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English Language Society (ELS) is established with the aims of providing
enrichment activities and cultivating interest in the English Language
among the members. English Language Society plays a vital role in
widening the pupils involvement in activities and upgrading their
proficiency in using English Language. English Language Society also
functions as a society to train pupils in the skills of managing and
organizing a society.
English Language Society also helps to promote unity, tolerance and fellowship
among members.

Objectives and Goals :

To introduce, promote and foster the use of English as a second language
among members of the society.

Perlembagaan / Constitution
The society shall be known as the 'Persatuan Bahasa Inggeris' of SM ST PETER
TELIPOK hereafter referred to as the 'English Language Society'
1. Aims and Objectives
- To promote, encourage and cultivate the use of English as a second language
among members and society as a whole.
- To promote unity and better understanding among members.
- To instill a sense of responsibility, creativity, initiative and organizational skills.
- To provide enrichment activities and cultivating interest in the English Language
among the pupils.

- To provide effective language learning opportunities to the usage and practice

of the language among the pupils.
- To provide the opportunity to learn the language through ICT.
- To give a balance education to the pupils with emphasis on both academic
and extra - curriculum activities.
2. Membership
- All students irrespective of race or religion shall be members.
3. Voting Rights
- Only members who have ported for the English Society as their GERKO will
be allowed to vote.
4. Subscription
- The subscription is free but a fee of Ringgit Malaysia One monthly will be
- Special contributions maybe raised from members by resolution of the
general meeting of the society.
5. General Meeting
- One general meeting shall be held annually for the election of the officebearers.
- At least one half of the membership of the society must be present at a
general meeting for its proceedings to be valid and to constitute a moral.
6. Committee
- The committee will comprise the following who shall be termed the officebearers of the society and who shall be elected at the general meeting.
7. Financial Provision
- Subject to the following provision in these rules, the funds of the society
may be expended for any purpose necessary.
- The carrying out its objects, including the expenses of its administration.
- No expenditure exceeding RM50 in any one time shall be incurred without
the prior sanction of the chairman.

Activities :
1. Conducting meeting and writing minutes and official letter
2. Scrabble games
3. Organizing a film show/video show
4. Choral reading/ speaking
5. Debates
6. Sing-a-long
7. Story telling
8. Quiz and Language games
9. Treasure Hunt
10. Watching movie
11. A Field Trip

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