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Table of

Plantain Weed: Powerful Medicine

Suffer from Pain?


Letter from the Editor

Olfactory Engineering

Detoxify Your Body 7 ways

What is Leaky Gut?


ACV: Home Remedies



Letter from
the Editor
Hello friends,
I hope you are having a great start to the new
year. If youre like most people, you probably made
new years resolutions about your health. My friend,
Giulio, began a program where he was to only have
6 green drinks a day and supplements. On the 3rd
day, he confessed he had cheated and ate Indian
takeout food. I could tell he was disappointed with
himself, he went on to say how gross he felt and
how he could really feel his body reacting (unbalanced body temperature, lethargic, upset stomach,
drained energy).
I told him this was actually a really important step
(He was obviously surprised by my response). I explained that so many people I talk to never connect
the dots between what they eat and how they
feel. They never see that it is a system of cause
and effect. They think headaches just mysteriously
happen, that joint pain is normal, and being moody is
just part of your personality. What if I told you that
all of those (and so many many more symptoms)
often depend on what you are (or arent) eating.
In this issue, well offer up some solutions to help
you get the results you want. Well show you 7
ways to detox your body, the powerful effects of
plantain weed, and home remedies using apple cider vinegar. We explain how to stop suffering from
pain and answer the question of what leaky gut actually is. We also cover the ins and outs of olfactory
Thank you for reading Live Organic and know that
we are here with you on your journey to a healthier
Be Amazing,


Olfactory engineering

How corporations control your thoughts,

moods and actions through smell by Ethan A. Huff
It is a fact that smells affect the way we think and process information.
Studies have shown that odors trigger all sorts of cognitive changes in
humans, and can be used by corporations or the government to influence
populations and even intentionally zombify people who dont fit the mold
of accepted behavior and thought.
A 2011 study published in the journal Sensors is one such paper that
explains how intentional odor exposure influences brain function, producing
shifts in mood, thought, and understanding. Much like drugs, scents contain
unique pharmacological properties that enter the bloodstream upon
inhalation, where they eventually cross the blood-brain barrier and trigger
cognitive changes.

Scents used to draw people to products, make

them repeat buyers
The paper, while explaining how this fascinating process works, actually encourages the use of odors for
such purposes. And you can be sure that this is already
taking place since thousands, if not millions, of synthetic
scents are being used by corporations right now to manipulate the public into buying their products, for instance.
The wafting essence of apple cider and pine trees during the Christmas season is one example of how a shopping mall, for example, might entice customers to visit
more stores and purchase more things. Personal care
products, air fresheners, laundry detergents, and many
other consumer products also contain precisely formulated scents designed to keep customers coming back
for more.
In these examples, scents are typically used to draw
people in for the purpose of expanding corporate profits.
But what about the idea of using scents as weapons,
such as to inhibit critical thinking or depress a persons
mood? Olfactory engineering is admittedly used for all
sorts of nefarious purposes, and continues to be exploited in ways that most people dont even realize.

Olfactory engineering used to weaponize chemical triggers

Pheromones, for instance, which are chemical triggers naturally released by insects, animals, and people, can be
used to alter things like hunger and sex drive. If weaponized, pheromones could be released for the purpose of drawing a group of people to one specific place for an ambush, for instance, or to create chaos in a particular location.
From a cognitive perspective, certain manufactured scents have been shown to induce negative emotions. Malodors, which may include many synthetic odors designed to mimic real ones, can affect mental performance on tasks
like reading and arithmetic. Other scents can induce fatigue and brain fog, leading to sedation and in some cases
Odors are being manipulated, as cues to persuade desired cognition, behaviors and moods, explains one report
on the subject.
Memory quality, memory tasks, word recall, spatial memory, numeric working memory, can [be affected] by odors,
(and) delayed memory recall and delayed picture recall can all be influenced by the introduction of odor.

Essential oils shown to counter negative effects of olfactory engineering, odor pollution
Natural scents like essential oils, on the other hand, can be used to counter the damaging effects of olfactory engineering.
Depending on the type and combination, essential oils have been shown to positively affect things like memory, vigilance, pain
perception, decision making capacity, alertness, and energy levels.
Lavender, for instance, has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, and can also help promote a restful state before sleep.
Peppermint and rosemary, on the other hand, are often used to boost energy levels and improve alertness.
It is concluded that the pharmacological properties of odors can induce changes in cognition, explains the study, adding that
odors can be used as contextual cues to cognitions, behavior, and mood.

