Anda di halaman 1dari 27

Tematica cursului pentru anul I semestrul II

1. Lesson one Weather

2. Lesson two- Meals
3.Lesson three At the library
4.Lesson four Whats your job?
5. Lesson five At a public meeting









People everywhere enjoy talking about the weather, Isnt the weather nice
today? or Hasnt the weather been awful lately? are excellent beginnings for
informal conversations.
Weather conditions across Romania are varied but generally speaking it is a
temperate continental climate.
The year is divided into four seasons: spring which begins officially with the
equinox in mid March and then summer, autumn and winter.
Temperatures in Romania are measured according to Centigrade not like in
England and in the United States where they are measured according to the
Fahrenheit scale, on which 32 degrees is the freezing point of water and 212
degrees the boiling point. Fahrenheit temperatures can be converted to
Centigrade, and vice versa by the use of simple formulas that may be found in any
general reference book.
Winter weather varies widely: with severe conditions in the northern parts of the
country and milder conditions in the southern areas. In the mountains, sub-zero
temperatures are common and there is much snow. In the south there are fewer
days with freezing temperatures.
Spring is a delightful season. The temperatures are moderate, and the blooming
trees and flowers make the city and the countryside bright with colour.
Everyone longs to get outside and enjoy the new season. Many students find it
hard to concentrate on their work and we jokingly refer to this condition as
spring fever.
Summer is longer and hotter in the southern part than in the northern one. The
mountains and the sea coast generally enjoy moderate temperatures. Summer is
the great season for all sports in the open air. Most people take their vacations
during summer, and the highways are crowded.
Autumn, like spring, has many mild days and comfortable temperatures. Nature
puts on its second display of colour, with the red and yellow of the leaves and the
bright fall flowers. Toward the end of autumn, there is abundant rain, as the
weather gradually gets colder and winter sets in.
Scientific weather forecasting is a serious matter and the concern of the Romanian
Meteorological and Hydrological Institute. The weather reports and prediction are
printed in most newspapers and are read regularly over the radio and TV.

A: Do you think well be able to go to the beach tomorrow?
B: Why not? Have the plans changed?
A: No, but Im worried about the weather. It might rain.
B: It certainly seems fine now. Theres not a cloud in the sky.
A: Yes, but you know how quickly the weather can change around here.
B: Not a chance. The Weather Institute has announced fine weather.
A: What time shall we be on the beach?
B: Any time after day-break. Would seven oclock do? Or perhaps you want to
make it even earlier?
A: Seven oclock is all right with me.
awful groaznic
climate clim
equinox echinox
solstice solstiiu
degree grad
to freeze a nghea
to convert a transforma
mild blnd
delightful ncnttor
lately n ultimul timp
informal neoficial
accuracy exactitate
flood inundaie
high wind vnt puternic
boiling point punct de fierbere
to be converted a fi transformat
reference book carte de referin
weather forecasting timpul probabil
according to n conformitate cu
to long a nzui din tot sufletul, a dori fierbinte / cu pasiune, a tnji
display expunere, expoziie, prezentare, etalare
(Timpul trecut)
I visited
You visited

I did not visit
You did not visit

Did I visit?
Did you visit?

Did I not visit?
Did you not visit?

He, she, it visited

We visited
You visited
They visited

He,she,it did not

We did not visit
You did not visit
They did not visit

Did he,she,it visit?

Did we visit?
Did you visit?
Did they visit?

Did he,she,it not

Did we not visit?
Did you not visit?
Did they not visit?

The use of the Past Tense

1. Past Tense exprim o aciune trecut
terminat care nu are legtur cu prezentul.
2. Exprim o aciune care are loc ntr-un
moment precis n trecut.
3. Exprim o aciune care are loc n cursul
unei perioade terminate, exprimat prin
adverbe de timp definit ca: yesterday, last
night, last week etc.
4. Dup when se folosete ntotdeauna
Past Tense cnd aciunea are loc n trecut
5. Pentru a exprima o aciune repetat
n trecut folosim used + infinitiv, would +
infinitivul scurt

They asked me to come earlier.
I met him at a concert two weeks ago.
We spent our vacation at the seaside last
When did they graduate from the institute?
He used to come and see us every week
She would walk about the garden for hours.


( Adjectivele gradele de comparaie)
Comparaia sintetic
1. Adjective monosilabice
the tallest
2. Adjective bisilabice terminate n:
the prettiest
the narrowest
the cleverest
the ablest
Adjective plurisilabice
a) de superioritate
b) de egalitate
c) de inferioritate

Comparaia analitic
more interesting the most

taller than, more interesting than

as tall as, as interesting as
not so tall as, less tall than, not so interesting as,
less interesting than

a) absolut
b) relativ
c) de inferioritate
Cnd se compar dou lucruri sau
fiine se folosete n general
comparativul precedat de articolul
hotrt, iar cnd se compar trei sau
mai multe lucruri sau fiine se
folosete superlativul.
n limba englez exist comparative
duble care denot o intensificare ce
se red prin:
a) repetare (din ce n ce mai, tot
b) cu ajutorul unor astfel de cuvinte
sau expresii ca: far, still, ever,
much, a great deal etc.
Pentru a reda cu ct att
mai se folosesc dou comparative
precedate de the
Superlativul absolut se mai poate
forma cu ajutorul urmtoarelor
exceedingly, quite.
Most se folosete numai n cazul
adjectivelor cu comparaie analitic.
Superlativul relativ al tuturor
adjectivelor poate fi accentuat prin
far i by far.

very tall, very interesting

the tallest, the most interesting
the least tall, the least interesting
John is the taller of the two brothers.
John is the tallest of his classmates.

The days are getting shorter and shorter.

The problems to solve are more and more
His exercise is far better than hers.
We attach ever greater significance to this work.
The longer the days the shorter the nights.
The more you study the better you know your
This is an extremely attractive book.
They lived in a terribly noisy street.
It was a most beautiful day.
This homework is far more difficult than the
previous one.
Yesterdays trip was less enjoyable than we
expected by far.


