I have blessed you
with materially. You must understand. Do not cling to the things of this world for they will not save you. Only I
can save you, My children. This has always been true you say, to which I reply; Yes, this is so. These times
are like no other, though. This age is like no other age. The time to follow your Jesus, despite what the world
says, is NOW. These times are not like other times in that the evil is worse than in the days of Noah. Yes, My
children, believe Me when I say never before has evil been so perverse. It is inflicted on even My youngest of
children once so innocent, now tarnished and wounded by evil. My preborn littlest of souls are murdered like
never before in the multitudes in their mothers wombs. This alone is enough to alter history. The blood of My
little martyrs cries out for justice. They cry out for mercy upon their parents, also, and I hear their pleas. Their
little souls bring such joy to Heaven and the absence of their lives on earth brings down justice from My Father.
Turn now to your God for forgiveness. The evil ones plot your destruction and you are so far from Me that you


are blind and lost and unable to find your way. I am waiting to forgive you and lead you into the safety of My
Sacred Heart. You have only to ask for forgiveness, My poor lost children. Do not delay or you will be lost
forever. I love you and I long for you to come to Me, your Jesus. My arms are gentle and forgiving. I do not
condemn you. No, I am not the voice you hear condemning you or telling you that you are not good enough.
That is the voice of My adversary and yours . He does not want your redemption for that would give Me another
victory. He wants your soul in misery and in hell where he is condemned to live forever. You do not belong there
My poor lost little children. I created Heaven for you to live with Me your God. I love you and I await your
return. I have already forgiven you but you must repent and turn back to Me and accept My life giving
forgiveness. Come now before the day ends and there is still some light. I am all love and all mercy. You will
receive your inheritance if you only ask for My forgiveness and come and follow Me. I will lead you to new life,
new joy, new hope. Come. I make all things new. Come back to your Jesus and you will see how very much I
and all of Heaven rejoice in your love. Come My children, listen to the gentle words of your Jesus who loves you
just as you are, no matter what you have done. All is forgiven. Listen to My little lamb who weeps for the love of
Jesus for you. My little one, do not cry. Your heart feels My love for all My children. That is all. I long for all My
children to feel a small taste of what your Jesus feels for His lost little children. Jesus, your heart loves so much
and it feels as if it is breaking. If they only knew of Your love, Lord, of Your kindness, of Your complete
forgiveness, they would run to Your arms and rejoice in Your love. Jesus, what more can be done? Please tell
us how we can help our brothers and sisters more.......
My daughter, continue praying for them especially the holy Rosary and Chaplets of Divine Mercy, including the
Novena prayed before My Feast of Mercy. Continue to grow in your love and spend time in adoration. I flow
grace upon grace to the hearts of My children who come to adore Me. Graces flow out into the world through
My children of light. Spread the devotion to Me in the Blessed Sacrament. Tell others about My desire for their
visits with Me. There will come a time in the near future that Adoration will not be available except in hiding. My
children come to Me now in the Blessed Sacrament while you still can. You are in a position to receive great
graces when you come to adore me in the Eucharist. All of My children are invited and welcome to adore My
Presence in the Eucharist. Tell all My children, My little lamb, that all are welcome no matter what their faith
tradition is. I am here for all of My children. One must be a Catholic in a state of grace to receive Me in Holy
Communion, but all of My children, no matter the condition of their soul are welcome to adore Me and to visit
with Me in Adoration Chapels that are present all over My world. I will give you peace, love, and joy during your
time here. I will give you graces and forgiveness and I will guide and direct you. Come to the safety and the
oasis of peace in your midst. I, Your Savior, await you with open arms. I love you. Tell them, My child, tell
them. Yes, Jesus I will........
My daughter, we have much more work to do. There is much, much more work, and this work for many of My
children is the work of prayer. For others, it is the work of being open to My invitation to come back to Me. I will
teach you to love yourself and to pray when you accept My forgiveness. For some of My children the work I ask
of them is to prepare for the safety of My little ones who will need to flee from their homes when the times of
great trials is upon our world. For others, and I desire this to be a great, great number, I ask they prepare
communities, the new way of life for all of My children who live in the Era of Peace. Would that more of My
children were open to living in small holy communities, for this is My desire. Whatever it is that My children are
willing to do to do to bring about My way to salvation by following Me, I ask for your yes and I ask for it now. All
will be well. I am with you. Love and be love to others, My children. Be mercy as I am mercy. Forgive as I
forgive. Live the Rule of Heaven on earth for it will bring about My will and My kingdom. This rule will make your
transition to Heaven even easier and most joyful, for you will have learned to live this way beforehand. This is all
for now, My little lamb. Go in My peace, spreading My joy and My love to all you meet. Continue to ask for
graces each day and I and My Mother will supply exactly what is needed for each day. I love you. I bless you.
Thank you, My Jesus. I love You!
Sunday, June 8, 2014, Adoration Chapel
Jesus, it is good to be here with You in this lovely Adoration Chapel which is a most peaceful place. I adore you
and praise you, Lord. Happy feast of Pentecost, Jesus. ( ..... personal dialogue with Jesus omitted.)
My child, you are worried about many things and many people today. Give all of your concerns to Me and do
not worry. Have faith in Me. Have trust in Me, your Jesus. I am at work in your loved ones life and in all
(Note: Jesus was asked about friends and also someone who died ...) Yes, My daughter, this is an accurate
assessment and one you had made previously when you hear of someone dying. Your thoughts about Me
taking them to Heaven to spare them are accurate. I spare those children of Mine who I know have either


suffered terribly in these days or would move further from Me. I take My children when their souls are most
ready to leave the earth either because they have completed the work given to them by Me to do or because to
leave them any longer would not be a cause for increased holiness, but in fact they would grow away from Me or
not have as much zeal in their hearts. I take My children when, and only when, it is best for their soul. I love all
of My children and do what is the utmost good for their futures in Heaven. Thank you, Jesus.....
(Note: dialogue about desire to know and walk with Jesus in His time... ) My daughter, My
Father planned for all time the age each one of His children would be created. Each person is given a specific
gift to use for His kingdom in a specific time in history. You were meant to be here, now, as this is the time in
which you are needed. I understand what you are saying, My little one, for you love your Jesus and want to walk
with Me on the road to Emmaus, listen to My parables, ask questions of Me, and hold My hand on your journey.
We are friends, My little lamb, and it is only natural for friends who love one another to want to be together, and
so you come to Adoration to be near Me and so I can be near you in a most significant way. How delighted I am
that you and your husband spend time with Me each week. Though you love Me, it is very unselfish of you to
put Me first, even before one another. I love you, My darlings, and your Jesus appreciates the great gift that is
your time. You struggle even as you write this for you cannot imagine that you give your Lord a great gift.
Lord, I understand that you encouraging us and that You thank us just as a good parent thanks children for their
good behavior, though they should use good behavior. Your love, Your joy, the smallest things are such a
mystery to me. You who created the Heavens and the earth and every human being and creature, delight in the
smallest of things. I see now why we have been asked to become like little children in purity and joy, for if we
do, or hopefully when we do, we become like You. This is the first time I have understood this, Jesus. How
beautiful You are and what a kind and patient teacher. Wow! When we learn to love and accept people and
events with the trust and openness of little children, we become more Christ-like. Now, I think I am just
beginning to understand. I dont know why it has taken me so long to understand this concept. I guess because
it doesnt seem natural to compare the all-powerful, all-knowing, and ever present God who created the universe
and all in the Heavens and under the Heavens out of nothing, to compare You to a child, but that is now ever so
obvious to me. You are holy, pure, joyful, nonjudgmental in Your love of our souls, always merciful, kind,
forgiving, and accepting of us even when we have sinned. This purity of heart is what You want us to have, and
which I see and hear in You. Thank you for the grace to comprehend this, Jesus. You are always the
benevolent teacher. I love You, My Lord and My God.
You are welcome, My little lamb. There have many times you were on the brink of seeing this. But now that
you have become much more familiar with My nature you have made the connection. There are many more
concepts I want you to learn, but now you have a new framework in which to view things from a heavenly
perspective. Everything good in nature and in people points to Me. You can see My characteristics in other
things and people, and when humans achieve these qualities it should serve to lift their hearts and minds to Me,
but people are too busy these days. Families are overcommitted with both their time and their resources. This
will change as the time of great trials comes upon My children. Perspectives will change almost immediately
when people realize the material goods they were seeking and working so hard for do not matter and are not
needed. Their priorities will shift almost immediately and they will be sorry for the time they wasted when they
could have been preparing.
Lord, I feel we should be doing more to prepare, and yet we are trying to do what you have asked. Yes, My
daughter, I understand and yet all needed to be in place to move you forward. Your hearts needed to be formed
first. You are preparing now and that is of the utmost importance. Give all burdens to Me and I will help you with
Thank you, Jesus. Jesus, I am sorry for my weariness. I sit down in this peaceful place with your Presence
where I feel safe, loved, and at rest, and I begin to fall asleep. I should be completely alert and focused on You,
dear Jesus. I am sorry. My daughter, your Jesus understands this. I know you were up late ordering the
remaining items I requested, for I was with you. I know you did not want to disappoint Me, and yet you would not
have. I also know how much you are trying to do what I ask of you as soon as possible due to the urgency of
the times. Remember, Your Jesus knows everything. I understand. You may rest in Your Jesus presence, for
all is safe with Me. It is good that My peace gives you rest and yet there is much work to do. You struggle to do
all that I ask and you have not found the right balance between working for Me and resting. I urge you to fulfill
My requests, keep you in your job that is very demanding, ask you to be more devoted to your family, and ask
that you get more rest. I ask much of you, My little lamb. I ask the seemingly impossible, yet with Me, it is
possible. You will see, My little one. When you begin to leave everything to Me and do your part you will find
this balance that you long for, My child. It will happen. As it is, you work tirelessly for Me, and this is pleasing to
Me. It isnt the outcome of the work, but the intention and the love with which you work. If you accepted this