Sources for this article include:


Help Your Body


7 Ways

by K. Sinclair

When you choose to do a cleanse or detox, your goal is to rid the body of
as many toxins as possible. Pathogens, parasites, heavy metals, chemicals,
and Candida are all targeted for elimination. A really good detox diet helps to
cleanse the digestive tract, the kidneys, the liver, and the gallbladder, followed
by the rest of the body. So what other actions can you take to help the process?

Exercise is an important part of any health regime, and it is important
during a cleanse or detox as well. Your health should dictate how hard you
exercise. Obviously, a radical detox is not the best time to push yourself
too hard. The focus is on healing, not fitness.
Your lymphatic system needs movement in order to circulate. Rebounding is great for the lymphatic system. Walk, jump rope, yoga--all are great.
Squats also help detoxify the body. They help stimulate your elimination
organs and they produce beneficial hormones.
We release more toxins through our breath than we do through bowel
elimination and urination combined. When the blood gets pumping, and
were breathing heavily, the body is flushing itself. Sweating is also great
for detoxing. But again, If you are healthy and you exercise vigorously on
a regular basis, just listen to your body and take is slowly if need be. And
if youre not physically fit, or if you are considerably toxic and unhealthy,
be careful.

Dont underestimate this one! Hot and cold hydrotherapy really moves
the blood through the body. Heat dilates the vessels, pulling the blood to
the surface. Cold does the opposite, constricting the surface vessels and
driving the blood deep into the body. Use a shower wand or stand in a
shower to alternate hot and cold.

Dry sauna or steam room

A dry sauna or steam room makes you sweat, helping you eliminate
toxins through the skin. Sweating is also great for your skin, as it opens
your pores allowing dirt and debris to be washed away. Remember to hydrate after sweating. As you detox, you should be drinking large amounts
of clean water.
A gallon of cranberry lemonade will aid in your detox and re-hydrate
your body after sweating. (See link below.)

Massage helps release toxins from the muscles and tissues, oxygenates the tissues, and moves the blood and lymph throughout the body.
The movement of the two circulatory systems filters the blood, removing
waste products from the cells and aiding the immune system in dealing
with pathogens.
Massage can be therapeutic on other levels as well. Deep massage
frees up muscles that have become held in place by scar tissue or sheathing after years of poor posture, repetitive movement, injury, or illness. This
kind of massage can actually be quite painful, but the results are amazing.


Epsom salts bath

A proper Epsom salt bath pulls toxins from tissues and allows the body
to soak up minerals. Make sure that you spend a full 40 minutes in the tub.
The first 20 minutes pulls out toxins. In the second 20 minutes, the body
soaks up magnesium and sulfates.

Turbocharge any detox with niacin

Niacin (B3) is an inexpensive way to boost the efficacy of a detox. Most
doctors recommend starting with 100 mg. I weigh 220 pounds and I took
1,500 mg for three days. Dont take it for more than a few days.
Drink lots of fluid (like the cranberry lemonade) and sweat out the toxins.
Niacin wont do you much good if you arent flushing out the junk while you
do it. Its powerful. Youll be itchy, hot, and flush red all over. The effects
last about an hour. Most people without damaged livers can easily handle
500 mg for a few days.

Cranberry Lemonade
Make a gallon of cranberry lemonade sweetened with stevia. This will
help balance the bodys PH, flush toxins, detoxify the liver and kidneys,
flush all of the glands, and clean the blood.

In conclusion
A cleanse or detox is a wonderful way to aid your immune system in eliminating waste, debris, pathogens, and parasites from the body. Using all available resources in addition to diet, will aid you in a more complete and rapid detox.
These tips can also be utilized on a daily basis to help your body detox even when you are not on a specific detoxification
regimen. Dont forget garlic! Eat lots of garlic. It detoxifies the body as well.
The most important aspect of a good detox for most people is eliminating excess candida and balancing gut flora.




A Common Driveway Weed, is one

of natures Most Powerful Medicines
by: E. Huff

Its known to pop up as a persistent weed in

gardens, on lawns and even in driveway cracks. But
plantain is one of the most medicinally powerful
nuisance plants that you probably arent taking
advantage of for your health, perhaps to your own
Those bushy green leaves and small, stalk-like
buds bear unique nutritive potential that could
help you overcome difficult menstrual cycles,
clear up skin acne and even treat painful arthritis.
For hundreds of years, plantain has been used as
one of natures most powerful medicines, and for
very good reason.