I. Enlarge on:
a) The weather conditions in Romania.
b) The four seasons and their main characteristic.
c) Your favourite season.
II. Give the comparative and superlative degrees of the following adjectives:
Sad, grey, dry, lovely, heavy, simple, mild, few, bright, hard, hot, yellow,
abundant, serious, dangerous, dull, fresh, thick, cool, severe.
III. Change the following sentences into the past:

1. Weather conditions change quite often. 2. The day is rainy and we cant go on
the trip. 3. I like to watch the snowflakes fall from the grey sky. 4. The streets are
slippery and we have to be careful. 5. Towards the end of autumn the temperature
grows colder. 6. Snow begins to melt under the bright sunrays. 7. Everything
looks fresh, new and joyous. 8. We listen to the weather forecast on the radio.
IV. Use the adjectives in brackets in the proper degrees of comparison:
1. Winters are (mild) in the southern areas of our country. 2. In the south there are
(few) days with freezing temperatures. 3. Last year we had (heavy) snowfalls than
usual. 4. In September we may have some of (lovely) autumn days. 5. The sky is
cloudless and if the heat wave lasts, we might have (hot) month. 6. I feel (good) in
spring than in any other season. 7. Yesterday we had a very cold day but today it
is much (cold). 8. It isnt any (warm) today than it was yesterday, is it? 9. Which
is the part of our country with (abundant) rainfall? 10. In spring flowers have
(bright) colours. 11. In winter we have (low) temperatures with few days above
the freezing point. 12. Summer is (good) season for outdoor sports. 13. Today it is
(little) windy than yesterday. 14. I am sure my exercise is as (good) as yours.
V. Fill in the blanks with the suitable forms of the adjectives or adverbs in
1. (soon, good) Thethe rain stops the2. (strong) The wind getsand3.
(much, good) Thehe worked theresults he obtained. 4. (early, good) Thewe
start the5. (little) He seemed to getandinterested in the subject. 6. (high,
cold) Thewe climbed theit became. 7. (much, rich) Theyou read
thebecomes your vocabulary. 8. (fine, much) Thethe weather the... agreeable
our stay in the mountains. 9. (few) There areandmistakes in your exercises.
VI. Translate into English:
1. Anul trecut am avut o iarn aspr. 2. Noaptea trecut vntul a suflat foarte
puternic. 3. Cnd a nceput s plou? 4. ncercau s se concentreze asupra
subiectului. 5. Merge la munte n fiecare vacan de iarn. 6. Buletinul
meteorologic a anunat timp frumos. 7. A plecat ieri cu trenul i se ntoarce peste
dou sptmni. 8. Nu am urmrit explicaia. 9. Am hotrt s-mi schimb
proiectele de vacan. 10. Luna trecut am fcut o excursie foarte frumoas n
nordul rii. 11. Nu i-am recunoscut dup atia ani. 12. n fiecare an merge n
Delt pentru cteva zile. 13. Cnd ai vizitat Nordul Moldovei? 14. S-au hotrt n
legtur cu data plecrii. 15 Clima unei ri depinde de poziia sa geografic. 16.
n Romnia gsim o clim temperat-continental caracterizat de existena a patru
anotimpuri. 17. Vremea se schimb odat cu schimbarea anotimpurilor. 18. n ara
noastr avem cea destul de rar, dar n Marea Britanie sunt multe zile cu cea.


As a rule we have three meals a day: breakfast in the morning, lunch in the middle
of the day, and dinner in the evening.
Breakfast is a frugal meal; nevertheless it means laying the table, boiling eggs,
preparing tea and coffee to be served with rolls, toast, butter, marmalade, cheese,
ham and some dairy products. Lunch usually begins with some appetizers such as
a glass of plum brandy, some olives, then, comes a cold or warm hors-doeuvre
followed by a soup. We, Romanians, are fond of clear soups, consomms,
bouillons, meat ball soups, dumpling soups and chicken borsch.
For the main course we may usually have some grilled, roast, boiled or fried fish
or meat with plenty of vegetables or rice, some fruit, fresh or stewed, a cake,
some ice-cream, a pie and a cup of black coffee to finish with. We generally have
water or mineral water for lunch, but on special occasions we may have wine or
The Romanian dinner may be a light meal consisting of a glass of tea or milk and
some sandwiches or it may be a big meal with cold meat or roast poultry, an
omelette, a salad, and a pudding followed by some sweets.
In England, meal-times differ from ours. The English have their breakfast
between seven and nine in the morning, lunch between twelve and two in the
afternoon, tea between four and five oclock and dinner at seven in the evening.
They may also have supper, a light meal at about 10 or 11, at home or at the
English breakfast is generally a more substantial meal than in our country. It
consists of fruit juice, corn flakes with milk, cream and sugar or porridge,
followed by fried bacon and eggs. Some marmalade made of oranges maybe
spread on the toast. Sometimes they may have a boiled egg, cold ham and black
or white coffee.
English food is rather plain compared to ours. They are not very fond of soups
and they prefer warm consomms, beef, chicken, oxtail soups or cream soups.
Fish, meat or poultry which comes next is generally fried or roasted. The
favourite meal with the British is mutton and lamb with a mint sauce and all sorts
of sauted vegetables and mixed salads.
As for supper they may have fish, cold veal, pork or a steak and chips with some