entirely, you would give yourself a break. Working hard and then resting and asking Me and your angels to do
the rest. You are learning, though, My daughter. You must learn this important lesson, for this balance will be
required when the time of great trials is here. Your weariness now is only going to be worse if you havent
learned this important lesson for it is humanly impossible to do everything I ask without complete reliance on
Me. Do you understand, My daughter? (messengers answer & work dialogue omitted)
My daughter, you will learn to trust Me and this will occur as you begin to first act on what I say, doing your best,
then leaving on time, and seeing that it all will work out. When you leave the worries and the heavy workload to
Me you will see how your God takes control. This requires much trust, I realize. When you put this level of trust
in Me, in spite of the circumstances and how things appear, you unleash My power. You will see, and this is
what I need you to learn so that you can move forward in My plan. My children often do not comprehend the
way out of their troubles is to do exactly as I say. I am able then to make many changes occur more rapidly due
to the level of trust souls have in Me. My direction often seems to be the opposite of what the world has taught
you. This is true because My ways are not the worlds ways. My ways seem counterintuitive to most and yet it
is because the culture in the world is so far from Me. You are living in a time when people are far from Me, My
daughter. Those who love and follow Me are even blinded to the truth. You have noticed this by observing
people who love Me and worship Me being oblivious to My law, especially when they do not observe and keep
holy the Sabbath. Is this a good observation? Yes. Those who disobey this Commandment are breaking My
law and yet they do not do so intentionally for they are not doing it maliciously. However, if even My friends and
followers break the Commandments are blind to it, what does that say about the state of the times? My children,
wake up and see that I desire a holy people that follow Me and live My Commandments. It does not give a good
witness to those who do not know Me when they watch My followers disobeying My Commandments. Be holy
as I am holy. Be love as I am love. Follow Me and I will lead you into My kingdom and by your example, many
souls will be saved from eternal damnation. My children I plead with you to act like My children and by your life,
bear witness. Do not relax the standards set by God, My holy remnant, for to do so will only lead others to
perdition. Be light in this darkest of times. Be My hands, My feet, and My heart to lead others to My heavenly
kingdom. This is of the utmost importance. By living the Sabbath now, by prayer and fasting and loving as I
love, you are practicing the life of the Children of the Renewal and subsequent Era of Peace. When this life, My
life, is lived peace will prevail and life on this planet will flourish. It is difficult to do so now because satan
appears to have a foothold and you are in battle, spiritual battle. At the same time you are fighting, you are also
going through basic training. This is why all of earth groans as it awaits My coming. You and your husband and
all of My faithful Children of the Renewal must carry a heavy load for your Jesus. This load, though, is of the
utmost value for you are indeed carrying many of your brothers and sisters. Do you see, My daughter? You
truly are working in My rescue mission, now, even before the physical rescue mission will occur which we have
discussed at length and for which you and your family are being prepared. Only a little while longer, My little
lamb, Your Jesus needs your continued yes to carry forward a little while longer while you endure your difficult
work and then the next phase of your journey will begin. Do not hesitate, My son and daughter, to continue your
heavy workload and your pace for I carry both of you on My shoulders. You have only to call upon Me and any
of the saints in Heaven for assistance and We will help you. We love you. We await your every need. You do
not see the many graces being given to you and that is to be expected. If you did not have the graces I and My
Mother pour out on you and your family, you would collapse from the weight of the responsibilities I have given
you, and yet you do not and so We continue on together as you prepare for the most critical work to come that I
and My Father have given you. We need you. We love you. We care for you.
(Note: personal conversation has been omitted & this messenger is now speaking with God, the Father) I feel
as though our family and all of Your children are preparing for a storm during which we will not be able to see the
way. We will take hold of Our Ladys mantle where She will lead us through. She holds the hand of Your Son,
our Jesus, and He always leads to You since You and He are one. We will not be able to see where we are
going and certainly not the way to get through the storm. But, we know, being in lockstep with Jesus and Mary,
we will get safely to You, Father, on the other side of the storm. Father, the storm clouds are gathering and they
look very dark. They have reached their fullness and would have burst long ago were it not for the intercession
and intervention of Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary. Do not give up on us, Father. See our small attempts to
follow Jesus as giant ones since we are covered by Him. All that we do is small indeed but He takes our
nothing and makes it something good for You, Father. Help this world that You created and all that dwells within
it to come back to You, our Lord and our God. Please, Father, we have come so far without you and we do not
know the way back to you, our dearest Father. You see all, though, Father, and you know where each and every
one of Your children are. Find us, Lord, and by the merits of Your perfect Son and His Holy Mother Mary, bring
us all back to the safety of Your home where You live and reign forever. Please help us. I know you have been
tireless in Your assistance, but Your mercy knows no end and we belong to You. You said that even were a
mother to forget her children You would never forget us. Bring us, therefore, back into the safety of Your family,
Father, where everyone loves one another, forgives, and comes to each persons aid. We long to live in Your


family, Father God. Help us to behave like the fortunate and grateful children You so deserve. Forgive us our
sins, dearest God, for we know not what we do to our Lord and Savior each time we sin.
(God, the Father, speaks) My child, I hear your pleas, and I know your heart is sincere. Your God never
changes and of course I will come to your assistance. My child, My child, My child. If only all My children
wanted to please Me as much as you try to, My little one, the world would be a very different place. With
sadness, there are souls who want in the worst way to destroy all of My holy remnant, My sons church, and the
very world I created. From My mercy and goodness I must act or their plans would come to fruition. I am a
loving God and therefore I will not allow evil to destroy all life. I will not! Unfortunately, My sad, sad children who
have chosen a path of evil refuse to turn their hearts toward Me and want no one else to have the opportunity to
choose Me. In your innocence you do not, nor can you see the extent of evil around you. I have protected you
from this for you would not be able to bear it. For a time I will continue to protect you, but at the moment in
history which will be known as the times of great trials, the Tribulation, I will not protect you from seeing the
atrocious plans come to fruition. For to do so, would mean that I would have to take you to Heaven. I need you
and My brave son to remain in this work to which I have called you and have planned for you to fulfill from the
beginning. You are needed by Me My little ones. I am asking you to continue forward following every directive
My Son and His Mother give you for the salvation of many and the successful end to an era of disobedience.
Yes, My child, you will see the end of this evil era and it will go out in a very destructive, conclusive way. I say
conclusive for My plans will conclude this time of evil. Afterwards My Son and His Mother will lead My holy and
faithful little remnant into the New Era, the Era of Peace. This will be My time and the time of the Triumph of the
Immaculate Heart of Mary. Until then, continue on for you are part of the Number, and that means you are on
Her team. In this way, you must follow in Her footsteps which was a life lived perfectly in the footsteps of Jesus.
You are called to minister to those who are hurting, lonely, traumatized, and in need of refuge from the evil world
surrounding them. You will open your arms to hold them closely in the bosom of your family as your husband
leads as the head of your little domestic church. You will bring them all safely with you into the new Era where
all will be beautiful, peaceful, bountiful, and full of grace. The skies you and My son love so much will be even
more vivid with hues you have never before seen by your eyes. You will be amazed by the beauty of the earth
and the joy that will overflow in each persons heart. So great will the gratitude be within every child of the
Creator that all of Heaven will rejoice. My daughter, should I also hold back the new Era? For that is what I am
doing when I hold back the time of great trials.
Oh, Father, I had not thought of that. I see and I thank you for helping me to understand this. I am very slow to
learn but you never give up on me or grow impatient. Thank You for Your love, My Father. I love you. Thank
you, My daughter. Listen to My Son and His Holy and Perfect Mother and follow them as best you can. My Son
takes small steps so that you are able to keep up with Him and yet due to the times you must pick up your pace
and follow Him where He leads you. He is leading you on a path of holiness to new heights that will also
guarantee your safety and that of all your family and those who will be in your familys charge. Do not be
discouraged, but take heart. Your Father in Heaven loves you and I know all you are trying to do to be a good
daughter of your Father, the King. I love you. Go in My peace and follow My Son for the rest of your life. One
day, you and My son will be with Me in My kingdom and all will be made crystal clear to you. You do not need to
walk on earth with your eyes wide open in a storm, as long as you take My Sons hand. Be that hand and arm
and heart to the little lost children who come to you wounded, afraid, and with no trust in their heart. Be My Son
to them. Be My Sons Mother. Love them back to life in the safety of your loving home and community. We will
rebuild My world together, My child. Yes, that is what Our communities all over the world will be doing, rebuilding
My world. Do you see to a degree how important My mission is, dear daughter?
Yes, Father. Thank you Father.
(Jesus is now speaking) My little lamb, I have given you a beautiful time today in Adoration. My Father filled you
and your husband with numerous graces; Graces for holiness and graces for heroic love. We send these
through the heart of My Beautiful Mother Mary where the graces She has put a sparkle on them and sent them
on to you. All is mystery and all is light and love. These graces will grow within your hearts and souls to
transform you during the final days before the transition. Recall that you have these graces. Trust in Me and My
Father. We will not abandon or desert you as We lead you to a new life. This life, though difficult at first, will be
worth the effort. We have many, many gifts waiting for Our Children of the Renewal, too numerous for you to
count. These will be a delightful surprise and will afford you a new way of living and loving others. I love you
and I trust you. Take My hand and do not look back. Focus on the remaining tasks and look forward to the
future that awaits you. You do not know the way, but I do, and I assure you, you will not be lost nor will you take
your eyes off Me. I give you a new heart, a new mind, the mind of Christ. Yes, My child, these are your graces,
your gifts. Love well. Go in My peace. Be My love. Be My peace. Be My Children of the Renewal and share
this light, which is My light, with all you meet. I give you My joy. I give you Me.


Thank you, Jesus. There are no words to express my gratitude (dialogue omitted ................ ) Go in peace,
My children, loving and living in My light. Finish all I have asked and together We go forward. Peace I give you,
I give you My love, and I give you My Mother, your Star. Thank you, Jesus.

une 1, 2014, Adoration Chapel

Good morning, Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament. I love and adore you, my Lord and my God, my
All. I praise you King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Thank you for your presence here, Jesus. I need you, my Lord
and Savior. Help me, Jesus. I have a heavy heart today, Lord, as I am concerned for my son. He struggles so,
Lord, and he seems to be trying very hard to put his life in order. Yet, he has this demon of addiction on his back,
Jesus. Free him, Lord completely from this. Please heal him, Lord. He has many gifts and talents and I feel
You have important work for him to do for your Kingdom, Lord but he needs to be free from these chains to do
Your work, to live in the light of Your love. Heal him, Jesus as only you can do. Youre my hope, my salvation.
Bring him peace, Jesus, and clarity of mind to see and hear clearly when the deceiver tells him lies to rationalize
behavior. Guardian angel bring him every grace needed from our Lord to fight this battle that enslaves souls and
keeps them from realizing the potential God has created in them. Saints in Heaven help his guardian angel with
graces and prayers and strength. Put a mighty army of Heavens warriors around him and keep the people who
would do harm to and enable him, away. Please, Jesus and all you Heavenlies. I come to you as a beggar with
a sincere heart who needs urgent assistance. What saint would turn a poor little beggar away?
My daughter, My little one, I see and feel your suffering. I know your pain. I care. I love you. I hear your
prayers. They do not fall on deaf ears. My heart is open to you and I enfold you in My Sacred Heart where I
love and comfort you. You are safe with Me, little lamb. I am patient, kind, and merciful. I do not wish that any
of My children suffer. I give you My peace. Rest in My peace. I am doing a great work in your son. You will
see. Do not be disturbed when you hear rumors or even facts. This does not mean your Jesus isnt working,
only that more prayer is needed. Have masses said for him. He has come far and I will not abandon him. His
journey is a difficult and long one, though. Walk with him. Encourage him Love him. Pray for him. Pray for
people with addictions during your family rosary. My children all over the world suffer from this bondage and the
resulting afflictions. Many have no one praying for them other than the saints in Heaven. I ask My holy ones on
earth to join their prayers with all of Heaven for this intention. So many souls are being lost due to drugs. Your
Jesus loves these souls, also and I know their suffering and of their attempts to be free. I understand them more
than anyone could. Many of My poor children suffering from drug addictions plead for My help even while they
are overdosing. These souls are taken by Me to purgatory when they die for the time needed to purify their
souls and to be free of all attachments of these sins. I, your Jesus, love them very tenderly. They are most
grateful and loving and often are the most sensitive souls that have had overwhelming trials in the world and no
one to show them the way. I am a merciful God, my daughter. Each soul is known to Me in the most intimate
way. I know everything there is to know about your son. I see his trials, his work in witnessing for Me and I see
the tempters invoking he follow them. They work hard to make him fall. I see that he trips and falls at times. I
help him up and whisper loving words of encouragement to him. I send friends to call him, to check on him. His
mother is inspired to send him notes of love and blessings. I also send people to him who are in need of his
help. This serves to help him as well as the other. You must trust in Me, My daughter. Do not put your
prescribed way upon his recovery, as My way is at times difficult to understand. It is sometimes not easily
discerned and there are times when things look worse than what I see. I am at work and you can trust Me in
this. Give him completely to Me, My daughter. Free your mind and heart from the burden of carrying him, for
you are unable to do so. Put him safely in your Jesus arms and I will carry him. There is much work to do and
you must leave him with Me, his Lord, Savior, and Redeemer to transform him. Do not put your human timetable
on this. Leave all to your Jesus. Allow Me to do the heavy lifting.
Thank you, my good gracious and merciful Jesus. I am most grateful and I praise and thank you for your love
and for your reassurances. Jesus, I do trust you. It is very difficult to know when someone with these difficulties
veers off course that they will come back to Your path. Thank You that You are doing a great work in his life. I
see the results, Lord, and I just dont want him to throw it all away.
. . . personal, private dialogue here has been omitted. . .
My daughter, you are very precious to Me. I love you. I created you with a sensitive heart and soul. I did so for
a reason and for a purpose. My world is hurting, broken, and many are unloved. I need your heart in this world
at this time. I will love others through you and I am doing so. However, it also means that you carry others
burdens that may deeply affect you because of the depth and sensitivity I have placed within you. This also
means you must rely more heavily on your Jesus to carry these burdens for only I can carry them for I am God.
What is needed from you is trust in Me. You do trust Me more now than ever, but My daughter, I am calling you
now to trust in Me in at even deeper level. When you trust Me completely, you are more open and free for My
grace and My love to flow through you. By giving all of your concerns, burdens, anxiety, workload, and even


