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Add new example script to create inputs for FVCOM (including heating,

tides and open boundaries).



commit cd5f46cee7ebf5d9315d73523532eb1f44ad3c3b1 parent 7c5ca4c

pwcazenave authored on Mar 19

Unified Split
Showing 1 changed file with 566 additions and 0 deletions.
566 examples/example_fvcom_inputs.m
@@ -0,0 +1,566 @@
+% Create the necessary files for FVCOM from a given SMS input unstructured
+% grid.
+% This requires:
+% - my fork of the fvcom-toolbox

> or



+% - the Tide Model Driver toolbox and data



+% - the air-sea toolbox



+% Author(s):
+% Pierre Cazenave (Plymouth Marine Laboratory)
+% Revision history:
+% 2015-03-19 Example script to generate FVCOM inputs from TPXO, NCEP and
+% HYCOM data sources.
+close all
+global ftbverbose
+ftbverbose = 1; % be noisy
+conf.obc_tides.dirTMD = '/users/modellers/pica/Code/MATLAB/toolboxes/TMD2.03/';
+addpath(fullfile(conf.obc_tides.dirTMD, 'FUNCTIONS'))



+%%% Define the model input parameters here e.g. number of tidal components,
+%%% type of boundary forcing, estimated current velocity, sponge layer
+%%% coefficient and radius, forcing source etc.
+conf.base = '/data/medusa/pica/models/FVCOM/pml-tamar/run/';
+% Which version of FVCOM are we using (for the forcing file formats)?
+conf.FVCOM_version = '3.2.1';

Time stuf

+% Model time ([Y, M, D, h, m, s])
+conf.modelYear = 2013;
+conf.startDate = [conf.modelYear, 10, 01, 00, 00, 00];
+conf.endDate = [conf.modelYear, 11, 01, 00, 00, 00];
+% Time sampling for the surface forcing interpolation and the open boundary
+% tidal forcing (in hours)
+conf.sampling.surface = 1;

+conf.sampling.tides = 5 / 60;

Spatial stuf

+% Case name for the model inputs and outputs
+conf.casename = 'grid_v01';
+conf.coordType = 'cartesian'; % 'cartesian' or 'spherical'
+% Input grid UTM Zone (if applicable)
+conf.utmZone = {'30 U'}; % syntax for utm2deg
+% Option to smooth the bathymetry data.
+conf.smoothBathy = 'no'; % 'yes' or 'no'.
+if strcmpi(conf.smoothBathy, 'yes')

% Set the smoothing factor and number of iterations (see smoothmesh).

conf.smoothFactors = [0.5, 4]; % [factor, iterations]

+% Sigma layer definition file.
+conf.sigma_file = fullfile(conf.base, 'input/configs/', conf.casename, 'sigma_geom.dat');
+% Give some names to the boundaries. This must match the number of node
+% strings defined in SMS. Ideally, the order of the names should match the
+% order in which the boundaries were made in SMS.
+conf.boundaryNames = {'South'}; % Number is (relatively) important!


Model constants and stuf

+% Type of open boundary treatment (see Table 6.1 (?) in the manual).
+% 1 - Active (ASL): sea level is specified at the open boundary.
+% 2 - Clamped: zeta = 0 at the boundary (Beardsley and Haidvogel, 1981).
+% 3 - Implicit Gravity Wave Radiation.
+% 4 - Partial Clamped Gravity Wave Radiation (Blumberg and Kantha, 1985).
+% 5 - Explicit Orlanski Radiation (Orlanski, 1976; Chapman, 1985)
+conf.obc_type = 1;
+% Sponge layer parameters
+conf.sponge.radius = 10000; % in metres
+conf.sponge.coef = 0.0001;
+% z0 value in metres (for uniform) or 'random'.
+conf.bedRoughness = 0.03; % or 0.015, 0.025 or 0.03 - Davies and Furnes (1980) shelf model
+% Estimated velocity (m/s) and tidal range (m) for time step estimate
+conf.estVel = 2;
+conf.estRange = 5;

Tides and stuf


+% Open boundary nodal forcing type
+% 'z' for predicted surface elevation
+% 'fvcom' for FVCOM modelled surface elevation
+% 'phase-amp' for amplitudes and phases
+% 'polpred' for POLPRED amplitudes and phases
+conf.obc_tides.forcing = 'z';
+% How many tidal constituents do we actually want to use at the model
+% boundaries? Case sensitive (M2 != m2).