Before having a meal we lay the table, we spread the table cloth and put on
glasses, napkins, the salt cellar, the pepper box, the mustard pot, the bread basket.
If it is breakfast we take the sugar-basin, cups, saucers, teaspoons, forks and
knives out of the side-board. We cut the bread, the ham, the sausages and the
cheese into slices and put them on a dish. For dinner we put soup plates and
dinner plates before each person. The soup is brought in a soup-tureen and the
other courses on dishes and plates.
When the meal is over, we clear the table. We clear away the plates, dishes and
cutlery and wash them up in the kitchen.
Alice: What are we going to have for lunch today?
Mother: Well, we have soup, beef steak and chips and an apple-pie. But are you
already hungry? Its rather early for lunch. I was just baking the pie.
Alice: All right. Ill wash my hands and set the table until everything is ready.
Mother: Lunch is ready now. You may go and call the others.
John: Steak and chips! Thats my favourite meal!
Mother: Help yourself until they are still hot, but remember we have apple-pie for
frugal frugal, cumptat
roll chifl, corn
appetizer aperitiv
hors-doeuvre gustare naintea mesei propriu-zise
consomm sup
bouillon ciorb rneasc, bulion
course fel de mncare (ca ordine)
to grill a frige la grtar
to broil a frige la grtar
to boil a fierbe
to roast a (se) frige, a (se) prji
to fry a (se) prji
pickles murturi
poultry carne de pasre, psri de curte
pudding budinc
porridge gri de ovz fiert n lapte (terci de ovz)
plain fad, fr gust
mutton carne de oaie
lamb carne de miel
steak friptur la grtar
sideboard bufet (cu vesel)
soup-tureen supier
dish 1. platou de servit, farfurie; 2. fel de mncare; pl. vase (de buctrie)

cutlery tacmuri
helping porie
dairy products produse lactate
plum brandy uic
meat ball soup ciorb de perioare
dumpling soup sup cu glute
stewed fruit compot
oxtail soup sup de coad de vit
to lay the table a pune masa
to set the table a pune masa
to spread the table cloth a ntinde faa de mas
to clear the table a strnge masa
help yourself to - servii-v cu

(Trecutul Continuu)


I was coming

I was not (wasnt) coming

You were coming / Youre coming

He, she, it was coming

You were not (werent) coming

He, she, it was not coming

We were coming
You were coming
They were coming

We were not coming

You were not coming
They were not coming

Was I coming?
Were you coming?
Was he, she, it coming?
Were we coming?
Were you coming?
Were they coming?

Interrogative Negative
Was I not coming? / Wasnt I coming?
Were you not coming?
Was he, she, it, not coming?
Were we not coming?/Werent
Were you not coming?
Were they not coming?


Se formeaz din verbul TO BE la timpul trecut i participiul prezent (-ing) al

verbului de conjugat: WERE / WAS + Ving
The use of the Past Continuous Tense

1. Trecutul continuu exprim o aciune n
desfurare la un moment dat n trecut.
Acest moment poate fi indicat de:
a) o expresie adverbial: at...oclock, at
that time, this time yesterday
b) o alt aciune:
2. Pentru aciuni paralele n trecut, forma
continu se poate folosi att n propoziia
principal, ct i n cea secundar. De
obicei, se evit folosirea formei continue n
ambele propoziii.

This time yesterday I was preparing lunch.
I was just having breakfast when you

While we were having dinner we watched

While we had dinner we were watching
3. n vorbirea indirect n locul prezentului Vorbire direct: She said: I am cooking
lunch just now.
Vorbire indirect: She said she was
cooking lunch just then.
(Pronumele reflexive i de ntrire)

Pronume reflexive
I cut myself (m-am tiat)
He enjoys himself (se
She came by herself (a
venit singur)
(convingei-v singuri)
To be by oneself ( a fi

Pronumele reflexiv, se aeaz dup verb i
se folosete:
1. cnd aciunea verbului se rsfrnge
asupra subiectului. Tendina actual este de
eliminare a pronumelui.
2. n diateza reflexiv.
3. n expresii idiomatice precedat de by,
of, for (cu sensul de singur)

Pronume de ntrire
I did it myself (eu nsumi
am fcut-o)
He himself cooked the meal
(el nsui a gtit mncarea)
We prepared everything
ourselves (am pregtit totul

I cut myself while I was preparing soup.
You wash (yourself) in the morning.

He enjoyed himself at the party.

I was all by myself when it happened.
The plate fell of itself.
You must see for yourself.
4. n comparaii dup like, than, as n He is a better cook than herself.
locul pronumelui personal.
Pronumele de ntrire se aeaz n general He himself has made the layer cake.

dup substantivul sau pronumele pe care l He has made the layer cake himself.
ntrete sau la sfritul propoziiei.

I. Translate the following questions and answer them:

a) 1. What does your breakfast usually consist of? 2. Is there any difference
between Romanian and English breakfast? 3. Do you generally have lunch at
home or at a canteen? 4. What is your favourite sweet dish? 5. Why do the
English pour milk in their coffee? 6. What are the English meals? 7. What are
their favourite dishes? 8. How do you lay the table for two?
b) 1. Care sunt principalele mese ale zilei? 2. Obinuii s luai o mas copioas
seara? 3. Preferai ap mineral sau vin la masa de prnz? 4. Ajutai vreodat pe
prini la strnsul mesei? 5. V place cafeaua neagr sau o preferai cu lapte? 6.
V place mncarea mai gustoas sau mai fad?
II. Answer the question using the Past Tense Continuous of the underlined
verbs in your answers:
Model: Why did you put salt in your coffee? (to read at breakfast time) I put salt
in my coffee because I was reading at breakfast time.
1. Why didnt you buy anything for lunch? (to rain when I wanted to go out). 2.
When did you learn that wonderful recipe? (to live with my aunt). 3. Why did the
coffee boil over? (not to watch it). 4. When did you get the bad news? (to have
lunch). 5. Why is your cake burned? (to do several things at a time). 6. When did
you break the plate? (to try to dry it). 7. When did you cut yourself? (to sharpen
the knife). 8. Why didnt you help the guests to some cake? (just to bake it).
III. Fill in the blanks with the suitable reflexive or emphatic pronouns:
1. Dont eat too much or youll makeill. 2. I tried to cook the meal3.
Makeat home and tell me whats all about. 4. I can only speak for5. he is a
much better cook than6. Go and see for7. Helpto some more ice-cream. 8.
We enjoyedat the party last night.
IV. Link the sentences in each pair using the words in brackets; make all the
necessary changes.
Model: (While) The phone rang. We had breakfast. The phone rang while we
were having breakfast.
1. (while) I prepared dinner. The children laid the table. 2. (just as) The lights
went off. The guests arrived. 3. (as) I remembered I was short of flour. I prepared
the vegetables for the pudding. 4. (while) I dropped too much salt in the salad. I
dress it. 5. (while) I dropped a plate and broke it. I cleared the table.