your sicknesses when they occur it creates an open space through which My grace and love can flow. These
burdens you carry due to your love for others are understandable. I your God created you in this way. One
might say they go hand in hand, a deep sensitivity for others and resulting compassion and love go along with a
deep concern and carrying of your brothers and sisters burdens. When you have anothers burden give it
immediately to Me, otherwise you become sad, tired, and unable to give and receive My love as completely as
possible. Give all to Me, My daughter. You have made progress in this area. I am calling you to an even
deeper level of giving and receiving and of trust in your Jesus. I love you, My little lamb. I wait patiently for you
to bring everything to Me. Do not be concerned that you are bothering your Jesus or that you need to keep Me
from seeing your pain as I know all and see all. I feel your pain even before you do for I know what is coming,
what news will be delivered before you do. I love you and I have important work for you to do. There are many
souls in need of your prayers and the graces you receive from My Mothers arms. Please open the space in
your heart to receive more and more graces for love and service by giving everything that weighs you down or
worries you to Me. You will feel lighter and have more energy for the coming days ahead. I will this for you. Will
you do this, My daughter?
Of course, Jesus, it is wonderful and the answer I need, Jesus. My problem is remembering to do so
immediately. That is something I struggle with, for old habits of thinking and behavior are hard to break as You
Yes, My daughter, and yet you are growing in this area. You brought your son to Me quickly. With practice, this
will improve to the point you will do this immediately. Practice, will be needed though, to form new habits.
Okay, Lord, I will be working on this. Thank you, Lord.
Thank you, My daughter, for your willingness to grow and to serve Me. I am pleased with you. I realize at times
you feel as though you have failed Me and failed others. You have not, My little one. Do not accept these words
and thoughts with which you condemn yourself. These are not from me, My daughter, and they are to be
rejected. You are working hard, tirelessly, to serve your Jesus at the expense of sleep and of your health. I
understand you are unable to order everything I asked this week. I, your Jesus, was with you each and every
day. I know of your grueling work schedule and the many demands placed on you from all directions. You must
give this workload to Me and do so with trust that I am capable.
Jesus, these statements sound very convicting to me and such an understatement at that. Of course, you are
capable, Lord. You created the world and all of your creatures out of nothing. Well, actually, you created the
world out of nothing and then took the dirt you created, and created your people out of dirt. Regardless, there
was nothing but You, and You made us and everything we needed and need to sustain life. Of course, I know
you are capable. Jesus, am I to do a mediocre job at work leaving after 8 hours, the many, many things that
cant be done in that time?
My daughter, yes! I am asking you to do your best in the time allotted for each days work. Eight to nine hours
is plenty. The rest is needed for your vocation, your home life, and your relationship with Me. If things are left
undone, so be it. It is not your problem that your assignment is unreasonable and fit for two people. You are not
God, and you cannot do the impossible, though you try. You allow others to have their ease due to your efforts,
and this is not just. You are risking your health, your familys well being, and the very mission that God the
Father and I have entrusted to you. You must realize now how very important it is for you to leave at a
reasonable hour. Urgent situations will come up at work, of course, and you need to respond. You will do so
from a better position when you are less overextended. Do you see, My child? You have a strong desire to be
accountable and responsible, I know, for I created you this way. I do not want My children enslaved to their
jobs. Choose Me, and the rest will be taken care of. There is only so much one person can do and you are
working for two people. This does not please Me when I see you weary from the workload day after day. You
lack peace and joy when you feel enslaved. This is against My will. Allow Me to work this out with your
leadership. Trust in Me, My daughter. Give all to Me.
Yes, Lord, I understand and I am so sorry I have not done this already.
All is a learning process. I am showing you what is needed with each step in your journey. I am pleased with
you and wish to draw you closer to Me. One day, I will tell you it is time to leave your job, My little one. Until
such time, you must achieve balance in your work, prayer, and vocation so you are all your Jesus intends you to
be. I am protecting you from a culture that takes everything from each individual and leaves My children with
nothing left but an empty mind, heart, and spirit which they then fill with pleasure seeking forms of entertainment,
drugs, and other sinful behaviors due to the void in their hearts and minds because their Jesus is forgotten. You


must be an example of how a holy life is lived. It isnt possible to be enslaved to your job and continue on the
path of holiness I have laid out for you. Do you see, My little lamb? I am the Good Shepherd. Allow Me to carry
My little lamb to new heights of holiness. I desire the best for My children. I desire the best. I am what is best
for you.
Okay, Jesus. Thank you for giving me permission to do what I can at my best in the hours allotted and no more.
I praise and thank you. I realize that I may not receive good reviews, but that doesnt matter. Your will in serving
You and my family is all that matters. Thank you Lord for giving me a way out that was previously not apparent
to me.
My daughter, I want you to take walks and talk with Me. I want you to be more relaxed and joyful and in
dialogue with Me in nature that you love very much. I am a jealous God and I want My daughter spending time
with Me. I ask this of you and therefore you can know that when you leave work each day earlier than usual
(note: instead of working so late), your Jesus asks this of you. I am far superior to those who are your leaders
at work, and therefore, you are being obedient to Me. That is My desire for you and so we continue forward in
your spiritual walk.
Yes, Lord. Thank you. I love you.

And, I love you.

(Note: direction was given in previous messages and He said some of the things asked about were not to be
obtained now and He would provide them later. Jesus is now speaking...) Trust in Me and continue to pray for
all needs. Bring every concern and every question to Me no matter how small. Our work must continue and
time is of the essence. I will not hold back what is to come any longer for evil wants to prevail and is working
fast and furiously to destroy all life. The longer and the more time given to evil, the worse the atrocities will be. I
desire to protect My remnant and for all to be prepared but I will hold events back only so long. I know the
perfect timing, My daughter, when My children are as prepared as they ever will be and when delays are at a
disadvantage to My children. Trust in My timing. Trust My words when I say time is of the essence, for the
sense of urgency is grave. Now is the time to act. All is coming together. My Mother works tirelessly behind the
scenes to bring My Fathers plans to fruition and this includes the plans for Our communities. This community
has a special role in the time of great trials and in the renewal and important work that no one else has. It is vital
to this area of the country and is indeed necessary for the life of My priest sons, My innocent little children, and
for My church in this region of the world. My plans for this community will not be thwarted and for this I need
your cooperation so that all is in place when I give the word. We are in battle now, My children, and I am your
commander ready to give the signal when the time comes. Prepare yourselves knowing this so you are ready.
To many it will look as though you are retreating from danger, and yet you are going to the front lines, and this is
not a figure of speech. Pray, act, receive My sacraments, and be ready to move when I give the word. There is
still some time but only time to finalize the preparations. All is in place now and I must have My children in
position soon.
Okay, Jesus. Thank you. We will.
Do you see now how very important it is now for you, little one, to do your best at work but to limit the time spent
Yes, Lord.
I will cover you, My little lamb. Do your small but important part and I will do the rest.
Yes, Lord Jesus. Lord, I talked with the person you asked me to call and she asked me about the page on the
website and what it is to be called. I didnt realize I needed to provide a name for this. I am fairly certain what
you want but please confirm this. Is this the direction you will for the prayers, Lord? Is it supposed to be a
separate page on this website Daughters of the Lamb?
Yes, My child. All is according to My will and My plan. You are to name this site Children of the Renewal for
that is what My faithful remnant who live during the time of great trials are. I am giving you a new hope and
something for My children to look forward to as they will need to hope in the future I have for the world. I will
renew the face of the earth and you are Children of the Renewal. You walk in Me and I in you. You walk in My
light and therefore you help prepare with Me for My renewal. All you care for and all people who serve Me in the
refuges are risking everything for Me to protect My Children of the Renewal. Those who survive will rebuild My
church on earth. It is part of My Fathers plan since the beginning of creation. My Children of the Renewal will
establish the next time segment known as the Era of Peace. Do not doubt what I am saying, My daughter. Do