Plantain works topically as a wound-healer

One of its uses is as an astringent for wounds and bug bites. Simply chewing plantain leaf or crushing and grinding
it makes an effective poultice to draw out poisons from the skin and prevent infections and scarring.
Because it draws toxins from the body with its astringent nature, plantain may be crushed (or chewed) and
placed as a poultice directly over the site of bee stings, bug bites, acne, slivers, glass splinters, or rashes, explains
Life Advancer.


Plantain aids in healthy digestion

If you suffer from constant digestive problems
due to antibiotics, food allergies or genetically
modified organisms (GMOs), plantain might be a
simple cure. Many have reported that the leaves
and seeds of the plant aid in reducing inflammation and help repair damage to the gut lining.
The seeds of plantain are also useful in maintaining a clean digestive tract, acting similarly to
psyllium husk in absorbing toxins and creating
firmer stools. When steeped, plantain leaves can
be turned into an extract for use as a gut healer.
If you want to look and feel beautiful, consider
pumpkin as part of your diet.
The most common preparation methods of pumpkin involve desserts like custards and pies. One
of the simplest ways to enjoy the contents is to
gently roast or dehydrate the seeds in sea salt
and other preferred spices.
One of the most popular ways to consume pumpkin is in a hot beverage like a pumpkin spiced
latte. Unfortunately, the most popular source of
this beverage is at Starbucks, which contains little
to no resemblance of pumpkin and plenty of other
unsavory ingredients. !

Plantain helps treat congestion, respiratory problems

Since it is rich in the mineral silica, plantain also makes an excellent expectorant. This means that it helps clear up
congestion and mucus, effectively treating coughs, colds and various other respiratory ailments.
Plantain acts as a gentle expectorant while soothing inflamed and sore membranes, making it ideal for coughs and
mild bronchitis, wrote David Hoffmann, FNIMH, AHG, in his book Medical Herbalism: The Science and Practice of
Herbal Medicine.


Plantain helps treat hemorrhoids

The same astringent properties that make plantain an effective wound-healer also make it an effective remedy for
hemorrhoids. When processed and turned into a lotion or ointment, plantain can be applied to hemorrhoids to stop
the flow of blood, which is also useful in the treatment of cystitis accompanied by bleeding.
Plantain is one of Western herbalisms primary topical healing agents, used as a lotion, ointment, compress, or
poultice for cuts and bruises, adds Hoffmann in his book. It may be applied topically for hemorrhoids and skin

Plantain treats all blood diseases, and nearly all other diseases
Truth be told, there seems to be very few health conditions that plantain cant treat. According to The American
Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy, written by Dr. Finley Ellingwood, MD, in 1919, plantain is effective against virtually all blood diseases, many glandular diseases, mercury poisoning, diarrheal conditions, female
disorders, and injuries, bites and rashes on the skin.
Plantain is almost a panacea for the human body, treating everything from all menstrual difficulties, all digestive
issues, to nearly all skin complaints, and even arthritis, adds Life Advancer about the amazing healing potential of
Add to salads, chew to ease thirst, or enjoy in stir fries. This versatile wild vegetable will keep you in good health
for years to come!

To learn more, be sure to read Dr. Ellingworths plantain entry as it was published in his 1919 book:




Suffer from pain?

by: J. Benson

7 Natural Alternatives You Need To Try

It is your bodys way of telling you that
something is amiss -- pain, and for many
people, the chronic variety that only the
constant use of painkillers seems to mitigate.
The advice of many conventional doctors is
to just pop a few aspirin or ibuprofen when
it shows up and go about your day. But is this
approach really effective or safe?
As you may already know, many pharmaceutical painkillers are derived from plants, herbs, and other substances that
possess natural painkilling properties. You wont typically hear about these natural sources of pain relief from the media
because they arent big moneymakers for drug companies, which reap billions of dollars selling you synthetic, patented
imitations that more often than not come with harmful side effects.
In the case of ibuprofen and aspirin, these side effects include things like anemia, DNA damage, hearing loss, hypertension, miscarriage, influenza mortality and heart disease. Worse is the fact that these pharmaceutical painkillers
mainly just cover up the pain, doing nothing to address its cause while inflicting further harm from deadly side effects.
The good news, though, is that there are plenty of natural ways to relieve pain without destroying your vital organs
and risking an early death. And in some cases, these natural remedies can actually help your body heal from whatever
is causing the pain in the first place.