A library is a building with a large collection of books where you can borrow
books free of charge. You have only to know your way around a library and you
can easily find any fact or idea you are looking for.
There are all kinds of books: novels, short stories, plays, books of reference such
as dictionaries, biographies, then scientific books, historical books, collection of
poems, periodicals, magazines, etc.
The library has a system: each book that the library owns is listed on an index
card catalogue. The card catalogue can tell you immediately whether the library
owns a copy of the book you want. The librarian, on the other hand, will tell you
whether the book is in the library or has been lent.
For each book in the library the card catalogue contains an author card, a title card
and a subject card. On the upper left hand corner of each of these cards is the call
number by which you can find the book. If you want a book or a magazine you
need an admission card issued by a member of the staff of the library. Then, you
pick up an application slip, you look up the title of the book in the alphabetic or
subject catalogue, you fill in the slip by entering the title of the book, the shelf
mark and the authors name.
The book will be delivered to you by a member of the staff.
Moat public libraries have reading rooms provided with tables at which you may
sit and read.
If you want to take books for home reading you may do so by going to the lending
department which runs a loan service. You may borrow one or two books at a
time and you may keep them for a week or more. If by the end of this period you
have not finished reading the book, you may renew it.
While reading a book, make note of your thoughts and feelings as you go along.
Reading is not only a pastime and a mean of education, it can lead you to a richer
understanding of yourself as well as of the life around you.
Jane: I say Allan, can you give me some advice about reading, please?
Allan: As you well know, reading is an essential part of your university life. Since
all knowledge cannot be obtained in the classroom alone much of it must come
from reading textbooks, reference books and other materials. The library of our
Academy is well provided with a large stock of books, both in Romanian and in
foreign languages.

Jane: So, do you think I could find there some specialized books recommended in
the bibliographies to our courses?
Allan: Of course you could, there are latest editions published in our country and
Jane: And what can you recommend me for my spare time, I mean something to
improve my English?
Allan: Try things that dont make difficult reading: short-stories, novels, plays,
some modern authors who write in a simple straightforward style. So, start with
Oscar Wilde, then G. Green, S. Maugham.
Jane: Thank you very much. I shall follow your advice.
to borrow a lua cu mprumut
to look for a cuta
novel roman
short-story nuvel
periodical publicaie periodic
abroad n strintate
to lend, lent, lent a da cu mprumut
to issue a emite, a publica, (aici) a elibera o legitimaie
textbook manual
index card fi de cartotec
card catalogue cartotec, fiier
author card fiier pe autori
title card fiier pe titluri
subject card fiier tematic
call number cota (crii)
admission card legitimaie de intrare
shelf mark fiier pe rafturi
lending department secie de mprumut
well provided bine aprovizionat
spare time timp liber
straightforward style stil direct
book of reference ndreptar, carte de consultat
to fill in a slip a completa un formular
statistical year book anuar statistic
the book is sold out cartea este epuizat
( Mai mult ca perfectul)
Mai mult ca perfectul se formeaz din forma de Past Tense a verbului TO HAVE i
participiul trecut (forma a treia) a verbului de conjugat: HAD + V3



I had stopped / Id stopped

You had stopped
He, she, it had stopped / Hed stopped
We had stopped
You had stopped / Youd stopped
They had stopped
Had I stopped?
Had you stopped?
Had he, she, it stopped?

I had not stopped / I hadnt stopped

You had not stopped
He, she, it had not stopped
We had not stopped
You had not stopped
They had not stopped
Had I not stopped? / Hadnt I stopped?
Had you not stopped?
Had he, she, it not stopped?
Had we not stopped?/
Had you not stopped?
Had they not stopped?

Had we stopped?
Had you stopped?
Had they stopped?
- Exprim o aciune trecut, terminat
naintea unui moment dat din trecut.
- Exprim o aciune trecut, terminat,
anterioar altei aciuni trecute.
- Se folosete n propoziii secundare
temporale pentru a exprima o aciune
anterioar unui moment viitor (sau viitor
fa de trecut).
- Exprim o aciune nceput naintea unui
moment trecut i care se continu pn n
acel moment.


By seven oclock I had translated the
When she had finished the book, she
returned it to the librarian.
I shall lend you the book after I had read
He promised he would lend me the book
when he had read it himself.
She told me that she had been busy since
she came back from school.


(Cazul Genitiv)
Genitivul prepoziional:
-se folosete cu substantivele care
denumesc lucruri sau noiuni abstracte.
Genitivul Saxon:
- se folosete cu substantivele care
denumesc fiine, persoane.


the colour of the wall.
the city of London.
the 23rd of May.
the pupils room
the students library
Peters mother
Burns(s) poems

- cu substantivele care denumesc noiuni de a minutes silence

timp, de distan sau greutate (i cu
zile, a two miles walk
todays program
the nights coolness
- cu substantivele care denumesc fenomene
the oceans roar
naturale, aspecte din natur.
Londons parks
Romanias economy
- cu substantive care denumesc continente,
ri, orae i cu substantivele: city, country, our countrys natural wealth
the cars performance
the suns rays
- cu anumite substantive ca: the sun, the
moon, the earth, car, ship, boat, vessel, the ships crew
body, mind, science.
for goodness sake
for mercys sake
- cu cteva substantive comune urmate de
at her hearts desire
sake. - n expresii consecrate.
at ones fingers ends
St. Pauls (cathedral) was rebuilt by Sir
- substantivele house, shop, store, office, Christopher Wren.
cathedral sunt adesea omise dup
We buy bread at the bakers (shop).
substantive aflate la genitivul sintetic.


I. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the library meant for? 2. What is a card catalogue? 3. What does a card
catalogue contain? 4. What do you have to do if you want to read a book in a
library? 5. Can we take books for home reading? 6. How long can you keep them?
7. Describe a reading room in the Faculty of Economic Studies.
II. Supply the Past Perfect of the verbs in brackets:
1. Undergraduates could use the library after they (to register) as readers and (to
get) an admission card. 2. He (to finish) just the books borrowed from the library
when he went to take some new. 3. I read the book after I (to finish) my work. 4.
My friend (not to read) an English book for years. 5. There were plenty of books

that (to be rewritten) in simple language. 6. He told me he preferred to read a

more difficult book that one which (to be made) simpler. 7. I (to finish) reading
the story when he promised me an amusing novel. 8. By that time I already (to go
through) half of the play.
III. Change the following sentences so as to use a negative Past Perfect
instead of the Past Tense. Make all the necessary changes:
Model: I read a very interesting novel last year. I had never read such an
interesting novel before.
1. It was the first time I read an English book. 2. There were many people in the
reading room that day. 3. I often borrowed books from the library as a student. 4.
This was the first dictionary I consulted. 5. While reading, I looked up the
unknown words in the dictionary. 6. The book was first published in 1980. 7. I
renewed the book for another week. 8. The writer signed the book with a
IV. Substitute synthetic genitive forms for prepositional genitive forms:
1. He arrived at the library with a delay of a few minutes. 2. There is nothing like
a holiday of a week in the company of a good book. 3. He promised to leave the
place within a time of six weeks. 4. What is the point of view of the author? 5.
Here is the news in the newspaper of yesterday. 6. You may find him I the office
of the editor-in-chief. 7. I had to borrow the dictionary of Jane to look up some
unknown words. 8. The book dealt with the economic development of Romania.
V. Translate into English:
a) 1. Care este programul zilei? 2. Performanele mainii lui sunt ntr-adevr
neobinuite. 3. Cumpr pine la brutrie i carne la mcelrie sau mi fac toate
cumprturile la supermarket. 4. Orice student de limb englez ar trebui s aib
dicionarul de pronunie al lui Daniel Jones. 5. L-ai cunoscut pe bunicul Anei i al
lui Paul, cel care era pasionat dup romanele tiinifico-fantastice? 6. Sala de
lectur a bibliotecii noastre este o ncpere mare i luminoas.
b) 1. nvasem deja cte ceva despre felul de via al englezilor cnd m-am dus la
Londra. 2. Sptmna trecut am mprumutat o carte de la bibliotec; nu am mai
mprumutat niciodat o carte pn atunci. 3. Cnd am ajuns n sala de lectur toate
locurile erau deja ocupate. 4. Bibliotecara mi-a spus c mprumutase cartea cu
cteva zile n urm. 5. Pn la nceputul anului universitar a fcut rezumatele
tuturor crilor citite n timpul vacanei. 6. La librrie am aflat c manualul fusese
retiprit. 7. Mi-am amintit c am mai citit aceast carte cu ani n urm. 8. Cartea
fusese deja tradus n mai multe limbi cnd am cumprat-o.




Maggie: Jenny, this is my friend Liz Taylor. Shes my next door neighbour
Jenny: Is this Taylor or Gaylor?
Liz: Taylor. T A Y L O R. Hello! Nice to meet you.
Jenny: Hello! Pleased to meet you, too. Where are you from?
Liz: Im from Scotland. From Edinburgh. Whats your nationality? Are you
British, too?
Jenny: No, I m from Canada, from Toronto. Whats your job?
Liz: Im an art student, a sophomore, but Im a sales-assistant in the holidays.
What about you? Are you a student in the University, too? If not, whats your
Jenny: Im studying in London University College. Im a fresher.
Liz: Im glad to have you as a neighbour. But isnt this flat too expensive?
Jenny: Oh, yes, it is. Im moving to a hotel.
Liz: Im sorry. I like it here. Im used to living in a house. In Edinburgh I live in a
small house with my family, in a suburb, at 10 Cherry Tree Lane.
Jenny: Whats Edinburgh like?
Liz: It is the capital of Scotland, which is part of Great Britain. With half a million
inhabitants, it is situated on the Firth of Forth, in the south-east of the country, but
it is not very big. You can see green hills from its centre. There are thousands of
tourists in Edinburgh every summer, especially during the International Festival
of Music, Drama and the Arts, in August and September. It is a beautiful and
historic city, with large avenues, like Paris. There are lots of interesting buildings:
the Edinburgh Castle is in the centre of the city on a high hill. From the Castle to
Holyrood House (the former residence of Scottish Kings) theres a very old street,
the Royal Mile. There are also beautiful parks and Botanical Gardens. It is also an
industrial city and a busy port.


fresher student n primul an

sophomore student n anul doi
junior student n anul trei
senior student n anul partru (terminal)
Ei sunt numii n general undergraduates sau undergraduettes. Dup absolvire ei sunt
Bachelor of Arts (or Science) BA sau BS/BSc. Urmtorul grad este cel de Master of
Arts (or Science) MA/MSc. Cel mai nalt grad este cel de Doctor in Philosophy
PhD, or Doctor of Science DSc.
Other jobs are:
architect architect
air-hostess stuardez
barber brbier, frizer
carpenter tmplar
clerk funcionar
doctor medic, doctor
dress-maker croitoreas
electrician electrician
hairdresser coafez, frizer
journalist journalist, ziarist
mechanic mechanic
model model
pilot pilot
postman pota
photographer fotograf
secretary secretar
shop-keeper negustor
taxi-driver taximetrist, ofer de taxi
teacher nvtor, professor (n nvmntul preuniversitar)
vet veterinar
waitress chelnri
waiter - chelner
THE PAST PERFECT TENSE (Continuous Aspect)
Mai mult ca perfectul (Aspectul continuu)
Este alctuit din forma de Present Perfect a verbului TO BE urmat de participiul
prezent (-ing) al verbului de conjugat: HAD BEEN + Ving
Affirmative Form