not allow confusion to settle into your trusting little heart. I am the Word of God and nothing issues forth from Me
but truth.
Yes, Lord, I trust in you. My confusion lies in the difference in these terms. I thought the Renewal was the same
as the Era of Peace.
My child, the Renewal is connected to the Era of Peace. The Renewal must come first. It is an event that will
occur after evil attempts to destroy creation. I will reverse all the attempts to destroy My earth that have
occurred over many centuries including the latest atrocities and war ravaged areas in the world. If it were not so,
the earth would not support life. I will renew the face of the earth in its entirety reversing all damage done by
mankind to My Fathers beautiful creation. It will be so beautiful and complete that everything needed to sustain
the life of My Children will be restored, in all its original beauty. You have occasionally wondered what the
Garden of Eden was like and you will know when I renew the earth. Afterwards, My children will rebuild their
lives, in a manner of speaking. This is so but not in the ways currently experienced in the world today. There
will be no industry, no skyscrapers, no organized employment. There will be a focus on rebuilding the basics
needed to live. Homes will be built and churches. There will be no need to work on sanitizing water, etc.,
because the streams, lakes, and oceans will once again be clean. All will be renewed. There will be wildlife for
food; seeds for planting, fresh water to drink, and mankind will be in nature more than what can be recalled from
those who survive.
Lord, will it be like I have read about in the pioneer days?
In a way, My child. There will be a return to an agrarian lifestyle but My children will work together for the good
of all. In the pioneer days to which you refer there were more community efforts available but families were still
somewhat isolated and expected to raise their own crops, plow their own fields, etc., or their family would not
survive. During the time immediately following the Renewal, My children will help one another. Food will be
grown and shared among all in each community. Communities will trade with others to meet their needs and the
needs of others. There will be one faith. My holy Catholic Church will be the one faith and all living in the
Renewal will believe. The time that follows after the rebuilding of basic needs for food and shelter is the Era of
Peace. Peace will be the focus, more so than building. These times are linked as all time in history is, but will
be known as distinct times from mankinds perspective. There will be stability, peace, and unity in the Era of
Peace. There will be a focus on prayer and growing in the love and relationship of each individual with Me.
There will be time for study, play, prayer, work, and unity in families and communities. There will be harmony
such as never before has been experienced by an entire people. Never!
Wow, Lord. This is wonderful!
Yes, and it will be. It will not be perfect as mankind will still have free will. However, love and service, and the
following of My statutes will prevail in the hearts of My Children of the Renewal and therefore the Era of Peace
will exist for a long time to come by human standards. All will be renewed, My child. I tell you this to restore
your joy and your hope in the future. This is needed to aid you in getting through the difficulties to come. Focus
on this, My little one, and occupy your thoughts on My beautiful renewal. This is a good spiritual practice for you
and your husband. Lift your hearts to this time, when you feel overcome by the time of great trials. Recall My
promise to you and renew your hope, your trust in Me, your Jesus who will never abandon you or your family.
Yes, Jesus. Thank you for this great gift You have given us, the knowledge of the Renewal and the Era of
Peace. It is very beautiful and merciful. Thank You Lord that You will what is best and is beyond your dreams
for Your children for we would die without Your protection and restoration and renewal. Thank You sounds
inadequate, Lord. I am grateful though and there are no words to describe my gratitude.
I accept your words, My daughter. I know you are sincerely grateful for I see your heart and your soul. My little
one, you are My little lamb. I call you My little lamb for that is what you are. I am your shepherd and I carry My
lamb on My shoulders. I care for you, provide for you, guide you, and speak to your heart. You listen for and
hear My voice for My sheep know My voice and follow Me. You are small and will become even more so which
is why you are a lamb. You will grow in holiness and purity like a small white lamb. You have suffered much and
continue to do so. You and your husband have given over your futures to follow Me and have willingly given up
everything to do the mission given to you from all time. My daughter, you will sacrifice more than your heart and
mind can fathom now and your little soul will know more suffering and sacrifices than you can imagine now, and
for this you are My little lamb. Lambs trust in their shepherds. Lambs receive all that is needed to live from their
shepherds and depend on them completely for everything. Lambs are innocent and gentle. They are loyal and
kind to one another, frolicking and playing with the other lambs in the field. Yes, lambs are a mere animals and


do not have a soul, but you, My daughter, are My little lamb. I love you dearly and with the utmost affection. I
see all of your wounds, your sins, and your suffering. Instead of becoming bitter and resentful, you continue to
follow your Jesus and see the best in everyone. You long for peace, unity, and love and are quick to look for
anything that will bring cheer to your little ones that I have put in your charge over the years. Yes, you feel the
positions I have put you in during your career, those of leadership, have left marks of hardness on you. I tell you
I have a plan for each experience you have lived and there were valuable lessons needed for each stage in your
development. You were not perfect, I know you are thinking, and yet you accepted responsibility for any
mistakes and learned from them asking your Jesus for help and guidance. That is all I ask from My children.
You have done your best and that is all that is required. My little lamb has followed her Jesus anywhere I have
led you and you willingly go even when the way looks difficult. I am sorry for any and all of your pain, some
caused by your own decisions, some created by others, but all allowed by Me to bring you to deeper holiness
and closer to Me. My child you are no failure. Have you fallen? Yes. Have you made mistakes? Yes. But have
you loved? Yes, very much. Have you tried your best in spite of shortcomings? Yes, you have. Have you
brought your sins to Me for forgiveness and in the Sacrament? Yes! Do you love Me, My little lamb? You love
Me well and are learning to love and trust Me more and more. My dearest little one, you are not perfect, but
none of My creatures are with the exception of My Most Pure and Holy Mother, Mary. But do you love Me? I will
answer all of these questions for you for I know your heart, and I tell you, yes. We work together for the rest and
we go forward as a team to carry out the mission and the plans for which you and your husband were created.
There is much more ahead but you have what is needed for today.
Jesus, I forgot to ask You something. May I?
Yes, My child.
One of your messengers spoke Your message to me for my husband which I am unable to remember. You said
something about giving him a sword; A Sword of Righteousness. Would You explain this to me?
My little lamb, righteous men are brave, courageous, strong and loyal to Me. They are holy. This is the
characteristic St. Joseph has and was known for on earth. What is the purpose of a sword?
It is a weapon and should be used to protect in battle. It is sharp, cutting, or piercing.
Yes, you have answered well. Your husband will protect you and your family. He is the head of your family. He
is a man of prayer and he seeks to do My will. By prayer, he will always see clearly and will follow My will. He
will cut through the fogginess and the distortions of truth by My grace. My graces to him are the sword I give him
to provide for and to protect your family and those I send you. He will continue to grow in holiness and therefore
in righteousness. Righteous men are humble men and men of prayer who seek My direction in every decision.
St. Joseph is working with him to sharpen this Sword of Righteousness to grow in the virtues and to become all I
have planned for him. (Note: Then Jesus gave me a message for my husband.) Tell My son, the Sword of
Righteousness is a new gift and you will learn to use it well. You will be respected in your community for your
honesty, integrity, trustworthiness and for your love of your wife and family, as well as for My priest sons and
children I send you. Your fatherhood will increase in scope and you will know of My mercy, My love and My trust
in you and your abilities which were gifted to you from the beginning. Use them well My son, for you are needed
and I have only one of you! Follow St. Joseph and St. Padre Pio and you will not go wrong. I love you. That is
all. Forgive yourself as I have forgiven you. Regrets are fine, but they do not serve you well now. Know that I
love and forgive you, and that I am counting on you. All is well. All will be well. Be love, My children, be peace,
be joy. Go in My peace. I love you.
We love You dearest Jesus!

May 25, 2014

Jesus had this to say about His priest sons, about praying for them and ministering to their needs as the times
grow difficult. They are the only ones on earth who can stand in My person to administer the sacraments, and
this administering the sacraments, is the battle line. Satan and all of his followers will be vicious in their
attacks on My Church and My holy priests. Many will suffer severe persecution, though nothing can harm their
souls, they will have much to suffer at the hands of My enemies. I tell you now, so you will be prepared that
some of the wounded I send to You, My little lamb, will be My priest sons. Do not be alarmed by this, My little
child. I know how sad this makes you feel as you love them very much, as you do Me.
Jesus went on to say, The darkness of evil is all around you, and in its deception many go about unaware.
When the evil plans come to fruition, I will weed out this evil and cast it out of your midst. The difference then, is


that My children will awaken from their slumber, and take up their arms the rosary and the sacraments and
finally stand for their faith, God and for their fellow man like never before. You will witness many acts of heroic
love, and it is through this, faith in Me and love for your brothers and sisters that evil will be defeated and My
Mothers triumph will come.

May, 2014
Jesus said we should pray for our guardian angels each day to protect us from the snares of the enemy, and ask
the saints in Heaven to give us the needed graces for this day to avoid sin and to remind us to call on Jesus.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Regarding the difficult times to come, Jesus said; I will require heroic love and service on your part and the part
of your family and community. I will give you the graces needed and you will see miracles, but what I need is
your continual yes. When you awaken each day, you will do well to say, Jesus, I desire to serve you in any
way you choose to use me in the service of love today. Jesus, I am weak, and I am unable to meet the needs of
others. You, Lord, have every grace needed. You, Lord, know exactly what each person I meet today needs.
Use me Jesus in whatever way you deem necessary. Make my heart an open vessel to convey Your love and
mercy to others. Guide my every thought and action today, Lord, in the service of Your kingdom where You live
and reign and where we desire to be, Jesus. May Your kingdom come on earth as in Heaven, and may we love
as if we were living there now, Lord. Give us strong hearts, clear minds, and able bodies to serve You as You
desire, Jesus. May we love with the love You hold within Your Sacred Merciful Heart, for without You we can do
nothing, but with You, all things are possible. Jesus, we place all of our hopes in You. Jesus, we trust in You.
Write this prayer on something to keep with you every day. This is what I desire you pray each day in addition to
the other prayers I have given you. You will especially need this prayer when your important mission, that is My
Fathers plan begins Pray it now so it will become a spiritual practice. I love you. Do not be afraid. I am with
you now and always.

May 11, 2014

Jesus said we are to rest more at night to prepare for the next day. Your disposition will be better suited to
respond to any and all conflict with love when you get enough sleep. You must also be physically prepared for
the times of great trials. By that, I mean getting more sleep at night. If you have difficulty sleeping, you are to
spend this time praying the Rosary for the intentions I have given you, as well as whatever is on your mind
causing worry and anxiety. Give all anxieties, problems, and concerns to Me, your Jesus. You will return to
sleep and the time you spent awake worrying will be used for souls in need. Your Mother is correct; Nothing on
earth is wasted when united to Me. When anything troubles you or you feel irritable and lacking in peace, you
must bring it to Me. Practice doing so immediately, then when the time of great trials are upon you, your spiritual
practices will be so natural that you will incorporate everything in your life and the circumstances around you into
My will. This is living the Divine Will. I call you to this, and by practicing this; bringing every concern, problem,
challenge, difficulty, sadness, loss to Me right away, the life of the Divine Will can become a reality for you.
This is true for all of My children.

May 11, 2014 (contd)

My daughter, the time has come to share the prayers I have given you with M. Jesus went on to say, The
prayers will assist My children during difficulties and serve to bring them many graces to live a life of love and
service at a time that is most difficult; a time void of much faith and love. I desire those who are close to Me to
spread My love and light in this dark world. My light is brightest where the darkness is heavy. This is a time of
grace and a time that I desire many, many conversions. Be love, be joy, be hope to My hurting children.
Lord, I am sorry for not being as loving, for not being joyful and for not being a bearer of hope. Increase Your
love in My heart, Jesus. Increase the joy from You and be hope within me, Lord so that I can do as You ask.
My child, you do not see this accurately about yourself, but you are living, joyful and hopeful to others. This
does not mean that you feel this way inside. Remember I am speaking about an attitude. Once could say a
Be-attitude versus your experience through feelings. Being love is loving others versus feeling loved by others.
Being joy, is being joyful because of My love and the love you have for others. When I say, be love, it is
beyond a feeling, one might say it is in spite of feelings. One does not always feel loving. When you serve out
of love and joy, it is a decision. You may recognize you do not feel loving. Say, Jesus, I am tired and I do not
feel appreciated. You were unappreciated and tired when you lived on earth, and yet you served and loved
perfectly. Give me the graces I need to be like you, Jesus. Enable me to show love to others though I do not
feel loved. Give me Your love. Give me the graces I need to serve others with joy, though I do not feel joy. Lord
I give you all of my feelings as they are and ask that you replace my feelings with a heart of love, joy, peace,


and service. Use my inadequacies as well as any talents you have given me for Your greater glory for the
conversion of all who have not yet experienced the love of God. This is a very beneficial prayer, My little lamb.
I will honor this prayer immediately. You will understand the efficacy of this prayer only upon entering My
heavenly kingdom. Share this prayer with others along with the other prayers I have given you.