Cannabis (marijuana)
The first and arguably most effective natural pain reliever is cannabis, or marijuana,

which scientists from the U.S. Institute of Medicine (IoM) have determined treats all sorts
of pain, both chronic and acute. As it turns out, the human body contains cannabinoid
receptors that respond to marijuana cannabinoids such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
and cannabidiol (CBD).
As explained in the book Marijuana As Medicine?: The Science Beyond the Controversy, published by the National Academies Press, peripheral nerves throughout the body
that detect pain sensations contain abundant cannabinoid receptors, which are directly
activated by the cannabinoids found naturally in marijuana. When consumed, cannabis
effectively blocks pain, including extreme pain caused by autoimmune diseases and cancer, without causing harmful side effects.

White willow bark

The natural herb used to produce aspirin, white willow bark, contains a substance

known as salicin that, upon entering the stomach, turns into salicylic acid. This powerful
substance is recognized in the scientific literature as an effective remedy for inflammation, fever, gastric upset and various other forms of pain. Both traditional Chinese and
European medicine favor white willow bark as a treatment for headaches, lower back
pain, osteoarthritis and inflammatory conditions such as bursitis and tendinitis.



Also known as Indian frankincense, boswellia extract is another powerful anti-inflam-

matory substance found in boswellia trees. It is rich in boswellic acids that help improve
blood flow to joints and block inflammatory white blood cells from entering damaged
tissue. One study found that boswellia helped reduce the pain index of pain patients by
90 percent, as well as spur 70 percent of ulcerative colitis patients into total remission.

Primarily a topical pain reliever, capsaicin helps relieve nerve, muscle and joint pain by

blocking a chemical in the body known as substance P that transmits pain signals to
the brain. Since it is found naturally in chili peppers, capsaicin cream can very easily be
made at home by mixing cayenne pepper powder with a delivery oil such as almond or
jojoba, along with beeswax.

Cats claw
Also known as Uncaria tomentosa, or una de gato, cats claw is a South American herb

that contains powerful anti-inflammatory agents that aid in naturally blocking production
of prostaglandin, a hormone that contributes to pain and inflammation. It has been used
for hundreds of years in traditional medicine, and modern science has found that it can
promote DNA repair, joint health, immune function and normal cell division.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Sometimes referred to as grease for the joints, omega-3 fatty acids like the kinds

found naturally in salmon, krill, skate and other sea animals, as well as hemp, chia and
flax seeds, are a powerful and all-natural anti-inflammatory medicine. They are constantly being reported to help ease chronic pain and inflammatory conditions, as well as
reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Rheumatoid arthritis sufferers can also benefit from omega-3s, which have been
shown to help relieve joint pain and morning stiffness, as well as quell inflammation
naturally, potentially better than non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

One of the primary active components in turmeric, curcumin is widely regarded as a

potent painkiller. Similar to capsaicin, curcumin helps block pain signals from reaching
the brain, and chronic pain sufferers report dramatic relief from taking it daily. And the
BCM-95 variety of curcumin in particular reportedly fights the joint-damaging effects of
arthritis by targeting a range of inflammatory targets all at once.



What Is Leaky Gut & How To Heal It

by: Kali. S.
What is leaky gut syndrome? You hear the term leaky gut syndrome
and imagine holes poked into your intestines. Unfortunately, your
image is pretty much spot on.
In a healthy gut, the walls are lined with cells that are sealed
together, providing a barrier that contains its contents. Villi, which
contain a tiny vessel from the circulatory system and a vessel from
the lymphatic system, absorb nutrients from our food. This exchange
through the villi is designed to be the only means whereby nutrients
enter the bloodstream and the lymphatic system.
When the gut is permeable, the cells lining the wall of the intestines do not provide a proper barrier. Toxins, microbes,
and undigested food particles leak through the intestinal wall directly into the bloodstream and the lymphatic system. The
immune system goes into overdrive, attacking these foreign particles that do not belong in the blood or the lymph fluid.

What causes leaky gut syndrome?

What damage does leaky gut syndrome do to the body?

Parasites, a buildup of bad bacteria, allergens, and

toxins all cause inflammation and destruction of the tight
bonds holding the cells together that line the intestines.
Some blame gluten for the destruction of the cell lining.
Common sense says Candida is the most common,
primary cause and most likely the precursor to gluten
Candida begins as a one cell yeast. As it grows and
multiplies, it changes into a form called hyphae, filaments
that spread and grow, boring into tissue. The filaments
exude enzymes that feed off of our tissues, actually
digesting our tissues before absorbing nutrients from them.
There is no possibility of sealing the gut wall without
elimination of Candida overgrowth, elimination of
parasites, and elimination of inflammation.