Negative Form

I had been working / Id been working

You had been working
He, she, it had been working

I had not been working/I hadnt been

You had not been working
He, she, it had not been working

We had been working

We had not been working

You had been working

They had been working
Interrogative Form
Had I been working?
Had you been working?
Had he, she, it been working?
Had we been working?
Had you been working?
Had they been working?
1. Timpul mai mult ca perfect-aspectul
continuu arat o aciune nceput naintea
unui moment trecut care continu i n acel
2. O aciune repetat exprimat prin timpul
mai mult ca perfect-aspect comun, poate fi
uneori exprimat i prin timpul mai mult ca
perfect-aspect continuu.

You had not been working

They had not been working
Interrogative-Negative Form
Had I not been working? Hadnt I been
...? Had you not been working?
Had he, she, it not been working?
Had we not been working?
Had you not been working?
Had they not been working?
When you came, I had been writing letters
for an hour.
He had tried five times to get her on the
He had been trying to get her on the


I. Complete the answers to the following questions about your job:

1. Whats your job? / Im a(n) (office-worker / engineer / economist / lawyer /
doctor /secretary /nurse /worker / research worker)
2. Where do you work? / I work in a(n) (office / factory / research centre /
3. How far is it from your house? / It is a from my house. (20-minute walk /
car drive / bus ride).
4. How long have you had this job? / Ive had this job foryears.
5. What are the working hours? / I work froma.m. top.m. every day.
6. How many weeks holiday do you have? / I have aholiday every year. (twoweek / three-week / four-week).
7. What training do you have? / I went to the (Polytechnic / University /
Vocational school).
8. What are your prospects? / I can become ainyears time. (senior clerk/
deputy manager / top executive / general foreman /(chief) supervisor)
II. Now, you formulate the questions necessary to interview someone about
his/her job. Refer to his/her: job, workplace, distance from home, working
hours, holiday, seniority in the job, training, prospects.

III. Read this passage:

My Job
My name is Sandra Vlad, Im 29, Im married and have two children.
I work in an office in a big shoe factory, as a secretary to the deputy factory
manager. It is a half-hour bus ride from my house in the suburbs to the factory
which is situated in the industrial district of the town. I have worked here for the
past five years.
My working hours are 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., five days a week. A ten-hour day is not
unusual when there are important management meetings.
Every day I open the managers letters, take them to him, write down the answers
and then type and send them.
I also answer incoming phone calls, dial some outgoing ones to other shoe
manufacturers, to raw material suppliers or to important customers - , take
messages when the manager is away and handle routine enquiries.
I greet the visitors and take down notes in shorthand at important executive
I earn quite a good salary and have a two-week holiday every year, as I have not
worked long enough to be entitled to a longer holiday.
I finished a secondary school ten years ago. There I learned shothand and typing
as part of the schools programme of vocational training. After graduation I
became a telephonist and did several months training with the Central PostOffice for which I worked for three years. Then I had a two-year break for
children. I returned to work five years ago, and took the job Im still having.
I enjoy my job, although it may be very tiring sometimes. I feel I play a
responsible part in the factorys life, I am the first contact anyone has with the
management. I like to be friendly and to meet lots of people.
IV. Write about: Sandra Vlads job; the ideal job.
V. Fill in the blanks with little, a little, few, a few, much, many:
1. I havepens; I can give you one. 2. I havepens. I need them. 3. There
aresheets of carbon paper there; you may take two or three. 4. There
aresheets of carbon paper there; you may not take any. 5. There isnttime left
before office-hours are over. 6. There areclerks in our office. 7. care should
be taken when writing a report. 8. There aremistakes in this typed letter; please,
re-type it.
VI. Use the verbs in brackets in the Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous
1. When I met him he (work) in the enterprise for 10 years. 2. When I finished
writing the minutes, I realized I (make) some mistakes. 3. When I passed by the
office-building under construction, a man told me they (work) on it for three
months. 4. When he finally arrived at the office, his colleague (wait) for him for
an hour. 5. When you entered my office, I (prepare) my speech for 2 hours. 6.

When the head of the department came in, I (file) papers for an hour. 7. When the
office-hours were over, I (work) for 8 hours. 8. When he finished his speech, we
(listen to) him for half an hour.
VII. Translate into English:
a) 1. tiam s bat la main i s stenografiez de 10 ani cnd am venit n acest
birou. 2. Scriam un referat de 2 ore cnd a intrat directorul i mi-a cerut s adaug
o nou problem. 3. El lucra de 20 de ani n industrie cn a devenit eful seciei.
4. Am ncercat s te gsesc la telefon toat dimineaa nainte ca n sfrit s-mi
rspunzi. 5. Negocierile au durat 2 sptmni nainte s se semneze contractul. 6.
Eram obosit cnd ai venit, pentru c fcusem 4 ore de traducere simultan n sala
de conferine. 7. Scrisorile au putut fi expediate pentru c le btusem la main n
ziua aceea.
b) Cu ce te ocupi Jane?
- Sunt stenodactilograf la o intreprindere de comer exterior din Bucureti.
- i place meseria ta?
- Da, foarte mult. De aceea am urmat cursurile colii de stenodactilografie. Acum,
dup 5 ani de experien, redactez 50 de cuvinte pe minut i stenografiez 100 de
cuvinte pe minut.
- Care este partea cea mai interesant a muncii tale?
- Faptul c tot ce fac mi ofer sentimentul rspunderii. Atunci cnd redactez o
scrisoare comercial, tiu c orice greeal poate face o impresie proast asupra
partenerului strin i, n consecin, fac toate eforturile ca scrisoarea s arate
ireproabil. Acest lucru este valabil i pentru celelalte activiti ale mele:
imagineaz-i ce s-ar ntmpla dac a ndosaria greit documentele!
- ntruct eti att de contiincioas, bnuiesc c eti apreciat n ntreprinderea
unde lucrezi.
- Sper c da!