+% conf.obc_tides.components = {'M2','S2','N2','K2','K1','O1','P1','Q1','Mf','Mm','Ssa','M4','MS4','MN4
+conf.obc_tides.components = {'M2','S2','N2','K2','K1','O1','P1','Q1','M4'};
+% Location of the TMD model description file. Fall back to the global model
+% if the regional model doesn't work (NaNs in the time series). Regional
+% model used here is one suggested by Dima Aleynik and requires
+% to be extracted into
+% the TMD toolbox directory.

+conf.obc_tides.globalModel = '/users/modellers/pica/Code/MATLAB/toolboxes/TMD2.03/DATA/Model_

+conf.obc_tides.model = '/users/modellers/pica/Code/MATLAB/toolboxes/TMD2.03/DATA/Model_ES20

Forcing and stuf

+% Open boundary temperatures (string for source or number for constant).
+conf.obc_temp = 'HYCOM';

+% Open boundary salinities (string for source or number for constant).
+conf.obc_salt = 'HYCOM';
+% Surface heat fluxes.
+conf.surface_heat = 'NCEP';


+%% Process the files needed for all months.
+% Read the input mesh and bathymetry. Also creates the data necessary for
+% the Coriolis correction in FVCOM.
+Mobj = read_sms_mesh(...

'2dm', fullfile(conf.base, 'raw_data', [conf.casename, '.2dm']),...

'bath', fullfile(conf.base, 'raw_data', [conf.casename, '.dat']),...

'coordinate', conf.coordType, 'addCoriolis', true);

+% Clean out some unneeded fields.
+Mobj = rmfield(Mobj, 'riv_nodes');
+% Add grid metrics.
+Mobj = setup_metrics(Mobj);
+% Smooth the bathymetry if desired.

+if strcmpi(conf.smoothBathy, 'yes')


Mobj = setup_metrics(Mobj);

Mobj.h = smoothfield(Mobj.h, Mobj, ...

conf.smoothFactors(1), conf.smoothFactors(2));

% smoothfield2 is really inappropriate for bathymetry data.

% Mobj.h = smoothfield2(Mobj.h,Mobj,inputconf.smoothFactors(2));

+% Create a Coriolis file from the bathy which varies with latitude. Given
+% the size of the domain, this is probably necessary. First need to convert
+% the UTM coordinates to lat/long to be able to calculate it, if
+% appropriate.
+if Mobj.have_lonlat == 0

utmZones = cellfun(@(x) repmat(x, length(Mobj.x), 1), conf.utmZone, 'uni', false);

[, Mobj.lon] = utm2deg(Mobj.x, Mobj.y, utmZones{1});

Mobj.have_lonlat = true;

clear utmZones

+Mobj = add_coriolis(Mobj, 'uselatitude');
+% Parse the open boundary nodes and add accordingly.
+if Mobj.have_strings

for i = 1:size(Mobj.read_obc_nodes, 2)

nodeList = double(cell2mat(Mobj.read_obc_nodes(i)));

Mobj = add_obc_nodes_list(Mobj, nodeList, conf.boundaryNames{i}, conf.obc_type);


clear nodeList

+% Create a sponge layer
+if Mobj.have_strings

for i = 1:size(Mobj.read_obc_nodes, 2)

% Get the list of nodes in this boundary

nodeList = double(cell2mat(Mobj.read_obc_nodes(i)));

Mobj = add_sponge_nodes_list(Mobj,nodeList,...

[conf.boundaryNames{i}, ' sponge'], conf.sponge.radius,...



clear nodeList


+assert(length(Mobj.sponge_nodes(Mobj.sponge_nodes ~= 0)) == sum(Mobj.nObcNodes), 'Number

+clear i
+% Get the sigma depths in order to interpolate from the POLCOMS depths
+Mobj = read_sigma(Mobj, conf.sigma_file);
+% Do the bed roughness (uniform or variable)
+if ~ischar(conf.bedRoughness)

% Create a constant roughness z0 file

Mobj.z0 = repmat(conf.bedRoughness, 1, Mobj.nElems);

+elseif ischar(conf.bedRoughness) && strcmpi(conf.bedRoughness, 'random')


% Create a random bed roughness distribution with a maximum value of

% ~0.1 mm (value will be converted to metres).