A constant spillage of toxins, proteins, microbes, and

particles into the blood and lymph activates and overworks
the immune system. This constant onslaught is believed
to be the underlying cause of auto-immune disease as
an over-worked and over-taxed immune
system loses the ability to differentiate
between pathogens and host cells in the
body. In addition, the spillage of particles
creates an allergic response to foods
that would normally be tolerated. Gluten
proteins, for example, are leaked into
the blood and lymph, creating a gluten
intolerance. When gluten is ingested,
it inflames the intestines, increasing
permeability, and the cycle continues.

How to heal a leaky gut & irritable bowel

The first step to healing a leaky gut is a thorough cleanse and detox. Through this process, toxins are flushed from
the body and parasites are eliminated. Following a cleanse, Candida overgrowth must be eradicated. The proper gut
balance is restored through diet and the addition of probiotics. When the gut is brought back into balance and the body
is fed a proper nutrient dense diet, the gut will heal.

Sources for this article include:



Effective Apple Cider Vinegar

Home Remedies
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has been touted as great all-around remedy
that boosts overall health and appearance, making it an ideal household
staple. It helps balance the bodys system so that optimal health is reflected
both by internal and outward improvements; everything from sunburn
relief to a healthier scalp can be achieved with apple cider vinegar.
So effective is ACV that even back in 5000 B.C. the Babylonians used
it as a tonic.(1) Likewise, it was used by Samurai warriors in Japan and
in ancient Egypt, proving that people have enjoyed its healing abilities
through time.
A Dr. Oz episode recently highlighted three homemade uses for ACV
that viewers personally use and say is very effective.

Top uses for apple cider vinegar

Healthy scalp
One viewer explained that she uses a homemade ACV
concoction to cleanse her scalp, saying that its a natural
alternative that helps her fight dandruff. Dr. Oz says that
the acidity of apple cider vinegar kills off fungi that can
lead to dandruff, and that its not surprising that many
people turn to such a remedy to keep their scalp in good
To make, simply mix 1/4 cup of water with 1/4 cup of
ACV, put in a spray bottle and spray in parted sections
of hair on the scalp. Do this twice weekly and leave in for
about 15 minutes each time, then rinse.(2)
Furthermore, itll make hair shine; a mix of about 1 cup
of water and 1/2 tablespoon of ACV used as a rinse after shampooing can liven up dull hair.(3)

Soothes sore throats

Another viewer says that she drinks a mixture of 1
teaspoon of ACV, 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper and 3
tablespoons of honey with warm water to soothe a sore
This triple threat works wonders for sore throats
according to Dr. Oz, who says that both the vinegar and
the honey have antibacterial properties, while a chemical in cayenne pepper called capsaicin helps eliminate



Reduces foot odor

ACV is also helpful when it comes to banishing foot
odor. The acids in ACV alter the pH levels in skin, making it more difficult for odor-causing bacteria to flourish.
Some recommend dabbing the offensive-smelling area
(feet, armpits) with a cotton ball soaked in ACV or adding 1 cup of it to a wipe, then freezing it; the next day,
its absorbed the ACV and can be rubbed as a cooling
cloth.(2, 3)

Provides sunburn relief

Additionally, ACV can help soothe a sunburn. One
woman by the name of Kaitlyn explains that after a bad
sunburn, she simply put vinegar on a towel and rubbed
her body with it, then went to bed.
She says that when she woke up the next morning,
there wasnt any tingling, peeling or redness.(4)

Strengthens and invigorates hair

Many people dislike applying commercial shampoos to
their hair, and for good reason. These unnatural products,
which are almost always comprised of harsh chemicals
and other unpleasant ingredients, often strip our hair of
its natural oils and leave it feeling dry, brittle and lifeless.
Fortunately, apple cider vinegar makes a fantastic natural alternative to commercial hair care products. Aside
from being a potent antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral
that can disinfect the scalp of harmful microorganisms, apple cider vinegar can unclog hair follicles, maintain pH balance and even strengthen hair shafts by closing their cuticles. This leaves our hair feeling cleaner, stronger, shinier
and healthier.
To use apple cider vinegar as a shampoo, mix one-quarter cup of it with one cup of water and pour the mixture
into an empty squirt bottle. Next, spray your hair and scalp
with the mixture, allow it to sit for between 3 and 5 minutes and then rinse it off using warm water.

Sources for this article include:



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