May 4, 2014
Jesus on losing our peace and allowing a spirit of irritability: It is good for you to recognize your
faults and sins. Bring them to Me more quickly and I will help you, to give you an abundance of peace. When
one has peace and love in ones heart from Me, the irritability has no room to take up residence in a persons
heart. Say My name quietly to yourself in moments of irritation. Call upon Me and I will give rest to your weary
heart. I love you and I need My childrens help at this most dangerous time in history. There is much work to do
and My adversary is creating the climate of distractions and noise. This makes it difficult for My children to hear
My voice and follow Me. Since My children have forgotten the peacefulness of silence and the tranquility of
prayer, My children continue to grow away from Me. Many have never even heard My name other than when
those around them use it in vain. My children were created to know and love Me. They were created to live a
life of peace and love and service to their brothers and sisters. They were not to live in such an age of
disobedience and decadence. Therefore, assist Your Jesus by being love and mercy. When you pray on a
regular basis I fill you and My children who pray with grace and peace in order to bring this grace and peace to
others. This is why I request you to be love and mercy. You will grow into this by immersing yourself in prayer.
Cast away all that does not lead to Me. Turn your backs on those things that are products of this age,
entertainment, the media, and all that wastes your time. Use the rule of heaven to judge your activities. This is
a spiritual tool against which to measure what is important and that which is unimportant. I give you this as a
gift, My child. It is simple, yes, but it requires practice to implement and incorporate into your daily life. This rule
will be a pathway through the forest of the coming chaos for your discernment, so please begin focusing and
implementing this spiritual practice. Evaluate all by the rule of heaven.

March 30, 2014

Jesus said, When the times grow even darker, your spiritual practices will be spiritual habits that you will easily
put on when needed without hesitation. This is how I would like you to pray. Jesus, I open my heart as
completely as possible to receive the great grace that is Your holy and pure love. I willingly accept Your divine
love so that it can flow through my heart to others. Practice this on a daily basis, My little child. Add this to your
other prayers. Will you do so for your Jesus?
Yes. Certainly, my Lord. I will. This is a beautiful prayer as all of the prayers You have taught Me are. This
seems to be a continuation of the prayer you taught me about living as if I lived in heaven so to love and bring
Your love to others.
Yes, My daughter. It is. There is a rhythm, a continuity to the prayers. All focus on doing My will and living the
love of My kingdom now and at each moment of Your life. You are to learn to live as if you were living in
heaven. This is the type of loving and living I desire for all of My children. It is a foreign concept to the children
of today who are so far from God and from My love. I desire My children who walk in My light to be examples of
My love. You must focus more in this segment of the journey now, on living love. Examine everything in this
light the light of heaven. If something wouldnt bother one in heaven, then decide not to allow it to bother you
on earth. Let everything be weighed against a heavenly perspective. I realize you have not been to heaven, My
little lamb, and yet you will learn how to love and to be love to others in this way. Do you recall the prayer you
prayed years ago when you asked your Jesus to help you to love Me and to desire Me so much so that when
you died your transition to heaven seemed easy?
Yes, Jesus. I remember. I still want this to be real for My soul someday.Yes, Jesus. I remember. I still want this
to be real for My soul someday.
I have given you the way for this to become real for you and not just for you but for all who desire this path of
holiness. This transition to heaven is just that; a transition for those who love and follow Me and who are My
friends. A life of service to the Lord, though most difficult and full of crosses, leads to eternal life. The closer one
lives to heaven on this earth, the closer heaven is for that soul. This is the meaning of Thy kingdom come, thy
will be done on earth as it is in heaven. You see, My child? I desire this for all of My children. I desire it to
become My childrens desire. The Father longs for His children to live this love, this unity which He models in
the Blessed Trinity, so much so, He taught you to pray in this way. His loving gift which He desired I pass to the
Apostles and all of My disciples, the great gift of the Our Father is full of riches too valuable and too deep for
the human mind to grasp. It will take enlightenment in heaven to begin to understand. Your Jesus gives you this
lesson to share with others, too for their growth in love and unity with the Trinity. I invite you to share the prayers

I taught you and this concept of living now as if you lived in heaven and to evaluate decisions and even
annoyances against the rule of heaven.

March 23, 2014

Jesus said about marriage, You must give each other every consideration and put each before the other, even
in your thoughts. In this way, others will say, See how much they care for and love one another? People will
long for this kind of love and I will invite them to follow Me through this longing. Marriages can be healed simply
by witnessing this type of love. This type of love is intended for all marriages, yet is very rare in your world.
Many have never even witnessed a loving marriage, so I am asking both of you to be My witnesses of love and
for love. Never put one another down ever. Not in your words, or in your body language. Not even in your
tone of voice. Yes, My child. I ask a lot of you and I expect much from my little xxxx and xxxx, but I never ask
the impossible of My children. Pray for this change and ask My Mother and St. Joseph to help you. Pray every
night in your family prayer for this great gift of love. Work to attain this and the graces will be there for you. This
will be the most important work I give you, and this will enable you to do everything else I ask. In this way,
hearts will change, marriages will be healed and all you encounter will be blessed by Me. This is My plan for all
holy marriages. This is my first mission for each and every holy marriage. With more holy, loving marriages, all
of society would change. One could say, the reverse, with unholy marriages, all of society would change and
this, My daughter is what you see all around you; the result of unholy marriages, broken families, selfishness,
greed, and power over others. This is what I am asking My children to change. Be love, be holy, be love to one
another. Have holy marriages. Seek My will for your marriage and if more of My children lived in this way, the
world would and will be different. Live now as if you were living in heaven. Love now as if you were already
living in heaven. You see, My daughter? What around you is important if you were already living in heaven?
What My child?
People, Lord. Loving You, serving You and those around us. Worshipping You, following You. Loving others.
That is all, Lord.
Yes, My little one. You have answered well. That is all. Think of this often when one has a different opinion.
Think; Is my opinion important? Would it matter to me in heaven? This will be a good gauge for all issues. You
can gauge the relevance of every issue, opinion and decision by asking yourself this question. I have given you
much to consider and ponder. Read this lesson often and allow it to become a part of you. There is much
spiritual food for you for a long time to come just in this lesson alone.
Thank you, My Jesus. I am very grateful for your beautiful and important lessons.
Prayer for marriages: Jesus I pray for the great gift of love from You for my marriage. Enable me to put
(spouses name) first even in my thoughts before my own needs and wants. Please grant us this type of love,
intended for all holy marriages.

March 16, 2014

Jesus said that many on earth forget St. Joseph, but that he is active in our world and in His church. Jesus went
on to say, He protects, guides and intercedes for all of My children and he has been given such power it would
amaze you if you knew the full extent. He is kind, gentle and very holy. St. Joseph was most brave when he
was in exile on the earth.
Lord, why do You use these words? (exile) Im sure St. Joseph was in ecstasy being in Your divine presence
and yet I cannot begin to imagine how much responsibility was placed on him to care for You and the Blessed
Jesus said, St. Joseph literally felt the weight of the entire world on his shoulders, knowing My role to save all of
mankind. He knew during My childhood that I was vulnerable as a human child and that it was his job to protect
and to provide for Me and for My holy Mother. Though I could have summoned a legion of angels to carry us
across the dessert to Egypt when we fled from Herods army, I did not do so. I allowed St. Joseph and my holy
Mother Mary to care for Me as any other human being who had to rely on their parents for food, shelter and
love. You see, My child, I put great trust in My earthly parents to care for Me. I, who am God entrusted Myself,
the Savior of all mankind, to be cared for and protected by St. Joseph and the Virgin Mary. If I, Who am God,
could put total trust in them, who is man to distrust them? They gave their all for Me so that I could give My life
for the world, and yet My children scoff at and scorn My holy parents. Yet, they continue to love and beg for
graces for the very children who despise them.
Jesus asked that we pray for those who have cold hearts for His Mother Mary and for St. Joseph.


Prayer: Lord, I pray for souls who have cold hearts for Your Mother and for St. Joseph. Please help them to

March 9, 2014
Allow My love to flow through you at all times. Say, Jesus help me to love and be love to others. Love others
through me even when I feel hurt, rejected, or incapable of giving love. Send graces for love so that Your love
will flow freely and abundantly through me until one day I am able to more easily give of my love. In this way,
My love will touch souls that you are unable to love in that moment and they will fail to notice any woundedness
in you. See March 30th for the message concerning the rule of heaven, and also May 4th

February 16, 2014

My child, this life is a pilgrimage, an opportunity to come close to Me, learn lessons of love and forgiveness, and
to learn about My love and movements in love. Then when the pilgrimage brings a soul to its absolute holiness,
because of each souls choices in life, I bring each soul to heaven or for those who choose otherwise, to hell.
Jesus, You have said, on other occasions a little about peoples choices. Am I to understand it is completely our
choice to go to heaven or hell?
Yes, My daughter. Each soul has the opportunity to choose heaven or hell and this is a lifelong and a daily
choice. Some souls living in darkness choose hell, but then because of peoples prayers for them, My angels
hard work, and the prayers of saints, their hearts can change and choose heaven. If they choose heaven and
Me, even after living in darkness, I will save their souls from the evil one and bring them to heaven, often by way
of purgatory. However, it is difficult for souls to choose heaven after living an evil life because the soul is in such
bondage and has come to believe the lies of satan. It is most difficult, not because God lacks the power, but
because the soul must choose God and it is something difficult, though not impossible to do. It takes many
graces and much prayer and fasting from others on behalf of a soul in darkness. That is why I need many
families praying for the conversion of sinners. Thank you for setting aside the time in the evening for your family
rosary. I am saving souls through your prayers. This seems unlikely to you?
Lord, I know You can do all things. It just seems like an easy thing for us to do, and to think through our 30
minutes of praying a rosary, souls are being saved? You are so merciful, Jesus.
Yes, My daughter. Your Jesus is most merciful. I long to save My children. You are being obedient to Your
Jesus even though at times, it is tempting to skip your family prayer time, you persevere. This brings forth
graces from heaven which are used to save souls.
*The reference Jesus made to souls choosing hell, refers to them choosing while they are still alive on the earth.
By means of many graces from God, souls can turn away from living in darkness, choose God and follow Him
while they are still alive.

February 16, 2014 (contd)

In reference to our children, Jesus said to reach out to them with little messages of love. He went on to say the
following; Little messages with thoughtful and loving statements will keep their hearts open to your love, and My
love through you. Their hearts are heavy and this will give them light and a renewed sense of hope. Parents
have graces that only they can give their children and this is part of Gods special value placed on parents. Ask
My Mother to give you the graces you need each day and She will.
Ok, Jesus. I often forget about this, but will try to remember every day.
Write it down, My daughter, with your other prayers. This is important especially in these times. If it were not
so, Your Jesus would not mention it. All is for your good and the good of your family. Graces flow through you
and all of My children out into the world. You must ask for these graces. My Mother has many graces from the
Father and from Me that go unused. There are special graces for conversion during this time like no other time
in heaven. Remain in a state of grace, frequenting the sacrament of confession. I am pleased you met me there
yesterday. Continue this practice, My child. I love you. Go in peace and bring My love to others.

February 9, 2014
My Mothers Immaculate Heart will triumph and it will be so through an army of our children, our holy, loving
children. Their weapon is prayer and this is why I beg holy souls to pray with their families. Family prayer
serves to bring families under My Mothers mantle of protection and unleashes many graces from heaven.