Mobj.z0 = ((abs(randn(1,Mobj.nElems))/5)*0.1)/1000; % convert to metres


fprintf('Unrecognised bed roughness type.\nSpecify a size (in m) or ''random'' for random bed ro

+% Estimate model time step. Supply estimated velocity (m/s) and tidal
+% range (m) after the mesh object.
+Mobj = estimate_ts(Mobj, conf.estVel, conf.estRange);
+%% Prepare the data in month long sections and output to subdirectories
+% Create an array of the days in this year's months to use to get the
+% Modified Julian Day start and end date range.
+daysOfMonths = eomday(conf.modelYear, 1:12);
+% Get the MJD of the start of the year. We'll use this within the loop to
+% add the days of the months we're iterating through.
+s0 = greg2mjulian(conf.modelYear, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
+for mm = conf.startDate(2):conf.endDate(2)

% Get the Modified Julian Day for the start and end of the month we're

% on at the moment. We'll pad by few days either way to give us a bit

% of leeway. Only do this within the year (i.e. don't pad to before the

% start of the year because the get_NCEP_forcing script can't get data

% across year boundaries.

if mm == 1


dOfsets = [0, 4];

elseif mm == 12


dOfsets = [2, 0];

dOfsets = [2, 4];


conf.startDateMJD = s0 + sum(daysOfMonths(1:mm)) - daysOfMonths(mm) - dOfsets(1);

conf.endDateMJD = s0 + sum(daysOfMonths(1:mm)) + dOfsets(2);

conf.time.tides = ...


[sYr, sMon, sDay, sHr, sMin, sSec] = mjulian2greg(conf.startDateMJD);

[eYr, eMon, eDay, eHr, eMin, eSec] = mjulian2greg(conf.endDateMJD);

conf.startDate = [sYr, sMon, sDay, sHr, sMin, sSec];

conf.endDate = [eYr, eMon, eDay, eHr, eMin, eSec];

clear sYr sMon sDay sHr sMin sSec eYr eMon eDay eHr eMin eSec


% Output directory will contain some duplicate files (e.g. model grid

% etc.) but this makes things easier to manage. One subdirectory per

% month of the year in question.

conf.outbase = fullfile(conf.base, ...

'input/configs/', ...

conf.casename, ...

sprintf('%04d/%02d', conf.modelYear, mm));

% Make the output directory if it doesn't exist.

if exist(conf.outbase, 'dir') ~= 7




% Generate a surface elevation time series for open boundary forcing.

if strcmpi(conf.obc_tides.forcing, 'z') && exist('TMD') == 2 %#ok<EXIST>

% Use tmd_tide_pred to predict surface elevations for a given time

% range.


% Change to the TMD directory so the tidal generation works. We'll

% change back at the end.

oldDir = pwd;

cd(conf.obc_tides.dirTMD) % for TPXO to work


% Add the tidal components to the Mobj.

Mobj.Components = conf.obc_tides.components;


% Create a time series in MATLAB datenum format with ten minute

% inputs. First need to go from MJD to gregorian, then from

% gregorian to MATLAB dates.

conf.time.tidesMJD = datenum(...





[tmpYY, tmpMM, tmpDD, tmphh, tmpmm, tmpss] = ...

conf.time.tidesTPXO = ...
datenum(tmpYY, tmpMM, tmpDD, tmphh, tmpmm, tmpss);
clear tmpYY tmpMM tmpDD tmphh tmpmm tmpss


% Get the indices to use the tidal constituents defined in

% conf.obc_tides.components for TPXO (which requires a

% numerical array of the constituents to be used). The order of the

% TPXO constituents is M2, S2, N2, K2, K1, O1, P1, Q1, MF, MM, M4,

% MS4, MN4.

tpxoConsts = {'M2', 'S2', 'N2', 'K2', 'K1', 'O1', 'P1', 'Q1', ...

'MF', 'MM', 'M4', 'MS4', 'MN4'};

tIndUse = nan(length(Mobj.Components), 1);

tInd = 1:length(tpxoConsts);

for i=1:length(Mobj.Components)

tPos = tInd(strcmp(Mobj.Components{i}, tpxoConsts));

if ~isempty(tPos)

tIndUse(i) = tPos;


warning('Supplied constituent (%s) is not present in the TPXO data', Mobj.Components{i}



% Tidy up a bit

clear c tpxoConsts tPos tInd

tIndUse = tIndUse(~isnan(tIndUse));


% We can't just use tmd_tide_pred to do all the surface elevations

% at once. Instead, the useful approaches are:

% 1. Time series at a single location

% 2. Map of a given time step at all locations

% Since I'm likely to have many more time steps than locations,

% it's probably best to do the time series at each location than

% all the locations and a single time step.