There are different kinds of public meetings.
Members of parliaments and other similar national assemblies are summoned to
sessions and sittings. Delegates of the political party gather for their regular
conferences or congresses. Meetings and conventions are held also by trade
unions, womens organizations, artists, journalists, businessmen, etc. Sometimes
men and women come to spontaneous rallies to protest against armaments drive,
deployment of missiles, race barriers, etc, or to express their solidarity with the
peoples fighting colonialism, for peace in the world. Scientists are convened to
national and international symposia.
The meeting can be ruled by its own standing orders, unwritten regulations and
customs. These rules of procedure have been designed to enable any official
gathering to be effective and legally correct.
Any meeting is presided over by the chair (or the chairman), whose main duty is
to conduct the meeting taking decisions on particular problems of the
proceedings. He announces what the business is, gives members permission to
speak, calls for a vote on a motion, announces the results of a vote and generally
preserves order. All speeches or remarks of those present are addressed to the
The relator (raporteur)s duty is to give the required explanation. The secretarys
duty is taking minutes.
As soon as a person takes up chairmanship he calls the meeting to order and asks
the secretary to read the minutes of the last meeting. When they have been read,
he asks Are there any omissions or errors? If the minutes are correct, a member
moves that they should be adopted. This is seconded by another member. The
chairman puts the motion to a vote. If there is an error or an omission, a member
moves that a correction be made. After the minutes have been discussed and
approved the meeting proceeds then to Business Arising From the Minutes.
Members may ask for explanations why certain steps have not been taken or taken
in the wrong way.
The purpose of any public meeting consists in exchanging opinions and views on
the matter discussed and adopting a certain decision. Most resolutions are voted
by a mere show of hands and considered adopted if a bare majority of members

are in favour of it. For more important decisions the so-called constitutional
majority is necessary, amounting to two-third of the members of the assembly.
Speakers are to keep to the point and they must confine themselves to the time
limit established by the meeting at the beginning of its work. Some members
neglect these rules, they take the floor on every item on the agenda and speak
endlessly. In any public meeting system and order are required. The regulations
and rules must be observed. Otherwise there is more confusion than
A: What day is the opening of the Annual Scientific Conference scheduled for?
B: I havent seen the notice yet, but I think they wont be able to convene the
participants earlier than tomorrow fortnight.
A: They say the whole conference will be held in plenary sessions.
B: No, I dont think so. It would be impossible with so many papers put for
discussion. Besides plenary meetings there will be sittings of two or three
specialized committees.
A: I hear that the papers outlines and summaries have already been published.
B: Yes, they can be consulted next week. I hope that every participant will be
provided with a full set of paper outlines before the proceedings start.
A: Im looking forward to this scientific conference, there are so many interesting
topics to be discussed and debated.
to summon a convoca
convention convenie
trade-union sindicat
to convene a convoca, a ntruni
effective efficient
to preside a prezida
chair (aici) preedintele unei adunri (amer.); prezidiu
chairman preedinte
relator prezentator; povestitor; narator
proceedings lucrrile unei conferine
motion moiune, propunere
to move (aici) a propune
to confine a se limita
agenda ordinea de zi
outline plan, (aici) rezumat
armaments drive cursa narmrilor
deployment of missiles amplasarea de proiectile
standing order ordine permanent
standing regulations regulament n vigoare
to call for a vote a cere votarea
to take minutes a face un proces verbal

to call the meeting to order a chema la ordine; a ncepe edina

a bare majority o majoritate nensemnat, slab
to take the floor a lua cuvntul
sitting edina
committee comitet
auditing committee comisia de cenzori
item of the agenda punct la ordinea de zi
draft resolution proiect de rezoluie
to keep the minutes a pstra protocolul

(Verbele modale)
Verbele modale can could; may might; must; ought to nu primesc s la persoana IIIa singular; sunt urmate de infinitivul scurt, formeaz negativul cu not iar interogativul ca
i verbele auxiliare. Formele contrase ale acestor verbe sunt: cant, couldnt; mightnt;
mustnt. May i ought se folosesc mai rar n forma contras.
Exprim capacitate fizic, intelectual,
moral, etc i este echivalentul lui to be
able to:
interogativ sau negativ), posibilitate.
Pentru toate celelalte timpuri se nlocuiete
cu to be allowed to, to be permitted to
Exprim permisiunea:
La forma negativ exprim interzicerea:
Exprim posibilitatea:
Exprim admonestare, sfat, caz n care se
folosete might:
Exprim presupunere, nesiguran; se
folosete att may ct i might. Might
exprim mai mult nesiguran i este
echivalent cu perhaps sau maybe.

You can read this page right now.
Until a short time ago she could read
without eyeglasses.
It cannot be true.
Can this be your paper?
She will be allowed to leave at 12:30.
He had been permitted to wear the new
You may take the floor.
You may not switch off the light.
You may catch the bus.

She might leave by 9 oclock train.

They might write the application now.
It may rain.
She might play the violin.
He might abstain from voting.
Pentru formarea celorlalte timpuri n afar We shall have to learn this poem.
de prezent, se folosesc to have to, to be We had to finish writing our papers.
obliged to, to be compelled to;
He must go to school.
Exprim datoria, obligaia, necesitatea:
Absena necesitii se red prin neednt:

Exprim prohibiia (la negativ):

Must he buy the book? No, he neednt.