These graces move souls to conversion and in this way, by prayer, fasting and acts of love My plan will triumph,
and the Renewal will come. My daughter, hell has unleashed its legions of demons to undermine My plan for
My children. It will be to no avail, but there will be souls caught in the crossfire so to speak. Pray, pray, pray that
fewer souls will perish.

February 2, 2014
Jesus wants us to pray this prayer every day:
Jesus said; The longing you feel to be united to Me and to give my love for others is a small taste of the kind of
love you and all of my children who choose heaven will experience. The choice for Heaven is best made on a
daily basis, My child, and I ask you to choose Heaven, My Kingdom, each day: Add this statement, Jesus, I
choose Heaven and your Kingdom come on this day and every day of my life. May I live as if I lived in Heaven
now, so to love and bring Your love to others.

February 2, 2014 (contd)

Pray, pray, pray much in the coming weeks for protection of My priest sons. Also, pray for courage and trust in
the hearts of My bishops and priests. I will give them the words to say if they but ask. Your prayers will help
them. But you must pray.
Yes, Jesus. I understand this is critical. I will do so and I know xxxx will too without a doubt. Thank you, Lord
for the invitation to pray and fast and know that we will do our best.
Jesus went on to say, Strengthen your resolve for the benefit of my priest sons and the benefit of My Church.
Much is depending on it. My priest sons bring My body, blood, soul and divinity to My children, they provide My
forgiveness and healing and through them souls reach the safety of heaven. So you see, souls depend on
them. It is very important for them (My children) to have their priests and the evil one is well aware of this. He
targets them because he cannot hurt Me. He focuses on the apple of My eye, My holy priests.

January 26, 2014

My daughter, through the rosary, God the Father provides a way through the difficulties in life. Turn often to this
important prayer practice. You will never regret the time spent on earth praying the rosary. You will only regret
that it wasnt prayed more often. (Blessed Mother)

January 19, 2014

When you begin to sense fear, say, Jesus, hide me in Your Sacred Heart. Be my refuge. Say also, Blessed
Mother, cover me with your mantle of protection and enfold me in your Immaculate Heart where nothing can
touch me. You may pray this for others, also. This prayer is given to My children and the Father will not refuse
refuge for His children in My heart or the heart of My Mother, for this is His plan from the beginning. Go there
often, My child, and you will find rest and relief from the battles and the storms.

January 19, 2014 (contd)

Jesus said, My child, pray for My priest sons, especially those who have forgotten Me. When I asked Him how
there can be priests who would forget Him when they say daily Mass, hear confessions, etc all in His name he
explained. They are in the center of this culture, also and it is difficult for them. Just as happens to My other
children at times, their vocation may begin to feel like a job, rather than being Christ-like and bringing Me to the
world. They can begin to focus more on carrying out tasks, versus the reasons for their tasks. They can begin
to shorten their personal prayer time, because they have so much to do, forgetting the One who gave them
these tasks. If this occurs, they begin to think they carry their burdens alone and easily forget that I am the
source of life and strength for them and I carry their burdens with them. Some become part of the world and
become worldly. This is a very deceptive culture and many fall prey to the father of lies. My priest sons are not
exempt. In fact, it is more difficult for them as satan puts every trap in their paths. This is why you must pray for
them. Pray and fast for My priests and religious. My Mother and I protect them, of course, but in order to
receive this gift of protection, they must stay close to Me and to My Mothers. In this way, they remain under our
mantles of protection. Do you see, My little lamb?


CRITICAL MESSAGE, 9/25/14, 3:00 am
My dear little one, I woke you tonight to share My words to you from My Holy Spirit.


Soon a rumble will be heard across your land that will tear it in two. Cries of anguish will fill the air and all who
love Me must help one another. There will be panic, terror and much chaos because following certain events a
state of fear and mayhem will prevail. There will be no safety in the streets, people will fight and loot, and further
destroy one another in fear and panic. Things will happen and you must be ready to help calm them that I will
be sending to you.
Destruction is imminent. Your nation will be crippled soon by one disaster after another. Food will be depleted in
your stores from draught and famine.
The powers of your country will be defeated and enemies of freedom will take it over. At first, people will think
that they are helping them but, the men will be forced into labor and the women and children will be sent to
detention centers. Evil will gain on My people and force them into submission. My faithful ones, you must band
together. You will be living together, growing your own food and hiding from the powers that will be taking over
your country. Your cities will be full of evil. There is no time now to sit and rest. Destruction is imminent. You
must prepare now for you all must live together for a time before I will multiply what you have.
There will come a time when I will no longer be at the alters in your churches, but you know that I will always be
with you and you will have Me in Adoration. I will never leave you. Each one must be a living tabernacle which
carries the Presence of My Son to those who seek Him. I will send you a holy priest so My Holy Eucharist will
be with you always. Do not worry just pray and trust!
It is only a matter of minutes now before chaos erupts. Events will occur quickly once they begin. The good
news is that suddenly a great miracle of My Fathers mercy will be upon the whole world. Each will see their
sinfulness and their soul, and each child will know exactly where they stand with God their Father. The world
does not know the shock that they are about to see. So many will not understand. It will be My chosen ones
that help them and bring them back to Me. Once they seek forgiveness and reconciliation they will need your
help and your support. Love each other as I do. Pray, My child for the hour has come. Be ready. You will also
see your loved ones come to Me and be healed.
I bless you for this time. My words tonight are not meant to give you fear, they are to help you be ready for the
time I have prepared you for. It is here and now. Pray and trust and continue to write My Holy Words that I
place in your heart and mind.
I bless you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


After receiving Communion and after prayer during Communion, October 17,2014
" I wait intently to hear your prayers and those of all My children during these precious moments I am together
with them. With gratitude I accept all the prayers of reparation for all others who do not receive Me with the
proper disposition, who ignore Me, and who offend Me by their speech, manner of dress, but most of all their
ingratitude due to their ignorance and lack of faith."
By allowing Me to receive Myself in you, I can do as I will, and continue the reparations I made in placing Myself
in each host for all time at the Institution of the Eucharist on Holy Thursday. In your country you have a saying to
"Pay it Forward". This gives me great delight when My children take a gift and give it to others, sharing it in a
selfless manner. Allowing Me to act in you always, is a sign of your resignation in Me, a sign of abandonment to
my Most Holy Will. What occurs in the Eucharist in your soul will continue throughout the day, as the acts of
abandonment you give Me are like spiritual nourishment to your soul. Know that this great gift of what I give you
flows to others around you, because it is "I" that is at work, and not you. This gift is for all. You can thank Me
child by "Paying this message Forward" to others.
Your Jesus, always present in the Eucharist
9/20/2014 During Adoration
Blessed Mother: Please write after you hear the words my child, Our Heavenly Father wishes to speak to you.
My daughter tell my children of my overwhelming love for them. A love they can not begin to comprehend unless
they enter the heart of My Son, Jesus. Daughter I have been waiting 6,000 years to take My rightful place
amongst this generation. This generation that scorns the Name of My Son. The great I AM, the I AM of all
generations will grant one last act of mercy. This last act of mercy will give the earth the opportunity to repent of
it's sins. I am a Father of Mercy to all My children that call out My name - "Father Save Me. Help me, Father


show me", and I run to you, I will cast My great arm towards you and pull you out of the mud and filth and cover
you with a resplendent light and the Blood of My Son to purify you. But you must call out to Me. My eyes gaze
upon the earth constantly, listening and looking for your call. Soon it will be difficult for you to find priests and
pastors that carry the name of My Son. There will be just you and Me. And in those few moments of just you and
Me, you will make a decision...
Life or Death
Light or Darkness
Many of you are deceived by worldly entertainment, careers, and comforts. They will be no more for most of you.
You will see all this collapse around you soon. This is allowed by ME to help you see where the truth lies in
your hearts. The Illumination of Conscience comes directly from Me, your Father. Many doctors of Science will
say it is the result of a "cosmic occurrence", a strange anomaly as the result of gravitational forces causing ones
senses to be disrupted and out of balance. Other self proclaimed Messiah's will come forth at this time and will
also claim it is a sign of a new beginning and will self prophecy that a New World , a New Age is to come. This
New Age will claim total acceptance of all sins that My church that was established by My Son has condemned
from the beginning. O. My children be aware that many of the deceptionsthat are present now will come
to LIFE after the illumination of conscience. Pray for those who do not know Me, beg Me for their souls.YES, ask
ME to stop time so that these souls say "YES" and ask Me to forgive their sins before their souls leave their
body. Please pray:
"Father we love you, Father we adore you, Have mercy Father on all souls that do not know you, that
refuse you.
Hold them fast in your Light and Your gaze at this moment between time and eternity. Grant them more
time to say, Father Forgive me."
That is enough for now My daughter. Pray, Pray, Pray.
Your Loving Father
At Adoration Chapel - Feast of Exultation of the Cross 9/14/2014
My child, thank you for your prayers. I am always pleased with prayers from My children. Please know my child
that the world is in dire straits. There is much to say, there are many thing My little children are not aware of.
Your country is plotting a third World War. My children are becoming more aware of this as I speak. None of My
children should relent to the pressures that will be enforced by your government. All of My children must take up
their cross now and be the visionaries and the disciples of My Jesus the true King and Ruler of the Universe.
Each one of you children has a special mission. Each one of you were given a special cross at birth. This cross
is your salvation, it is your very life. My Son will manifest to each one of you what your mission of the cross is.
You must learn to listen children, you must learn to silence your hearts so that words from My son will flow from
His Most Sacred Heart to your heart. Let My Son dissipate the clouds that surround you, the noise of the world
that squeezes life from your soul. Only in silence and simplicity of heart My dear little ones will you hear My
Son's voice. His very Spirit flowing through yours. Only in silence can the whispers be identified and articulated
amongst the sounds and clamor of the world. Rejoice My children, Rejoice for by His Holy Cross you have been
saved. And now My dear ones , it is time for all of you to take up your crosses and follow the road My Son has
set forth for each and every one of you. Each on his own path, but all paths leading to the one true path, the
path to Christ Jesus Savior of the World.
Your Heavenly Mother
Mary of Nazareth of Jewish birth
Please remember children, today especially pray for the land of the TRUE CROSS where all My Christian
children are suffering immensely and carrying their crosses for you.
8/31/14 Adoration
As I was praying the Rosary and loving Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament on the altar, I saw a red heart, ( like
you would see one drawn a valentine day card), beating within the Host. Then the "heart" multiplied and
encircled the monstrance. Jesus said. "Write Daughter what you see." I continued praying and Jesus said
"My Joan of Arc had My Heart beating within her. She was burned at the stake, nothing remained of her except
her heart which remained beating in the ash."
Child will you allow Me to place My Heart in you?"