% The order of the surface elevations in Mobj.surfaceElevation

% should reflect the order of the open boundary node IDs as FVCOM

% assumes they just map directly. So, rather than iterate through

% each position, we need to get the position based on the list of

% node IDs (Mobj.obc_nodes, without the zeros and in order of each

% boundary).

tmpObcNodes = Mobj.obc_nodes';

ObcNodes = tmpObcNodes(tmpObcNodes~=0)';

clear tmpObcNodes

surfaceElevation = nan(size(ObcNodes,2), size(conf.time.tidesTPXO, 2));

parfor i = 1:size(ObcNodes, 2)

% Get the current location (from the node ID)

currLon = Mobj.lon(ObcNodes(i));

currLat =;

if ftbverbose

fprintf('Position %i of %i (%.3f %.3f)... \n', i, size(ObcNodes, 2), currLon, currLat)


[surfaceElevation(i, :), ~] = ...

tmd_tide_pred(conf.obc_tides.model, ...

conf.time.tidesTPXO, currLat, currLon, ...

'z', tIndUse);

if isnan(surfaceElevation(i, :))

% Try the global model instead.

[surfaceElevation(i, :), ~] = ...

tmd_tide_pred(conf.obc_tides.globalModel, ...

conf.time.tidesTPXO, currLat, currLon, ...

'z', tIndUse);



Mobj.surfaceElevation = surfaceElevation;

% Tidy up some more

clear tIndUse obc_lat obc_lon ObcNodes currLon currLat surfaceElevation


if ftbverbose; fprintf('done.\n'); end


% Change back to the directory we were in before we needed to do

% the TMD stuf.

cd(oldDir); clear oldDir




% Write out all the initial output files.


% Grid

write_FVCOM_grid(Mobj, fullfile(conf.outbase, ...

[conf.casename, '_grd.dat']));


% Bathymetry

write_FVCOM_bath(Mobj, fullfile(conf.outbase, ...

[conf.casename, '_dep.dat']));


% Coriolis

write_FVCOM_cor(Mobj, fullfile(conf.outbase, ...

[conf.casename, '_cor.dat']));


% Open boundaries

write_FVCOM_obc(Mobj, fullfile(conf.outbase, ...

[conf.casename, '_obc.dat']))


% Sponge file

write_FVCOM_sponge(Mobj, fullfile(conf.outbase, ...

[conf.casename, '_spg.dat']))


% Bed roughness (constant or variable (see above)).

write_FVCOM_z0(Mobj.z0, fullfile(conf.outbase, ...

[conf.casename, '_z0=', ...

num2str(conf.bedRoughness), '.nc']), 'bottom roughness');


% Time series wave stations

write_FVCOM_stations(Mobj, fullfile(conf.outbase, ...



% Sigma file

copyfile(conf.sigma_file, conf.outbase)


catch err

% Get the surface heating data.

if strcmpi(conf.surface_heat, 'NCEP')

% Use the OPeNDAP NCEP script (get_NCEP_forcing.m) to get the

% following parameters:

- Downward longwave radiation surface (dlwrs) [W/m^2]

- Downward shortwave radiation surface (dswrs) [W/m^2]

- Air temperature (air) [celsius]

- Relative humidity (rhum) [%]

- Sea level pressure (pres) [Pa]

% The script converts the NCEP data from the OPeNDAP server from

% longitudes in the 0 to 360 range to the -180 to 180 range. It

% also subsets for the right region (defined by Mobj.lon and


heating = get_NCEP_forcing(Mobj, ...

[conf.startDateMJD, conf.endDateMJD], ...

'varlist', {'dlwrf', 'dswrf', 'air', 'rhum', 'pres'});


heating.domain_cols = length(heating.lon);

heating.domain_rows = length(;

if isfield(heating, 'rhum')

heating.domain_cols_alt = length(heating.rhum.lon);

heating.domain_rows_alt = length(;



% Convert the small subdomain into cartesian coordinates. We need

% to do this twice because some of the NCEP data are on diferent

% grids (e.g. sea level pressure, relative humidity etc.).

tmpZone = regexpi(conf.utmZone,'\ ','split');

[tmpLon, tmpLat] = meshgrid(heating.lon,;

[heating.x, heating.y] = wgs2utm(tmpLat(:), tmpLon(:), str2double(char(tmpZone{1}(1))), 'N'

if isfield(heating, 'rhum')

[tmpLon2, tmpLat2] = meshgrid(heating.rhum.lon,;

[heating.xalt, heating.yalt] = wgs2utm(tmpLat2(:), tmpLon2(:), str2double(char(tmpZone{1


clear tmpLon tmpLat tmpLon2 tmpLat2 tmpZone

% Create arrays of the x and y positions.

heating.x = reshape(heating.x, heating.domain_rows, heating.domain_cols);

heating.y = reshape(heating.y, heating.domain_rows, heating.domain_cols);

if isfield(heating, 'rhum')

heating.xalt = reshape(heating.xalt, heating.domain_rows_alt, heating.domain_cols_alt);

heating.yalt = reshape(heating.yalt, heating.domain_rows_alt, heating.domain_cols_alt);



