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Chaer (2003:30) mentions that verbal language is a tool for

communication. Previous (1994), he asserts that the language as "an emblem of
arbitrary sounds that are used by a group of community members to interact and
identify themselves". Language is not only a means of communication. Moreover,
both the linguistic expert mentions that the use of language (language in use) is
part of the message in the communication. In the language Brown and Yule, this is
referred to as 'transactional' and 'interpersonal'. That is, there are customs and
culture in the use of language as a media / communication tool.
Experts agree that language is a "tool" to communicate, as there is
certainly a tool that uses the tool so that it can be used (as communication). In this
case the user is a human or utilizing language (despite the existence of language
study is also used by animals), hereinafter referred to as the speakers. The person
or people listening to speakers or an opponent called the "adversary said" or
"listener" or "other person". In the interaction between the speakers and the
opponent said this raised some behavior based on their own ideas of habit or
culture that was born. Culture and customs will be different depending on who and
where the language or languages that the user is located.
There are many definitions of the language proposed by linguists .
Each of these proposed limits , generally have the same concepts , although there is
a difference and emphasis . Regardless of the possibility of such differences , it can
be concluded as stated Linda Thomas and Shan Wareing in his book Language ,
Society and Power that one way to examine the language is to view it as a
systematic way of combining small units into units larger with the aim of
communication . For example , we combine the language sounds ( phonemes ) into
words ( lexical items ) in accordance with the rules of the language we use .
Lexical items are then combined again to make grammatical structure , in
accordance with the rules of syntax in language This language is spoken
utterances orally , verbally arbitrarily . Symbols, symbols and signs used in
language meaning related to real life situations and human experiences
Culture by Clifford Geertz as mentioned by Fedyani Syaifuddin in his
book Contemporary Anthropology symbol system that is composed of symbols and
meanings that are held in common , which can be identified , and the public. In line
with the above opinion Claud Levi - Strauss's view of culture as a structural system
of symbols and meanings that are held in common , which can be identified , and
the public.

The Mudjia Rahardjo Gooddenough, as mentioned in his book Language Niches

say that the culture of a society is what it must be known and believed someone
sehngga he can act in accordance with the norms and values prevailing in society ,
that knowledge is something that should be sought and behavior to be learned from
others not because of heredity . Because the culture is " the way " to possess
someone to carry out daily activities in his life .
In this concept can be interpreted as a phenomenon of culture material , thus
meaning more scrutiny culture as a whole system of ideas , actions and products of
human endeavor in the context of social life . Hence human behavior as members
of the community will be bound by the culture seen his form in the various
institutions that serve as a mechanism for the control of human behavior The
Canadian Commission for UNESCO According cited by Nur Syam said culture is
a dynamic value system of learning elements that contain assumptions agreement ,
belief and atauran - atauran that allows group members to connect with others and
The definitions above and the opinion of other experts can be grouped into six
categories according to Abdul Chair namely :
Descriptive definition of the definitions that describe the elements of culture
Historical definition of the definition emphasizes that it inherited civic
The definition of the normative definitions emphasize the essence
kebuadayaan as a rule of life and behavior .
Psychological definition of the definition emphasizes the usefulness of
culture in adapting to the environment, solving problems and learn to live
Definition sturktural definition emphasizes the nature of culture as a system
of regular patterned
Genetic definition emphasizes the culture as a result of human work
Thus culture is everything that is learned and experienced together socially , by
members of a society . So that a culture is not just the accumulation of habits and
behavior patterns but an organized system of behavior . And culture embraces all
aspects and facets of human life , whether it be material or non- material products
In the context of Indonesia's diverse society , comprising many cultures , making
inter - cultural differences , it is useful in maintaining basic self-identity and social
integration of the community. Pluralism religious community in the social order ,
and ethnicity has existed since the days of our ancestors , cultural diversity can
coexist peacefully is an invaluable wealth in the national cultural treasures .
There are various theories on the relationship of language and culture .
Some say that language is part of culture , but others say that language and culture

are two different things , but have a very close relationship , so it cannot be
separated .Some say that the language is strongly influenced culture , so that all
things that exist in the culture will be reflected in the language . Conversely , there
are also those who say that the language and culture greatly influenced human
thinking or public speakers
According to Abdul Chaer Koentjaraningrat quoted as saying in his
book Sociolinguistics and Leonie that the language part of the culture . Thus , the
relationship between language and culture is a subordinate relationship , in which
the language is under the scope of kebudayaan.10 But there is another opinion that
says that language and culture have a coordinative relationship , the relationship is
equal , the higher the same position . Masinambouw mentions that language and
culture are two systems inherent in humans . If the culture is the system that
governs human interaction in society , then the language is a system that serves as
a means of ongoing interaction .
Thus the relationship of language and culture as conjoined twins , du fruit very
closely phenomena are like two sides of a coin , one side of the linguistic system
and the other as a cultural system .


Language is not only a " property" that exist in man studied by
linguists unilateral , but the language is also a means of communication between
the persona . Communication is always accompanied by the interpretation of the
meaning contained therein . From the perspective of discourse , meaning is never
absolute ; always determined by a variety of context always refers to that there are
signs of human life in which there is a culture . Because the language is never
separated from the cultural context and its existence was always overshadowed by
the culture .
In the semantic analysis , Abdul Chaer said that language is unique
and has a very close relationship with the culture of the wearer , the analysis of a
language only applies to that language alone cannot be used to analyze language
others.11 For example the word refers to fish in Indonesian the types of animals
that live in water and commonly eaten as a side dish ; in English commensurate
with fish ; banjo language called iwak . But the word in the Java language iwak not
just mean fish or fish . But also means that the meat used also as a side dish ( rice
-eating friends ) . In fact, all the side dishes such as tofu and tempeh is often also
called iwak .
Why does this happen ? all of this because it is the language of culture
and at the same product containers language conveys culture of the community
concerned . In English culture that does not recognize rice as a staple food rice just
no words to express rice , rice , rice , and rice . Therefore , the word rice in certain
contexts means rice in another context and in the context of the mean grain another

means rice or rice . And because rice is not a British culture , then in English and
other languages also masyakatnya not eat rice culture ; are no words stating a side
dish or iwak (Javanese )
Another example of British cultural distinction in the word brother
( people born from the same womb ) by sex : brothers and sisters . Though
Indonesian culture differentiate based on age : older sister called and called the
younger sister . Then the brothers and sisters in English may mean it could also
mean brother and sister .

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