I: "Why me Jesus, you have so many souls that have sacrificed so much for you"
"I can choose whom I please, so do you not want My Heart ?"
I: Yes Jesus..
This is a great grace child, not only for you, but a grace which I wish to give all of My children, it is a great gift. It
is My desire and My great gift that that My Heart be allowed to beat in all of My children. Do you not pray daily "
Come Divine Will to beat in my heart, to flow in my blood... ?"
I: Yes, Jesus
Jesus: Am I not a God who answers prayers?
I: Yes, Jesus
Then child it is done. I am perfect and do not contradict myself. These words were first given to Luisa. She
opened the Door for all My children to ask Me for these great graces.
Thank you My Lord and My God. Thank you Luisa.
8/28/2014 After Mass
The Lord asked me to write.
Dear child of my heart,
Your Jesus wishes to speak to you of My Most Holy and Divine Will. The gift of My Divine Will is for all, not a
select few. Soon in the future many will be coming to you inquiring about this gift. Be prepared child for this great
task. I will supply the means for you to do so. The Gift of My Will has supremacy over all My charisms, gifts, and
devotions, for it is LIFE. My Will shall conquer all evil in the world, stop all chastisements and renew within souls
all graces that Adam would have possessed if he had not turned from me and followed his own will. My Will is
everything. My Will is your mission. All focus must be placed on this mission of love. Be attentive my child to My
words. My Will is your will. My will, will operate and be in a every person at My desired hour. Many however, are
not ready to receive this gift. They are still asleep and have not asked My Holy Spirit to wake them from their
slumber and open the eyes of their soul. My Divine Will will only be given to those that truly desire Her. Oh! To
live in My Will, these children are My smile on earth. They are the jewels in My Mother's crown. They are the
recompense for all who do not desire to love Us. You child, be Faithful and Attentive to My Will within you. I love
you all, My children.
Jesus asked this message be given to the Daughters of the Lamb, August 24, 2014
At the consecration of the Mass I fused myself again into the Divine Will. I placed myself into the Body & Blood
of Jesus with Him to the Father. Then came the following prayer:
"Oh Father fused in your most holy Son I offer myself with Him, His blood flowing in mine, His flesh and my flesh
fused as one in His for the salvation of souls. Do not look at me, but look at your Son in me. Within your Son are
all souls , and I with Him make reparation for all souls that offend you grievously. Have mercy on them Father
and forgive them, for some are ignorant and do not know you and some are possessed by evil not having the
light to see. Heavenly Father allow the gaze of your Son, from His most holy eyes to cast a beam of light upon
them at this moment and free them from their darkness. Lift the fog that surrounds them so they may see the
light of your most Precious Son.
Heavenly Father now your Son and I are one. I have received Him from the hands of your priest son. With His
Blood, with His Reparations, with His voice I cry out to you HAVE MERCY OH FATHER ON ALL. Let His Most
precious blood cover all so you will see Your Son in all people, and I in Him and in each of Your children. Have
Mercy on all Father, by virtue of your Son in me. I consecrate and offer myself, my will, my all to you Father in
reparation for all sins committed in all generations with your Son ."
Jesus made me understand and desires that reparation be made for all people, those in Purgatory, those who
are not in a state of grace, and those still in His heart not yet conceived. Fused in His Most Holy Will it is His


breath, His Heart, His Body, His Words that placate the Father, His very own prayer that ascends to the Father,
and there is nothing more powerful on earth than the humanity of Jesus Himself praying in us with his very own
will, especially with the Eucharist within us which not only feeds our souls but all souls of every generation past,
present, and future, the same act(ion) that Jesus did on the cross continues in us, just like the Mass is one act,
the same act, the same sacrifice.
Jesus says, "I want all of My children to begin praying this way. My very own Heart, My prayers to My Father, as
dictated to My Luisa, My Little Daughter in the Divine Will. My daughter will assist all who ask her. Be obedient to
My requests children and many more souls will be saved. Pray as I did from the cross. My cross served as My
bed from the moment of conception and from this bed I pleaded constantly for all of you. Now My children I not
only ask you to take up the cross, but to lie on it as I did, in total abandonment to the Will of the Father. Do not
fear, do not be afraid, for I know the strength of each one of you. My servant Luisa was like you, born to serve
Me as each one of you were created to serve and glorify Me. She abandoned herself to me and I guided her,
taught her. She gave her life for Me, and for you, so that the Kingdom deposited in her, could be also given to
you. That is the gift of My Most Holy Will operating in you. I do not force My gifts on anyone. You must come
forward to me and express the desire to come to know and desire My Holy Will. I will do the rest, trust Me
August 22, 2014, After prayer
Following words from Jesus after a personal message I saw an image of the Statue of Liberty in New York
Harbor with her torch burning brightly.
My Daughter, this manifestation that you see is what was once the hope for America. The hope and exhilaration
of the people I sent to America as they entered the harbor after a long journey. America what have you become?
To whom do you belong? Are you still My child? You have left me, My daughter America, you have left me and
trampled me underfoot like a stalk of corn. The Lady of America was an icon of Hope for many who passed her
by. Many of My children, filled with hope at the prospect of new beginning, free from poverty, starvation and
hopeless lives came here by the droves in great hopes to utilize the gifts that I had given them to build the
infrastructure of your land. It was by My grace alone that they arrived in America. And now the Lady's torch no
longer burns bright....her flame is diminishing. She sheds tears, as I do because I have been set aside - buried
under the rubble. My Heart is torn children and cries for your return. Return to me and I will clothe you once
again with Robes of Royalty, and place jewels on your fingers, and diadems on your heads. The torch of the
Lady still has a flame My children. Do not allow the flame to extinguish. The tears of My Mother are copious and
constant My children because the utter destruction of your country, everything it stood for, as represented by the
Lady in the harbor represents the destruction of your souls. Your country is being destroyed due to the loss of
grace in souls causing a dark cloud to cover America. If you do not turn to Me My children you will see darkness
as the likes you have never seen before, and it will not only affect America but her errors and darkness will
continue to effect the rest of the world.
Return to your Father, who awaits you with loving arms, I will adorn you with my graces of love, and then and
only then will true liberty reign in your country. Only with Me can victory be yours. My children of America, in
particular My children of the Red, White & Blue.
Have you no compassion or love for Me, or thought of Me? I come to you as a beggar, awaiting a simple thought
of Me, an invitation, so My light may penetrate the darkness you are living in and fill it instead with a particle of
My love. Children of My Heart, I have descended from heaven to call each of you by name to return to me, now,
before it is too late. Do not wait, do not put off until "you have time", because tomorrow may not come for you.
Children of America, yours was and still can be the ship of life that saves the world. My Mother is your answer.
She was from the beginning of time, destined to be the one to save the world from utter destruction by evil. I do
not change. What I have decreed does not change. Call My name and She will answer and take you by the hand
to Me. She has been given all graces for the mission of saving My children. Children of America , Wake up for
Lady Liberty will be destroyed, not by My hand, but by yours. I call you all by name and bless you.
Your Father
August 14, 2014, afternoon, Received after meditation and prayer
My Dear Child of My Will,
Your world is on a precipice, it can no longer turn left or right, but is cascading headlong into a furrow. Much
more prayer is needed; so many more souls can be saved before the calamities of the earth are set into motion.


Earlier this week My Mother asked you to tell (.name), what the Spirit of Mejedgorje is. This spirit is carried by
many hearts throughout the world. It is My Mothers heart placed within each of her children. Some hearts need
to be rekindled, illuminated, and set afire again. It is Her very Flame of Love which is placed in all hearts that
visit or profess a devotion to Marian apparitions. It is the flame of the Holy Spirit, the same flame the Queen of
the Universe called down from heaven in the Upper Room on that first Pentecost and placed each flame above
the heads of My Apostles. Yes, and from this point forward She became and still is Mediatrix of All My Graces. It
is Her heart that will inflame the world. The Mediatrix of all graces is preparing Her army. Like My Joan of Arc,
My little prophetess and warrior who you know. My Mothers army will be led with Her banner in the fore-front
with Her insignia which will be given to you at a later time. There is a saying on earth, History repeats itself.
Look at My Joan, and look at My beloved daughter France. In its history you will see the coming prediction and
prophecy for your country. For your country, the USA is not invincible; the USA has abandoned Me as its Savior
like My daughter France did causing the execution of many religious. However, the USA is the Beloved of My
Mother. She continuously hopes, prays, and intercedes for the country consecrated to Her Immaculate
Conception. Child of My Heart, tell all My Children, that doomsday only comes from a lack of Hope. My Mother is
the Anchor of Hope for your country. From Her Immaculate Conception, comes forth all truths of all heaven,
imparted to, and conceded to, deposited into a creature by the Holy Trinity. Her Flame of Love is given to and
imparted to all who ask. The Holy Spirit is not only present, but alive within Her from the very moment of Her
conception, thus giving Her the authority to call Herself the title Co-redemtrix, Co- redeemer, and Mediatrix of all
graces. Through Her will the world be redeemed, saved, and prepared for My Second Coming. This Second
coming promulgates My Era of Peace where I will dwell in the hearts of all who have prepared themselves by
allowing My Mother to place the Flame of Love, Holy Love and all graces given by Her from all apparitions and
devotions. My children must be ready soon, to carry Her banner, to stand up as My Joan did and lead My other
sleeping children to victory over evil. Be alert and at attention at all times My children. I am with you now and
forever, and I am the creator of forever. For I love you immensely, you are mine, let us Be One.
July 26th, after Mass
My child,
How much I desire to speak to you and all of My children. Know My child that the words you hear from your
heart are from My heart, and the desire of My heart is that all My children listen to Me. For this gift is for all My
children. Yes, I do speak to those not in a state of grace. It is especially for them that these words be spoken
You know precisely who you are, for you cannot hide the agony of what you feel in your soul when I open a door
of light, which speaks to you and tells you:
This is the door to freedom
This is the door to eternal life
This is the door to truth
Walk through the door to this light. Now, do not delay. I tell you solemnly I will continue My quest to call you into
My light of truth. Allow Me to destroy within you the columns of lies that line the path of your soul; Columns of
lies built by Satan, over the years through false teachings and philosophies that have taken root in the world.
These columns will come down, swiftly. I will with a breath, one breath obliterate these false truths as quickly as
My breath brought forth life into you. I will send My angels of destruction to annihilate everything that is not of
me, So children far from Me, look around you, then look within you. What lies outside of you in your world have
you swallowed? I tell you, vomit these lies, for when I destroy the lies; they will also be destroyed within you. I
ask you . . .
What will be left within you when all is destroyed?
Your cities will be desolate. Your cities will be worse off than Nineveh.
Alone with Me to face, will I be your friend or Judge?
(Jesus is also referring to the city within us)
I said Where your treasure is, there your heart shall be. Are your treasures ones that can be
MY treasures, MY graces are destroyed only by sin. But can be regained through My forgiveness and Mercy.
MY treasures are now and forever. MY treasures, MY greatest treasures are stored in the heart of the
Immaculata. For She is the Fathers greatest treasure to mankind for their salvation. Salvation comes through
My cross of Mercy. My treasures, for you my children, were all placed within Her in a mystical way. It was