[heating.lon,] = meshgrid(heating.lon,;


heating = rmfield(heating, {'domain_rows', 'domain_cols'});

if isfield(heating, 'rhum')


heating = rmfield(heating, {'domain_rows_alt', 'domain_cols_alt'});



% Get rid of the alternative arrays as we don't need those anymore.

if isfield(heating, 'rhum')

heating = rmfield(heating, {'xalt', 'yalt'});



% Interpolate the data onto the FVCOM unstructured grid.


interpfields = {'dswrf', 'dlwrf', 'pres', 'air', 'rhum', ...

'time', 'lon', 'lat', 'x', 'y'};

heating_interp = grid2fvcom(Mobj, interpfields, heating);

if ftbverbose


fprintf('Elapsed interpolation time: %.2f minutes\n', toc / 60)



% Write out the surface forcing data to netCDF.

if exist('heating_interp', 'var')

heatBase = fullfile(conf.outbase, conf.casename);

write_FVCOM_forcing(Mobj, heatBase, heating_interp, ...

'NCEP atmospheric forcing data', ...






% Now we need some boundary temperature and salinity conditions.

if any(strcmpi('HYCOM', {conf.obc_temp, conf.obc_salt}))

% Use HYCOM data for the boundary forcing.


% Ofset the times to give us a bit of wiggle room.

modelTime = [conf.startDateMJD - dOfsets(1), conf.endDateMJD + dOfsets(2)];

hycom = get_HYCOM_forcing(Mobj, modelTime);


% Interpolate the 4D HYCOM data on the FVCOM vertical grid at the

% open boundaries.

Mobj = get_HYCOM_tsobc(Mobj, hycom);


write_FVCOM_tsobc(fullfile(conf.outbase, conf.casename), ...

Mobj.ts_times, ...

size(Mobj.temperature, 2), ...

Mobj.temperature, ...





% Add the daily SSH data on top of the predicted tidal elevations if

% we're using both predicted elevations and HYCOM data.

if strcmpi(conf.obc_tides.forcing, 'z') && any(strcmpi('HYCOM', {conf.obc_temp, conf.obc_salt}))


if ~isfield(hycom, 'ssh')
warning('No sea surface height field in the HYCOM data.')
elseif isfield(hycom, 'ssh') && ~strcmpi(conf.obc_tides.forcing, 'fvcom')

% Add the SSH from HYCOM to the predicted surface elevation.

% Just do a linear interpolation between the daily values and

% find the nearest point in the HYCOM grid (don't worry about

% doing fancy interpolations).

if Mobj.have_strings

% Get the list of open boundary nodes.

tmpObcNodes = Mobj.obc_nodes';

oNodes = tmpObcNodes(tmpObcNodes ~= 0)';


fvlon = Mobj.lon(oNodes);

fvlat =;


% Loop through all the nodes and find the nearest SSH

% values.

assert(length(fvlon) == length(fvlat), 'Inconsistent number of coordinates for the open b


for p = 1:length(fvlon)

% Find the closest HYCOM position and interpolate the

% SSH to the same sampling as the predicted elevations.

fx = fvlon(p);

fy = fvlat(p);

[~, jj] = sort(sqrt((hycom.lon(:) - fx).^2 + ( - fy).^2));

% Try the indices in order of proximity until we come

% across the first one that isn't the no data value

% (anything in excess of 1.26e29). Limit the search to

% the first 100 nearest HYCOM locations.

[ir, ic] = ind2sub(size(hycom.lon), jj(1));

cc = 0;

while max(, ic, :)) > 1.26e29

cc = cc + 1;

[ir, ic] = ind2sub(size(hycom.lon), jj(cc));

if cc > 100

error('Couldn''t find sea surface height value within the 100 nearest elements in t




% Interpolate in time, use nearest value for space.

ssh = interp1(hycom.time, squeeze(, ic, :)), conf.time.tidesMJD);


% Add this node's sea surface height component to the

% predicted.

Mobj.surfaceElevation(p, :) = Mobj.surfaceElevation(p, :) + ssh;


clear ssh ir ic cc fx fy p fvlon fvlat oNodes tmpObcNodes



% Write out the TPXO predicted surface elevation.

ElevationFile = fullfile(conf.outbase, [conf.casename, '']);

write_FVCOM_elevtide(Mobj, conf.time.tidesMJD, ElevationFile, ...


'Model surface elevation boundary input')



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