They must not smoke in the meeting hall.

Exprim probabilitatea, fiind echivalent cu

probably, evidently:
He must be at the sea-side.
The gloves must be your size.
Exprim o obligaie, o datorie moral, un They ought to be on time.
sfat (cu referire la prezent, trecut sau viitor) He ought to have brought the book he took
He ought to be in the session by now.
Exprim o presupunere, o probabilitate.
SHALL (ca verb modal)
Exprim o necesitate, o constrngere sau o He shall leave by 9 oclock train.
obligativitate; se folosete cu persoana a II- They shall not go to the mountains because
a i a III-a:
it was decided like that.
Exprim cererea unui sfat, a unei sugestii Shall we open the meeting?
(n propoziii interogative la toate Shall I ask the floor?
He shall get the questions written in time.
Exprim o promisiune:
WILL ( ca verb modal)
Exprim o dorin (voin), o promisiune I will buy the book tomorrow.
sau o hotrre (este folosit la toate We will do whatever you say.
persoanele singular i plural):
Exprim o incitaie, o rugminte (n Will you write the minutes, please?
Will you take the floor, please?
interogativ, n general la persoana a II-a):
Parents will be parents.
Exprim ceva inevitabil:
I will have my coffee in the morning.
Exprim o aciune obinuit, repetat:
He will be about fifty.
Exprim o supoziie:

I. Enlarge upon:
1. The duties of the chair (chairman); 2. The kinds of committees elected at large
conferences; 3. Kinds of public meetings; 4. Regulations of procedures adopted at
II. Change the following sentences using modal auxiliaries:
Model: Mister B has permission to leave the room. Mister B may leave the room.
1. It is advisable for him to go to the meeting. 2. She promises to go this afternoon
to the exhibition. 3. Teachers are obliged to help their students. 4. He told George
that it was possible for him to write the minutes. 5. It is necessary for all students
to have I.D. cards. 6. He asked, Do you want me to help you with the report? 7.
I guess she will leave at 3:30. 8. The students are obliged to study carefully their
courses. 9. Perhaps they dont always know how to study. 10. Evidently she is in
the hospital.

III. Use the following statements in the past tense and past perfect tense:
1. We must speak for ourselves at the sitting. 2. They must improve the agenda. 3.
She can take the floor and address the chair. 4. George can have the meeting
postponed. 5. They may be elected in the chair. 6. She may leave the chair when
the session is adjourned.
IV. Fill in the blanks with can, may, must, have to, will, shall.
1.I borrow your note-book? I am afraid you 2. Hesmoke now, the children
have left the room. 3. you wait till next week? 4. Youread this report louder.
5. Sheattend the meeting this afternoon. 6. Ito be at the station at 5 oclock as
my friend is arriving. 7. Accidentshappen. 8. he turn on the TV set? 9. the
chairman read the agenda? 10. Youhave the book tomorrow. 11. I promise
itnot happen again. 12. Participants in the meetingenter their names in the list
of the session.
V. Translate into English:
a) 1. Vei fi anunat de ndat ce vei intra. 2. S ridic problema n cadrul unei
edine? 3. S ncepem discuiile? 4. Ce s fac dup ce voi da citire propunerii? 5.
S supun propunerea la vot? 6. Vei fi acas cnd vom veni? 7. Data viitoare cnd
vom pleca la munte, o s vii cu noi. 8. E foarte ntuneric aici, o s aprind lumina.
9. Trebuie s vezi piesa, e foarte interesant. 10. Ar trebui s vorbeti englezete
la seminarul de limba englez. 11. Poate au schimbat programul, trebuia s fie aici
la aceast or. 12. Putem fuma aici? 13. S-ar fi putut s plece mai devreme. 14.
Trebuie s fie cartea ei. 15. Am auzit c e bolnav. 16. Ar trebui s stea n pat. 17.
De obicei m plimb smbt dup mas.
b) 1. Sunt surprins s aflu c George a fost ales membru n comisia de cenzori. 2.
Regret c am lipsit de la edina de lucru. 3. Alegerile s-au fcut prin vot secret i
s-a procedat n conformitate cu regulamentul n vigoare. 4. George putea fi
contestat pe motivul ineficienei n rezolvarea problemelor publice. 5. Am aflat c
John a fost recuzat. 6. Luarea lui de cuvnt a creat o impresie bun.

Bibiografie selectiv
Banta, Andrei (1991) Essential English, Ed. Teora Bucureti
De Blij, H.J.; Mueller, Peter O (2002) Geography-realms, regions, and concepts,
John Wiley&Sons, Inc. U.S.A.
Clawson, David L; Fisher, James S (1998) World Regional Geography-A
development approach, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, U.S.A.
Gali, Livia & colaboratorii (1982) Limba Englez pentru nvmntul superior
economic, Ed.Didactic i Pedagogic, Bucureti - Gleanu-Frnoag, Georgiana
Gramatica Limbii Engleze, Ed. Omegapress, Bucureti - Hulban, Horia &
Exerciii i teste de limba englez, Ed. tiinific i Enciclopedic, Bucureti Levichi, Leon (1971)

Gramatica Limbii Engleze, Ed. Didactic i Pedagogic, Bucureti - Nicolescu,

Adrian & colaboratorii (1980)
Culegere de texte pentru cursul practic de limba englez pentru secia geografiegeologie, Tipografia Universitii din Bucureti - Quirk, Randolph; Greenbaum; S;
Leech, G; Svartvik, J (1972)
A Grammar of Contemporary English, Longman, London
(1970) - Dicionar polyglot economic i de comer exterior, Ed. tiinific, Bucureti
- Institutul de Lingvistic (1974)
Dicionar Englez-Romn, Ed. Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romnia, Bucureti
Speak English Nr. 1- 7/1990; 1-7/1991

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