beloved John of My Sacred Heart that also knew this mystery. I ask you all My children, like My beloved John,
put your ear to My Heart and listen. I am Love. From My cross of Mercy flow My treasures of heaven.
The Queen of Heaven:
My children far from Me, I will continue My mission to be constantly following you, calling you. I will continue to
allow you to experience the disappointments, confusion, and frustrations of life to open your eyes to follow the
true path of peace:
Be not afraid. I am your mother, and I will hold your hand all the way to heaven. I am closer than a breath for all
my children. Choose children to sit in silence and listen. Listen to your thoughts, then listen to My Sons voice,
the voice that will lead you to eternity.
The Mother of all Graces
July 17, 2014, 7:00 am During Prayer
Child of My Divine Will write by My hand, be My Heart.
Know that each living thing has a soul, the soul contains my divine life within it. It's uniqueness is created and
given by Me. The soul contains a divine quality, distinct, it has My fingerprint upon it. Try looking at your own
fingerprint, how is it that no two sets of fingerprints are alike? Nowhere in the universe will you find a duplication
of any living thing, man or animal or plant. Each living thing is distinct. It is because I am the Creator of all life on
this earth, and continue creating because I am a God of Life. I created you, for Me, and created a kingdom within
you where I desire to reside, if you allow Me. I said " In heaven My Father has many mansions." Each one of
these mansions in heaven also has my divine fingerprint on it for each and every one of my children, no one is
If a soul responds to the graces given by Mary Most Holy, you will be drawn to Me upon your death and reside in
My heaven within Me in your mansion. Correspond to the graces the inspirations, the Lights I set before you
which lead to your mansion within Me.
Children of My Heart, these lights I place before you on your path will be easy for you to recognize if you join
yourself to Me in prayer. You will see a light in your soul, a doorway, a freedom, a quickening in your spirit. Do
not doubt, for it is to your heart I speak. Seek My voice and My Holy Spirit, do not fear, follow My Voice within
you, a gentle voice that calls you from within, a warmth and a peace that is unknown until you find Me.
All of My children have My fingerprint on their souls received from the sacrament of Baptism. Your physical
attributes, your physical fingerprints were given by Me upon your conception in your mother's womb. Each of
you has a great mission in my eyes. When you observe the fingerprints on your hand children, think of ME, your
mission and be reminded of the fingerprint placed on your soul by Me upon your baptism. I am your life, I am
your Savior, Come follow Me to the Kingdom of light.
July 14, 2014, 7:00 am At Home
My child Mercy is the Cross. My Mercy was shown to the world when My Blood and Water gushed forth from the
cross from the piercing of the centurions lance into My Heart. I allowed this to be recorded in the Gospel so all
could see the physical and spiritual significance in the future generations. This fountain of Mercy that gushes
forth also gushes forth anew at the Holy Mass. The fountain of My Mercy gushes forth anew at the consecration
as it did on the cross. Take note child: "This fountain of Mercy gushes forth in each and every one of you, my
children, when you receive Me in the Eucharist if the soul is in a state of grace and therefore disposed to receive
my graces. The Eucharist feeds the fountain of life, (I understand this to be the waters of Baptism)within the
Picture for yourself a stream of life from My heart through the cross, to the Eucharist from the consecrated hands
of My priest son.
Mercy comes from the Cross
My Cross and Mercy are one.
The beauty of My Heart from which flows Mercy is in each and every consecrated host. My Heart of Mercy is
given to you without reserve. It is free.
My Heart is Mercy
My Cross and Mercy are One.


Come to My cross, Come to My Fount of Mercy and I will give you My everlasting streams of living water. This is
My promise. This is your Jesus, I love you forever.
Writers note following visit to National Shrine of Divine Mercy in Stockbridge Mass on 7/16th: I could not
describe properly or with words what the Lord was conveying to my heart. I was overwhelmed with tears. Jesus
gave me an image of a cross, with a beating heart in the middle, with the Lance transfixing His heart to the
cross. It is a cross of inexpressible love.
The waters from Baptism emerge with the blood and water, soul and divinity from the Eucharist. A miraculous
explosion of light and grace occurs within the baptized soul in grace. These waters(graces) set the path and
continue into streams of light and open the doors to receive the dormant graces of the Divine Will. The Lord just
told me that it is very important for us to understand how the sacraments work with each other and all come from
the same source, His Most Holy and Divine Will. I hope this weak person explained this without causing people
more confusion

Adoration Chapel, 7/14/14, 9:45 am

My little child how happy I am to see you here before Me. I have an overwhelming desire to tell you and all My
children of the overwhelming love I have for them and the desires of My Most Sacred Heart. My desires children,
are the fruit of My Mercy, My Mercy is the fruit of My Love, My Love is the fruit of My Most Holy and Divine Will.
From within My Sacred Heart are many fountains. There is a fountain of love for each one of you children, for
everything I have created in the Universe. My Father put them there. The Holy Trinity agreed in unison that all of
these fountains be put within My Sacred Heart from all eternity. Upon their baptism each one of my children is
given a fountain, My fountain is placed within them from My Sacred Heart, the fountain that has been generated
from all eternity through the love of the Trinity. Oh children, do you not see how we are one? I am your destiny, I
am your life. Come within me and drink of this fountain, this fountain will continue to grow within you. It will flow
within you, the waters of My Divine Life, the waters of My Divine Will. These waters spoken of in the Gospel of
John to the Samaritan woman is the water of divine life, the water of Baptism is the fount, the beginning of life
within me - It will flow into the River of the Divine Will where all are one in me with My Saints in heaven. It is a
perpetual life of sanctity. Children this is true liberty, it is not sanctimonious piety. A life where you and I flow as
one. the waters flowing within you...the whisper of my voice, the utter yearnings of My Heart that
bubbles over with those waters at the very thought of you. Listen...what am I calling you to do? Be one with My
children, release the living waters within you through the power of My Divine Will. Come to me and ask me for
this gift, the true fount of holiness, the Fount of My Divine Will. It is yours....
Your Loving Jesus.
Received 7/6/2014 in Adoration
Since before the dawn of ages, children of mine, I have called you. You have always been and always will be My
children. You see, you were first born of heaven, within Me, before you were conceived in the womb of your
earthly mother. Oh children, I cry and weep because so many of you do not even know this, that you are born of
Me, there is not a thought of me, and I am totally disregarded in every conceivable way. Time has not forgotten
you, for I your God do not live in time. Time was created for you. Your time on earth will end some day. And for
those who do not think of Me now, how will you think of me then? You will know Me then, and as you have lived,
so will you be judged .If you do reject me, you will have great remorse and fear. And how much it pains me to
see and feel this remorse and pain in My children. I felt all the pains of those who rejected Me on the cross, the
very pains of Hell. Children, I am in you, My whole life on earth was to live each one of your acts, your
movements, each second of your earthly life was lived first by Me, to divinize your acts and re-do what was lost
in Eden, to reestablish the Kingdom of the Divine Will. Now, if I lived your acts, divinized your acts in Me, can
you understand how we are one? How I am in you? Can you understand how I feel each and every one of your
pains, your heartbreaks, and your disappointments? On the cross I suffered each and every one of your pains,
repaired each and every one of your sins because I love you more than you will ever comprehend. You, who
would deny me, please sit in silence children and you will hear My voice, you will hear me, feel me. You will not
escape Me, no matter how much you try. I created you; I weaned you, walked and played with you. You can not
escape this reality which has been written on each one your hearts from all eternity. See Me, children, I am
manifested all around you in nature. In Me is all eternity, and when you pass from time to eternity, you will either
pass with Me, or choose to be separated from Me. You do not know when I will give you your last breath. If you
deny Me you will suffer the pains of the loss of Me forever. Or you will choose to live in total ecstasy of My love,
consumed in Me. I am heaven. Which will it be, the choice is yours. For all my children not in a state of grace,
please sit in silence and listen, call on Me and repent, I will never deny a repentant heart. I am Jesus your Savior


who came to earth incarnate in the Blessed Virgin to bring this generation back to the beginning, back to My
Fathers original plan where creature and God were one. Do not waste another moment, I beg you sit and
listenI am there within you.
Jesus Your Savior.

Message from Jesus, 4 am, 6/28/14

Children, How I love you! You do not yet comprehend my great love for you, how I desire to be a part of your
lives. How My Heart aches and cries out to you my children. I AM Your Savior, Your Very Life. Within My Sacred
Heart lies all eternity. Within My Sacred Heart lie all the mysteries of the universe. Within Me is your life. Don't
you want to be one with Me my children? I Your Savior have been waiting for your "Yes", yes YOU!. I am talking
to you. Come to Me all you are weary, and in Me, and only in Me you will find your rest. It is only in Me children.
It is My heart, and only in My Heart where true Paradise can be found. Please come to me , listen to the beat of
your heart and follow it on a path to mine, to beat with my heart, two as one, beginning now until all eternity. This
path now lies in front of you. Let Me love you. Let Me open the doors to Paradise already within you. You are
mine children, each one of you. I have suffered for you and saved you. I need your "Yes". I love You my little

Inspired Prayer Written Pentecost Sunday 2014, By A Daughter of the Divine Will
Fusing the activities of the Sons & Daughters of the Lamb into the Life of the Divine Will
My Jesus, I come before you fused in Your Most Holy Will, in complete abandonment as a perpetual intention to
fuse all the acts of the Sons and Daughters of the Lamb in the Divine Will. We want to bind all their acts from
Adam to the last person that will be born into existence, knowing that within Your Most Holy Will all is one Act,
Past, Present and Future, in the center of all eternity, where all is one single point within You. May every breath,
heartbeat, word, and movement of all the Sons and Daughters of the Lamb be offered as a divine act to glorify
You My Jesus.
I continue to enter into every choir of the holy angels and then proceeding through each angel, fusing each
member into the activity of each choir and each angel. Oh Holy Angels, please take each act of these children to
the Almighty Throne and offer as a Divine Act in the Divine Will.
I then want to enter and place myself into each day of creation, all the acts of all the prophets, Major and Minor,
Your Incarnation, Your hidden life, three years of ministry, Passion, Death, Resurrection and Ascension. Fusing
all the Sons and Daughters of the Lamb into every act of Your very Life Most Heavenly Savior, and obtaining the
graces for Living Your Life in the Divine Will which You anxiously await to give as their inheritance.
Next, I want to enter into each of the Seven Sorrows of Our Blessed Mother. The Prophecy of Simeon, the Flight
into Egypt, Losing Jesus for 3 days, Meeting Jesus on the way to Calvary, His Crucifixion, Taking Him down from
the cross, and His burial. Fusing all the Sons and Daughters of the Lamb into the Sorrowful Acts of the Heavenly
Queen, to love and console Her and obtain all the merits She desires to deposit into Her children. Please, Oh
Most Holy Queen and Mamma, plant the seeds of the Divine Will into the Sons and Daughters of the Lamb.
And moving my soul deeper into Your Most Holy Volition, I want to fuse the Sons and Daughters of the Lamb into
the very Act of the Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Her birth, Her 3 years of life with Saints Ann and
Joachim, Her Life in the Temple, Her life with Saint Joseph, the Incarnation, Birth, and Presentation of Our Lord,
continuing through Her life after the Death of Her Son, through each and every act of life with the Newborn
Church, to Her very holy death, Assumption, Crowning in Heaven. Fusing all the Sons and Daughters of the
Lamb into these acts of Her life that they may obtain all Her merits, which She anxiously awaits to give.
We want to thank Jesus for the gift of Luisa, that He re-established His Kingdom within her and all those who will
come into the Kingdom because of Luisas yes, her sufferings and sacrifices for us. I thank you Father, love
you Father with your very own Love, I want to send back to you these very waves of Love from Holy Mamma,
the Saints, Angels, all the love you put into creation, with your very own love, I want to Fuse the Sons and
Daughters of the Lamb into the Eternal Will of God which encompasses everyone and everything!



A Call to My Remnant (message to the Daughter of the King - Arkansas)

1 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray
and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive
their sin and will heal their land.
Please join me and pray for God to keep his promise.


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